UPDATED: Wednesday, August 3, 2005 18:19
VIEWED: 6770
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Sunday, July 31, 2005 3:42 AM


I just saw posted at Whedonesque that Joss was at something called a Booster Bash convention or something or other and said that he is not going to be at Dragoncon and never was. They supposedly had him listed without his consent. I am REALLY hoping this is some kind of mistake or nasty rumor, but it doesn't appear that way. Read through the thread and see what people who saw him said. Anyone with ANY connections please try and see if this is true or not.

I've never done a Con before and frankly, never in a million years thought I would - but to see and meet Joss? - he was the main reason I was going. I can't even begin to express the depths of my dissapointment.

I literally just got out of bed and got on the computer and saw this and am still bleary-eyed, so pardon if I don't make much sense right now. I just had to let you guys know and hope that someone can refute this.

Please, say it ain't so!

I'll be in my bunk, crying.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 3:46 AM


As I see it, there's two possibilities:

1) Joss is going but wanted it to be a surprise so he's spreading an "I'm not coming" story.
2) Joss isn't going and Dragon*Con got ahead of themselves/deliberately decieved people to get them to buy tickets.

Do they have a refund policy?


Sunday, July 31, 2005 4:00 AM


My daughter just told me to put in a link to Whedonesque so people could see it. Here ya go!

The thread is under July 31st. Clicking on the link send you to a site called Booster Events, but I don't see any Joss info. I think the news is just listed on the thread by people who are there.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 4:19 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
As I see it, there's two possibilities:

1) Joss is going but wanted it to be a surprise so he's spreading an "I'm not coming" story.
2) Joss isn't going and Dragon*Con got ahead of themselves/deliberately decieved people to get them to buy tickets.

Do they have a refund policy?

Ya know, there's a part of me that's tempted to try and get my money back. But, then again, I do so love our BDH's and HOPEFULLY DragonCon isn't lying about any of them being there. It's just, I don't know, so frickin disapointing.

Plus, my daughter would KILL me if I bagged the trip.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 5:42 AM


In the many years I've been going to D*C, I've never known them to post guests that they didn't have confirmed. They are a professional organization that's been doing this for a VERY long time.

That being said, mistakes do happen (I'm REALLY hoping this isn't one of them) But I don't think they would schedule panels if they didn't know for sure he was coming. This con is huge, and while I love Joss, they don't need him for the con to turn an equally huge profit. So I see no reason for them lying to us. At least, this is the rational I'm telling myself

A few people at the UB have put in emails to the PTB's at D*C, so hopefully we will have a more official statement soon.

I am not allowing myself to panic...yet

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Sunday, July 31, 2005 7:03 AM


I'm one of the admins at Whedonesque and I know the person who posted the link, chatting to her just now on MSN messenger she said and I quote "Joss said he wanted to get the word out as soon as he could. Everytime he posted he'd forget to mention it."


Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:51 AM


I'd just like to say first of all that I too have attended Dragon*Con the last few years, & they have NO PROBLEMS AT ALL filling the places up. Both hotels are ALWAYS packed full of wonderful & crazy people & all the panels I've attended are jam-packed & usually standing room only. I can not & will not believe that they would throw a name like Joss' around willy nilly (or anyone else's for that matter) just to sell more memberships. They honestly don't need to. After having gone the first time time, I have to say the thing sells itself. My friend & I vowed on the long ride home, while nearly in tears having had to leave, never to miss another one ever again, no matter who was booked. We met a few of the BDH's last year (not to mention some other FABULOUS people, celebs & "regular" folk ) & Joss was just icing this year! Very yummy icing mind you, but we would've gone anyway.

In the past, there were guests who were signed on to show up & when they couldn't be there, for whatever reason, they (very professionally) cancelled through D*C, it was posted on the front page of the site & that was that. It has already been said, D*C has been around a LONG time, it is run VERY smoothly (considering the number of people & guests they have to accommodate) & I absolutely refuse to believe this "misunderstanding" is their fault. At least not entirely.

He has been booked for 3 months (or more?) on a very publicized website which had a special little section up for him on the front page, saying "VERY SPECIAL GUEST CONFIRMED...BLAH BLAH BLAH....JOSS WHEDON!! YAAAAY!!" Everyone's excitement about him attending this convention has started MANY thread topics for just as many months on different message boards devoted to his works, including this one AND the "official" Serenity Fan Site Forums (the "Browncoat board"). So this comment here:

"Joss said he wanted to get the word out as soon as he could. Everytime he posted he'd forget to mention it."

