Joss Comments on Some Unruly Browncoats (You know who you are)

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 4, 2005 06:31
VIEWED: 17529
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Friday, April 29, 2005 12:41 PM


This was posted on the movie website:

Me again!!!! (Sorry. I just get very excited about me.)

Well, it looks like you guys are still flyin' since we sold out all 10 venues in less than a day! Huzzah!

Well, yeah, Huzzah unless you couldn't get in. Then the world is a dark, existential moonscape of lonely suffering. I totally get that, but here's the thing:

The Uni brass just gave me word that certain theater managers who couldn't provide tickets were... how can I put this delicately... THREATENED. Seriously. Which is both touching and, hey, totally uncool. Yes, we need to show our excitement about the film to make the world stand up and listen, but we must use the peaceful, time-honored ways: writing letters and e-mails, working booths and throwing parties, and lining up for months in front of theaters that aren't showing the movie.

This screening is an unual event to say the least, but if it makes more people grouchy than happy, then lameness is involved. So you know I'll be talking to the brass about it. If we can get something else planned for later, suh-WEET but the movie belongs to them and I gotta respect their marketing plan. And we all gotta chill on the theater peeps who have even less say in this than anyone. I'll E more when more is knowable.

We're Browncoats, dammit, not Arsenal fans! (Well, some of us are both. But peaceful, non-rioty Arsenal fans.)

Peace to th' pepps, yo! -j. (Yes, I can too say 'yo'.)


'What people call impossible is just stuff they
haven't seen yet...'



Friday, April 29, 2005 12:58 PM


I feel bad that fan behavior has been so bad as to require theater owners to complain to Universal,
and Universal thought it was bad enough to make Joss address us!

Of course I also feel really bad for the disappointed,
but it isn't like the theater owners can do anything to help.

The above post from Joss was posted here:


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:13 PM


I hope this was an isolated incident, I'd hate to think of the fans and/or the movie getting any kind of bad press. September may seem a long way off, but we've waited this long, have'nt we?

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:18 PM


Today, I don't feel good to be a Browncoat. How could a Browncoat have responded in such a manner?


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:21 PM


Sounds like Reavers in brown coats.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:31 PM


Grrr... Arrgh. Fools will be fools, and that bad behavior just, well, "Mean People Suck!" Shame on you.

Is there anyway "we" can make an apology on the behalf of the Browncoats community to Joss, Universal, and the theature owners? We really are good people.

My 2 pennies.

Japanese Windows error msg:
Both are Blank.


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:47 PM


That's awful. I hope if people were really being threatening or violent that they are reported to the local authorities. No true browncoat would behave so dishonorably. We're the men (and women) of *honor* in the den off theives, gorramit! Not thugs!!!

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:55 PM


Bah, that's just sickening. C'mon folks, we're way better than that.

Does Blue Sun sponser the Blue Man Group?


Friday, April 29, 2005 2:18 PM


So I think we can all agree that the few are doing their best to ruin the fun of the many. The question I pose to you Firefly fans is this:

What can we do to let Universal know that such heinous acts are performed by only the vast minority of supposed 'Browncoats' (personally, methinks they were purple-bellies in diguise)? How can we show them that the majority of fans out there are genuinely decent folk?

The first thing that came to my mind was a petition of some sort, but am at a loss as to how one could be set up. Any other thoughts on this matter?



'What people call impossible is just stuff they
haven't seen yet...'



Friday, April 29, 2005 2:34 PM



and lining up for months in front of theaters that aren't showing the movie.

*COUGH COUGH* star wars fans *COUGH COUGH*

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Friday, April 29, 2005 2:58 PM



Originally posted by Oxyopia:
So I think we can all agree that the few are doing their best to ruin the fun of the many. The question I pose to you Firefly fans is this:

What can we do to let Universal know that such heinous acts are performed by only the vast minority of supposed 'Browncoats' (personally, methinks they were purple-bellies in diguise)? How can we show them that the majority of fans out there are genuinely decent folk?

The first thing that came to my mind was a petition of some sort, but am at a loss as to how one could be set up. Any other thoughts on this matter?

I am of the belief that the majority of Browncoats ARE showing they are not like that. If a few bad eggs threatened someone, that speaks for them, not ME. We don't need to get up in arms about this. It is a non-event. There are bazillions of us good 'coats, and only a few a**holes.


