Anyone Else Doing Any Last Minute Conversions?

UPDATED: Friday, September 30, 2005 07:57
VIEWED: 3125
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:36 PM


Sorry if this is a bit rambly...

Okay, if you search throughout the messageboard you'll find previous posts I 've made in which I stated the case. We've had Firefly for rent at my store for more than a year and a half.

I made a label, with SERENITYMOVIE.COM on it. I stuck this label directly underneath my name on my name tag.

So we recently hired a new guy. He's pretty cool. I told him he needed to watch the series to enrich the movie experience. I also converted our senior assistant manager.

But I digress.

So our new hire rented Firefly. He brought it back early last week, saying the first 30 minutes were a bit slow. I begged him to re-rent it and try again. He did just that and then called me last week and said..."You were right! I was on the fourth episode last night and said, 'I've got to get to bed....but just one more episode.'"

He's now a Browncoat, a big, big, BIG one. He returned the series and a girl rented it immediately as she'd been clamoring for its return so she could see it before she saw the movie.

I also loaned my DVD set out to a co-worker tonight and told her to watch it ASAP. I've been talking my head off at work about it. She's not a big sci-fi fan but I told her this is the anti-Star Trek.

So today our new hire came in to rent some movies with a friend. We chatted for a bit and talked about the theater it's playing at (right by the store) and how amped we are for it. Then I checked out a couple. As I was processing their transaction, he launched into a hard sell on Serenity. Then, in full seriousness, he said, "And if you both see it and don't like it, I'll pay for your tickets." They thought it was a joke but I said, "He's serious."

Hmmm...have I created a monster here?

So after he'd left, a guy came in asking if there were any good movies out now. I said, "Well Serenity comes out Friday." He looked at me and smiled big. "I know. I can't wait!" I hadn't said a word about the movie yet! : :D

Then right before I left another gentleman wanted to know where Season 6 of Buffy was. It was checked out but I took him over to where we keep Firefly (in our TV on DVD section on the NEW RELEASE wall). I then launched into a cogent, clear, concise summary of the show. He was eager to see it and then said, "Yeah, he (Joss) really can write."

So I'm doing my part here in Savannah, GA to spread the word for our BDM, have been for months upon months. It's coming folks, the day is fast approaching. September 30th will be here in mere hours. And I can't wait to see this a thousand and one times in the theater...I know what you're thinking...ONLY a thousand and one times?

"The first thing I do in the morning is brush
my teeth and sharpen my tongue." -- Dorothy Parker


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:47 PM


I have to wait to see the BDM on Saturday.

Because Friday I'm having a 17 person shindig at my house. We're marathoning the whole damn thing, and I'm making my mom's beef curry, and getting bao at a local chinese place.

It's a sacrifice, but I'm willing to wait 24 hours to help the Big Damn Movie become the Biggest Damn Movie.


"There are no obstacles. Only challenges."


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:16 PM


well i'm already going w/a group of 7 ppl and i've been talking about it so much an dbeen getting out getting all the comics/action figures and the like and every time my mom comes over i gush about the movie, she's decided to come also hehehehe that makes 8 ppl. she doesn't even like sci-fi at all. i think it may be that i've shown her all the trailers a million times lol shiny!

"mine is an evil laugh"


Thursday, September 29, 2005 1:27 AM


I leant my DVDs to a friend in myroleplaying group 2 weeks ago before going away on holiday. Got back to find he'd bought his own copy after watching first disk!

Am trying to promote via the internal newgroups at my work, but had some negative reaction frm those who've not been impressed by the trailers or think it's a Star Wars copy :(

Intend to print & give out flyers on run-up to UK release.


Thursday, September 29, 2005 2:50 AM


Hooked an entire family this week, so there will be 4 more tickets sold this weekend in Tallahassee. We're about to drop that future tense aspect of "We will rise again."


Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:07 AM


Please feel free to also use the 'What is Firefly' recording that we put together to help with your conversions. Details are here...


Listen to "The Signal"...
the only podcast in the 'verse dedicated to Firefly & Serenity


Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:14 AM


That reminds me. I gotta loan my set to my aunt. So far I got my brothers into the show. Mom, however, has resisted indoctrination. But that works for me 'cause she'll be watching the crumb crushers so I can see the movie.


Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:14 AM


I've sent copies of FIREFLY to online friends for that past few months.
Today at work (I work at a video store) instead of my work shirt, I am wearing SERENITY shirt, my Jayne hat and watching FIREFLY all day long.
I asked my boss and told him this would be the only time I would do it. He said it would be fine :)
I know of 2 friends who had not seen FIREFLY and loved it after they did and will be going this weekend to see the movie.

It's all good :)

We're deep in space, on the corner of no and where.


Friday, September 30, 2005 7:43 AM


My boxset is out right now doing it's evil conversion work.

I figure there's still a bunch of time to convert more Browncoats, since the movie will be in theatres for 4-5 months yet! And there's still a bunch of people that need converting...

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Friday, September 30, 2005 7:52 AM


Hi all, new here, but so excited that today's finally the day! I am a late FireFly convert myself, but a long-time Whedon fan. My husband and I have managed to convert a few of our friends who I never would have thought would go for it, and now can not wait to see the BDM this weekend. But, I think my biggest convert so far has been my parents. For years, they have done nothing but make fun of our Buffy/Angel obsession and i just basically forced them to watch an epsiode of FireFly...then they wanted an other..and another...and now they are definetely going to see Serenity!!

Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy!


Friday, September 30, 2005 7:57 AM


I'm going to Friday's show with 5 other people. I working on some more. I'm also working on the other websites I'm a member of and started a similar thread.

Good job on the video store conversions!! I wish I owned a video store...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny






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