JayneCobb: obtuse and in-appropriate.

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:17
VIEWED: 15309
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:36 PM


"As funny as Xander, but with one-third less brain cells"
The guy just slays me (not that way, I mean with the funny), he's so unthinking, he never edits himself.
What one line out of Jayne's mouth comes to mind where you had to pause or back up the dvd you laughed so hard, so as not to miss the next line of dialogue the first time you heard it?

For me, it's "How could I stay away?" I grin as I type it, he was being so honest, in his own phoney and drunk sort of way...I lol almost every time I watch Jaynestown.

What's his line Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:46 PM


Joss (in one of the commentaries) said that Jayne was Firefly's Cordelia:
selfish, self-serving, she (he) would never edit themselves because they feel totally justified in their POV
(somehow I find it cuter in Jayne...or maybe I just knew too many Cordelia's growing up).

Join my crew: Fairfield Fireflies


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:47 PM


Jayne is not obtuse, or inappropriate.

I'll concede he lacks subtlety, but he sends money home to his mother and helps rescue Mal from Niska, which would be the perfect opportunity to steal the ship, what with Mal, Zoe and Wash off.

My favorite quote is, "I'm smellin' a lotta IF comin' off this plan."

Jayne has THE BEST lines in the whole series. Who else could get away with saying, "Sure you don't just wanta piss yourself and back down like you did with Badger?" I'd love to say something like that to my boss, but I need the money.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:06 PM


I agree, embers, they're both funny, but Jayne exhibits a child-like unknowingness about him, whereas Cordy knows which way the blade is cutting as she speaks.

Itty bitty punk Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:15 PM


I can't pick just one.

"I got a share of this job, and ten percent of nothin' is - lemme do the math, here. Nothin'... and then nothin'... carry the nothin'..."

I particularly enjoy the way Baldwin appears to be continuing to work out the Nothing Math with gestures in the background as the dialogue goes back to Zoe and Mal.

Next is, "YEAH! No, uh - Someone could be hurt!"


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:54 PM


Baldwin has been really good in a lot of roles (he even made small parts like those in Predator 2 and ID4 shine), but he seems to be really havin' fun in the Jayne part.

I don't kiss 'em on the mouth Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:05 PM


I think that my favorite jayne moment would have to be in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" when Jayne says, "That's why I don't kiss'em on the mouth" and there's just an awkward silence ensuing.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:19 PM


I love in The Train Job, when he pulls on that hat and looks at Kaylee, then dead-pans "Time for some thrilling heroics." It's just... ooh, it's just a great line. Don't ask me why. *G*

Either that or:

"You can't change that by gettin' all... bendy. Got the light, from the console... shines down... like... little angels..."

Oh, I also want to add that Adam Baldwin makes Jayne, Jayne. Anyone else, he'd either be a musclehead or a dope and no one would care about him. Adam Baldwin brought something to Jayne that made you fear him while you were laughing at/with him. It's quite a feat and he did an admirable job. No one else could have been Jayne Cobb. No one. :-)


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:59 PM


Jayne could easily be a cartoon character played by a less engaging, or less talented actor.
Adam is the man they call Jayne.

Why'd y'all order a dead guy Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 3:27 PM


In Shindig, when Mal upsets Kaylee and Jayne asks, "Is she mad or somethin'?"

He pulls the confusion off so damn well it's hilarious.

And he has the Indy Jones hat on.



Tuesday, August 9, 2005 3:56 PM


It's not really a line, but I back up and rewatch the bit in Jaynestown where Jayne and Simon are in Simon's infirmary. Just after Mal says, "Why're you still arguin' what's already been decided?" Jayne sighs, rips the gun-and-adhesive-tape off his stomach, and then makes a little squeak and THAT FACE.


I want to be Jayne if I ever grow up.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:12 PM


Jayne is the most versatile character I've ever come across in terms of what the writers can use him for:

Fearsomeness. You wanna make this guy mad?

Competence (in a fight).

Lunkheadedness. No matter how good he is in fight, he might get you into you one you don't want to be in. And maybe into one he doesn't want to be in for that matter.

Blunt (for dramatic purposes).

Blunt (for comic purposes).

Humor. "Can we go to that crappy town where I'm a hero?"

Provides suspense. Can't be trusted.

Provides conflict. Thinks he should be in charge.

Resolute. Will not back down once he's made up his mind.

Yes, he's new and improved, multi-purpose Jayne (TM)! Available only in specially marked boxes of FIREFLY and SERENITY!

