Destiny - The Next Thread

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 03:34
VIEWED: 16628
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005 3:39 AM


Check out the art I submitted. I'm still waiting to see if they'll accept it. If so, ca-ching 200 more points!!

Bettern' a kick in the pants with a frozen boot!


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:25 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

*Taps microphone.*

Ahem, this is your Captain speaking! It appears that I have some bad news. It seems that this "Auto-Pilot" doesn't work very well, because WE'RE GOING DOWN!!! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


Ah, I'm just kidding, folks. We're perfectly fine up here, wherever we are. Um...Jack, you can come down from the ceiling now.

What a great crew we have here!! I mean, we're only a week into this contest and we've already got most of the scavenger hunt items. You all rock!!! I'm a lucky Captain. Yup, lucky me. Lucky, lucky, lucky. Geez, I'm horrible at sucking up!!

Seriously though, this is fun!! You all are seriously a great crew. Seriously!

Okay, this is a list of what we have so far:

A Dress With Ruffles - Amylisai
Beagle - GreekToomey
Blue Latex Gloves - GreekToomey
Floral Bonnet - Whitefall
Browncoat - GreekToomey
Dulcimer - CallMeSerenity
Plastic Dino - GreekToomey
Serenity Comic # 1 Mal Cover - Flechette
Strawberries - Flechette
Wooden Ducks - CallMeSerenity

I think we might want to get a picture of a pair of dino's in the same picture. Just to be safe. Serenity has a picture of her in a Hawaiian shirt while holding a dulcimer, but we might need a picture of just someone in a Hawaiian shirt.

Okay, here is what we are missing:

Orang Knitted Hat - Serenity (you rock!!) has actually knitted one. Now we just need a picture of Serenity in her shiny hat!

Rain Stick

Hawaiian Shirt

This is just embarrasing. Here I am, the Captain, complete with digital camera, and I don't have a single one of these gorram items anywhere in my house!!! Grrrrr..... How pathetic. (Did you see me channel Simon Cowell just then? Did you?)

*Clicks microphone.*

Will the owner of a heavily used straight jacket please report to the bridge?


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:11 AM


Captain, you want me to make you an orange hat and mail it to you so you can get a picture of yourself in it? (I'd mail you mine, but it's probably too small. I have a very small head.) Apparently, I can whip out a hat in 3 days!

Seriously, anyone want a hat? I've got so much yarn left. If no one wants one, I may make myself a matching scarf so that I won't look quiiite so strange if I ever decided to wear my hat in public. It turned out really cute. The ear flaps curl up, just like they do on Jayne's. I think that's my favourite part about it; the curled up earflaps.

And P.S. Captain, you don't own a Hawaiian shirt? What a shame!! Everyone should own a Hawaiian shirt!
P.P.S. You gonna post those pictures? I'm really curious to see the ruffly dress and the strawberries and everything else.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:13 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Captain, you want me to make you an orange hat and mail it to you so you can get a picture of yourself in it? (I'd mail you mine, but it's probably too small. I have a very small head.) Apparently, I can whip out a hat in 3 days!

And P.S. Captain, you don't own a Hawaiian shirt? What a shame!! Everyone should own a Hawaiian shirt!
P.P.S. You gonna post those pictures? I'm really curious to see the ruffly dress and the strawberries and everything else.

I would love a hat!! (Think, very large head)

No, I don't own a Hawaiian shirt. I am shame faced.

As soon as I can find my gorram picture hosting page I already set up and then forgot where it is, I'll post all of the pictures so far.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:24 AM


All right! Hat for Captain. Very large head. I'm on it.

You went to Fl, the perfect opportunity to buy a hawaiian print shirt (there's a shop at the Polynesian right next to that little coffee shop downstairs that always has really nice shirts, dresses, etc.)and you missed it! You should be shame faced!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:28 AM


You got enough extra yarn to make a hat for your PR Pirate?


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:28 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

You went to Fl, the perfect opportunity to buy a hawaiian print shirt (there's a shop at the Polynesian right next to that little coffee shop downstairs that always has really nice shirts, dresses, etc.)and you missed it! You should be shame faced!

Well, the Polynesian was actually the only resort we did not visit. Oh well. I did get a Goofy mug. Does that count?


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:37 AM



Originally posted by GreekToomey:
You got enough extra yarn to make a hat for your PR Pirate?

