Serenity: Was music disappointing to you too?

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 03:20
VIEWED: 10205
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Friday, September 30, 2005 12:19 PM


Saw it for the third time last night at an SF midnight showing, for the first time as complete film, of course. And I loved it just as much the third time. Smart, exciting, witty, everything a good flick should be, and most amazing to me--fun to watch a third time through.

Anyway, the only element which I found mildly disappointing was the music. I had high expectations given Joss's history, but the music was....well, eh. It was fine, just not great. Talking about it on the way home, Soupy & I finally concluded that maybe Joss wanted a low-key soundtrack so as not to overwhelm the action and dialogue? That's all I can figure.

So, browsing IMDB, I find that the music was done by some guy named David Newman (except for the fruity bar song). His IMDB history is singularly unimpressive. Firefly's music was done by Greg Edmonson, while Buffy was done mostly by Christophe Beck & Shawn K. Clement (Beck did the amazing "Once More w/Feeling").

Point: why not Beck, Clement, or Edmonson? Why Newman? A Universal inhouse guy maybe?

I remain puzzled.


~ Soupcatcher is a hottie ~


Friday, September 30, 2005 12:41 PM


Joss wanted a fairly lowkey score, as you suggested... at least, that's how the preproduction memo from the visual companion read to me.

They didn't go with Edmonson because Universal wanted someone with a lot more film experience, which Newman has. If I recall correctly, Newman was actually the second composer for Serenity... the first was let go because of differences in opinion.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Friday, September 30, 2005 12:43 PM


I loved the music, now if I could only find the soundtrack somewhere here in Ft. Worth I would be happy.

If anything needed to be more low-key or toned down, it would have to be the sound effects. At points in the movie they seemed to overwhelm the dialoge.


Friday, September 30, 2005 12:54 PM


I enjoyed the soundtrack immensely. Of course, I hadn't decided in advance to dislike it because it wasn't scored by Edmondson.


Friday, September 30, 2005 12:55 PM



Originally posted by Jeremy757:
I loved the music, now if I could only find the soundtrack somewhere here in Ft. Worth I would be happy.

Really, J? What parts did you like? Certain scenes, the intro? Again, I don't have a specific complaint--I just didn't seem to notice the music anywhere special. Will have to pay more attention next time I see it...

p.s. i was also miffed that they didn't play the original firefly song at the end of the credits (maybe a rights issue?)...but there was a brief instrumental version instead. Ah well...

~ Soupcatcher is a hottie ~


Saturday, October 1, 2005 1:03 AM



Originally posted by mali:
p.s. i was also miffed that they didn't play the original firefly song at the end of the credits (maybe a rights issue?)...but there was a brief instrumental version instead. Ah well...

Really? Must have been REAL damned brief. My wife & I sat through to the very end and while I'll admit there was something vaguely reminiscent of the song towards the end of the credits, it was nowhere NEAR the original. I was highly disappointed as well - low-key music during the film makes sense, but the ballad really should have been played at the end...


Saturday, October 1, 2005 1:57 AM


My only regret was the absence of the Firefly song. However, otherwise I was ok with the music. I agree that Joss needed to keep it low key so the "newbies" could be carried by the action. Keep flying y'all.



Saturday, October 1, 2005 2:01 AM


ya, i didn't mind the soundtrack, i noticed it was there, but i'd have to really pay attention to tell you if i liked it or not.

and i agree with whoever meantioned not being able to hear some dialog cuz of sound effects...

"Are those grenades?"
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Saturday, October 1, 2005 2:05 AM


personally I loved the music, I was most conscious of it during the opening credits,
and I adored the music as they passed through Reaver territory for the first time....

and the guitar solo at the very end of closing credits was the absolute best (I hope that that will be on the score that is for sale).

I had seen the BDM twice with the 'place marker music' (which was really bad) so this was a HUGE improvement and was a big part of the reason that I liked the movie better the 3rd time around!