TO ME is utter nonsense. Like I said, this has been "confirmed" for MONTHS & if it weren't so, he could've & SHOULD HAVE said something LONG before now. And especially NOT in a room full of fans. He (or his "people") should've taken care of it a long time ago through Dragon*Con's guest services. I've e-mailed them myself in the past, respectfully requesting guests & whatnot. It took me all of a minute.

Anyway, until I hear something official from the man himself (& it had BETTER be good ) I can not believe that this is even true. We'll see, I guess.

And to those of you all out of sorts because you spent money on D*C just to see Joss, fret not. IT IS MONEY WELL SPENT. You will have the time of your life!!!


Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:12 AM


I was originally attending Dragon*Con anyways, having the added bonus that Joss would be there just made it better. I DO hope he can attend but if not, I am still there to enjoy myself.



Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:32 AM



TO ME is utter nonsense. Like I said, this has been "confirmed" for MONTHS & if it weren't so, he could've & SHOULD HAVE said something LONG before now.

Alternatively, if they "confirmed" him but didn't actually ask or tell him, how did he know?

Surely it's the responsibility of the convention organisers to PROPERLY confirm guests for THEIR conventions, and NOT the guest's responsibility to hunt or and deny non-involvement in OTHERS conventions?

Joss gets no blame for this - he's not even in DC that weekend (he's elsewhere in the US) - it's D*C's fuck up. - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:46 AM


This is definately not Joss' fault. But I think it's a bit premature to blame D*C, as well.

On March 9, long before D*C announced Joss as a guest, it was posted on the UB that Joss would be attending D*C. (as was pointed out in the UB forums, sorry, I don't remember by who)

Maybe I'm just a glass half full kinda person (although most of my friends would strongly disagree) but I'm going with big ol' misunderstanding. But we'll all know the truth soon enough

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:56 AM



Joss gets no blame for this
Well of course not. Joss does no wrong. The air he exhales is golden & the earth instantly grows roses wherever he walks. He couldn't possibly be at fault for any sort of mix-up or crossed wires, nor would he ever make up stories (because it's NOT what he does for a living) to cover up such mistakes. That he would of course never make. How dare I even suggest such a thing. Shame on me.

he's not even in DC that weekend
I think it is so incredibly cool that you know Joss' itinerary! How does one get their hands on such priveledged information?

OH!! You must work as Joss' personal assistant/spokesperson AND for Dragon*Con's guest booking department! It must be difficult having all that responsibility.

And Dragon*Con is in Atlanta, Georgia. Not DC.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:59 AM



Originally posted by IndecisiveTwit:

Joss gets no blame for this

Well of course not. Joss does no wrong. The air he exhales is golden & the earth instantly grows roses wherever he walks. He couldn't possibly be at fault for any sort of mix-up or crossed wires, nor would he ever make up stories (because it's NOT what he does for a living) to cover up such mistakes. That he would of course never make. How dare I even suggest such a thing. Shame on me.

Although I like sarcasm, I don't like it when done badly.

Look, I'm not saying Joss can do no wrong. This is the guy who wrote "Family". He can get worked up, and take control a little too much.

In this situation, I don't believe this is Joss's fault.



he's not even in DC that weekend

I think it is so incredibly cool that you know Joss' itinerary! How does one get their hands on such priveledged information?

He said so. - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:16 AM



Although I like sarcasm, I don't like it when done badly.
I'm sorry my attempt at sarcasm didn't please you. I'll certainly try to do better next time.

I guess everyone's entitled to their own uneducated opinion. Without knowing him personally or having all the facts we will never know for sure. But I do know the webmaster of Dragon*Con's website, who also runs the Daily Dragon (their official publication, when the con is running) & also runs the film track & has (or had?) confirmed Joss for a panel in his track. He'll straighten things out for me, I'm sure of it.

ANYWAY, we'll see when we hear it from his mouth. Even then I'm not sure I'll believe him, not that it's worth anything if I don't.

He said so.
Like I said, golden.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:25 AM


I'm not going to have a 'How connected are we?' contest here. - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:50 AM



I'm not going to have a 'How connected are we?' contest here.
Well good. That was not my intention at all. I'm just saying that I have the means to educate myself with some actual facts before getting all bent out of shape.

And how difficult is it to believe that Joss simply changed his mind about attending this convention & to avoid making his fan base angry at him, he's played the innocent card to place the blame on Dragon*Con instead of himself?


Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:52 AM



And how difficult is it to believe that Joss simply changed his mind about attending this convention & to avoid making his fan base angry at him, he's played the innocent card to place the blame on Dragon*Con instead of himself?

Well for one thing, if Dragon*Con had him under contract, he wouldn't be able to change his mind like that.

Whatever the case, suggesting it's purely Dragon*Con's fault may be wrong, but suggesting Joss can't be arsed: also may be wrong.

Reality, it isn't massively important. We all know this. - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:08 PM



Well for one thing, if Dragon*Con had him under contract, he wouldn't be able to change his mind like that.
This is not true at all. The guests that attend THIS particular convention are not getting paid for their time, therefore the money they make is coming from autographs, photos taken with fans & memorabilia. They may sign an agreement with D*C, but they can easily pull out. As I remember, at least 2 guests cancelled last minute last year (as I stated in my original post.) If D*C were paying them for their time, I'm sure there would have to be some contractural agreement in place to assure they didn't lose any money when people just up & decide they don't want to, or can't for whatever reason, be there.

Also, Adam Baldwin was scheduled for the entire convention last year & left after the first day, as something unexpectedly came up (they changed filming dates on a movie he was filming overseas or something like that. Regardless he left.) So they apparently can just come & go as they please.

Whatever the case, suggesting it's purely Dragon*Con's fault may be wrong, but suggesting Joss can't be arsed: also may be wrong.
I wholeheartedly concur with this statement.

Reality, it isn't massively important.
With this, I also concur.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:12 PM


It's pretty common at Cons for guests to have to bow out for one reason or another, so I'm guessing contracts allow for a guest to not come. Adam Baldwin had to leave early last year, simply because he got a job and had to go work.

I've been to DragonCon 5 years now, and they don't need to lie to get a crowd. The Con was almost too big for itself the last two years, so adding a bunch of pissed off people who are there to see a guest who "wasn't ever coming" is highly unlikely.

Joss is currently listed by the Buffy Trak as doing a panel at 1 pm on Monday. The people who do the schedules for the specific traks don't just make them up. They have to actually talk to the guests (or in the case of someone like Joss, probably an agent or manager) to work their panels into the guests' desired schedule. My guess is that it would be tough for the people that run the Buffy trak to get confirmation from Joss (or his people) about a 1 pm panel if he was never actually coming.

I don't know anyone associated with Whedon web sites, nor do I know anyone associated with DragonCon. But I do know my own experiences with going to this specific Con, and Joss being listed as a "confirmed" guest without actually being confirmed would be highly abnormal for DragonCon. I'm also guessing that sometime Monday or Tuesday we'll get official word from DragonCon.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:39 PM


From Joss:

Hi boys and girls. I'm not going to Dragoncon. As far as I know, I was never ASKED to go to Dragoncon. I didn't even know when or where it was. I have nothing against Dragoncon per se (unless actual dragons are there, which would be scary and dangerous) (and "acchio Firebolt" doesn't really work for just anyone) but I have other plans. I don't know about the actors -- I assume the ones listed are actually going and I'll make sure we confirm that. Sorry for the confusification but it is not of my making.

Gotta fly, peeps. But not to Atlanta. -j.

(The Edinburgh thing is true though.)


Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:51 PM


On t'interweb; - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, July 31, 2005 2:41 PM


Absolutely can't see DragonCon lying, they don't have to, as has been stated before but I can't see Joss lying either. Hope the record gets straightened out soon. But I'll be there regardless.

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Sunday, July 31, 2005 2:45 PM


I think it's important to stress nobody is saying Dragon*Con lied. It sounds like there's a bit of confusion somewhere.

As I said earlier, joss has other plans that weekend so he ain't going, that's all the info that needs to get out. - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, July 31, 2005 4:30 PM


On behalf of me and my mom, BayBreeze1, I want to say that she did not post this so we could play the blame game; she simply posted so we could try and get some good reliable info.

Thanks for helping us to set the record straight. I'll be very sad to not see Joss there but I know I'll still enjoy the Con. Anyone thinking of backing out cuz Joss wont be there, I beg you to reconsider. It'll be fun, regardless of who's there.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FREAKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damnit." ~Joss


Monday, August 1, 2005 2:51 AM


Hey Litwolf, you got that right, DC will be awesome no matter what! I look forward to meeting you and your mom (BB1). I think meeting all you Browncoats may be more fun than hugging Adam....naaaahhhh but close.