Of course!

Anyone else?

I'd forgotten how much I enjoy knitting. I haven't done anything since last Christmas.

Soul-I'll give you credit for the goofy mug. This time. Don't let it happen again!

(Oh, and FYI everyone, the best time to visit the Disney resorts is at Christmas. Don't stay there, stay somewhere cheaper, and then ride the monorail around to the various resorts. They are so much fun all decorated for Christmas. I really missed doing that this year.)

Serenity, Chief Knitter and First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 11:48 AM


I'd love a medium sized hat if you have the yarn to spare CMS!

Do you need measurments or something?

Man Disney! = I'm so hyped to go! Planning an April/May 2006 trip.

Had planned to go Dec 2004 but hubby was in Iraq, we didn't think he'd be back in 2005 so the couple we're going w/ made plans for this year already -

so we were planning for Dec 2006 but the Nat'l Guard told Tim (hubby) "don't make any plans for the latter half of 2006 - dec 2007" !!!

so rather than move it off again we're hoping the US military doesn't request his presence again before June 2006....

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell
Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter
Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 11:51 AM



Originally posted by Flechette:
Nat'l Guard told Tim (hubby) "don't make any plans for the latter half of 2006 - dec 2007" !!!

Well, that's certainly the most ominous thing I've heard recently.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:34 PM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
*Taps microphone.*

Rain Stick

Hawaiian Shirt

Will the owner of a heavily used straight jacket please report to the bridge?


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.


I suppose if it had been heavily used then I wouldn't have had to been taped to a chair. But here you go.

I've got 3 sizes and/or 3 different colors, Cap. Getting fitted for one of these is just plain fun.

They're awfully comfortable...

Would you like to try one Serenity? How about you Greek? Flechette? Safe, I'd think you'd look marvelous in the powder blue...

Jack, Plotter of Destiny


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:07 PM


Why I otta....

Jack, stay outta my closet!!

For your information, it started out navy blue.....years of washing and wearing it in the sun will do that....besides, how many people can say they have a sleeve-less jean straight-jacket..

Fashion guru for the rough and tumble crazy..


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:38 PM


I just bought a pair of plastic dinos so as to do the make-up multiple dinosaur pic. I hope to have it in a day or so.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:17 AM


Flech-I may have to buy more yarn, but that's okay. I think I can get 3 hats out of what I have. 3 hats for $10 worth of yarn isn't bad at all.

I'm going to have to buy needles, though, since I used smaller needles for my hat, but I don't have the bigger ones to do the guy-sized hats.
And yes, Flech, a measurement for your head will be nice. So I can figure out if I should make it the same size as mine or go up a needle size.

That being said, you all might have to wait a few weeks to get your hats. I'm going to try to run to the craft store today to buy needles and yarn. Anyone else want one? Speak up now!

I'm not gonna charge anyone for the hats, it wouldn't seem right. But if anyone wants to make a small contribution to the Serenity Knitting Fund, that wouldn't be too bad, to help with shipping costs, supplies, and the like.

Since I didn't have the right size needles last night, I played around with the brim and I think I've decided on a way to make it look better than on mine. So, hopefully they'll just look snazzier and snazzier as I go along.

*sees dazed looks on the faces of her crewmates*

Okay, enough talk of knitting. Sorry.

Jack, thanks for the offer for a straightjacket, but I think I'll pass. I don't think I'm quite that far gone... yet.

TRM-yeah for dinos!

Hey, is anyone here going to Dragon*Con? Just curious.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:11 AM


Arggh. Would love to go to Dragon Con, but we're moving in September and all of my free time will be spent driving right by Atlanta with truckloads of our stuff.

Just like on June 23rd; driving right by Atlanta *during* the screening on my way up to Commerce with a load of stuff for the new place. Oh well, free houses are worth more than cons. I'll just keep telling myself that...


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:30 AM


I'm sorry Dug. I remember you were moving. If I had been in the area (I was in Charlotte) I'd have helped you move.

But, as a consolation, would you like a hat?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:40 AM


Morning All!

CMS I'll be glad to contribute to the SKF do you take Paypal? if not how else do we get the $ to you?

edit: also how do I measure my head? ear- over head- ear? all around?

