Escape from the raid on Black Diamond

UPDATED: Thursday, May 5, 2005 22:08
VIEWED: 22994
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Sunday, May 1, 2005 11:28 AM


*ship rocks the first time.*

What the...


*lurch the second*


*checks his sensor readouts.*


*looks around at the shuttle bay. All of the personal craft had been inspected, and, unfortunately, only the General Lee was space worthy at the moment. He had set a pair of DRD's to work (DRD's?! When did those get there?!) on each of the shuttles that needed work. He stares up at Aegis. The eye sensors flash red, as the machine starts to power up on its own. Explosions rock the ship as Grey leaps into Aegis, who begins to move on its own. With a flap of the repulsor wings, a low hum propells the craft through the magnetic screen and into space filled with-*

-mechas? There's an army of mechas! What the hell?!

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE. Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Sunday, May 1, 2005 11:42 AM


* The Real Me dashes onto the Bridge behind Cozen. The forward view shows an army of mecha and several lines of asteroids speeding straight toward the Sereni-Tree at different angles. With a yelp, he climbs up into the pilot dome and jumps into the cockpit. He shoves a control to take the engines to full power, then grabs the attitude controls to dodge the Sereni-Tree out of the way. He barely succeeds.*

You are mistaken, Cozen!

I didn't steer us into a swarm of asteroids. The path to Earth was clear!

It was the Mecha army that diverted asteroids into our path There are so many swarming toward us, now, that...


* The Real Me narrowly dodges another asteroid. *

Cozen! Since you're here, I'd like you to take over the weapons console. Load up MaRTHA and start shooting back!

* The Real Me keys the ship-wide com. *

Mister Static! To the Bridge if you please!

Captain Ebonezer! We are under attack by asteriod-tossing mecha! What are your orders?

Oh, Cozen... nice outfit,by the way. It would have won you the Gala Pageant for Cross-dressing Men.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, May 1, 2005 12:15 PM


**Static grabs the headboard of the bunk and looks down at TWG who is smiling contentedly**

Honey. . .I'm pretty convinced that WASN'T us.

**The ship lurches a second time, almost tossing them from the bed.**

What the hell?


Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Mister Static! To the Bridge if you please!

Captain Ebonezer! We are under attack by asteriod-tossing mecha! What are your orders?

Aw, crap.

**Static throws on a flight suit and grabs his flight vest, charging out of the quarters he shares with TWG and races down the corridor to the bridge. Upon reaching the bridge, he snaps his fingers at TRM.**

"Move it, and thanks for the break."

**Static leaps into the pilots seat and straps himself in. TRM and Cozen stand and watch, which prompts Static to look over his shoulder at them.**

Guys? If I am strapping myself in. . .does that not suggest something?

**Cozen and TRM run to spare seats and hurriedly strap themselves in as Static begins looping and dodging the oncoming asteroids smoothly. He keys the coms**

Aegis, this is SereniTREE. Aside from the asteroids, have the bogeys demonstrated hostile intent? They're also too clustered up. I'm getting a false radar read. . .numbers are changing.

Cozen, hit the fourth switch from the left in front of you and annouce General quarters. Anyone that operates a weapon on this bird needs to get there. Everyone else needs to find a shady spot and stay there. . .and the Captain may want to be on the bridge for this.


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Sunday, May 1, 2005 12:21 PM


*Aegis swoops in and out of the incoming laser fire from the mechas in front of him.*

Bogeys? No. No hostility from the bogeys. The bandits on the other hand are plenty hostile.

*scans his vidscreens and the displays.*

My eyes say...50 or so. Aegis counts 53. They're sticking with lasers, but there's a cluster of about 14 with some heavy buster cannons. Stay in the asteriods if at all possible! Calculate a jump to Earth with the FTL drive and get the heck out of here! Aegis and I will draw their fire.

*streaks across the star and laser filled space towards the lines of mechas to the fore.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE. Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Sunday, May 1, 2005 12:28 PM


Negative, Aegis. . .Negative. We're not going to bug out without you on board. But if these mechas can follow me through these asteroids, then we've got bigger problems.

**Static looks over his shoulder at TRM and Cozen**

Guys, do you know what the four things you never want to hear in the military?

**Cozen and TRM shake their heads**

YOu never want to hear your Captain say, "I have a plan."

