Just wondering.....

UPDATED: Saturday, April 2, 2005 11:25
VIEWED: 14791
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:09 PM


Edit: TWO PS2's... otherwise there'd be serious marital strife there, obviously...



Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:24 PM


I’m a sucker for these . I’ll put my answers in before reading any of the previous posts so ...

1.Name? Kenneth officially, although I went by Kenny growing up and Ken since then.
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? I’m happy with Ken, although I’m tempted by “Le Chat Noir”.
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? I don’t want to incriminate myself too much so here’s one that’s more stupid than crazy: I once accepted a cookie from the neighbor girl in exchange for showing her my underwear (*editted to add: Well, this is the PG version of the story. It’s a good thing I didn’t go into prostitution – I obviously had no concept of equitable compensation).
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? Oooh. Ambush Bug. Or, The Question (man I was excited when DC bought the Charleton characters. What they did with some of them … not so much). Or, Snake Eyes (from GI Joe). Or Skywolf (from Air Fighters Comics and Airboy). Definitely Skywolf (the leather mask version, not the wolf head cowl). I guess I read too many comics growing up.
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Lighthouse. But it would have to be a couple hundred years ago so I could lure ships to their doom on the rocks and scavenge the wreckage.
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? This thread is the first I’ve heard of blancmange. I’d rather fall into flan.
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? Jetbike
8.The 80's your opinions please? Loved ‘em.
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? Ron Glass. I bet he has some great stories. (Whoops. Just realized I read this wrong . Make that Gina Torres)
10.What could you do for Joss? Stunt double?
11.Best quote? "I like smacking ‘em"
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Life™? Getting to the mansion at the end with a car full of matching blue and pink plastic thingies. Duh.
13.Do dreams lie? It’s not their fault, they just can’t help playing fast and loose with the truth.
14.Favourite place name? El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciúncula (although L.A. is much easier).
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!): Please don’t let it be Punky Brewster.
16.Do you still jump on your bed? Absolutely. Especially if one of the cats is sleeping there. IT’S PAYBACK FROM THE TOP ROPE, FELINE MONSTER! (editted to add: Nice to see I'm not the only one who loves terrorizing the cats).
17.Scalextrics or Playstation? Do you mean Atari 2600 or Hot Wheels?
18.A line of poetry please...
"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all, ..." - Emily Dickinson
20.Best bad guy in cinema? Edward G. Robinson
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? Toe. All the way.
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? Not yet.
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? Sure. Just remember that she’s probably had people sing, "Hey Jude" to her her entire life. Don’t be that guy.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:22 PM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:

Omg, bwahahaha, I just snorted coffee out my nose, hahahah....



Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:47 PM




2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

Gabriel (or something else that people don't add "E. Fresh" to when speaking to me.

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

Spent a lot of time on the rooftops of schools after hours (but don't tell anyone)

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?

Gambit. Nice trenchcoat of a sorta brownish color.

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?

A windmill (lots of these close to Amsterdam, which I enjoyed visiting)

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?

Blancmange looks like fun.

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

"oh man, jetpack's busted." Hoverbike!

8.The 80's your opinions please?

Enjoyable at the time, looking back...*shudder*

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?


10.What could you do for Joss?

I'd love to be an extra, but no speaking part.

11.Best quote?

"Any town, any time, There's always been a snappy snack shack, where you can pop a ham and chese in the microwave and feast on a turbo dog, kinda keeps me sane." -James Dean (Christian Slater) -Heathers

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

Finding Serenity (not JUST the movie)

13.Do dreams lie?

No. we misinterpret.

14.Favourite place name?

Stonehenge. (Henges are on things that open-what's in there?)

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)

Battle of the Planets (Cartoons count right?)

16.Do you still jump on your bed?


17.Scalextrics or Playstation?

Playstation 2

18.A line of poetry please....

My kitten walks on velvet feet
and makes no sound at all;
and in the doorway nightly sits
to watch the darkness fall
I think he loves the lady, Night
and feels akin to her
Whose footsteps are as still as his,
Whose touch as soft as fur
Lois Weakly McKay

20.Best bad guy in cinema?

Kyser Soze-The Usual Suspects

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

Toe bad

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

Yes, Browncoat1, 11th hour and the others at Dragon*con last year(hope to see you all again this year)

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?


Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 11:29 PM


O Great and Mighty Somno:

1. zoid (with a little 'z'); my friends call me 'zed'

2. Something dashing and a surefire ladykiller, like 'Fred' (with a big 'F')

3. Too many to recall; but, one of my personal favorites was a game my brother and I devised when I was c. 12 years old, he 10. Standing on our wooden front porch, the idea was to toss darts at each other's bare feet, and see who could get closest without actually hitting the other. I lost, and he got a tetanus shot, just in case...