"Let's go be bad guys."


Friday, April 29, 2005 3:09 PM


America loves a winner!


We're Browncoats, dammit,

Aye, that we are. I'd love to get a tic to the screening, but it's not vital! Heck, I'm just content to spread the good word to thems that need it.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 29, 2005 3:10 PM


I'd like to point out that I think this is a consequence of people getting a bit too worked up about the advance showings.

I think some perspective is needed. Serenity is just a movie. We willl all see it eventually. Being able to see it early is not a matter of life or death. It is not worth badgering/threatening movie managers over.

I think it is important that we as firefly fans promote positive anticipation and excitement over the movie, but don't go overboard. We don't want our fanboy love of firefly to become an obsession.

P.S. I apoligize if this sounds ungreatful, but i'm actually starting to have second thoughts about going to the advance showing. I mean I'll love the movie, and no i don't want to give you my ticket, but sometimes i think anticipation can be bigger than the actual event. Now I won't have an entire summer of happily waiting for september. Of course they're the comic books and the complete movie to see a second time. But I think no matter how good the movie is, anticipation is half the fun.

Cancel that, I'm going to love the advance showing anyway. Because I think that enjoyment of watching a great movie is only multiplied when you are watching it with lots of other friends and fans as well. So it's not so much the seeing it early that I'm looking forward to, but the seeing it with a room full of enthusiastic fans.


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:01 PM


I know what you mean. Lately, I've been noticing that usually when one builds a huge sense of anticipation for something, it pushes your expectations into a realm that is impossible for any movie to attain. I always felt that the big reason why most people were turned off by Episode 1 was the unprecedented level of expectation for it. Not even the original film could've done that. You might as well buy tickets for the second coming of Christ while you're at it. It ain't gonna happen.

So while it's encouraged to be excited for the flick, don't go totally overboard with it. It's just a movie, people.

On a little sidebar here, lately I've been finding out that the movies that really do it for me, the ones that make me feel absolutely fantastic and awe-inspired are the flicks that I go into not expecting much. I hear some things about them, I see a good trailer for it, but on the whole I'm not counting the days to it's release. Which is good because I can then immediately be gobsmacked by it's emotional and cinematic power. One recent example for me is this flick called THE UPSIDE OF ANGER. I saw it at the beginning of the month, not really expecting a whole lot from it. I ended up feeling more ecstatic about it than anything I've seen so far this calendar year. I'm probably going to go see it for a third time this weekend.

I think the people who'll really bit hit by SERENITY are the ones who stumble into it. I mean, we all know FIREFLY. We know all the nuances and backstory and the in-jokes and everything involved. We go to SERENITY and it'll just be a confirmation of what we know. But someone whose never seen the show, whose never entered the Whedonverse will see the trailer, think "OK, if it's a my local theatre I'll check it out." The movie opens, they go see it out of curiosity, but they walk out with a look on their face as if they've seen God. That's how we should be approaching it.

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like ... ow ... ound ... round ... ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:04 PM



Originally posted by Asa:
seeing it with a room full of enthusiastic fans.

^This is what I'm waiting for. I'm content with waiting til september, too. Lucky are those who get to see it early.
I do think it's shameful that the "unruly" persons were naughty enough that even Joss knows about it.
I don't think I know a Browncoat who'd cause trouble like that.
I'm with those in thinkin' Reavers done it.

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:23 PM


I don't understand why people would threaten movie theater owners or managers or whoever they threatened. It won't get them anything, but a reputation for being a *expletive deleted*. They should express their dissapointment and anger in a constructive way such as I did. And by that I mean telling your friend who is going to see an advance screening in Boston how evil and horrible they are for seeing it before you.


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:52 PM



Where was this posted? I can't find a topic for this on but I'll repost something because this shouldn't happen.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:52 PM


Ya know this could have been some serous publicity for the movie if those threats crossed the fine line in to “promises”. Violence, mayhem, riots (com’on Joss you know you want your “very own riot”), burning cars, the local Fox stations demolished, the National Guard called in to restore order and repulsed by avid, angry and armed fans. It would make world news!!

I think everyone is just angry that originally the movie would already be in theaters right now (remember the old April 22, 2005 release date ) and I think that fact has made everyone a bit snippy. I know it has for me…

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:
My Other Site:


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:58 PM


Well that's a downer. The browncoats have always been such a mature and friendly bunch in my experience. We're better than this.

