Kaylee postcards for Dragon*Con!

UPDATED: Monday, March 14, 2005 07:39
VIEWED: 12614
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:20 PM


Most folks already know, but for those who haven't heard the news...

Jewel Staite will be a special guest at Dragon*Con next month! That's right, our winsome, vivacious, lovely Kaylee will be appearing at the largest Science Fiction, Fantasy, Pop Culture convention in North America.

This will be an exciting event and a great way for present, and soon-to-be, fans of Firefly to meet Jewel. Plus, getting the word out there about the completion of the filming of Serenity!

So.... with such a great opportunity, a group of fans will be hosting a Browncoats Fan table at the convention. There will be posters, flyers, other goodies, and Browncoats on hand to talk up Firefly and Serenity. Rich "Sendmeawave" has been organizing this endeavor and coming up with all kinds of ideas.

One of the "goodies" planned is to give to folks visiting the table the "with Love, Kaylee" postcard. This will be a nice full color, large format (8.5" x 5.5") postcard with the Kaylee artwork on the front and a nifty blurb about the Firefly DVD and the upcoming "Serenity" movie on the back. A good quality printer has been found that will print 1,000 of these postcards for only $169!

Here's the front of the Kaylee postcard:

This will be a FANTASTIC opportunity to help build the buzz for Serenity and the DVDs! Jewel's personal appearance and the special Kaylee postcards are a great combo!

So if you'd like to be a part of making this happen, please pony up some bucks! We are gathering contributions right now and you can toss in some bucks using PayPal to the following e-mail address:

pixelcat969 at

(I substituted the normal "@" sign to avoid those web spambot thingies grabbing this e-mail addy. Just use the normal @ sign when using PayPal.)

Just go to the website:

Then click on: "Send Money". There will be no charge for sending money - it's FREE to use the service!

The charge of $169 for 1,000 postcards is a great price, and I think we can gather this amount pretty fast. It would only take 17 motivated people $10 each to do this! Or, 34 slightly less motivated people paying $5 each. Or, 68 really cheap people paying $2.50 each. Or one super generous fan paying the whole $169. Or, one really generous fan paying $100, and one extra nice fan paying $40, and one just slightly less extra nice fan paying $27, with the rest taken up by some cheap-o who contributes an amount that wouldn't even buy a Starbuck's latte...

But I digress...

Actually, there has to be a small allowance made for PayPal's fees: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. So, for example a $10 gross contribution would be $9.41 net. So this means that we'll need to collect a little over $169 to allow for the fees. But be assured that all funds received will be put 100% toward the printing and mailing costs for the postcards.

So let's make this happen! Let's reach out to current and new fans at a MAJOR Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention! Especially one that our lovely Jewel will be attending. And won't she get a kick out of signing a nice Kaylee postcard supplied by the fans?

I'm thinkin' that's probably a yes. ;-)




"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:35 AM


That's such a nifty idea. Have been a slightly less motivated person.

Any chance of making the postcards more widely available (say, to UK fans who can't quite make DragonCon... will pay postage!) if the Paypal thing generates a surplus?

/ pure intentions, juxtaposed /


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:35 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

This is such a shiny idea 11th! I have chatted w/ Rich about it a bit via email and am making my donation to PayPal tonight.

These postcards are a great opportunity for us Browncoats to get the word out to people about the DVD set and the BDM. Our numbers are growing online, but each of us has seen people come on the board proclaiming they either just recently discovered the show, or watched it when it aired on Fox & were unaware of the DVD set & the upcoming BDM. Many simply walked away when the show got cancelled by go se Fox. Many may not have the means or time to go online to see what happened to or is now happening w/ Firefly.

That being said, I think those of us that can should donate to this cause. I know that we can all appreciate the fact that the more we do to promote the show, especially at Dragon Con which gets 30,000 plus Sci Fi fans, the better our chances of the BDM being a wild hit and getting the mentioned triology of movies out of it. From there.....who knows what may happen.

Go to the link 11th provided and give whatever you can. Anything will be greatly appreciated and it is all for our beloved show and BDM.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:41 AM


Do you have link to a large printable copy? I will post 3$ tonight to help you in any case.

