Screening report from Charlotte (no spoilers please)

UPDATED: Sunday, June 26, 2005 15:48
VIEWED: 11082
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Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:09 PM


Ok, First it's 1:47 in the morning and I just got in from the screening, others of you I met there are still on the road. This is to be short and hopefully expounded on by the fine group of people I met tonight.

Second, no spoilers. If you want those they can be found elsewhere on the web I'm sure.

Third, Chris Buchanan ! Yeah, he is an affable chap alright. Big Thanks to you for showing up and enjoying the film with us. Hope you join us at Dragon*Con.

Ok the heart of the matter: Serenity. We got the Joss intro, which I asked Chris about after the film. If it would be on the DVD. If I recall he pretty much said that he wanted it in there, and they had already begun putting the DVD together, but nothing for sure yet. I hope it makes it on, It's great.
As has been said before, no worries about newbies being lost, characters and situations are well established without rehashing.
We got pretty close to the finished film. Chris said a lot of the special effects were finished from the last time he saw it, so mostly music and touches of coloring were all that needed done.
It's hard to go on without talking too much about details, and as it's late and I'm tired and promised no spoilers, I don't what to risk it, but I'll add later and invite other who asked/remember the other questions to feel free to add them here.
Simply put though, no worries mates. This film is amazing. You know Joss. You will experience a full range of emotion in the 2 hours of Serenity. I have no problem putting this film in my number 1 slot. And I so look forward to seeing it again and again and again.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Friday, June 24, 2005 4:15 AM


Gosh-I don't even know where to start.
I had a fabulous time meeting all of you. The move was incredible, fantastic, heart wrenching, exciting, a billion other adjectives. It's going to take me weeks to recover, I think. I was SO into it while watching; sucked in. Just ask poor Bob who sat next to me.

Chris Buchanan was great! (Are you reading this, Chris?) As someone else mentioned in another thread, he seemed as excited to be there as we were. We got some pictures with him afterwards, which I will try to post when I get them developed.

WickedWren deserves some credit, too. She ordered the birthday banner, got us organized to sign it, got the theater to set up a table for it, got us all to sing Happy Birthday, even pimped someone's book (which I am going to find. Enchanted Ink. Written by a fellow Browncoat. Check it out! )

All in all, a fantastic experience (except for one little thing I can't talk about because it's spoilery.). I cannot wait till Sept 30 and the NCBDMPP!!

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Friday, June 24, 2005 4:16 AM


Morning J! and CMS!

WoW - what a ride!

some noteworthy points:

Chris does peruses this board and other regularly, those of us who posted in the Charlotte Screening thread got a verbal "shout out" acknowledgement which really meant a lot to me- thank you Chris!

The movie is not done yet - the completed movie has not been delivered -and while the release date could be moved up, Chris did not think it likely - particularly for the July 29th rumor. He seemed to feel comfortable with Sept 30 but did say that could all change.

I'm a little less certain about newbies than you J- while they can easily follow the movie; I just don't think it will have any near the emotional impact the film has for those who have seen the series.

I was spoiled ahead of several plot points and actually am kinda glad in retrospect. But Joss does handle it beautifully - that alone is no surprise. The movie soared, and it hurt and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I can see this both as a final installment of the Series and a kickoff point for more movies if we can get the bodies in the theatres.

and it was a blast to meet so many people and have so many fans in one spot!


oh yeah-- the brownies kicked butt! anyone willing to share recipes?

More babbling to follow....


Friday, June 24, 2005 4:25 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Gosh-I don't even know where to start.
I had a fabulous time meeting all of you. The move was incredible, fantastic, heart wrenching, exciting, a billion other adjectives. It's going to take me weeks to recover, I think. I was SO into it while watching; sucked in.

And your brownies were nearly as memorable and fantastic as the movie. Thanks for making those!

Now we're finishing this deal, and then maybe we'll come back for those morons who got themselves caught. You can't change that by getting all... bendy...


