'Inside Canceled' likely according to UBd post

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 6, 2005 21:37
VIEWED: 6544
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Sunday, July 3, 2005 4:51 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Happened to see this linked over at the Universal board:

From Tim Minear of the Inside:

Okay, gang, here's what I do know...While the network hasn't said to me that they won't order more episodes, it sure does shake out that way. On Thursday they needed to extend their options on the cast and decided not to. Considering it would have been chump change for them, it basically means we're done.

I'm not ready to start hawking the 13 episode DVD set -- because I'm hoping it's gonna be a 15 episode set, including the two, you counted right, TWO! unaired pilots.

I'm pretty convinced the same thing that happened with a lot of the non-believers here with Wonderfalls and Firefly will happen if they get a chance to see the full 13 (well, 15).

I'm told by the network that they're "still supporting the show" and that we will continue to air. Which, if my experience tells me anything, means catch it while you can. If you wanna, I mean. I'm gonna make my bet right now that we'll have, not including any unaired pilots, six unaired episodes featured on that DVD set.

When I spoke to one my cast members about this, he offered that I must "be crushed." I'm not. This is pretty much what I expected, which doesn't mean I didn't pour every bit of energy, time and care I had into 13 episodes for the last year. I never consider it a waste of time. Or a waste of, well, their money. DVDs have changed a lot. If I end up being some little Americanized BBC, churning out limited series for DVD, and the people who employ me want to keep handing over 20 or 30 million dollars for me to do that, then I'll be perfectly content. There's something nice about being able to go from a hard drinking space western to a hard drinking whimsical comedy to a hard drinking abyss peering noir.

One final note, this press release for ComicCon is a bit premature. With things being what they are, that panel looks to be falling apart, so if you were going to make any plans based on it, don't. However X and the Plimsouls are playing that night in Orange County. Pretty sure I know where I'll be.


Scifi movie music 24 hours a day -


Sunday, July 3, 2005 5:36 PM


I am anything but surprised.

They burned him on Firefly, he went back for more with Wonderfalls, and they burned him again.
And yet he went back for a third trip with The Inside, which had me just shakin my head from the get-go.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Tim must be a masochist, I suppose.
Sorry Tim, but please do yourself the favor of finding a better network to front your goods, one that might (here's a thought!) actually *appreciate* them.



Sunday, July 3, 2005 8:27 PM


I haven't seen The Inside, but it still saddens me. Here we have Adam and Tim out of a job again. Let's hope that they order up some new episodes of Firefly, so they can get right back to work!


Sunday, July 3, 2005 10:57 PM


Definitely time to find a new network... damn them to Hades.

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."


Sunday, July 3, 2005 11:05 PM


This truly sucks ass if it happens, but much like a public offical caught with his hand in the cookie jar, you always half expect this for the tv genius in charge.


Sunday, July 3, 2005 11:57 PM


America loves a winner!

Not to sound like a defeatest, but...well, yeah. What's the point of watching Tim Minear programs anymore ? I know 2 things for certain. 1. It'll be a quality program 2. It won't last the whole season.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, July 4, 2005 12:47 AM


I think your question is answered by point 1), quality, not quantity. The comparison Tim draws to the BBC is very interesting, given that many of our finest shows (The Office, Fawlty Towers, etc) don't even reach the number of episodes that Firefly and The Inside have already reached. We don't expect 24 episodes a year (in fact, dramas that run year round like Casualty and Holby City, are often treated quite disdainfully), it's more about how good the show actually is.

It was a real treat for us to get 13 episodes of Doctor Who this year (plus a Christmas special) and as he says, there's always the DVD to come.


Monday, July 4, 2005 4:40 AM


I agree, SimonWho. Ultraviolet had what, six episodes?

And we can't let the fear of losing a show keep us from watching that show. Unless you WANT to watch only the 'reality' show go-se that will run for three seasons, or mindless and repetitive sitcoms.

