WARNING: do NOT go to the browncoats site

UPDATED: Saturday, May 7, 2005 09:45
VIEWED: 8539
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Friday, May 6, 2005 7:25 AM


You know, I honestly think Firefly is the best tv series ever. And I REALLY have to let off some steam here...

Just some of the stuff in there are very special to me. I got goosebumps just from the scene in Shindig where Inara asked why she would ever want to leave Serenity.

So needless to say the movie will be one of the biggest experiences of my geeky life. I really had to hold back a lot from not watching the trailer everyone else was so psyched about.

Because I wanted to be as spoilerfree as I possibly could I did not watch the trailer. I said to myself if the movie is that impressive just from a trailer, how much more impressive will it be with enough story background and the rest.

Despite that argument I really needed to hold myself, consoling myself with that train of thought.

But then poeple saw the screening, went to the "Ive seen Serenity" forum but then put some REALLY big spoilers in the title thread. Wich then could be seen in the row of 'latest discussion' threads summary on the main page.. So basically all my effort to remain spoilerfree was pointles...

I know no one did it on purpose,, but that doesn't take away the effect...



Friday, May 6, 2005 7:40 AM


I feel for you, Ive tried hard to stay spoiler free and luckily I still dont know any major plot points but I already know much more than I would like to and its just gonna get harder and harder.

I sometimes forget that there is still five months to go it seems like so many people have seen the film. Obviously what happened to you was unfortunate and 99% of browncoats who have seen the film are keeping the spoilers very well conceiled. The main problems for me is on other movie or genre sites where people seem to be much more careless.


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:43 AM


yea, i got spoiled there too, sad to say =(
As regards to what they were talking about in the Browncoat site, what can i say, it's Joss Whedon.


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:45 AM


See, I know more or less nothin' and I feel left out

I watched the trailer really really closely - I wouldn't say I know more about the story than I did befoer I saw it - I know what the story will look like (there's one shot of River and I LOVE the way it's lit).

But - yeah, I'm staying here 'till October (when it opens here God willing) and anything I read in reviews I'm not letting sink in - lots of Marajana and booze while reading helps - truely - that way I probably know stuff but so long as I don't think about it then I don't.......know.......stuff.


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:48 AM



But then poeple saw the screening, went to the "Ive seen Serenity" forum but then put some REALLY big spoilers in the title thread. Wich then could be seen in the row of 'latest discussion' threads summary on the main page.. So basically all my effort to remain spoilerfree was pointles...

I know no one did it on purpose,, but that doesn't take away the effect...


Not only are there MAJOR spoilers, but there is a lot of BS going on too. I saw and LOVED the movie last night in Seattle. The 'Versal board is not the place to be if you want to be "in the dark" about the story.

The only "spoiler" I have is that the movie was Gorram Beautiful! :)

Freedom - Peace - Serenity


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:53 AM


The only thing I'd add to this very good bit of advice is that I saw several fake spoilers in subject lines. You may not know what you think you know. But then again, there's over 4 months to recut the movie too so maybe I don't know what I think I know.


Friday, May 6, 2005 8:35 AM


I will say too that the Serenity Board has had a lot of trouble with trolls over the last week or so. Most likely, those posting the spoilers in the thread titles are doing it purely out of spite. The regulars over there know better.

Problem is that the boards are a bit under-staffed, and we all know how skilled diligent trolls are at making nuisances of themselves.

Still, if someone who's already seen the movie could keep an eye on the Serenity Board and let us spoilerphobes know when it's safe to go back, we'd be immensely grateful.

Some people are such losers.

...still a little whimsical in the brain pan...


Friday, May 6, 2005 9:40 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Daikath:
Because I wanted to be as spoilerfree as I possibly could I did not watch the trailer. I said to myself if the movie is that impressive just from a trailer, how much more impressive will it be with enough story background and the rest.

I was thinking the same thing until yesterday, but really the trailer is pretty much spoiler free in terms of the major plot points. We don't know who the new guy is for sure even if we have a pretty good notion what he's up to. We knew River had physical skills - who could forget her posture during her eavesdropping in OiS? Everything else could have just as easily happened in the series at one time or another.

But if you're saying that they're talking about the ending over there, then it's good I went in yesterday to post about the MN Browncoats Yahoo Group.

I can handle anything else - just don't tell me how it ends.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, May 6, 2005 9:42 AM


I frequent the OB quite a bit, and was lucky enough to see the screening and can say that if you are careful you can avoid the spoilers. Basically, just skip over the home page and go straight to the General Discussion board which is still spoiler free.

Most of the threads in the 'I've seen Serenity' forum were made unaware that they were getting posted to the home page as 'recent discussions.' No one was spoilling it maliciously - just some truly idiotic posters that you can avoid by glazing over that section of the home page.