Friday, June 24, 2005 4:38 AM


Oh, I agree they(newbies) may not get the same emotion, but they should be able to follow the film. No real points where I think they NEED information from the series to get the movie. Of course hopefully they run off and buy the series. Then see the movie again.
I'm having a hard time remembering questions that didn't involve plot points (don't want to get into those here) Anyone? Other cities with cast/crew have non spoilery Q&A to share?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Friday, June 24, 2005 5:34 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
Oh, I agree they(newbies) may not get the same emotion, but they should be able to follow the film. No real points where I think they NEED information from the series to get the movie.

I totally agree - all the needed info is there for someone just walking in off the street. Joss has a brilliant way of providing the needed background without sounding expository.

My wife and I were talking about what Chris said in the intro when he said "We don't have any stars" in the movie. My first reaction was "What are you talking about!? All the BDH's are stars!!! ... er... to us.

Even though it's infuriating to fans, I do understand the Hollywood mantra about a star selling a picture - it sucks but people do really behave that way. They get this idea that celebrities they are really familiar with are like their friends, so if their friend Tom Cruise is in a movie, they're more likely to see it. For some reason, it reassures them that they'll enjoy it - like going to a strange city with a pal as opposed to going to a strange city alone. It's really hard to get people to a movie that doesn't have a high profile movie star - and this one doesn't.

I was thinking about that as we watched the movie, and in that way it reminded me a lot of watching a really great foreign film or a great indie film. That made me sad, because those generally pull in small numbers.

However, 'Sidways' did well recently, with what I would condider the same challenge - no big ticket stars and a premise that was supposed to appeal to a narrow demographic.

And there was also another little sci-fi film with no superstars released back in '77 that folks didn't expect to do well at all. That one was mildly successful

Just some musings - all in all, an amazing experience - glad to be a browncoat.

Now we're finishing this deal, and then maybe we'll come back for those morons who got themselves caught. You can't change that by getting all... bendy...


Friday, June 24, 2005 5:55 AM



oh yeah-- the brownies kicked butt! anyone willing to share recipes?

Thanks for the compliments, everyone. Glad you liked the brownies. (Did I not tell you they'd be great?)

As for my secret recipe-buy a bag of Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Chips, check out the brownie recipe on the back. Easy peasy. The trick is though, you have to take them out of the oven and the EXACT moment they're done. Too early and they're smooshy, too late and they aren't fudgy enough. Let them cool awhile and then slice them when they're still warm.

Okay, back to the topic-
Flechette, I didn't see you! Or I didn't get introduced to you. Where were you? Did you say hi to me? I looked for you, and asked around a bit for you, but never met you that I knew was you. But you met my brownies, so I guess that's good...

And now I really want to read the comics so I can figure out all that happened between the show and the movie. I have so many where'd Mal get those weird rubber suspenders?

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Friday, June 24, 2005 5:58 AM


Important people don't do field work.


CallMeSerenity recognized me right off the bat...take a guess at how...Plus, she gave me and my wife each a gift for bringing her a ticket, and while unnecessary, that was wholly, wholly appreciated (Can't go wrong with more Pez, right, lady?)

I saw Chris Buchanon come in the door, but I froze...I started to point just before they introduced him. My wife was asking me what was wrong with me. I couldn't say anything. But, what an awesome, awesome guy.

The movie itself...WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now that's worth 38$ and a near 4 hour drive! What a movie!!! And to find out all this time that River is made of chocolate!!! Who knew?

The Q&A was nice, but I didn't have to testicular fortitude to ask my question. But that's all right, I worked it our for myself. Seeing some of the other Browncoats was great too, even if I didn't know who the hell you were.

By the way, the compulsive way I eat Pez and play with the dispenser was not an act. That's pretty much every day around here...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, June 24, 2005 6:00 AM


Well howdy ya'll! I got home around 4 this morning and was at work at 7. You do the math

I had a great time last night. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the banner, the food (god was the food good), the sharpies, and all the kind words! I had an absolute blast meeting everyone and we got a shout out from CB! How very nice that man is.

