What I learned at DragonCon

UPDATED: Monday, September 12, 2005 12:14
VIEWED: 24940
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005 4:57 AM


Feel free to add on to this list as you see fit. :)

-Adam has no trouble playing such a childish character
-Inara has a secret
-Jumpsuit three was the "cameltoe jumpsuit"
-Jayne's statue had to get a new head
-Nathan kept offering everyone Alliance money
-No matter how many times you see a panel, it's still a lot of fun
-Waiting in line is fun because you can watch the reaction of everyone who didn't think they'd have to.
-There's never enough room for a real Shindig
-Some people don't care that everyone else hasn't seen the movie and will still ask questions about it
-Kevin Sorbo is hilarious
-Dealers' rooms are best visited early in the morning when you can still move through the aisles.
-Pictures must be taken in the middle of busy hallways or at the top/bottom of the escalator
-Adam wants a pull-string on his doll, not a button. ("I'll be in my bunk")
-Yes, they actually did know what they were saying in Chinese (My very own question :) )

Add on as you see fit!

"How about it, Inara? Think you can stoop to being on my arm for a night?
"Will you wash it first?"


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 5:33 AM


(I was thinking of starting this same thread myself!)

-Ron Glass is a great hugger. (How do I know? Because HE HUGGED ME!!!)
-Browncoats are the shiniest gorram people in the'verse. I already knew this, but D*C reminded me why I love you all.
-Wearing a Jayne hat in public is a great way to tell people about Firefly.
actual example:
Goth chick: What's with all these hats?
Me: Ever heard of a show by Joss Whedon called Firefly?
GC: Is that the one they're making a movie about?
Me: Yeah. The eps are airing Friday at 7pm on SciFi or you can check out the DVDs on Netflicks. The movie's coming out Sept 30.
GC: But why the hat?
Me: Watch the show!! (walk away, enjoy confused expressions on the faces of the goths.) Bwah!

-There is always a party going on somewhere.
-Camelbacks aren't just for water.
-Crowded elevators are a great way to meet new people. Also, new smells. Not all of them good.
-It is possible to live an entire weekend off of alcohol, the free junk food at the Con suite and the occasion hour nap. I don't recommend it at all, but it is possible. Just make sure you're always leaning against something because you tend to get really dizzy.
-Calling someone a whore is a great way to tell them you love them.
-It's okay to run around in public naked as long as you're covered in blue paint.
-Shiny is the shiniest word ever. And it cannot be used to much.
-Dragon*Con TV is the best channel ever.
-Ron's first job ever was selling MaryKay when he was 7. Quote him: "You do whatever it takes in the ghetto."
-The theme of Firefly makes a great marching chant.
-The Stormtrooper restaurant of choice? Hooters.
-DO NOT wear a red chinese dress on the streets in downtown Atlanta. Men will pull over their cars and try to get you to come with them.

And that's enough for now.
Who else?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 6:20 AM


I can jog up 10 flights of stairs in about 2 minutes (and beat the elevator). But don't try going down 10 flights in 4" heels. It's painful.

And next year I really am going to bring wire cutters and start cutting off fairy wings. If you don't know how large your costume is, don't wear it. Go with the blue body paint instead

But my favorite- "I have seen some shit I will never forget." Ron Glass on what he thought of D*C

Wanna know what the DragonCon plans are? Join the Southeastern Browncoats!

Or visit our website.

Help support the DragonCon Shindig! Buy cool stuff!


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 6:24 AM


There really is such a thing as Con-Funk!



For all information on the NC Firefly group please go here:


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:15 AM



Check out the Browncoat Online Photoalbum. Thank Fray101.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:18 AM


Yep. Evil funk that feels suspiciously like a sinus infection. Stupid dry air conditioning not filtering 20,000 people's germs out of the air...

It's very not shiny. oops, I said shiny. Could someone pass the shot glass?

Southeastern Browncoats


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:25 AM



Best drinking game ever.

