Nominations for best single FF 'scene'

UPDATED: Sunday, May 15, 2005 22:36
VIEWED: 9189
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:54 AM


Both favorite whole episodes and "moments" have been extensively discussed on this board, but how about something in between? Say, more than a single-frame moment, but less than 5 minutes. This makes for lots of possibilities. A scene wouldn't necessarily come from your favorite epi (mine doesn't, see below), and it could be nominated for any of a variety of reasons - the set, the acting, the score, or any or all of the above and more. Make a nomination and explain your reasoning.

Here's mine:

The final scene in "The Message", when Tracy's body is delivered to his folks. TM is not my favorite epi (though it's up there, OOG is my fave), but this scene is truly awesome. The acting is superb - and done without the aid of dialog. The fact that the only dialog is Tracy's recording, which we have heard in its entirety already, increases your focus on the actors. Kaylee slipping her hand into Simon's; Jayne doffing his hat and looking like he's ready to cry. Mal and Zoe stoicly carrying the coffin - still without anyone else's help. And the score is magnificently fitted to the visuals. This scene puts a lump in my throat every time I watch it.

And, of course, the fact that the whole thing can be seen as a metaphor for the end of the broadcast run (and the fact that the actors knew it at the time) makes it even more compelling.

So what do y'all think?



Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:59 AM


When Mal kicked the bad guy through the engine at the end of the Train episode. That was what hooked me; doing the unexpected.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:03 AM


Wash's dinosaur version of how the war over unification started. Absolutely.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:04 AM


I just put up some screen caps of this, but here goes my description:

2nd fave:

When Mal wakes up at the end of OOG and--just to make sure he's not dreaming a happy ending--asks if everyone is gonna be there when he wakes up.

1st fave:

When Mal tells Simon that Kaylee is dead and then Kaylee's little wave and Simon calls Mal psychotic--cut to the bridge where Mal, Zoe, Wash and Jayne are in hysterics and calling Mal psychotic....That is SO my sense of humor!


"Let's go be bad guys."


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:12 AM


I prefer comedy to pathos so my fave is a funny one. As you said, it's from one of my least favorite eps, Shindig.

The scene is Mal discussing the deal with Badger while Jayne eats and drinks everything in sight. I'd watch that episode just for that one scene over and over.

As a general setting, I always liked the "family" moments, too, when most or all of the crew were gathered together to celebrate, squabble or provide exposition...

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:18 AM


You are mean. ONE scene? That's so hard.
Ok, Favourite scene in my favourite episode. Out Of Gas. -Mal quietly closing everything up and going up to the bridge after sending everyone else off. Wrapping himself up and sitting down. and going to sleep, completely unsure if he'll ever wake again. Right where he wants to be, wrapped up inside Serenity. The Music here is, to me, as perfect as the music in the final scene of The Message.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:32 AM


Uhm, When Mal tells Saffron that he's going to the "special hell" and then, that kiss-whew! Uhm, I'll be in my bunk.

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:32 AM


Uhm, When Mal tells Saffron that he's going to the "special hell" and then, that kiss-whew! Uhm, I'll be in my bunk.

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:33 AM


Uhm, When Mal tells Saffron that he's going to the "special hell" and then, that kiss-whew! Uhm, I'll be in my bunk.

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:49 AM


Y'know I find that whichever episode of Firefly I'm watching is my favorite--and I don't mean that in a smart-ass way.

As for favorite scenes, there are likewise so many, but my number one favorite might have to be the opening of "Trash." It's simple, quiet, and possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen on TV.

I love the scene in "War Stories" when Niska tries to tell Zoe to choose between Mal and Wash, and she just cuts him off. It's a perfect reversal of a classic TV dilemma, and another example of how Whedon and his team keep surprising us.

Of course, Saffron quoting the Bible . . . well, as others have said, "I'll be in my bunk."

Then again, anytime Jayne gets to be funny will rank pretty high with me. You wouldn't really think of it at first glance, but Adam Baldwin truly is a comic genius--an actor who gets way too little credit for his ability.



Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:25 AM


I loved that scene during The Message, but i think my favorite scene is in Serenity when Simon asks Mal, "I'm trying to put this as delicately as I do i know you won't kill me in my sleep?" and the conversation that follows to "we're still flying" "that's not much" "it's enough"

as well as the conversations between River and Simon at the end of both Serenity and Ariel

Early: I only hurt people because they keep getting in the way of me finding you. Tell her.
Simon: What am I? Your advocate?
Early: You are starting now.
Simon: He's really very...gentle...and fuzzy. We're becoming fast friends.
Early: You folks are all insane.
Simon: Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:47 AM


I love the first big confrontation in the cargo bay in Serenity (the pilot). The actor playing Dobson was superbly being nervous and edgy. The gunshot was a brilliant sudden shock. There was the confrontation between Jayne and Book. There was Kaylee's line: "Are you asking me to dance?". There was Simon blackmailing Mal. It is one of the most tense and exciting scenes in the whole series and very emotional. I love the way Inara says: "Mal!" and then Mal finally gives in to Simon.

I watched Serentity first (DVD), knowing basically nothing about the series, and I had just decided that Kaylee was my favourite character so it was a bit nerve wracking for me too!


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:57 AM


I can't believe no-one mentioned the sword fight at the end of Shindig! That had to be one of the funniest, most standout moments in FF. And I agree with Cedric, any funny-Jayne moment is priceless.

Oh yeah and (I know, I know, only one scene. . .but they're all so good) River's "She understands but she doesn't comprehend" line, along with the visual of leaves and the music. But generally that whole scene where she's walking through the crew is good.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 12:00 PM


For some more responses:

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:48 PM


I agree with Niknak that scene was amazing. But the part that really made me say I am so watching this show was when Dobson(that's the alliance guy in the first episode right) had a gun to Simon's head and was giving orders trying to capture River and stuff. It was near the end of the episode and Mal, without even knowing what the hell was going on, walked in and shot that guy dead and, with Jayne's help, threw him off the ship barely making it back before the doors closed. I was watching the DVD with my friend because she kept saying Firefly was so cool so I finally agreed to watch it with her. After that scene I turned to her and said,"You have got to lend me these DVDs"

I have to check on my assassin.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:44 PM



Thanks for bringing the responses back from your previous thread. I figured that this must have been discussed before (browncoats discuss pretty much everything on this board), but I couldn't remember it - I was but a lurker and pretty busy last June. The thing that amazes me about both threads is that just about everyone has a different take on the "best scene". Something for everyone on this show, which is probably why we all get so worked up about it.



Wednesday, May 11, 2005 9:13 PM


Lots of people are nominating the affecting dramatic scenes, and I DO like a lot of these. But for best single scene on Firefly, I gotta go with:

Jayne: (says something like) Don't know these folks, don't much care to.

Mal: They're whores.

Jayne: I'm in.

.......... the weird things is, this is my LEAST favorite episode by far, but that one scene never gets less funny to me. It's like the whole scene was just built around, and building up to, Jayne saying that line. Winner.

--------------- (Qs)


Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:51 AM


For me it's a shot more than a scene.

...But the look on Mal's face when the alliance ships are landing(Serenity). He's so disbelieving that when that soldier gets shot beside him, Mal doesn't even blink and eye! You almost can see the faith pour out of him. It's deepely moving and for anybody who has been monumentally let down by something they utterly believed in, Nathan captures that look and feeling perfectly.

For me it's right up there with Casablanca and the look on Rick's face when he's boarded the Train and realises that Ilsa isn't joining him.

A man crushed.



Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:39 AM



Originally posted by msckaren:
I prefer comedy to pathos so my fave is a funny one. As you said, it's from one of my least favorite eps, Shindig.

The scene is Mal discussing the deal with Badger while Jayne eats and drinks everything in sight. I'd watch that episode just for that one scene over and over.

As a general setting, I always liked the "family" moments, too, when most or all of the crew were gathered together to celebrate, squabble or provide exposition...

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."

I agree about the Badger Shindig Scene - Have found myself watching that episode for that single scene again and again. Both Mal and Jayne are superb in it and the "diamonds the size of testicles" understated joke is genius!