Oh, and Tim, Mr Minear, sir, please keep doing what you are doing. As long as you keep making tv shows/movies/DVDs with the quality and originality you've done so far, I for one will keep watching.

One further twisted thought... the original article said

including the two, you counted right, TWO! unaired pilots.
Anyone want to bet they'll be aired last, as a two-hour 'special'? I can just imagine someone in the network tower thinking "What's the best way to kill the show? Why, we'll run the first two pilots back-to-back! Different actors, different characters, and each one having a different premise entirely, but they'll still be called 'The Inside'! No-one will get it!"

I still have a hard time thinking their callousness is accidental - evil that consistant must be carefully thought out!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Monday, July 4, 2005 5:55 AM


I imagine he's refering to at least one of the pilot's before the whole cast and premise was changed. The high school undercover with the guy from Fastlane. Though I could be wrong. The Pilot Tim made was actually aired first. Just who would've thought people wanted to see "stars" dancing? Plus, I think a lot of people on cop serial burnout failed to give it a chance. There are way too many, and most are crap, but The Inside was so much more. Well at least there's DVD and Tim said he wrapped up the storyline with 13 like Wonderfalls. As was said elsewhere, this frees him up for Serenity II right? Tim has also indicated that fans should not bother with "save the show" campaigns, or DVD campaigns as the network is already on board for DVDs, having told him early on to save cut scenes and such.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST


Monday, July 4, 2005 6:39 AM


Frick and double frick.

Still, hopefully Tim will now know to do a 13 episode arc and spend no time on the longer plots ready for a quicky DVD release - thus guaranteeing that the show is picked up whereupon we will all scream that it jumped the shark on episode 14.

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, July 4, 2005 7:10 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I am anything but surprised.

They burned him on Firefly, he went back for more with Wonderfalls, and they burned him again.
And yet he went back for a third trip with The Inside, which had me just shakin my head from the get-go.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Tim must be a masochist, I suppose.
Sorry Tim, but please do yourself the favor of finding a better network to front your goods, one that might (here's a thought!) actually *appreciate* them.

It's not really Tim's doing. As I recall he had a three show deal with them - not at all uncommon. Let's hope that it indeed counts as number three so that he can get out from under F*X.

As for the good - well maybe he can finish The Moon's a Harsh Mistress, or work on the other project he's expressed an interest in. You know, that Serenity sequel.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 2:58 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Gorram it to the special Hell!!!

I guess I kind of knew this would happen, as much as I did not want it to be true.

Figures. You put a good quality show on the air, one that makes people think and has substance and sure as anything the execs won't get it. They are stuck in reality show mode and can't seem to recall a time before that offal they air now.

I will keep on watching right up to the last episdoe, and buy the DVD when it comes out. Too bad Fox can't pull their heads out of their butts long enough to know a good thing when they have it.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 3:15 AM


With all due respect to Mr. Minear, but The Inside wasn't that great of a show. I caught the pilot and it failed to drag me in, and I just watched last week's episode to give it another chance and was still left unimpressed. Admittedly, I'm burned out on cop shows and this one didn't have enough of an edge to it to keep me enthralled. It wasn't bad by any means, it just seemed a little too "by the numbers" for my taste. I also was less than impressed with the casting. The lead actress is just too young and pretty to be believable in the role, at least to me since I have trouble sympathizing with any character who looks like an underwear model. Peter Coyote's character was simply plain and boring, and with the exception of Adam Baldwin everyone else in the cast was forgettable.

Here's hoping that with his Fox contract expired that Tim Minear will hop onboard to help write the Serenity sequel!

"What y'all order a dead guy for?" - Jayne Cobb


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 3:21 AM


Blackdove, I agree that The Inside isn't the best show we've seen from the extended Whedon family, but I think it's better than you're giving it credit for. I also think that it's one of the shows that gets better with every episode. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's double-dose to see what happens.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 4:02 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Gorram it to the special Hell!!!
Figures. You put a good quality show on the air, one that makes people think and has substance and sure as anything the execs won't get it. They are stuck in reality show mode and can't seem to recall a time before that offal they air now.