4. The Invisible Man; for reasons so obvious, they are transparent

5. Lighthouse: There is something primal about the sea

6. Sponge, of course ("Cake or death")

7. Hoverbike (although I'm more of an X-34 guy, or the newer XP-38, if I can raise the dough.)

8. Scarier than the 70's, at just about every turn. By the mid-80's, the party that had raged for the past 20 years was over...

9. Inara/Morena. I'm with Static on the Christina Hendricks issue; but, if I could only choose one, it'd hafta be the dark lass...

10. Simonize his car.

11. Paraphrased: "Your life's work should be your art. Regardless what you do in life, you should hone your craft and perfect it, as though it were a masterpiece to hang in the Louvre." The sentiment, imperfectly remembered, comes from Laurence G. Boldt's "Zen and the Art of Making a Living". That book changed my life, and my attitude toward work and my place in the world. I thank God -- and Mr. Boldt -- for that.

12. Pupal stage proving grounds for the Soul, which is one with the wholeness of the Implicate Order (a la, the late David Bohm). Aren't you glad you asked?

13. Yes

14. Home

15. I refuse to answer this question, in deference to my digestive health

16. No

17. Computer games; you can't kick serious Sith ass with a slot car. Computers games are more expansive as an experience; I can even race model RC cars on the computer, or Formula 1, which I prefer. The babes are nicer.

18. There once was a girl from Nantucket...

19. For some reason, there is no question 19. Freudian?

20. Gary Oldman, Count Dracula, "Bram Stoker's Dracula". Wow! What a performance. How does one make the most evil monster imaginable simultaneously Evil (with a big 'E') Incarnate and yet vulnerable, sympathetic and the hero of the movie? The one cinematic touch I will never forget is in the closing scene, when Dracule looks up, rather than down. In my day, every schoolboy knew that was symbolic of redemption; undoubtedly, intentional on Coppola's part, and used to great effect. No offense to Joss or fans, but no other vampire holds a candle to Coppola/Oldman's. (EDIT: I couldn't just leave it wrong; it was driving me nuts.)

21. Toe

22. Not to my knowledge

23. Why not? Although you might want to get some confirmation on the plumbing, unless you're into surprises. I recommend 4 out of 5 of Ebo's gynecologists to do the check; that fifth guy is clearly whacked...



That was hard. I hope you're happy now.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:26 AM



Cheers for that I know it was a hard questionaire :)

Just to let you know Scorcese didn't direct Dracula, but it was his buddy Francis Ford Copolla. I only mention it because you're in much admiration of the Gary Oldman.

Not big on him myself but I feel he's more often than not let down by his scripts.

I fear I may turn you against me here but I wasn't overly enamoured with Copolla's version of Dracula. Sorry. However you pointed out something about Goldman's role which I hadn't considered first time around. Maybe I should watch it again with this in mind.

Oh and cheers for the advice about Jude. I'm quite surprised how many of you question her gender given her name? Is 'Judith' not shortened to 'Jude' in the US?

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:05 AM



Drat! I knew it was Nicholas Cage's uncle who did the film; but, I went out to smoke a fag (in British parlance, not American), came back in and wrote 'Scorcese' instead. Blame it on nicotine rush; mea culpa.

I thought the movie was a masterpiece for the very reason others have professed hating it: the kitschy use of lighting and even -- at one point -- a very cheesy neon lightning stroke against what is clearly a scrim. Those homage stage set mechanics gave it an antique theatrical feel, while Dracule's giant bat form was (in 1992) the scariest piece of high tech prosthetics since Meg Mucklebones in R. Scott's "Legend" (a Rob Bottin creation). I'm all about incongruous juxtaposition and coloring outside the lines.

And, of course, Monica Belluci topless... Hello?

Re: Jude. In America, she'd undoubtedly be a 'Judy', if not an insistent 'Judith'. Having said that: Is Jude Law, a Brit, not a man?



And so, to bed...

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:53 AM


Zoid Wrote:



Drat! I knew it was Nicholas Cage's uncle who did the film; but, I went out to smoke a fag (in British parlance, not American), came back in and wrote 'Scorcese' instead. Blame it on nicotine rush; mea culpa.

Actually Sorry Zoid, I just read back what I wrote and I sounded all snooty! Sorry about that. I've been writing a formal letter to my council and I think my dandy was up.

However. Smoke! You know you should quit right? Oh not for health reasons, no summits gots to get us, no more because some big-wig malboro/silk cut exec, with his hand in governments backside, is making heaps o'loot out of you!

I can't speak for the US but over here d'you know the UK contributes as part of the EU a 987million Euro subsidy to tobacco growers!?! This is the same government that's insisting more public places ban smoking?!?! WTF? And in the same breath demand that smokers go second in line as it were, in the NHS Hospital queue!

Can we say contradiction! Sorry pet peave of mine.

