S.S. Serenitree: The Eve of Battle

UPDATED: Thursday, June 16, 2005 16:59
VIEWED: 21938
PAGE 5 of 5

Thursday, June 16, 2005 2:53 PM


*PR failed to understand TRM's instructions completely, due to the immense atmosphere of this place.*

*He thought...Me, find Me...*

Me...I don't know if you can hear me, or if I'm just talking to myself in my head. But I need you to do something. A distraction, an alarm perhaps? A distress signal, a fire drill? We need to clear this place... we're heading for the control centre. Get the EI away from there...somehow? And we need to know where to go while they're vacating the building.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:07 PM


* In response to PsychicRiver’s sending, TheRealMe brings up a map of the EI complex and studies it. *

Hmmmm…. PsychicRiver probably wants to go to this place labeled “Central Processing.” Hmmm… what an odd name.

* TheRealMe sets off intruder alarms in random parts of the complex to draw off the EI guards, who do not seem to be very smart. Then he starts opening doors to guide his friends to “Central Processing”. *

I wonder how long that door will hold?

* TheRealMe is concerned about the pounding on the door that he recently locked. *

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:09 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
*bounces up and down*

Ooooh, oooooh, can I take part of this battle, too??

Mom! You are always welcome. Especially when we are forming a posse!

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at

Alrighty then! Am I late for the posse? No baked beans this time, okay?

*sits upon Bulls Eye, waiting for instructions*


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:34 PM


*Gathering an intimate quantity of prized platinum credits, cozen proceeds to dump them inside of Mai's blouse.*

You keep these. Might need 'em later, for repairs, and to stock the bar.

*Several members of the Rahjeen Command Force are seen entering the common room. cozen pauses briefly to engage the automop, which he tosses at the brace of Rahjeen henchmen. The mop lunges at the enemy, heroically poking and swabbing and whacking. This buys enough time for cozen to grab Mai's hand and haul her off to somewhere... anywhere other than here!*

*Running blindly, the pair stumble into the shuttle bay where Emma's ship is parked. Several Rahjeen mill about the pair of alien comrades that are holding Emma hostage.*

*Protectively keeping Mai at his back, cozen screams:"

Hey! Kidnapping is my bailiwick! You can't get away with this!

*The Rahjeen spend very little energy upon being unimpressed. A couple of them sort of idly begin advancing upon cozen, making as if ending him requires less effort than crushing the life out of a wee spider. Unfortunately, this is an accurate assessment.*

*By coincidence, TheGreyJedi races into the shuttle bay, light saber glowing with a ferocious aura. He quickly dispenses with the Rahjeen treatening cozen and Mai, though he suffers a leg wound from an alien's wildly fired weapon. Needleseye swoops by in full godzillette mode, wreaking havoc amongst the other Rahjeen, including the pair holding Emma, whom they let go of in order to outnumber the greater immediate threat.*

*cozen seizes the opportuinity by stepping low and hauling Emma over his shoulder. Still latched to Mai's hand, he makes a staggering pell-mell run out of the shuttle bay, heading in random directions. A few minutes later, utterly exhausted, the trio reach the door to the security office, which is locked tight!*

*Sets down Emma. Lets go of Mai's hand. Finding a handy stray torquewrench, begins pounding on the security office door.*

Okay. My back hurts now.


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:43 PM


Hi, Mom!

Well, here is the situation:

Our space-ship, Sereni-Tree is being chased by a fleet of Evil Enemy Invaders, associated with the MicroSith Corporation. Luckily, our pilot Static can fly circles around them. The reason that they are trying to catch us is that they are after Emma’s spherical ship, which is currently mated to our main airlock. Emma stole the ship from them, and they want it back.

There are already EIs aboard Sereni-Tree, as they seem to be able to create dimensional portals to walk through. Even as I type, some of their worst, the Rahjeen Elite, have gotten on board and are currently threatening Emma, who typically faints in situations like this. Emma’s meteor troll, Nugget, is trying to hold them off.

HOWEVER, earlier some of us were kidnapped by the EI and taken back through their portal: Lissa, Ath, and SoulOfSerenity. They are currently in the EI main base. They have escaped (after Ath was severely tortured) and are wandering about the complex. PsychicRiver and ThatWeirdGirl broke in and met up with them. I, TheRealMe, went through one of their portals and have taken over their main security office. I control all alarms, monitors, and automatic doors, and I am guiding my friends to a place called on their maps “Central Processing”. There are EI trying to get into the office to get me.