So on to the movie. I saw it on the 26th, and I really noticed some changes to this print. The effects were much cleaner. As was some of the color timing and looping. This movie is going to be so very pretty when it's done.

I also noticed things this time around that I had missed the first time. Some I was looking for, others just happened to jump out at me. I think the first time I saw it, I was so engrossed in being there, watching "Serenity", that I missed a lot of little details. And through the course of the movie, I got distracted by events and some things just flowed like water through my brain. I think all Browncoats have to see this movie several times just to catch everything.

And that's not me just plugging, saying "Go see it as often as possible. You want sequels, don't you?" I would just come out and say that if that were my intention

But yeah. Good show, good times, good people.

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Friday, June 24, 2005 6:10 AM


Jadehand was kind enough to save spots for us in line while my hubby, friend and I grabbed some burritos - so we got some excellent seats - center stage row 2 or 3 - just about perfect for me :-}

No - CMS, regretfully we didn't get introduced tho I did turn and wave at you when Chris announced your name first - then went dead still and goofy when he said mine

I actually had a few brownies - drozyd? and Bob had some and several passed thru the theatre - I just figured I had to have gotten some of yours just by what was being passed around.

-- edit--- now I don't feel so bad for using Ghirdellia's triple chocolate brownies mixes! tho yours were definitely better!

There always the NC premeire party in Sept for all of us too meet and who knows - maybe we can have a get together weekend some time before then just for the heck of it!


Friday, June 24, 2005 6:44 AM


Important people don't do field work.

I forgot to mention the guy sitting behind Chric Buchanan that ws taking notes everytime the movie got a big laugh (busy guy) and the cameraman who was either filming or taking pictures of people watching the movie. God only knows what shots he got of me...goofily laughing, crying, finger up my nose, trying to wetwilly my wife...Okay...not all of those are true, and I'll leave it up to you to figure out which...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, June 24, 2005 6:52 AM


Flechette-definite get together in Sept! (and the passed around brownies were all mine, so that makes me feel good. Sue and Bob had banana bread, which I didn't get to try, but smelled all kinds of nummy.) Now that I know where you were sitting, I have a rough idea of who you are. Wish I'd caught you! (and did you hear me squeal like a girl when Chris called my name? I turned beet red after that!!)

Pez-stop, you're embarrasing me. It was nothing much. I was very thankful for the ticket. I am SO glad I got to go and you are just as Pezzy as I thought you'd be

Did everbody see Torquemada in his cunning Jayne hat and blue sun shirt? Didn't he look great? Hopefully I'll have pics to post soon.

I'm looking forward to seeing the final cut for so many reasons. I missed several lines of dialog because I was laughing or cheering or others were laughing and cheering. I know there were lots of little things I missed. Half the time I was looking at scenery or Serenity (she's changed a bit) or costumes or special effects and not the actors. Or listening to the music. The movie moved so fast that I didn't always have time to process what was happening or I was still recovering from the last thing that happened that I couldn't fully appreciate the next thing (esp. near the end when I think I experienced nearly every emotion known to man in about 5 minutes. Ugh, it still hurts.)
But this is a movie that can be enjoyed and savored over and over again. It still has the Firefly essence, you know? While at the same time being so much bigger. And shinier. OH, it was so great!!

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Friday, June 24, 2005 6:55 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Pezzy as you thought I'd be...What is THAT supposed to mean? Are you calling me a tiny little lump of colored sugar, waiting to be dispensed through your little piece of plastic candy hander-outer-thingy? Is that what you are saying? Is that it?

No really...How Pezzy am I?

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, June 24, 2005 7:05 AM


Oh Pez, you're the Pezziest!

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Friday, June 24, 2005 7:07 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Still not getting it...what does that mean?

Please...confusion is growing...the mind rejects what it can not comprehend. Tell me!!!


Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, June 24, 2005 7:12 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Thanks for the compliments, everyone. Glad you liked the brownies.

LOVED them!!! I didn't thank you enough when I greedily grabbed the second one - hope that's okay - I think you had three people talking to you at the same time, so I just sped away back to my seat. Hope that wasn't rude.

