How was your screening? [NO spoilers]

UPDATED: Monday, May 30, 2005 12:59
VIEWED: 7638
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Friday, May 27, 2005 6:47 AM


So me and my brother Greg went to the screening last night in Dallas.

We had a good time. We got in line about 9 pm or so and still got good seat when we got in.

None of the cast members where there, but the lady that wrote Finding Serenity (or some lady who works for the author) was there giving away copies of the book.

It was interesting to note that a couple of people showed up that said they weren't going to be able to stay for the movie. They went up and down the line trying to give there tickets away, but no one took them. So they just went to the box office and got refunds.

The movie was great. Better then I hoped for and more then I deserved. It looks pretty much complete it just needs a lot of color correction and some of the graphics need to be cleaned up.

Anyway I took a few picks on my camera phone, Ill try to post them later.


Friday, May 27, 2005 7:10 AM


Here is what Channain sent out to our Minnesota Independents group on Yahoo.

Wow - what a night! Not to worry, for them as couldn't go to the screening last night, this isn't about the movie itself - awesome as it was. Nope, this is ALL about us.

I did indeed ditch my Art History class. When a ticket falls into your lap for the event of the year - or pre-event for the year - it's definitely worth risking a slight dip in GPA. Happily, I didn't have to manufacture a story, or relay my "lame" reason for leaving. I told my instructor I had to leave at 9:00P and that was it. Don't ask, don't tell - he didn't, and neither did I.

Barbara Knibblet gave me a huge hug the second I walked in the door, even before she gave me my ticket. We got munchies and went in and no sooner had we sat down than she began singing "Hero of Canton" I love that - that I had someone else who not only sings well sitting next to me (cuz I don't sing by my own self) but also understands WHY.

Laura MoonMagic who humored us both - and was all bouncy giddy in her seat. Every time I looked at her, she was smiling, either in bemusement or delight.

Doug WarMaster - without whom I wouldn't even be there. Who knew that hosting a party at MarsCon and facilitating sales for Todd Coss, artist GoH, would lead up to this. I broke a rule, see, and took artwork out of the art show. I have it written in my own rules - no artwork leaves the show once it's in. But this was the Firefly party, and the artwork were limited edition prints of the Firefly-theme badge art for the con. Not only that, but Todd was there to sign the prints. Doug bought number 1 of 5. Thinking back on it now, I remember being handed the money before I had a chance to finish my announcement. Thanks again Doug *HUG*

Sara Hell's Kitten - Oh my gosh, how cute were you in your Kaylee garb? And how cool to bring *STUFF* for Doug. She knows how to treat a fella right, I'm thinking.

Damon and Becki who came all the way from St. Cloud, waving at me furiously from the top row of the theatre.

Ericka, who got to sit next to the truly shuai Simon lookalike. I knew I heard someone calling my name when I went out to find the necessary. At the time I thought it was Becki, but there she was - the girl who single-handedly handed out more fliers to the sweeks at the EpIII midnight show than all the fellas combined.

Travis, you are a true mercenary my friend - I mean that in a good way - savvier by far than the average Browncoat. Where there's a Firefly event in town, you're going to be there, and that's all there is to it.

And, saving the best for last; Ron Glass. He really is better looking in person, but also warm, charming, and an absolute joy. Turns out he has acting roots in Minneapolis, having performed at the Guthrie Theatre. I wonder what he'll think when he sees it during his visit

At the Episode III screening, I was a lone browncoat in a sea of sweeks. At the Serenity pre-screening, it felt like I was among family. It just doesn't get any better than that.


Friday, May 27, 2005 8:08 AM


My boyfriend and I went to the screening in Austin (having driven in from Houston). I do have a couple of complaints, and not about the movie. We got in line at 9 pm, a full hour before they let us into the theater. By the time they started letting us into the theater, the line ahead of us had doubled. People were "saving places" for others, and it got out of control. So when we got inside, the only empty rows were the first two. Even seats in the good parts were being saved for others. So I watched the movie from the second row. I would do it again, to see the movie.

But I am disappointed that common curtesy seems to have fallen to the wayside. We were all excited to see this movie and enjoy the experience, but some people seemed to think they deserved peferential treatment. Since when do we not wait our own turn in line? I was pretty upset then, though my boyfriend tried to calm me down. We went to so much effort to get to the show, and then got screwed because we didn't have friends to save us a place at the front of the line. Not that I would have cut ahead in line anyway. That's just rude and I try to never be rude.