WARNING: Do not use Jayne for leadership or strategy.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:47 PM


Humor. "Can we go to that crappy town where I'm a hero?"

The above quote is actually from Wash, but I agree that Jayne played by Adam is awesome. He is my favorite character.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:48 PM


Baldwin does a great job with Jayne. I think there is some pretty good acting on Firefly as a general rule, but Baldwin does an especially good job.

Jayne is such a realistic character. His mannerisms; his language, the way he styles himself. He almost makes the other characters look flat by comparison.

I've been told by at least one source that should be reliable that I'm very Jayne-isque. I personally don’t see it, and even though I’m not sure the comment was meant to be flattering, I was happy anyway. Jayne is one of only two characters that I’ve ever been accused of being like. The other one was Oz from Buffy. I see that one much more then I see the Jayne reference, but still, I wouldn’t have drawn that comparison. But I digress.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:11 PM


A couple of gems:
"Pain is scary"
"I'll be in my bunk"

and my favorite:

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go and beat you with 'till you understand who's in ruttin' command."

VERY minor movie spoiler, which I only tag for the extreme spoilerphobe:

Select to view spoiler:

He gets all the best lines in the movie too.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:12 PM


I love the 2 lines in "Heart of Gold":

"Can I start gettin' sexed now?"
"There's so much tasty in here my John Thomas is about to pop off and fly around the room."

And how he so unabashedly mentions masturbating to the Shepard in "Objects in Space".

I can't help it...Jayne just screams of "SEX!"

'Course it helps that Adam is just soooooo damn fine.

"Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in ruttin' command."


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:34 PM


I'd have to say that the best moment from Jayne is him sitting across from the Alliance officer in Bushwacked sayin...nothin.

The look says it all..."Hey fed..go hump yourself."

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:39 PM


I always liked, "I like smackin' 'em!" Makes me laugh every time.

"Man has an evil side, Pinky." -Brain
"Front or back?" -Pinky


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:53 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I've been told by at least one source that should be reliable that I'm very Jayne-isque.

I told thatweirdgirl that when I read her posts I always hear River's voice; and when I read your posts, I always hear Jayne's (but with a good deal more brain cells). I in NO way see you as Oz, unless you stare (in person) as a reaction to a question...I can't tell here.

Aren't we a little likeness demon Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 6:01 PM


Joss Whedon: "What now, we're stuck?"
Jose Molina: "Somebody should say something unexpected..."
Joss: "Have Jayne say something ed up!"
*Types: That's why I don't kiss 'em on the mouth*
Joss: "Ha, that's so ed up, that's Jayne all right!"

Scenerio imagining Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:06 PM


The appeal of the Cobb character is that he's afraid of everything, and which of us isn't afraid of something?
I think people give characteristics to Cobb that aren't written or performed because they want to have sex with Adam Baldwin - it's the old transference routine


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:18 PM


In "The Message", after Mal and Zoe opened the cargo container, I was laughing hysterically during the group silence. I was expecting someone to say something like "Isn't that against Alliance shipping regs?" or something of that nature. When Jayne busted out with "What'd y'all order a dead guy for?" I was literally rolling on the floor. Too funny.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient!


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:20 PM


What Adam seems to bring to "Jayne" is that crafty little boy who yanked pigtails and put gum in your hair in fourth grade.

He's evil in that bratty little kid way, more than anything big-evil-murderous, he's having fun with his life, and lives to enjoy life.

Him and Kaylee *definately* have the obnoxious big brother - little sister thing down pat.

All the really good lines have already been uttered, but a friend of mine looves the one in war stories...

"Coulda-shoulda-woulda." as he racks the bolt of Vera...

heh heh heh,



Tuesday, August 9, 2005 9:03 PM


Yeah, Severen, you're right. That is Wash's line. Egg on my face. But it makes sense. Why would Jayne want to go back to the crappy town where he's a hero?

Now I'll have to find another example that fits that particular kind of Jayne humor. There's probably a bunch of examples, but one isn't coming immediately to mind. Probably because it's two o'clock in the morning.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:22 AM


read this thread last night before i went to work, then on my drive home this morning i had an epiphany! and everyone please feel 100% free to disagree with me. ( i see resemblances all the time that no one else does) but as i was litening to the OMWF sound track in my car, it hit me...
if not the same root character, definately from the same corner of Joss's mind. so like cousins or something...
try a spike or jayne line, with the other's accent. should work a good 60% of the time.