You rock!

Now we're finishing this deal, and then maybe we'll come back for those morons who got themselves caught. You can't change that by getting all... bendy...


Friday, June 24, 2005 7:16 AM


Aw thanks Standp! I'm glad you liked them. And I felt quite thanked enough last night, by you and everyone. The last brownie bit went to one of the theater workers and she said "You could put Mrs. Fields out of business." What greater compliment would I get? So, happy am I.

I accidentally ended up taking Ash's cookies home, and let me just say that they are quite delish. I ate several on the ride home. The sugar kept me awake I believe.

Browncoats like brownies.


Friday, June 24, 2005 9:24 AM


Well, Pez, to be specific: I envisioned a man...with pez. What I saw was a man...with pez. So in that you were EXACTLY what I expected. The rest was just me teasing you.(I didn't know it'd be that easy!)

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Friday, June 24, 2005 9:30 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Did everbody see Torquemada in his cunning Jayne hat and blue sun shirt? Didn't he look great?

Ok, now it's MY turn to turn beet red! Thanks so much for this and all the compliments I got for my cunningly sittin' hat. I have to admit I was a tad sad to have to shed my Jayne-esque duds and don my normal boring office attire once again.

Thanks so much to Chris Buchanan for gracing us with his Big Damn Hero-ness and for making me giddy with the shout-outs, to WickedWren for all her hard work on the banner and being a fantastic hostess for the evening, and to CallMeSerenity and DrowZDragon for the absolutely scrumptious brownies and banana bread (respectively), and everyone else who made yummy stuff (didn't get to sample it all!). What a fantastic night! I had such a great time meeting everyone and just being a part of the gathering of Browncoats.

This was my second viewing, and I caught a lot of little things the second time around that I missed the first time. I agree with WickedWren, some shots, compared to the first screening, looked cleaned up (effects-wise), and the overall quality of the print looked cleaner and more polished. As to the content of the film, what can I say other than WOW. I absolutely love this movie. It does what I ask a movie to do, to carry me through a range of emotions, and it does it with wit and occasionally brute force.

I recall a question someone put to Chris B. regarding having the Ballad of Serenity Play in the credits of the film, and I think Chris said he would look into it. That's the only one I recall.

I am *so* looking forward to seeing everyone here in Raleigh for the opening night party, and maybe at another screening if they decide to have another one.


Friday, June 24, 2005 10:32 AM


So that is where the cookies went!

Well that is better than me eating them. It was cool getting the shout outs. Why does everyone giggle when they hear my screen name? Oh well. See you guy at DragonCon and the NCBDMPP!



For all information on the NC Firefly group please go here:


Friday, June 24, 2005 10:39 AM


Did you get my email, Ash?

I wrote to tell you that I saw your cookies laying out, grabbed them, went back in to find you, didn't see you, tried to give away as many as I could, and then ended up taking the rest home. Do you want your container back?

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Friday, June 24, 2005 10:51 AM


The screening last night was wonderful.

Though it makes the next few months, until Dragon*Con and the NCBDPP, practically unbearable.

*sigh* I wanna see it again.

It was great to meet the few folks that I did!


Friday, June 24, 2005 10:51 AM


I loved going to this screening. It was my second and I needed this. I sat with my face in my hands during most of the last few pieces of action at my first with all that was going on. I got to take more of this one in. Chris was great. I liked seeing him and talking with him the moment we did.

My only regret really is that I treated this one as if it were the intense Atlanta crowd. Charlotte is more laid back...which is a good thing. I got to the theater way too early and should've spent more time at Qdobas.

It was really nice seeing some of you all there. WICKEDWREN (I saw Chris with a rolled up banner under his arm leaving), DROWZDRAGON, SONG, CALLMESERENITY (my wife fell in love with your brownies), JADEHAND, STANDP, Ash.

Now reading I saw TORQUEMADA but didn't know it was him in that great hat, and I sat behind and over one from a man that had a pez dispenser, The Incredibles I think.

