Question about the Serenity RPG (Role Playing Game)

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 3, 2005 17:14
VIEWED: 10721
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:39 AM


I'm trying my hardest to get all of the Serenity merch. Having said that, this month's Previews catelogue lists the Serenity RPG Hardcover. I probably will never play the game, but is this book the only thing associated with it? There are no cards or pieces that I need to buy as well?

Any assistance is appreciated.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:57 AM


The game can be played with just the book.

There might be supplemental books, or mini's (little action figure type stuff to help visualise things, i dunno about sets though).

But you wont need them.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:22 AM



Originally posted by Daikath:
There might be supplemental books, or mini's (little action figure type stuff to help visualise things, i dunno about sets though).

But you wont need them.

I wouldn't need them to play, but I'd need them to complete my collection!

From what you're saying, they haven't said that they are making anything other than this HC. That's the news I needed to hear!


Thursday, June 30, 2005 4:57 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Bervda:
I wouldn't need them to play, but I'd need them to complete my collection!

From what you're saying, they haven't said that they are making anything other than this HC. That's the news I needed to hear!

I work w/ Margaret Weis Prod on the RPG. So far right now the core rulebook is the only thing due out in September just prior to the release of the BDM, but we are already talking about supplements (not so much on the miniatures) though those will depend I imagine on sales of the core book.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:59 AM


Look for the RPG on my Site. I sell ALL things to do with Firefly. I still havnt got all the Perveiws Info yet, thats why I havnt posted it.




Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:37 AM



Originally posted by Bervda:
I'm trying my hardest to get all of the Serenity merch. Having said that, this month's Previews catelogue lists the Serenity RPG Hardcover. I probably will never play the game, but is this book the only thing associated with it? There are no cards or pieces that I need to buy as well?

Any assistance is appreciated.

The hardcover "core" book (does that make it a 'hardcore' book?) is being assembled right now. The core book is scheduled to be ready for a big gaming convention in mid August, and then of course later on that month/early Sep it will be at Dragon*Con too.

The preview cover shown online is just a placeholder image. The final cover will quite different. The book is being created by long time fans of Firefly, so it will a lot of extra touches and depth that other fans can appreciate.

As for cards or pieces, there will of course be dice to go with the game. But not the D20 type.

The Serenity RPG will also offer a cool supplemental book that will be a streamlined version of the full game. This book will be around 24 pages, in black & white, with full color front and back covers. The "Quickstart" book (not the final name) will be available online for free download, and should also makes it's debut at San Diego Comic Con in July.

This Quickstart book is designed to allow people to begin playing and getting the feel of the Serenity RPG right away. It is also designed to make the game accessible to people who have never played RPGs before. The Quickstart will have lots of cool artwork and should be something fans will like... even just to look at!

Oh yeah, I'm doing the art...



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne


Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:39 AM


Hey all. I hope I don't sound too ignorant here (well, too late) but I've never really been an RPG person.

However, I have once bought an RPG book. With the Star Wars novels, I was a fan of the 'New Jedi Order'. To accompany the series, a role-playing game was created with a "NJO Sourcebook". This book was (like the name suggests) primiarly for RPGs but was also quite interesting for people interested in the series. It was, in a way, a kind of mini-Star Wars/New Jedi Order encyclopaeida.

My question is (ah-ha, he finally gets to the point) will this Serenity book be the same? Will the Serenity book feature information about the so-called 'verse that may be interesting for people who may not necessarily play the game (ie. me!).


Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:44 AM



Originally posted by iccledames:
My question is (ah-ha, he finally gets to the point) will this Serenity book be the same? Will the Serenity book feature information about the so-called 'verse that may be interesting for people who may not necessarily play the game (ie. me!).

The core game book will be full of great shots from Serenity and lots, and lots, of "encyclopediatic" type info. To play an RPG, folks need an in depth guide into the entire "world" of the particular game. Even the "Quickstart" book works as good looking, easy to go through, tour of the 'verse. So the books will have plenty of great info.

The Serenity RPG is being designed for both the Firefly/Serenity fans who are experienced RP gamers, and to be for fans, who may never use it to play the game, as a great Serenity book that's just really cool to read and look through.

Hope that answers your question!



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne


Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:48 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by iccledames:
My question is (ah-ha, he finally gets to the point) will this Serenity book be the same? Will the Serenity book feature information about the so-called 'verse that may be interesting for people who may not necessarily play the game (ie. me!).