You can see I'm havng a bad day with the council! Sorry.


I thought the movie was a masterpiece for the very reason others have professed hating it: the kitschy use of lighting and even -- at one point -- a very cheesy neon lightning stroke against what is clearly a scrim. Those homage stage set mechanics gave it an antique theatrical feel, while Dracule's giant bat form was (in 1992) the scariest piece of high tech prosthetics since Meg Mucklebones in R. Scott's "Legend" (a Rob Bottin creation). I'm all about incongruous juxtaposition and coloring outside the lines.

Y'know those are the qualitites that would ordinarily make me enjoy a film I must confess. It didn't work for Dracula though.. I wonder why? I think I may just re-watch.

Oh and Rob Bottin is the master!! Although my name sake who did An American Werewolf In London - he's also great!


And, of course, Monica Belluci topless... Hello?

What the... Really I don't remember her in it!!! Christ I must've dozed off! Usually I just can't concentrate if she's in a scene. I had to watch 'Le Apartment' about ten times to make sense of it becasue of her.


Re: Jude. In America, she'd undoubtedly be a 'Judy', if not an insistent 'Judith'. Having said that: Is Jude Law, a Brit, not a man?

Yeah I'm not sure because she's actually more a friend of a friend but she may just not like being called Judy. I dunno? Might have to bring that up next time I see her. As for Jude Law well he's more likely to appear on an episode of the Jerry Springer show with a 'special' secret to my mind. Someone mentioned Hermaphrodite earlier....

Sorry don't mean to offend Jude Law fans. I actually think he's an OK actor and will probably go on to be one of our more respected exports in time. Like Hugh Grant

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:09 AM


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for giving this a go. I'm so sorry for not being able to keep up the responses. I was hoping to but just unable to for now.

However it's been fun reading. So thanks. I'm doing my best to place replies with usernames so as I become more familiar with you all.

It's interesting how many of you think Christopher Walken is the best bad guy. I think more of you agreed on that than any other question, save maybe wondering about Jude's sex?! Pfft... I'm not worried. (GULP!)

Also I may have to make a move to introduce Blancmange to you all. (Y'know what a poor reputation English food has right..... Yeah you got it!) This does little to dispell that myth. Should any of you find yourselves over this side of the pond, we must consider a meet-up, with blancmange for dessert

Thanks again - and I'll try to respond.

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:47 AM


This here's a shiny thread you got going Som.


Folks call me Stumpy... on account of being the fat kid in third form (that would be about 9th grade I think).

2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

They do. Fill in a form, shell out some currency, and bingo, you're somebody else... kinda. Or ain't you free to change your name in the land of the free?

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

We had a BMX track in the rural townlet where I grew up. I was never much good at getting air over the big jump, so one day I went out to push myself. Second try I got some good speed up and took off beautifully... until my back wheel left the ground... then things went all sideways. The bike and me parted ways. We came down about the same time with the bike landing just short of where I hit on my back. Then I watched in horror as the bike bounced ...I knew this was gonna hurt... and tumbled clear over the top of me and landed on the other side... missed me by || THAT much!

Oh and I used to jump of the roof of our garage all the time... but nothing funky ever happened so it never seemed all that crazy to me.

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?

The Gemini Man (another short-lived SF from the 80s) - regular guy with the power to turn invisible for up to an hour a day (no more, or it would be permanent). [In other words zoid stole my gorramn answer... but this one's better anyway.]

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?


6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?

Sponge... preferably the cake kind.

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?


8.The 80's your opinions please?

Fashion sucked, music was great, TV had its moments, the attitude had it's good an bad points.

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?

Kaylee... provided she cleans up a mite after working on the engines. Do we have to stop when we get to skin?

10.What could you do for Joss?

General and technical dogsbody?

11.Best quote?

So many lines, so hard to choose...

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

Whatever you want it to be about.

13.Do dreams lie?

Dreams are disk maintenance for the brain - does defrag lie?

14.Favourite place name?

Ngaruawahia - cause nobody outside of New Zealand can pronounce it.

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)


16.Do you still jump on your bed?

Does walking over it count?

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?

Not really, no. Although I did go through a Gran Tourismo phase.

18.A line of poetry please....

In every heart there is a room,
A sanctuary safe and strong,
To heal the wounds from lovers past,
Until a new one comes along.

(W.M. Joel, And So It Goes)


Yes... or no. I don't know, maybe... what was the question again?

20.Best bad guy in cinema?

Tommy Lee Jones - "Four minutes ahead of schedule - Damn I'm good!"

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

I'll take a funny bone tap any day. Both hurt like crazy, but the funny bone dulls to crazy, while the toe dulls to hurt.

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

Not that I know of.

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

Don't ask me, ask her.
(And get that room ready... just in case.)

Shiniest gorramn show in the 'verse!


Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:28 AM



14.Favourite place name?

Well I'm biased, but I'll go with Bognor Regis!

You From Bognor eh? Alway thought that name was spiffing.


21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

I'll tell you which is worse...having to place the end of a cocktail stick under the toenail of your big toe then having to kick a football full pelt with that very foot.

Er that's true - that is worse. :? But why in all that is sacred, would you do such a thing.


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

No...she sounds like a stalker-type.

lol, im j/k. Go for it. Wait, is she a "good friend" of yours?

No I've only met her a couple of times at various shindigs. Certainly I've not stepped into the 'friends' zone yet... So I'm good to go I reckon.

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:21 AM



Yes, la Bella Belluci plays the first hellion up the foot of Keanu's bed, for the menage à quatre scene. While I mentioned Monica specifically -- because, well, you know -- I wouldn't kick any of Dracula's brides out of bed for eating stuff, unless the stuff was me.

Smoking: Addiction is fun. Much like Love, there's just not enough of it in the world. I once quit for 5 years (although it never stopped whispering in my ear); but lost the cure within 2 weeks on TDY to Saudi. My ideal cure would be for tobacco to be outlawed. While you're at it, hard liquor as well. Legalize marijuana to keep the subsidized farmers happy and take the alcohol restrictions off of imported and domestic beer (here in the USofA). Everyone's happy, and we give drug addiction the swift kick in the nads it so richly deserves, without unduly screwing up the tax structure. (NB: I am not a marijuana user. It just occurs to me that it's got to be more benign than either distilled spirits and/or 20-per-day cigarette consumption. Who's gonna smoke 20 joints a day, other than my old high school chum, Todd? 3 marijuana cigs for a price equal to a six-pack of beer, ought to match buzz-price quotient and keep folks conscientious.)

I've been thinking on the whole Jude topic and I've decided you should go for it. Wholeheartedly. My reasoning? Because you think you should; I can hear it in your 'voice'. You know this girl intrigues you and seems the kind of person that could be a positive influence in your life. As the Bard put it: "What's in a name? A Rose by any other name would probably be a Rosalyn or Rosalie." (...or something like that; you get the general drift.)

Now, when are you going to answer your own questionnaire? We've shown you ours, 'doctor', now you must show us yours...



Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:50 AM


Hey Zoid


So Monica is one of the wives of Dracula ? - that Keanu is one lucky bugger! In three films with her.

Yeah sorry about the smoking rant. I sympathise with your plight on both alcohol and ciggies. I hope someday the governments come to thier senses - but I think we already know right.... Hey if they wouldn't listen to the late great Bill Hicks they won't listen to me. Best thing... Light 'em if you got 'em folks there's no immediate answer here :)

And as for Jude.....well first the questionaire. I guess I should have done this from the top:
Ric, Ricardo, Rickity, The Trixter, or Zio Ricci to my Niece and Nephews

2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
Well the dumbest things I did, I did while I lived in Paraguay. It was a wonderland really for a kid growing up, so running into a field of bulls yanking their tails and then legging it under a barbed wire fence wasn't out of the ordinary. There was also the time I jumped into an empty swimming pool because I thought I was Superman! But perhaps the worst was when my brother and I stole some beers from out the fridge (icebox) and then snuck around the back of the house and gulped then down like it was coke. Well I was four so I was knocked out for like two days!!! My mum called the doctor, obviously worried, and well when he told her, her youngest was "Intoxicado!" at the single figure age - you can appreciate the kind of worry she feared I would continue to put her through during my childhood. (Sorry mum)

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
Hmmm. Definately something with a cape! I like capes and I'm sore at the world of fashion for not making them more common in everyday life.
*I shake my fists at you , you czars of fashion!*

After that Idianna Jones' outfit always looked ready for adventure!

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
Ah that'd be the old Spanish Windmills of 'La Mancha' I love 'em

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
Blancmange everytime!!!

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?
Jetpack. - anybody remember 1984 Olympics!!!! I thought those things were just around the corner!! What happened??

8.The 80's your opinions please?
Tron, Indianna Jones, Back to the Future, 1st kiss, girls wearing odd coloured socks - sorry I love it like Quasimodo loved the Bells :)

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? wait....Inara... No wait..... Oh curse my male instincts! Saphron - I know, know, special kinda hell

10.What could you do for Joss?
Score Serenity, Dream job!!!

11.Best quote?
The optimist believes we live on the greatest of all worlds, and the pessimist fears he is right.....

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Whatever we can comprehend isn't worth knowing - that's why life must remain a mystery

13.Do dreams lie?
No they show us the truth we live the lie.

14.Favourite place name?
Rest and be Thankful It's a place in Scotland. One day I'll go and visit.

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
I reckon the A-Team is on the cards, although personally I'd like to Ulysees 31 made into a live action film. Best animated TV show ever!!!