I sat behind the guy writing audience response down. He's Arroe on the Pam Stone show:

the guy right beside him is Brent O'brien from Matt & Ramona:

Brent was talking with us before, and said they love Firefly at 107.9

Being behind them I was a little more animated than I normally am in a theater, but I wanted them to hear laughing, ooo, ahh, and d'oh when an audience would be expected to.

Shanna (the mod at Still Flying) wrote Enchanted, Inc if you're interested:

I've read it too. I really liked it. It's getting 4 star reviews in magazines too.

Hopefully I'm stating the obvious that everyone loved Serenity (overlooking any particular part maybe). So, go here:

Click on the "Vote Here" button and give it a great rating.


Friday, June 24, 2005 11:23 AM


I tried several times to post this midday, but the site (or my browser) was being flaky:

Hey y'all. I chatted with many of you, but didn't get everyone's screennames matched with faces and real names and foodstuffs and costumes. I was there with my 15yo stepson.

I don't even know where to start talking about the film, so I'll talk about the rest of it. I was struck by the decency and genuine enthusiasm and excitement of the crowd there. Maybe all fandoms are like this, or maybe the Charlotte-area Browncoats are unique, but I doubt it. I think there is something about the Firefly 'verse and the show's underdog history that draws in good folk. I may have to blog about this later.

Chris Buchanan so impressed me as fitting right in with this dynamic. Nothing about the man said "major entertainment exec." He connected with the fans at a really genuine level and took each question seriously and respectfully.

As a parent attending with her child, I was gratified to see other families there, and a range of ages. It's hard to think of recent films with that kind of intergenerational appeal, in this day of niche marketing and a TV or computer in every room of the house. My stepson and I talked about the film for the entire drive home, arguing about plot twists and favorite moments and grand messages.

And we embarked immediately on selling the film to non-fans -- I gushed about Serenity to our babysitter as soon as we walked through the door, promised to lend her the show's DVDs as soon as I buy them myself, and only remembered ten minutes into my monologue to ask if my younger son had had a good evening with her! And this afternoon I finally bought the complete series on DVD, and am planning to have some friends over tomorrow to watch the pilot with us.


Friday, June 24, 2005 12:18 PM


Important people don't do field work.

I remember when Chris B. said Song's name, a gasp from behind me, followed by "That's my name!"...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, June 24, 2005 1:49 PM


I think we pretty much all had that type of reaction. One of the bigwigs said my name! I know I squeeled like an aneamic little hamster. I blame my poor sound quality on trying to get my voice to carry in that accousticaly (sp) dead room. And I'm sorry, but I can't spell.

ooh. I can't wait to do it again. Everyone I met was just so nice and friendly. Now I just have to figure out how to get to the BDPP.

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Friday, June 24, 2005 4:49 PM


I guys!!!
Sorry it took so long for me to post..But Bob and I did not get home until 6 am..then we had to take care of our friends dogs..THANK GOD NO MESS!!! (good dogs )
It was sooo great meeting everyone.
CMS- Bob says you can hide in his shoulder anytime.
Wren, So sorry we couldn't make it for ice cream!!
Torquemada- So Loved you very cunning hat..gonna get one for Bob!
Chris..Thanks for the tickets..I owe you big time!
The movie is far better than I had even dreamed. There are parts that threw me for a loop..and I am still not over it. But I am coming to grips with it.
Bob and I talked about it all the way fact I called my brother in Calif. to tell him how great the film is. He is a huge firefly fan. He said even if the reviews were crap on toast, he was going to see it. He NEVER goes to the movies..I told him he would LOVE it..but that is all I would say..very hard not to tell him all about it..very hard!!
It is gonna be a very long 3 months!
Some of the questions I asked Chris, was about what the movie poster is like..I collect movie this is very important to me.
He said it is very cool..not the Serenity Logo. he said
"It has certain ships and certain key actors, a very cool Poster." Something like that..
I also asked about the official premire/ red carpet..and if fans could get tickets..
He said he was working on that.WOOOHOOO
I have to go to calif. for my cancer treatments..So I guess I will plan my treatments around that!! LoL
That is a true fan...Hear that Chris??
Planning my treatments around the Premire..That is a true browncoat!
I just loved this movie so much..Bob and I have been saying we just want to go watch it again!
Thanks guys for the wonderful times last night..we had a blast! It was so worth the long drive..
CMS- the brownies were awsome..enjoyed your company!
Browncoats Rock!!
Bob and I are shopping for a cheap Hotel for Dragon Con..we are broke..can't afford the big rates! any ideas??

