What I learned at DragonCon

UPDATED: Monday, September 12, 2005 12:14
VIEWED: 25690
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Thursday, September 8, 2005 4:39 AM


Wheeee! Dragon*Con ROOLZ! 3 years & counting!

First of all...THANK YOU **HASUFEL** FOR THE SUUUUPER SHIIIINY LAMINATED SERENITY NAME BADGES!!! They are awesome & thanks so much for taking the time to make them AND distribute them!

What I learned THIS YEAR at D*C:

~ Staying in the Marriott will be the only option from here on out. We could go up & rest whenever we got tired & did not have to walk 4 blocks to do it, we could take all the junk we'd accumulated up to the room & not have to carry it around in bags all day & the little cafe in the lobby had fresh fruit, croissants & LATTES!!! WOOO HOOO! No treks to Starbucks for us!

~ Being 6 months pregnant did NOT wear me out nearly as much as I thought it would! Although my feet were a might swoll at 3 in the AM every evening when we finally retired!

~ Deep throating Twinkies (third year for this too!) fed to me by 'Hey Joe' in the Con Suite is my favorite D*C tradition ever!

~ Kevin Sorbo is taaaaall....and purrrrty....& has big strong hands....ahem, & as someone has already said, very, VERY funny!

~ So's Marina Sirtis!!! Damn that woman was a hoot. And beeeyooootifull.

~ I adore Lavar Burton more now than I did before the con, if that's possible. The man is as beautiful on the INSIDE as he is on the outside.

~ Although the 'Serenity/Firefly' panels we attended were great, nothing beats a panel with Nathan Fillion at the helm. NOTHING.

~ Being the only sober person watching a bunch of drunk people singing karaoke is fuuun. First timer here. Some of them were REALLY good!

~ In literally carrying a certain celeb to her hotel room after a loooong evening of many, many drinkies, we learned she's apparently made of lead & not nearly as light as she looks. Weirdest. Night. EVAH!!!

~ Timmy's Lesson's in Nature:
1. Avoid snakes
2. Aim when cow tipping
3. Avoid rabid animals


Thursday, September 8, 2005 5:26 AM


Oh, BC, I'm STILL waiting for that phone call about the party....
Apparently one of a few I managed to miss this year!!! I kept checking out the room numbers I was given, but no one was there...guess I was a little too much of an early bird.

Oh, and glad to see we converted Joe over as well...I knew I'd have to go annoy Captain Sisko sometime this year after last years' events, but he came to me instead....hehehe....he had me doing the Kaylee Strawberry Bite (TM), and was fanning my cleavage while I was doing it... Gotta love D*C

(But more with the communicating of parties next year, ya all! Missing all but one really made me feel more my age than if I had gone to them and exhausted myself!)

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 6:39 AM



Originally posted by shinyhappyklin:
(But more with the communicating of parties next year, ya all! Missing all but one really made me feel more my age than if I had gone to them and exhausted myself!)

I'm with ya on that Shinyhappyklin! While early bed helped with enjoying the days (no hangover = happier BayBreeze), I felt "out of the loop" and like an old poop (hey, I rhymed!). Not gonna make that mistake again! Next year I'm gonna hit me some parties! And I wanna play the "Shiny" drinking game!


Thursday, September 8, 2005 6:42 AM


Oh, and being there with 16 year old daughter helped with the "no late-night partying" thing. Had to set a good example, right? >>waves to Litwolf - "Hi sweetie!"<<

But next year..............................


Thursday, September 8, 2005 6:42 AM


I would like to know more about these parties next year as well. You guys are all so great! So next year please keep in mind your ShinyGoddess so that she may hang out with you!

Also, Thanks to the table that let me stand on their chair to find my people. Being tiny does have some disadvantages.

Thanks for the strawberry too. It was Great. I got to do the whole Kaylee bit!

I also want to say that girls in short skirts should NOT stand so close to the glass walls seperating floors at the marriott. Unless they mean to show EVERYTHING! LOL

Shinygoddess...HEY so does this mean in the drinking game, if someone were to call out to me, they have to drink??? Hee Hee... plotting evil plans for next year.


Thursday, September 8, 2005 6:47 AM


Where can I get a Jaynes Hat? I would love to have one. Thanks.


Thursday, September 8, 2005 7:00 AM



.(But more with the communicating of parties next year, ya all! Missing all but one really made me feel more my age than if I had gone to them and exhausted myself!)