Saturday, October 1, 2005 2:38 AM


I liked the music in the movie. Very epic, and fitting for the big cinema. I didn't like that the intro theme song from the TV show was inexplicably absent. Big mistake IMHO. I'd have opened with it, then overlay a Mal narrative overtop the "new" music. I think that bluesy steel guitar and the artsy lyrics were perfect mood music for the theme of the show ~ wayward space nomads eeking out a harsh existence in the wild west outskirts of the verse.

Kind of reminds me of the BermanBraga break away from Star Trek tradition when they made the Enterprise series. I hated the intro song on Enterprise (as did nearly all dedicated trekkies). It was like a hideous 80's powerballad from the forgettable bighair bands ~ an ominous portense of how hideously BermanBraga would butcher the Trek canon.



Saturday, October 1, 2005 4:28 AM


I absolutely loved the music and can't wait for the soundtrack.

When I saw the rough cut back in Feb there was music from lots of different films and for the most part it worked. So, I was really looking forward to the dedicated score and was not disappointed a bit.

It really grabbed me on a visceral level and pulled me through the entire show.


Saturday, October 1, 2005 4:39 AM


I personally loved the music. I've seen the movie twice before, so I could focus on it more than others. I LOVED the melody they used for Serenity...the notes they played on the violin as Serenity first came on screen were reused in multiple forms for Serenity, showing the devistated Haven, and for Mal on one or two occasions. THAT got me hooked. And they stuck with the violins, guitars, banjos...I loved it. I HAVE to get the soundtrack.

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Saturday, October 1, 2005 4:42 AM


David Newman did an excellent score, but I still missed Greg's music....

Hey! Maybe the dvd release can have a choice of two musical tracks; the theatrical, and a new one by Greg...???
What do ya think, should we start a campaigne?

Chrisisall, an Edmonson fan bigtime


Saturday, October 1, 2005 4:50 AM


I like the music. It's very Firefly, but it's got that traditional movie sound. I think that's a good thing so people can be able to tell the difference between the movie and show.


Saturday, October 1, 2005 4:58 AM



Originally posted by SanctimoniousApe:

Originally posted by mali:
p.s. i was also miffed that they didn't play the original firefly song at the end of the credits (maybe a rights issue?)...but there was a brief instrumental version instead. Ah well...

Really? Must have been REAL damned brief. My wife & I sat through to the very end and while I'll admit there was something vaguely reminiscent of the song towards the end of the credits, it was nowhere NEAR the original. I was highly disappointed as well - low-key music during the film makes sense, but the ballad really should have been played at the end...

I think a slightly-off instrumental version was played in about the last 10-15 seconds of credits. The credits were then reading "Visual..." or something. (It was my second viewing, so I was looking for a marker and listening for the music).

My initial reaction was the same: I would've have liked the song, at least at the end of the credits. On futher thought though, hearing the song would've disrupted and over-written the emotional experience we had just been through. So, it probably didn't belong there. Anyway, we can always listen to it on the DVD.

The soundtrack was OK but it wasn't great. I'd give it a "B" compared to an "A" for the Firefly music.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Saturday, October 1, 2005 4:58 AM



Originally posted by SanctimoniousApe:

Originally posted by mali:
p.s. i was also miffed that they didn't play the original firefly song at the end of the credits (maybe a rights issue?)...but there was a brief instrumental version instead. Ah well...

Really? Must have been REAL damned brief. My wife & I sat through to the very end and while I'll admit there was something vaguely reminiscent of the song towards the end of the credits, it was nowhere NEAR the original. I was highly disappointed as well - low-key music during the film makes sense, but the ballad really should have been played at the end...

I think a slightly-off instrumental version was played in about the last 10-15 seconds of credits. The credits were then reading "Visual..." or something. (It was my second viewing, so I was looking for a marker and listening for the music).

My initial reaction was the same: I would've have liked the song, at least at the end of the credits. On futher thought though, hearing the song would've disrupted and over-written the emotional experience we had just been through. So, it probably didn't belong there. Anyway, we can always listen to it on the DVD.