Are You Asking me to Dance?


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:48 AM



Originally posted by NicolaClarke:
That's such a nifty idea. Have been a slightly less motivated person.

Any chance of making the postcards more widely available (say, to UK fans who can't quite make DragonCon... will pay postage!) if the Paypal thing generates a surplus?

You're in luck! I have a high-res, online file of the Kaylee postcard. Feel free to download it and print to your heart's content...


Just remove the "ZZZ" from the url to use it. I had to put those in or this site would have automatically loaded the card onto this message... and the image is way BIG.

I will eventually also put the reverse side of the card online. That side will have info on the Firefly DVD and Serenity movie, plus nifty official and fan websites.

Including, of course, this oh so shiny site!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:57 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
This is such a shiny idea 11th! I have chatted w/ Rich about it a bit via email and am making my donation to PayPal tonight.

Thank you! We're doing pretty well on donations so far, but still have a ways to go. So every bit helps.


These postcards are a great opportunity for us Browncoats to get the word out to people about the DVD set and the BDM. Our numbers are growing online, but each of us has seen people come on the board proclaiming they either just recently discovered the show, or watched it when it aired on Fox & were unaware of the DVD set & the upcoming BDM. Many simply walked away when the show got cancelled by go se Fox. Many may not have the means or time to go online to see what happened to or is now happening w/ Firefly.

You are so right! We still have a lot to do in helping to get the word out there. It seems that there are so many similar "newbie" stories about either discovering, or rediscovering Firefly, and falling truly, madly, deeply in love.

But there's so many more folks who still don't know what they've been missing!


That being said, I think those of us that can should donate to this cause. I know that we can all appreciate the fact that the more we do to promote the show, especially at Dragon Con which gets 30,000 plus Sci Fi fans, the better our chances of the BDM being a wild hit and getting the mentioned triology of movies out of it. From there.....who knows what may happen.

You're so right, again. Dragon*Con is a HUGE show and a tremendous opportunity to connect with soon-to-be madly obsessed Firefly fans... like us.

New poster idea:

Firefly: Better than Crack.


Go to the link 11th provided and give whatever you can. Anything will be greatly appreciated and it is all for our beloved show and BDM.

Yeah. What he said.



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:00 PM



Originally posted by gwynethh:
Do you have link to a large printable copy? I will post 3$ tonight to help you in any case.

Why, yes I do have a link to a large printable copy! Here it be:


(Just remove the "ZZZ" part... had to do that to keep the card from loading right the hell here!)

And a BIG Thank You for your donation. We're getting to our goal bit by bit!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:21 PM


Count m ein to help the cause, small donation coming your way shortly


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:35 PM


Let me add to the compliments on the postcard. It's wonderful, as is all of 11th's work! Dibs on any extras! ;)


These postcards are a great opportunity for us Browncoats to get the word out to people about the DVD set and the BDM. Our numbers are growing online, but each of us has seen people come on the board proclaiming they either just recently discovered the show, or watched it when it aired on Fox & were unaware of the DVD set & the upcoming BDM.

This would be me! I was loaned the DVD set the week Serenity started filming. Yes, I've been a Firefly addict for two whole months! Since then, I've bought one DVD set for me and one DVD set to loan out. Converted three Browncoats so far. Like our dear Preacher, I'm spreading the word to those who need it. :)

New poster idea:
Firefly: Better than Crack.

I love it!


I don't believe there is a power in the 'verse that can stop Kaylee from being cheerful.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:52 AM


Great work on the postcard image, a wonderfull showcase for Kaylee. I just sent in a small donation(I hope it comes through ok, it was my first time using paypal), thanks for your efforts to spread the word about Firefly and Serenity.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:00 PM


Great looking card...
Paypal on the way

'and here I am'


Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:00 PM


Thanks so much for helping our cause!

Awesome work on the converting front. You may be a relative "newbie", but you got mad skills!

So glad you found Firefly and us.



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:03 PM


Thanks for stepping up and tossin' in for our cause!