The "plan" for next year, if at all possible, was suggested by Browncoat1. "Browncoat Floor". anyway we can get everybody on the same floor at the party hotel? Hang Browncoat flags off the balconies?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."


Thursday, September 8, 2005 7:19 AM


Hey bc1 how about laughing and taking pictures of a stuck elevator FULL of people. They were trapped in there for what...10 minutes? I need more of that purple punch stuff!




Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:12 AM


-Don't get a flat tire in Atlanta on a holiday - all the tire stores are closed.
-That I need dragonfly wings for next year!
-That men revert to 8 year olds and buy the stupedist stuff - I mean just where are you going to use playing cards with metal edges that cut people when thrown?
-That City Cafe has the best big damn cake!
-That getting interviewed for a documentary is really fun!
-That getting your face painted isn't just for kids!
-That if you give Morena a gift and she wears it, it's the shiniest feeling! Especially when she wears it the next day too!

River - Doesn't matter. It'll still be there... waiting...


Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:26 AM


-That you can make friends about every place.
- You need a day to recover, and another to remember what you are recovering from.
- Shiny chinese dresses look nice but you cannot do the CottonEyeJoe dance in them.

*waves to Jamie* I have some pics for you, i'll email you about them.
I also have pics of XanderLHarris,CallMeSerenity, and SerenityMeiMei if they want to see themselves in my shiny pictures.

Keep shiny!


Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:28 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

And the Bedlam Bards were fantastic, weren't they? I really enjoyed listening to them and the "Out of Gas" song was great. I think they're eventually going to have enough songs to do a whole Firefly Filk album. I'd buy it!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

Thanks, CMS and BC1, for your kind words! And thanks for coming by the Yukon room show; it was really nice to get that kind of support from our fellow Browncoats.

BTW, the Firefly filk album will be called "On the Drift," after the song about Out of Gas, and portions of the album will be used as soundtrack for "Done the Impossible" (most likely). I hope to have it available for sale in the next month or two, and I am planning to contribute a portion of the proceeds to Equality Now.

Things I learned at Dragon*Con:

--People in line for general admission look at you like your a freak when you sing. People in line for Serenity panels smile and say thanks when you sing. I know where I'm singing next year.

--Scifi fan chicks are *hot*!

--If you are fifth in line for the Shindig, and you decide to hold the door open because no one else is doing it, people will assume that you work there and show you their badges. Also, you'll be standing there for twenty minutes. But it'll be fun, so long as you act like you are actually checking their badges, and say things like Shiny, Xing-Jin, and Xie-Xie as you "let" them come in.

--The Anne McCaffrey fans are fun, and they like dirty songs. Todd McCaffrey is cool.

--The lady who leads open filk doesn't like dirty songs.

--The Boogie Knights are pretty and funny.

--Browncoats are the most fun people out there. I especially like meeting people I know from the boards!

--Nathan Town is a genius, and I need to get my own copy of _Mosquito_.

--Hasufel's Badges Rock!

--Quoting lines from Firefly will convince people of its quality (even Morena Baccarin).

--Don't just follow the person in front of you in line. Keep an eye on where the whole line is going, or you'll lead the people behind you astray.

--Jewel Staite has this to say to Nathan Fillion.

--If there's only one line in the Walk of Fame, it's for one of the Big Damn Heroes.

--Having a cat named Kaylee gives you something mildly intelligent to say when you meet Jewel Staite.

--Having a cat named Kaylee is useless when you meet Morena Baccarin.

--Morena Baccarin is gracious enough to tell you that the pathetically stupid thing you came up with to say to her isn't so bad.

--Morena Baccarin doesn't like hearing people say, "I'll be in my bunk," so I'm changing that line in my song. :-)

--Wearing a costume to renfaire year after year counts as "aging and distressing." And people will take pics of you like they're doing research. It's creepy.

--Did I mention that sci-fi fan chicks are hot?

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."
Ballad of Joss:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:29 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by BayBreeze1:

Shout out to BC1 and Miss Persephone (sp)and Fireflygal! So great to finally meet you. And to all the other wonderful Browncoats I met - I love you guys!

Loved meeting you too BB1! It was great meeting LitWolf too.

Is it 2006 yet? I am ready for Dragon Con already!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:48 AM


Oooh, a Browncoat floor! Great idea! I'm up for that. Let's start booking rooms now!