By the way, not that Joss's post wasn't good enough but I did confirm with an "official" source close to Joss that he will not be at DragonCon nor did he have plans to be.

But a shiny time will be had by all, anyway!

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Monday, August 1, 2005 3:04 AM


Hey All! Well, looks like it's official. The Josster won't be there. I've had time to get over my disspointment (sniff!) and realize that indeed, as Litwolf and FFG said, it's still gonna be a blast at DragonCon. As to the why's and wherefor's, frankly I don't really care. Joss does not confide in me (well, there was that one time......) and I'm not privy to the inside scoop at DragonCon, so I would not presume to lay blame. I'm just gonna chalk it up to "Poop Happens" and settle in to enjoy my first Con ever. Can't wait to see any and all of our BDH's that will be there and to meet my fellow Browncoats.

I'll be in my bunk - packing!

P.S. FFG - thanks for double checking. And as much fun as it will be meeting you, the only thing more fun than hugging Adam would be hugging Nathon. Are you ticked that I rank you third???


Monday, August 1, 2005 3:50 AM


I can handle third behind Nathan and Adam, BB1. I'm happy to be in there at all.

I just spoke to DragonCon this morning and I believe I can see where the possible disconnect is. DragonCon has been talking to Universal Studios. DragonCon's priority is to straighten this matter out because they are surprised on Joss not coming too! I think we should probably know the update soon.

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Monday, August 1, 2005 7:29 AM


Joss has been reading all the dissappointment and angst...and he wrote this additional post to that Whedonesque thread:

Okay. Now I'm feelin' extra-crappy (stays crappy even in milk!) about this whole thing. Maybe I can tape something AWESOME (or at least exclusive) to send over with my BDHs. I'll look into it.

And, hey, I just linked to that picture of me at the Angel event! Say, is murder against the law? (Never emote in public, say it with me now....)

I will try to come up with something worthy re: the con, 'cause I honestly don't believe I can go. Bye y'all.

Sincerely, Ol' SquintyGums.
joss | August 01, 17:22 CET

so I'm sure he'll TRY to make it up to everyone!

Join my crew: Fairfield Fireflies


Monday, August 1, 2005 9:29 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by embers:
Okay. Now I'm feelin' extra-crappy (stays crappy even in milk!) about this whole thing. Maybe I can tape something AWESOME (or at least exclusive) to send over with my BDHs. I'll look into it.

And, hey, I just linked to that picture of me at the Angel event! Say, is murder against the law? (Never emote in public, say it with me now....)

I will try to come up with something worthy re: the con, 'cause I honestly don't believe I can go. Bye y'all.

Sincerely, Ol' SquintyGums.
joss | August 01, 17:22 CET

Okay, I must say that I am disappointed Joss can't make it either, but unfortunately these things happen. I was looking forward to seeing Joss too, but if he is busy, he is busy. Wish it were otherwise, but if he doesn't make it we are still lucky to have so many of the cast confirmed for Dragon Con. I needn't point out that we will have more of the cast in attendance this year than last year.

Maybe we can uncross the wires next year & have Joss attend w/ the entire cast for 2006.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, August 1, 2005 9:32 AM


A special video hello? I could cope with that, though I dont know if my mom could ^_^ Oh well, Ill just go with the flow.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FREAKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damnit." ~Joss


Monday, August 1, 2005 1:52 PM


A special video just for us? Heck yeah, I'll take a little bit of Joss any way I can get it! (Hmmm, don't know if that sounded quite right....) I think at this point we're all in basic agreement that while very disappointed (we just love our Joss too darn much!) we are still gonna go to the Con, party with all our old/new friends, gaze adoringly at our BDH's, and just have a fine old time.

So Joss, don't feel too crappy. As I said earlier "Poop Happens". You are allowed to have a life too ya know! And if you send us a special video, that would just be, uh, well, uh, special.

I'll be in my bunk - looking for my Thesaurus.


Monday, August 1, 2005 4:43 PM


this is certainly quite the brew-haha
interesting discussion here:
because evidently Universal thinks Joss is going:

and of course Dragoncon refuses to believe he's NOT coming:
But Joss himself is very clear that no one cleared this w/him:

sounds to me like someone at Universal signed him up without ever actually getting it on his schedule...
so, any bets?
Will Universal apologize for the mix up (because it sounds like their mistake)?
Will Joss be forced to change his plans?
I'm betting that Dragoncon is feeling very ill-used and caught in the middle.

