let the overanalysis begin!

UPDATED: Thursday, April 28, 2005 02:13
VIEWED: 8415
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:03 PM


okay, by now we have all seen the trailer, right? and if you have not, GO SEE IT NOW! unless you want to remain completely spoiler free although i have to say the trailer does not seem to give away much.

now i have some queries that i hope will generate some wild speculation!

Select to view spoiler:

1. what do you think the end means? "you can't escape the signal"?

2. does serenity end up with some type of weapon? it appears that the ship is involved in some nasty battle(s). they would have to defend themselves.

3. the clip where mal looks like he gets hit by a shot from the ship chasing them. are those the reavers?

4. of course, others already asked this but where is book?

5. again, someone asked this but why does it say "6 rebels"? i figure the main crew are considered the 6 but simon is basically a rebel too.

6. my own wild speculation about the plot but could it be possible the reavers attack the alliance?

7. who els saw jayne drop the guy on his head and think "that's gotta hurt"?

8. anyone else think it was really cool that they had a line about the fans?

i may have to go and see the hitchikers guide to the galaxy now.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:55 PM


1) There is no such thing as OVER analysis in this instance.

2) I cannot wait for 9-30-05. I simply cannot. I am just going to have to learn how to travel forward in time. Are there any links or sites for that?

3) Where are Zoid and Jefe?


"Let's go be bad guys."


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:13 PM


1. Not a gorramn clue

2. Not with Wash flying they wouldn't

3. Yes, you see one poking out the window, it's him that fires the circular-saw weapon... thing at them.

4. Southdown Abbey?

5. I'm assuming it's eliminating Book and Inara as they're not on the ship and River, because she's a passenger.

6. Alliance pushing out, Reavers pushing in. Was bound to happen sometime, just glad it's happening on the big screen!

7. Actually my first thought was, "dear God Jayne's strong!" Followed by "ouch!"

8. Darn tootin'


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:39 PM


Wait, is this going to be shown with Hitchhiker's? I'm going to see Hitchhiker's this Friday night no matter what, but that would be extra-chocolaty frosting on the ol' protein-cake.

Is it September yet?


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:44 PM


I think that perhaps book has something to do with the signal...

Joss did say that there would be an interesting way of introducing the movie, so i think that's it... Book is talking to someone on a comm channel, and the whole thing is a transmission... or something like that

"Some people juggle geese!" -Ancient Chinese proverb.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:23 PM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
I think that perhaps book has something to do with the signal...

Joss did say that there would be an interesting way of introducing the movie, so i think that's it... Book is talking to someone on a comm channel, and the whole thing is a transmission... or something like that

"Some people juggle geese!" -Ancient Chinese proverb.

I believe he said that he had an interesting way of introducing the characters, not the movie. He also said something about POV and not being repetitive. Based on that, it appears to me that:

Select to view spoiler:

we see Simon breaking River out of the Academy. If you watch the beginning, it looks like Simon is in an Alliance uniform. He approaches River in the chair and smashes a cane on the floor that sends the top in the air and some type of pulse wave forms.

We are probably seeing Simon's POV of the events leading up to him joining Serenity on Persephone. This will help introduce Simon and River to people that have not seen the series, and not be repetitive to those that did.

This would also explain why the movie is always described with Mal taking on Simon and River as passengers.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:37 PM


Select to view spoiler:

1.) If you look closely after it pushes in on the Universal logo, you can tell that the planet is Earth, and there's a blip of light around the Texas area.. I'm thinking this is the signal they're talking about, and maybe it was the last signal sent before Earth was destroyed? I'm not sure..

3.) Personally, I don't know if it's a reaver.. The guy looks like he has too much hair and normalish skin.. But who knows..

6.) My wild speculation about the reavers is that they are in league WITH the Alliance.. Tho I'm not sure why that would make sense, but it sure would be a nifty twist! :)

8.) Where was the line about the fans? Did I miss something? (Whatches the trailer again and goes.. derr.. I see it..)

These are my questions..

1.) What in the world is that thing that Simon does when River is in the chair?

2.) What's the deal with the sound in space? ::pouts::

My other ship is a Mid-Bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator Core Class Code 03-K64 Firefly.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:48 PM



5. again, someone asked this but why does it say "6 rebels"? i figure the main crew are considered the 6 but simon is basically a rebel too.