But my very favourite scene of all time has to be the Badger Scene in Serenity where Mal says: "Well, maybe I'm not a fancy gentleman like you with your... very fine hat." .... I LOVE that scene!!! Mal is just so gorram COOL in it!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:42 AM


Jayne: It is my very favorite gun.
Mal: She has a name.
Jayne: So does this. I call it Vera.
Mal: Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 4:54 AM


I'm with Niknak on this one - the scene in the pilot where Kaylee gets shot is my single favourite FF sequence. That's the triumph of the ensemble cast, right there: each of the characters encapsulated by their reactions to a single moment. Taut camera movement, spare dialogue, a thousand stories told with every sideways glance... genius.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 5:19 AM


My #1 episode has always been Objects in Space.

It seems appropriate that my fav scene should come from the same episode. But I'm stuck in a tie between:
1. The group discussion about River. The camera pans through the deck of the dining area to show river listening. Then the camera pans through he hull to show Early listening.

2. When River arrives in the cargo hold to find a stick lying amidst hundreds of fallen leaves. Then the perception shock as reality crashes home to reveal that she in fact holds a handgun and everybody's there trying to get her to yield it up.

Both of these scenes have "Perception of Reality" as a primary theme. In the second we are given a glimpse into River's perceptions. In the first we are shown how 2 exceptional individuals (River & Early) are in fact outsiders listening in and are "perceving" the conversation in the dinning area in a manner different than the people actually holding it.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 5:39 AM


I third what Niknak and Nicolaclarke said.

I ended up reading the Serenity script before I got the chance to see the episode and that scene... it was great even when I imagined it in my head and when I finally saw it... You know, this was the pilot episode and I'm not sure they were supposed to be that good. Not that I'm any kind of judge when it comes to good acting but I so utterly enjoy watching their performances and also the camera work.

I don't like to choose favorites but Serenity definitely is my most watched episode and that scene my most watched one.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:20 AM


Attack of the hair scene with River, Book, and Inara.

The scene in Message at the end where Kaylee and Simon hold hands, its a real "aww" moment.

Keep shiny!


Thursday, May 12, 2005 11:23 AM


The attack of the hair scene is funny. I love it every time I see it. However, I think my favorite scene is in The Message right after Mal has shot Tracy and their little conversation after that. The look on Mal's face is great and the tear is also very well done.

I also love one of the deleted scenes from the episode Serenity: the one where Simon has his handheld PC telling him about the valley of Serenity and Zoe stops by.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 11:49 AM


I have lots of favorite lines. Many favorite moments. And, of course, at least 10 favorite episodes.

But I'd have to say my absolute favorite scene, whole cloth, is in War Stories when Niska and his goons are torturing Wash and Mal. They're completely lousing up this whole getting tortured thing, paying it no mind except when being electrocuted interrupts their argument. And Niska and his torturers just look confused... it's hilarious and horrible all at once. It's a conversation that would have been pretty damn intense no matter when it happened, but to have it happen then... And on top of all that, it beautifully illustrates Mal's leadership, because even in the midst of being tortured, he knows he has to keep Wash angry and distracted because Wash can't take it like he can. It's just a beautiful scene.

MAL: You *want* me to sleep with her? That make you feel better?
WASH: It might!
MAL: Imagine it'd do wonders for her, too.
WASH: Screw you!
MAL: Get in line!

Is it September yet?


Thursday, May 12, 2005 11:50 AM


Niska's henchman going into the engine has got to be #1, but I also love the scene between Mal and Simon in Safe: "You're on my crew--why are we still talking about this?" That kind of understood loyalty is what I love about the characters.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:10 PM


Jayne: "Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with till you
understand who's in rutting command here."
" . . . and you can't change that just by gettin' all bendy... "
grasping at the 'little angels' in the air...
Wash: "Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"
Sets the tone for several things, which is especially nice given that it took place in the pilot (yeah, I know, I know, but this was the pilot episode to the world): We see a lot about Jayne's character and how the crew perceives him, and we see for the first time that Simon has some tricks up his sleeve, too. Plus, Adam Baldwin nails it.