ALSO, there is a parallel rescue mission going on, “Operation Certain Death”. Our ship’s doctor, SimonWho, got many of our crew into his blue box and is apparently going to take them inside the EI master base to join the rest of us.

THEREFORE, your choices are as follows:

1) Step through the glowing green portal that hovers in the Sereni-Tree’s main cargo bay and join TheRealMe in the EI master complex security office.

2) Say that you got on the blue box earlier with SimonWho and go along with whatever his plan is.

3) Defend the Sereni-Tree from the Rahjeen Elite who are threatening Emma and trying to take us over (or at least take Emma’s ship). Still aboard the Sereni-Tree are (I think) Emma, Static, Rat, Cozen, Mai, Mal-licious, Jake7, TheGreyJedi, and a number of Brides and Clones.

Note that wherever you decide to go, you will probably be ankle deep in EI blood and gore, as folks have been rather violent in chopping up these guys. Then again, they are EVIL.

Oh, Pepsimilk acts as an acid against their skin, for what it’s worth. I rigged up a bunch of high-tech squirt guns to take advantage of this fact.

There! I hope that helped. You might want to go back and read the last dozen posts, or all of them for today, or something.

And no beans. Mostly what we have to eat is Spam.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:49 PM


*** Pssst! Cozen! Emma's ship is too large to fit into our hanger bay. It has been mated to the Sereni-Tree's main airlock off the Common Room. So either the action you described occured there, or else the Rahjeen somehow shrunk down Emma's ship so that it DOES fit into our hanger bay. ***

*** Also, I am not behind the door that you are pounding on, which is the Sereni-Tree's security office. I have taken over the security office of the Enemy Invader master base, and am helping in the infiltration of that base, like in any good spy thriller. If you do want to join me, you can go down to the cargo bay and through the green glowing portal guarded by the Ebo Golem and the Zoe-clones. ***


Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:13 PM


*cozen turns to Mai for help.*

cozen turns to Emma, seeking help.*

I am clearly lost. My back hurts. Where to next?


Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:32 PM


*Rat jumps through the 'glowing green portal that hovers in the Sereni-Tree’s main cargo bay' and finds himself on.....Emma's ship?*

That was odd, oh well, might as well make myself useful!

*Rat sets to work modifying the ship to comply with the "Amazing Shrinking Tech©", like that in the General!*

note: This plan was being formulated before Thursday, June 16, 2005 - 15:49, just sayin'.

Rat - Acquisitions Officer - Uss SereniTREE.


Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:45 PM


Jazaf pauses before entering the Blue box.
'What's vibrating?'
Checking his pockets Jazaf comes upon a handheld organizer.'Heh, I totally forgot I had one.'
Jazaf takes a quick look at the message left behind by Mai, then opens the attached files.

A grin appears on his face. 'You guys go on ahead.', Jazaf draws his Katana, 'I'm gonna help protect the tree.' Jazaf races down the hallway and uses the maps he gained from Mai to make it safely to the common room. 'Now where are some...ah hah! there they are.' Jazaf goes to a corner of the room and collects some bottles of seltzer water (like the ones you see in the cartoons ) then fills them with pepsimilk.

'Alright, now I'm all set.' Jazaf states as he hangs the bottles from his waist. Just then, his stomach grumbles. 'Huh, Never fight evil on an empty stomach!' With that he heads to the kitchen. On his way, Jazaf notices that the path further down is blocked by a dozen EI. Fortunately, they're walking away from him. Jazaf takes his time and assess the situation before springing into action.

Jazaf sprays the floor with a little pepsimilk and allows it to get sticky before stepping in it. He takes a calming breath, 'Hope this works.'
Jazaf sprints down the hall, getting as much speed as possible, then uses his sticky pepsimilk coated shoes to gain enough traction to race up the wall. Planting his feet midway up the wall, Jazaf jumps from one side of the hall to the other and begins to bounces from wall to wall. Seltzer bottle in each hand, Jazaf manages to catch up to the EIs and soars above them letting loose all the pepsimilk inside the seltzer bottles.

Jazaf chuckles as he walks away, satisfied with his stunt. 'I still need a mid-battle snack'
The EI, now covered with pepsimilk melt away into the floor.

Newest Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:59 PM


Much too crowded. Make with the reset. New Thread.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05






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