The soundtrack was OK but it wasn't great. I'd give it a "B" compared to an "A" for the Firefly music.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Saturday, October 1, 2005 8:54 AM


I loved the soundtrack. Definitely in the spirit of Edmonson's work on the television series.

As far as the Ballad of Serenity goes, before I saw the movie I was rather distraught that it wasn't going to be included. However, after seeing it, I really don't think Sonny Rhodes original version for the show would have fit in at all with the mood of the film.

However, listening to the instrumental version at the end of the credits, I was thinking that it would have been possible to have sung a more mournful version of the song that would have still captured the mood of the film and the poignancy of the lyrics.

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Saturday, October 1, 2005 9:12 AM


I guess a low-key soundtrack was more important than on the show, because the movie was moving pretty much constantly, while there were little "intermissions" in the series.

I was disappointed, though. I loved Edmonson's style - it was good enough that I was conscious of it, which is often uncommon for background music in TV shows.

Speaking of Edmonson, I found this while looking at reviews of the Serenity soundtrack:

"Compared to the Firefly series soundtrack, released (online download only) by Fox, the Serenity soundtrack is poor."

...Dude! Why haven't I ever heard of this series soundtrack? Does anyone have information about this? Or is the reviewer misinformed?

-Patrick My personal Firefly fanclub! We'd love new members!


Saturday, October 1, 2005 9:45 AM


<...[Firefly soundtrack] was good enough that I was conscious of it, which is often uncommon for background music in TV shows.>

Precisely my feeling. Every once in a while, I'd notice it and realize how much it added to the atmosphere--the funeral scene in "the message", for example.

I missed that in Serenity.

Another data point: Kevin" target="_BLANK">
Drum, in Washington Monthly: "(And speaking of the score, it seemed pretty unmemorable, which is too bad since the TV show had such interesting music. Oh well.)

Even so, it does seem like Joss wanted the low-key track....

p.s. thoroughly random comment: how frigging gorgeous is gina in that white dress at the end? geez.

~ Soupcatcher is a hottie ~


Saturday, October 1, 2005 10:25 AM



Originally posted by MrPaco:
"Compared to the Firefly series soundtrack, released (online download only) by Fox, the Serenity soundtrack is poor."

...Dude! Why haven't I ever heard of this series soundtrack? Does anyone have information about this? Or is the reviewer misinformed?

The series soundtrack currently consists of a set of MP3 files that can be purchased for $10... if you live in the US and use Windows.

However, you might want to hold off, as an actual Firefly CD with all those tracks and more is due out November 8:

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Monday, October 3, 2005 3:25 PM


Well, gorram. Thanks for informing me about that upcoming soundtrack! I can't wait.

-Patrick My personal Firefly fanclub! We'd love new members!


Monday, October 10, 2005 12:43 PM


Guys, that soundtrack was out before opening night. I saw it at Borders and another store at the mall (a music and video store).


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:16 PM


I don't remember the music. Does that say anything?

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Monday, October 10, 2005 5:00 PM


Are you sure you didn't see the Serenity soundtrack? 'Cause we're talking about the Firefly (series) one...which according to the website, ain't out yet.

-Patrick My personal Firefly fanclub! We'd love new members!


Monday, October 10, 2005 5:41 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

The music was some of the best ever. Not monumental like an imperial march theme or anything, but it did it's job by accenting the scenes and staying out of the way of the movie.

How do I know the movie did its job? My 3 year old daughter tells me so.


Now if you've finised laughing at me , I'll explain.

I took my whole family to see the movie on opening night, including my daughter. She was as excited as anyone, and watched the whole thing, even the "scary parts" because she apparently finds monsters "cool".

Now I own the soundtrack, and mostly I have played it in my truck as I drive, but yesterday, I put it in the home stereo and set it to repeat.

My daughter walks into the room right as the music that defined the initial reaver attack is playing. She stops, cocks her head to the side and says "Daddy...the scary monsters are coming! She should get away!" (by "she" she meant River...disturbingly my 3 year old has made a connection with River ) and then I had to pause. She was right! So I told her she was right, and she smiled with a giggle and toddled off to do whatever playing she was off to do.