I enjoyed the show for its entertainment value, but to call it a good quality show that makes people think and has substance? I disagree, if I tried to think about it, I would think it is somewhat unrealistic and lacked substance. It has some creative writing applied to a tired and overdone genre. You can get away with creative writing in Sci-fi and comedy, but it you have to stay a little more grounded in a police procedural type show. Fox has made mistakes along the way, but unless the last 8 or so episodes get better, not renewing this one isn't one of them. Just my opinion.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 4:39 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Blackdove, I agree that The Inside isn't the best show we've seen from the extended Whedon family, but I think it's better than you're giving it credit for. I also think that it's one of the shows that gets better with every episode. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's double-dose to see what happens.

I have to agree wholeheartedly with this. TI has so much more subtlety and character development than ANY of the "Law & Order or CSI clones. It's not even close. If you didn't understand that the first time you watched episodes, it would really pay to go back and watch them again. Like all other ME shows, each episode "gets better" each time you watch it, as you become aware of the details and subtleties involved. Those are things that don't exist on any other "cop show" on tv.

I'm really sorry for Tim - again, not to mention Adam and Katie, who have both had this experience with F*X twice now. However, I'm not going to completely blame F*X for this failure. Unlike Firefly and Wonderfalls, this time they promoted the show and gave it a good time slot. Still the ratings were terrible. Why? Because the mindless masses were watching dancing celebrities instead of something that required their actual attention and the ability to engage their "minds" - not that they actually have any.

Let's face it, the average tv viewer is a complete idiot. Just look at the shows that are "Successful" on tv vs. the shows that "Fail". I think both Joss and Tim know that they are producing entertainment for a very small portion of the viewing public. They could easily produce some reality crap show and be hugely successful at it. Although, as Joss has said, then he would have to kill himself.

I just want to thank Tim for keeping at it and making these great shows that we don't get to see for very long, but from which we get these great dvd sets. At least we can watch the dvds over and over - and that's a hell of a lot better than watching a bunch of stupid "celebrities" dance or watching people eat worms, or whatever crap they're shovelling at us in "reality" land.

This is getting way longer than I had intended. I really just wanted to say "Thank you" to Tim, Howard, Adam, Katie, Peter and Rachel. I hope you all have long and successful careers.

EDIT: Geez, sorry. Also, thanks to Jane Espenson, Ben Edlund, David Fury, Robert Hall, Ron Kral and anyone else I forgot to mention before.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 4:58 AM


You forgot to thank lots of folks, but I think Nelsan Ellis and Jay Harrington (the two other regulars) deserve kudos. Harrington, in particular, I think turns in an understated and stable performance while surrounded by quirky and extreme personalities. To me, he's Simon with a little more maturity and poise.

I think perhaps the biggest problem with The Inside is its tone, compared to the time of year it's coming out. Shows like Survivor and The OC have traditionally done well when introduced during the summer, but The Inside is probably the most unrelentingly grim and bleak program I've watched since Millennium, and it's airing during the summer, when folks are looking to kick back and relax.

On the other hand, if they'd waited until September, it would've been lost in a cascade of similar shows... Just no safe haven, is there?

Well, I hope we get to see at least the majority of the scheduled episodes, and get a little insight into the secrets of the other folks on the squad.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 5:14 AM


Thanks, Gwek. I did forget couple of other noteworthy people. My bad.

Well, I wouldn't call it that grim. There were times in every episode that I laughed my head off at some of the subtle jokes - especially Jane's episode last week. I almost couldn't stop laughing during that one. L and O and CSI NEVER have anything funny like that. Unfortunately, I think most people just didn't understand the humour.

Oh, and to those of you saying "Oh, The Inside wasn't really very good..." Just wait until you see what F*X replaces it with, then you'll see what "not good" really is. They've already started advertising their own dancing reality show. I hope you all like that better than TI...