My face is so dry my skin is flaking from how dry it was. It's awful.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:45 AM


hey y'all *waves*

- If you plan on coming to D*C, plan on staying all four days, football games be damned!
- The mystic forces within the con hotels feed off cell phone batteries, so keep 'em charged
- Any time during the day that can be used for catnaps, should be used for catnaps. You'll thank yourself later.
- Having someone stop you and ask to take your photo is one of the shinest feelings ever
- Klingons on holiday are a jovial lot


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 8:25 AM


-There's a whole acre of us, and we're getting bigger. I thought we were hugh last year. Lines around the block to get into a panel.
-If we're this big next year, some of the Stormtroppers (that aren't too busy hanging out at Hooters) said they were coming as Alliance.
-Shindigs are fun. Jewel and Matty like to DJ.
-Ron Glass has the best laugh ever.
-Browncoats tend to drink. Sometimes too much.
-D*C underestimates us.
-Browncoats from L.A. and Australia are great fun in lines.
-Walking around a Con with one of ShinyHappyKlin's "Browncoat" bags gets a lot of "Where did you get that?"

Kilngons and Cobras and Browncoats oh my.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 9:30 AM


Hey Torquemada!! *waves back*

-Working at the fan table on the last day is the best way to get free swag. And meet BDHs.
-To find a good party, just follow BC1.
-The signal is spreading. Like wildfire. It's exciting.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 10:16 AM


Adam is strong, and large. If you sense a friendly slap on the shoulder coming, brace for it...

- Leto_V

"Well, my days of not taking you
seriously are certainly coming to
a middle." - Mal


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 11:13 AM


-It is nearly impossible to get any work done the day after Dragon*Con. I should have just called in sick.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 11:43 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
-It is nearly impossible to get any work done the day after Dragon*Con. I should have just called in sick.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

lol... I had a feeling that would be the case so I made sure I had an extra day to take off so I could recover!! My poor sister had to work... Nice meeting you at the fan table, btw!!

~*~ Cheryl
The Nathan Fillion Archives


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 12:32 PM


Although in a place with hundreds of Browncoats, still didn't run into anyone from the boards and no one really talked to me. I tried but oh well....


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:00 PM


I learned that...

*Firefly fans are all insane but at least we're together!
*There is a difference between a Companion and who Ron had in his room last night.
*Hilton is the worst hotel to stay at cuz you cant watch Dragon*Con TV so that means no Masquarde (sp?)
*Its fun to watch Stormtroopers dance to "The Hero of Canton"

Something the fire marshle and hotel staff need to know: If there is a fire coming and you are blocking the fire exit, a human will stand and run like hell away from the fire and out of the way of the exit so stop interrupting our costume contests! Humans are flamable and therefore will flee before a flame!!! Jeeze!

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FREAKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damnit." ~Joss


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:15 PM



Originally posted by Litwolf689:

Something the fire marshle and hotel staff need to know: If there is a fire coming and you are blocking the fire exit, a human will stand and run like hell away from the fire and out of the way of the exit so stop interrupting our costume contests! Humans are flamable and therefore will flee before a flame!!! Jeeze!

are you a mitch hedberg fan?? "if you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit."

~lissa, retired spwhore


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:25 PM



Originally posted by lissa:

are you a mitch hedberg fan?? "if you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit."

~lissa, retired spwhore

You mean that really funny comdedian I saw on TV for 5 minutes and that was his only joke I heard but I love it and use it all the time? Yep ^_^ tee hee its true.

... wait, you're not going to sue me for plagrism or copyright infirngment or something, are you? AHHH! *runs away, leaving a piece of paper that says "The Fire joke came from the comedian! SRY!"* ^_^ lol

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FREAKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damnit." ~Joss


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:42 PM


- It's good to make friends with the Con Security guards. They warn you about such things as the bondage freaks that come out Saturday night wearing even less than Gollum, or the 500 lb. woman who likes to parade around in a G-string, or even Miss Marvel, who's been attending D*C for 25 years, is borderline psychotic and may target you as evil and decide to annoy you for the entire con for just any reason.

- Hyatt security guards are funny. One of them was walking around wearing blue gloves a Browncoat gave him and had a great time posing for pictures as a Blue Hands guy (despite his broken leg or foot, whatever it was).

- Gold paint, some wings and a brief sarong with coins apparently makes up for a shiny costume.

