UPDATED: Thursday, October 6, 2005 07:21
VIEWED: 1860
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Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:33 AM


Posted this MONDAY OCT 3RD on the OB and Uni board,enjoy!--------------------------------

Alright Browncoats listen up.

You all are feeling sad right now? Well get over it. I was a bit sad yesterday myself, until I realized something---it ain't over.

"We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty."

Universal was interested in this story before the dvd sales, so while the film wasn't greenlit because of the sales,it surely didn't hurt. We did what we could. We told our friends,who told there friends. We gave copies to libraries.We started websites,called radio stations,stood outside of morning talk shows just to hold up homemade signs. We did a lot of hard work........

"..."so now i'm asking more of you than I have before..."

This fight isn't over, in some ways it will never be over.We all love this story so much that we're willing to cut back on food the next few weeks, pay bills a little later, work more hours to buy more tickets- even buy tickets for fallen Browncoats.We have to continue that. WE have to keep spreading the word, keep handing out flyers, keep posting on any site not related to Serenity.We have to go multiple times this weekend and the weekend after that.

This isn't just about this film.This is about wanting more stories by Joss(GonerS,ect),seeing our BDH's star in other films/tv shows.In some ways it doesn't even have to deal with them,it has to deal with art, at it's primal form.Great art last forever. Do you want more films to be made like "Serenity"(great story,great action,comedy,drama,horror,filled with twists and turns) or more films like "Flightplan" ?(It takes Jodi Foster 2 hrs to figure out what most people figure out in the trailer--the nice guy(Peter Starsgard) turns out to be the bad guy-whoa,i've never seen that in a film before) I want more films like "Batman begins" not "Fantastic 4" We live in a scary time for artists. Where the lowest common demoninator continues to survive(Fear factor,Paris Hilton,any band being played on Mtv)while great artists continue to slip between the cracks.The point of all of this........

"Stand up, fight back,the future is worth fighting for"

This week continue to post, buy the merchandise,tell your friends,family and co-workers,but above all see this film again and again because.......

" Talkin' ain't doin' "

Well, what are you waiting for?

"It's about how much freedom you can take away from somebody before they either fold or fight," Whedon says. "It's about the right to be wrong and the nature of human beings, that they need the freedom to be wrong. That they cannot be made to be better or perfect."--Joss Whedon on Serenity


Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:46 AM


No power in the 'verse can stop us.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:49 AM


Argh! It's so much pressure!

But yes, I will do what I can. And then a little bit more.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:53 AM


Well said, but I'd like to take it further if I may.

This is far more than a fight for a movie as you goes to the heart of films in general. Movies that have no big named actors go to video very quickly. Had Tom Cruise played the Operative or Mal the movie would not have been as good but would hve made more money and garnered more publicity. Star wars showed that a movie can be a hit without stars but studios and people have forgotten that. Fox failed us. Universal saved us but primarily asking us to save ourselves. They offered us a chance to do this on our own. If this movie fails then it is over for all who go to the movies for the stories not the $100 million budgets and $30 million stars. Most low budget sci fi movies are crap stories as well (these days not historically). But here is one that is wonderful and we must make it a success. I once told my wife that good movies unlike good TV shows always do well. I don't intend to be proven wrong with Serenity.

We are the independents, fighting the alliance of A-list stars and mega budgets. A big success here not only means more Serenity / Firefly, but more focus on story rather than budget and stars for future projects. As nakedandarticulate said "You hold." Otherwise we can keep watching $200 million space epics with weak plots, but the greatest special effects ever. Then we can be the mindless zombies that they truly want us to be. This is our Serenity Valley...and this time the browncoats will win!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:09 AM


Too pretty to die!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:21 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Early:
Well said, but I'd like to take it further if I may.

This is far more than a fight for a movie as you goes to the heart of films in general. Movies that have no big named actors go to video very quickly. Had Tom Cruise played the Operative or Mal the movie would not have been as good but would hve made more money and garnered more publicity. Star wars showed that a movie can be a hit without stars but studios and people have forgotten that. Fox failed us. Universal saved us but primarily asking us to save ourselves. They offered us a chance to do this on our own. If this movie fails then it is over for all who go to the movies for the stories not the $100 million budgets and $30 million stars. Most low budget sci fi movies are crap stories as well (these days not historically). But here is one that is wonderful and we must make it a success. I once told my wife that good movies unlike good TV shows always do well. I don't intend to be proven wrong with Serenity.

We are the independents, fighting the alliance of A-list stars and mega budgets. A big success here not only means more Serenity / Firefly, but more focus on story rather than budget and stars for future projects. As nakedandarticulate said "You hold." Otherwise we can keep watching $200 million space epics with weak plots, but the greatest special effects ever. Then we can be the mindless zombies that they truly want us to be. This is our Serenity Valley...and this time the browncoats will win!

Great point Early! A very valid point that just makes this cause all the more noble & worth fighting for.

Do all you can people! That is all that can be asked of us. If you know in your heart that you have done every little thing you can to keep Serenity in the air, than I thank you, as does everyone. If not, you might think about getting back out there & doing what you are able, even if it is only passing out or hanging up fliers. Every little bit helps.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:21 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Gorram double posts.






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