Please don't spoil the movie for me

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 4, 2005 18:48
VIEWED: 2298
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Monday, October 3, 2005 4:13 PM


I realise that I may get a large adverse response to this post, but I'm just going to take a deep breath and say it: please, please, please put spoiler warnings on your movie posts. If you want to start a topic about the movie, there are euphemistic ways of saying things without putting major spoilers in the title.

Yesterday, due to problems with this website (over now - absolute yay), I went to the browncoats site (?OB ?UB - I get so confused) to check out how the BDM was doing. Some malicious loser was posting what I assume was THE major spoiler multiple times in thread titles on the general message board just to ruin the movie for other people. I have now officially been spoiled.

There was a huge outcry as a result of this, and some lovely people were doing all they could to control the damage, such as printing false spoilers, and trying to bump the titles off the board. Others suggested that those who had been spoiled had brought it on themselves by visiting the website, and that they should just hurry up and see the movie.

That's a very americentric response. Some countries (including mine), are still waiting for the Serenity release date. Some poor bastards have to wait until November. We like hanging out at these websites. We have threads we like to keep track of and we like hearing news about how the movie is going. Most of us are reasonable people. We avoid topics that sound like spoilers, with the occasional exception such as the ridiculous request over on the other website to put a spoiler warning on the board called 'I've Seen Serenity'.

What has this to do with this site? Today that very same spoiler is being printed as part of a thread title. With no apology or warning, to be stumbled across by someone unfortunate enough to live in the wrong country. It didn't change things for me, but I don't want the movie to be spoiled for other people. Again, we're reasonable people. We don't expect spoiler warnings to be used forever, just until a little after the release dates for most, if not all countries have been exceeded. I don't think this person was malicious, they probably just hadn't thought it through.

On the positive side, I'm very proud of how the people who saw advanced screenings managed to thus far keep the major plot points to themselves. I had no idea anything like this spoiler was coming. I congratulate you all on your consideration for others.

It's not a huge deal. I have it in perspective now. I do know that I'll enjoy this movie no matter what, even though my response will be a little different because of my knowledge of what's coming. I just don't want this to happen to other people. Having a huge respect for his work, I think that it would be a shame for a people not to be able to experience a movie in the way that Joss Whedon had planned.

Thanks for your attention guys.

"She was naked, and all ... articulate."


Monday, October 3, 2005 4:40 PM


I can assure you that the people here who are in the US (or in Australia, where it is also released...or anywhere where they got to see an Advanced Screening) who have been lucky enough to see the film do not mean to spoil you...
some times people make a mistake in a title
but I think everyone here at this site is doing their best to be considerate.

And I hope you get the BDM soon!


Monday, October 3, 2005 5:02 PM


Yep, it is frustrating as hell when you inadvertantly read a spoiler.

I saw one guy who had his whole post spoiler free, then he did a "P.S. this and that happens"



Monday, October 3, 2005 5:41 PM


I know how you feel! I haven't seen the BDM yet either! I'm broke so I'll probably only get to see it once before it comes out on DVD! Also, I have to drive two hours and risk getting mugged to see it, so I'm kinda annoyed!

Have fun when you finnally get to see it,


P.S. My story doesn't hold a candle to having to wait months longer to see it, I am truly sorry to hear that!
P.P.S. Sorry for the reminder!, just above.


Monday, October 3, 2005 11:49 PM


You know, I can't find any trace of that thread I mentioned earlier now. Two theories:

1) Some lovely person has disappeared it or changed the title in consideration of the less fortunate.

2) (Slightly more worrying) I am experiencing visual hallucinations. I have been under a lot of stress lately...

If the latter is the explanation, I owe everybody a huge apology for whining, and am grateful for all the wonderful spoiler warnings .

But seriously, sorry for getting all preachy. I think I had a bit less perspective than I thought.
And on the positive side, I'm *not* one of the poor bastards who has to wait 'til November.

Roll on Thursday...

"She was naked, and all ... articulate."


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:04 AM


Even if the movie doesn't come out till Nov. 4th where you're at, it is best to stay away from ALL Firefly and Serenity related sites and forums. Yeah I know you don't want to stay away from the forums for a month, but trust me it is the best thing to do. If you don't take my advise then this forum is probably the best to be at untill you see the movie. People here are pretty good at giving spoiler warnings. Or you can go to my web site (link in sig) and go to the forum there and join and help me out with my new forum. Have a specific place to talk about Firefly and a specific place to talk about Serenity so that people who haven't seen the movie and want to talk about Firefly can without fears of spoilers of the movie. Also if any one starts to be an ass giving spoilers I'll ban them.

"I am a leaf in the wind."
Big Damn Fansite - Where the Browncoats gather.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:53 AM


Amygdala, you are not being preachy at all, you are being very reasonable! I am a total spoilerphobe but still managed to get spoiled just because I put 2 and 2 together and got 4 (gorram maths classes - knew I shouldn't have bothered). It didn't matter! The film was just as effective for me. Maybe a little bit more so because I knew what was coming.

Enjoy it when you see it!

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 6:48 PM



Originally posted by amygdala:
I realise that I may get a large adverse response to this post, but I'm just going to take a deep breath and say it: please, please, please put spoiler warnings on your movie posts. If you want to start a topic about the movie, there are euphemistic ways of saying things without putting major spoilers in the title.

I totally agree. i've read one spoiler about the movie and im trying my gorram darndest not to read anymore, so thanks to all for trying your best not to give spoilers without spoiler warnings. i wanted to write to ask if the spoiler i read is the same one amygdala had read but then i realized thta would make this a spoiler-thread. Ta-ma-duh!

i wanna know what happens in the BDM and i also want to watch it in the cinema on a big screen for the first time and be surprised! Damn, does anyone know when BDM is gonna hit Singapore/Asia region?

Sorry for the rant. not watching BDM is almost worst than withdrawal symptoms from addiction of illegal/legal narcotics, it sometimes feels like.

Soon, though. then i can read all the posts out there until the first sequel/revived TV series (can always hope right).

im done for now.







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