
UPDATED: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 04:24
VIEWED: 4860
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:20 AM


Hello everyone. Let me start by saying that a couple weeks weeks ago my wife came home from a friend's house and told me about this really cool show she saw over there called Firefly, she told me it was like cowboys in space or some such thing and being that I love Star Wars and Star Trek I thought the concept sounded strange so I never really thought about it again.

Then last Friday I was fairly bored so I was flipping the channels on the TV and I came across this show that had just started called Firefly, it was then I remembered this must be the show my wife was telling me about, so I thought I would give it a try. It was Serenity part 1. After seeing that one show I had to see another one!!!!! I looked to see if it was going to come on again soon and I think I was going to have to wait for a week or so to see part 2. I was mad, I had to see more Firefly now!!! It was at that time my wife smilled at me and said there's a box set.

Needless to say the very next day I went and got the box set. We watched all 14 episodes over Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Like I said, I have always loved Star trek, Star Wars and even Battlestar Galactica but until now, no show and I mean NO SHOW has ever struck this kind of cord with me! It doesn't seem right to say it's good or fantastic, that's something a fan of the show might say. For me it hit home. I don't even really know how to say it with out sounding stupid.

It's like this show was about my own dreams in life. I've always wanted to just get in my car and just go, I don't know where. Just go. Where doesn't matter. I've also wanted to get a ten acre plot of land away from any where and live in peace with my famley. That kind of thing would be my "Serenity".

I can't believe this show is this good and only aired like 11 epsodes. At least there were three unaired epsodes in the box set and there's the "Serenity" movie coming out September 30th. Hopefully the movie will get the Firefly TV show going again.

Anyway I loved everyone on the show, EVERYONE. I can't say that about the other shows I like and I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite charactor so I won't even try.

Joss Whedon said the people that watch the show "Get it". I know I do.

By the way, how do I get the Firefly song out of my head. LOL


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:27 AM


Welcome, Xizoo! I, too, am a new convert (see my profile). I totally understand what you mean about not being able to express how deeply the show affects you without sounding like an idiot. Firefly affects me, on a very personal level. Fillion's rendition of Mal is quite moving, and strikes me right in (what's left of) my heart. It sounds corny, but I really feel like I can learn something from him about how to be a better person, and how to cope with my own personal demons.


Originally posted by Xizoo:
By the way, how do I get the Firefly song out of my head.

Impossible. Don't even bother trying.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:33 AM


Welcome aboard! Good to hear stories like that one, brings a tear to the eye. Glad to see new people "getting it" almost daily around here. Welcome to the ranks of the "Browncoats" (that's the fans). Good to see you already know about the movie. Consider yourself lucky, you only have a comparitively short time to wait for it. Seeing how much you enjoyed Firefly. I'll recommend the following to help you pass the time, If you haven't seen them: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Joss's first show), Angel (the spin-off, equal if not better at times), Wonderfalls (a quirky comedy from Tim Minear (also worked on Angel and Firefly) and currently being canceled on FOX "The Inside" (also Tim Minear, next weds)
Again, Welcome aboard.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST.....ah FUX nevermind.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:59 AM


I completely agree with everything especially being able to find the right words to define Firefly and my love for it.

I love hearing stories like yours because it gives me hope for the movie being successful as well as the show maybe hopefully coming back.

Thanks for sharing, and welcome home.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:12 AM



Originally posted by Xizoo:
I don't even really know how to say it with out sounding stupid.

It's like this show was about my own dreams in life. I've always wanted to just get in my car and just go, I don't know where. Just go.

you never have to worry about sounding stupid here,
we ALL get exactly what you mean!
I've always dreampt of taking a freighter and seeing the world,
so you can imagine how much I would love to get onboard Serenity and see the solar system/galaxy(?)

I am thrilled that you found the show on sci-fi,
I wasn't quite sure if it was on too early,
I was afraid that sci-fi fans would miss it.

I also need to pimp the comic books!
Joss has put out a three part comic book
(that is, the first one came out a couple of weeks ago and the second will be in August)
to cover the period after the TV show and before the movie...
and it is very cool!


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:24 AM



Originally posted by Xizoo:

Needless to say the very next day I went and got the box set. We watched all 14 episodes over Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Like I said, I have always loved Star trek, Star Wars and even Battlestar Galactica but until now, no show and I mean NO SHOW has ever struck this kind of cord with me! It doesn't seem right to say it's good or fantastic, that's something a fan of the show might say. For me it hit home. I don't even really know how to say it with out sounding stupid.