D*C - would really love to go but just can't swing it unless a really GREAT airfare sale happens - and at that we'd have to fly down Sat morning and back Sunday night and find a place to crash for a bit...

travel plans for the next bit:

This month - long weekend in the mountains/pigeon forge TN area for hubby birthday - must go whitewater rafting

Sept - long weekend in FL visiting my recently transplanted parents

Sept 30th Raleigh Premiere Party

Oct 1 or 2 NC Ren Faire

Dec - nough said

Feb 2006 (hopefully) weekend in Ft Lauderdale to see King Tut exhibit

April/May 2006 - 6 day Disney trip

And my poor hubby keeps wondering why I want to increase the savings account balance love you dearest -really!

eyes the crew's comotose state - hmmm TMI?

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell
Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter
Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:01 AM


Flech-you measure around the crown of the head.

And the crown is the part of the head where the brim of your hat would sit, if you were wearing a hat. Above the ears (not over). OR, if you have a hat at home that fits you that has a size in it, that would be helpful.

Your year sounds like my year. I've got a wedding in Fl in 2 weeks, D*C Labor Day weekend, a trip to the shore 2 weeks after that, NCBDMPP 2 weeks after that. Whew! And I've got 4 friends all having babies in various states that all want me to come visit them. When and how, I just don't know.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:40 AM


Not to be a party pooper, but back to the topic at hand...

did we finish the scavenger list?

"Some people juggle geese!" -Ancient Chinese proverb.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:50 AM


Serenity, I have a tape measure here at work, and a hat with a size in it at home - do you want both numbers?


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:49 AM


Greek-sure, that's be helpful. Yours will be the standard pattern, I'm sure. I just have to adjust needle size and/or number of stitches if I have to make it smaller or bigger. I had to go down 2 needle sizes to get it to fit me, but I have a small head (read: child's large.) So if you fit an average large hat, then we're good to go. But, numbers cannot hurt.

Oh, and someone asked: no I don't have paypal. I have a good old fashioned mail box.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:42 AM


Yes please. An updated list of what we have and need would be appreciated again. I sent a dino photo too. "The more the merrier", "better safe than sorry" and all that jazz. If you don't need it, thats fine, just tryin' to do my part.

Besides suppling the duct tape and playing Bud Abbott to Jack's Lou Costello that is.

"The fate of the planet is in the hands of a bunch of retards I wouldn't trust with a potato gun."


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:56 AM


Okay, here's what I have. I just took Soul's old list and updated it:

A Dress With Ruffles - Amylisai
Beagle - GreekToomey
Blue Latex Gloves - GreekToomey
Floral Bonnet - Whitefall
Browncoat - GreekToomey
Dulcimer - CallMeSerenity
Plastic Dino - GreekToomey, TRM or Safeat2nd
Serenity Comic # 1 Mal Cover - Flechette
Strawberries - Flechette
Wooden Ducks - CallMeSerenity
Rain Stick-up for grabs
Hawaiian Print Shirt-PsychicRiver (hasn't turned in yet, I don't think)
Orange Knitted Hat-Captain Soul(as soon as I make his hat, mail it to him, and he takes a picture of it.)

So, we really need to hunt down a rainstick, and PR and find out what he's up to. Other than that, I think we're good.

And Safe-you're a very integral part of our crew! Who else would keep our kitchen table waxed and fix all the stuff Jake breaks?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:01 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Serenity, you beat me to it!! I'm trying to hunt down the photo album I had online to post the pictures, so as soon as I find it, I'll post all the pics!!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 1:54 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Besides suppling the duct tape and playing Bud Abbott to Jack's Lou Costello that is.

That is an extremely important job! Playing the straight man is always the hardest job!

This is also a shameless bump and plug for Honest Run: Door.

Jack, Whistling Dixie


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:05 PM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Serenity, you beat me to it!! I'm trying to hunt down the photo album I had online to post the pictures, so as soon as I find it, I'll post all the pics!!!

Sorry Captain!

But we're all anxiously awaiting the pictures (or at least I am) so hurry up and find that album! Er..please. Sir.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:04 PM


*Jack walks up the ramp in a Hawaiian shirt and a rainstick in hand. Behind him, a porter wheels in a large crate and leaves.*

"Captain! Captain! Look what I got!"

*Captain Soul looks at the crate,* "Erm, Jack. What's in the box?"

"Oh that? That's for Safe," Jack says, "But I gots the rainstick and the shirt!"