I wondered about that too, but then I thought - who actually is a rebel, and who's just on the ship for other reasons? By my count, the six are:

1. Mal (Browncoat).
2. Zoe (Browncoat).
3. River (escapee wanted by Alliance).
4. Simon ("criminal" wanted by Alliance).
5. Jayne (anti-social mercenary working for a Browncoat, criminal, has probably killed a couple of Purplebellies).
6. ummm... Wash? (Married to a rebel?)

Inara supported unification and is just renting the shuttle, Kaylee's had no trouble with the Allianc - and she's too sweet to be called a "rebel" even if she may legally be arrest-able because of being on the crew, and Book (as far as we know) is just a passenger with no history of making trouble with the alliance.

Number six could be Book instead of Wash, or something happens in the movie to turn somebody into a "rebel" who wouldn't otherwise be on the list.

(Edit) Besides, I think they just didn't want to have Kaylee, Book, or (for the most part) Inara in the trailer 'cause they're not "action" enough.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:53 PM


Important people don't do field work.

6. ummm Wash would probably be right...Its not like he can say he was flying the ship on accident.

Select to view spoiler:

Did anyone else notice where the camera went after the Universal logo came up. Right between the Uni and Versal. SWEET! 'Versal! So, we didn't necessarily get the logo we wanted, but its not that gorram far off neither!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:58 PM



Originally posted by Astragynia:

5. again, someone asked this but why does it say "6 rebels"? i figure the main crew are considered the 6 but simon is basically a rebel too.

I wondered about that too, but then I thought - who actually is a rebel, and who's just on the ship for other reasons? By my count, the six are:

1. Mal (Browncoat).
2. Zoe (Browncoat).
3. River (escapee wanted by Alliance).
4. Simon ("criminal" wanted by Alliance).
5. Jayne (anti-social mercenary working for a Browncoat, criminal, has probably killed a couple of Purplebellies).
6. ummm... Wash? (Married to a rebel?)

Inara supported unification and is just renting the shuttle, Kaylee's had no trouble with the Allianc - and she's too sweet to be called a "rebel" even if she may legally be arrest-able because of being on the crew, and Book (as far as we know) is just a passenger with no history of making trouble with the alliance.

Number six could be Book instead of Wash, or something happens in the movie to turn somebody into a "rebel" who wouldn't otherwise be on the list.

(Edit) Besides, I think they just didn't want to have Kaylee, Book, or (for the most part) Inara in the trailer 'cause they're not "action" enough.

Overanalyzing. River is "A passenger with a past." Mal, Zoe, Wash, Kaylee, Jayne, and Simon are "Six rebels on the run." Inara and Book... (I don't consider it a spoiler, but just in case...)

Select to view spoiler:

Neither are on the ship at the beginning of the film.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:19 PM


I consider this the bestest birthday present ever-

And I don't mind sharing it with a bazillion Browncoats, either 8-)

Vince, who's very old now...


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:43 AM



Originally posted by mooshoo72:

Select to view spoiler:

6.) My wild speculation about the reavers is that they are in league WITH the Alliance.. Tho I'm not sure why that would make sense, but it sure would be a nifty twist! :)

i feel it is pretty clear that serenity is involved in this big battle on the side of the reavers. of course, it is possible that mal is not really in control of the ship at the time but that is a stretch. one interesting note. if you look closely, there is a clip that shows a bunch of ships moving towards the camera. serenity is in the middle and if you look to the left and just below serenity, you can see the reaver ship with the magnetic grappler that they all escape from in the pilot. pretty sweet evidence that mal takes the reaver's side against the alliance.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:38 AM



Originally posted by est120:

i feel it is pretty clear that serenity is involved in this big battle on the side of the reavers. of course, it is possible that mal is not really in control of the ship at the time but that is a stretch. one interesting note. if you look closely, there is a clip that shows a bunch of ships moving towards the camera. serenity is in the middle and if you look to the left and just below serenity, you can see the reaver ship with the magnetic grappler that they all escape from in the pilot. pretty sweet evidence that mal takes the reaver's side against the alliance.

I didn't see it that way at all.

We've long understood that Serenity is a tiny little ship, and the one time we saw a Reaver ship, it was much larger than Serenity. I think what we saw was Serenity hauling ass away from what appears to be a Reaver 'fleet' so dwarfed by the larger ships that in our very brief glance it might appear that she was with them.

