Destiny-Episode 6: Return of the Browncoats

UPDATED: Thursday, October 6, 2005 02:57
VIEWED: 19387
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Saturday, September 10, 2005 11:01 AM


Link to old thread:

Now, if any of you have read Soul's most recent blog you will know that he's very busy in his real life and doesn't have as much time to spend around here as he would like. So, that means we're on our own. He's left me in charge, naturally (and if any of you don't like that, I got this big chain here that might convince you otherwise-lol). Things will go on as they always have (mayhem, chaos, hilarity) and Soul will stop by when he can. Everyone okay with that?

I picked Needy's thread title suggestion because it made me laugh the last time. Now, let's keep this bumped.

Oh, I'm nearly done with your hat, Amylisai, so I need an address to send it to. Thanks mei mei!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Saturday, September 10, 2005 1:24 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

good for you Serenity, taking the initiative and all

Sooo, its been a couple of days since I last visited and looking back at the old thread I was reminded about the whole "psychic number game". So if its out of ten... its gotta be 7. Right? What do you mean no? 6? 8? 3? 2? Oh now you're just playing with me. You're not expecting me to answer in chinese are you?!

I love that chinese saying mei-mei. I've been listening to the Signal the past few days (yes I'm a latecomer and have been trying to catch up on the episodes) and I love the chinese section. I've decided to call my younger sister Mei-mei from now on. It sounds like a really nice pet name, plus when someone asks me what it means, I can just shrug it off and says "oh it's chinese, don't feel bad if you don't understand it". That way I will look like I speak chinese thoroughly. Ah, thats another thing us browncoats have been blessed with (as well as a very shiny show)

So I was organising a bunch of sound clips today from the movie trailers and the pilot episode and decided to add them to the Serenity theme to make a little remix of sorts. I've uploaded it to if you want to hear it for yourself. Pity the track is so short, there were so many clips, but I've made it more of an introduction to Serenity itself, instead of including a bunch of funny quotes or intense lines from the trailer.

What else can I say? uhm. nothing springs to mind except... I'm hungry. I'm gonna get some food

oh yeah, thanks for choosing my idea for the thread title. I feel so honoured

Jack - You're right, I'm in England. Leicester if you want to be specific, home of the National Space Centre, Richard Attenborough and Pregnant Teenagers. It's in the Midlands, and next door to Nottingham (home of Robin Hood... and thats about it)

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Saturday, September 10, 2005 5:05 PM


OOOooo.....a shiney new thread, shiney!

C'mon Jack, let's break this one in! Dig up TRM and Needy, let's see how far ahead of Serenity we can get before she clobbers us....tee hee!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Saturday, September 10, 2005 7:22 PM


Uh, does anyone know Bubbles' current state?

TheRealMe, Doctor of Destiny!


Sunday, September 11, 2005 4:08 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

good idea safe!

Aha. We're so going to take over this thread!

TRM - last I heard (or should I say, did) was Bubbles was supersoaked until she overheated and collapsed. But on this forum, nothing stays dead for long

*Bubbles rises from the still wet floor of one of Destiny's corridors. The machine is in a right state, with circuits exposed and smoke still escaping through every orifice*

Needy: You sure are a tenacious little devil.

Bubbles: Curse your sudden but ineveitable betrayal!

Bubbles screams, her face and movement resemblig a zombie - the slow Romero type.

Needy: Cool! Someone has inputted Firefly quotes
Safe: Make it sing the theme tune!

*TRM walks over to the manic robot, spins her around so that he is looking at er back, exposes her shiny metal ass to look at her rear controls hidden at the base of her spine and, after typing some code, spins her back round and waits patiently with the rest of the crew*

Safe: C'mon then
Needy, Safe and TRM chant: Sing! Sing! Sing!

*Bubbles spins around on the spot and breaks into a jazzed up version of The Ballad of Serenity*

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, September 11, 2005 10:46 AM


So let me see here:

Jack: Texas, USA (Chief Nurse)
Serenity: South Carolina, USA (Executive Officer)
TRM: Colorado, USA (Doctor)
Safe: Ontario, Canada (Handyman)
Needy: Leicester, England (Boy Wh-- "Companion")
PR: Bognor Regis, England (Crazy Sister)
Greek: Washington, USA (?)

