So...I wanna host a "recruiting party"......

UPDATED: Thursday, April 14, 2005 19:33
VIEWED: 2296
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:31 AM



So....Um...I am new here. New to firefly even, and I realize that many of you have been with this from the begining. Newbies can be bothersome, so sorry if this rubs you the wrong way.

I need advice from thems that know. I am in Utah and...well there is very little firefly knowledge here. I have managed to recruit my Brother (who was already a fan, but didn't know it) and my best friend, but I wanted to think broader. So my brother and I decided we should have a party and show firefly. Mainly just friends (not gonna hand out invites on the street....for this one at least). Hows the best way to go about this? Which episodes do you show?


"There's obeying going on RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!!!"

"It shall be loquacious to a fault!"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:03 PM


Dear Frogger,

Welcome to and the ranks of the Browncoats! The more, the merrier. But onto your question. If you're trying to induct newbies into the fold, you have to show "Serenity" first. I mean, it makes sense to show the pilot that introduces all of the characters and gives a sense of who they are, what they're doing, and why they're doing it. I know it was confusing when they showed it out of order on felt kinda lost! Other than that it's up to you what episodes they show. Many episodes don't advance an over-arching plot much, but are great for telling stories and making you care about the characters. I would stick to the bigger ones and the ones that accomplish a lot, like "Out of Gas", "War Stories", and "The Train Job"...and for sheer comedic value, "Jaynestown". Showing an episode like "Objects in Space" to someone who's never seen Firefly before might be a bit daunting. I guess you'll just have to generally fill in the gaps of the ones you don't show as you go, but hey - who doesn't like talking about Firefly? I hope that helps a little...and if it doesn't, feel free to disregard my ramblings.

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:28 PM


I'm a purist. If at all possible I'd show them in order.

However, if you're coming up against some tough opposition, then I suggest going out of order after Serenity. Serenity you need for the back story that it sets up and cause the "Kaylee's dead" thing will never work again. Then I suggest Our Mrs. Reynolds and Out of Gas. They don't really advance the plot much so they're easy enough to pull out of order. Plust they're great episodes. Our Mrs. Reynolds for the funny and Out of Gas cause it's just great. If they aren't hooked by then...I doubt they ever will be.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:47 PM


Yeah, "Our Mrs. Reynolds". In retrospect, not even one of the better episodes, but it happens to be the first one I saw during a rare random tv surf. Hmm... Joss Whedon of Buffy fame, how about that, eh? Worked well enough to hook me into checking out the show. 3 or 4 eps later, I'm buying the dvd set.

Just saying, that worked for me. Whether it works for anyone else is surely open to debate.

Bring it on!


--The trouble with worse is that it always seems normal.--


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2:16 PM


In my experience, showing Serenity is usually enough to hook 'em. They just want to see more episodes-- They don't care what kind. Give them their drug, man! :)

My husband and I have recruited most of our friends by showing the eps in order. Firefly is a lot of fun to share, because it is just so darn easy to recruit. It sells itself. Just add water. Actually, no, better not do that. :)

The only times you might possibly have trouble is if:
1. They are biased against Science Fiction (In this case, showing them an episode or two usually cures them. You can encourage them by saying "It's a Western... set in the future.")


2. They're highly distractable and don't pay attention to the dialogue. (If this is the case, show them The Train Job or Our Mrs. Reynolds first. That way if they talk over important bits, they can still figure out what's going on!)

My two cents.

Welcome to the fold! You're never too much of a newbie to be a recruiter.

I have heard of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2:59 PM


Recruiting parties are great fun! I've hosted quite a few for friends myself.

Make sure you've got a good afternoon set aside for it... my friends just wanted to watch one after another after another! We started with Serenity and stayed in order (I'm a purist, like Zeek).

Munchies, refreshments, booze if you're so inclined. Not enough for people to get drunk, just happy and relaxed. Helps them set aside their skepticism over a "space western". Enough of it all so they don't really need to move off the couch. You can even get the theme food going if you want (strawberries, canned protein (spam) but I usually wait until they're good and hooked to break out the geekiness) (and actually, I never use spam because EWW).

Don't overhype too much - this is probably the biggest cause of disappointment in anything (Matrix and Star Wars, I'm looking at you). Say just enough to get them to watch one episode with you and it will do its magic!

Above all, HAVE FUN!


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 4:41 PM



Don't overhype too much

My husband tends to hype things up. I generally agree with you. I don't want people to be disappointed. But with Firefly, even his hyping generally doesn't prepare people for the awesomeness they are about to encounter. :)

I have heard of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 2:56 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Frogger! Glad to have you onboard.

A viewing party is a great idea, but as Physchick & Nywoe said, don't overhype the series too much. If you hype it up a lot you run the risk of it falling short w/ more critical people. Better to simply tell them that you really like it but don't give the DVDs too much of a build up. Let them sell themselves, that's what they have been doing all along.

Definitely start w/ "Serenity" as that gives the necessary back story and character introductions that are necessary for setting the stage for the show.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:09 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by frogger:
Which episodes do you show?


Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:33 PM


Thanks for the old thread. There is alot to go through on this site....haven't had the time to dig.


"There's obeying going on RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!!!"

"It shall be loquacious to a fault!"






OB Serenitymovie . org or Whedonesque . com or other no longer around internet stuff. Use wayback machine to see
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