Will 3 movies be enough for the Firefly faithful?

UPDATED: Sunday, August 21, 2005 12:56
VIEWED: 4480
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Saturday, July 23, 2005 10:53 AM


Although the subject heading for this thread sounds like it came from the last 30 seconds of the 60's Batman TV show(awkward silence.....crickets), this is a very serious question. I have stated before that I don't think Firefly/Serenity will reach it's true zenith of popularity without another series. Television, straight to DVD, really anything would work.

When Firefly got cancelled, I was so angry it was just sad. How could I let myself care so much for a show you watch on the tv? I don't even like TV that much. Then I figured it out.
a. It's Whedon, that's why I was so into it
b. Fox cancelled Firefly before Whedon got to tell his story. Imagine your 3 years old, and someone is telling you the story of the 3 little pigs for the first time. The Wolf blows down the first 2 houses, the pigs are running for their lives and then the person telling you the story slams the book shut. That's how I felt with the cancellation.
If another series happens, most likely it won't get cancelled, and we can see where Whedon was going with these great characters once and for all.

So will you be content with 3 movies, or do you want Serenity to be the springboard for a new series?


Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:03 AM



b. Fox cancelled Firefly before Whedon got to tell his story. Imagine your 3 years old, and someone is telling you the story of the 3 little pigs for the first time. The Wolf blows down the first 2 houses, the pigs are running for their lives and then the person telling you the story slams the book shut. That's how I felt with the cancellation.

I think thats a big reason why firefly holds such an alore for us. Like an artists work is never truly appreciated until after their dead and you ain't gettin' any more. That and its a fantastic story.

I hope they restart the series as Joss was obviously developing a deep and engaging storyline underpining everything. Maybe even something on the level of Babylon5 where tiny events, or a single sentence comes back to have significance much later on because it was all thoughtout before hand. I'd really like to see this develop, as long as firefly ends before it gets 'old and tired'.

A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
--W.C. Fields


Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:25 AM


America loves a winner!


I think thats a big reason why firefly holds such an alore for us. Like an artists work is never truly appreciated until after their dead and you ain't gettin' any more. That and its a fantastic story.

I hope they restart the series as Joss was obviously developing a deep and engaging storyline underpining everything. Maybe even something on the level of Babylon5 where tiny events, or a single sentence comes back to have significance much later on because it was all thoughtout before hand. I'd really like to see this develop, as long as firefly ends before it gets 'old and tired'.

First, to answer the question of the thread - it depends. Having seen SERENITY already in a screening ( don't hate me, please ) and assuming we're gonna get 2 more movies..., mabye Joss wouldn't mind finishing up the story in cinema format. That, and the fact that there are so many primary characters, seems extremely unlikely that most actors would be willing to commit that much time and effort into sticking w/ the same character beyond the movies. Perhaps some sort of a 'spin off' ? I dunno.

Speaking of cutting a story short, what about John Doe? I loved that show, and somehow it survived 'till the end of the 1st season. The CRUELEST thing to do, was cancel it on the series finale'. you, FOX.! Yet despite my interest in JD from the start, NO show like Firefly has reeled me in to this extent. After all, it IS only t.v.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:25 AM


I think that Fireflt should continue with movies. Joss gets more budget and can bring his story to life in ways that wouldn't be possible on TV. And we don't want another Star Trek thing on our hands. Firefly: The Next Generation anyone?

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver


Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:27 AM



Originally posted by TheReaver:
I think that Fireflt should continue with movies. Joss gets more budget and can bring his story to life in ways that wouldn't be possible on TV. And we don't want another Star Trek thing on our hands. Firefly: The Next Generation anyone?

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver

Firefly: The next generation NO NO NO NO
Firefly: Trading Post Nine uhuhuhuh.
Firefly: Voyuers, hmm, interesting...

A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
--W.C. Fields


Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:29 AM


After seeing the movie on friday night - NO! I want to see more!


Saturday, July 23, 2005 1:49 PM


No, movies will not be enough.

I believe that the series was just a taste of what Joss was going to give us. He was clearly setting up for something big, interesting, etc.

Now the movies may be a good way to pull off the grandness (?) of his idea in a grand way. BUT, I think that a continuation would be preferable (IMO) on TV once F*X's ownership runs out (10 years, yes?).