That looks like a good spread to me.

Um... Needy... Her PARTS are showing!

Hey. Has anyone seen my headless evil double lying around?

Jack, Chief Nurse of Destiny


Sunday, September 11, 2005 12:15 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by CastIronJack:
So let me see here:

Jack: Texas, USA (Chief Nurse)
Serenity: South Carolina, USA (Executive Officer)
TRM: Colorado, USA (Doctor)
Safe: Ontario, Canada (Handyman)
Needy: Leicester, England (Boy Wh-- "Companion")

I feel so lonely out here in England

Then again PR is from the UK... I wonder where


Um... Needy... Her PARTS are showing!

Hey. Has anyone seen my headless evil double lying around?

uhm... is that a problem?

as for your evil twin, I havent seen him. Which is quite bizarre thinking about it now, he's always causing trouble

I think I'm going to have to check my shuttle, I dont mean to sound like a coward, but would you mind coming with me. Your twin, being how he is, wouldn't think twice about knocking me out in an instant, I'd rather have back up just in case

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, September 12, 2005 1:36 AM


Evil headless robotic Jack walks by and waves.

Needy palms a small watergun and Puffy shrinks back on astounded Jack's shoulders.

Needy pokes Jack from behind, "What's he doing?"

Jack shrugs, "Dunno. Looking for his head?"

"Maybe we should ask him," Needy stares after it.

"Maybe we should give him a pumpkin."

"I'm out of pumpkins."

"How about a basketball and a Sharpie?" Jack asks.

"Yes," Needy strokes his chin, "ExCELLent."

Jack, Chief Nurse of Destiny


Monday, September 12, 2005 7:15 AM


A loud bang and flash of light come from the end of the corridor.

Safe rounds the corner running full tilt, in the opposite direction from the commotion, past Needy and Jack and right into Serenity as she rounds the corner at the other end sending them both sprawling.


Jack, "Ummm...Safe? What's going on?"
Serenity, "geroffme!"
Safe, "Well it's like this....I just gave you a new Monster Hovership hat but not having a head upon which to wear said got mighty angry and started shootin' the place up...but you're here and you have your head??..."

At that point Evil headless robotic Jack appears at the end of the corridor. Where there was no head there is now a computer monitor with a hat perched on top. And where there was once a right hand, there is now a buzzing chainsaw. Across the monitor scrolls green writing

zzz...I M ZZJACK...ZZJAcsh..ZZJAsh....ASH...I M ASH!!..EXTERMINATE!!.."[i/]

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, September 12, 2005 7:53 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul steps out of his bunk, sees the Evil headless robotic jack, and pulls out his Boomstick.

"Ya know, this could be fun!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, September 12, 2005 8:53 AM


Yahoo!! Glad to see ya up and about Cap'n!!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, September 12, 2005 9:12 AM


Hello!! Still trapped under heavy Safe here!

*Sees chainsaw whelding EvilJack*

Hmm, maybe beneath Safe is a safe place to be...

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Monday, September 12, 2005 10:19 PM


Bubbles rounds the other corner, devoid of Fireflanish melody, surprising Soul and shoving him on the growing pile of crew. There's an audible complaint from Serenity on the bottom.

"Needy, how'd she get to your shuttle? Wasn't she just in the mess?" Jack asks.

Needy presses himself against the hull behind them, "Dunno."

"zzz... TAKE... TAKE THEM BOTH... ZZzz," comes from the formerly headless monster.

Bubbles cocks the captain's gun, "Affirmative. We will take that one's shuttle."

Jack looks back at the cowering Needy, "Somehow... Stupid whore doesn't quite cover it this time."

"Well..." Needy says, "I thought we were getting quite good at their defeats..."

"This is going to be the LAST misadventure with the robots!" Jack yells, "The last one!"

"zzzZZZ... Indeed. IndEED IT WIll be, meATBag."