When Browncoats get together they can do a lot!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:06 PM



Originally posted by tribes:
Great looking card...
Paypal on the way

Thanks... and thanks!

We're really making great progress on our goal!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Friday, August 20, 2004 8:00 PM


Okay everybody, reporting in with the latest tally on the contribution fund!

Just checked the PayPal account balance and we're at a total of $238.66!


The GOOD news is that we've covered the cost of the 2,500 postcard printing of $189.

The TRICKY news is that we have to figure in the cost of shipping...

I spoke with a rep at the printing company today and evidently these boxes of postcards can get expensive to ship... and since we have to get them way the heck over to Georgia, it will be pricey.

So although we've met the printing costs, we still need a bit more to cover the shipping. 'cause the postcards aren't going to do any good sitting in a box at the printers.

I'm going to work out with Rich (Sendmeawave) the shipping part. There may be ways to cut costs on this part.

I'll do whatever I can to make this happen. It's all doable, just getting more expensive than anticipated. Isn't that always the way?

Having a feeling I'm going to be paying some expensive shipping costs myself...



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Monday, August 23, 2004 2:55 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Great news that the cost of the printing is covered 11th. Any news yet on the shipping cost?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, August 23, 2004 7:47 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Great news that the cost of the printing is covered 11th. Any news yet on the shipping cost?


Came by to blow the cobwebs off the thread, and whatta ya know... there was a new message!

As to the shipping cost query, if the postcards are printed in time we can go UPS ground (3 - 5 days) service for $28 per box, $58 total. We're running a little shy of this amount at the moment. But if worse comes to worst, I'll chip in to make sure this happens.

Well I'll chip in more that is...


"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Monday, August 23, 2004 7:52 AM


Okay everyone, an update...

Heeeeellllllllooooooo? Anybody out there?

Anyway, the Kaylee postcard has been uploaded to the printer and we're heading into the home stretch.

Now, our nifty lil' postcard has a snazzy back too! I created a design that looks kinda like the real back of a futuristic Firefly postcard, if'n they use them critters in the future.

- There's a upbeat note from Kaylee, cleverly mentioning the DVD and the movie.

- There's a list of some shiny Firefly/Serenity website so newbies can discover the wonderfulness of our online world. (For space sake I kept the list to four sites. Any exclusions are NOTHING personal, it's just that too much info starts to work against itself. And once newbies find the main sites, they'll have the fun of finding all the others.)

- There's even a cool "free area" which is set up for placing addresses! Yep, if we want to we can actually send these postcards in the mail for promo purposes. And the free area doubles as a nice clean space for Jewel to use should the lucky postcard holder have the opportunity to get her autograph!

Well I hope the design gets a thumbs up... 'cause I've already uploaded it for printing.

Okay, it's 10:42 a.m., I've been up all night... time for dinner...

11th Hour


"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Monday, August 23, 2004 8:36 PM


11th, you've outdone yourself again, dammit.

Beautiful card!

Now, you still need cash? Going to paypal now.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:36 PM



Originally posted by makerofpaths:
11th, you've outdone yourself again, dammit.

Beautiful card!

Now, you still need cash? Going to paypal now.

Oh gosh, thank you and THANK YOU!

I'm so impressed by the generosity of those stepping up and tossing in for this project! Big or small, each donation is a vote of support and makes this idea a reality!

It's an honor to be part of this group of fans.

As soon as the dust settles on this, I'll be able to thank each person individually for their help.

Thanks again makerofpaths!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Friday, August 27, 2004 2:09 AM


Howdy folks,

Just an update to the Kaylee Postcard Project...

All the postcards are printed and ready to be shipped... YAY!

Just been working on the best method to get them to Atlanta. After a lot of footwork courtesy of Rich "Sendmeawave", it was discovered that the best UPS locations listed on the website no longer exist.

So FedEx it is.

Our bright, shiny Kaylee postcards will be flying down to Atlanta next week to (hopefully) charm and entice new fans into the world of Firefly and Serenity. Plus, for those lucky folks who have a postcard and get to meet with Jewel, they'll have somethin' real nifty for her to sign.