- Tequila is evil, especially if you're not used to drinking it.

- Nobody should have allowed Latrell from "White Chicks" to distribute strawberries at the Shindig. That was downright unsettling...

- The BDHs seem to have trouble saying "The Juggled Gosling".

- Adam Baldwin has a good memory for faces, but is shit with names. He's also prone to brain farts when trying to name one of his castmates by his/her real name (he almost said Kaylee when talking about Jewel.)

- 800 people singing the first part of "The Hero of Canton" after Adam started with "Jayne... The man they called Jayne..." was something unbelievable.

- Walking around in a "Joss Whedon Is My Master Now" t-shirt may cause the following reactions:

a) People looking at you with a sorry expression, then patting your shoulder and saying, "You know he's not coming, right?" (Standard answer: "So what? He's still my master!")

b) People pointing straight at your chest and going, "Where did you get that?" (Standard answer would be the website where to order it, though I came very close to uttering, "I was born with it, then I hit puberty and it expanded outwards... Oh, you mean the shirt?")

c) A major giggle fit, like the one Jewel's husband, Matty, got upon reading it.

- You get the Bedlam Bards separately, singing ditties about "Wanting the Trilogy" or "The Hero of Canton" to people waiting in line.

- People will ask you, "What do you have to do to be a Browncoat?"

- Even babies wear wings at D*C.

That should be all... for now.

MAL: If anyone gets nosy, just, you know... shoot 'em.
ZOE: Shoot 'em?
MAL: Politely.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:52 PM


*the D*C gameroom has a dazzling array of free board and card games they let you play. I'm suspicious that the gaming stalls in the exhibit hall donated these as a perfect hook... and it works.
*fundamentalist christian organizations need to check their calendar and stay in other gorram hotels during dragoncon.
*Police tape strategically wrapped is a costume.
*the goths and the renfaire crowds are about equal.
*you can get an astonishing amount of free quality artwork by taking artist cards from the art shows and scavenging flyer tables.
*if your feet stick to the floor (esp after 10pm), don't think about it, don't look at it, and take your shoes off at your door.
*you only need half a stormtrooper costume. if you put a grass skirt on the bottom half, you're much more unique than the rest of the troop.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 3:20 PM


If you don't realize that people are stupid panicky cattle in an emergency than you haven;t worked in public safety.
I've been both an EMT on a rescue truck and worked convention security(one begets the other)and seen con-goers push wheelchairs out of their way to get out of the Ballroom when they saw smoke.
As well as the recent story of a theater fire where lives were lost because of blocked exits.

...cause Justice is the one thing you should always find.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 3:45 PM


* Storm Troopers won't miss a photo-op, even if it is with the characters from "The Wizard of Oz".

* If a vendor tells you that vibrating rats are quite popular with girls, don't ask why...

* If you stay at another hotel and there's a family reunion going on, be prepared to politely answer questions of grey-haired folk sharing the elevator with you as to why are so many people in costume.

* Funky headgear is cool.

* You may find out you don't live where you think you do after you talk to the people of the Society for Creative Anachronism. For instance, apparently I don't live in California, but rather in a kingdom with a compound name ending in "ay". Or something like that.

MAL: If anyone gets nosy, just, you know... shoot 'em.
ZOE: Shoot 'em?
MAL: Politely.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 4:49 PM



Originally posted by slayerfan1975:
Although in a place with hundreds of Browncoats, still didn't run into anyone from the boards and no one really talked to me. I tried but oh well....

Aww, me either. I hung out with some people but didn't meet as many browncoats as I would have liked to. Didn't know their was a browncoat party room until it was too late. :( Maybe next year.

*waves to serenity and litwolf*

Ok, things I learned:
When staying on the fifth floor of the Marriott it is better to run up and down stairs then to wait for the elevator that never comes.
People stare at you when you hold plastic dinosaurs and then when asked about them you act out a scene from Firefly, the lady just smiled and nodded I think she thought I was crazy.
Cunning hats will soon rule over the land, and they shall call it: THIS LAND!
Knowing useless facts about tv shows wins you prizes.
Following people wearing blue gloves leads you to shady places to stand or sudden doom.
The line for the Serenity panel is neverending, its like the stupid battery keeps going and going and going.
Luke Ski is great and everyone should have gotten his cd, go Grease Wars!
Jewel and the other BDHs like to pick on Nathan.
Klingons(sp) dressed in robes will try to steal browncoat women away.
The masquerade is very crowded and long, but worth going to.

all for now, more later

Keep shiny!