"That's good, Jack," The captain looks at Safe, who is staring somewhat fearfully at the box, "Why'd you get that for Safe anyway? What about the rest of us?"

*Jack scratches his head,* "Well, Cap, they gave it to me free with the rainstick and shirt! I didn't have enough money to buy everyone a rainstick and a shirt."

"Sounds logical," Serenity offers.

"Logical?!?" Safe exclaims, "Logical!?! I bet that bastard brought me a bomb."

"A bomb?" Jack asked, "Since when do people get bombs with rainsticks and Hawaiian shirts?"

"Just open the box, Safe," Flechette tells him, "At worst its probably a huge Jack-in-the-Box."

*The captain walks over to the crate with a crowbar,* "Here. I'll help."

*TRM walks over and whispers to Jack,* "It's not really a bomb is it?"

"You'll see."

*The lid comes off,* "See, Safe," the captain says with a bit of relief in his eyes, "No bomb, just lots of... Styrofoam... peanuts..." *He looks over to Serenity, who shrugs.

*Safe continues to riffle through the peanuts*

*Flechette squeaks out a cry.*

*The entire crew attention returns to the box. Out of the box, clad only in bubble wrap and loose styrofoam peanuts, an extremely beautiful and shapely young woman has Safe in a passionate embrace*

*Everyone looks at Jack, who shrugs,* "It's a robot."

*There's a delightful giggle in an otherwise silent room. The woman has finished with a reddening Safe.*

*After a minute, Greek steps forward,* "Does anyone else feel like getting a rainstick and Hawaiian shirt?

Jack, SO DEAD of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:10 PM


Hi Serenity,
Sorry I haven't checked in in a couple days, busy with new job interviews and training (looking forward to good employment soon, yay!). You are so cool to knit everyone hats! I will definitely send you money to make one for me. I knit a lot too and while it's not too expensive, it's gonna take you time and effort to make all these and it's mighty appreciated. I'll send you my hat size some time, but I'll wait and see if you're sick of making 'em first :) As for the Civil War reenacting, the dressing up is totally how I got started! I was eight when my family first joined an organization. The whole draw for me was "Mommy I want to be an old fashioned girl". Now I'm a lot more involved (and I dress as a male soldier so I can nurse some of the time or carry the flag--I'm a pacifist) but I pride myself on being one of the very few non-right wing and non-Christian fundimentalist reenactors. It's a weird hobby, but addictive. Anyway, I look forward to seeing the products of your knitting, and getting your comment on my ball gown. Cheers!

Amy, Crazy Sister of Destiny who likes shiny dresses


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:47 PM


*hands on her hips, Serenity says,* "Jack, that is not a robot."


Jack, the Unrobot of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:30 PM


Is it our Mrs. Reynolds? Or should I say, Mrs. Jack?

Amy, Crazy sister of Destiny


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:34 PM


I sent multi dino and Serenity # 1 to our captain. I might have a lead on a miniature rainstick.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:43 PM


I have a Hawaiian shirt and a rainstick, I've just got to borrow a friends camera.

Jack, Chief Nurse of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 2:24 AM


I'll be in my bunk......

Safe, but it's not my birthday.


Thursday, August 11, 2005 2:57 AM



Originally posted by CastIronJack:
*hands on her hips, Serenity says,* "Jack, that is not a robot."


*Grabs Safe by the collar as he tries to head to his bunk with the bubble wrapped woman.*

OH NO!!! We are NOT keeping her! Put her back in her box and send her back to wherever it was she came from!

Where the HECK did you buy that shirt, Jack? Wait, wait. I really don't think I want to know.

Captain!? Captain! *Turns to the Captain, who has a dazed expression on his face. Gives him a shake.* Captain! What are we going to do with her?

(And how come it's never cute topless men in kilts that come out of boxes? )

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:08 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

So do you wanna see the pictures? Do you?

I've got them up!!! Go here:

They look pretty good!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:19 AM


YAY!! Pictures! Everyone looks so shiny!

Amylisai, you look so great in your dress. Right out of Gone With the Wind!

Okay, now that that excitement is over, can we PLEASE deal with the semi-naked girl in the box?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:30 AM


Yeah, no problem. Here, I'll take care of it.

*starts to wander away with the box*


Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:45 AM


Very funny Greek. Now bring the box back.

No, seriously, come back with that box!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:47 AM


What? I'm helping!