Many, many thanks to the fabulous folks who contributed and made this idea a reality. I'll be contacting you all by e-mail with individual thank yous, and for those who are cool with giving out a mailing address... I'll send you a Kaylee postcard!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Monday, August 30, 2004 8:46 PM


Hey everybody!

The Kaylee postcards are on their way to Atlanta! That's right, two big boxes of Kaylee postcard love are winging their way to Dragon*Con to spread the word of Firefly and Serenity at the largest Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Pop Culture convention in North America.

I had the printer send me a small batch of postcards and I gotta say, they turned out just BEAUTIFUL! I am so impressed with the quality of the postcards. Clear, vivid color, nice weight of cardstock and a lovely finish... glossy UV protected on the front with a pretty, satin finish on the back.

We can all feel good that the postcards will do a great job of presenting Firefly/Serenity with class!

Many, many thanks to all those shiny folks who donated to the cause. Your contributions were the fuel that powered this project.

And since this project did involve donated money, I thought it would be appropriate to list all the contributors and the amounts so everyone interested could see what transpired... money-wise.

All contributors names are shown in initials for their privacy (but YOU know who you are!) and are alphabetized by first name initial. The duplicated initials are for those extra shiny folks who donated a second time to help out when the contributions slacked off a bit. THANK YOU.

Contributor____Gross Donation______NET (less PayPal fees)

A.V........................$ 10.00...........................$ 9.41

Total Gross:........$ 335.00

TOTAL NET:...............................................$ 318.62

Printing Cost ($189 + $15.12 tax):.............$ 204.12

Balance remaining to pay for shipping:........$114.50


The balance of $114.50 remaining for shipping would have been peachy, IF the UPS locations near Dragon*Con hadn't been deserted (the UPS website showed them as still operating). So we weren't able to take advantage of the cheaper ground shipping cost. FedEx offers ground shipping, but not with the "Hold At Location" service we needed.

So.... the shipment had to go FedEx Express, a spiffy, reliable service... but a bunch more pricey. Guess shipping two boxes, which each weigh over 30 lbs., clear across the country... costs, a bunch. Something in the range of $160 to $170. I won't get the exact amount until they are delivered to Atlanta on Wednesday.

This means we're still kinda short on funds. I've already tossed in $30 myself, and it'll be tough going to make up for the $50 to $60 we still need. I'd actually not mind paying this, but I've gotten ambitious and I'm flying out to attend Dragon*Con to help in the guerilla marketing there. So I'm kinda stretched financially right now.

So here's the deal...

We still need a few more donations... this would be DEEPLY appreciated. For everyone who contributes $15 or more, you will receive a BEAUTIFUL Kaylee postcard AND some nice bonus art directly from me. Yessiree, how does a high res "Firefly LIfe Lessons" poster, printed from the original Photoshop file sound? In fact, for donations a bit higher, I can throw in some more lovely FIrefly art goodies... things that NO ONE has seen. Not everything I've done for Firefly is online. There's some nifty prelim art that didn't reach final stages, but is still quite nice.

Yep... this is me pimping my art, big time, for the cause.

As soon as any additional donations received meet the shipping costs needed, this offer ends. I'm not out to make any money on this. It's all to finance this important Firefly/Serenity fan fueled promotion at Dragon*Con.

For those who would like to contribute, donations are being accepted via PayPal:

Click on the "Send Money" tab. Payment is to the e-mail address: pixelcat969 at

(Just replace the "at" with the normal "@", and type it all together like a normal e-mail address. I've used the "at" here to avoid the evil spambots from grabbing the addy and sending me even more obnoxious e-mail than I already get.)

Okay, this post is long enough as it is, so it's time to wrap up soon...

I'm thrilled that the postcards turned out so wonderfully. I'm absolutely delighted and touched by those who have already contributed to this endeavor. I will be sending e-mails to you all, and for all of you wonderful original contributors, I will be happy to send you a special Kaylee postcard... if you're cool with giving me your address!

Yer Art Companion,



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Tuesday, August 31, 2004 4:34 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

11th if you can take cash at the Con, I will donate $15 when I see you on Friday.

Let me know.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, August 31, 2004 3:26 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
11th if you can take cash at the Con, I will donate $15 when I see you on Friday.