I have done the impossible, that makes me MIGHTY!!!!


Friday, June 24, 2005 5:43 PM


Hi again everyone. I had a hard time getting on the board this afternoon too, must be high traffic after the screenings or some such. Glad everyone had as good a time as I did. Flechette, big thanks again for the ticket. CMS, Tourquemada, Wickedwren, DrowzDragon and Bob and everyone else I met, thanks for adding to the joy of the night. Standp and ManWithPez, sorry I didn't get to meet you guys there, there's always D*C and NCBDMPP.
The banner was great, and All the Browncoats just rock. I think I heard of people with extra tickets leaving them on the table with the banner for anyone who showed up without one. Beautiful people.

Dragon*Con plans: as time draws closer I'm sure there will be dedicated threads for room sharing and such. Hotel availabity and rates. There is a days inn like a block from the con, not sure if it's sold out yet. Maybe someone from SE browncoats in that area can post some links/contacts for the hotels availabity/rates.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Friday, June 24, 2005 6:01 PM


Don't worry about it. I bought the plastic tub with the idea in mind to leave it behind. One less thing to carry.



For all information on the NC Firefly group please go here:


Friday, June 24, 2005 6:04 PM


Wickedwren did squeal...I was sitting next to her. Along with the squeals were a couple of "Oh my god, oh my god's...".



For all information on the NC Firefly group please go here:


Friday, June 24, 2005 8:10 PM


Me, less with the squealing, more with the reverting to school time and raising my hand as if to say "here".

God I want to see it again.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Saturday, June 25, 2005 5:06 AM


Ash-just so you know, your chocolate chip cookies are EVIL.

I put them in my freezer so I wouldn't be tempted to eat them, but they keep calling my name, luring me to them with their chocolatey goodness. I ate two last night, I'm embarrased to admit. But they are so very yummy....

So, can someone give the dates of the Dragon Con? I've been having trouble getting any info on the links posted. I don't know if it's my computer or evil space monkeys or what.

I cannot wait until the movie is released and we can talk freely about it. I had a firefly dream last night, about Kaylee and her weight loss. (Is is spoilery to say that I liked her better in Firefly with the few extra lbs? She's so much cuter, I think.) Well, in my dream, she caught one of those weird diseases that show up on some of the border plants and got really sick. Also Simon had met some other girl that he liked and so Kaylee was pining for him and not getting better like she should and everyone was very worried she'd die.
Kind of silly, but I was thinking about the comics yesterday and what happened in between the show and the movie. Pondering possiblities, and I guess it crept into my dreams. I don't think I've read a comic in my life, but I am going to read these ones!

SUNDERWOOD-I voted! I tried to give it an 11, but it wouldn't let me.

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Saturday, June 25, 2005 6:57 AM


I just joined/voted. Likely all I'll do there as the threads seem troll-y.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Saturday, June 25, 2005 7:49 AM


The dates for DragonCon are Sept. 2-5. That's Friday to Monday, Labor Day weekend. There are many many hotels right around the con. And most are very cheap and within walking distance. If you want even cheaper, you can usually find a motel near a MARTA stop, and there's a MARTA stop right next to the hotel the con is in, so it's very easy that way.

If you go to they have a list of hotels that are near by, and many of them offer convention rates. It's in the Location/Travel section along the left of the screen. There's a decent chance that rooms are still available too. Not that you'll spend much time there, the con is pretty much all day/all night.

I joined IMDB after the last screening and voted/reviewed, but nothing seems to come of it. We think they might not take notice of these things until the movie is offically released. And yes, the boards over there are terrible. Blech...