The core game book will be full of great shots from Serenity and lots, and lots, of "encyclopediatic" type info. To play an RPG, folks need an in depth guide into the entire "world" of the particular game. Even the "Quickstart" book works as good looking, easy to go through, tour of the 'verse. So the books will have plenty of great info.

The Serenity RPG is being designed for both the Firefly/Serenity fans who are experienced RP gamers, and to be for fans, who may never use it to play the game, as a great Serenity book that's just really cool to read and look through.

Hope that answers your question!



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Thanks for replying - looks like another Serenity purchase is on the cards


Thursday, June 30, 2005 2:25 PM


YAY we might see it at Gen Con Indy which will give me another thing to get autographed by Summer and Alan.



Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:38 PM


Need a link to the actual site so I can look over the chance of ordering it.



Friday, July 1, 2005 11:09 AM


Here is a link to where you can order it.


Saturday, July 2, 2005 7:01 AM



Originally posted by G1223:
Need a link to the actual site so I can look over the chance of ordering it.


As soon as the official site is ready, I'm sure the link will be posted around the various Firefly/Serenity sites. The book will also be available for purchase at many upcoming conventions.




"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne


Saturday, July 2, 2005 7:40 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
As soon as the official site is ready, I'm sure the link will be posted around the various Firefly/Serenity sites. The book will also be available for purchase at many upcoming conventions.



I hope to see it at Gen Con Indy. So I can get it signed by a few of our BDH.



Tuesday, July 5, 2005 5:23 AM


I got a chance to play the RPG at Origins this past weekend. It was a blast. In addition to the book, you will need paper, pencils and a set of polyhedral dice to play the game. 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sided dice are used.

We got to use the play test characters and the play test ship named the "Aces and Eights." I got to see the floor plans of Serenity and Aces and Eights which I was told will be in the core book. They are spectacular.

The Game mechanics are simple and elegant and the adventure flowed quickly.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 5:39 AM



Oh yeah, I'm doing the art...

11th, that's great!!!!

Now I'm definately buying this book. Considering that my husband works in a gaming store, it was pretty much inevitable anyway. But now I'm looking forward to it with giddy anticipation! Especially with all the shiny descrptions in this thread. Can't wait!

Let's see now, that makes 2 out of the 4 primary crew members of the Catastrophic Bloodbath who have gotten professional gigs based on their online work. Hmm... It's only a matter of time before I get that phone call. Surely someone will need a person who can type "LOL" a lot...

If you're an Arizonan and a Browncoat, come join us:


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 6:43 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
The Serenity RPG will also offer a cool supplemental book that will be a streamlined version of the full game. This book will be around 24 pages, in black & white, with full color front and back covers. The "Quickstart" book (not the final name) will be available online for free download, and should also makes it's debut at San Diego Comic Con in July.

Will it be available for download in July also or only available at San Diego Comic Con in July?


Originally posted by 11thHour:
As soon as the official site is ready, I'm sure the link will be posted around the various Firefly/Serenity sites.

Is the official site ?



Tuesday, July 5, 2005 8:21 AM


YAY it is a Gen Con Release. And I get to have it before the market place.



Wednesday, July 6, 2005 3:50 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by 11thHour:
Oh yeah, I'm doing the art...

And what wonderful art it is too I might add. The chapters we are previewing now have the art as it will appear in the rulebook and it is by far one of the best looking RPG books I have ever seen.

You have really outdone yourself 11thHour and the fanbase owes you a big thank you for all of your efforts.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:55 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

The Serenity RPG is being designed for both the Firefly/Serenity fans who are experienced RP gamers, and to be for fans, who may never use it to play the game, as a great Serenity book that's just really cool to read and look through.

Hope that answers your question!


I'm enthused about this project, but unless this is a different game than what I've been hearing about, your post is a little misleading.

From what I've heard, the RPG is licensed only to use material from the Serenity movie, and they are explicitly forbidden from including anything from the TV series that is not included in the movie. Thus, for example, if the movie does not mention Saffron's name, she cannot appear in the RPG. If Persephone is not a location in the movie, there can be no data about it in the game.