Let me know.

You're such a sweetie... thank you very much for the offer. Hopefully though, the amount needed to cover shipping costs will be collected by then.

I'm so surprised at how quickly folks responded to my message. Already there have been more donations received and we're reaching the needed amount. I won't know exactly how much the shipping will be until the boxes arrive on Wednesday. But I'm confident that the additional donations coming in will most likely do the job!

Browncoats are the coolest!

Again, thank you so much for the offer. I hope to see you at Dragon*Con!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Tuesday, August 31, 2004 4:16 PM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I will be at the Hyatt on Thursday (we always like to show up early & hang w/ Larry Elmore & other artists).

If you still need donations when we arrive let me know 11th. We head out in the morning.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:40 PM


Awesome!!! You get a big shiny "A" in my design class!...gotta show my students...

I'll drop some cash in the kitty for cards/gifts when I get there to DC, if that's ok since we're so close to time.

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 12:45 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I will be at the Hyatt on Thursday (we always like to show up early & hang w/ Larry Elmore & other artists).

If you still need donations when we arrive let me know 11th. We head out in the morning.

I just checked the PayPal account and it looks like we're doing just fine now. I'm so overwhelmed by how ready and generous folks have been. The support is just amazing, and it's such a thrill to band together and do something to really help build the buzz for Firefly/Serenity.

I'll be arriving in Atlanta on Thursday also. Since this will be my first attendance at Dragon*Con, I may wander a bit and get the lay of the land. But I'll certainly be seeking the Browncoats table!

See you there.



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 12:59 AM



Originally posted by shinyhappyklin:
Awesome!!! You get a big shiny "A" in my design class!...gotta show my students...

Gosh... I'm honored!


I'll drop some cash in the kitty for cards/gifts when I get there to DC, if that's ok since we're so close to time.

I just checked the postcard donations PayPal account and I think we're doing just great. As of now, I'm going to declare the donations completed and a success. I'm not personally handling the gift project, so that might still need a bit more.

But thank you sincerely for your offer. If this postcard project is as successful as I think it will be, I'm sure we will be doing similar endeavors in the next months... so we'll certainly be grateful for any cash you can drop our way as we go.

April 22, 2005 may seem far off, but we fans need to make the most of the time. There's still so many people who have no idea about Firefly or Serenity. We gotta a whole lotta convertin' still to do!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 1:00 AM


Whoa doggies... I checked in on the PayPal account a little while ago, and the donation total is at the $400 mark!!!

Wow! That was so fast. I'm so grateful and touched by the quick and generous response from all those who contributed. I'm really blown away by the support and good will of you all.

We can do so much when we band together!

So I think it's safe to say that we're probably well covered on the shipping expense now, with a bit left over. So unless some crazy unexpected shipping amount is charged, I think I can safely say that no additional donations will be needed. Any amounts remaining after paying the shipping expense will be used to cover mailing costs for the thank you goodies to all you wonderful contributors... and I'll probably be able to put bonus items in there too now!

I really believe that we fans are all part of the beginning of a unique phenomenon. And we will all be able to say that we were there in the early days... before the Firefly craze hit "The Big Time"! We'll even know we helped make it happen.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated. You are the honorary Kaylee Postcard "Balls and Bayonet" Gang! 8-D



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Thursday, September 2, 2004 2:10 AM


It completely slipped my mind when this thread appeared that I had a table at Artist Alley for Anime Weekend Atlanta which is held exactly 19 days after Dragon-Con.

Any chance I can possibly take 100-200 of those postcards to hand out there?

Dogbert: Try not to think of yourself as an organic pain collector hurtling towards oblivion

Dilbert: Too late...


Thursday, September 2, 2004 12:02 PM


I just saw this post. I hardly ever get to come to this site because my home computer is slow and I'm always busy at work.

Guess you got what you needed. Too late now anyway it being Sept 2 and I can't get ahold of Jewel because she's moved out of her LA apartment and is on her way to Atlanta. I'd have to ask her first if I was going to contribute. Not sure what she'd think of the quotes.