Friday, May 6, 2005 9:46 AM



Originally posted by Channain:

Originally posted by Daikath:
Because I wanted to be as spoilerfree as I possibly could I did not watch the trailer. I said to myself if the movie is that impressive just from a trailer, how much more impressive will it be with enough story background and the rest.

I was thinking the same thing until yesterday, but really the trailer is pretty much spoiler free in terms of the major plot points. We don't know who the new guy is for sure even if we have a pretty good notion what he's up to. We knew River had physical skills - who could forget her posture during her eavesdropping in OiS? Everything else could have just as easily happened in the series at one time or another.

But if you're saying that they're talking about the ending over there, then it's good I went in yesterday to post about the MN Browncoats Yahoo Group.

I can handle anything else - just don't tell me how it ends.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...

See, like I, too, have avioded the trailer; and I didn't know there were any scenes of River fighting until I read that =(


Friday, May 6, 2005 10:20 AM



Originally posted by Steve580:
See, like I, too, have avioded the trailer; and I didn't know there were any scenes of River fighting until I read that =(

Actually, she didn't say that. "Physical skills" doesn't have to equate to fighting.

And thanks for the warning about the Serenity site. I rarely go there anyway, but I'll be sure to avoid it now.

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo


Friday, May 6, 2005 10:24 AM


I made the fatal mistake of going over there and opening what I thought was not a spoiler thread and read something that I'd really rather not know.

It will in no way diminish my enjoyment of the movie, but it was a plot point I would have rather been suprised about.

So, due to this, I will have to avoid that board until I hear that they're hiding those messages from the main screen.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Friday, May 6, 2005 10:27 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

I seem to have double-post-itis today.


Friday, May 6, 2005 10:27 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Steve580:
See, like I, too, have avoided the trailer; and I didn't know there were any scenes of River fighting until I read that =(

I believe I said, "physical skills" That does not necessarily mean "fighting skills." Could mean she's figured out how to levitate. She had us thinking she had melted into Serenity there for a few minutes in OiS too, don't forget.

But if that, to you, translated to "fighting skills," then that's not exactly something I can predict or fix. I can apologize and watch my words in the future.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, May 6, 2005 11:48 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Earlier on this morning, the spoilers were all over the place...I think the mod, or board manager has been trying to identify them as they appear and moving them to the I've Seen Serenity Forum. But, not, of course, before I saw more than I wanted to see. I honestly haven't minded finding out what happens in other movies, but I didn't want to know about Serenity...And, I had my mind made up for me. But, it appears that they are trying to solve the problem themselves.

So,...that's mgood.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, May 6, 2005 12:45 PM


*Twitch* I also made the mistake of wandering to the site to see what was about (Why? Because I'm a tad bit stupid) and I believe I've been downright spoiled. I was quick to close the window, and I'm hoping it was a fake, as I can't believe that could happen...but, alas, I urge anyone, even people who are pretty lax about spoilers, to keep away from that site for a bit. If not the site as a whole, at least the 'I've Seen Serenity' board. *Shrug*

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Friday, May 6, 2005 1:33 PM


By all means, if you want to be spoiler-free, stay away.

But, if you've seen the movie or are already deliberately spoiled (like me), I'd encourage you to go to the UB (Universal Board) to show your support for the movie as it is. At least, I hope this will be your position.

While there, check out the "Open Letter to Shakespeare" written by a fan to humorously push back the negatives. It's the best thing I've read on the boards in a long time. But it also contains SPOILERS so don't go if you want to be spoiler-free!

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Friday, May 6, 2005 1:40 PM


And thus we discover the enormous downside of this whole advanced screening business for the vast majority of Browncoats everywhere. (in addition to the frustration and sadness of not being able to see said screening in the first place)


I think it's really cool that 'Versal did this. I think it's really great that it got the buzz machine buzzing for the BDM. But... But... Man. It's really just sort of been a horrible experience for me.

I haven't been spoiled (yet) thank the skies. But 5 months! With the boards and conventions littered with people who have seen it? I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

I'm really glad for the fans that got to go. I'm sure the experience was pretty darn magical for them and I wouldn't want to have denied the lucky ones that excitment. But GRR frickin' ARGH! It's just... weird now, you know? For the rest of us.


Very mixed emotions about this whole thing.

So as I said to the 4 other ticketless Browncoats standing outside the Atlanta theater with me at 10:10 on 05/05/05, reality finally sinking in, hopes of some sort of benevolent 'Versal miracle crumbling, trying to fathom the space between here and damn near October:

" I am."


Friday, May 6, 2005 1:52 PM


I had the same horrible experience of a large troll throwing a rock at my head... I will continue to deny that I was ever hit by said rock, even as I brush the pebbles out of my hair and down some aspirin. I've also opened up a yahoo group (Austin Browncoats) to avoid spoilage and get the info moving a little faster (I was 1 hour away from buying a ticket myself!)