Firefly just speaks to me. I can't really describe it to friends well, I just tell them that it's my favorite show ever, and I'm not even embarassed to say it. That is, I do sound stupid, but I'm ok with that, and that's something.

It warms my heart every time yet another person has the same experience. I just feel a connection. So, I'm sure you can imagine how excited we've been that Scifi is airing the series. Thanks for sharing...

Ain't. We. Just.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:35 AM


America loves a winner!

Xizoo, welcome! Here you are a completely different person from me, and yet you pretty much said exactly what I feel per Firefly. I'm thrilled that you not only found Firefly, but were able to snag a DVD set too. Smart wife, ya got there. Sounds like a keeper.

Dunno if you've heard, but there have been a few early screenings of SERENITY. Prior to showing, Joss had a brief on screen message to those folks lucky enough to attend the screening ( that'd included me ) Since you've seen the DVD already, and I'm guessing some of the extra stuff, you might be able to appreciate the text of Joss's message. It's spoiler free, btw. Enjoy -

P.S. Xizoo sounds Chinese. Is it? Just wonderin' .

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:58 AM


Really great post, yes it is an amazing show and NO YOU CANNOT get that theme song out of your head.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:19 PM


Xizoo and GreekToomey:

Welcome, y'all!

Yes, Firefly is something special. I think everybody here knows that. The amazing part to me -- and I've been kicking around the General Discussion (GenDis) board for a little over 15 months now -- is that so many disparate personalities are so totally dedicated to this particular series.

We are all different races, colors, creeds and sexes; we hail from the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand, France, Germany, China and Japan. We have Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians... We are fur wearers and animal rights activists; gun owners and those who oppose the ownership of firearms...

Point is, regardless of what else we believe, we all believe in Firefly. For me, it has been a life-altering experience. I never dreamed I could be so caught up in a television show. I have seen a few life-changing movies: "It's A Wonderful Life", "Forrest Gump", "Fight Club", "Star Wars" (original trilogy, only), "Blade Runner", "Unforgiven", "Terms of Endearment" (yeah, I said it), and a handful of others. But I have never been so moved by a TV show.

Why? I'm not sure, not really. I loved Zoe and Wash's marriage. Being married for 16 years myself, I recognized the tug and pull -- and the unquestioning commitment -- of those characters, and recognized myself and my wife (whose name is Kayley, btw). I identified with Mal's disillusionment, his loss of naivete when he realized that the right side doesn't always win. I identified with Book, who is clearly running from his past; it's a similar fall from pride as that suffered by Mal, but Book's handling it a different way, by seeking purpose, rather than denying it.

I identified with Wash's geeky sardonic wit; the comedian who occasionally sticks his foot in his mouth. I identified with River, trapped inside her own head. I knew guys like Jayne (football players mostly) and Simon (but they wore thick glasses with tape around the bridges). I've known girls like Kaylee (open, honest and playful), Inara (graceful, elegant yet somehow unapproachable). I've never known any female quite like Zoe, but I'd sure like to...

Then there was Joss' (and Mutant Enemy team) sparkling dialogue. Have such lines ever been delivered on television before? There have been some fine comedies and dramas on TV, but have any ever managed to so flawlessly combine the two? I don't think so. And a lot of that credit goes to these fine underappreciated actors, too...

Yes, Firefly is something special. Notice I didn't use the past tense. When you have all the elements I've described above, and I still can't say exactly what the big hook in the show is for me, I can only say it's the greatest show ever televised. I watched it when the series first aired on F*x (may they rot in hell), and by the third episode, the theme song meant... So much more than I can express. I have the second verse as the ringtone on my cell: "Take me out to the black, tell 'em I ain't comin' back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."

I don't think we're geeks. I think we're receptive and aware. Maybe that makes us different, misfits. But I can live with that.



And I still don't care for Buffy or Angel. I've tried, but it's not the same, not by a long shot. Like my wife -- who's the only girl for me -- Firefly is 'The One'.

"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:03 PM


Well said, zoid!

And welcome, everyone!

If you're an Arizonan and a Browncoat, come join us:


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:25 PM


Zoid, that was

Welcome Xizoo! Glad to have you onboard!!

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:57 PM


Welcome, Xizoo. Don't worry about trying to explain; you're among kindred spirits here. Pull up a chair. Chow's in ten -- no need to dress. :)

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 5:37 PM



AURaptor wrote:
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 08:35

Xizoo, welcome! Here you are a completely different person from me, and yet you pretty much said exactly what I feel per Firefly.


One thing though.

