I've Missed Out

UPDATED: Monday, March 21, 2005 17:39
VIEWED: 10705
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Friday, March 18, 2005 7:51 AM


TiPpY replied:

I'm so far from rich that I pick which utilities to pay each month. I don't upgrade every year cause that'd be silly. Though I guess I prolly would if I could. And for your information mister , I do (know) what's inside computers. I've built them from the ground up...

I always say, "I've given up trying to make ends meet; I just try to get them close enough to wave 'hi' at each other as they pass."

Well... While the Mac does have its devoted 8% of the desktop market (*waits 30 seconds* ...7% *waits 30 seconds* ...6%), PC-compatibles allow you to upgrade on very limited budgets, and piecemeal rather than either buying a whole new rig or taking it to an expensive authorized dealer for upgrades that may or may not render a correspondingly valuable boost in performance.

Call me a capitalist, but I like the idea of thousands of OEMs vying for my dollar. While it's true that having thousands of component manufacturers to choose from can lead to undesirable effects, a little research yields superior performance and increased knowledge for making future decisions. I just recently upgraded to a GeForce 6600 GT Pro, without having to upgrade all the inner workings of my self-built, AMD Barton-core XP2500+ (333 Mhz), 512 MB dual-channel matched Kensington RAM, RAID (5 HDDs), Gigabyte NVidia-based GA-7N400 Pro2 mobo (coming up on 2 years old), in a Lian Li aluminum case.

I included all that gobbledygook to illustrate my point about choices. And when ever I upgrade my box, I trickle down the old components to wife and kids. When the not-more-than 4 year old components come out the back end of this process, I buy a cheap box and start constructing a unit which will be donated to a local school, sans OS or other software. And they are gobsmacked and grateful.

You can't do that with a Mac. You can only ride your little pony to death (and beyond, for some), and then donate it as a doorstop or boat anchor to some charity who will give you the stink eye, if they know anything about computers. How're they supposed to run anything on it?...

Still, Mac must have some real user magic going for it, for Apple to retain that rabid 5% of the desktop market (*waits 30 seconds* ...4%). Kinda like AOL ...



"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Friday, March 18, 2005 8:01 AM



Originally posted by zoid:



Have I told you lately that i love you? Cause I do. You're absolutely splendiferastic! and shiny...can't leave out're shiny Mr. Zoid!
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Friday, March 18, 2005 8:14 AM


TiPpY wrote:

Have I told you lately that i love you? Cause I do. You're absolutely splendiferastic! and shiny...can't leave out're shiny Mr. Zoid!

Ditto, sweetie. Were I not married to a woman of exceeding inner beauty (and did I mention her heart-wrenching eyes?), I would be chasing around after you like a puppy, like all the other guys on this board.

I could just hug you 'til we merged. Thank you for touching my life.

Love Always,



Friday, March 18, 2005 2:12 PM


>>Care to join us in enjoying a fine claro? (*zoid slides humidor across the table to Elwoodmom, and rattles matchbox, prior to tossing it to her.*)<<

Ahhhhh, you found my weakness! Thanks, much obliged!


Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:39 AM



Since we're approaching the season: One of the things I love about our local drive-in, apart from the party atmosphere, is watching movies from my deck chair and smoking cigars. They're two great amusements that go great together; but, can only be assayed as a duet under this one special circumstance.

I won't smoke a cigar indoors. The smoke, while pleasant (to me) as you're smoking it, is dreadful once gone stale, and it really hangs on to your carpets, drapes, and furniture fabrics.

So, cigar-smoking is an outdoor sport -- especially since someone complained loudly enough to have it banned in sports bars, here -- while movies are an indoor entertainment. ...Unless you've got a drive-in theater in your locality.

Patronize your local drive-in. If you haven't tried it, you might find you like it...



And the kids get treated to MacDonald's for a fraction of the cost of bagged popcorn and a soda.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:48 AM


The BDM on the drive in screen... now that would be nice. Turn up the volume really loud and sit on the roof of the van and watch as traffic stops on the freeway behind as everyone is entranced with this wonderful example of master cinemetography and immedietly go buy tickets as soon as possible.