You never want to hear a Lieutenant say, "It has been my experience. . ."

You never want to hear a Sergeant say, "This will be a good training opportunity."

**Cozen looks warily at Static and asks, "What's the fourth thing you never want to hear?"
Static grins.**

You never want to hear a pilot say, "Watch this shyte."


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Sunday, May 1, 2005 12:48 PM


*Rat rides quickly to the shuttle bay!*

Thinking to self: I can force Cozen to confess another day, unless of course, he decides to do the right thing and come forward!

Once in the shuttle bay, Rat stows the Trident(the one without an exhaust signature(on account of the Minbari power source)) aboard the General and takes off to assist Grey!! Upon seeing the vastness of the army of mechs, Rat lands back in the shuttle bay.*

Over comm: Grey, you're on your own!!

Point of interest: Nothing that's currently happening, is in any way my fault!!!!!!!!



Sunday, May 1, 2005 12:55 PM


*Ebo staggers onto the bridge.*

I have a plan.

*The looks the other three give her make her suddenly forget this plan and strap into the last un-occupied seat.*

Right then. Are we winning? And WTF is a mecha?

*Ebo doesn't get to hear an answer and Statics 'shyte' shoves her back into the seat.*


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 1:38 PM


*cozen flicks fourth switch on his left, and announces on shipwide comm:*

"What's the fourth thing you never want to hear?"

*Briefly ponders which crew member is "General Quarters".* Oh yeah, must be Ebo's handle when she's beng all captainy.

*Surveys console. (On account of post-tequila trauma compromising internal stability, catching the arcade show beyond the windows ain't working out too well). A monitor reveals a nice Triumph Trident in the shuttle bay, astride of which is that nice feller Rat(boy). Finds "shuttle bay lockdown" switch on console. Finds "NO2 activate" switch on console. Mixes and matches until monitor shows gas spritzing into shuttle bay. Feels a certain guilty contentment.*

*Finds "arm warhead" switch. Wisely backs off from this one.*

Say, I'd shoot at something, but if I did, what are the chances I'd take out Aegis?

Can't we overpower them with art?


Sunday, May 1, 2005 1:54 PM


No, seriously. Someone needs to tell me what a mecha is...


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 2:20 PM



Originally posted by ebonezer:
No, seriously. Someone needs to tell me what a mecha is...

Cap'n try this:

I can't explain it without sounding like a dork....Gundam, Robotech.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Sunday, May 1, 2005 2:48 PM


Still in dream state Mai hears someone knocking on her door. One very loud knock. Cozen could you get that? Cozen?

*Her eyes begin to slowly open and she sits up in bed still sleepy, but somehow very refreshed and with amazingly no hangover what so ever*

Wow, what a strange dream. There was the cuddling and then the something about life threatening spam projectiles. It all felt so real.

*Stares in awe at the overflow of flowery pretties on the bed and carpet*
Don't know why you decided to visit Needle, but thanks for flowers.

*The ship shakes slightly* Being that the bunk is right next door, I guess TWG and Static have found a way to pass the time.

Wonder what everyone else is up to. Surely we must be getting closer to Earth by now. I think I'll just get up and see ...

*The ship suddenly lurches and rumbles tossing Mai off the bed and across the room and smacks her head on the open wardrobe door.*


All right I'm up already. *Clicks on Com*
Ummm guys? What the hell is going on?


Sunday, May 1, 2005 3:45 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*The ship shakes slightly* Being that the bunk is right next door, I guess TWG and Static have found a way to pass the time.


Originally posted by Static:
**Static grabs the headboard of the bunk and looks down at TWG who is smiling contentedly**

Honey. . .I'm pretty convinced that WASN'T us.

*smirk* I think you’re right.

**The ship lurches a second time, almost tossing them from the bed.**

Aw, crap.

**Static throws on a flight suit and grabs his flight vest, charging out of the quarters he shares with TWG and races down the corridor to the bridge.**

*twg leans forward to kiss him good luck and lands on her face* Hey! I…sigh, a pilot’s work is never done. *twg rests her head against the wall* I hope everything’s okay.