What LITTLE we've learned about the Reavers is that they would pretty much be a threat to EVERYONE, regardless of their political and philosophical leanings, and Mal knows that.

HERE'S something that would make a nifty plot-twist. . .

Mal, knowing that he can't fight the Reavers OR the Alliance in a head-on fight. . .and CERTAINLY not BOTH, he decides that perhaps warning the Alliance of the Reavers or somesuch plan as that will get the heat off him for the sake of River. I get the distinct impression from the trailer that Mal has become very devoted to keeping her safe.


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:47 AM


good point. we could argue for months about this. of course, we actually do have MONTHS to argue about this. we will have to wait until september to find out who is right! we may BOTH be wrong!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:50 AM


> Simon in uniform could be a different rescue rather than River's original one. But then, we don't know the exact circumstances of her original escape and how Simon was involved. The fact that the Feds were after him suggests they knew it was him by more than the fact that he was absent after she escaped.

> Simon and River don't count as part of the '6 rebels' group as they are 'the two hunted fugitives' instead. So I reckon the last non-rebel must be Book, since he seems to be the only one not hiding/running away from something.

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 3:20 AM


Book is neither a rebel nor on the run. Remember that in the series, Book was just as 'pally' with the Alliance as Inara was.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 3:58 AM



Originally posted by est120:

1. what do you think the end means? "you can't escape the signal"?

"You can't stop the signal"

I was under the impression, from the very first viewing of the trailer, that it was refering to the 'red button' (from OOG) that the cast & crew gave Joss when Firefly was cancelled. They said something to the effect of "If you manage to get the project off the ground, hit that button, and we'll come a' runnin, no matter what."

Of course, it may have something to do with the plotline of the movie, I dunno :)


The best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 4:10 AM



Originally posted by RelFexive:
> Simon in uniform could be a different rescue rather than River's original one. But then, we don't know the exact circumstances of her original escape and how Simon was involved. The fact that the Feds were after him suggests they knew it was him by more than the fact that he was absent after she escaped.

Speculationy musing. If River is the signal, or contains the signal in her brain, whatever that may be... what if the Alliance purposefully allowed her to slip away? What if they're chasing her to drive her towards where she needs to be to do the most damage to the Alliance's few remaining enemies? Simon's speech in the trailer about how he sprung River always bothered me. "I was contacted by some men, some underground organisation..." sounded a little too pat and easy - like a rather unspecific plot device.

Did Simon really not try to find out who they were before he trusted them with his and his sister's lives? And if the alliance was manufacturing psychic super-killers, they must have had some fairly serious security measures in place - to stop the kids from accidentally tearing up the place, and to stop anyone else from seeing in. So... what if Simon was allowed to believe he'd snatched River away, when in truth she was sent?

Alternatively, someone high up in the Alliance went rogue, and her escape was planned by them (Book?). Because either Simon's "men" were pretty damn special, or it must have been an inside job of some sort.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:29 AM



Originally posted by NicolaClarke:

Originally posted by RelFexive:
> Simon in uniform could be a different rescue rather than River's original one. But then, we don't know the exact circumstances of her original escape and how Simon was involved. The fact that the Feds were after him suggests they knew it was him by more than the fact that he was absent after she escaped.

Speculationy musing. If River is the signal, or contains the signal in her brain, whatever that may be... what if the Alliance purposefully allowed her to slip away? What if they're chasing her to drive her towards where she needs to be to do the most damage to the Alliance's few remaining enemies? Simon's speech in the trailer about how he sprung River always bothered me. "I was contacted by some men, some underground organisation..." sounded a little too pat and easy - like a rather unspecific plot device.

Did Simon really not try to find out who they were before he trusted them with his and his sister's lives? And if the alliance was manufacturing psychic super-killers, they must have had some fairly serious security measures in place - to stop the kids from accidentally tearing up the place, and to stop anyone else from seeing in. So... what if Simon was allowed to believe he'd snatched River away, when in truth she was sent?

Alternatively, someone high up in the Alliance went rogue, and her escape was planned by them (Book?). Because either Simon's "men" were pretty damn special, or it must have been an inside job of some sort.

You are the first person (at least the first one that I've read) to come close to sharing a theory I've had since War Stories aired. Nice to know I'm not alone.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:45 AM



Originally posted by DTuck:
"You can't stop the signal"

I was under the impression, from the very first viewing of the trailer, that it was refering to the 'red button' (from OOG) that the cast & crew gave Joss when Firefly was cancelled. They said something to the effect of "If you manage to get the project off the ground, hit that button, and we'll come a' runnin, no matter what."