If my 3 year old can envision the scene in her mind simply by the music that was in the background, then the music CLEARLY did its job. Especially considering the oddness of the setting, which involved western AND eastern music needs combined with action and story telling that arrives as quickly as it leaves. I commend Mr. Newman for the job he did, and I am compelled to look into other work he has done as a result.

Is it the "in your face" memorable of the Imperial March? No, but then that wasn't called for. Our heroes are the kind TRYING to go unnoticed, and enjoy their lives. The music did that. The music was only important to be heard when there was nothing else to be heard in space. It coregraphed perfectly during the scene where Mal shoots the Reaver ship and doesn't come of forced.

It is genius in its creation, and I am amazed at how fluid it runs with the film.

No catchy "pop song" to rot my brain...well, save for the "Fruity Oaty Bar" song (how is it I crave a snack that isn't even real? Or mandatory? LOL!).

It's as good as the music from the series, which most people also did not notice.


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Monday, October 10, 2005 6:28 PM


I was disappointed by the "Serenity" music. It was functional, but forgettable, a pale imitation of the show's score. The closest it ever came to matching the beauty of Greg Edmonson's Firefly score was the string piece that plays over the first shot of Serenity (the ship, not the movie), before she enters atmo.

Edmonson's music was so perfect in capturing the feel of the show, echoing its clever and nuanced blend of genres and cultures with an equally complex and varied series of cues. The jaunty fiddle music and the twangy guitar riffs that frequently accompanied episode openings and ship fly-bys was joyous and warm and instantly gets you into the Firefly vibe (e.g., "Safe," "Ariel"...).

There's not a single episode of the show that doesn't bring tears to my eyes (yeah, okay, I'm a wuss... but in a manly way) thanks to the brilliant combination of performances, writing, directing, and the phenomenal music... Cues like the haunting piano theme that most often accompanied scenes of River and Simon, the closing theme of "Bushwhacked" as the settlers' ship is being destroyed, the opening theme of "Out of Gas" and the music that plays as the shuttles depart the ship, leaving Mal behind, the cue from the end of "The Message"...

For whatever reason Edmonson was not brought aboard to do the score for "Serenity," I think it was a big mistake and a major compromise. David Newman's certainly a talented composer, but he had the unenviable position of taking over for a property that already had such a distinct and perfect established sound, that anything different that tried in any way to capture the quality of the original would fall short.

"Hamsters is nice."


Monday, October 10, 2005 6:28 PM


I was disappointed by the "Serenity" music. It was functional, but forgettable, a pale imitation of the show's score. The closest it ever came to matching the beauty of Greg Edmonson's Firefly score was the string piece that plays over the first shot of Serenity (the ship, not the movie), before she enters atmo.

Edmonson's music was so perfect in capturing the feel of the show, echoing its clever and nuanced blend of genres and cultures with an equally complex and varied series of cues. The jaunty fiddle music and the twangy guitar riffs that frequently accompanied episode openings and ship fly-bys was joyous and warm and instantly gets you into the Firefly vibe (e.g., "Safe," "Ariel"...).

There's not a single episode of the show that doesn't bring tears to my eyes (yeah, okay, I'm a wuss... but in a manly way) thanks to the brilliant combination of performances, writing, directing, and the phenomenal music... Cues like the haunting piano theme that most often accompanied scenes of River and Simon, the closing theme of "Bushwhacked" as the settlers' ship is being destroyed, the opening theme of "Out of Gas" and the music that plays as the shuttles depart the ship, leaving Mal behind, the cue from the end of "The Message"...

For whatever reason Edmonson was not brought aboard to do the score for "Serenity," I think it was a big mistake and a major compromise. David Newman's certainly a talented composer, but he had the unenviable position of taking over for a property that already had such a distinct and perfect established sound, that anything different that tried in any way to capture the quality of the original would fall short.

"Hamsters is nice."