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 6:10 PM


*If you wait until the line starts going in for a Serenity panel and get on the end of it, you will still find a seat in Centennial I-II-III, and you won't miss the two panels at 1:00 and 2:30 you wanted to see.

*Staying at the Westin is rather relaxing. You could not pay me to stay in the Hyatt!

*There are a ton of Browncoats in the South--d'oh!

*XanderLHarris/Ash is a woman! (and a sweetheart to boot.)

I was glad to hang with her, Browncoat1 and his wife, Sharon and Jadehand. You're good folks.



Tuesday, September 6, 2005 6:12 PM



Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:27 PM


Tracy hickman has a wonderful 6'x5' vinyl hexmap with the gorgeous firefly deckplans from the rpg printed onto it in scale, full color... and i want it.


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 2:46 AM


* If you go to bed early (by midnight) you will miss all the parties.
* Adam Baldwin gives the best hugs!
* One Jane hat is worth a thousand words.
* If you find a pair of boots you haven't worn in three years and decide they will be perfect for your Zoe costume, you will soon discover the reason you haven't worn them for three years. (and, it's hard to walk like a warrior woman when you are limping!)
* Ron Glass can say more with one facial expression than anyone I've ever known.
* Storm Troopers like to dance to "The Hero of Canton".
* Traveling Bedlam Bards makes waiting in line lots more fun! (Thanks Cedric!)
* Meeting fellow Browncoats in person is even more fun than meeting them on the Boards.

Shout out to BC1 and Miss Persephone (sp)and Fireflygal! So great to finally meet you. And to all the other wonderful Browncoats I met - I love you guys!


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 2:49 AM


Hey Callipe79!-It was great meeting you, too, you Smart woman who took an extra day off!! Don't forget, we're staring an SC Firefly group!

Slayerfan-Didn't I see you at the fan table? I wish I hadn't missed the opportunity of saying hi to you. It was crazy, wasn't it? I've seen you around here, of course, though. Are you coming to the NCBDMPP?

Hey LitWolf and Mima-I remember you from the fan table, too! Hi! *waves enthusiastically*

Kaylee4Simon-you're the shiniest!

(This girl knows her Firefly trivia. And the dinos were the best!! Plus, she makes just the cutest Kaylee you've ever seen.)

Have you gotten your pics up yet? I can't wait to see the one with me and the Male Companion (oh yes, ladies, that was something to behold.)

Cardie-if you were partying with BC1 and Ash, and I was partying with BC1 and Ash, why can't I put a face to your name? And I totally agree, Ash is great!

Ash-how's things?

Okay, enough shout outs for now.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 3:29 AM


Hey all :)
Finally made it here and signed on :) It was great to meet so many of you at Dragon this year.

Things learned at con:
*Six people in one hotel room makes for a very crowede room.
*Browncoats are the greatest people!
*Our BDH's are great people and very generous. They were all sending the money they collected to help the Katrina victims, or at least they were when I went to see them.
*It's a wonderful thing to wait until Tuesday to drive back so you miss the rush of everyone leaving on Monday :)

There may be more, but I'm at work and about ready to fall asleep. BTW, con-crud sucks...sigh...


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 5:04 AM


I really miss wearing my Jayne hat. Anyone else? I just thought it was very comfortable and I adore the ear flaps. I'm seriously thinking about making myself a matching scarf so I can wear it when it gets colder.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 5:55 AM



Originally posted by wickedwren:
And next year I really am going to bring wire cutters and start cutting off fairy wings. If you don't know how large your costume is, don't wear it.

Funny con story on that note...

It just came about one con, after breaking up with my very-faery (and very CRAZY) ex, that too damn many folk see faeries as wimpy, scatterbrained and female, and thus, me and Z decided to do something about that.