Of course, it may have something to do with the plotline of the movie, I dunno :)

oops. sorry about the misquote. that is a fairly big blunder. excuse my egregious gaff! anyway, i like your explanation. that would be pretty funny. only people who have seen the show would get it.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:10 AM


Howdy, folks - a newbie de-lurking at the grand occasion of the trailer's release.

On the "6 rebels" topic - that had me mulling and a mite distressed, especially with the Kaylee and Book near-absences, but here's a theory: six of our nine are "on the run"... and the other three are up to something else.

In the grand tradition of many "action" movies, there is often a splitting of groups to provide sub- or secondary plots - fills out the overall film and possibly provides some breaks in the action, literal or not, for a main plot. (You know: Luke heads to Dagobah, Han/Leia/gang head to Bespin - adventures ensue. Like so.)

I can easily envision the story involving Wash and Kaylee, with Book in tow perhaps, having to split off from the rest of the gang with Serenity at some point with a "mission" of their own. Provides lots of potential goodness, from a poignant Wash/Zoe farewell scene to swooping rescue at the last minute when our main gang of BDH's get in over their heads.

Sound possible? Whatever the case, sound in space or no, this movie is going to *rock*!

Thanks, Joss.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:57 AM



Originally posted by rhuttner:

You are the first person (at least the first one that I've read) to come close to sharing a theory I've had since War Stories aired. Nice to know I'm not alone.

And good to know I'm not, either! So go on, what is exactly is your theory then? (you said I'm only "close")

Coincidentally, I was just watching 'War Stories' this evening (was inspired to a re-viewing by Michelle West's piece about Wash & Zoe in _Finding Serenity_). I was struck anew by River's line when she's shooting Niska's henchmen near the end: "Don't look, don't look." A mantra learned during training, I assume. She isn't just doing the maths... she's following the procedures planted in her brain.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:20 AM



Originally posted by NicolaClarke:
I was struck anew by River's line when she's shooting Niska's henchmen near the end: "Don't look, don't look." A mantra learned during training, I assume. She isn't just doing the maths... she's following the procedures planted in her brain.

ooooo. i like that one.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:27 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Let's see here...Mal :"I don't kill children"

The Operative: "I Do", "This is your fault" "I will continue...River Tam...etc."

Photo: Kaylee, Mal and Book at what appears to be a mission, Kaylee cradling a child...

Putting 2 and 2 together...No way...No ruttin' way!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:30 AM


I thought she said, "Don't look. Don't think." I haven't reviewed the scene, so I could be way off.


Live life with Blue Sun!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:32 AM


A little teaser for you here, but I'm going to mark it as spoiler because this actually refers to the events in the film, not just the trailer (but I think people may be with knowing this now - it doesn't give anything extra away);

Select to view spoiler:

You learn why River is important within the first 5 minutes of the movie. The explaination is genius, makes sense, and not a single person online I've seen has thought of it.

Oh yeah.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:27 AM



Originally posted by NicolaClarke:

Originally posted by RelFexive:
> Simon in uniform could be a different rescue rather than River's original one. But then, we don't know the exact circumstances of her original escape and how Simon was involved. The fact that the Feds were after him suggests they knew it was him by more than the fact that he was absent after she escaped.

Speculationy musing. If River is the signal, or contains the signal in her brain, whatever that may be... what if the Alliance purposefully allowed her to slip away? What if they're chasing her to drive her towards where she needs to be to do the most damage to the Alliance's few remaining enemies? Simon's speech in the trailer about how he sprung River always bothered me. "I was contacted by some men, some underground organisation..." sounded a little too pat and easy - like a rather unspecific plot device.

Did Simon really not try to find out who they were before he trusted them with his and his sister's lives? And if the alliance was manufacturing psychic super-killers, they must have had some fairly serious security measures in place - to stop the kids from accidentally tearing up the place, and to stop anyone else from seeing in. So... what if Simon was allowed to believe he'd snatched River away, when in truth she was sent?

Alternatively, someone high up in the Alliance went rogue, and her escape was planned by them (Book?). Because either Simon's "men" were pretty damn special, or it must have been an inside job of some sort.

perhaps, being the relatively honest man that he is, Simon swore that he would not reveal who the men were, and is keeping his promise?