But until then I enjoy projecting my dvds onto a large white piece of plywood in my backyard.


Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:57 AM


Gwen wrote:

...But until then I enjoy projecting my dvds onto a large white piece of plywood in my backyard.

Wow, your Dad really is a Techopoobah! DVD projectors are too pricey for the average mortal to justify.

Can I move into your room when you leave home?


Last time I checked -- which is not often, since it's not on my wish list -- a presentation projector capable of connecting to and displaying digital video was x * $1000, where x > 3...


Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:05 AM


Actually Dad just brought the projector home from work. For my Birthday we watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I hope to do something similar this year.

I saw some cheap projectors at Sam's Club pricing at around $90. But I'm saving up so why buy one when he can bring one in from work?

Sure you can move in. I'm moving into my editing room in the basement so sure. Hope you like purple.


Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:32 AM



Where did you find the $90 projector? The only one on SamsclubdotCom was circa $1189 (still too high for such a specialty item) and Internet search didn't find the same item for less than $1122.

From that base model, digital-capable projectors jump to $2K, then rapidly progress up to $5,000 range (where you'll find several options) and top out around $29,000.

I think you've underestimated your father's contribution. Like I said, he has access to a lot of really nice toys; you're a lucky girl...


Our drive-in shows 3 first-run movies per screen for $10 a carload in the month of April. College kids packed 10 deep in the bed of several pickups (parking their separate cars in a nearby field) make for a nostalgic evening, for me. The old beetle who works the ticket booth just fumes (speaking of purple), and the truckloads of kids ignore him and keep laughing at whatever it is that can make kids so jovial in this day and age.

I then make some infuriatingly neutral comment about the kids today to the ticket-taker, who's probably 15-20 years older than myself, and am rewarded by his under-the-breath muttering about them abusing the $10 policy. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that?" "Nothing. Enjoy your show, sir." Heh-heh...


Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:38 AM



Originally posted by SimonsCandyApple:
So everyone out there, if you are a good friend, you won't let your friends miss out.

My friends are younguns, still in high school and very male. Like most males of their age they have a very gonadal sense of humor, I just don’t think they are ready for firefly yet.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried, but get them in a group and they aren’t even mature enough for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy original radio scripts. Maybe I need to start trying one on one. All of my female friends live in distant places such that I can not loan them my DVDs.

Sad really, I can’t make friends with females face to face, save one, but she lives over two and a half thousand miles away, and I knew at the time making a fool of myself wouldn’t matter because if I did I’d probably never see her again.

Amazing how I can turn any conversation into something about my personal problems.


By the way, I’m not a cynic, it’s just a name.


Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:42 AM


GwenHarker and Zoid wrote:

No idea what my GPA is and I'm taking the SATs a second time this summer. My first score was a... 1320, but I know I can do better.

Well if chasing my dreams is like driving a car I need to get a new dream cause my car is dead *kicks the rusty bucket and watches as it gives a lurch and the exhaust pipe falls out*

(See 'GPA', above). That's amazing! I made a 1320 on my SATs, back in '76! No foolin'! At that time it was one point per question, 750 English and 750 Math, for a possible total of 1500. Do they still do it the same way?

Wow, double amazing! I also scored 1320 on my SATs, back in 1980 - 650 Verbal, 670 Math - on 5 hours sleep and a touch of a hangover. Some friends and I decided to "buck the system" and have a party the night before.

Edit to add - I never claim to be smart, only intelligent - there's a big difference!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:44 AM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
Yes sir. Ickle Junior right here. I only take one other class at my high school since I'm gone almost all day. Concepts of Geometry. *shudders* I'm a writer myself but I'm better in Geometry this time around. And I'm getting a... A- in English at the moment.

So many writers here, damn it I’m going to convert at least one of you.

Come to

Really, I mean it, do it now.

If you want help on your writing you can get it, if you want to talk about writing in general you can do so, if you want to talk about why you write we have a thread all ready for you. There are a lot of people who say they are writers here so why don’t some of you go there?