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Saturday, July 23, 2005 2:14 PM


No. Not nearly. If a lame-ass show like Andromeda can limp along for five progressively bad seasons, why should something of shiny quality die before its time? Think of it from the actors perspective: Steady work for a few years (every actor's dream), regular big screen projects, and the chance to direct. Someone once asked Michael Dorn if he worried about getting typecast as Worf like the actors on the original series. He said, essentially, "Are you kidding? Look at those guys! Three years of steady work, then seven major movies in a row? What actor wouldn't like that?"

Keep pushing, people. Movies are great, but the Firefly story was only in the very beginning of the first act. Even if Serenity is the greatest movie EVER, you couldn't tell the kind of story we had coming in a dozen movies. Joss' shows are heavily character driven, and that's something you need a real story arc to accomplish.

Keep the pressure on. Buy Firefly merchandise a DVDs for all your friends. Write hand-written, 2 page letters to every executive in every company associated with the show and the movie. Let them know that you are more willing to plunk down your dollars for this magnificent piece of work than all their other crap combined. If they smell $$$, they'll come running. And insist Joss gets total creative control, a decent timeslot, a pile of cash, and Hungarian hookers in his trailer if he wants. Write several movies into the deal, and give it a 3 year garunteed contract. Everyone wins. Don't sign petitions (everyone's immune to that), don't send email (spammed out), but a snail mail, hand addressed and hand written 2 pager has the impact of a small hand grenade. A few thousand of them -- to everyone involved -- and they'll take notice.

"When you can't run, you crawl. And when you can't crawl no more, you find someone to carry you."


Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:40 PM



Originally posted by ScrewtheAlliance:
Keep pushing, people. Movies are great, but the Firefly story was only in the very beginning of the first act. Even if Serenity is the greatest movie EVER, you couldn't tell the kind of story we had coming in a dozen movies. Joss' shows are heavily character driven, and that's something you need a real story arc to accomplish.

Keep the pressure on. Buy Firefly merchandise a DVDs for all your friends. Write hand-written, 2 page letters to every executive in every company associated with the show and the movie. Let them know that you are more willing to plunk down your dollars for this magnificent piece of work than all their other crap combined. If they smell $$$, they'll come running. And insist Joss gets total creative control, a decent timeslot, a pile of cash, and Hungarian hookers in his trailer if he wants. Write several movies into the deal, and give it a 3 year garunteed contract. Everyone wins. Don't sign petitions (everyone's immune to that), don't send email (spammed out), but a snail mail, hand addressed and hand written 2 pager has the impact of a small hand grenade. A few thousand of them -- to everyone involved -- and they'll take notice.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. It's the weirdest thing, When it was announced that Serenity got the greenlight, I was so very happy. Now as the movie draws near, I want in the worst way for it to return as a series. The biggest thing I think we have to worry about now is not Fox's contract on Firefly, because Universal would gladly buy out of that contract for a new series after the movie goes stellar. The biggest obstacle I can think of would be Whedon himself. With Wonder Woman, and all his other projects, I don't know if he'd have the time and energy for going back to a new series. I just hope he realizes how passionate we fans are. The main thing we want above all is a new series.


Saturday, July 23, 2005 7:49 PM


Asking if three movies is enough is like asking if I have enough chocolate in my pantry. Answer, there is never enough. Yep, I am the greedy sort.


Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:27 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Firefly: The next generation NO NO NO NO
Firefly: Trading Post Nine uhuhuhuh.
Firefly: Voyuers, hmm, interesting...

Bwaaaahahahahahahahaha!! LMAO!!

C'mon and do the monkey with me..
--Johnny Bravo


Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:30 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
So will you be content with 3 movies, or do you want Serenity to be the springboard for a new series?

well I would prefer that 'Serenity' lead to the TV show being revived a la Star Trek....
but of course we could always go the Star Wars route:

after three great movies Joss could come back 10-20 years later with Prequels
to dismantle his own fan base....
He can show how the idylic happy people were beaten down by the Alliance
and how the cheerful care free childish Mal became Sargent Reynolds
(too bad he doesn't need to breath through a mask)


Sunday, July 24, 2005 4:36 AM



original post by embers:
after three great movies Joss could come back 10-20 years later with Prequels
to dismantle his own fan base....
He can show how the idylic happy people were beaten down by the Alliance
and how the cheerful care free childish Mal became Sargent Reynolds
(too bad he doesn't need to breath through a mask)

What you'd really need is a stereotypical clumsy Jamaican who's life Mal's tutor saves during battle. Of course Mal would have start very young, and then age dramatically while everyone else stayed the same age for this to work effectivly.
We need to get rid of this pesky coherent story thing, not important for films I think, and replace it with big special effects, and merchandising, always the merchandising.