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
yeah - I recently bought myself a new bed and jumped happily on it for about half an hour! When my niece and nephew visit they'll get to do the same too. Kids should always be alowwed to jump on beds

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
Quite rightly many of you said go outside - and that's a very good thing- however you must bare in mind here in England it rains like nine months of the year! For a further two months it's so blessed cold there's ice everywhere and for the final month we get three weeks of cloud and one week of sun - which we call Summer!.... So Scalextric

18.A line of poetry please....
"I could be bound in a nutshell and consider myself King of infinte space were it not for I have bad dreams"

19! What happened to 19?? Ok - Wouldn't a bed made of freshly baked, warm dough be absolutely the best surface to fall asleep on? Or is that just me....?

20.Best bad guy in cinema?
Vincent Price - particularly for his role as Prospero in The Masque of the Red Death

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?
Funny bone - you get no sympathy just laughter ????

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
Saddly no! But I'd love to

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Yes! She aint gonna ask you, you muppet!!

So there you go Zoid hope that helps mate.

All the best
For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:19 AM


I can't believe it.... someone DOES remember Vincent Price, and it's the host of the thread at that!

Good to know someone appreciates him, I used to love his movies. Only problem is, we may shown our age a bit....


"How come everytime I find something I really love, they take it off the market?"


Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:34 AM



Originally posted by Rezleog2:
I can't believe it.... someone DOES remember Vincent Price, and it's the host of the thread at that!

Good to know someone appreciates him, I used to love his movies. Only problem is, we may shown our age a bit....


Yeah along with Christopher Lee, and Peter Cushing. I just love that era of Horror. I recently watched Dracula - Prince of Darkness with Christopher Leeand I was blown away by the cinematography. There's one shot of the lead actress and she has deep auburn coloured hair and she's wearing a puple coat, and behind her the cameraman had set a soft green/turquoise hue against the wall - the contrast was incredible!!! Absolutley beautiful work it looked like a painting. And there were so many arrangements like this with complimentary colours it was mesmerising. Cinema and film....Amazing!

Have you seen the Masque of the Red Death, Rezleog2?

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:08 AM



Have you seen the Masque of the Red Death, Rezleog2?

Not in recent memory, but I know I did when I was a kid. I wish you could get stuff like that on DVD now. Hey, maybe I'm on to a new business idea...


"Why is it everytime I find something I really love, they take it off the market?


Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:44 AM



Originally posted by Rezleog2:
I can't believe it.... someone DOES remember Vincent Price..Good to know someone appreciates him, I used to love his movies. Only problem is, we may shown our age a bit....


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Yeah along with Christopher Lee, and Peter Cushing. I just love that era of Horror.

Price is the best. But to me he is not ONE bad guy. He is the master. His movies were always my favorite to watch just before bed time. I loved being all curled up and caught in his eyes. *sigh* Good stuff, that.

With few exceptions, the same names keep cropping up here.

I chose skekTek because it was the first time something even half-way creeped me out. Not even Walken creeps me out…in fact he’s oddly alluring. Lee is positively captivating…even when he crops up next to genius like Cushing…am I the only one that wonders what would have happened if he had been Kenobi instead of Tarkin? Oldman and Rickman are too sexy for words and therefore not bad guys.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:04 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Price is the best. But to me he is not ONE bad guy. He is the master. His movies were always my favorite to watch just before bed time. I loved being all curled up and caught in his eyes. *sigh* Good stuff, that.

With few exceptions, the same names keep cropping up here.

I chose skekTek because it was the first time something even half-way creeped me out. Not even Walken creeps me out…in fact he’s oddly alluring. Lee is positively captivating…even when he crops up next to genius like Cushing…am I the only one that wonders what would have happened if he had been Kenobi instead of Tarkin? Oldman and Rickman are too sexy for words and therefore not bad guys.

I couldn't possibly pick a favourite. Price was just dignifyed beyond belief, Lee is supreme and noble and Cushing was just the gentle refined man of horror.

I suppose I have a soft spot for Cushing because he used to live not more than forty minutes from here in the seaside town of Whitstable where an old girlfriend of mine once lived. First time we went out she showed me his house along the beach. Really sweet and modest kinda place, not at all what you think a well known actor like Cushing would have lived in.

But I must confess equal admiration for Alec Guiness - charm ouzed from that man. Have you seen the original Ladykillers or Lavender Hill Mob or Captain Paradise ? Beautiful films......

Walken is just a big cuddly kinda bad guy - I'd love it if some director would put him in an old fashioned style rom-com. I think he'd rock in such a part.

Consider me your first customer if you do print those horror films onto DVD.
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Raven
House of Wax (in 3D please)
The Tingler
Witchfinder General there are so many.