Come on, please. We always like new faces, sharing your writing is good, and at the moment I’m the only Firefly fan. These people deserve to be converted but I’m not good at making that kind of a pitch.


Originally posted by GwenHarker:
I live in Northeastern Ohio. Kent State University has an excellant Media Program and it's close to home. They also have their own radio station which I'd like to get involved with as well.

That’s Kent State as in the Kent State, right? I think there only is the one, but it is often good to double check.

My dad almost went there (on a swimming scholarship iIrc) he’s convinced he would have died if he did. Something about always standing in front.


They have the new SAT's this year but I think it's still graded the same. They got rid of the... boy, I can't remember what they're called. Blank is to Blank like Blank is to Blank. The word is on the tips of my fingers.



Ah, Moya has nothing on Serenity. I always find that there's a certain beauty and poetry to something built with your hands than a living being. To be able to build something from different parts and to create such a lovely vessel. Browncoat until I die.

Moya’s cute, Serenity is beautiful.


Saturday, March 19, 2005 9:24 AM


Yes! Analogies! Thank you!

And yes as in the Kent State with the protestors killed. You can see the bullet holes still in the statue in the commons.

Great Forums! I used to lurk around awhile back. I've had a massive case of writer's block on and off the past couple months so I'll definelty try to come back and mosey around.


Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:55 AM


I go away for a few days...

First of all, taking it all the way to the top, I never said nothin' bout no hazing. Geez.

To GwenHarker: I, too, am a media production type person. I'm a sophmore at a kinda small university in LA (that's Louisiana, not California).

I'm glad you got a good start on learning the equipment. I walked in completely green. And let me just tell you, when you start production classes, nobody likes a know-it-all. Heh.

Good luck with your tests. Maybe we'll work together on a "Serenity 3: Reaver's Revenge" in a few years.

"My boyfriend and I broke up over religious reasons...that fool thought he was God."


Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:57 AM


Eek! The evil double post!


Monday, March 21, 2005 5:13 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

Since we're approaching the season: One of the things I love about our local drive-in, apart from the party atmosphere, is watching movies from my deck chair and smoking cigars. They're two great amusements that go great together; but, can only be assayed as a duet under this one special circumstance.

I won't smoke a cigar indoors. The smoke, while pleasant (to me) as you're smoking it, is dreadful once gone stale, and it really hangs on to your carpets, drapes, and furniture fabrics.

So, cigar-smoking is an outdoor sport -- especially since someone complained loudly enough to have it banned in sports bars, here -- while movies are an indoor entertainment. ...Unless you've got a drive-in theater in your locality.

Patronize your local drive-in. If you haven't tried it, you might find you like it...



And the kids get treated to MacDonald's for a fraction of the cost of bagged popcorn and a soda.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity

When I smoked my cigars, it was always outdoors. But I had never considered the drive-in movies...hmm, sounds like fun!

And the kids can get in free if you hide them in the trunk, but some people could take issue with that!


Monday, March 21, 2005 5:35 PM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
I live in Northeastern Ohio. Kent State University has an excellant Media Program and it's close to home. They also have their own radio station which I'd like to get involved with as well.

Kent State? Kent State is my arch rival! I went to the University of Akron. Not Kent Read, Kent Write, Kent State!!!!!! Agh!!!

And good old UA also has a media program and a radio station. I actually started off as a communications major. I swithced to advertising though. Business is more up my alley and advertising allows me to still be creative with whatever I do.

But seriously, even if you go to my arch rival in terms of universities, a college experience, no matter at what school, is well worth it.


Knowledge is Power.


Monday, March 21, 2005 5:39 PM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
And yes as in the Kent State with the protestors killed. You can see the bullet holes still in the statue in the commons.

I wonder if it's just in Ohio where in high school you bascilly have a "Kent State Day". Almost every year there's one and someone who was there comes in and talks about it. In 10th grade my algebra teacher talked about her experience there. Her roommate was one of the students who was killed. It was such a horrible thing that happened, but I always wondered outside of Ohio, do people talk about it?






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