"Stop calling me that!" Jack exclaims at the chainsaw wielding maniac.

"Oh, so calling me a WHORE is SO much better!?!" Needy yells back.

"Hey!" Jack points a finger at Needy, "This is NOT ABOUT YOU!"

Needy lays a very uncompanionlike uppercut on Jack, "Stop yelling at me!"

Jack wastes no time in charging back, laying a shoulder into the companion's midsection, throwing them both into Safe, Serenity and Soul, who had almost untangled themselves.

Mayhem ensues.

Jack, Chief Nurse of Destiny

The Chief Nurse and the Boy Whore. Who figured them for violence?


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 2:40 AM


Whoever's hand is touching my..well...just move it!

*Serenity's had just about enough of this.
She digs herself out from under everyone, with the copious use of elbows and mild profanities, then grabs both Jack and Needy by the ears.*

Needy and Jack: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

Serenity: We have much bigger problems right now than your stupid little fight, so KNOCK IT OFF!!

*Serenity lets them go. They rub their sore ears and manage to look slightly abashed. She turns to the Captain, tossing him her spare pistol.*

Shall we?

*Soul nods. They both cock their weapons and take aim.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 3:21 AM


*We interrupt this mayhem for a Public Service Announcement*

Has everyone seen the new challenge up? The one about the Reavers? There are several of you that are so very good at writing peril that it should be no problem to turn your pens (or keyboards) to the horror of Reaver-sightings. Remember, you earn credits, the whole crew earns credits. We're down to #40ish now. Not so great, considering at one time we were #16.

*End of Public Service Announcement. We will now return to our mayhem, already in progress.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 8:19 AM


Aside-'s done. I submitted for the Reaver challenge. It's posted in the BSR, check it out and let me know. It's nowhere near Soul's or even Jack's calibre, but for my first time's not too bad if I do say so myself.-

Wait!! shouts Safe a moment too late as Serenity and Soul open fire.

The end result is like throwing a handful of marbles in the dryer.

Safeat2nd, Scribe & Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 4:41 PM


Jazaf cautiously walks into the room.
'Aiya! what's goin' on in here?'
Upon seeing the Robotic Duo Jazaf turns back around and heads back to the bridge. 'Right, carry on!'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:08 PM


Peril is written. 84 and a half days til pointage.


Now you must read, Serenity, you must because you asked it of me, and I have done it.

Peril I have written, pages of peril. You must comply! There's also blood and bodies and a bit of romance for the kiddies. There's also gratituous moments of firepower for the guys.

Jack, Chief Nurse of Destiny


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:35 PM


Well, GODDAMNIT! Limit of 10000 character my a@#!

Thank God, I can post here. I spent 6 hours writing 9 pages of single spaced peril and I have splice the beginning and the end to fit it into the entry thingy!!!

I knew there was a reason I don't do the writing challenges!

Jack pulls out a really BIG GUN. From where, no one really can tell.

He points it at the fake Jack, "Alright pal," and fires, "I've had enough."

In a brilliant fireball, Evil Jack explodes into billions of confetti sized pieces.

Bubbles fires but misses.

"Oh, honey," Jack spits out, "You shouldn't have missed," In a smooth action he cocks his BFG, points and fires it at Bubbles, "Die, b&*#^!"

Bubbles also explodes into billions of confetti sized pieces.

Everyone present coughs up smoke.

Jack walks over and pounds on the intercom, "Jayne."

"Ummm... Yeah?"

"Jack here, are you ever fill with the compulsion to kill us all in any fashion?"

"Well, uh, no."

"Not even a little bit?"


"Right answer."

Jack drops the gun into Safe's lap, "It's called a BFG, you like?"

"Um... Sure..."

"Much better than Bubbles?"


"Good. I'm going to my bunk. I've got a few issues." Jack leaves.

The blackened crew stares at one another.

Jack: Grrrr.... Arrggghhh


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:36 PM



Originally posted by NEEDY:
I feel so lonely out here in England

Then again PR is from the UK... I wonder where

West Sussex, Bognor Regis, seaside town, home of butlins.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 4:20 AM


Oooooo...two very creepifying Reaver accounts from the crew of Destiny!! Lets see some more, people!!