Sorry about my little rant. It's been bugging me since last night. :) Despite all of that, seeing Serenity was worth every bit of hassle we went through! Can't wait until September.


Friday, May 27, 2005 8:30 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by MerrieB:
We got in line at 9 pm, a full hour before they let us into the theater. By the time they started letting us into the theater, the line ahead of us had doubled. People were "saving places" for others, and it got out of control. So when we got inside, the only empty rows were the first two. Even seats in the good parts were being saved for others. So I watched the movie from the second row. I would do it again, to see the movie.

But I am disappointed that common curtesy seems to have fallen to the wayside. We were all excited to see this movie and enjoy the experience, but some people seemed to think they deserved peferential treatment. Since when do we not wait our own turn in line? I was pretty upset then, though my boyfriend tried to calm me down. We went to so much effort to get to the show, and then got screwed because we didn't have friends to save us a place at the front of the line. Not that I would have cut ahead in line anyway. That's just rude and I try to never be rude.

Sorry about my little rant. It's been bugging me since last night. :) Despite all of that, seeing Serenity was worth every bit of hassle we went through! Can't wait until September.

The same thing happened at the Episode III midnight premiere last week. Only I was with the Knights of the Northern Realm, a Star Wars group who had been contracted by the theatre to do some costuming around the theatre while the lines gathered. The compensation for the group was being able to enter the theater first and an entire row was reserved. It's the least they could do, just for the three people who spent six hours in Storm trooper armor, posing for pictures. We got "booed" as we went in, because by then the Knights were back in their civies, and those who were "booing" probably didn't realize they'd just taken a picture with one or six of them no less than 20 minutes sooner.

I saw it too - friends joining friends in the line, and seats being saved. Seems to be the way of it, so I don't think it's so much a question of courtesy as a matter of tradition. When screenings are either exclusive or at special times like that, the only advantage viewers have is where they end up sitting in the theater.

I'm not trying to justify what went on, just trying to explain the why of it. If someone budges in line, I get tetchy myself, and there should have been staff on hand to limit the amount of it - reasonably speaking, of course. But the truth of it is, that's just not what happens.

Last night, for instance, I said that Knibblet had my ticket - she had also saved my seat so I could sit with my group (the Minnesota Independents) and not way down front, all by my lonesome, with folks I didn't know.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, May 27, 2005 9:08 AM


The Kansas City screening was AWESOME. About 20 people arrived before 5:45, then it stopped for a bit...then suddenly the line was huge and it got insane. Meeting all the fans was lots of fun, there were costumes, random discussions, snow planets...tons of fun to go around. The fan insanity was to the breaking point by 9:25 when they let us in the theater. The universal reps were great, too.

I ended up singing all of 'Hero of Canton' by myself to the entire theater before the movie started. People sang along with the chorus, but apparently only I knew the rest of the was kind of interesting. Someone put their Jayne hat on me, yep, and THAT event made my night.

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Friday, May 27, 2005 9:13 AM


A friend of a friend of a friend (don't ask me how something so improbable actually happened) ended up being generous-to-the-point-of-insanity, and gave my brother and myself two tickets to the screening.

So, after work, we drove from Fresno to Sacramento for the screening. We did not have the longest drive - there was a group from San Diego who had made a slightly longer trek.

Of course, award for the farthest from home went to a poor bastard from Canada. We were rather speechless when Nathan Fillion showed up.

Well, ok, we cheered. But mentally, speechless.

Overall, the movie was everything I'd hoped it to be. The screening was more than I could have hoped for. Nathan was fun, witty, did a lengthy Q&A, and generally just made the whole event more spectacular. And afterwards, he autographed a little promotional mini-poster, shook every single audience member's hand, and said a few words to everyone individually.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't think of any other movie where the actors treat their fans like that.

It was an amazing experience. The movie was great (no spoilers! Argh! So much to talk about!) and the screening was better than I could have ever hoped.

Now just HOW long do I have to wait before I can see it again? PAIN!


Friday, May 27, 2005 9:24 AM


I think that anything can be abused and any courtesy can be ground into the dirt.

I used to sleep out for St. Paul Saints tickets. It was infuriating to sleep out for two days and the morning the box office opened, have the first 10 people in line turn into the first 100 people in line as their entire families and circle of friends would show up and 'join the fun'.

I have nothing against one person or a group saving a place for a single late comer (Channy who had a class).