...May have been the losing side, Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:30 AM


I really don't want to rehash the whole Spike thing, because I like this board and I don't want to vent my bitterness all over the shiny new surface, suffice to say Jayne is nothing like Spike in my opinion.

I think Jayne is adorable. And most of the best quotes have been said, but I think this classic has been overlooked...

Jayne: "What we need is a diversion... Zoe could get nekkid."
Wash: "No!".
Jayne: "I could get nekkid."
Zoe and Wash: "No!".

Oooh... and...

"There's nothing as deceivin' as a low down, diry... deceiver."

And this one had me on the floor laughing so hard...

"Dear Diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hillfolk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:35 AM



Originally posted by optimus1998:

That makes more sense than it should.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:47 AM


ok. absolutely NOT trying to open a can of worms here, BUT.........

Originally posted by batmarlowe:
Jayne is the most versatile character I've ever come across in terms of what the writers can use him for:

Fearsomeness. You wanna make this guy mad?

Competence (in a fight).

Lunkheadedness. No matter how good he is in fight, he might get you into you one you don't want to be in. And maybe into one he doesn't want to be in for that matter.

Blunt (for dramatic purposes).

Blunt (for comic purposes).

Humor. "Can we go to that crappy town where I'm a hero?"

Provides suspense. Can't be trusted.

Provides conflict. Thinks he should be in charge.

Resolute. Will not back down once he's made up his mind.

Yes, he's new and improved, multi-purpose Jayne (TM)! Available only in specially marked boxes of FIREFLY and SERENITY!

WARNING: Do not use Jayne for leadership or strategy.

I think most of these couls be applied to spike, though i should specify post initiatve spike(with chip/soul)

Spike is the most versatile character I've ever come across in terms of what the writers can use him for:

Fearsomeness. You wanna make this guy mad? ( he did kill 2 slayers and "study under" Angelus)

Competence (in a fight).( only folks i can remember beating him fist to fist would be adam, Buffy and Angel, maybe Faith ( did they ever fight?)

Lunkheadedness. No matter how good he is in fight, he might get you into you one you don't want to be in. And maybe into one he doesn't want to be in for that matter.( do i even need to go there?)

Blunt (for dramatic purposes).

Blunt (for comic purposes).

Humor. (from the Angel series Finale)
"Angel: Tonight one of you is going to betray me...
Spike thrusts arm in the air enthusiastically
Spike: Well can I at least betray you 3 times?"

Provides suspense. Can't be trusted.

Provides conflict. Thinks he should be in charge, that or buffy's pants.

Resolute. Will not back down once he's made up his mind.

...May have been the losing side, Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:51 AM


Yay! Mine didn't get taken!

One of the first lines that made me understand the humor of the show from "Serenity". No one else seems to find this as funny as I do, being that it's tucked into a bigger section of dialogue: "I was gonna get me a ear, too." Adam just sells that line so well! I near on to die laughing every time... *sigh* What a geek.
Edited to add:
The shooting script said "an" ear. I guess Adam decided it would be funnier to dumb it down a mite.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:26 AM


My other favorite Jayne-ism from The Message was when Tracy suddenly wakes up screaming and knocks Simon out of the way, and Jayne says, "Spry for a dead fella!". Him just sitting there acting like it's the most normal thing in the world for a dead guy to come back to life makes that line a hundred times funnier.

I also loved in The Train Job when he's drugged out lying on the cargo bay stairs trying to talk out of the side of his mouth.

"Back? What do you mean back? I waited for you guys!"


"I was aiming for his head."

"What y'all order a dead guy for?" - Jayne Cobb


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:02 AM


When I first heard Joss say that Jayne was the Cordelia I also had thoughts that maybe he was more like Spike. I think most all of the comparisons you made of my Jayne characteristics can be applied to Chip-Spike. Once Spike wouldn't give up Dawn's identity over to Glory I think he actually became more trustworthy than Jayne. Jayne would give up River after a few seconds of torture.

Spike can be an idiot but not the clueless lunkhead Jayne can be. If Spike would see a coffin opened to reveal a body (something he's seen far more than Jayne, I'm sure) he might say "What'd you order a dead guy for?" But the delvery would be very different. Spike's would be sarcastic. Jayne meant it.

But yeah, Spike post-chip, pre-soul Spike functions in very similar ways to Jayne.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:45 AM



Originally posted by InevitableBetrayal:
"I was gonna get me a ear, too." Adam just sells that line so well!