Whoa!! I had forgotton we had a Navigator! Thought you had been eaten by the bunnies! Grab a gun and join the fray. Even though Jack's gone an kilt' all the bad guys....again...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 4:29 AM


I am very proud of you guys!

Now, keep up the good work. I'm not having nearly enough trouble getting to sleep at night! (though, Safe, that "Sound of wet burlap ripping" is going to stay with me forever.)

*Serenity stands in stunned awe as Jack pulls out his BFG, blows the 'bots away, and then retreats to his bunk.*

Wow, that was impressive!

Now, who's going to clean up this mess?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 4:33 AM


Well I made an attempt at a bumper sticker - which since I have no graphic art skills - was done in MS Word then I used Ifanview to change it to an acceptable format.

anyway if anyone wants to take a gander- (and possibly rate it) it's here

The actual Adam Baldwin quote was Redemption - but I always thought Vindication worked better hence the inspired part.

I just got 400 points today I'm not sure if it's for the bumper sticker or our essays :D

I'm happy cause I'm back at rank 420 - was somewhere over 500 yesterday


Oh and thanks for leaving Scottish Jayne! He's quite handy in the galley!

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell:Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter :Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:14 AM


Wait a minute...let me get this straight...if I get 400 points for the 2 pictures I submitted, all the crew, individually, get 400 points or Destiny gets 400 points??

Also, how do you find out Destiny's rank??

Flechette; I like the bumper sticker an' voted on it for you.

Oh...and as long as you with your dangerous knives keep Jayne in line...I'm ok with that too.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:21 AM


Safe-When you submit something for yourself, you get credits and your credits go against Destiny's combined credits.

When we submit a crew challenge, we each get credits and the whole crew gets credits.

Make sense?

And I don't think we've gotten our credits from the scavenger hunt yet.

Flechie-liked the bumper sticker. I gave it 5 stars (2.3 was waaaay too low.)
And guess what I'm mailing out today!

And FINALLY, a challenge I can do-they want us to write lyrics to a song about one of the BDHs. I can do that. It won't give me nightmares like trying to write about Reavers. *shudder*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:22 AM


Oh yeah, and they better not mess with Scottish Jayne.

He's dead useful (in more ways than one) and I just bought him that new kilt he looks so nice in.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:29 AM


Thank youn all for the kind words! I know it's rather plain compared to some of the others but I was deliberately going for an uncluttered and readable look - so I feel it succeeded in tht respect.

It's at a 2.9 right and I'm happy right there :D

Safe - I have NO clue how to find out Destiny's crew rating- the top ten crews are listed on the side but that's it. Your personal rating it at the top when you log in.

I'm so looking for to your package CMS!! Thank you again!

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell :Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter :Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:42 AM


Oh, it's easy guys.

Click the Crew tab at the top of the homepage and it'll list them all, in order by credit ranking. Scroll down and down and down until you find us. They aren't numbered, so you have to count them yourselves.

Trying to decide who to write a song about. Book? Simon? Hmm....

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 7:20 AM


Serenity, if I may lend a the song about Simon.

Call it Doctor on the run, and base it around Creed's Riders on The Storm. In case I'm the only old fogie here are the Lyrics. Insert your own creations.

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm
There's a killer on the road....etc.

Edit to add link for rest of lyrics:

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 7:48 AM


CMS - are you sure about the crew rankings? When I looked, the top ten on the side did not match the first 10 crew listed under crews- instead the crew listed seem be based on total # of crew members.

If you are right tho - then we the crew of Destiny are in a fairly shiney position :D

Oh and I vote for a song on Simon too!

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell:Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter :Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 7:56 AM


Hmm..a song about Simon.

I'll think about it. And I'll check out that song, Safe. I'm not familiar with it.

What I need to do is get out my guitar and start playing around until inspiration hits. That usually works. But I don't have time to do that today.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:32 AM


I had inspiration at the post office. (Your hat is in the mail Flechie!!!!!!)