What I don't like is when a group seems to think it's cool to double their numbers just 'cause they're already in line. I was NOT amused yesterday when just before the doors opened, 6 people joined their friend who had waited for hours.

What the Saints did was pass out tickets showing your place in line. Each person was allowed to have ONE extra. But then, with 6800 some odd seats, that's a lot more to go around than one small theatre.

Next time we're having one of these, I'm calling the theatre manager to ensure that we don't have this again. There will be a LARGE sign posted, "NO LINE JUMPING".

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Friday, May 27, 2005 9:29 AM


Finnien: I heard a rumor that in DC the theater owner asked someone if they would be back for the Jun 9th advanced screening! LOL

Anyway, I saw the BDM for the second time (don't stone me, I was dragging my brother along!), and it is EVEN BETTER the second time around!

We had Summer Glau at the screening, and she is incredibly beautiful in person and so sweet! It really was added excitement in an extremely exciting evening.

If there are future screenings? Don't wait until 9pm to get in line, I know you think an hour ahead is a lot of time, but by 7:30 in Chicago there were a lot of people in line, and most of them were taking turns holding places for friends who were getting something to eat....


Friday, May 27, 2005 9:44 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Knibblet:
Next time we're having one of these, I'm calling the theatre manager to ensure that we don't have this again. There will be a LARGE sign posted, "NO LINE JUMPING".

Better we find ourselves a large Jayne-like fella wearing a "NO LINE JUMPING" T-shirt... you know, I just might know of a couple...

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, May 27, 2005 9:45 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Finnien:
Of course, award for the farthest from home went to a poor bastard from Canada. We were rather speechless when Nathan Fillion showed up.

Well, ok, we cheered. But mentally, speechless.


Was he as pretty in person?

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, May 27, 2005 10:33 AM



Originally posted by Channain:

Originally posted by Finnien:
Of course, award for the farthest from home went to a poor bastard from Canada. We were rather speechless when Nathan Fillion showed up.

Well, ok, we cheered. But mentally, speechless.


Was he as pretty in person?

One girl did ask him to bear her children.

He responded that he didn't have any children to bear, with a kinda "And why would you want to be carrying my children around?" kind of look to go with it. Slightly puzzled. It was great. =)

And as far as all the women around me were concerned, he could have been made of pure chocolate and they wouldn't have been drooling any more than they were already.


Friday, May 27, 2005 10:36 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Finnien:
One girl did ask him to bear her children.

He responded that he didn't have any children to bear, with a kinda "And why would you want to be carrying my children around?" kind of look to go with it. Slightly puzzled. It was great. =)

And as far as all the women around me were concerned, he could have been made of pure chocolate and they wouldn't have been drooling any more than they were already.

Yup, that's the captain we all know and love. Apparently some want to LOVE him more than others. I wouldn't kick him out of bed, personally.

Fans are so funny sometimes - and I don't me ha-ha. I fear the days when they start talking about Browncoats the same way Sweeks talk about Trekkies.

*looks down* Is my fan-girl slip showing?

I will say also that Ron Glass had his own measure of charisma going. I think we were all a bit speechless ourselves to have Shepherd Book in the room. Naturally, it inspired a HUGE round of applause when his first scene came up.

Is it me, or do we have the best BDHs, like, EVER?

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, May 27, 2005 12:19 PM


I was at last night's Providence RI screening; great crowd, great show, although no BDH appeared. Still, a great time and a good crew of folks to see it with.

History repeats the old conceits
Updated! Improved! Shiny!


Friday, May 27, 2005 3:52 PM


Did anybody else have a theater experience in which people randomly burst into cheers, loud laughter and/or yellings of 'NO'? I hope so. I want to go if there's another round of screenings, and I hope to get a similar crowd of far as I'm concerned, a screening without fan insanity would be like Jayne without Vera.

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Friday, May 27, 2005 5:10 PM


Morena graced us with her radient presence at the DC screening last night. Sadly I was so tired from the 6 hour drive down from NY, and so emotional from actualy having seen the film after so much build up, I could do little more than grin like a moon-brain whe I went up to get her autograph.
*kicks self*


Friday, May 27, 2005 6:08 PM


In the line for the Chicago showing, people kept joining in the back of the line, and then asking if it was really the line for Star Wars! When we'd say it was the line for Serenity, the most common response was "Serenity? What the hell is that?" And so we would explain. More than a few "sweeks" were impressed that something would elicit the dedication we were showing. Soon enough, we started to get a feel for who was there for Serenity, and just waved everyone else to go on by.