If any of you see her tell her I can't wait for her to get home.




Monday, September 6, 2004 11:27 AM



Originally posted by techiecl:
It completely slipped my mind when this thread appeared that I had a table at Artist Alley for Anime Weekend Atlanta which is held exactly 19 days after Dragon-Con.

Any chance I can possibly take 100-200 of those postcards to hand out there?

Hi there...

I only just saw your post today... left for Dragon*Con very early on the 2nd, and returned late last night.

From what I understand, there are still a nice supply of postcards left. We gave out TONS and they were used well... but it's always good planning to save some for future promotional opportunities.

I personally do not have the postcards. Rich "Sendmeawave" has them. He was the main guy behind getting the fan table established at Dragon*Con, and he did the major organizing.

I'm fairly sure he would welcome your help in promoting Firefly. Just drop him an e-mail and let him know...

sendmeawave at

(The "at" used here to avoid the evil spambots... just use the normal e-mail @ )

What's good is that Rich lives near the Atlanta area, so that helps a lot.

Thanks so much for your offer!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Monday, September 6, 2004 1:05 PM



Originally posted by tutu:
I just saw this post. I hardly ever get to come to this site because my home computer is slow and I'm always busy at work.


If any of you see her tell her I can't wait for her to get home.



Hi Jewel's mom! Long time no see. Too bad about the slow Net link. (Note to Jewel: Get mom high-speed service :-)

Hope you and Jewel have a happy fall in Vancouver.

FYI: Jewel's Wonderfalls episodes will finally be on TV in Canada starting Oct. 4 on Vision TV. Can't wait!


Monday, September 6, 2004 4:21 PM



Originally posted by tutu:
I just saw this post. I hardly ever get to come to this site because my home computer is slow and I'm always busy at work.

I'm so happy you checked in! Jewel's mom... how cool is that?!


This site is awesome, but I can see how all the content makes loading it a "heavy lifting job" for slower computers.


Guess you got what you needed. Too late now anyway it being Sept 2 and I can't get ahold of Jewel because she's moved out of her LA apartment and is on her way to Atlanta. I'd have to ask her first if I was going to contribute. Not sure what she'd think of the quotes.

I had the incredible pleasure of visiting the Serenity set in July. I brought a lot of my Firefly art with me to give as gifts to the cast and others. A print of the Kaylee postcard was my gift to Jewel, and she was genuinely delighted by it... which I was so gratified to discover. I always want the art that I create to please the person it portrays.

I even asked Jewel specifically about the quotes because I was always a little concerned that using "Kaylee's voice" might have come off as presumptuous. But she was most sincere when she assurred me that wasn't the case at all, and that she just loved it.

Whew! So relieved the postcard received the "Jewel Stamp of Approval"!

Thank you so much for thinking about contributing to this project... that means a lot. Luckily we had a wonderful response to this idea and so many wonderful fans stepped up and contributed the money we needed to make this really happen.

Kaylee is a beloved character, and so many Firefly fans are big fans of Jewel. She really generates so much good will with the Firefly Faithful.


If any of you see her tell her I can't wait for her to get home.

Unfortunately, I left on my flight to Atlanta before your message was posted here. Otherwise, I would have been happy to pass along your message to Jewel. I'm sure by now you have spoken with her anyway so she knows.

I spoke with her different times while at Dragon*Con. On the last day another fan talked me into asking for a photo with her, and Matty of course! (He is such a great guy.) I was kind of shy about asking her, but she and Matty were so sweet about it. Here's the picture:

Jewel was so sweet, bright and beautiful at Dragon*Con. Everyone who met her was struck by her kindness and enthusiasm. She's also very funny. I was lucky enough to have a front row center seat at the panel with she and Nathan on Sunday. Here are a few candid shots of the many different "Jewel moments" from that wonderful and hi-larious presentation:

Attentive Jewel - Funny Jewel (reacting to Nathan) - and our favorite, Pretty as a Picture Jewel -

Thank you so much again for checking in. Plus, a big THANK YOU for bringing such a beautiful, smart, talented and gracious young woman into this world. (But then, I ain't telling you anything you don't already know.)