I will endeavour to find pics of the getup if I can, but best described as a VERY masculine autumn-gold fae garb with HUGE fekkin maroon wings, the drapey kind (more manly) instead of gossamer, and the damned things were so hefty they had to be supported by a cut-off shovel handle as a 'spine' and 1/4" thick industrial-grade copper wire... you wanna talk wing-envy, well, there it was, bwahaha.

Design note to this, smart people with large wings design them to PIVOT on the spine mount, so you can pull an unobtrusive cord and fold them back out of the way when stepping through a crowd of folk instead of clobbering half of them... all "con-wings" should be equipped with said feature, in my opinion also - tho the one chick who did get beaned by my wing-edge was entirely deserving, and it was no accident, I assure you, heh heh heh.

Words can't really do it, so imma see if i cannot dig up a pic somewhere, someone's gotta have one.

Side note - damned things were *heavy* too, imagine lugging up and down 8 flights of steps with that getup ? SOOooo glad I put that pivot in there tho.



Wednesday, September 7, 2005 7:00 AM


I learned:

-after 6 years of working on some staff or another, it still hasn't lost its fun.
-Browncoats are indeed the shiniest group around.
-where to buy a Jayne hat, and about this website (this is a nod to a very drunk, large man named Rob. You taught me this while trying to explain to a large black man with a mohawk what the hat was about).
-That Firefly fans are not just everywhere, but some even managed to make it into Serenity as extras.
-That tracking down Adam is nearly impossible if you wait til the last damn minute.
-That the Klingon population is dropping, but is being taken over by the Browncoats (thank God, I think this might save us from SOME of the funk).
-Con funk can be controlled by the power of AC. The colder it is the less a gamer can sweat.
-the stairs will always be sticky come day 4.
-Dcon is indeed better when drunk, but can't be beat on sleep dep.


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 7:17 AM


Meeting new Browncoats is the best (hugs to LitWolf and BB1)

Being first on line Sunday for Krad's second giveaway of Serenity books

Next year I bring more lanyards...

Cushy insoles for the Zoe boots next time

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 7:29 AM


Hello fellow BrownCoats!

~ I learned that male companions ( and let me restate this opinion from earlier. Yes, ladies, he was a thing to behold.) have a frat secret on where they keep their change when wearing only a speedo and a fancy scarf!
~ That there are parties after midnight. Next year I will know.
~ What masq. party? missed that one too.
~ That we have to get a room at the Hyatt or Marquis so we dont have to walk 20 mins to our rooms.
~ Sleeping in shifts is good for a group of 7.
~ Dr. McCay, who attended our friday night shindig, and yours truly got to talk to him.. isnt scottish atall. but still very sexy. *sigh*
~ The Shindig host considered me TROUBLE, now where did he get that idea?
~ There are way more browncoats than I thought there were.
~ Wondering why a klingon didnt try to kidnap me.
~ That a klingon running around in a housecoat claiming to be on vacation is quite HighLarious.
~ Ace Bandages can be made into a costume if strategicaly placed over the important regions.
~ That C3PO is currently a bobble head toy.
~ Luke Ski exists and is very very funny. He also sings a song on his CD titled A man named Jayne. Yes, ladies n gents, its about our show! Firefly~
~ That browncoats need to keep up with their raffle tickets and check back at the SEBC table to see if they won. I had about 6 tickets and only won once at the last minute raffle. LOVE THE CD!
I enjoyed meeting everyone. I'm almost as bad as our Adam at remembering names. I am from Baton Rouge, La. And appreciate Adams donation.
You guys are great!

ShinyGoddess, aka jamie smith aka Trouble.

Hi Serenity!!! Hi Kaylee4Simon!!


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 7:47 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Best drinking game ever.

My face is so dry my skin is flaking from how dry it was. It's awful.

Sure was! Just goes to show how many times browncoats say "shiny".

We will have to do it again next year.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:03 AM


Yes we will!

Hey Jamie!!! *hugs*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

-To find a good party, just follow BC1.