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:47 AM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:

perhaps, being the relatively honest man that he is, Simon swore that he would not reveal who the men were, and is keeping his promise?

Good suggestion, very possible. It just sounds to me from the phrasing that Simon himself isn't too sure. Another one of those Joss-ish throwaway ambiguities for people like me to read too much into

Talking of which, to people who have seen the film: can I get a vague, non-spoilerish indication of whether we find out anything more about what's up with Inara? Or if there's no explanation, are there any more tantalising hints that there's SOMETHING up, a la Nandi's comments in HoG? Sorry if this has been asked before, been busy lately and missed most of the screening threads.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:19 AM


est120 wrote:

i feel it is pretty clear that serenity is involved in this big battle on the side of the reavers. of course, it is possible that mal is not really in control of the ship at the time but that is a stretch. one interesting note. if you look closely, there is a clip that shows a bunch of ships moving towards the camera. serenity is in the middle and if you look to the left and just below serenity, you can see the reaver ship with the magnetic grappler that they all escape from in the pilot. pretty sweet evidence that mal takes the reaver's side against the alliance.

I'm with you on this one. That's precisely the way I interpreted that scene, too. It may not fit others' pet theories regarding the Alliance and Reavers; but it's clearly Serenity in the middle of the shot, flying formation with (as opposed to running away from) the Reaver ship from the pilot. In a later scene, we see that same ragtag flotilla (with the one big rundown capital ship) heading straight toward an Alliance armada/blockade fleet. Also, Mal states that the Alliance will never expect what's coming (surmised meaning: Rebels and Reavers fighting on the same side against the Alliance).

Of course, this is all speculation. But, I'd consider that pretty spoilerific, if we had some clue how the movie explained that unification of disparate interests. That would be a fairly tricky piece of storytelling.

Also, aside from the Universal logo, there is another shot of Earth (clearly North American Gulf Coast, Yucatan and Cuba in evidence) with a fleet of ships flying away. Perhaps The Diaspora as Earth slumped to her death? Or something more startling regarding the actual secret fate of Earth-That-Supposedly-Died?



Hot damn! Our movie is sooo gonna kick ass this Fall!

"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:24 AM


Hey all. someone may have suggested this above, but i don't have time to read through all the posts. i took the "can't stop the signal" as a nod to us specifically, saying "they can't shut us off this time" I could be wrong, but I like it.



Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:31 AM


rhuttner and NicolaClarke wrote:

Originally posted by NicolaClarke:

Originally posted by RelFexive:
> Simon in uniform could be a different rescue rather than River's original one. But then, we don't know the exact circumstances of her original escape and how Simon was involved. The fact that the Feds were after him suggests they knew it was him by more than the fact that he was absent after she escaped.

Speculationy musing. If River is the signal, or contains the signal in her brain, whatever that may be... what if the Alliance purposefully allowed her to slip away? What if they're chasing her to drive her towards where she needs to be to do the most damage to the Alliance's few remaining enemies? Simon's speech in the trailer about how he sprung River always bothered me. "I was contacted by some men, some underground organisation..." sounded a little too pat and easy - like a rather unspecific plot device.

Did Simon really not try to find out who they were before he trusted them with his and his sister's lives? And if the alliance was manufacturing psychic super-killers, they must have had some fairly serious security measures in place - to stop the kids from accidentally tearing up the place, and to stop anyone else from seeing in. So... what if Simon was allowed to believe he'd snatched River away, when in truth she was sent?

Alternatively, someone high up in the Alliance went rogue, and her escape was planned by them (Book?). Because either Simon's "men" were pretty damn special, or it must have been an inside job of some sort.

You are the first person (at least the first one that I've read) to come close to sharing a theory I've had since War Stories aired. Nice to know I'm not alone.

Well, it's a pretty theory. Care to explain why the trailer indicates that an assassin has been dispatched to retrieve her -- killing everything in his way to do so -- and has a scene from an Alliance capital ship's bridge while the overlay dialogue says that the Alliance will stop at nothing to get her back?

Why let her go and then spend so much time and effort trying to get her back? Maybe, but I don't think so...

If it's any consolation, my pet theories -- before they got mown down -- were that River wasn't psychic, just acutely cognitive, and that Book was Alliance General Richard Wilkins, the Hero of the Battle of Serenity. I still like the ideas; but Joss disagreed with me and I had to let 'em go...



