Firefly ages like fine wine!

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 08:39
VIEWED: 3689
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Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:23 AM


Hello all. just a personal observation. Although maintaining fervent hopes that Serenity will fly again (and duly heartened by some signs and portents and cryptic hints), I have nonetheless been girding myself for a repeat of my experience when "Space:Above and Beyond" was yanked by Fox (grr...argh), lo these many years ago.

Accordingly, I imposed a nearly two week moratorium on watching TRS80's DVDs. Partly so as not to saturate myself too much, but also to see if my dreamy memories would be dashed by previously unnoticed faults with the eps when I treated myself to them again.

Last night, I watched "Objects in Space" and "War Stories." Well, so much for over-idealized memories! Unlike so many other shows and movies which suffer from too much admiration (setting expectations beyond what they can match), "firefly," if anything, seemed to get better after a period of absence! Go figure.

[extra credit if y'all recognize this quote]
"I carried it around with me for days and days,
playing little games,
not looking at it for a whole day,
and then
looking at it
to see if I still liked it...


Just a little bit of commiseration during dark times.

Keep flyin'!

Department of Redundancy Department


Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:41 AM


I don't recognize your poem, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. I probably hadn't watched any in a week or 10 days and last night my husband suggested with fire one up. Watched Ariel, Out of Gas and half of Safe.

Prior to last night, I didn't really understand what the big deal about OoG was, but by the time Mal was staggering to the call back button and we were seeing the second round of empty Serenity shots, I was fixin' to cry. Eesh.


I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:43 AM


Totally off topic:


Department of Redundancy Department

That's who you are! I put you in the word association thread in the fox site. Forgot your name, so I said the guy who posts as the Department of Redundancy Department.

It's ok, you can feel honored!

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:02 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I so totally know what you mean.

Last weekend we were snowed in and my son said he wanted to watch Firefly, so I popped in "Serenity" before it was half way done, the entire family came into the family room to watch. A friend came by in his SUV to check on us, and he wound up staying for 3 & 1/2 hours to watch OoG, OiS, and OMR.

It was great, and it struck me how underappreciated the show was by FOX and these Nielsen viewers. There are so many people out there who completely missed out on this show.

Maybe now that SMG is hanging up her stakes and quitting BtVS, perhaps Joss will have more time to dedicate to getting Serenity in the air again.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:06 AM



Originally posted by Noocyte:
...I have nonetheless been girding myself for a repeat of my experience when "Space:Above and Beyond" was yanked by Fox (grr...argh), lo these many years ago.

It just so happens I have all the SAAB episodes on DVDs

They are a bit primitive compared to the FF discs (hey computers weren't as powerful back then!), but they are all high quality, 2 eps per disc (12 discs total), and commercial free.

I've seen a lot of eps floating around in SVCD, VCD, and WMF formats and they're all crap compared to mine



Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:08 PM



Originally posted by Noocyte:
[extra credit if y'all recognize this quote]
"I carried it around with me for days and days,
playing little games,
not looking at it for a whole day,
and then
looking at it
to see if I still liked it...

The poem is Indiscipline by King Crimson

Has YOUR mom seen Firefly, lately?


Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:35 PM



**Bows, duly honored**

Thanks so much for the honorable mention of my [heisted from a cartoon whose source has long-since slipped beneath the veils of time] sig quote! And, since I am a bit of a dilletante on these boards, owing to a gorram-busy-life [the wife, however, would probalby disagree on that score!], could I ask you for a link to the "word association" thread in question? Monkey curiosity.

Thanx again!

Keep flyin'!

P.S. Good catch, Succatash!! Shiny album, eh?

Department of Redundancy Department


Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:46 PM



It just so happens I have all the SAAB episodes on DVDs

Lance, you are some kind of benevolent but mischievous techno-mage, no doubt with a crafty, Q-esque agenda (hey, I already called you a "steely-eyed missileman." Only way to top that was with an arcane string of SF sub-references!).

We may indeed have to talk about some future dealings. Not now, though, as I'm marshalling my resources to {FINALLY} purchase an A/V receiver (set sights on Outlaw Audio 1050; not as flashy as some, but good solid tech [Kaylee would be proud...mmmm...Kaylee...], and most bang for limited bux).

That, and I'd still like to acquire a loaner set of FF DVDs. Figure April, if you're still stocked...

And, I must add, how gorram KOOL was "S:AAB"?! Not as polished as some, and "FF's" FX blow it out of the black, but they NAILED the military sensibility, the valor in the face of an implacable enemy, the Government Conspiracy angle...Gods, I miss it!


Anyway, thanx for the re-whetting of a long-repressed appetite

Department of Redundancy Department


Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:51 PM


Indeed like a fine wine. These are the kind of shows I can watch and watch and rewatch. I can't wait for time to pass, so I can watch them all again. How long is long enough between watchings? A day? Two? How can I go for so long, now that I love the show so much? How did I go for so long before never watching it? I was one of the unlucky majority who never heard word one about Firefly when it was on the air. I am pissed about its lack of advertising, by the way.

The best things in life are dirty.


Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:09 AM


I find myself watching Out of Gas once again, and I had to bump this post up. It's the strangest thing, Firefly does get better and better each time you watch it. I mean its some kind of weird wonder of the world because it really does get better!

Jayne: Hey, I didn't fight in no war. Best of luck, though.


Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:33 AM


I thoroughly agree. I rewatched Serenity, Train Job and Bushwacked several times. They just keep getting better. There is just so much to appreciate.

That's why I rewatched OMR and found I really liked it, not Saffron so much, but the dialogue. I really recommend watching whichever ep is your least favorite. You'll find lots of good stuff.

I also rewatched Out of Gas for the first time. I did not like the Captain alone and wounded, it was very sad, so I did not want to see it again. However it seems to be people's favorite and now I know why, its a great episode!!!

Keep flying and Keep watching.


Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:51 AM


Hi Everyone.
I agree, Firefly does age as a fine wine. I have watched all of the episodes more than once and each time I enjoy them more and more. Personally, I find myself watching OoG, Our Mrs. Reynolds and Serenity more than the other eps. well, for now anyway.
Gorram Fox!!!!

"There is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace" Benjamin Franklin


Monday, March 24, 2003 7:55 AM


Actually w/ the stress of finals coming up, slogging through midterms, and writing several annoying and/or depressing papers, I have needed a wonderous place to escape. Needless to say, television certainly isn't offering that at all these days. So for the past week, I've watched my tapes of Firefly over and over again...I have it on in the background when I do dishes, in fact, I think I may have gone overboard. Regardless, I haven't even remotely tired of them, and I still laugh every time I hear "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal" or "no, this must be what going mad feels like". Sigh.

Guess no matter what Joss or the networks do, I have to keep flyin' ;-)


Tuesday, March 25, 2003 8:39 AM


Yes keep flying!
You are not overboard, or at least not alone.

My sister downloaded some quotes from wavsite and created a CD. I listen to it quite a lot. It is comforting to hear these great quotes over and over again. She placed the theme between each episode. A CD onlu allows 99 tracks regardless of time remaining so I am going to need another CD soon.

Firefly is grrrreeeaaatt!

Keep flying!






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