Friday, May 6, 2005 4:03 PM



Originally posted by Channain:

Originally posted by Steve580:
See, like I, too, have avoided the trailer; and I didn't know there were any scenes of River fighting until I read that =(

I believe I said, "physical skills" That does not necessarily mean "fighting skills." Could mean she's figured out how to levitate. She had us thinking she had melted into Serenity there for a few minutes in OiS too, don't forget.

But if that, to you, translated to "fighting skills," then that's not exactly something I can predict or fix. I can apologize and watch my words in the future.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...

Heh, it's cool; not like that's a big deal or anything. I was just illustrating the point that it's real easy to unintentionally give things way...


Friday, May 6, 2005 5:20 PM


Yeah... I was in an ostensibly unrelated totally non-spoiler thread, and a troll seems to have posted the biggest spoiler in the movie right there in the middle of everything. I'm really hoping he's chain-yanking, but I have a feeling I now know something I was actively avoiding. Sigh.

I'm all for supporting the official site, but you might just want to stay away from the message boards altogether. At least until the current outbreak of trolls clears up, anyway.

Man, what a pain in the backside.

I now return me to my regularly scheduled lurking.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with your grav boot. Grav boot's just fine."


Friday, May 6, 2005 5:40 PM



Originally posted by Daikath:
I know no one did it on purpose,, but that doesn't take away the effect...

actually it was totally on purpose (there is a special hell for nasty trolls)
but the mods at the site have cleaned it up...
and hopefully banned the troll.

Actually I can't find the 'Open Letter to Shakespeare', I tried the search but didn't find it that way either...
can anyone give me a link?


Friday, May 6, 2005 6:00 PM



It is the very reason why I've come home to this site, hoping that there would be none of that s**t here.

And just seeing "WARNING: do NOT go to the browncoats site" makes me realize that I've probably made the right decision.


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:14 PM


Hi. I'm new here, but not a troll. I promise. I'm a poster at the Universal board and wanted to come here to see what other fans were saying about Serenity. When I saw this topic, I had to reply. It has gotten better over there. I think the mods have identified the trolls and have weeded them out. Most of them anyway. I didn't see the film but was completely spoiled by one of the posts that showed up on the main page. The title completely gave away the big thing that the vocal minority is upset about. There is one woman on the board that is really upset about this. She is the one who created the site in protest. I went to the site and there are quite a few posts to her telling her to hang it up and stop being so negative about the film. I will be adding my opinion to the comments section of her site soon because I feel the same way. But just so you guys know, it does seem to be getting better over there. I post there as MrsReynolds, and have been acting in defense of the film pretty much all day now. I was off today with nothing else to do, sadly! lol


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:16 PM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Steve580:
Heh, it's cool; not like that's a big deal or anything. I was just illustrating the point that it's real easy to unintentionally give things way...

Point taken. My point, however, was that the trailer DOESN'T give away anything. There isn't anything in it that we didn't already know, in one form or another. This just happens to have a flashier format.

And it looks pretty gorram shiny to boot. It really shouldn't be missed by anybody.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:23 PM



Originally posted by embers:
Actually I can't find the 'Open Letter to Shakespeare', I tried the search but didn't find it that way either...
can anyone give me a link?

I've split the URL to save this page's formatting. If you're using X and Firefox, just highlight and hit the middle mouse-button


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:43 PM


The 'trolls' are pretty much just one person, but he's really in need of attention. He's currently posting in just about every thread trying to get people riled up. Unfortunately, there are just enough people naive enough to respond to him to keep him entertained.

He'll go away soon enough, but just so you know, he's still at it.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:45 PM



Friday, May 6, 2005 11:22 PM


By Browncoats site do you mean the Universal site -
I'm avoiding that place. Even the old forum isn't safe, with spoilers in titles also.

Now we have five whole months of avoiding spoilers! They're like land mines, they go off when least expected.
I already know too much just from the trailer.

Console yourself by knowing the movie may yet change somewhat and that would make them all wrong. Personally I'm tired of reading spoilers but I do want to know how much people loved the movie and read about their experiences without knowing the plot and ending. Most people are pretty good at conveying that, when they try.

"I can't keep track of her when she's not
incorporeally possessing a space ship.
Don't look at me."


Friday, May 6, 2005 11:34 PM


Hopefully Joss Whedon will now know that it;s not safe to have screenings when poeple are so eager to spoil the movie for everyone else .

to the trolls, I hope your parents are proud of you.