*the ship lurches. twg slips on some shorts and a tee, she crawls to the door and opens it, she decides to make her way to engineering to help Grey, Needleseye, and Jet…very carefully, she moves down the corridor…creeping next to the wall…the ship rolls and she hits the other wall, she continues on…the ship banks the other direction and she hits the all once more…*

How the heck am I supposed to get anywhere! *twg puts on her pondering cap and taps her head…think, think, think…*

I got it! I’ll roll!! *she lies on the floor and begins to roll to engineering.*
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Sunday, May 1, 2005 4:11 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
The ship bank's the other direction.

Well if you want to cash that check, I suggest you turn around!!



Sunday, May 1, 2005 4:39 PM



Originally posted by mai:

*The ship shakes slightly* Being that the bunk is right next door, I guess TWG and Static have found a way to pass the time.


Y'know, I wuz aiming in that direction my ownself, but virtual life intervened. Been kinda conscripted into warrior duty on the armaments console here on the bridge. Very manly duty! Too bad I'm a tad killing-challenged. Still, I'm confident TheRealMe, TGJ and Static will squeeze us through this one, somehow.

Hey, more buttons!

*Feeling oddly Ebo-ish, whacks toggle switch that opens shuttle bay exit door.*

Have spacesuit, will survive.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 4:44 PM


Ebo, a mecha is a giant human-shaped robot, almost always with one or more pilots inside.

Apparently, these can throw asteroids at us.

* The Real Me presses a button on his console. The Sereni-Tree lurches as MaRTHA lets loose. The super-tech catapult launches its payload at a dangerously close asteroid. There is an explosion, and asteroid dust rains upon the ship. *

THAT'S what we're talking about!

* The Real Me keys the com. *

Hmmmm... Grey is out fighting in his own mecha.

Jet? Are you in Main Engineering? Get that power plant running at maximum output levels. Prepare for a jump to FTL speed, but hold off on that.

*The Real Me wonders if the gamble is worth it.*

Get some of Knibblet's Stupendous Sunscreen ready to apply to the power plant.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, May 1, 2005 5:19 PM


*cozen gambles on unstrapping hisself and stumblesprints down to the common room, where he awkwardly (but quickly quickly) gathers a hundered-odd hula hoops and another hundered-odd pogo sticks. Utilising the Ebo Golem and anyone/thing he can find to carry said items to the recently reset super-tech catapult, he loads up all the playtoys. Returning to his station and strapping hisself in securely, he activates the Launch sequence, hurtling hoops and sticks spaceward in the general direction of nasty mechas.*

Here's hopin' those mecha pilots have 1) a sense of humour, and, 2) as a result are for a few seconds stunned by the stupidity of it all. Figure if they're dazed even for a bit, that gives our side a momentary advantage in which to initiate countermeasures.

*Turns to TheRealMe.*

This is us, working together side by side. Ain't it grand?

Kinda wierd, though. But in a good way.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 5:23 PM


Seeing that his bestest buddy in the world is prepared to take all the fight to the bad guys himself, Static banks his big-assed bird hard, turning towards the oncoming army of hostile mechas.

"TRM, Cozen, if you'll step through that hatch behind you, you'll see a ladder that leads to a turret on the top and the belly of this bitch. Quad lasers, a-la The Millenium Falcon. We're about to be elbow-deep in ugly."

Static keys the com-link, "Anyone who's been known to help Grey out in Engineering might wanna get down there, because I want as much juice out of this heap as possible!"

Static squeezes the triggers on his control yoke sending balls of hot plasma screaming towards one of the hostile mechas, which explodes in an immediately extinguishing ball of flame.


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Sunday, May 1, 2005 6:10 PM



Originally posted by cozen:

*Turns to TheRealMe.*

This is us, working together side by side. Ain't it grand?

Kinda wierd, though. But in a good way.

*The Real Me nods.*

A good way.

But I'm not sure what the hula hoops will accomplish.

* The Real Me shrugs, then activates the com.*

Jet? Static has called for more power. It is time to deploy Knibblet's Stupendous Sunscreen onto the fusion plant!

* The Real Me waits a moment, then whistles as the power output readouts all redline. *

Well! Say, Static! You have as much power as you can use, now!

* The Real Me touches another control. His personal screen goes blank for an instant, then is replaced with a quad-laser's-eye-view-screen. As he twists a hand grip the view moves its cross-hairs to lock onto an enemy mecha. The Real Me pulls the trigger. Four searingly bright lances of light pierce through the enemy.*

Oh, yeah, I can work the ventral quad lasers here from the Bridge.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, May 1, 2005 6:37 PM


*cozen obediently climbs ladder to dorsal quad laser post. Straps in, initiates startup sequence. Takes aim. Fires!*

*Obliterates an innocent random asteroid.*

Y'know, that little rock might have one day grown up to become a Rukuslike pleasure sphere.