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Monday, September 6, 2004 7:13 PM


Those are wicked pictures, 11th! Are you uploading these anywhere? Sure would be nice.

BTW, you got enough cash to cover your postcard expenses?


Monday, September 6, 2004 8:07 PM



Originally posted by makerofpaths:
Those are wicked pictures, 11th! Are you uploading these anywhere? Sure would be nice.

Thanks! I was so glad to finally be in the front row for a Firefly panel. I took a bunch of photos.

I do plan to put the best of the photos together online for folks to see. I first have to go through them and touch up any "red eye" effects, and correct any color or balance problems. As soon as the site is ready I'll be posting a announcement and invite to go and see the pretties!


BTW, you got enough cash to cover your postcard expenses?

That's so thoughtful for you to ask, thank you. I checked online today to get the total on the postcard final shipping expense. I'm happy to say that with the awesome extra donations received, we are just fine... the costs are covered!


There's even a little extra that I can use to cover the mailing costs for the thank you postcards and extras I want to send to the contributors. So very cool.

The postcards turned out so well, and were a big hit with everyone. I'm so thrilled that we all were able to accomplish this project and add a very special promotional item to the Dragon*Con event. The Firefly panels and signings took the Dragon*Con people by surprise. They saw for themselves how much Firefly has created a passionate, growing, fanbase.

But heck, we knew Firefly is awesome all along...



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Friday, September 10, 2004 3:02 AM



Originally posted by makerofpaths:
Those are wicked pictures, 11th! Are you uploading these anywhere? Sure would be nice.

Just finished putting together a web presence for some shots I got a Dragon*Con. The website is pretty simple, just a template provided by an ISP... but it serves the purpose.

The url is a bit long:

Just click on the "Photos" tab and you view the pictures singly, or on a slide show. The photos ain't perfect, but there are some fun moments there...

and of course, my captions...



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Friday, September 10, 2004 3:19 AM


Wow! Thanks for the awesome pictures! You really got some great shots! (I was SO JEALOUS of your front row seat on Sunday! *pouts*) ;)

...still a little whimsical in the brain pan...


Friday, September 10, 2004 3:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by makerofpaths:
Those are wicked pictures, 11th! Are you uploading these anywhere? Sure would be nice.

Just finished putting together a web presence for some shots I got a Dragon*Con. The website is pretty simple, just a template provided by an ISP... but it serves the purpose.

The url is a bit long:

Just click on the "Photos" tab and you view the pictures singly, or on a slide show. The photos ain't perfect, but there are some fun moments there...

and of course, my captions...



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."

Well if those photos aren't perfect I would say they are gorram close! Great photos 11th! I even made a cameo in the slide show (Shiny!) as did my wife & stepdaughter (that was here receiving the Alliance bill from Nathan).

Thanks for posting these up for all to enjoy and share in the experience.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:49 PM



Originally posted by Sakrysta:
Wow! Thanks for the awesome pictures! You really got some great shots! (I was SO JEALOUS of your front row seat on Sunday! *pouts*) ;)

Well if it helps any, I've gone to several Firefly events and NEVER even had a close seat. Usually I never bother to take pictures because they'll be "blur city".

Anyway, by being in front I was finally able to get some decent photos and share them with everyone. Plus, when Nathan surprised me by mentioning my "11th Hour" identity to the room, I was able to see all at once just how big that room was. Still seems kinda surreal...



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Sunday, March 13, 2005 9:35 AM


found'm! did this idea ever go through? Think it'd be a good idea for I-Con?


Monday, March 14, 2005 6:44 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Tzegha:
found'm! did this idea ever go through? Think it'd be a good idea for I-Con?

Yes, this idea did pan out and was a hit. The Kaylee postcards were a real hit, especially w/ Jewel. She signed these for me and my kids and for everyone at the Browncoat table. Jewel also took a stack of these to her autograph table.

If you have the option of using these I am sure Jewel would get a kick out of seeing them again.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Monday, March 14, 2005 7:39 AM


America loves a winner!

Still got mine. Maybe Jewel will be back and I can get a chance to for her to sign one.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "






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