And then a few scenes later (I know this is "favorite scene" not "scenes," but you'll all get over it):
JAYNE: (slurred) "What? Whaddya mean back? I waited for you!"
and finishing with:
MAL: Nice shot.
JAYNE (slurred): I was aimin' for his head.

I mock you with my monkey pants.
Oh, yeah - check out my rock band:

Click on "Play Entire CD"


Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:11 PM


Reading all these "Best Scene Nominations" is great, because it reminds me of each of those wonderful scenes. So I have to nominate two more:

The scene in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" when the crew gets introduced to Saffron. It manages to convey the distress felt by some of the characters along with the bemusement felt by the others--and I feel each along with them. The final shot, in which Mal storms off saying that he and Saffron are the only people who think it's not funny, and he walks right past Inara, totally oblivious to how upset she looks--it's brilliant.

My other nomination is River's dance scene in "Safe." The music is great, the colors are vibrant, and the contrast of her dancing intercut with Mal et al getting in a gunfight is great.

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."


Thursday, May 12, 2005 2:02 PM


The fact this hasn't been mentioned yet makes me wonder if it's what you're looking for, but the end of Ariel with Jayne in the airlock is amazing. The first time you see it, you think Mal might actually send him out, and every time after that, you get this great feeling because it tells you so much about both the characters of Jayne and Mal.

Also, in Objects in Space... the sequence with the intercutting shots of Early "normal" and Early "going crazy." It's a scene that is done brilliantly.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:22 PM


I have got to say that big one-er at the end of Objects in Space, where everybody gets a part and each person is so TOTALLY themself. Starting with Wash assisting Zoe with his bit of humor, Zoe being strong and funny, Simon being gentle and funny. Then Mal and Inara, both caring, obviously alot, for each other and being unable to handle it, then the exchange between Book and Jayne, where they are just so funny, and then Kaylee being Kaylee and playing with little River, who is quiet and strange. Oh, such a great "last" scene.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:55 PM


I forgot a couple of scenes that I like: It's the flashback scene in Out of Gas when Mal shows Zoe Serenity for the first time. I love the conversation and the interaction of those 2 characters.

Another scene that I like is when Mal, Zoe, and Jayne are in the bar on Unification Day and the fight breaks out. Then Wash shows up with Serenity.

One of the most defining scenes of the series I think is at the end of Out of Gas when we see Mal's face after he first sees the Firefly class vessel in the sale yard and is hearing the voices of the current time's crew. This is such a beautifully put together scene and it never loses its tone.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 5:42 PM



Originally posted by grrarrg:
Jayne: "Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with till you
understand who's in rutting command here."
" . . . and you can't change that just by gettin' all bendy... "
grasping at the 'little angels' in the air...
Wash: "Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"
Sets the tone for several things, which is especially nice given that it took place in the pilot (yeah, I know, I know, but this was the pilot episode to the world): We see a lot about Jayne's character and how the crew perceives him, and we see for the first time that Simon has some tricks up his sleeve, too. Plus, Adam Baldwin nails it.

The part I like best about this scene is after Jayne falls down, Wash rests his foot on Jayne's back!! Someone else pointed this out many moons ago and now I can't NOT see it. It is hi-larious, the fact that Wash is so comfortable doing that---knowing Jayne can't do anything about it.


"Let's go be bad guys."


Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:36 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by perfessergee:
how about something in between? Say, more than a single-frame moment, but less than 5 minutes.

Tough call; I can't decide between three.
1) Your favourite, final scene of the Message, & the series, for all the same reasons you mention.
2) KayleeFrye's favourite, tracking shot @end of Objects In Space, for almost all of her reasons (though I don't think of it as the last scene of the series) plus, as Inara goes from the infirmary to the cargo hold, everything is in focus, from her (couple of feet from camera) to the end of the hold (sixty or seventy feet away). I hope the BDM's cinematographer can do as well as David Boyd.
3) The scene @the beginning of the pilot, wherein Serenity moves away from the freighter they were salvaging & blasts off, in utter silence & ideal motion. This show was going to act as if it was actually happening in space, rather than just saying "space" but looking & sounding as if it was happening in an atmosphere.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Particle, "Launchpad"






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