Shinyhappyklin-is it possible that BC1 gave you the wrong room numbers? He did it to Ash, Torquemada and I!! (I saw the numbers he wrote on Ash's hand my own self. We wandered around all 3 hotels for hours and could find a party not.)

Cedric- Also, loving the CD I bought (the Horsey one) and CAN'T wait for the firefly one. Yay!!!

Kaylee4Simon-yes! I want to see pics! Where are the pics?

Shinygoddess-now I feel guilty because I had your cell number. I could have called you for the parties. I'm so sorry! Next year, I promise-first person I call!

And I don't think anyone will have a problem drinking when they say your name. Just a guess!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:09 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Jadehand:

The "plan" for next year, if at all possible, was suggested by Browncoat1. "Browncoat Floor". anyway we can get everybody on the same floor at the party hotel? Hang Browncoat flags off the balconies?

That was actually originally suggested by Tygrewolf and the OB people that hosted the room party. It is a shiny (take a drink!) idea. Not sure the hotel would allow us to work it out that way or if it would even be possible w/ the fact that people book rooms at different times & all. Seems to me someone would need to book a block of rooms in their name & hold them for browncoats attending next year.

A browncoat floor does sound like a great idea though.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:10 AM


Team Zissou learned that if you leave your friend alone for two seconds with a Jayne hat on he gets to go drink and party in a private room with Jewel and Adam and the doctor from Atlantis.

Errrrr darn you Biller!

Pics can be found here


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by xanderlharris:
Hey bc1 how about laughing and taking pictures of a stuck elevator FULL of people. They were trapped in there for what...10 minutes? I need more of that purple punch stuff!

That was highlarious! Here's the pic Rachel took:

[img] [/img]


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:16 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Shinyhappyklin-is it possible that BC1 gave you the wrong room numbers? He did it to Ash, Torquemada and I!! (I saw the numbers he wrote on Ash's hand my own self. We wandered around all 3 hotels for hours and could find a party not.)

Depends on which party we are talking about. The one Canton was supposed to have in his room at the Hilton seemed to never materialize. I did write down the wrong room # for the Marriott. It was actually 1014, not 1041. My bad & I apologized to all for the mistake.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:22 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Cedric:
Thanks, CMS and BC1, for your kind words! And thanks for coming by the Yukon room show; it was really nice to get that kind of support from our fellow Browncoats.

BTW, the Firefly filk album will be called "On the Drift," after the song about Out of Gas, and portions of the album will be used as soundtrack for "Done the Impossible" (most likely). I hope to have it available for sale in the next month or two, and I am planning to contribute a portion of the proceeds to Equality Now.

Got to give credit where it is due Cedric, you, Hawke & Lilly rock! Loved the music, just wish I had made it in time to catch it from the beginning. I did pick all the CDs though & have been enjoying them.

Can't wait for the "On the Drift" CD. I will be buying it & encouraging all browncoats to do the same. I can't get that Out of Gas song out of my head. OoG is my favorite episode and your song really drove it home for me. Can't wait to own it on CD.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:27 AM


Yeah that party never came about for multiple reasons. . .sorry to all of you that we promoted to.

Check out the Browncoat Online Photoalbum. Thank Fray101.


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:30 AM


Yay! Yes Kaylee4Simon I'd like to see your shiny pictures! I should be getting mine back tonight, so hopefully you'll be online, and we can swap.

Here's some more:

- If a guy is groping you at a party, politely ask the person next to you to pretend to be your signifigant other. (yes it happened. and I want to thank Amy for saving me!)
- If you see someone that you want to have a picture taken with, just yell the characters name that they're dressed up as. 90% of the time they'll turn around and graciously pose with you. ('cause, "Hey you!" doesn't always work out so well.)
- If you bump into a fairy, apollogize profusely, and ask them if their wings are alright.
- Always make sure that if a person sits down on the escalator in front of you, they're up by the time you're supposed to get off. If you don't, the result won't be pretty.
- Always carry some sort of promotional item for Serenity/Firefly with you, especially if you're wearing, or with someone who is wearing a Jayne hat. You get a TON of, "What's with all the hats?".

"Just remember, they tried to kill us...they did kill us...and here we are. We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. " -- Joss (message before the Serenity screenings)


Thursday, September 8, 2005 10:58 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

I did write down the wrong room # for the Marriott. It was actually 1014, not 1041. My bad & I apologized to all for the mistake.