Damn, I forgot about that one. I love his genuinely regretful expression when he says it.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:52 AM


If Jayne seems like Spike, it's possible that wanting to have sex with both James Marsters and Adam Baldwin, you are subjecting them both to transference and it's that transfered character that makes them seem similar to you rather than the characters created by other authors. HTH


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:57 AM


Everyone always says "I'll be in my bunk"... But to me the bestest best Jayne/Adam moment is right before that when Adam looks like he's about to have an aneurism. Cracks me up every time!!!! Wonder what Adam was thinking about on set to get THAT expression...

A kind word turneth away wrath, but not as well as superior firepower


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:04 AM



Originally posted by InevitableBetrayal:
Yay! Mine didn't get taken!

"I was gonna get me a ear, too."

My favorite is prior to that in the same scene:

Mal: I've given Jayne the job of finding that out.

Jayne: (Draws very large knife) He was non-specific as to how.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:04 AM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
If Jayne seems like Spike, it's possible that wanting to have sex with both James Marsters and Adam Baldwin, you are subjecting them both to transference and it's that transfered character that makes them seem similar to you rather than the characters created by other authors. HTH

Umm... nope. Don't think that applies in my case.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:54 AM


One of the things I regret most about the cancellation is that we didn't get to see where the Jayne/Book relationship went. In the pilot, Jayne menaces Book, who is trying to protect Dobson, who has just shot Kaylee. By War Games, they're workout partners who've clearly bonded through common knowledge and experience, though Book's is not disclosed.

One of my favorite somber bits is where Jayne shows us he clearly knows just who he is, when he says, "My kind of life don't last long, preacher, so I expect I'm invested in makin' good sport of it whilst I can. You gonna read over me when I get taken down, Shepherd?" Jayne clearly is well aware of his own mortality, and what life-span he can expect.

Kinda make me hope he will someday be "St. Jayne." "St. Jayne, it's got a ring to it." Do gunsmiths have a patron saint? And Book tells him that the fact he "once hit a guy in the neck at 500 yards with a bent scope" "will be taken into consideration."

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:33 AM


"What month is it?" Jayne, Train Job

"And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an over-abundance of schooling." Mal, Train Job


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:43 AM


Watched War Stories today. I always forget this line, so I always laugh at it.

Upon Wash and Zoe's return to the ship, Zoe hands Simon Mal's wrapped up ear:

Kaylee: What is it?
Simon: It's his ear.
Zoe: We're getting him back.
Jayne: What're we gonna do, clone him?



Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:05 PM


i think that jaynes funnest line is " i'll be in my bunk." i laugh every time i hear it.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:14 PM


"They're whores.""I'm in!"



Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:43 PM


Here's the progression:

Cordelia = Spike = Jayne

in the following sense...

Joss uses each character as a stylistic device, and they all perform the same function it their respective ensembles. They are the characters who will tell you the truth as they see it to your face no matter how uncomfortable it makes you. Although each character has different reasons for their blunt speech, each of them is the character who isn't afraid to say the things that everyone else is too polite, too sensitive, too much in denial, too stoic, or too afraid to say. In this way, Joss is able to use this character to call attention to issues which none of the other characters would come right out and talk about. In addition, he often does this under the guise of humor. Like the trickster gods of mythology, this character makes you laugh at the same time that they are revealing something important to you. They shake you out of your comfort zone.
At the same time, each is a unique character, with a different personality and a different reason for their unconventional manners. I think both the similarities and the differences between these characters which have been posted it this thread are evidence of Joss's skill at his craft. He's found a device that works for the kind storytelling he wants to do: the character who ignores the boundaries of polite speech, and in each series he reinvents that character to be appropriate for the setting and ensemble around him/her.

In summary: Cordelia, Spike and Jayne perform the same function and share many characteristics, although they are very different characters.

Thus we can see the marvelous hand of Joss within his creation. Praise to thee, Joss, in thy works!

*** *** ***
The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:22 AM


I would have to agree about Joss's use of Jayne, Cordelia, and Spike (and would have to add Anya in that catagory also)...they are great for when a writer needs someone to say the wrong thing....stuff no real person would come out N say. Now, I will make some enemies by sayin it ...but its kinda like Treks use of androids and those pointy ear fellas...

...but i think one big and very important element is that Spike and Jayne bring to their respective shows is that they are "Bad guys" who you like.