As much as I wish that were true all the time, it seemed less so this year than last year. Still, my wife & I had a great time. Hope all the other browncoats did as well.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:31 AM


Next time we play the shiny drinking game, warn me first. So I can say it more

Fremdfirma- Thank you for designing smart wings! I enjoy fairy costumes, I really do. I just hate inconsiderate people, and the fact that you designed politness into our wings gives you shiny brownie points. I say we start a revolution. Only smart fairy wings are allowed from here on out.

Southeastern Browncoats


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:35 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by LetoV:
Adam is strong, and large. If you sense a friendly slap on the shoulder coming, brace for it...

- Leto_V

Ain't that the truth. Adam gave me the guy hug & back slap twice and both times I had to brace myself so as not to get knocked down.

Still, being able to get a back slap from Adam, regardless of how hard, beats any show of affection & familiarity from any star in the 'verse.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:48 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Tracy:

- Nobody should have allowed Latrell from "White Chicks" to distribute strawberries at the Shindig. That was downright unsettling...

That was Joe, the guy that runs the Con Suite. Pretty funny guy. We converted him into a browncoat last year. That was supposed to be his blue hand costume, but he forgot his gloves. The strawberries was a nice touch.


- 800 people singing the first part of "The Hero of Canton" after Adam started with "Jayne... The man they called Jayne..." was something unbelievable.

Loved it!


- You get the Bedlam Bards separately, singing ditties about "Wanting the Trilogy" or "The Hero of Canton" to people waiting in line.

If you liked those, you should have heard the song they did in the Yukon room of the Marriott about the episode "Out of Gas". It was heart wrenching. I love that song & it is NOT on the gorram CD!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:54 AM


I loved the Strawberry Guy! He was hi-larious. I was trying to walk past him when he just took a strawberry and popped it into my mouth. I wasn't expecting that!

And Wren-consider yourself warned for the NCBDMPP-you say shiny, you take a drink!! So practice working into your everyday conversations!

And the Bedlam Bards were fantastic, weren't they? I really enjoyed listening to them and the "Out of Gas" song was great. I think they're eventually going to have enough songs to do a whole Firefly Filk album. I'd buy it!

Oh, did everyone see the thread about Watson? He was on a podcast interview during D*C. It's very amusing.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:01 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Cardie:
*XanderLHarris/Ash is a woman! (and a sweetheart to boot.)

Ash is shiny! Had a great time hanging w/ her during the Con.


I was glad to hang with her, Browncoat1 and his wife, Sharon and Jadehand. You're good folks.

Thanks! Had a great time hanging w/ you too!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 12:48 PM


I accidentally washed my moral compass. That doesn't bode well for me, does it?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 3:11 PM


Hi all, long time member, very infrequent poster. This was my 16th dragoncon and it has been getting bigger and better every year.

*the BDHs are, by far, the most gracious and pleasent guests that the con has ever had. They beat every one else hands down. They are geniunely interested in us almost as much as we are in them.
*the floors in the stairwells will always be sticky after Friday evening, this is a given. Locomote your way thru them as quickly as possible, that is the only way to deal with them.
*stay in one of the main convention hotels, the Hyatt or Marriott. It is much easier to get back to your hotel room after being out all night and/or drinking.
*It is possible to have a good time at the Con without alcohol. (Blasphemy I know, but true.)
*Wear comfortable shoes if at all possible.
*Kilts kick butt, I got my first one this year and they rock.
*I went and saw Tricia Helfer(?) Six on the new Battlestar Galactica, who replaces our own Nathan Fillion when he had to cancel. And I found out this little secret, the two of them used to date.

Mal "Define interesting?"

Wash "Oh God, oh God we're all going to die."


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 3:43 PM


I was just thinking that! I just watched the DVD before I came to work.

"This shirt is dry clean only...which means its dirty" Very sad that he passed away.


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 3:44 PM



Originally posted by Theron:
*I went and saw Tricia Helfer(?) Six on the new Battlestar Galactica, who replaces our own Nathan Fillion when he had to cancel. And I found out this little secret, the two of them used to date.

whoa-oh! you don't say!


"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 7:37 PM


Shiny! Browncoat1 and Autumn are THE people to hang with when it comes to DragonCon. Pub drinking, Klingons, evil heels, party crawling, popular potent purple punch, Matty, and VERY accurate costumes were some of the things that I came across while hanging out with them. Plus let me reiterate, "The hard cider rocks!"