I hope Joss can forgive us.


Friday, April 29, 2005 7:22 PM



Originally posted by Oxyopia:
So I think we can all agree that the few are doing their best to ruin the fun of the many. The question I pose to you Firefly fans is this:

What can we do to let Universal know that such heinous acts are performed by only the vast minority of supposed 'Browncoats' (personally, methinks they were purple-bellies in diguise)? How can we show them that the majority of fans out there are genuinely decent folk?

The first thing that came to my mind was a petition of some sort, but am at a loss as to how one could be set up. Any other thoughts on this matter?


I'm with you, I think we need to let them know that a isolated few have done this! This is not the REAL Browncoats. I'm up for some kinda petition. E-mail thingy? Ideas?


'What people call impossible is just stuff they
haven't seen yet...'



Friday, April 29, 2005 9:28 PM


Now that's just uncool. I agree with those who are saying that the Browncoat community as a whole needs to find a way to denounce this behavior publicly in some way to both Joss and the Universal execs, lest this incident turn into a case of people perceiving that 'a few bad apples spoil the barrel', as it were.

Take my love
Take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care
I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I've found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me


Friday, April 29, 2005 9:52 PM


Whoa!!! Waaaaay uncool. In the words of Buffy, "Threatening is not cool." (replace threatening with fighting, and you'll get the real quote).

Unbelievable. A few dumbass apples have to ruin it for the rest of us. There are waaaaay more important things to get riled up about; modern day slavery, people who profit/create child porn, abuse of the environment, dirty cops, animal abuse, etc. blah, blah, blah. Not whether a film you want to see is going to be previewed in your local theatre. Good lord, those people need to learn how to think about something other than themselves

Peace out :)

Nothing savages my moral sensibilities more cruely than a beautiful girl. - Sean Patrick Flanery

Current favorite things: Anything Wedonverse, Henry Rollins, The Boondock Saints, The IMDb, Madonna, Babble, Maya Rudolph, and many other things too numerous to list...


Friday, April 29, 2005 9:52 PM


They actually threatened? Did they expect to get somthing out of that??
"Oh yeah, sure. No problem. Since you only threaten me, I'll give you a ticket for this movie that will be showing again in about 5 months. No worries. "

And they call themselves Browncoats.

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."- Lao Tzo


Friday, April 29, 2005 11:07 PM


I hope the idiots who did this remember that the movie is a TEST screening. It is NOT a final version of the movie.

I would love to know which theaters had this experience, maybe we can send some flowers or something.


Friday, April 29, 2005 11:30 PM


If these threats are real (as in, made by a fan), I'm ashamed to be a browncoat right now.

I've sent Joss this, posting online too;

Just to be clear, this may or may not be related, but these forums have had a visitor since the trailer went out who's been posting all kind of crap and threats here. 'Serenity_Leader' has removed their access now - for a few days we had rape threats etc posted on the forums (Nathan also posted a few days ago, and this person replied calling him a cunt straight away). The idiot also started a topic encouraging people to sneak cameras into the test screenings to record the movie to put it online.

It's possible whoever our forum idiot was has been phoning around theatres making threats.

I'm organising a UK screening with the distributors here and I've had no hassle, just lots of kind emails. If the threats truly did emerge from a geninue fan, I feel ashamed. Perspective is needed. It's only a film. It's a very, very good film (Joss, you are too hard on yourself at times) having seen it - but it's still only a film.



Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:45 AM



Originally posted by Granite:
maybe we can send some flowers or something.

personally I think it might be better to leave the theater owners alone for the week so everything can calm down,
and then on Thursday night we can quietly thank them as we pick up our tickets and file into the theater in an orderly fashion.

And of course buying lots of candy and popcorn is always a way to 'thank the theater'


Saturday, April 30, 2005 3:54 AM


I wholeheartedly agree with a previous post that the movies that I've like the most are the ones I heard the least about (Slingblade, O Brother Where art Tho? etc) and the ones I've been the most disappointed with are the over-hyped ones (Blind Date, Something About Mary, Daredevil).

That said, we have to remember that there are people out there that argue just for the sake of arguing. You all have seen/heard them. In lines at you local Walmart, McDonalds, Canadian Tire, Target. They have no thought to how they look and sound like idiots, they just think that if they make enough noise, they'll get what they want.