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 5:34 AM



Originally posted by BlackDove:
The lead actress is just too young and pretty to be believable in the role, at least to me since I have trouble sympathizing with any character who looks like an underwear model. pretty people can't be smart too?

~lissa, spwhore

ETA: i would write more but unfortunately i don't have fox, and i currently have zero contacts who can tape for me. it was easier in high anyways, i eagerly anticipate the dvd set, and i'm sure i will love it.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 3:52 PM


At first I was pissed about the 'underwear model' aspect to Nichols' look, but if you pay attention, the whole thing makes sense. For one thing, the fact that she is a "conventional" beauty lets her fit the part as a former abductee, and it is mentioned in the first or second episode that Web was the reason she got into the FBI at all. So, yeah, I agree she should have looked older, but the character is very passionate about what she isn't.

"Some people juggle geese!" -Ancient Chinese proverb.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:11 PM


Saw two episodes tonight - my first time with the show. I liked it. Kinda gritty and real, and each episode seemed to focus on one of the characters and their emotions/involvement in the cases.
I liked it. Liked Adam, liked the cast, thought the younger lead girl was believable, and pretty (is that a crime, now?). Too bad it doesn't look like it's getting a fair shake . . . Seems like a trend these days.

" We're just too pretty for God to let us die."


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Tim must be a masochist, I suppose.
Sorry Tim, but please do yourself the favor of finding a better network to front your goods, one that might (here's a thought!) actually *appreciate* them.


Actually Tim was brought in to fix the mess the show was before he got it. Also he gets paid so he is getting to cry all the way to the bank.

Look the lead in the show was more bland that a cardboard cutout.



Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:49 PM



Originally posted by G1223:

Look the lead in the show was more bland that a cardboard cutout.

Isn't that a little harsh?

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:58 PM



Originally posted by Kellaina:

Isn't that a little harsh?

Maybe but the show totally did nothing with the other characters. They had enough episodes to turn this around. I enjoyed the effects but CSI does this and has not disappointed me.



Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:45 PM



Originally posted by G1223:

Originally posted by Kellaina:

Isn't that a little harsh?

Maybe but the show totally did nothing with the other characters. They had enough episodes to turn this around. I enjoyed the effects but CSI does this and has not disappointed me.


CSI is a complete piece of crap compared to this show, and I've watched CSI for years, so I should know. CSI has had less interesting character development in all the years it's been on than TI had in only a few episodes. But thanks, at least partially, to lack of support by supposed "Browncoats" we're losing another great (basically Mutant Enemy) show that's being replaced by more F*X reality garbage - did everybody see the ad for the new F*X dancing show?

So, thanks to all the dorks who didn't support TI. We're getting reality dancing crap as a replacement. I hope you're all happy now.

To the people who did watch and understand and love it, I commisserate with you. I too thought the show was getting better every week. I was really enjoying the slow unwrapping of the characters. Unfortunately, in this instant gratification oriented world, apparently some people wanted to know everything about everybody from the very first episode, rather than finding things out over time like in an actual well-written tv series.

In a way, I don't disagree with F*X's decision to cancel the show. The viewing public doesn't deserve to have anything this good on the air. Well, now they don't.

Can ya'll tell I'm a little pissed?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:37 PM



Originally posted by bikisdad:

CSI is a complete piece of crap compared to this show, and I've watched CSI for years, so I should know.

I enjoyed watching Adam getting to work. But basically he was a stiff gun toting suit with about as deep a deapth as a wading pool. Not that Adam cannot act but jeeze you have to give him something.

Tim was busy trying to fix the broken mess that was handed to him. Really we were handed crap and Tim tried to make it into show. I feel folks deservbe QUALITY programming not what we were given.

As to CSI I feel the effects were well worked out and the science was not thrown toghere. I feel that it has better work in a number of ways than this show.

So I will say folks have a right to feel sad but grieve... The show was not here long enough to draw the sort of feelings that Firefly did.

FF drew us in quickly with characters that were human.







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