Thursday, August 11, 2005 5:48 AM


I agree Serenity, couldn't we have Mal from "Trash" come out of a box??? There must be hot male companions who want to seduce and disarm the crew so that we can all be killed, right?

Amy, Crazy Sister of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:25 AM


All the pictures are SHINY!

One question (and it's entirely possible I'm being too nit-picky) is the dress supposed to be frilly or be ruffled? There is a difference between the two


and why can't we have a nakkid Jayne or Simon come out of the box?

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell
Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter
Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:08 AM


Okay, sorry I started the whole naked box men thing. And I don't think they need to be nekkid, I like my kilt idea. I don't what it is about kilts...And while we're taking orders: Could I have a Simon?

The scavenger hunt I think said it needed to be a ruffled dress, or more specifically "Dress with ruffles". I don't know who's judging, but I definitely think that Amy's dress would count as ruffly. It's got the gathered stuff and the pink and white underneath. Plus, does she not look like she could have been at the Shindig on Persephone? The only picture better than ours would be the one of the woman who made the Kaylee dress. (Kudos to her, I like to sew, but I'd never dream of making that dress. All those layers-ugh!) But OUR CrazyAmy is much cuter! Anyway, that's my humble opinion.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 12:07 PM


*argument ensues*

*The same porter comes up to the cargo bay. With all the argument no one notices but Flechette and Jack. They open the cargo bay door.*

*nubile woman starts dancing and singing to a gypsy song*

*The porter looks around to all the arguing and shaking with a semipleased look on his face. Jack signs the roster.*

"Is this the last one?" Jack asks.

"Yep," The porter replies.

"Any reason why you're giving people away as door prizes?"

"People?" the porter acts shocked, "I heard they were robots."

"Me too."

*Flechette opens the box and finds more than just peanuts. She jumps in the box before anyone else sees.*

*Peanuts fly...*

Jack turned over the Blue Sun stationery and reads, "Be careful what you wish for."

*Jack shuts the door,* "Damn editorial."

Jack, Bewildered of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 12:16 PM


Look!! Over there!! Space monkey reavers with furry bunnies!!

*grabs box and runs away laughing hysterically whilst everyones attention is elsewhere*

*forgetting that the bubble wrapped woman/robot is no longer in the box*

Tee Hee Heeeeee...

Nice pics folks!! I can hear the points racking up now!


Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:31 PM


* Chin in his hand, TheRealMe considers the situation. *

Well, it seems to me that the only way to determine if this beautiful, scantily clad, nubile.... uh... person... is a robot or not is to give her an examination.


What do you say, Jack?

Pssst. Jack, as the doctor and nurse, it would be US doing it! The examination, I mean!

TheRealMe, Physician of Destiny


Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:14 PM


And what of the women's *ahem*? I mean that guy...robot...thing...

What I am curious about is how they got that little Blue Sun tattoo on so small...

Reality check: I sent the Cap pictures of a rainstick, Hawaiian shirt, and a dulcimer.

When we turn them in we should use as many of the crew as we can to show a unified effort.

Jack, Willing to Take One for the Team of Destiny


Friday, August 12, 2005 3:18 AM


Ooh, Jack, good for you!

You got the rainstick and the Hawaiian print shirt, so now all we're missing is the orange hat (I'm knitting as fast as I can).

Man, we rock!

And I agree about using as many different people in the pictures as possible to show how many people helped out on this project.

*can't even deal with the box/robot situation right now. It is too early.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, August 12, 2005 3:27 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Okay, thanks to Jack, we've got all but one of the pictures!! The only thing we're missing is the Jayne hat, which Serenity is so kindly knitting. Here's the pic link again.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, August 12, 2005 3:58 AM


Oh, Jack's got a hammer dulcimer. *jealous*


Now, Captain. Could you pleeeease deal with the current box crisis?

Thanks ever so much.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, August 12, 2005 4:18 AM


Jack - thank you for getting the rain stick! it was looking real iffy as to me getting to the zoo this month!

I have a hammer dulicmer too! whodthunkit - 3 people on one crew w/ dulicmers


Flechette slaunters off towards the galley, pushing plastic peanuts from her hair as she does.... "Defintely Robots, sorry my crew members - I wore out Jaynes batteries . Hmm this calls for chocolate desserts - plural"

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell
Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter
Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo






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