A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
--W.C. Fields


Sunday, July 24, 2005 4:51 AM


I'll take more Firefly/Serenity any way I can get it. Of course series allows more time for character, but movies is BIG. Either way, as long as she's still in the air.
My actual first choice would be monthly TV movies, the best of both worlds.

Serenity 6: Badger's New Suit
This will be the best one. I have that feeling.

Feed the greed Chrisisall


Sunday, July 24, 2005 4:53 AM


Serenity 8: I River

A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
--W.C. Fields


Sunday, July 24, 2005 5:14 AM


Serenity 2: The Wrath Of Niska

Mal on the com link: "NISKA!!!"
Cut to space "NISKA!!!!"

Now I'm gettin' stupid Chrisisall


Sunday, July 24, 2005 6:44 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Serenity 6: Badger's New Suit
This will be the best one. I have that feeling.

Yup, that will be a fan favorite for sure.

But how about Serenity 9: Jayne loves Kaylee
Jayne and Simon battle it out for Kaylee's affection only to find a shocking truth revealed.
Serenity 14: Overdue Book.
When the Serenity crew take a job on Daxvey, a planet on which it's settlers believe to be haunted, Book goes missing. air date: 10/29/07


Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:23 AM


It depends on how the third one ends. If it ends with a sense of closure we may feel it's enough.

But my gut says that since the intention was for us to see these characters in a weekly series, I think we'll always feel robbed.

If we get three movies at roughly 2 hours each, then thats roughly 21 hours of Mal and crew which is a lot less the the roughly 110 we got of ANGEL and the 144 we got of BUFFY.

But I seem to remember Joss saying something to the effect of now that he's gotten the taste of FIREFLY/SERENITY on the big screen he would be reluctant to take it back to the small screen.

So I think we may have to be satisfied with 3.

And also with SERENITY and (hopefully) sequels and WONDER WOMAN on his dance card, he's going to be tied up for a while. And during that time he'll probably be developing his own movie projects and/or getting other offers to direct movies.

We may never see Joss heavily involved in series television again.


Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:28 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Serenity 14: Overdue Book.
When the Serenity crew take a job on Daxvey, a planet on which it's settlers believe to be haunted, Book goes missing.

That's my personal favourite!!
But how about the final one?
Serenity 22: Reynolds Wrap.
After terraforming and reclaiming Earth That Was, Mal is crowned King of all Londinium, and gets to wear a shiny hat.



Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:53 AM


Bwhahahaha, you guys are evil.

Serenity 26: A River runs through us?




Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:24 AM


Will 3 be enough?
If they're great, then I'll say YES.
Sometimes good things are good...and they end when they're over.
"Independence Day" is one of my favourite movies...but I NEVER want to see a sequel.Same with a lot of good movies and TV shows.
If Joss has 2 more full-features in him, then...well, OK.
I'd like to see what happens to the BDHeroes after "Serenity".


Sunday, August 21, 2005 11:28 AM


the great and revered lord whedon should follow the noble path of another sci fi genius douglas adams and create a trilogy of six. but in movies, obviously.

peace out


Sunday, August 21, 2005 12:29 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Will 3 movies be enough for the Firefly faithful?

Only if the world suddenly ends after #3. We were used to getting 45 minutes of bright shiny gold every week - more or less. Movie #3 could leave us completely fulfilled and happy, unlocking all mysteries and having everyone settle down, and I'd still want to hear more. Call me greedy.


Sunday, August 21, 2005 12:56 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by batmarlowe:
But I seem to remember Joss saying something to the effect of now that he's gotten the taste of FIREFLY/SERENITY on the big screen he would be reluctant to take it back to the small screen.

He may have just been saying that (diplomatic) since he just got the amazing opportunity to film Serenity and did not want to seem ungrateful. If he hadn't it would be like saying, "yeah, the movie thing we just did is "okay," but I'd rather do tv." Universal may not have liked seeing that in print and he's smart enough to know that.


Originally posted by batmarlowe:
We may never see Joss heavily involved in series television again.

I seem to recall a show called "The Inside" that just got canceled putting a number of talented writers/directors/producers out of work, and one very talented Firefly veteran in particular, Tim Minear (Train Job, Out of Gas, etc.). I imagine he would do a great Job if Joss W. did not or could not be on the set every day.

TV series - no exceptions. 3 movies would be great. 3 movies and 5+ year series better - why settle?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -






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