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:06 PM


1.Name? Justin
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? Grey
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? snuck out and ran around the town to a girl's house where she was camping in her back yard. many hours after the town's curfew for under 16 year olds. even got pulled by a cop for walking around.
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? Iron Man
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Lighthouse
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? since I don't know what Blancmange is, I'm going with sponge
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? hoverbike
8.The 80's your opinions please? great age for video games
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off (of)? Saffron
10.What could you do for Joss? act for lots of money
11.Best quote? "Behold the Mercy of Cuthbert!!" Note: Cuthbert is a god of vengeance
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Live the life righteous.
13.Do dreams lie? only if you're lying to yourself
14.Favourite place name? the Byzantium
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!) Transformers
16.Do you still jump on your bed? bed? what bed?
17.Scalextrics or Playstation? GameCube
18.A line of poetry please.... Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die.
20.Best bad guy in cinema? Darth Vader. Or maybe Bill from Kill Bill
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? funny bone
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? not just yet
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? Hey, Jude...don't make it bad

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE. Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:08 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
House of Wax (in 3D please)

omg...those yo-yos that kept flying towards your head were great!

and I'd like all of those too, please, thanks!

p.s. no one wants to comment on the bugs bunny issue?
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:22 PM



24 Re: Cross dressing wabbits?

thatweirdgirl wrote:

omg...those yo-yos that kept flying towards your head were great!

Yep :)

Did you know André De Toth only had one eye when he directed that film? Quite an achievement.

Wow thatweirdgirl seems like ages ago that we met at the top of the thread :) now look at us comparing old horror movies here at the bottom.

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:27 PM



Originally posted by TheGreyJedi:

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? Hey, Jude...don't make it bad

You know why I think I should I ask her out - Because I'm not into the beatles and therefore about the only guy in the world who wouldn't think of that song when with her.


For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:36 PM


that's good, since it's a song for a boy.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:43 PM


Is it?!?! But... Oh my I'm so mixed up.... It sounds like a love song? To a girl called..... I guess because she's the only Jude I know I figured it a girls name first and foremost.... Oh wait there was Jude the Obscure forgot about that....

Now I'm going to have to listen to the song - I've been in the dark too long.

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:52 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
I've been in the dark too long.

*twg pulls a little cord and *click* a rainbow of lights illuminates the sleepwalker's world*

Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:06 PM


St. Jude. Patron saint of lost causes. My own personal hero. Also a guy. And also the first thing I thought of when hearing Jude. Is it short for Judy or Judith?

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE. Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:12 PM


Ok so checked out the lyrics.... huh huh... seems this Jude fella's a fella!

"And any time you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
Well don't you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder "

...well I'm certainly not cool. I am though a fool! Thank you thatweirdgirl you may switch off the lights now...I think my humiliation could light a battleship....

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:19 PM



Originally posted by TheGreyJedi:
St. Jude. Patron saint of lost causes. My own personal hero. Also a guy. And also the first thing I thought of when hearing Jude. Is it short for Judy or Judith?

I guess it's short for Judith. I never really thought to ask? Still I guess after she turns me down I can run away saying
"Well least I don't have a guys name!"
No wait that doesn't work!!!
"Least I don't got a girls na ..."
No hang on. That doesn't....???? Pfft!

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:20 PM


I think you're cool....not a fool!

and i see no humiliation on your's just a song, some folks here seemed to think it applied, so don't hold the misunderstanding to just you.

btw...i love you light pictures...i don't think i ever told you that.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:50 PM


hey thanks twg.

I just thought it funny the way I was all this time under the impression it was about a girl called Jude... and I don't mean just during this thread. I mean for my entire life since I first heard the song. Whenever that was... Oh di dah...

*shuffles off*

Glad you liked the pics - I can't take all the credit it was something I did with some friends (the other two in the photo's) we've done some more but I've not had time to update the site.

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:18 PM



Andrea - or 'drea

2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

Hmmm... I change my mind so often, I couldn't pick one.

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

Wellll... I jumped off a tower when I was a kid, and sprained my ankle real bad cuz it was like 12 feet tall, and I was only like 8.

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?

I look terrible in tights, so maybe something like the White Queen's corset, only, with some kind of pants or a long skirt.

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?

Lighthouse, since I like the ocean.

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?

Sponge - less messy.

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

Wow... good question. Jetpack, I think. Althought the hoverbike might be fun, too.

8.The 80's your opinions please?

Good TV, Good Music, Good Cartoons, Funny clothes, fun clothes, kinda innocent in a fun way.

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?

heheh - Can I eat it OFF 'nara and WITH Mal?

10.What could you do for Joss?

Art, writing, maybe acting, anything creative. Be a good friend?

11.Best quote?

Oh, MAN...
I like SMACKIN' 'em.
ten percent of nuthin is, let me see, nothing.. plus nothing.. cary the nothing...