Saturday, May 7, 2005 4:03 AM


Um...the "I've Seen Serenity" thread is supposed to be for people who've seen the film.
There's a warning on the Browncoats site that says if you want to talk about what you saw, go there.
If you go there ANYWAY and get spoiled...and you have the nerve to winj about it...then it makes ya look all manner o' stupid.
Go to the Browncoats site...but, like anywhere else in the internet 'vers, be careful where ya go.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe


Saturday, May 7, 2005 4:10 AM


Take another look Tallgirl. The point is that, at the serenitymovie boards, they have a feature that shows the the latest thread topics that have been posted to. It lists the latest five or so right on the homepage, [regardless of which section they were posted in] so it's not so easy to miss.

Besides all that, there's at troll posting spoilers in his topic headers in the non-spoiler forums. It's really a mess and if you don't want to risk spoilers, I'd advise everyone stay away for awhile until the mods figure out that they can't just sit on their laurels.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, May 7, 2005 4:13 AM



Originally posted by fidoone:
I frequent the OB quite a bit, and was lucky enough to see the screening and can say that if you are careful you can avoid the spoilers. Basically, just skip over the home page and go straight to the General Discussion board which is still spoiler free.

Most of the threads in the 'I've seen Serenity' forum were made unaware that they were getting posted to the home page as 'recent discussions.' No one was spoilling it maliciously - just some truly idiotic posters that you can avoid by glazing over that section of the home page.

Good to see you over here FIDO...

Fido is right...the OB created the "I've Seen Serenity" Board FOR people to discuss the movie. So don't go there. Most of General Diss and Firefly Episodes are very spoiler free. I haven't had one spoiler yet and plan on staying spoiler free. Till Sept!!


Saturday, May 7, 2005 4:13 AM



Originally posted by Daikath:
Hopefully Joss Whedon will now know that it;s not safe to have screenings when poeple are so eager to spoil the movie for everyone else .

to the trolls, I hope your parents are proud of you.

Couldn't agree more on that one Daiketh. The pre-screenings sound great to fans eager for more Firefly, but they definitely have their drawbacks.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, May 7, 2005 4:16 AM



Originally posted by Daikath:
Hopefully Joss Whedon will now know that it;s not safe to have screenings when poeple are so eager to spoil the movie for everyone else .

to the trolls, I hope your parents are proud of you.

That's not Joss's responsibility.
Movies have screenings.
People go to them. And the people that do, they talk about the movie to other people.And now that we have the wonderfulness of the internet, people can talk about the movie to A LOT of people.
That's the purpose of screening and testing and all of that Marketing Bullshit nonsense. (Me? I think the director should make the movie and the studio should release THE DIRECTOR'S movie. If people aren't happy with it, c'est la vie.)
At our screening Joss was there(!)...with some Suits that I'm sure were from The Studio.
The Money People want to see how the film is received. In this case, they got the Fans. The people who will not only pay to see a pretty much finished film, they'll TRAVEL to pay to see it. (Marketing meeting discussion: "OK, we won't screen it in L.A. we'll screen it in Vegas...and see how many people will go out of their way to get there.")
Believe me...they WANT people to talk this film up. They desperately want this so they can get back the money that they're investing. I know they don't want anyone to spoil it for others, but if that happens, there's nothing that can be done.

Spoilers and trolls, like scalpers, are jackasses.
Anyone who'd go and purposefully "spoil" it for those who haven't seen the movie are going to the Special Hell.
Yeah, THAT one. You know the one I mean.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe


Saturday, May 7, 2005 4:16 AM



Fido is right...the OB created the "I've Seen Serenity" Board FOR people to discuss the movie. So don't go there. Most of General Diss and Firefly Episodes are very spoiler free. I haven't had one spoiler yet and plan on staying spoiler free. Till Sept!!

When you say 'OB', are you referring to the serenitymovie boards? Just an FYI, but most people use 'OB' to refer to the Fox boards, the old 'official boards' for the series.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, May 7, 2005 5:27 AM


You can always have poeple who have seen the movie sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement or something to prevent them from leaking out any spoilers.

The actors of American Pie II signed a contract where there fingers would be cut off if they told a spoiler. I don't know if that movie did or not have a screener but I'd think of it as a nice example that movies dont have to be spoiled. Because all it takes is one troll desperate enough for attention.


Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:33 AM


Good Grief! Just 'cause a couple jerks are screwing around with things, DON'T let that stop ya from swinging by the Serenity boards. We are a pretty cool group.


Saturday, May 7, 2005 9:39 AM



Originally posted by OutlawMusicDJ:
Good Grief! Just 'cause a couple jerks are screwing around with things, DON'T let that stop ya from swinging by the Serenity boards. We are a pretty cool group.

What if that couple of jerks can take away some of the enjoyment one will recieve from watching the movie?


Saturday, May 7, 2005 9:45 AM


Ah if ya click on the "message oard" (or any other tabs) at the top pf the main page, you can pretty much avoid the thread titles that are listed (about 1/2 way down) on the main page.






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