*Feels bad.*

*Maxing out the zoom on the target aquisition monitor, he spies between myriad mechas and asteroids and such, and seems to spot a reddish planet. His view wavers, what with the sudden yawings of the Sereni-Treeship. But he's convinced the geography of the planet has a familiarish quality. Reminiscent of NASA photographs.*

Huh. Folks, ya know, I think we're in the home solar system. That planet off to the right, ain't that Mars?

Wonder what these bandit mechas are doing in these parts?

Just wondering.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 6:42 PM


Needleseye ~ Hey Jet you finished yet?

Jet ~ Gimme a second I'm almost done adjusting the Jump Capacitor. Hand me that spanner and keep your gorram nervous flower clusters out of here!
Needleseye impatiently~ NOW!?

Jet ~ OK OK! we've got the juice!

*Needleseye on the com*

Static! Jet says FTL is OK to go!


Sunday, May 1, 2005 8:04 PM



Originally posted by TheGreyJedi:
*He had set a pair of DRD's to work (DRD's?! When did those get there?!) on each of the shuttles that needed work.*

*Amongst all the crashing and lurching and having asteroids thrown at the Sereni-Tree, montanagirl is only able to focus on one thing.*

We have DRD's?!!! When did we get those? I've always wanted a DRD. Can I have one? Please, please, please, please?

*Puts best puppy dog expression on face.*

I promise I'll take care of it and it won't cause any trouble!

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo


Sunday, May 1, 2005 9:00 PM



Originally posted by montanagirl:

Originally posted by TheGreyJedi:
*He had set a pair of DRD's to work (DRD's?! When did those get there?!) on each of the shuttles that needed work.*

We have DRD's?!!! When did we get those? I've always wanted a DRD. Can I have one? Please, please, please, please?

DRD's seem to have come in handy however it is they got here. A worm hole?
Now if a Crichton clone shows up, lets be up front and sparklingly clear...
All MINE! ;p


Sunday, May 1, 2005 9:43 PM


*Dares a glimpse out the windows to find out what the hell is going on*


Static squeezes the triggers on his control yoke sending balls of hot plasma screaming towards one of the hostile mechas, which explodes in an immediately extinguishing ball of flame.

Ooohh. Pretty fireworks! Right. Being attacked. Scariness ensues. AGAIN.


Monday, May 2, 2005 4:17 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

*Soul slides butt-first across the floor, grabbing onto one of the legs of the pool table to stop his slide. The ship rocks again, and throws Ebo off of the pool table. She yelps in suprise as she crashes to the ground. She starts to slide, so Soul spins around, wraps his legs around the pool table legs and reaches out with both hands, grabbing Ebo's leg before she hits the wall. He pulls her back to the pool table and helps her climb back on.*

Thanks, *she says.*

*Soul smiles and tips an imaginary hat as he tries to stand. Then another explosion launches him through the air and he lands halfway up the stairs leading to the bridge.*

Ow! That kinda hurt.

*He runs into the bridge, his bow around his shoulder, the arrows in the quiver. Across his chest is a strap that holds a myriad of arrow tips, from explosive tips, to poison tips, to one curiously shaped like the head of the long-forgotten Succotash.*

Okay, I'm here, and I'm armed. What's the-

*Soul looks out the window at the army of Mechas.*



Soul - Head of Security on the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, May 2, 2005 4:42 AM


Soul! Good!

Take over that console that Cozen just vacated and start operating MaRTHA, our catapult on the roof. The controls are pretty easy to use, seeing as we've got a video game interface.

Oh, and Ebo's up here on the Bridge, I thought. Did she wander back downstairs again, did you save someone else, did you just post a flashback, or do we have an imposter on board?

* The Real Me gets another enemy mecha in his crosshairs and blasts it. *

Soul, you might want to deflect those three rapidly approaching asteroid chunks. Just an idea.

* The Real Me hits the com button. *

Hey, Grey, why don't you come back aboard so we can make the jump to hyperspace?

*The Real Me blasts another mecha.*

And what in blazes is a DRD?