While they won't go away, and seem to be breeding like rabbits, anyone who thinks that these peoples actions are indicative of the whole...need to give their GORRAM heads a shake. We all know, and hope that the higher ups know, that this individual is less of a "Browncoat" and more of a Yellow-belly.

How's that bumper sticker go..."God must like stupid people, he made so many of them"

But I like this better "Judge me based on my actions, not the actions of others"


Saturday, April 30, 2005 4:18 AM



Originally posted by needleseye:

I'm with those in thinkin' Reavers done it.

It was Fox network thugs!
Just kidding, ain't THAT much of a conspiracy nut.
Was surfing some other sci-fi sites this week and read posts that sounded amazingly like that recent troll who shall remain nameless, it was freaky! By no means sayin' it was he that did such stuff, just sayin' every site and event attracts its share o' nuts lookin' for attention.
Browncoats ain't like that.

True believer Chrisisall


Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:03 AM



Originally posted by Granite:
maybe we can send some flowers or something.

I'm actually all for this idea. Gift baskets or flowers or something.

How cool would that be for universal to hear that the browncoats sent each theater gifts for showing the screening.

I'll donate some money to the cause. Can anybody find a nice gift basket to send and set up a paypal account for the funds? I've never really organized something like this before so if there's a pro around I'll defer to them. hehe maybe someone could make gift they can include some very shiny dvds perhaps


Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:13 AM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
Nathan also posted a few days ago

Could you please link me to Nathan's post, please? Anybody?

Thanks in advance,

Tracy (who thinks there's a severe case of the stupids going around...)

MAL: If anyone gets nosy, just, you know... shoot 'em.
ZOE: Shoot 'em?
MAL: Politely.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:41 AM


Pointless threats that offer no solution, but provoke more problems? Who does that remind me of?
* Breaks into The Hero of Canton *


Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:07 AM



Originally posted by embers:

personally I think it might be better to leave the theater owners alone for the week so everything can calm down,
and then on Thursday night we can quietly thank them as we pick up our tickets and file into the theater in an orderly fashion.

And of course buying lots of candy and popcorn is always a way to 'thank the theater'

The popcorn idea is also nice. Making sure to spend lots of money (nowadays that's at least $20US on top of the movie) at the theater as thanks for screening the movie


Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:27 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
We all know, and hope that the higher ups know, that this individual is less of a "Browncoat" and more of a Yellow-belly.

i dont know, but the "managerS" in "The Uni brass just gave me word that certain theater managers who couldn't provide tickets were" makes it sound like it happened in more than one place. also dont know if a single such incident would cause one or more managers to actually complain about it.

more details about what happened would be nice, so we would know how many gift baskets we need ,-)


Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:49 AM


I cannot believe the behavior that's been going on. It's sickening! And to hear that wonderful Nathan posted and was prompted called a c&nt is ridiculous. It all leads me to believe that these can't have been REAL Browncoats. If it was, then that's just darn right unsettling.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 7:58 AM



Originally posted by Caite:
And to hear that wonderful Nathan posted and was prompted called a c&nt is ridiculous. It all leads me to believe that these can't have been REAL Browncoats.

in that specific case it was someone in serious need of professional help, which i mean absolutely seriously. he already explained himself and i didnt know if i should be sad or angry, that some people need attention so much that they do everything just to be talked about. if he doesnt either get help or get the crap beaten out of him he's probably the kind of disturbed sicko that would kill someone just to make the news. so maybe we should be grateful he's just in the "act like a complete moron and piss people off to be noticed"-phase.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:53 AM


Theatre owners and staff are totally impotent when it comes to this sort of thing so in threatening them these coats have shown themselves to be quite foolish.


I believe the blame for all this rests with Fox. I / we have all suffered at their hands. The entire mismanagement and cancellation of our beloved Firefly has left me with permanent scars. If I was put in the same room as the people most directly responsible for Firefly being cancelled "I would aim to misbehave!" to say the least.
All the effort we put in trying to get Firefly revived then to get a movie made, and then to have the said movie delayed 6 months.. it is hard to take. I can understand peoples emotions getting the better of them. I say direct your anger at Fox instead.. As I live and breathe Fox will never... NEVER get another cent from me!!

EVER !!!!


Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:04 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

I believe the blame for all this rests with Fox. I / we have all suffered at their hands. The entire mismanagement and cancellation of our beloved Firefly has left me with permanent scars. If I was put in the same room as the people most directly responsible for Firefly being cancelled "I would aim to misbehave!" to say the least.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that there is some heavily-laden irony that doesn't come across in the post, but its a TV show/movie, not justification for civil action and the testing of that outdated amendment.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:06 PM



Originally posted by Oxyopia:

We're Browncoats, dammit, not Arsenal fans! (Well, some of us are both. But peaceful, non-rioty Arsenal fans.)

Now this suggests that worringly JW is an Arsenal fan - I may have reconsider redirecting my fan-dollars if this is the case.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:28 PM



Misguided By Voices wrote:
Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:04

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that there is some heavily-laden irony that doesn't come across in the post

Irony?? I do not think that word means what you think it means


Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:56 PM




I believe the blame for all this rests with Fox. I / we have all suffered at their hands. The entire mismanagement and cancellation of our beloved Firefly has left me with permanent scars.

Erm, I really hope this was an attempt at humour.


If I was put in the same room as the people most directly responsible for Firefly being cancelled "I would aim to misbehave!" to say the least.

Okay, so whilst we're all on agreement that threatening people over Firefly/Serenity is a *VERY BAD THING*...


All the effort we put in trying to get Firefly revived then to get a movie made, and then to have the said movie delayed 6 months.. it is hard to take. I can understand peoples emotions getting the better of them. I say direct your anger at Fox instead.. As I live and breathe Fox will never... NEVER get another cent from me!!

EVER !!!!

Did you buy the Firefly DVD? Money to Fox.

Get some perspective, please. Yes, people at Fox cancelled our TV show. It happens. Making threats against those _people_? Not good.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 1:13 PM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
Today, I don't feel good to be a Browncoat. How could a Browncoat have responded in such a manner?


There is no reason for you to feel anything but proud to be a browncoat. In all sincerity I feel that we are the best, most enthusiastic fan base out there. We have done what other people said couldn't be done, and I don't think any of us should let a few bad apples spoil it for us.

I have never really considered myself as part of a fanbase until Firefly. Sure, I liked some movies or TV shows, but never enough to dress up at a Con, participate on message boards, or to organize shindigs and charity events in the name of a fandom. Then I discovered Firefly. Something inside me clicked and I felt the overwhelming urge to part of it, if only as a fan. Nearly everyone here has helped to promote the show, fought for it, or got the word out to the uninitiated in one form or another. That is something to be proud of. No one can take that from us and we shouldn't let them.

Okay, so a few people didn't conduct themselves like adults. SHAME on them!!! If they visit here and read this, I hope they feel terrible for causing the theatres, the people that work there, Universal, and Joss aggrivation. They should feel terrible. After all Joss and Universal have done to get Serenity flying again, we should feel nothing but elation and gratitude.

I can understand being frustrated that they can't get tickets, and maybe we don't know the entire story, but we as browncoats should always conduct ourselves with integrity and honor. If we go out there and cause a bunch of grief it reflects badly on the fanbase, Joss, Universal, and the BDM. We have come too far and endured too much to allow hot tempers and bad manners to ruin it for all of us now!

Fellow Browncoats, I know that many of us are disappointed that we don't have the opportunity to see the screening in May, but we have to hold fast. We can ill afford to let our frustration to cause us to do or say something we might all regret.

Keep Flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Saturday, April 30, 2005 1:59 PM



WhoIsRiver wrote:
Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:56



I believe the blame for all this rests with Fox. I / we have all suffered at their hands. The entire mismanagement and cancellation of our beloved Firefly has left me with permanent scars.

Erm, I really hope this was an attempt at humour.

You all may have forgiven Fox.... I never will.


WhoIsRiver wrote:
Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:56

Did you buy the Firefly DVD? Money to Fox.

Thats different and you know it.


WhoIsRiver wrote:
Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:56


If I was put in the same room as the people most directly responsible for Firefly being cancelled "I would aim to misbehave!" to say the least.

Okay, so whilst we're all on agreement that threatening people over Firefly/Serenity is a *VERY BAD THING*...

The only reason to turn thy cheek is to grab another can of WHOOP-ASS!.

I think you have a problem with your brain being missing(or the bit of your brain which recognises humour)

Lighten up and take a chill pill people..


Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:41 PM


Gotta agree with BC1 here, We're not to feel ashamed here(unless you're the one making threats over your inablity to see an unfinished film). I'm more than a bit ashamed of the person/people doing this for making this fine group of people look bad. But, If they are a true fan, then hopefully they've seen the error of their ways, and they should call these theatre managers and personally apologize. Though it seems more likely, as most posts here seem to convey, that is was more a troll than a Browncoat. And I'm shocked to hear of people reacting to Nathan in such a way. (obviously a troll there, but still not the sort of thing that would make him come back on to post again).
Wow, I'm still shocked at this and not sure how to wrap up my thoughts here. I only came on board tonight to express mild disappointment that the trailer didn't air at my screening of THHGTTG tonight, which was also a bit disappointing.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:14 PM


The Universal brass can quiet some of the noise about missing out on the sneak peak by letting us buy the T-shirts on the Browncoats site rather than trade points. So many of us have tried to get as many points as we could, but still fall short. Let us trade points OR pay cash for the shirts. There are people going to the screening that won't be able to get T-shirts. Does that seem right to you? Please help us do our part in supporting the movie and getting the word out. Let us buy the T-shirts.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:21 PM



Originally posted by izzow:
... So many of us have tried to get as many points as we could, but still fall short...

Co-operation is the key here. Get an introduction from a friend and always, and frequently, login via that introductory link. If you can do this from a dynamic IP address, so much the better. This is only of benefit to your friend, but hey ... If you haven't got a friend, do what kids do and invent one

Spare a thought for your trans-atlantic cousins, for whom the Company Store is out-of-bounds.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 10:54 PM


Despicable. Revolting. Exactly what theaters had Reavers making threats? I'm with you, Oxyopia, there has to be some kind of redress. This involves all of us. If someone knows the theaters where it happened, the Browncoats going to the screenings should make it a point to talk to the theater manager, making an apology on behalf of the community, expressing regret that it happened and contempt for the scum involved. Even offering to take the theater manager out for a few beers. And as for you, the amoral idiots who thought you were entitled to terrorize somebody to get a movie ticket, you're not Browncoats. Close your browser now and don't set foot in this website again.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:40 PM


here is the link to Joss' post about not getting to see the trailer either:

(if anyone had wanted it besides me)

Originally posted by Tracy:

Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
Nathan also posted a few days ago

Could you please link me to Nathan's post, please? Anybody?

I would like to second the request for the link to Nathan's post!

(does anyone else find it hard to find stuff at the 'official' message board?)


Sunday, May 1, 2005 1:34 AM



Originally posted by embers:

(does anyone else find it hard to find stuff at the 'official' message board?)

There's a search function now on it - you can use the drop down box next to it to select "Username", and then enter Nathan_Fillion, Joss_Whedon etc.

A few of the people involved in the project have pet names on there to discuss things with the fans (as Adam Baldwin once said, they're fans of the fans). This is why I sometimes get a little annoyed when people are busy slating the movie because there's no horses in it and such - these people have spent years of their lives in many cases slaving over this thing. Threats, dismissal, rape threats (yes, somebody posted a rape threat on the Browncoat board the other day)... Not good.

I realise a lot of people are likely 'trolling' the boards now, but it's still frustrating. I doubt Nathan wanted to be called a cunt the other day - he posted to ask where the trailer was.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 2:06 AM


*** EDIT - Sorry for the double posting of info ***

So Nathan's 'post' really wasn't what you would call a genuine posting...more like an inquiry. The link is this:

The offending person can be quite easily found on the first page of the thread.

Also, if any of you would like to know the 'secret' to finding where/when our BDH's post, just do a search by author. Joss_Whedon is the login Joss uses and Nathan_Fillion is the login Nathan uses. I haven't searched for the rest of the cast, but I am guessing they all follow a similiar structure.



'What people call impossible is just stuff they
haven't seen yet...'



Sunday, May 1, 2005 4:48 AM



Originally posted by Oxyopia:
*** EDIT - Sorry for the double posting of info ***
Also, if any of you would like to know the 'secret' to finding where/when our BDH's post, just do a search by author. Joss_Whedon is the login Joss uses and Nathan_Fillion is the login Nathan uses.

Thank you to both WhoIsRiver and Oxyopia,
that really does simple things up for me!






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