Its kinda obvious to say...but

This is especially important for selling the whole concept of Firefly. Buffy and Angel work fine as a good guys vs the evils of the world. But to sell a crew of smugglers & criminals trying to make money and stay ahead of the law...having a dumb criminal type on board is kinda vital for getting the right atmosphere.

Jayne gives credibility to Serenity. Without him it'd be just another missfit crew of crusaders like Andromeda (only better written..better FX...and better acting...but othewise the same-ish).

I think the line that sums Jayne up best is "little Kaylee is always one man short"
Crude, rude, and blunt. But almost brotherly and endearing..

He is trecherous, greedy, and selfish...but he is one of the crew.
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life. (:~D


Thursday, August 11, 2005 2:21 AM


I always laugh out loud when I come to the scene in "Shindig" where Mal and Jayne are talking to Badger and Badger is trying to find the right word.

Jayne didn't even seem to have listened to the conversation but to be more interested in the booze and the sandwich and suddenly says: "Pretentious?"

Mal's and Badger's look at him at that very moment, priceless.

And Jayne just keeps on stuffing something into his mouth as if nothing happened



Sunday, August 14, 2005 6:41 PM


I believe I have determined the best Jayne Cobb line:

"We applied the cordical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient"

I think it's the smartest thing he's ever said.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Sunday, August 14, 2005 7:46 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I told thatweirdgirl that when I read her posts I always hear River's voice; and when I read your posts, I always hear Jayne's (but with a good deal more brain cells). I in NO way see you as Oz, unless you stare (in person) as a reaction to a question...I can't tell here.

Aren't we a little likeness demon Chrisisall

I'm so screwed up that the character you hear when I post is River. You do know that she's a bit touched? I've never once thought of Finn as Jayne. my opinion the best jayne moments are the nonverbal ones: the worry for Kaylee, the determination in a fight, the resignation when he has to back down, the joy when he's brushin a woman's hair...stuff like that.

*in her River voice*
When the balloon pops, don't let him put sand in my eyes.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Monday, August 15, 2005 4:08 AM


"'s my very favorite gun" *holds out Vera to be offered in trade for Saffran*. (I couldn't quote all that gun talk before that line)

I also love the, few, times you see the softer side of Jayne. Like when he is crouched watching to see if Kaylee will get better after she is shot and when he is trying to understand why someone would take a bullet for HIM.

Then we could start on all the lines ABOUT Jayne. Like someone had started to do and got corrected. But all those lines about him are great too and are appropriate, yes they are.

"my days of taking you seriously are finally comming to a middle"
"He's like a trained ape, without the training"
"Jayne, your mouth is talking, you might want to see to that"
"What DO you pay him for?" I had a great one when I started this response.... what was it?
"His eyes keep following me" well, any of those lines and the looks of complete unbelief, awe, and shock during the statue scene
"Jayne?!" *when Inara realizes that the magistrates son is talking about Jayne being the hero of Canton, can't remember what I forgot....y'all will think of it, I am sure.

No, it's shiny! I like to meet new people; they've all got stories.


Monday, August 15, 2005 4:08 AM


....OH, and I love the way he says "very" in "very favorite gun"......

and all the other moments thay y'all have mentioned... but.... you ... all ready mentioned them.


Monday, August 15, 2005 5:18 AM


Many people have referenced the "I was gonna get me a ear" line. Apparently, Adam dumbed it down a bit. A line that I always thought should have been "dumbed down" was the *huge* line in Ariel when Jayne was about to be shot out the air lock. When he says to Mal, "Don't tell them what I did." it always sounds wrong to me. I'm insistant that he should have said, "Don't tell them what I done." It just seemed to fit better.

Besides dumbing down lines, Adam also added a bit of compusiveness to Jayne that no other actor could have done well. If you'll notice, Jayne is always touching or picking at things. This was intentional on Adam's part.


Monday, August 15, 2005 6:42 AM


Gotta say my favorite is still this one

"There's nothing as deceivin' as a low down, diry... deceiver."

Though I love the eloquence of this speech.

Uh...I'm no good with words. Don't...don't use
'em much, myself.
(crowd chuckles)
But I want to thank you all for being here, and
for thinking so much of me... Far as I see it,
you people been given the shortest end of the
stick ever been offered a human soul in this
crap-hill 'verse....But you took that end...
well, you took it. And that's... well, I guess
that's something.

especially when followed by these two lines

Wow. That didn't sound half-bad.

I'm shocked my own self.

Because in his own "dumb" way Jayne really said something profound.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again






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