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Monday, May 2, 2005 5:09 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Soul! Good!

Take over that console that Cozen just vacated and start operating MaRTHA, our catapult on the roof. The controls are pretty easy to use, seeing as we've got a video game interface.

*Soul sits in the chair, slightly warily since the previous occupant had been wearing nothing but a sarong. The Sereni-Tree shakes, so Soul regretfully sits in the chair and grabs the controls. TRM turns to him as he sits and asks a question.*


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Oh, and Ebo's up here on the Bridge, I thought. Did she wander back downstairs again, did you save someone else, did you just post a flashback, or do we have an imposter on board?

*Soul ponders that question as well as the quantum state of the universe.*

Let's just say flashback. I guess I hit my head a bit hard on the stairs and blacked out. Funny, I guess the Captain stepped over me on her way to the bridge...


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Soul, you might want to deflect those three rapidly approaching asteroid chunks. Just an idea.

Good idea!

*Soul hits random buttons on the controls, and fires 3 shots off into the unknown, completley missing the asteroid chunks, but almost hitting Grey.*

Oops! Sorry!

*Soul studies the controls and tries again. 3 more shots, and all 3 of the asteroid chunks dissapear in plumes of fiery goodness.*

Woohoo! That's better!


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
And what in blazes is a DRD?

Might I second that question.


Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, May 2, 2005 8:07 AM



Originally posted by needleseye:
Now if a Crichton clone shows up, lets be up front and sparklingly clear...
All MINE! ;p

*Petulant sigh.* Oh all right.

And for those who wonder what a DRD is:

from Wikipedia:
DRDs (Diagnostic Repair Drones) are robots from the sci-fi series Farscape. They are small, yellow robots that roll around the spaceship Moya. Their functions include repairing the ship, searching for lost items, and defensive combat with built-in lasers.

Aren't they cute?

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo


Monday, May 2, 2005 3:04 PM


Not that I don't appreciate being saved from yet another attack on the SereniTREE ship thingy, but I'm kind a bored, not being an attack and kill kind of girl myself. Just wanted to say thanks to those who are the attack and kill heros. If you need any help let me know I'll do whatever I can in the meantime...

still bored.


Y'know, I wuz aiming in that direction my ownself, but virtual life intervened.

Look at that I just happen to have rescued a nice bottle of that oh so lovely magical type lotion and several more bottles of that non-hang over type liquor. Cozen, if you don't get blown to tiny bits I'll be in my bunk


Monday, May 2, 2005 4:00 PM



Originally posted by mai:

Look at that I just happen to have rescued a nice bottle of that oh so lovely magical type lotion and several more bottles of that non-hang over type liquor. Cozen, if you don't get blown to tiny bits I'll be in my bunk

*Certain that his lack of military and astrophysical skills can manifest only negative effects upon our able heros' conquest of the nasty mechas, cozen swiftly abandons his post on the dorsal quad laser and makes haste to Mai's quarters.*

*En route, cozen is seized by an Inspiration!*

Hey, by kit bag might have survived the SPAM attack of 5 or 6 threads ogo!

*Sure 'nuff, 'neath the pool table he finds his original kit bag. Surveys contents: 1 under utilised Kaylee blow-up doll.*

Nah. Kinda inappropriate.

*1 pr. red Betty Boop cfm pumps.*


*A gallon of SERENA massage oil ("A rejuvenating, yet sensuous blend of orange, coriander and ginger, designed to gently transport your senses to a fragrant garden of eden").*

Oh yeah.

*Grabs oil and shoes. Is last seen making way to apartments wing.*

Some are fighters. Others might be lovers.


Monday, May 2, 2005 5:34 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
*Certain that his lack of military and astrophysical skills can manifest only negative effects upon our able heros' conquest of the nasty mechas, cozen swiftly abandons his post on the dorsal quad laser and makes haste to Mai's quarters.*

*montanagirl runs up to take cozen's place at the laser.*

Woohoo, shootin' stuff!

*Takes a bead on one of the mechas in her target area and fires.*

I like it when things go boom. (As long as it's not on our ship.)

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo


Monday, May 2, 2005 5:58 PM


*Ebo notices that others have found guns for to blow asteriods and asterios flinging mecha's up with, and wants a piece of that action. She unstraps herself and jumps down the stairs from the bridge.*

*She makes her way down to...somewhere with a gun...and begins fireing at anything and everything that moves.*

*grin* This is FUN!