"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:59 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
heading straight toward an Alliance armada/blockade fleet.

one thing i just thought of is that i do not recall seeing any of those big vertical floating city types of ships. perhaps they are not really true fighting types of ships but they did act kind of like carriers for fighter planes and such and they are manned by (mostly) military personnel.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:06 PM


Regarding Inara... (this mentions the movie - so be warned - but nothing in detail at all).

Select to view spoiler:

There might be hints to her background - I didn't spot any, but I was too busy going "Oh my god BIG DAMN MOVIE!!" most of the time. Overall, though, it's left hanging. There's a lot of plot Joss has in his mind about this, again, nobody online has come anywhere near the explainations about Inara. Four words: Serenity 2 plot line.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:45 PM


Did anyone notice that Wash isn't wearing any of his usual attire from the series... the trailer and other photos show him more in a flight jumpsuit... Is this for the masses who can't tell who the pilot is unless he's wearing a flight jumpsuit? I think it takes away from Wash's character that he's not dressed in aloha attire.



Wednesday, April 27, 2005 5:39 PM


I'm back, sorry for the excessive silence, been way too busy with way too little time...

Okay, saw the trailer, can't wait to see the movie... can't wait... can't wait...

I think it says 6 rebels, because Inara, Book and Kaylee aren't really on the run from anyone or anything... that we know of, anyway...

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:14 PM


Hey, Jefé, ¿qué pasa?

Okay, 6 rebels. We start with the 9 BDHs from the last episode ever shot. Inara hinted she was leaving, Joss confirmed it at the time the movie was being shot. If he didn't consider that a spoiler, neither do I. She ain't on the ship at the beginning of the movie. That leaves us with eight.

Who would be considered rebels/outlaws and be shot on sight by the Alliance? Of the 8 remaining, who among our heroes would be either let go (because of an ID card that gets first-class, 'no questions asked' service aboard an Alliance cruiser) or immediately packed in ice and sent back to the Academy?

That leaves us with 6. Thanks for playing.



For those who may be struggling with the math, the 'rebels' are (in descending order of targeting): Mal, Zoe, Jayne, Wash, Kaylee and Simon. If Inara was still on the ship, she'd walk too, and make whoever let her go think it was their idea... once they woke up.

"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:16 PM



Originally posted by SamuraiX47:
Did anyone notice that Wash isn't wearing any of his usual attire from the series... the trailer and other photos show him more in a flight jumpsuit... Is this for the masses who can't tell who the pilot is unless he's wearing a flight jumpsuit? I think it takes away from Wash's character that he's not dressed in aloha attire.


Well at least he still has its dinos and palm trees. (You can see them flying around in one shot.)

Also did anyone else notice the near the end of the trailer Serenity has something on placed on her bow on the port side. Looks like a fueling probe or radio antenna. Something to do with this Signal everyone is talking about?

Select to view spoiler:

It looks as it Serenity is hit by a few missiles and one of the things that extend from her stern when going at full burn brakes off.

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:
My Other Site:


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:12 PM


personal theory.

who watched Babylon 5? They had an arc in there about the telepaths... very early on, when BlondTelepath Andrea Ishouldrememberhername was still there. The 'sekrit agencies' who were using the telepaths were trying to create and control telekinetics. In the B5 universe, telepaths were rare (and feared) enough, but telekinetics were all but impossible. The idea was: train them to move small things... then a telekinetic could go to where an important dignitary was... and pinch a blood vessel shut, and kill with a thought.

River: I can kill you with my brain.

(necessary to cut things about a trailer which presumably we've seen if we're reading this thread?)

Select to view spoiler:

River walks into a room and starts kicking people's asses. They trained her how to /kill/. She shot the guy in that one ep without hardly looking at him... the Alliance created it's most lethal killer (or a prototype thereof), disguised as a young girl. (I want to make a Saikano reference : p.)

Maybe she's not a prototype, maybe a refined version of that BadGuyWhoKillsChildren. The images around him suggest he is... not normal : p. The whole "walking through River" and asking where she is, thing. HE's 'special' too, same as River (assassin... telepathic / kinetic?), just a more stable version... maybe the experimentors were trying to make River more powerful than this guy (which becomes a scary thought).

anyway, that's my theory.

i must have missed the 'shoutout to fans' in the trailer : xxx... *sad*


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:24 PM



Originally posted by Sanna:
i must have missed the 'shoutout to fans' in the trailer : xxx... *sad*

After they gave quotes saying how good Firefly/Serenity is from the critics they post: "and loved by millions of fans world wide".