I like all the quotes... lol

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

Love and being happy without making others unhappy

13.Do dreams lie? Yep - and tell the truth

14.Favourite place name? Champoeg (shampooey - it's a park in Oregon
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)


16.Do you still jump on your bed?

No.. no JUMP, exactly...

17.Scalextrics or Playstation? What huh? Playstation. Two.

18.A line of poetry please....

And so it shall come to pass, all that there is, and all that shall be, Dwell within the heart and mind.

20.Best bad guy in cinema? I like Alan Rickman, and Dominic Purcell did good in Blade 3, hmm, all the well known ones, of course, lots.. I love movies.

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? anything that hurts is worse.

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

Nope :( I don't get out much.

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

Depends.. as opposed to, what? A boy named Jude? Or a girl named Julie? I suppose if you like a girl named Jude, and she has no major objections to yourself, go for it. Hell, if the same applies to a BOY named Jude, go for it :P


Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:45 PM



8.The 80's your opinions please?

Good TV, Good Music, Good Cartoons, Funny clothes, fun clothes, kinda innocent in a fun way.

I think it was a more innocent time - but maybe because I was a kid during the eighties it's bound to feel that way.


9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?

heheh - Can I eat it OFF 'nara and WITH Mal?

Good answer!!!


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Depends.. as opposed to, what? A boy named Jude? Or a girl named Julie? I suppose if you like a girl named Jude, and she has no major objections to yourself, go for it. Hell, if the same applies to a BOY named Jude, go for it :P

Yeah I like her. I'm not sure if she objects to me or not though. I'll know soon enough in about two or three weeks. Meantime place your bets!!

For Pictures:


Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:02 PM


This thread is fun to read! I hope to be back in a bit to answer the questions myself!


Friday, March 25, 2005 3:47 AM


1. Emily
2. Lilly. I really want to be like Lilly Bart from House of Mirth but without the depressing ending or the tight corsets.
3. I used to climb trees in roller skates. It didn't seem that dangerous at the time.
4. If I had the body for it, I'd probably dress liek Electra. But I'd be a lot more plot developed.
5. Windmill. I would attack Don Quixote with my giant windmill arms.
6. Sponge. I hate getting messy.
7. I would have thought I'd say hoverbike, but it turns out - I choose Jetpack.
8. The awesomest!
9. Joss and Adam Baldwin. Then we could start a political discussion and see who survives.
10. Proofread. I am not worthy enough to actually write.
11. "I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." - One of my mom's 8th grade students.
12. Nuts and Chocolate
13. "Ah, but I see Queen Mab hath been with you."
14. Languedoc
15. The Great American Hero. Believe it or not, people.
16. Absolutely.
17. X-Box. I suck at it, though.
18. "Do not swear at all;
Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self,
Which is the god of my idolatry,
And I'll believe thee."
Where did #19 go?
20. The Alien
21. I guess I've become immune to the toe thing. I'm gonna go with funnybone.
22. Nope. I am an island unto myself.
23. Go for it. Girls with boy's names are hot.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Friday, March 25, 2005 4:10 AM




11. "I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." - One of my mom's 8th grade students.

He, he, I like that :)


12. Nuts and Chocolate

That's maybe the most profound notion yet. Ace!


23. Go for it. Girls with boy's names are hot.

That's a good way of looking at it! Thanks :)

For Pictures:


Friday, March 25, 2005 4:14 AM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
This thread is fun to read! I hope to be back in a bit to answer the questions myself!

Groovy. When you're ready. I look forward to your reply.
For Pictures:


Friday, March 25, 2005 9:08 PM


We want to read the answers to your own questions! Did I miss your responses?


Friday, March 25, 2005 9:32 PM


1.Name? Lisa

2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? I kinda like Lisa

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? Does adult stories count? Because once my Mother-in-law left her camera at our house. My husband and I took turns taking pictures of our arses, then returned the camera to her. And then she had the film developed...!

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? Elastigirl from The Incredibles

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Windmill, especially if it's in Holland with my favorite flowers, tulips and daffodils.

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? Sponge, I never fall into anything I can't pronounce!

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? Jetpack, baby!

8.The 80's your opinions please? Great music, that is making a comeback today. But the shoulder pads...not such a good fashion idea!

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? Adam Baldwin!

10.What could you do for Joss? Brainstorm storylines and character development.

11.Best quote? We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. (Aristotle)

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Putting up with each other, everywhere we go, everything we do.

13.Do dreams lie? Dreams, as in goals, or dreams in our sleep? I think sleeping dreams mislead, else I really would have eaten lunch off Adam's abs! (snicker!)

14.Favourite place name? Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, and our destination in 2 days!

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!) Gets back to the 80's music making a comeback, doesn't it? I'd say a re-vamped Dallas, Knot's Landing or Falcon Crest. As far as sitcoms go, I'd say Eight is Enough. (more characters, more potential storylines, more sequels) If you were to ask about the 70's, I'd say Partridge Family!