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, May 2, 2005 6:30 PM


* Sitting at his station on the Bridge, The Real Me smiles, having gotten another mecha in the cross-hairs of his weapon console. Suddenly, The Real Me's quad laser stops responding. His screen flashes "Manual Over-ride". *

What the...?

Oh, Ebo must have made her way to the belly of the Sereni-Tree and took over firing the ventral quad lasers from the gunner's station down there.

Uh... Okay.

* The Real Me touches a control pad. His screen replaces the weapons display with the navigation console read-outs. *

I'll just plot us a jump path through hyperspace, just in case we decide we need to get out of here.

Hey... Is that Mars?

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 12:22 PM



Some are fighters. Others might be lovers.

That's just what I was thinkin' I know I'd be more of a hindrance than a help when it comes to the battling.

*Cozen enters room bearing a large bag*

Hey, whatcha' got in there?

Ohhh. pretty shoes.
But, what I am suppose to wear?
Oh I get it, they match the sarong. How very fashionable of you.


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 5:09 PM


*twg rolls through the doorway to engineering, jumps to her feet and finds everything under control*

Alrighty then, I’ll just go do something else.

*twg resumes her position on the floor and rolls back the way she came. She stops at her bunk…she rummages through the dresser…smirking, she tears off her shorts and tee and slides on her found treasure. She zips up her coveralls and heads out the door towards the bridge in search of her pilot.*

I hope he likes it *mumbling to herself* surely he remembers the first time he saw me wear it.

*twg arrives at the bridge, people everywhere shooting hula hoops and spam…SPAM! I thought I specifically told them SPAM was food or art…oh well. twg spies her beloved concentrating intently on his task. She slinks up behind him and rests her hands on his chair*

Hon, I’m here for you. Do what you need to do. Take as much time as you need to take. I’m here when you need me.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 5:33 PM


* TheRealMe slaps a button and uploads his work into the navigation computer. *

Okay, that should do it. Ready to use at a moment’s notice: a fully projected straight-line hyperspace course to Earth-That-Still-Is. Well, it’s straight if you look at it in eleven dimensions.

Now what to do about these asteroid-tossing mecha…

* From behind him, TheRealMe hears: *

If the sky is falling, don’t be underneath.

* TheRealMe is surprised and turns around in his seat. *

Huh? What? Ambassador Kosh?

* Cozen’s River-clone is standing in the doorway, at the threshold of the Bridge, staring to her right with fascination at one of the ship’s bulkheads. *

Oh, it’s YOU, River-clone. Well, if you mean that we should jump to hyperspace to avoid these asteroid projectiles, I’m ready for that, but TheGreyJedi is still away from the ship in his mecha. We can’t leave him behind.

* River-clone cocks her head, smiles, and sticks her tongue out. *

Uh… Right.

* TheRealMe sighs, and thinks that Cozen has a lot to answer for. *

You’re wrong.


Not straight. Not in eleven dimensions.

Well, River-clone, it’s not an EXACTLY straight course. Not PRECISELY straight. But it’s so close that…

* The River-clone pouts. *

Then it’s not straight!

* The River-clone hops over to TheRealMe’s console, reaches down, fiddles with the controls, and in moments reworks the entire course plotted by TheRealMe. She uploads it into the nav computer. It seems indistinguishable from the previous course. The River-clone beams. *

NOW it’s straight!

* Yes, Cozen has MUCH to answer for! *

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 6:33 PM


*Needleseye and Jet hear something roll past the doorway to engineering.
They look at the door way, then look at each other.
The rolling sound again.
They see ThatWeirdGirl rolling back the other way.*

Needleseye and Jet in unison ~ Huh.

*returning attention to engineering issue, Needleseye raises an eyebrow at Jet.*
Jet~ So... if you'd actually read the manual, you'd know that.

Needleseye~ I'm really "visual" learner.

*Jet rolls eyes* Your more interested in licking the control panel than paying attention. Now, if you don't keep those coils on the right frequency you'll jam everything. Here watch the levels, they should only fluctuate about a tenth of a percent.