So now that I've rambled on and on totally OT


Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 7:55 AM


I voted too.

I miss the movie so much..I just wander about, mumbling to myself...I want to see it again..I want to see it again...
Sept seems so very far away!!
I think they should do at least one pre show a month until it is released..just my thoughts..
the dates for dragon con are as follows
BUT does anyone know what day the Serenity crew will be there? That way if I can only do one day, I will know which day to go.
Reminds me to get Bob hot on finding a place to stay..Hey Serenity, are you close to Atlanta? If not and want to share a room, let us know!

I have done the impossible, that makes me MIGHTY!!!!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 8:04 AM


Last year Adam, Jewel, and Nathan had panels every day. Well, Adam had to leave early and wasn't there the last day, but made it up by coming by our little screening room his last night and hanging out with us. Showed us the Comic-con Psuedo trailer and out-takes from the BDM. So I imagine there will be HUGH BDM events everyday. Sorry, hard to pick just 1 day. I think they had some events on Monday too last year.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Saturday, June 25, 2005 9:59 AM


regarding D*C - Not sure if it's sold out or not but the Amerisuites in the downtown area is very nice and the rate includes breakfast and WI-FI - I can gladly recommend it- it's about 1 - 2 block walk to the main hotels

Just no way for Tim and I to do it this year - gahh! I'm really looking forward to the reports!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 12:44 PM


Do you have a phone number for the Amerisuite?
WELL, I quess we are just gonna have to go for the whole time..darn LOL
I am soooooooo excited. I don't mind helping out at the booth or whatever..just tell me what to do and where to go..just be gentle
this will be our first dragon you get to meet the cast from Serenity? do you get to get autographs?
I am soooo excited..I will sleep in the car if I have to! HeHe.
Details, details!!

I have done the impossible, that makes me MIGHTY!!!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 12:56 PM


Dragon*Con will rock your socks off.

There's always something going on and sleep become unimportant.

This will be my fifth Dragon*Con and it is the highlight of my year, every year.

As far as meeting and getting autographs, there's a "Walk of Fame" where teh guests have scheduled times they sit at a designated table. I imagine there will be lines for the Serenity cast but you can chat, buy a picture and autograph, bring something of your own to autograph, or have a picture taken with the guest. Some actors charge for signing your personal stuff and taking pictures, some don't. That is at their discretion. The Con may limit how long you can chat or how much you can get signed at once due to the popularity of the guests in question.


Saturday, June 25, 2005 12:59 PM



Originally posted by drowzdragon:
I don't mind helping out at the booth or whatever..just tell me what to do and where to go..

Booth? There is a fan booth?? I want to help! I've been a booth babe before, handing out swag for a show as quickly canceled as Firefly.

Me wantie.....


Saturday, June 25, 2005 1:33 PM


I know that the Buffy track will have some of the people. Here is the link for that:
But for Firefly itself I do not know what the schedule is at the moment.



For all information on the NC Firefly group please go here:


Saturday, June 25, 2005 1:37 PM


Ok. Let the shamless plugging begin.

Yep D*C rocks! I've been going on and off since high school. About 10 years now. But be warned. It is huge. When they say 40,000 people, they mean it. And they all congregate in the Hyatt loby :lol:

On to the plugging. The Southeastern Browncoats are hosting a fan table. It will be in the Marriot between the art room and the exhibitors hall. We are also having a mighty big shindig, details still being discussed with the con
bigwigs. We are also trying to get a big group together for the parade on Sat morning.

We will need help staffing the table all weekend. It has to be staffed all day (till people stop coming to that area) everyday of the con. We also need help with the Shindig, ie money and materials. If you check out my sig, I've got links to the SEBC list and our website. There's not a ton of info yet, because we are still working out details, but trust me, we need the help.