All my sympathy to the fans who were only going to see Joss!

Join my crew: Fairfield Fireflies


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 1:50 AM


I wish someone would just come out with an official statment, not just a thread here or a post there. But, until someone does that, Im not gonna pay too much attention to rumors, I like facts. Im just gonna wait til Im at Dragon*Con to see if Joss is there or not. I dont think he will be now, but until then *stuffs ears with tissue paper*

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FREAKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damnit." ~Joss


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:19 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


As of the last contact on Thursday (7/28/2005) Joss is still planning on attending Dragon Con. Until Universal and Joss tell us otherwise expect him to be there. We will be recontacting Universal and Joss tomorrow.

David Gordon
Programming Sr-Director

The above was pulled from this blog:

Guess we are still waiting for official word from Dragon Con on the scheduling snafu.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:35 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

As of the last contact on Thursday (7/28/2005) Joss is still planning on attending Dragon Con. Until Universal and Joss tell us otherwise expect him to be there. We will be recontacting Universal and Joss tomorrow.

David Gordon
Programming Sr-Director

The above was pulled from this blog:

Guess we are still waiting for official word from Dragon Con on the scheduling snafu.

this is what I mean by dragoncon being caught in the middle...
they made arrangments with Universal, according to Joss they haven't talked to Joss...
so really dragoncon shouldn't say that 'Joss is planning on coming'
they should say that Universal has assured us that Joss is planning on coming....

Of course I'm just saying what I've gleened from reading different sites.
I am positive that Joss posted the remarks at Whedonesque...
and I am equally positive that dragoncon has a signed contract, but I believe it was signed on Joss' behalf by someone at Universal....

it was pointed out that Universal put Joss down as coming here:

but if you look closely you'll notice that Universal is also advertising that Joss would be at Comic Con in Philly, and we know that that was NOT the case!

Join my crew: Fairfield Fireflies


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 6:36 AM


Unfortunately it is now official. The following link "should" take you to the American Sci Fi Tv programing tract from the Dragon*Con web site. They've updated to say that Joss won't be there.

I'm still gonna go and I'm sure I'm going to have a GREAT time (I'm even planning my costume now!). But, ya know, kinda really disapointed here. I was just so looking forward to seeing Joss. Oh, well, life, as well as conventions, goes on. I'll get over it and have a blast.

I'll be in my bunk - putting away the picture I had hoped Joss would autograph. Sigh.


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 6:19 PM


Howdy all.

I’m gonna post this one on a couple of boards, so sorry if you’ve seen it before.

It looks like I’ll be heading to DragonCon to see my Little Damn Flan Film on the big screen (which is always such a cool feeling).

Which reminds me, I better run over to Hasufel's thread to ask for nametags.

However, we probably won’t get there til late Friday night (it turns out Georgia is REALLY far away), and will likely miss the BDH sit down or any chance to meet them in an autograph line. That’ll include any fancy video apology they may have in tow.
So, the idea that Joss won’t be there all weekend is some disappointing. That was a hand that seriously needed shaking.

Still, there’s a boatload of great stuff to check out. Browncoat events galore. Some of the other films at the festival look simply amazing. I’m also not much of an autograph kind of guy, but getting Margaret Weis to sign my tattered old copy of Dragons of Autumn Twilight would be something else. What 80’s geek didn’t have an affinity for one of the characters from that book?

However, although I know my wardrobe should have one of those PvP-online “Joss Whedon is My Master Now” t-shirts, I’m also a huge believer in a bit of mockery where mockery is due, so… (smirk)

Joss has bust his ass and given his soul to Serenity for as long as he can probably remember. If he’d a came out and said, “look, sorry gang, but I’ve totally neglected my life for this thing and it’s my aunt Ester’s 60th birthday that weekend,” who wouldn’t have understood? Certainly not me.

Though I love Joss more than any other fellow comb-forward receding reddish-head I’ve never met, and I don’t even want to imagine juggling the whole conventions/Universal/fandom/family thing, deciding to go with the plausible deniability response kinda felt like it might have been suggested by the same PR person who told Sinead O’Conner to go ahead and rip up a picture of the pope.

Sure, it’s just a few disappointed fans this time, but next thing you know you’re getting booed off a stage in the arms of Kris Kristofferson.

…Well… it could happen.

Playful jabs aside, if you’re going to be at the con, stop on by the parody films slot and I promise you’ll laugh hard enough to make you forget the absence of our Master for a whole eleven minutes.






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