*Needleseye thinks ~ she saw that?*
Look, I'm a born consumer. I've got a lot on my mind right now. I previously consumed all in my path. Your lucky I'm a changed, well, changing being. You're really just a snack to my old self.
*Points at monitor* See, I know what I'm doing
... once you show me. Take that tenth of a percent, Jet!
*Daisies spring up in Jet's hair and coverall pockets.
Jet glares but continues working as Needleseye snickers*

Jet ~ What is taking so long? Why isn't Grey back?


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 7:13 PM


*Ratboy wakes up!*


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 3:44 PM



Originally posted by Rat:
*Ratboy wakes up!*

*Quickly, before Rat can mess with anything, TheRealMe hits the com. *

Say, GreyJedi... How about returning to the hanger? We have a hyperspace course plotted and plenty of energy in the Jump Capacitors! We could get out of here in no time!

* TheRealMe hears Ebo howl with joy. *

Huh. Guess she found the switch for her laser's full auto mode.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 4:15 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
We have a hyperspace course plotted and plenty of energy in the Jump Capacitors! We could get out of here in no time!

*Waking up, and hearing TRM on the comm, Rat decides to help out by closing the hanger bay doors.*

Rat on comm: Okay son, we're all set down here! You may jump when ready!


Side note barely worth mentioning: Grey is still outside.



Wednesday, May 4, 2005 4:16 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Say, GreyJedi... How about returning to the hanger? We have a hyperspace course plotted and plenty of energy in the Jump Capacitors! We could get out of here in no time!

Then get the hell outta here! I'll draw their attention then see if the Grav Drive works in Aegis.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE. Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 4:24 PM



Originally posted by Rat:

*Waking up, and hearing TRM on the comm, Rat decides to help out by closing the hanger bay doors.*

How'd ya do that without first being sucked out into space?

The physics on this thread just sucks!


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 4:29 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
How'd ya do that without first being sucked out into space?

Force fields, lad! Force fields!



Wednesday, May 4, 2005 4:30 PM



Originally posted by cozen:

The physics on this thread just sucks!

Shut up! The physics are just fine! There is no reason for anyone to go pushing any physics-turning-on buttons! Thats an order!


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Thursday, May 5, 2005 12:54 PM


Are we there yet?


Thursday, May 5, 2005 1:09 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
a fully projected straight-line hyperspace course to Earth-That-Still-Is. Well, it’s straight if you look at it in eleven dimensions.

Silly boy! Everyone knows there are only six dimensions, here let me 'splain it:



Thursday, May 5, 2005 3:12 PM


Quantum loop theorists (or is it string theorists, yeah, actually, I think its string theorists) insist there's nine dimensions in which one can calculate quantum gravity solutions. The best part, the higher the dimension, the fewer solutions there are. Down to 5 solutions in the 9th dimension. It's the bazillion possible solutions down here in the 3rd dimension that's slowing down the understanding of funky physics.

Just sayin'.

*cozen lights up some more scented candles. Works up to the 4th dimension (okay, heart chakra) of shiatsu massage upon an antsy-tipsy Mai.*

... sailing into destiny
closer to the heart


Thursday, May 5, 2005 3:23 PM


Ummm, huh? We're in the third dimension? Now I'm confused.

*Goes back to shooting laser guns, which is much more straightforward (and fun!)*

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo


Thursday, May 5, 2005 3:40 PM



Originally posted by TheGreyJedi:

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Say, GreyJedi... How about returning to the hanger? We have a hyperspace course plotted and plenty of energy in the Jump Capacitors! We could get out of here in no time!

Then get the hell outta here! I'll draw their attention then see if the Grav Drive works in Aegis.

* On his console, The Real Me studies the damage reports coming in from the automated sensor arrays. He frowns. *

Captain! I recommend initiating the jump to hyperspace before we take any more hits!

We'll have to leave Grey behind, but he seems to have a plan.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, May 5, 2005 3:59 PM



Originally posted by montanagirl:
Ummm, huh? We're in the third dimension? Now I'm confused....

*Goes back to shooting laser guns, which is much more straightforward (and fun!)*

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo

Well, um, though I'm somewhat miltarly challenged, I might respectfully suggest that you confused-dimensional-straightforward-idiotically aim to yer right, on account of the mecha there arming and aiming a tactical nuke our way.

Just a suggestion.

*Ignores the slight cramping in his hands, for the superior purpose.*

dimensionally confused


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:01 PM








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