Monday, October 10, 2005 7:23 PM


Well, after my third viewing of the finished film, I have to say the music is growing on me much more than when I first saw it, and started this thread. I think it definitely is much more low-key, but when you focus in on it, it's really beautiful, elegant. Just twangy enough to be linked to the Firefly score. Don't know that I'd buy the soundtrack, but I definitely appreciate it more than before....


~ Scootch over, Wash! ~


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 7:29 AM


I second painisscary's opinion completely.

Greg's music REALLY added a serious creepy-factor to Objects in Space as well.

What Newman gave us was the typical, unremarkable, not at all memorable, instantly-forgotten and easily-dismissed "movie soundtrack".

What Greg gave us was pure magic, a sorcery of emotions sparked by creative use of music.

Sorry Dave, ya just didn't cut it.



Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:04 AM


I dunno about y'all, but I loved the music in the movie! It's fantastic! :D - blog - videos - store

River: "So we'll integrate non-progressional evolution theory with God's creation of Eden. Eleven inherent metaphoric parallels already there. Eleven. Important number. Prime number. One goes into the house of eleven eleven times, but always comes out one. Noah's ark is a problem."


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:20 PM


I have the CD already and if it was an LP (that's vinyl to you young'uns ) I would have to had to replace it by now. The longest track on the CD is 3:56. The tracks don't last long enough for me like some musical scores "Gladiator", "Star Wars", etc. However the scores are awesome while they last. My favorites are: Trk 3 "Serenity", Trk 20 "Funeral/Rebuilding Serenity" Trk 21 "Prep for Flight" Trk 22 "Love"
"Love" is so moving in the movie, listening to track brings chills all over again. The violin is very heavy kind of like "Schindler's List". The acoustic guitar, banjo, and violin are great together in "Rebuilding Serenity".

I do also like the music from the series.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:26 PM


BTW I picked up the CD at Walmart of all places, while getting wiper blades.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:11 PM


I really enjoyed the music. I am currently majoring in music and the compositions were wonderfully done and complemented the movie very nicely. Because I study music all the time it is often difficult to find music, especially in a film that can really grab my attention the way that the movie does. Yes it was low key and a lot of times it was drowned out by the sound effects or the power of the scene taking place simultaneously but overall I thought it was probably done the best way that it could have been done. I especially enjoyed the use of Eastern modes set to western string instruments that seemed to enhance the culture that Joss is trying to create. It would have been nice to have the same type of compositions that were used in Firefly but I don't think that the sort of 'folk song' approach would have satisfied the general audience. Remember, most of the people who come to the movie who are not Firefly fans are used to the bold sounds like those of John Williams. I think Newman did very well and I am thouroughly enjoying the soundtrack.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:24 PM


The only piece that really stood out for me was when Zoe is welding at the end.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:31 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

As stated on another soundtrack related thread...

I was not disappointed at all by the Serenity soundtrack. But, I did miss Greg Edmondson's (would-be) work.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:53 PM


I liked it, it stuck in my head for days. The score over the final shot of Serenity breaking into the sun is fantastic.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:52 AM


I liked it.

The opening titles are the best, they actually sound as if they could be in the show. That was a very good track, fast, upbeat and pretty much firefly to a certain extent.

The other tracks i liked were the action scenes, but only because the Firefly theme was intertwined, i think.

but i still miss Greg.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:20 AM


I was just so chuffed it wasn't the usual hyperbolic fanfare that we are bombarded with when it comes to film scores these days...

Originally Carter Burwell was to do the score but for differences he and Joss parted ways... As a consequence I bought a load of Carter Burwells's works and to me he epitomised the Firefly ethos so I was curious as to what David Newman would do, and what I think he and Joss have done is to approach the score with subtlety and I feel it works.

I particularly remember the theme when Simon is shot and the soundtrack mutes and the score track raises...the tune was very moving indeed - it was fairwell music and hinted beautifully at the fact that Simon may die....very poignant.

Top Score for me and I will most certainly be buying it.







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