None of this means the game will be bad, or that the TV data can't be extrapolated into the game, but it I have the feeling it could be an unfortunate shortcoming. It also won't be quite as useful as a generic reference tool for non-gamers as you imply.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 5:53 AM


Hans -

Jamie Chambers has specifically said that there will be 'guide to the 'Verse' type thing, with info on the planets - I can't imagine that'll leave out planets not in the movie (I'm naming no names!). He also said there will be a MAP of the 'Verse. Yes, a real map. You in particular will want it!

Here's a minor movie spoiler - minor for plot, but BIG for people interested in planets and maps and such - Hans, if you want to know this stuff, and don't mind knowing NOW, you should read this:

SPOILER ALERT! 'Verse information from movie...SPOILER ALERT!

Select to view spoiler:

It is a single solar-system Verse - said so in the movie, for real this time. Thus, the Serenity RPG will have a map - but we're talking about a SINGLE SOLAR SYSTEM MAP. Nice, eh? I can't wait to see how the orbits turn out - the movie had the map, but it went by FAST.



Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:36 AM


*successfully resists urge to read spoiler*


"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:44 AM



Originally posted by Nywoe:

Oh yeah, I'm doing the art...

11th, that's great!!!!

Now I'm definately buying this book. Considering that my husband works in a gaming store, it was pretty much inevitable anyway. But now I'm looking forward to it with giddy anticipation! Especially with all the shiny descrptions in this thread. Can't wait!

Wow, your husband works in a gaming store? Well it is a small 'verse after all! And, so far, no one has been paid to circulate shiny descriptions... so it actually may really be as cool as folks say it is.


Let's see now, that makes 2 out of the 4 primary crew members of the Catastrophic Bloodbath who have gotten professional gigs based on their online work. Hmm... It's only a matter of time before I get that phone call. Surely someone will need a person who can type "LOL" a lot...

You forgot to mention that your other skills include that you are a long time survivor of a spaceship with a 86.7% death rate!



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:46 AM


I read the spoiler, can't help myself...but I had actually heard Joss reveal this before. It's a pretty mild spolier, actually, and like you say nothing to do with the story. It also makes me very, very happy, since...

Select to view spoiler:

...I was one of the strongest supporters of the single system theory, and even made a map of my own:

Back to the rpg: since the rights to the TV show and the rights to the movie are owned by different companies, from what I've heard there's no way someone writing a movie RPG could use material from the series. I'd love for someone attached to the game to come here and tell me I'm wrong. Is the "guide to the 'verse" something not associated with the RPG, maybe?


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:47 AM



Originally posted by MightyCthulhu:
Will it be available for download in July also or only available at San Diego Comic Con in July?

Hopefully, both!


Originally posted by MightyCthulhu:
Is the official site ?

That is the logical name isn't it? I'm fairly sure that will be the url, but I'm not positive. I'll have to remember to ask!



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:52 AM



Originally posted by Hans:
Back to the rpg: since the rights to the TV show and the rights to the movie are owned by different companies, from what I've heard there's no way someone writing a movie RPG could use material from the series. I'd love for someone attached to the game to come here and tell me I'm wrong.

You're wrong.



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:50 AM


Hans, I'm sorry to digress again to the 'Verse map, but I had to respond, but I'll spoiler-black it since it's a reponse to your reading my spoiler :) Again, folks, this is minor stuff, concerns some info on the 'Verse in the movie, and I'm sure will be included in the game (but I don't work on the game :(

Select to view spoiler:

I know you made that map - inspired MY map for the RPG I run. When I saw the map in the movie, the first thing I thought was, 'Gee, that looks like Hans's map!' So YES, you are vindicated - as all us single-solar-system addicts are!


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:45 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
You're wrong.


You've made me estatic with happiness! Never been so glad to be wrong...


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:26 AM


While I can't (and won't!) go into the specifics of our licensing agreement, there are a few things I can share. One is that obvious trademark, and branding-specific elements to Firefly won't be used. Thing to remember, though, is that the show is the backstory for the 'Verse and the crew. I think you'll be surprised by the amount of material that filters through into other licensed projects, such as the comic and the novelization. Ours is the same.

** Jamie


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:35 AM


Jamie -

Thanks for posting some responses! I know I'm planning on grabbing a copy asap so I'll at least have source material for my ongoing campaign.

Question, then, on this 'Firefly-specific branding' issue - would you, for example, be allowed to have the lyrics for the theme song in the game? Or would that be against the agreement?