I think I'm going to do a song directed at Kaylee about Simon. I think she gives him too hard a time and she pushes him too much. I feel bad for him. She likes him because he's different from all the Rim boys she used to date, but then she tries to get him to fit into that mould. It bothers me, is all. Anyway, that's my idea.

Will try to work on it whenever I come up for air. When's the deadline again? Must go back and check.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:18 AM


Jack gets up from his bunk, stretches and chases his dragon around his room.

He walks the ship, noting with some residual satisfaction that Bubbles and Evil Jack are still piles of rubble.

He goes into the janitorial closet and pulls out a Shop-Vac. He whistles a happy little tune as he sucks up all the pieces of the ill-fated robots. He waves to Needy as he passes by, Serenity and Safe too as they watch him.

He scratches Puffy underneath the chin and puts up the Shop-Vac after tossing the contents into deep space. He waves to Jayne and Flechette as they fix dinner for the crew, Soul and TRM as they pass him in the corridor.

Jack goes to the infirmary, calm and content. No evil robots. No explosions. He studies his medical literature while eating an apple that Flechette had tossed him in the mess.

All is well.

Jack, Chief Nurse of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:28 AM



Jack, you got mood swings. One moment you're a killin' machine, the next, you're happy homemaker.

Oh well, a little "quiet" time won't hurt. Can't say as I'll miss robots trying to kill me around every corner...

*Safe scoops up the BFG and heads to the engine room muttering* If I shave a bit off the trigger and modify the barrel...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:16 AM


I think I've had enough of Reaver stories.

I had a dream last night that Reavers ate Wash and then Nick from CSI hit on Zoe.

It was very strange. Harmony from Angel and Joshua the male companion were in it, too.

I think I watch too much tv.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:25 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

As Jack is minding his own business, taking care of the ship, a strange noise sounds behind him. It sounds like a human breathing heavily, but doesn't sound all too friendly, reminiscent of monsters/creatures in those bad "horror" movies. Suddenly, an inhuman screech is let out and before Jack can react, a hand grabs hold of his shoulder and with one swift motion spins him around

There stands Needy with a huge grin on his face

"sorry, I couldn't help myself"

Before any more words are spoken, Jack smacks Needy square in the jaw, knocking the Boy Whore out cold

"and I couldn't help myself."

Jack sighs and shakes his head

"just one minute of normalcy... that's all I want"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:35 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Hello all.

I've been trying to come here and post for the past 2 or 3 days but haven't had the chance. The main reason is because my sister is taking her drivers theory test tomorrow and has been preparing using a program on the pc jsut about every night. Good for her, but I still wanna come here and by the time I've checked my mails and the latest news on the web and all that, I dont have much time left. Oh well, I'm here now

I gotta say, I loved the final confrontation with the robots, that was hilarious - especially Jack's "Stupid Whore" comment... and the whole crewmembers entanglement

I haven't got round to doing the Reaver Attack story yet, though hopefully I'll do it tomorrow.
As for the song, well for a start I thought it had to be about Wash (obviosuly didn't read it that well) and so I was racking my brain for a tune and some lyrics, but it kept on turning into The Hero of Canton. Now if only Wash's first name was Wayne, I might have been able to use it anyhow.
So can it just be about anything to do with the characters? Cos the instructions imply that it be a song like Hero of Canton, focussing on their life prior to Serenity. If it was about events during/post the series, then I might be able to handle it, but as it stands I'm kinda blank (no change there then)

Oh and whilst we're talking about songs - Safe, I know Riders on the Storm, but wasn't it originally sang by someone else? Maybe not, I just thought it was. I've got that song on one of Creed's singles

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:51 AM



Originally posted by NEEDY:
Oh and whilst we're talking about songs - Safe, I know Riders on the Storm, but wasn't it originally sang by someone else? Maybe not, I just thought it was.

The Doors, I believe.


Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:56 AM


Needy, it was originally done by the Doors (thanks Greek). They did another song called People Are Strange (you might remember it from the movie Lost Boys) which would make for a good Reavers song. That is if the Reavers sing...