CallMeSerentiy - I am doing fine. Thanks for the concern. I shall be back to my normal self in 5.4 minutes.




Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:38 PM


TRACY said:

- Walking around in a "Joss Whedon Is My Master Now" t-shirt may cause the following reactions:

a) People looking at you with a sorry expression, then patting your shoulder and saying, "You know he's not coming, right?" (Standard answer: "So what? He's still my master!")

b) People pointing straight at your chest and going, "Where did you get that?" (Standard answer would be the website where to order it, though I came very close to uttering, "I was born with it, then I hit puberty and it expanded outwards... Oh, you mean the shirt?")

c) A major giggle fit, like the one Jewel's husband, Matty, got upon reading it.

I LOVED your shirt! And Matty even mentioned it to me after he saw it on you. But yeah, anywho, what I learned from D*C:
- Going to pre-register on Thursday night, and then hanging out in the Hyatt bar is the BEST GORRAM MOVE EVER!
- Jewel drinks vodka tonics with a lime. (which got spilt on me at the Shindig... Not that I minded )
- The power of the Jayne hat is tremendous!
- If a star offers to buy you a drink, take them up on it. (even if you're too young to legally do so. which I was stupid enough not to do)
- Do not look up when a man in a kilt is standing in an elevator above you.
- ALWAYS have your camera with you! Even if it's Thursday night, and you think you won't run into anyone famous.
- Getting along with everyone at D*C is a good idea, 'Cause you'll more than likely see them again next year. (not that I pissed anyone off, just for some of those that did)
- The International Tower has it's own set of escalators, do not be fooled by the "International North/South down one level" sign, keep walking.
- The Con Suite was the best idea ever! (thank you Simon!)
- Kaylee4Simon is super fun to hang out with, and shall be recieving her uber shiny Jayne hat in the near future!
- Keith R. A. DeCandido is a blast to chat/hang out with.
- Everyone from Stargate Atlantis LOVES Firefly. (so says Paul Mcgillion)
- The X-Files party on the 18th floor (1823... I think. Can't remember the actual number. It was REALLY early in the morning) was totally freaking awesome if you somehow managed to get in.
- If searching for a "quiet spot". Just go to the Marriott.

That's all I've got for now! Hope to see you all next year!

"Just remember, they tried to kill us...they did kill us...and here we are. We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. " -- Joss (message before the Serenity screenings)


Thursday, September 8, 2005 1:30 AM


I just remembered a new one. The waitresses at the Hard Rock can carry your drink on their head when their hands are full. That was pretty darn amazing, I would have been covered in said drink, had I tried that little stunt.

Southeastern Browncoats


Thursday, September 8, 2005 1:39 AM


Firstly, that Dragon*Con is the most gorram shiny 4-day party ever! Also:

* Jewel says 'shit' at least once during each panel! And apparently Ron does occasionally too!
* Ron has an evil laugh! (again, used at least once each panel!)
* "I'll be in my bunk" and calling Inara a whore, have got to be two of Morena's least favourite things!
* There is no line too long to be worth waiting in to see a Firefly panel!
* You can meet the most awesome people while waiting in said lines!
* There is no room big enough at a con to hold all the Browncoats who want to attend a Shindig!
* You can also meet some of the most awesome people while waiting in the ridiculously long beer lines at said
Shindig's! *tip's Jayne-style hat to the lovely group of Browncoat's who bought herself & her sister a beer*
* The D*C standard issue Food Pyramid consists of Sugar, even more Caffeine, and copious amounts of beer!
* Krispy Kremes (sp?) make an excellent 'on-the-go' breakfast!
* Four days is not nearly long enough!

Sherie @-)---
The Nathan Fillion Archives:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 2:57 AM


Hey SerenityMeiMei! I remember you!

WickedWren-You also forgot to mention: D*C attendies + waiting for a table at Hard Rock + Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody= a very hilarious 10 minutes.

Ellie-have you tried the caffeinated beer candy yet?

-Utilikilts are awesome! Every man should own one! (Just not in elevators)

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny






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