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:47 AM


Hey there. No, we can't use the theme song. While we love the song, too, a TV theme song is one of the most basic identifiers so we had to leave it be. Good news is, though, that all the Browncoats already know it!

** Jamie


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:10 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by 11thHour:
Oh yeah, I'm doing the art...

And what wonderful art it is too I might add. The chapters we are previewing now have the art as it will appear in the rulebook and it is by far one of the best looking RPG books I have ever seen.

You have really outdone yourself 11thHour and the fanbase owes you a big thank you for all of your efforts.

Well gosh! Thank you very much for the high praise and faith in my work. I'm pulling out all the stops (yep, there's stops scattered all around my computer) to make the art something all of us fans will really like.

Our BDHs, and us(!), deserve the best we can do.

Serenity comes,



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:50 PM


Any word on when the site will open and the Quick Draw stuff will be released, Jamie?

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."


Thursday, July 7, 2005 12:41 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by Hans:
Back to the rpg: since the rights to the TV show and the rights to the movie are owned by different companies, from what I've heard there's no way someone writing a movie RPG could use material from the series. I'd love for someone attached to the game to come here and tell me I'm wrong.

You're wrong.

Well, Jamie has just said the opposite. Can you tell me what you're referring to when you made the above reply?

I can understand the game makers wanting to play down the fact that you can't use anything that's TV only. But it's better to be up front about what is or isn't included than to dissemble...


Thursday, July 7, 2005 12:14 PM



Originally posted by Hans:

Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by Hans:
Back to the rpg: since the rights to the TV show and the rights to the movie are owned by different companies, from what I've heard there's no way someone writing a movie RPG could use material from the series. I'd love for someone attached to the game to come here and tell me I'm wrong.

You're wrong.

Well, Jamie has just said the opposite. Can you tell me what you're referring to when you made the above reply?

I can understand the game makers wanting to play down the fact that you can't use anything that's TV only. But it's better to be up front about what is or isn't included than to dissemble...

In more than one post in this thread you have accused me of misleading, and now you say I dissemble.

Stop it.

Your comments are insulting and innappropriate. Somehow, you have taken my simple statement of saying that the Serenity RPG will be a book to be enjoyed by Firefly/Serenity fans, and turned into an effort to misrepresent the book.

Read the short post AGAIN that I made that you have taken to unintended meanings:


Originally posted by 11thHour:

The Serenity RPG is being designed for both the Firefly/Serenity fans who are experienced RP gamers, and to be for fans, who may never use it to play the game, as a great Serenity book that's just really cool to read and look through.

Hope that answers your question!


See the part about it being, "a great Serenity book that's just really cool to read and look through."?

Also see the part where I said the book is being designed for experienced RP gamers? That means that the game has a lot of depth and is being designed so that RP gamers will have a great experience.


Originally posted by HANS
None of this means the game will be bad, or that the TV data can't be extrapolated into the game, but it I have the feeling it could be an unfortunate shortcoming. It also won't be quite as useful as a generic reference tool for non-gamers as you imply.

I said NOTHING about it being a generic reference tool. "Cool to read and look through" are my words. I said Firefly and Serenity fans would both enjoy it. Not that it was the same as an RPG for just Firefly. Anyway, why wouldn't a Firefly fan enjoy reading and looking through a Serenity RPG book? Stop creating meanings I never intended, and then accuse me of impying things which aren't true.

The book is based on Serenity, but because it shares a history with Firefly, there will be information contained that wasn't directly in the movie.

Did you read BOTH posts from Jamie? Carefully?

Here's what Jamie said in the first post:


Originally posted by JAMIECHAMBERS:
While I can't (and won't!) go into the specifics of our licensing agreement, there are a few things I can share. One is that obvious trademark, and branding-specific elements to Firefly won't be used. Thing to remember, though, is that the show is the backstory for the 'Verse and the crew. I think you'll be surprised by the amount of material that filters through into other licensed projects, such as the comic and the novelization. Ours is the same.

Take particular notice of the part that reads, " I think you'll be surprised by the amount of material that filters through into other licensed projects, such as the comic and the novelization. Ours is the same."

One person asked if the Firefly theme song would be part of the RPG. Here was Jamie's reply:


Originally posted by JAMIECHAMBERS:
Hey there. No, we can't use the theme song. While we love the song, too, a TV theme song is one of the most basic identifiers so we had to leave it be. Good news is, though, that all the Browncoats already know it!