16.Do you still jump on your bed? Only if I want to buy a new one!

17.Scalextrics or Playstation? Again, I only play with things I can pronounce! So, Playstation, please!

18.A line of poetry please....Here's to you, here's to me, may we never disagree. And if we do, well screw you, here's to me! (sorry about the crudity, it's one from my youth!)

20.Best bad guy in cinema? Clancy Brown in Highlander, no doubt about it. He's also doing an excellent job as Brother Justin in HBO's Carnivale.

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? Funny bone, because I've knocked it so often!

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? From the OB, I've met Malsgal, Patay, Odile, Saxon, Rosie and a few others. Sadly, nobody from here!

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? Ask a girl named Bud out if you want, it's all the same to me! Go for it, we're rooting for you!


Saturday, March 26, 2005 2:45 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

I've been thinking on the whole Jude topic and I've decided you should go for it. Wholeheartedly. My reasoning? Because you think you should; I can hear it in your 'voice'. You know this girl intrigues you and seems the kind of person that could be a positive influence in your life. As the Bard put it: "What's in a name? A Rose by any other name would probably be a Rosalyn or Rosalie." (...or something like that; you get the general drift.)

er...was this the poetry to which you refered in confused? Because I am confused...I wasn't nearly as confused in the confused thread.

Anyway (since I haven't done this):
1. Maribeth
2. Saint Maribeth
3. What's a kid? That include college? Cause I hitchhiked from Minneapolis to Denver, which was kind of stupid (and interesting).
4. I'm bored with this....
but to skip to the bottom: sure ask Jude out!
Make it sound like a 'just friends hanging' thing.
When you get the chance (while waiting in line at the movie or whatever), rub her back.
If she leans into you then you can make it more like a date (kissing at the end & everything),
if she pulls away, then you'd better keep it friendly.
Just a bit of advice....


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 9:03 AM


Paul McCartney was inspired to write "Hey, Jude" to comfort John Lennon's son, Julian when his parents divorced. The original title was "Hey, Jules."


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:58 AM


Hey! Not having shoulders myself I kinda liked the shoulderpads.


If voting mattered, they'd make it illegal.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:38 PM


elwoodmom wrote:


We want to read the answers to your own questions! Did I miss your responses?

Yep I'm in here about twenty five posts up :)Thanks for yours by the way.

How's everyone doing?

For Pictures:


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:39 PM



Originally posted by oddness2her:
Paul McCartney was inspired to write "Hey, Jude" to comfort John Lennon's son, Julian when his parents divorced. The original title was "Hey, Jules."

Thanks that's kinda sweet really....

For Pictures:


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:41 PM


Originally posted by xenocide:

Hey! Not having shoulders myself I kinda liked the shoulderpads.


Interesting..... Funny how shoulder pads are synonymous with the eighties :)

What about BIG HAIR? D'you have big hair

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:44 AM


Ain't it just?


Friday, April 1, 2005 10:00 AM


Yeah, but didn't you ever have those cheap shoulder pads that got all weird-shaped after you washed the shirt?


Friday, April 1, 2005 10:01 AM


About 25 posts up? I'll have to check it out!


Friday, April 1, 2005 10:08 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
1.Name? Jobert, okay not really.

so...that's almost my name. My folks combined their names to make my name. Now if you assume 'Jobert' is one combination of their names...with a little trial and error you can figure out what my name is.

Have fun! or not!
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Friday, April 1, 2005 11:10 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
1.Name? Jobert, okay not really.

so...that's almost my name. My folks combined their names to make my name. Now if you assume 'Jobert' is one combination of their names...with a little trial and error you can figure out what my name is.

Have fun! or not!
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?

Actually I'm curious about your name ~ writing 'thatweirdgirl' makes me feel like I'm teasing you or something.....

So lets see 'Jobert'... I'd assume Jo-anna and Ro-bert... So AnnaRob? or Robanna? How am I doing..... Robanna is quite nice actually... Is it Robanna?
Jo-Sephine/Her-Bert? SephinHer? hmmm I'm losing it aren't I... Pah. My skills of deduction don't exsist....... This is probably really obvious isn't it and I've just gone too far with the thinking....... Ok is it Joanna? But then how does the Bert fit in?....I'm miles away aren't.....

Dang! I'm going for Robanna... just because I've gotta go home now and I gota say summit.

Ok bye now I'm leaving

*does heavy foot stomping to pretend to leave*

Look I'm shutting the door now......


For Pictures:


Friday, April 1, 2005 11:18 AM


Not Joanna and Robert...lets see...Dolly Parton has song about my name starts with a vowel...five letters.

any better?


Select to view spoiler:

Grey has my name posted on his website, if you can figure out which webiste and which name.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?






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