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:48 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

Well, it's a pretty theory. Care to explain why the trailer indicates that an assassin has been dispatched to retrieve her -- killing everything in his way to do so -- and has a scene from an Alliance capital ship's bridge while the overlay dialogue says that the Alliance will stop at nothing to get her back?

Why let her go and then spend so much time and effort trying to get her back? Maybe, but I don't think so...

There are a couple of possibilities, I think (not necessarily plausible, but possible ):

1) Elaborate test run. Show the investors what they're getting for their money, so to speak. Lab tests are all very well but ya can't match field experience. Who cares if a bunch of civilians get squished in the process?

2) Rival political factions. Some let her go, others want her back. Also, we've seen several times in the series that Alliance minions are rarely informed what their political masters are up to, and sometimes even inadvertantly go against their plans (hence the Hands of Blue wiping out an entire Fed base in 'Ariel'). Like Book says in 'War Stories', even governments are made up of individuals. There doesn't necessarily have to be a co-ordinated policy at work here.

3) That part of the plan is now over. River has achieved whatever it was she was released for, or has become whatever it was she needed to be (the signal?). Now it's time to reel her in again, and put her to work.

The basic point to all this is that 'time and effort' is pretty irrelevant to the Alliance. The Alliance (or its upper echelons) is a great big faceless entity, with resources spanning a galaxy. They have time. How long can a little ship evade them?

Just a few thoughts, because I like speculating. It's just that Simon's story had too much coincidence and luck in it to ring true for me (probably because it WAS a vague plot device).

I think you're quite right about who the six rebels are, though. (Didn't Joss say that Book isn't on the ship, either?) Whether or not Kaylee or Wash have done anything overtly rebellious, their very presence on the ship as part of the crew makes them culpable and arrestable.


Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:34 AM


I've no idea what to mark as a spoiler. Assuming everyone here has seen the trailer, or doesn't mind knowing about it I won't mark my post. I haven't seen anything of the movie other than the trailer - these are just my thoughts on what I saw...

The shot in the trailer with Serenity apparently flying between two sets of opposing forces... My take on that:

It's Alliance and Reavers. Just before Mal says something like 'this they won't see coming'. I think he brings the reavers down on Serenity and then high-tails towards the Alliance, so that the Reavers and the Alliance hit head on... pretty damn cool it that is what happens!

Can't wait! Can't wait!

"I think the right place to start is to say, fair is fair. This is who we are. These are our numbers." Mr Willis of Ohio - The West Wing


Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:08 AM



Originally posted by mooshoo72:

Select to view spoiler:

6.) My wild speculation about the reavers is that they are in league WITH the Alliance.. Tho I'm not sure why that would make sense, but it sure would be a nifty twist! :)

I wouoldn't be surprised if the Alliance knew about Reavers, and were somehow involved with them.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:11 AM



Originally posted by Tomanta:
Overanalyzing. River is "A passenger with a past."

True...River hasnt actually done anything wrong. In the eyes of the Alliance I guess.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:17 AM



Originally posted by Static:
Mal, knowing that he can't fight the Reavers OR the Alliance in a head-on fight. . .and CERTAINLY not BOTH, he decides that perhaps warning the Alliance of the Reavers or somesuch plan as that will get the heat off him for the sake of River. I get the distinct impression from the trailer that Mal has become very devoted to keeping her safe.

I'm leaning in the same direction... IMO the Reavers would never team up with Mal & co...they're incapable of reason. It seems more like Mal's sneeked in and poked the Reavers in the butt, and the Alliance too, then both big lots turn around pissed and see each other.

And the shot is....Alliance one side, and Reavers the other, and Serenity in the middle...maybe like they're caught in the middle?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:21 AM



Originally posted by RelFexive:
So I reckon the last non-rebel must be Book, since he seems to be the only one not hiding/running away from something.

As far as we know...


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Thursday, April 28, 2005 2:13 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

Originally posted by RelFexive:
So I reckon the last non-rebel must be Book, since he seems to be the only one not hiding/running away from something.

As far as we know...

True... the ID card he used in 'Bushwhacked' could've been a very good fake ID, and the *real* Book could be a wanted man. I'm not so sure, though.

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."






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