We had two guys in Mal costumes, several Blue Sun, Fighting Elves, and other shirts, and a Companion. As for me, since I'm from near South Bend (home of Notre Dame) and I don't have a Fighting Elves shirt, I wore a Fighting Irish shirt (with a picture of a leprechaun on it) but NOBODY GOT THE JOKE! Is it just me?

We got some swag - keychains for everyone, Summer autographing the little Serenity posters, and I made off with one of the posters they had in strategic places. One couple from Milwaukee, who apparently make tees and such to sell on e-bay, handed out little packets of stickers - Blue Sun, Jaynestown University, etc.

Nobody sang "Hero of Canton" though, gorram it! I studied, and had all the lyrics down! (I'm too self-conscious to sing alone)

But the best part for me was being able to clap and cheer with everyone. It would just burst out of us, last for perhaps a second, and then everyone would stop just as quickly, not wanting to miss a word on the screen. We all seemed to laugh, cheer, and gasp together, at the same lines, at the same time. I can't even do that with my own family.

I've never been to a con or a shindig, but I could only hope they would give me the warm-and-fuzzies like the showing did. THAT was something special, something I'll remember for a long, long time.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Friday, May 27, 2005 6:54 PM


America loves a winner!

No songs sung here in Atlanta. As it was the 2nd go around for the BDS, seemed most folks just wanted to get right down to business of watching.

It was interesting to see that there were 2 reserved seats, but instead of any of the crew, we got ( sorry, forgot his name) who worked on the FX stuff for the film. I think..I was way in back and didn't catch all that he said.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, May 27, 2005 7:38 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

It was interesting to see that there were 2 reserved seats, but instead of any of the crew, we got ( sorry, forgot his name) who worked on the FX stuff for the film. I think..I was way in back and didn't catch all that he said.

loni?? i love loni! he's so cool:)

like a good buffy fan, i treat all crew members as celebrities (but loni if you read this, you're extra super awesome).

~lissa, spwhore


Friday, May 27, 2005 10:55 PM


I was at the Boston screening with my fiancee. It was a great experience. I'm too tired to think of other stuff to say right now....


Saturday, May 28, 2005 2:43 AM


[RE: Line Jumping]

Y'know, there's a lot to be said for the system we have over here in the UK for movie tickets. Instead of waiting in line to get the best seats, you get your seats allocated when you book the tickets, and generally they'll allocate the best seats first.

This means it's really a case of first-come, first-served, and if you buy your tickets in advance on the phone/net, you don't have to be at the theatre until 10mins before the movie starts.
Usually, if you need to make changes, like adding another member to your group, you can phone or go to the cinema and they'll move your reserved seats around to accomodate if there's still space.

Kaylee: "No call to be snappy, Jayne."
Jayne: "Are *you* about to jump onto a moving train?!"


Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:04 AM


Showed up a bit late for the Dallas screeing. I mean I was in time for the movie, but didn't realy get to mee too many folks. I was way at the back I had on my I Aim to Misbehave shirt & a black pearl snaps shirt. It would have been cool to figure a way to meet the other folks that were there. I met one lady but she posted on the "browncoats" board, so it was like "Oh, ok, cool" I enjoyed the movie, though I still wish they would choose Tulsa, even OKC would be cool. I might go again to Dallas. Not sure. Like I said I was at the back, so if there was someone passing out books I missed it. When I showed up someone was singing up in the front, but I was too far back to really catch what was going on. And it goes without saying that I would have liked to see one of the BDH's. Well, that my screening.... as for the movie....loved it!!!!!

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:33 AM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
It would have been cool to figure a way to meet the other folks that were there.

Well, Yeah!
I was at the Dallas SP! I was in line right after you get thru the doors, before the line snaked around.
I got a ticket by way of a drawing, KestrelSempai had two tickets to give away. I was in the middle of moving and hadn't been able to get on line because computer was in transit. She had to call me to tell me I won a ticket and did I really want to go? (DUH!)
Thank You Kestrel!
SO, anyway I was remarking how there sure were a lot of seemingly familiar faces, either from the boards or cons. I thought how funny it was how a few hundred people in a room probably all know each other a good bit, just not in person!

Also, I was going to wear one of my Inara outfits, but everything was in boxes and I couldn't find a thing. If I'd had any idea I'd get a ticket I would have kept one out for the screening.

Yeah, maybe we should have had a shout out of who was on particular boards. 'Course some like their anonymity.