Now to pull this back on topic The group of people I met in Charlotte was the best. They had a great time and merily went with my insanity. Never have I led a group of 200 strangers in song, and pretty much all of them joined in! Except that time I was in the Rocky Horror Show, but that doesn't count. teehee

You guys are the best, and I would love it if ya'll could come to D*C. I know we would have a blast! No baked goods required. Although I wouldn't turn them down

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:20 PM


yes, the Fan Table last year was great. WickedWren and others of the SE Browncoats at the Charlotte Screening mentioned it's planning for this year. Last year there was a TV or a computer set up to show clips and stuff. Hopefully that's planned or In the works this year. Details from those in the know?? I'd love to see something like that set up to play the trailer and/or fan vids on a loop. Tzegha and others have made some great vids. and last year 11th hour and others had some great flyers and a cool Kaylee postcard.

Last year the BDHs stopped by the table on occassion, the walk of fame...Heh for the 3 that were there last year the line was so big they made us wait outside and took us in a few at a time. With Joss and 5 BDHs....
Autographs and such last year were $20 each star. they have PAs(personal assisstants) with them that that will collect $ while you chat and get Sigs.I Understand that's normal.

I checked the D*C site and the only tack info they have just has Firefly listed under TV Sci-FI. Last year Firefly was bigger than most everything there, it really needs it's own track.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Saturday, June 25, 2005 3:00 PM


We've got a projection setup planned this year, if we can wrangle the equipment. No matter what, there will at least be a laptop showing clips and the trailer.

I think the plan is to talk to 11th hour and some other creative folks, to see what we can come up with. I have a stack of things that the people people at Inkworks gave me to distribute (wow, those people are nice ), and we'll see what else we can come up with.

It's going to be fabu!

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 3:27 PM


Cool, do you have or need the fanvids? I've seen some great ones that I think would get those who are infamiliar with Firefly interested.
Inkworks, Promo cards?? cool. I like cards.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:28 PM


I'm not sure what vids we have or are getting. I'll ask at the next meeting, which is July 9th, I think. And I'll report back with my findings.

And the stuff Inkworks gave me are those cards I was handing out at the screening. Which I really like, 'cause they are eye catching and have a lot of pertinent info on the back. They mentioned to me that the promo cards for the series would be coming out soon and to keep my eyes open for them. So we'll see what develops on that front.

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:44 PM


*sniff* must have missed them at the screening, hopefully they'll be some left at the con. Can you scan and post the card front/back for those who didn't see them? Anyone who got one?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Saturday, June 25, 2005 5:07 PM


How did I miss you? I own no scanner, sorry. But I have about 5 pounds of the cards earmarked for D*C. I'll be sure to save you one They look like oversized postcards. Movie logo on the front and the back is divided like a post card with the release date, official website, and inkworks website.

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Saturday, June 25, 2005 5:18 PM


Important people don't do field work.

I got cards...and all that other stuff...of which, the promotional trifold brochure looks to be kinda new...that is, I haven't seen it anywhere else...Pretty suh-WEET!!!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Saturday, June 25, 2005 5:28 PM


I am soooooo excited!!
Wren, Bob and I would Love to help out at the table. Like I said, just tell us when and where..Now, I do want to be able to get autographs and pix. So Please don't put us at the table at that time..HeHe
you can send me an e-mail and let me know how all that works.
Where are you staying? I need Bob to go get a job, so we can stay at the Marriot! Lol
I got to tell you all.
I was in Bath and Beyond tonight..getting a double boiler, to melt choc. for choc covered strwberrys...mind wanders...sigh
Anyway, back on topic, while checking out, I blerted(sp?)out to the Cashier.."Do you go to the Movies?" Surprised he said "yes, why?"
I just grinned ear to ear, and said " There is a fantastic Movie due out Sept 30th called Serenity.. He cut me off and said " By Joss W."
I told him we went to the screening and he was very impressed and a bit jealous..But said he has been waiting forever to see it, and that he just saw the trailer, and thought it looked cool..I thought that was sooo cool, had to share.
Well, time for Choc. covered strawberry's
Wish I could send you each one..they are awsome..Bob is an amazing cook!! Think I'll keep him..HeHe
I can't wait for D*C!!!!!

I have done the impossible, that makes me MIGHTY!!!






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