No, it wasn't!!! It was 2014!!!

So this is what I learned:

Never let BC1 tell you what room number to go to for a party! He can never remember!

(You still rock, though! *hugs*)

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 8, 2005 11:12 AM


Okay, my new rule for next year: no sleeping at all! Not even little cat naps! I sleep, I miss everything.

Ill have to give my mom a tazer or shocker or whatever those things are so I can stay awake and party with all you Browncoats. Sounds like I missed the best stuff.

Is the year over yet? I want to go back to Dragon*Con!

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FREAKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damnit." ~Joss


Thursday, September 8, 2005 11:17 AM


Serenity! Dont stress girlie,I totally understand. Next year I will try to keep up with the rest of you! Shiny drinking and all!

I can not believe someone got to go to a party with Dr. McCay. ( atlantis) He is such a hottie! I am sooo jealous! But Hoorah, for you.

I would love to meet as many browncoats as possible next year, to have faces with names!

Cedric~ it was great marching next to you in the parade!( I was the little red head dressed as a companion.) You guys are so kewl, and I cant wait for the Firefly cd! Please keep me on a list if you have one!

BrownCoat1... are you on the other board too?? Jeremys board? And did I get to meet you this year?

I would like to say that We here in BTN RGE are ready for next year, as well!

I would love pics too! Please let me know when you have them available. Thank you.



Thursday, September 8, 2005 11:25 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Got to give credit where it is due Cedric, you, Hawke & Lilly rock! Loved the music, just wish I had made it in time to catch it from the beginning. I did pick all the CDs though & have been enjoying them.

Can't wait for the "On the Drift" CD. I will be buying it & encouraging all browncoats to do the same. I can't get that Out of Gas song out of my head. OoG is my favorite episode and your song really drove it home for me. Can't wait to own it on CD.

Thanks again! I hope we get another chance to play for you live. And I really appreciate the endorsement for "On the Drift." OoG is such a great episode that I just love singing about it.

BTW, I really enjoyed the way that everytime we got to "The Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne" in the parade, you would point to yourself. That was funny. I just knew you were singing "Meeeee" at the top of your lungs.

CMS, thank you for coming to our show. It was great to meet you.

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."
Ballad of Joss:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 4:25 PM


I too enjoyed your show, and loved the Out Of Gas song. Truly moving. Put me on the list for that "On the Drift". You guys rock. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your stuff live next year, if not (hopefully) sooner. Are you guys going to NCBDMPP?

-SOBs(Southern Ohio Browncoats) rock too. I love you guys.
-Shiny. *drink*
-Shiny. *drink*
-Shiny. *drink*
-Shiny. *drink*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."


Thursday, September 8, 2005 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
I too enjoyed your show, and loved the Out Of Gas song. Truly moving. Put me on the list for that "On the Drift". You guys rock. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your stuff live next year, if not (hopefully) sooner. Are you guys going to NCBDMPP?

Thanks, JadeHand!

North Carolina Big Damn Movie Premiere Party? Since I live in Texas, I doubt I'll make that, unless someone can pay me a little bit of traveling money to go. (Not a lot, mind you--I can fly standby, sleep on someone's floor, and sell CDs to any who want 'em. If it's just me, I can travel pretty cheap.)

As of yet, I haven't figured out where I'm singing on the premiere weekend. I'd really like to find a line of waiting fans or a Shindig somewhere!

BTW, thanks, all of you who mentioned wanting copies of _On the Drift_ when it's ready. I'm not keeping a list per se, but I'll announce it here and a bunch of other places on the 'net. Also, you're all invited to join the Bedlam Bards fan club at . I'm sure to mention it on that board.

See you there!

P.S. I wrote another one on the drive back/after I got home. It's called "Leaf on the Wind," and I won't say another word for fear of getting spoilery.

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."
Ballad of Joss:


Thursday, September 8, 2005 4:48 PM


The best thing I learned this year ^_~

-Having a shiny Browncoat Staff badge (Thanks Cary!) will get you in to the shindig no matter how long the line is. It also gets you a space in the elevator cause people think you are real staff ^_~

That's what I get for volunteering!


Thursday, September 8, 2005 5:12 PM


Why am I not surprised that room numbers got mixed up....there's only what, 48 floors in the Marriott, about as many in the Hyatt, plus the Hilton now??? It's amazing we find anything non-official going on!