I just have to say I don't think I breathed through half the movie. Did anyone else find themselves nearly faint? and not just because Fillion was on the big screen!

Sorry, I didn't get to meet ya! :{

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:36 AM


I was also doing my best not to pass out from lack of oxygen. I was on the front row & my neck was absolutely craned.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Saturday, May 28, 2005 11:20 AM


I absolutely loved the movie, but that goes without saying. Hey folks, I went to the KC screening (complete with Buffy shirt) and the Browncoats there were so nice that I felt I had to come down here and say hello to you find people.

So, hello to you fine people. And thanks to the girl that sung "Hero of Canton."

P.U.C.K.- at


Saturday, May 28, 2005 1:12 PM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
It would have been cool to figure a way to meet the other folks that were there.

hehe, i made this dinky little sign that said "anyone here from" and met a few people. i waved it around incessantly for the 2 hours before the movie lol.

~lissa, spwhore


Saturday, May 28, 2005 6:56 PM



One couple from Milwaukee, who apparently make tees and such to sell on e-bay, handed out little packets of stickers - Blue Sun, Jaynestown University, etc.

Did you happen to catch who it was that was from Milwaukee? If so, e-mail me at (of course substituting the with @). I'm from Milwaukee as well, and would like to get to know them. Thanks!


"I am a large, semi-muscular man..."


Saturday, May 28, 2005 7:48 PM


lissa wrote:

hehe, i made this dinky little sign that said "anyone here from" and met a few people. i waved it around incessantly for the 2 hours before the movie lol.

~lissa, spwhore

Maybe it's about time we got some official FFFn t-shirts? Portion of proceeds going to Haken for keeping this thing flying. Shiny: You listening?

That way, when somebody sees a Serenity logo t-shirt with a big on the back, they'll know they're in the best of company...



I want mine to have 'Security' on the front left breast. It's the second most important of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, after all...

"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:13 PM


Succatash and I caught the Las Vegas screening thursday night. What a movie. An emotional roller coaster. I think I can safely say that without spoiling anything. I cannot give my reaction to the movie here though, only to the fans and the venue. We had a good group of folks around us. No cast or crew... that I saw, but we had a very pretty girl dressed up as Zoe who took everyone's breath away. I was glad to be near her in line. Vegas is fun. Didn't take our picture in front of the theatre, but plenty of other folks took it for us, so you might see us thataways. Succatash had the only Browncoat shirt. The one from the Serenity official site. He got asked where he got it more than a couple of times and had the ladies stroking him for a closer look at it. The sly devil. Also we had a fellow in a very fine Badger hat... and myself wearing a Blue Sun t-shirt. I got no stroking from the ladies, but then Succatash is much more outgoing and vocal than I am. I guess we waited for about 2 and a half hrs. Getting in to the theatre was strange, as I'd never been searched on the way into a movie before, and I felt sorry for the guys who had to stare out into the audience looking for illegal tapers. They had their backs to the show 99% of the time. There was a fellow there at the beginning asking us (everyone) questions about everything under the sun. There was only 1 guy who'd never heard of Firefly before he got there. I waited a few minutes then used that time as my last chance to go to the restroom. (I sure wasn't gonna leave in the middle) Much cheering ensued when Joss came on to give a prescreening talk to the fans. He is a funny fella, as always. Thanks Joss. As for the rest, Succatash was prolly the most vocal person there with his expletives. The remainder of my comments will have to be in a spoiler thread, so I'll end this here.

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Monday, May 30, 2005 4:49 AM


How frustrating to have gone to the screening and then come home and find my computer was down. Just got it fixed.

Anywho, saw the movie in DC. Great group of fans, laughing, whooping, cheering, etc, but in quick bursts so we woulnd't miss any dialogue. Morena was indeed there and so nice. She was there with her mom which I thought was so sweet. She signed autographs and I got a picture with her. She was just simply delightful.

Movie was simply awsome and quintissential (sp) Joss and that's all I'm gonna say.

It was great to be with everyone. My daughter looked at me afterwards and asked if it was weird that she felt like she was with family. Heck no was my response. We are all family. God I love us! And shout out to Placidity! Really enjoyed meeting you. Sorry you won't be making it to Dragon*Con. I'll tell you all about it.


Monday, May 30, 2005 6:19 AM



Originally posted by Jeremy757:
None of the cast members where there, but the lady that wrote Finding Serenity (or some lady who works for the author) was there giving away copies of the book.

Really? Jane Espenson was there? Shiny!