Have you read the other Reaver stories yet? If you read Rel's, Jack's and my! in that's like they are all recounts of the same event from different perspectives.

I'd like to read any other crew members entries, so please post a link here when you're done.

The one liners and situations floating 'round these parts lately have been pretty damn funny.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:06 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Ah yes, Greek and Safe, it was the Doors

I love their song "Break on Through to the other Side", though I always think of the show Dark Skies when I hear it because one of the episode's featured Jim Morrison as a guest character (ah memories)

I didn't realise People are Strange was there's . I like that song too - I've got the Lost Boys soundtrack where Echo and the Bunnymen sing it - one of the best songs on the cd btw
Maybe when the movie is released on dvd, someone could make a music video based around the reavers with that as the theme song

I'll read those Reaver reports and hopefully they'll inspire me... though not too much (wouldnt want to be accused of stealing ideas)

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:10 AM


Is the Reaver challenge over soon? Too much talk of Reavers. I may have to hide in my bunk until it's over.

And write songs about Simon.

Hey, that doesn't sound too bad!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:18 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Is the Reaver challenge over soon? Too much talk of Reavers. I may have to hide in my bunk until it's over.

Reaver challenge is over 21 Sept. Don't rush it though, I haven't got it done yet. I missed on doing the bumper sticker too. I thought of one but never got to do it because I left it too long. My plan was to change the "Baby on Board" sign to "Browncoat on Board". But I did see someone had created a "Reaver on Board" with blood stains on it - that was pretty cool


And write songs about Simon.

Who... me? I know you started this thread but that doesnt necessarily make you Captain! Does it?

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:28 AM



No, go back and reread that. I said I was going to write songs about Simon. Not you.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:32 AM


Serenity, Needy, you guys are goofy, you know that right?

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:35 AM



Who... me? I know you started this thread but that doesnt necessarily make you Captain! Does it?

It makes me ACTING CAPTIAN!! So you just watch yourself there, buddy!

And Safe, yes, I know. But it's part of my charm.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:44 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Serenity - Ok I've reread that original message now, it makes a lot more sense. Curse my sudden but inevitable erm... reply

Still, if you're acting Captain as you so brazenly declared, then who am I to argue?

... Boy Whore that's who! I say I should be captain! After all I can pilot a ship (well, shuttle), I am shown more respect due to my job (more = less) and I can spell Captain gorram it!


It makes me ACTING CAPTIAN!! So you just watch yourself there, buddy!


oh and Safe - goofy? You kidding me right? Yeah, I admit I'm goofy, but how could you say that regarding that post - I've been much goofier. Truth is, on other forums I was often called crazy and a bit of a nutter, but when I came here, I felt like I was normal (and I mean that in a bad way) - everyone else just seemed a bit more "out there" than I was. I hang my head in shame

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:00 AM


I'm dyslexic, you know.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:05 AM


See...I thought you were being funny with Serenity, you know pulling her chain, so to speak.

But if you were serious...well thats a whole new ball game and I'll retract my goofy and replace it with you-should-be-named-bubbles-'cause-it's-an-apt-description.

Don't make me do it though, I don't want to and it ain't very pretty. (get the Genie from Aladdin quote?)

Oh, and are you implying that the rest of us are SOOO crazy as to make you look sane?? WELL ARE YA PUNK?? Ya gotta ask yourself one Safe one brick short of a load, or two?

Funniest crew in the 'verse!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:09 AM


gorram bellsouth.

I can't get into my email.

Grrrrrrrrr. I can't live without my email.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:13 AM


Has everyone seen the shiny stuff at the Browncoat Store?

Heh - explains why my browncoat points ratings is improving cause I'd say lots of people are grabbing shirts and stuff

I still like the 8000 pt brownshirt the best- but the black one for 5000 is nice too.


I submitted a parody song that I decided Wash had written for Zoe. We'll see how that goes - guess I'll have to consider the Reaver one over the weekend.


Pure curiousity - how many points do other folk have? if anyone feels like sharing?

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell :Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter :Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo






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