A Browncoat floor.....I really, really, really like the sound of that! I also would go for a Browncoat suite that we could make "Party Central" as well. Well, we've only got a year to plan, I guess we should get started!

No, I'm really serious!....we should start right now if we want to try to get some kind of group floor/suite/etc. for next year. Things book up quickly, as you all know, and we need to budget for such things as well.

I am determined to make as many parties next year as I can possibly stay standing for!!! I know I have some "momma hens" that will tell me I shouldn't, but hey, you gotta go have some fun while you can, right?

And I will also not plan to do so much multitasking next year....I'll keep my time open for Browncoats...hoo yaaaah!!!

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Friday, September 9, 2005 1:54 AM


Love the Browncoat flag off the balconies plan. But SHK is right, if we want to do this, we need to get it rolling. I booked 2 adjoining rooms for this year, back in Dec or Jan. And when I got there, I wasn't in the tower I requested and my "adjoining rooms" were on different floors. The reason I was given is that for con rooms, you can request all you want, but nothing is garanteed. This was in the Hyatt, though. Maybe the Marriott is more accomadating?

God, I am ready for next year. maybe if we all close our eyes and wish hard enough, it'll be here

Southeastern Browncoats
A good friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you, saying "Damn...that was fun!"


Friday, September 9, 2005 2:27 AM


Hey Callipe79!-It was great meeting you, too, you Smart woman who took an extra day off!! Don't forget, we're staring an SC Firefly group!
sc firefly group?

I am gonna need more info than that since I am stuck here in the backwater area of this fine state.

Btw did anyone get the rpg at d-con, and is it any good

If someone tries to kill you, you try to kill em right back.


Friday, September 9, 2005 3:09 AM


Cap't Reynolds- Where in SC are you?

I agree with the general majority, we have to start planning soon!! But how about after the NCBDMPP? I can't think past that right now. Then I'll be all on board with next year's D*C.

Cedric-thanks for the mention in your lj, I feel so special! And I can't wait to hear the new song. Argh, I can't wait until the 30th so I can say things without fear of spoilery retribution!!

WickedWren-I'm right there wishin' with you! Should I try clicking my heels and saying "There's no place like Dragon*Con. There's no place like Dragon*Con."? Couldn't hurt, right?

Jadehand-save some for the rest of us!

Oh, I am soooo glad it's Friday!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, September 9, 2005 5:42 AM


I learned at Dragon*Con.....

removable adhesive does not stick well to candy eyeballs (thanks to the Doc for carrying them in the parade with his dental floss!) (and removable adhesive doesn't stick really well to anything---permanent for Reaver Chow next time!)

marching in the parade is more fun with your own musician...thanks again, Cedric!!!

remember to get prop ammo for costume before next year. (and gun....where the heck did Sloopy Jon get to with mine?)

the Kinkos in the Marriott is run by pirates who think nothing of taking your firstborn or whatever it takes to pay their outrageous prices.

I seem to have no problem getting a picture of Jewel/with Jewel, but an autograph? She's never around for that when I have said object to be signed!

check the waistband elastic in the tights for my Klingon outfit before I try to walk anywhere....stopping in the middle of the street to try to hike them back up from my knees without exposing myself is somewhat embarrassing.

have all my promo stuff done BEFORE the con next year....much less stress, and less with people not having any way to contact me to buy stuff.

Take less food, more water!

Nectarines get squished in a tote bag. It ain't pretty, and no matter how many times I tell my husband that, he'll do it again next year. ("APPLES, I said....APPLES!")

wickedwren's dad is a natural at marketing and a lot of fun to work a fan table with!

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Friday, September 9, 2005 5:56 AM


Could somebody tell those of us who couldn't make DragonCon how to play "Shiny"? Sounds like alcaholy goodness.


Friday, September 9, 2005 6:07 AM


Me and CallMeSerenity invented the game. Basically we decided that we were saying the word "shiny" way too much. So now everytime we say "shiny" you take a sip or shot of whatever you are drinking. It came in very handy the night of the purple punch. People would just yell out "SHINY!" and take a sip. Then everyone else did likewise.




Friday, September 9, 2005 6:07 AM


Batty-VERY easy game. If you say the word Shiny, you take a drink.

If someone else says the word shiny and you'd like to take a drink, then raise your glass, yell Shiny!! and take a drink.

Have fun!