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Monday, May 30, 2005 6:44 AM



CapnChaos wrote:

I absolutely loved the movie, but that goes without saying. Hey folks, I went to the KC screening (complete with Buffy shirt) and the Browncoats there were so nice that I felt I had to come down here and say hello to you find people.

So, hello to you fine people. And thanks to the girl that sung "Hero of Canton."

Were you the one with the Amazing X-Men comic I was flipping through before the strawberries were passed out? I don't remember than many Buffy shirts, 'cept the one that had been gotten in the early seasons and one from TWOP.

*Bows* I had fun singing. If I go to St. Louis for another screening, I'll be making sure OTHER people know all the lyrics...

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Monday, May 30, 2005 7:01 AM


I attended the Boston showing, and it was awesome. The theater was packed full, not an empty seat that I could see anywhere, and it was one of the really large auditoriums that can hold a good 600 to 700 people.

The news crew from Comcast Cable was in the theater before the movie began, walking around and interviewing the fans and shooting scenes of the entire crowd.

I got in and found seats off to the side about 90 minutes before showtime (all the good middle seats were taken ) and once we got settled (and after saying hello to Lissa (Hi Lissa! ) we started chatting with fans around us and it certainly didn't feel like 90 minutes!

Once Joss' little intro came on, the fans cheered. At the first sight of Serenity the fans cheered. At the first sight of Mal the fans cheered. (Do you see a pattern forming?)

In all honesty, Serenity was the best movie I have seen all year, and the print we saw almost looked like a bootleg copy, with off-colors, overexposure, scenes too dark and some of the sounds not quite right yet. I can't WAIT for the real premiere on 9/30!

What's the countdown to Serenity II?

Captain Pete


Monday, May 30, 2005 7:06 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by lissa:

loni?? i love loni! he's so cool:)

like a good buffy fan, i treat all crew members as celebrities (but loni if you read this, you're extra super awesome).

~lissa, spwhore

Aye, cool is what he was, for sure. I'm glad he showed up, because it made the BDS all that more special. Having someone who has been there and worked on the film was a real treat.

I'd have like to know how many 1st timers vs 2nd timers were in the audience. I know there was a fair collection of both, but as a percent of which was which, I couldn't tell.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, May 30, 2005 7:15 AM


Guilty as charged, miss.

I'll try to learn the lyrics for next time.



Monday, May 30, 2005 9:11 AM



Originally posted by SubGuy:

The news crew from Comcast Cable was in the theater before the movie began, walking around and interviewing the fans and shooting scenes of the entire crowd.

haha i was trying so hard to get them to shoot me and my sign!


I got in and found seats off to the side about 90 minutes before showtime (all the good middle seats were taken ) and once we got settled (and after saying hello to Lyssa (Hi Lissa! ) we started chatting with fans around us and it certainly didn't feel like 90 minutes!

Hi Pete!

~lissa, spwhore


Monday, May 30, 2005 12:59 PM



Originally posted by SubGuy:
I attended the Boston showing, and it was awesome. The theater was packed full, not an empty seat that I could see anywhere, and it was one of the really large auditoriums that can hold a good 600 to 700 people.

The news crew from Comcast Cable was in the theater before the movie began, walking around and interviewing the fans and shooting scenes of the entire crowd.

I got in and found seats off to the side about 90 minutes before showtime (all the good middle seats were taken ) and once we got settled (and after saying hello to Lyssa (Hi Lissa! ) we started chatting with fans around us and it certainly didn't feel like 90 minutes!

Once Joss' little intro came on, the fans cheered. At the first sight of Serenity the fans cheered. At the first sight of Mal the fans cheered. (Do you see a pattern forming?)

In all honesty, Serenity was the best movie I have seen all year, and the print we saw almost looked like a bootleg copy, with off-colors, overexposure, scenes too dark and some of the sounds not quite right yet. I can't WAIT for the real premiere on 9/30!

What's the countdown to Serenity II?

Captain Pete

I was at this screening also. It was fun wasn't it?

I took my older brother, who is a sci-fi fan but had never heard of Firefly. He really enjoyed the film and we're all set to start watching (rewatching for me) the series on DVD now. He's also telling others about it, which will most likely mean more viewers.

we got there just after 9 and got some seats off to the side, they were alright but i'd prefer the middle ones. SOme people near us came from Philly to see it.

I hope there's a 3rd set of screenings, i'd like to see the movie for a 2nd time.

"A man of honor... in a den of thieves!"






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