Since that is so strongly specific to the TV show, it isn't too surprising that it won't be in the book. But that's a fairly minor manner, and certainly not something that has much to do with role playing. So the theme song won't be in the book. That's not such a big deal compared with all the things that WILL be in the book.

You haven't even seen the book. Why don't you wait until you've actually SEEN the book before giving opinions? You go by word of mouth, assumptions and misinterpretations. I'm working on the book for Joss sake. Maybe I know what I'm talking about.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 1:08 PM


Now let's play nice.

Let me be clear. This is the Serenity Roleplaying Game. It's pretty gosh-darned close to what a Firefly Roleplaying Game might have been, if such a product had been licensed from FOX, but there are significant differences.

Obvious brand-identifiers, including title, logo, theme song lyrics, direct references to episode titles, etc. are not in the product. If you're looking for game book with a full episode guide to the television series, you'll be disappointed.

HOWEVER... if you're looking for a book that gives information on the 'Verse (including a chart of the sytem!), details the crew of an old '03-model Firefly, has shiny pictures from the upcoming film by Universal pictures, and even has an illustration of Jayne's "very favorite gun" -- along with a new RPG system for fun, fast-paced action, then you should be well pleased.

11th Hour is trying to share her excitement for a project she has worked very hard on. She hasn't lied to anyone, and I hope that when everyone sees the fruits of her labor you will all send her a note of congratulations on some amazing work. Her love of the 'Verse is infused into every pixel.

You don't have much longer to wait to judge the book for yourselves. All I ask is that you wait until it's out there before you jump on those conclusions. (I know, what fun is that?) I hope you enjoy the book for the pretty pictures AND the words.

** Jamie


Friday, July 8, 2005 5:22 AM



Originally posted by JamieChambers:
You don't have much longer to wait to judge the book for yourselves. All I ask is that you wait until it's out there before you jump on those conclusions. (I know, what fun is that?) I hope you enjoy the book for the pretty pictures AND the words.

** Jamie

Thanks Jamie! I'm going crazy waiting for this product. I'm going to push hard for my group to adopt it and if the main book comes with a ready-to-run adventure, I'll work with my FLGS to do an in-store-demo to boot!


Saturday, July 9, 2005 4:27 AM



You forgot to mention that your other skills include that you are a long time survivor of a spaceship with a 86.7% death rate!

Good point! That is very impressive, isn't it? I'd better go add that to my resume!

If you're an Arizonan and a Browncoat, come join us:


Thursday, July 14, 2005 6:16 AM



Originally posted by MightyCthulhu:
I got a chance to play the RPG at Origins this past weekend. It was a blast. In addition to the book, you will need paper, pencils and a set of polyhedral dice to play the game. 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sided dice are used.

The Game mechanics are simple and elegant and the adventure flowed quickly.

I sat in on two games that weekend. Read my review here:


May have been on the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Thursday, July 14, 2005 6:27 AM



Originally posted by varden:
I sat in on two games that weekend....

Yeah, I remember you. I played the "Saloon Girl" in the 9 AM game on Saturday.

Great review BTW.


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 5:14 PM


While this response has no real spoiler info in it as such, it does allude to the minor spoiler forrestwolf and others have the meat of it will be blacked out for the convenience of other fans.......

I will say this, however. I am as excited about the release of a Serenity RPG as I am about the movie itself! The content that has been previewed so far seems terrific...oh I can hardly wait!

Select to view spoiler:

The "verse", according to Mal is somewhere in the region of 70 worlds...and the meek havn't inherited one of them (Our Mrs Reynolds). Now, i am no great astronomer...but I sure as heck cant imagine that there are 70+ worlds worth terraforming in a single system. That the ship Serenity trades in a single system(and thus the firefly show and Serenity movie are set in a single system out of several inhabited systems in the Verse) makes a lot of sense, as interstellar distances would probably prove terribly inefficient for a smuggler/merchant of that size and limited cargo capacity. So a single system map is all good...but lets not get 2 carried away. The settled "Verse" is likely to be at least multiple systems (excluding Sol... if that is the system for earth that was).
So, in short...yes to the immediate "setting" being one system...the whole verse is probably bigger..

I have said more on this ..with the appropriate forum....
But truly, I hope they dont try to create a single..70 habitable planet packed system...itd just be silly.

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life (:~D






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