SHK-You're right about WickedWren's dad-natural salesman. A wonderful asset to the fan table. He went around the last day to the other tables and handed out mountains of swag.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, September 9, 2005 6:12 AM



Originally posted by xanderlharris:
Me and CallMeSerenity invented the game. Basically we decided that we were saying the word "shiny" way too much. So now everytime we say "shiny" you take a sip or shot of whatever you are drinking. It came in very handy the night of the purple punch. People would just yell out "SHINY!" and take a sip. Then everyone else did likewise.



I cannot believe I co-invented a drinking game. My pentacostal friends would DIE if they knew!!

And man, that purple punch was great.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, September 9, 2005 6:15 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Cedric-thanks for the mention in your lj, I feel so special! And I can't wait to hear the new song. Argh, I can't wait until the 30th so I can say things without fear of spoilery retribution!!

I am sooo with you. I have to say that part of the reason I was relieved to see the movie on my way to D*C was that I wouldn't have to dodge spoilers. However, I have to say that the fans there (and on most of the boards) have been *phenomenal* about not spoiling the BDM.

And I'm so dying to get that new song out there. _On the Drift_ may be the quickest album we've made! (Not really--Vitulari took five days. They were just spread out over an entire year.)

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."
Ballad of Joss:


Friday, September 9, 2005 6:27 AM



I was so excited yesterday when I went to your website and found out that you attend Louisiana RenFest! I was so excited that I called my close friends and they already knew. Took all the wind out of my sales! I wondered how I missed this pertinent information from you at dragon con. Well, when you were informing my friends of La RF, I was watching Josh, Male Companion do his interview with Jeremys ppl. So I just found out and I wanted to let you know that I am very excited about dragging friends to see you this year!

Jamie Smith


Friday, September 9, 2005 6:36 AM


My dad just loves Firefly and wants to spread the good news. He had an absolute blast. I think it's the most fun he's had in a long time. Him being a resonsible adult with a job and house and family and all

He went around to the dealers that couldn't get away from their own tables all weekend. And they were thrilled, everyone loves Firefly. Our sinister plot is working...


I probably shouldn't say shiny so much at work. They frown on the dinking games. Shiny, shiny, shiny. That should get me through the afternoon

Southeastern Browncoats
A good friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you, saying "Damn...that was fun!"


Friday, September 9, 2005 6:36 AM



Joshua, the Male Companion!

Anyone got a pic of him so everyone else can enjoy?

Kaylee4Simon, where's that picture you took of the two of us??? I am dying to see it!!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, September 9, 2005 6:37 AM



Originally posted by ShinyGoddess:

I was so excited yesterday when I went to your website and found out that you attend Louisiana RenFest! I was so excited that I called my close friends and they already knew. I wondered how I missed this petinent information from you at dragon con. Well, when you were informing my friends of La RF, I was watching Josh, Male Companion do his interview with Jeremys ppl. So I just found out and I wanted to let you know that I am very excited about dragging friends to see you this year!

Jamie Smith

Hey, ShinyGoddess! It's good to hear from you.

Alas, we won't be doing the Louisiana faire this year . . . We're just not in their budget--which was strained even before Hurricane Katrina devastated the area. Fortunately, the site sustained only minimal damage, and the faire will open this year. So far as I know, all of our friends from NOLA got out before the storm hit, though some cast members have lost their homes.

Please go support the faire even though we won't be there--it will need the support this year. And if you happen to mention/send letters/stuff the suggestion box with our name, that'll let the management know you'd like to see us there in the future.

P.S. I apologize if my stuff has hijacked this thread. It was never my intention.

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."
Ballad of Joss:


Friday, September 9, 2005 7:31 AM



Originally posted by TheHobbit:
-Browncoats are indeed the shiniest group around.
-where to buy a Jayne hat, and about this website (this is a nod to a very drunk, large man named Rob. You taught me this while trying to explain to a large black man with a mohawk what the hat was about).


Team Zissou learned that if you leave your friend alone for two seconds with a Jayne hat on he gets to go drink and party in a private room with Jewel and Adam and the doctor from Atlantis.

Errrrr darn you Biller!


Yes, I was pretty drunk. I believe Jayne would've been proud ('cause I was still standing and apparently making a little sense). I remember talking to that black gentleman with the mohawk. To give him credit, he listened to my whole long explanation and, as he was leaving, said, "Right on man! Right on!"