Whilst I am pleased that new fans appear every day, I feel that these new guys got a better deal, in a way.. they only have a relatively short time between watching the TV series and the Movie. While its been an agonising few years wait for most of us. Still... I can't begrudge these new guys, I just envy them.
Its like when I lend my DVDs out to people and create fanatics, I always feel envious even though it is always my intention to bring them into our fold.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:48 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

Point is, regardless of what else we believe, we all believe in Firefly. For me, it has been a life-altering experience. I never dreamed I could be so caught up in a television show. I have seen a few life-changing movies: "It's A Wonderful Life", "Forrest Gump", "Fight Club", "Star Wars" (original trilogy, only), "Blade Runner", "Unforgiven", "Terms of Endearment" (yeah, I said it), and a handful of others. But I have never been so moved by a TV show.

I think Zoid said it best for me. Almost to the point that I look at people differently when they say that didn't like Firefly or didn't think much of it (for all the wrong superficial reasons). I know of at least two people like this.

Now, I'm always of the attitude that if someone doesn't like what you like, then they're exercising the right to be different in their artistic appreciation or life perspective. It's called tolerance, even for the intolerant.

But I detect something somewhat spiritual about this show and almost everyone here. Not spiritual as in organised religion spiritual. I'm as atheist as they come. More like a recognition of something regarding life's questions and the lack of an easy answer or path.

For those that don't see that in this show (and I'm not saying you have to), then I sincerely hope they get their answers from somewhere else - if they are looking. Otherwise they will truly be oblivious and avoidant to life and meaning. That's a fate I'd hate for anyone to deal with when life ends.

An article of interest which I found through Google using the keywords "when you can't run anymore you crawl":


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:05 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

AURaptor wrote:
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 08:35

Xizoo, welcome! Here you are a completely different person from me, and yet you pretty much said exactly what I feel per Firefly.


One thing though.

Whilst I am pleased that new fans appear every day, I feel that these new guys got a better deal, in a way.. they only have a relatively short time between watching the TV series and the Movie. While its been an agonising few years wait for most of us. Still... I can't begrudge these new guys, I just envy them.
Its like when I lend my DVDs out to people and create fanatics, I always feel envious even though it is always my intention to bring them into our fold.

As Zoid mentioned earlier, I also have been here since Firefly first appeared on Fox (Fox = braindead morons) in 2002. I had caught some previews quite by accident while checking out Cops one Friday evening because nothing else was on. Intrigued by the preview (remember Wash: "Who's driving this thing, Oh that would be me!") I made a point to watch and have been stuck like a fly to flypaper ever since, no pun intended. We have gone through the agony of cancellation, the exhilaration of DVD's and getting our own BDM. Let us not forget that we also went through the painful experience of having our BDM being postponed from an April, 2005 release to September 30, 2005. And all of us would wait as long as it takes.

I have never ever felt this way about any tv show as history, biography and discovery channels are my preference. It was just a fluke that I happened to be on Fox that Friday night in 2002 and saw previews for Firefly. So believe me, I know exactly how you feel! I was getting my second set of DVD's together last night to bring into another potential Browncoat and was envious indeed as I watched Serenity and Train Job, wishing that I could be seeing it again for the first time. So remember, the impact Firefly has made on you is not unusual and you are among fellow Browncoats who will fully understand your obsession. OH! and Welcome!

"And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an over-abundance of schooling." Mal, Train Job


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:21 AM


...What a great tale of discovery!!!




Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:06 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

And as part of your Welcome gift basket... another episode! Well, sorta kinda. At least it will feel like another episode if you are like most people who've just watched the entire series and are now starting to jones for more Firefly. The following link is for an unfilmed script Dead or Alive:

When you read it I'm sure you'll be able to "see" the episode as if you were plopped down in your favorite tv chair just like the other ones - also, it's a very good ep imho. Enjoy!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:25 AM


Wow, pizmo, thanks for that! I didn't know it was there (also a relative newbie. Just discovered the easter egg on the 4th disk last week, no thanks to my brother!!)

And Xizoo, wonderful to have you aboard! And it's great to hear that the airing of Firefly on Sci Fi is indeed recruiting new browncoats.

Zoid-you really did speak for all of us. That was wonderful!

"You know, there is no language of vegetables, which converts a cucumber into a formal declaration of attachment."-Nicholas Nickleby


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:24 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Xizoo. Glad to have you aboard. Make yourself at home.

Thanks for sharing how you came to find Firefly and what the show means to you. I enjoy reading how everyone came to discover the show, and hearing their thoughts and feelings on the series.

You are coming into the fandom at a great time. The first issue of the comic run came out this month. The RPG & action figures are due out late next month, there is a Serenity companion book coming out soon, and there are several magazines coming out w/ articles on the BDM.

Should be an interesting year.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:






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