Friday night I had just left the Shindig (official Browncoat D*C gathering/dance). I was wearing my newly aquired Jane hat (hand knitted by a lovely lady at the Firefly Fans/Browncoat Table and standing out by the pool area of the Hyatt when Adam Baldwin came up behind me (and my friends) and said, "I hear there is a shindig around here somewhere!" So after the must picture opportunity, I guide Mr. Baldwin to where the shindig was being held. On the way there we were informed of a party on the 19th floor. Mr. Baldwin said to me - "You up for a party later??" I believe "Oh Yeah!" was my reply...but I had a few drinks already in my system and I might have just dumbly nodded. Anyway, after a spell at the Shindig (and another drink) we head to the elevator of the Hyatt. By this time the crowd around Adam kept growing and getting anywhere was more and more difficult. Arriving on the 19th floor and finding the room number, we head inside. First thing Adam asked was, "Is Jewel here?" and someone leaving replied, " I think over near the bar." Well her husband Matty was at the bar and he pointed me in the direction of the couch on the far side of the room to where Jewel sat next to Paul McGillion from Stargate:Atlantis. They had recently filmed a episode of SG:Atlantis together. I tell Jewel that Adam is here and was wanting to talk with her. The rest of the evening ( was kinda late/early by this time) I spend hanging out with them. Then all walked back from the Hyatt to the Marriott (where we all were staying), said our goodbyes at the elevators, and I went and crashed.

Highlight of any of my Dragon*Cons so far...

"I'll be in my bunk!"


Friday, September 9, 2005 8:39 AM



I remember you! I was out by the Hyatt pool area Saturday having a beer and a cig and you told me the story and showed me your cell phone pictures. I remember how happy you were when you said to me "I made a drink for Jewel!!!" I also remember being so gorram envious of you! Way to be in the right place at the right time wearing the right hat. Good for you!


Friday, September 9, 2005 9:10 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

No, it wasn't!!! It was 2014!!!

So this is what I learned:

Never let BC1 tell you what room number to go to for a party! He can never remember!

(You still rock, though! *hugs*)

I meant 2014.

Did I mention I am still in the post Con funk?


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, September 9, 2005 9:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by ShinyGoddess:

BrownCoat1... are you on the other board too?? Jeremys board? And did I get to meet you this year?

Yep, I moderate over at Jeremy's board. Just a plain ol' poster/regular here.

Unfortunately we did not get to meet this year. We will have to make a point of meeting next year.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, September 9, 2005 9:20 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

No, it wasn't!!! It was 2014!!!

So this is what I learned:

Never let BC1 tell you what room number to go to for a party! He can never remember!

(You still rock, though! *hugs*)

I meant 2014.

Did I mention I am still in the post Con funk?

LOL!! So am I! I feel your pain. 'Tis all good!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, September 9, 2005 10:56 AM


ShinyGoddess - You are more than welcome to stand on the chair at our table anytime! Always glad to help out a fellow browncoat!

May have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one ~Mal
Oh! That was bracing. They don't like it when you shoot at them. I worked that out myself. ~Mal


Saturday, September 10, 2005 4:47 AM


Cedric, are you about 5'10" long bushy beard and wearing a broad brimmed hat and registered on Friday sometime around 3? If so I was standing in line very near you and enjoyed your music very much. It made waiting in line so much more shiny.


Saturday, September 10, 2005 5:04 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
LOL!! Joshua, the Male Companion! Anyone got a pic of him so everyone else can enjoy?

Here's one:

Make sure you're sitting down, ladies. I'd hate for you to swoon and hurt yourselves.

I didn't really get to meet many Browncoats at DragonCon, as I was there with 20+ other member of our Lord of the Rings fan club ( and I mostly stuck to that track.

The good news is that the Browncoats in our club have passed around our 3 DVD sets and recruited at least 8 new people to the cause. :)

Next year I'm thinking DragonCon will be 70% Firefly/Serenity and 25% LOTR (with 3% eating and 2% sleep, up from 1% sleep this year). And I'm determined to find every Browncoat party!!!

Many thanks to the Southeastern Browncoats for all their work staffing the fan table and running the Shindig. You all did a great job, especially the older gentleman, whose name I forget (sorry, sleep deprivation!)

Asphodel the PR Hobbit
Ohio Ring Council


Saturday, September 10, 2005 6:04 AM


Oooh, I missed that outfit! Good thing I was sitting down. *feels a little woozy*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny






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