Silent moments in Serenity (( *WARNING SPOILERS ARE INSIDE* ))

UPDATED: Saturday, October 8, 2005 19:37
VIEWED: 11285
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:45 AM


If you accidently clicked this thread there will be some spoilers below, so this is your last chance to turn back!

I noticed in the movie there were a few really good scenes where body language or actions told a good story where there were no spoken lines. Some of my favorite scenes like this were:

1. After Mal gives his big speech about the Miranda info needing to be revealed to the 'verse at all costs. Of all people Jayne is the first to step up and answer. After answering, Jayne takes a drink and the first person he passes the drink to is Simon. To me this seemed like an important scene, as anyone who was a fan of the TV series knows Jayne never accepted Simon and River as part of the crew and yet here at the possible end of all things the first person he shares his drink with is Simon, almost like saying he finally accepted him.

2. When its decided the crew will hold off the Reavers so Mal can make it to Mr. Universe's equipment to broadcast. As Mal is walking away, he stops and turns around and gives Inara one last look where she returns the look. This scene is amost like Mal wants to tell Inara how he feels about her, but knows there just isn't any time to do so.

There the 2 I can think of right now, if anyone else noticed little silent scenes like these post what they were and what you got from that scene. I didn't read the book or script, so I don't know if these scenes were mentioned in more detail on those platforms. If so, please shed more light on them. Thanks


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:52 AM


The other surprising thing about #1 is Simon taking the drink without making a fuss about it. Like drinking after Jayne was the most natural thing in the world. Mutual acceptance going on there.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:57 AM



Originally posted by oddness2her:
The other surprising thing about #1 is Simon taking the drink without making a fuss about it. Like drinking after Jayne was the most natural thing in the world. Mutual acceptance going on there.

HA! Very true, that never crossed my mind. The old Simon probably wouldn't think drinking from a bottle (let alone a bottle someone else just drank from) would be "proper".


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:00 PM



Originally posted by oddness2her:
The other surprising thing about #1 is Simon taking the drink without making a fuss about it. Like drinking after Jayne was the most natural thing in the world. Mutual acceptance going on there.

But you never see the bottle actually touch his lips.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:02 PM



Originally posted by loggerhead:

Originally posted by oddness2her:
The other surprising thing about #1 is Simon taking the drink without making a fuss about it. Like drinking after Jayne was the most natural thing in the world. Mutual acceptance going on there.

But you never see the bottle actually touch his lips.

Oh, you think he only pretended so as not to make Jayne mad?


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 2:31 PM



Originally posted by Edge99:
2. When its decided the crew will hold off the Reavers so Mal can make it to Mr. Universe's equipment to broadcast. As Mal is walking away, he stops and turns around and gives Inara one last look where she returns the look. This scene is amost like Mal wants to tell Inara how he feels about her, but knows there just isn't any time to do so.

This moment is described thusly in the shooting script:

You hold. Hold till I'm back.
He takes off -- passes Inara, the two of them holding a look for as long as they can. Then he's in the elevator and gone.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 2:34 PM


Another such moment of expressive silence follows the line:

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 2:58 PM


I loved inara's eyes as she watches the operative come up her steps. at first she's got her gentle welcoming face on, but then she understands what he is, and her smile holds, but her eyes go terrified- INCREDIBLE acting.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 3:24 PM



Originally posted by oddness2her:
Oh, you think he only pretended so as not to make Jayne mad?

I just really want them to share the moment, and all four times it hasn't happened. Maybe tonight.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:13 PM


Woohoo! It's the new and improved BDM version of one of my favorite FFFn threads ("nonverbal character moments in Firefly" or something like that). I wanna play .

I'll second the change in expression on Inara's face when she first meets the Operative. I thought Morena did a great job with that subtle transition from welcome to concern. Another Inara scene that I really liked was during her conversation with Mal at the very end of the movie where he asks her if she's going back to the training house. Her smile is just so natural looking, so at odds with Inara's normal composure. I remember thinking, "Wow. I think that's the first time we've ever seen Inara geniunely smile." She just looked so open at that moment. It made me realize how great a job Morena had done with Inara throughout the whole series and movie of giving her a perfectly composed mien.

And then there's the scene after River has flipped out and they're back on board and Mal throws Simon on the table. The camera switches to a shot behind Zoe showing her relaxing her grip on her weapon. I liked that subtle reminder that Zoe is always ready. But even more than that is the framing where we can see Wash in the background looking intently at what's going on, oblivious to the fact that Zoe was ready to throw down. It was like the perfect showcase of the differences between Wash and Zoe when it comes to physical confrontation.

I could go through and come up with a moment for each of the main characters but I think that's enough for now. Hopefully this thread will enjoy a long life just like the other one .


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:11 PM


1) I agree, Morena is a Goddess!

2) Jayne *hugging* his weapon and rocking back an forth on his feet in the background of the bridge as they fly through Reaver territory. We've seen how scared he is of reavers before, but here he looks to be on the ragged edge of panic, and he's sticking with his crew anyway.

3) Mal, after they've reaverized Serenity, as he walks through the walkways and into the side compartment, he touches every rail and door jam, and the slumps against the wall looking sick, as if he's asking Serenity to forgive him for what he's done to her, but he can't forgive himself.

I'm sure I'll think of lots more...

*** *** ***
The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:22 PM


That shot during the final battle with the Operative where Mal falls face-first onto the floor. The angle, the lighting, the staging, and Mal’s expression were all a visual throwback to that famous shot from “Out of Gas.” In the first showing I went to, which had the highest proportion of Browncoats, we all laughed at that shot, because in a way it is triumphant. We’ve seen it before, we know that this is Mal’s lowest point--but we also know he’s going to pick himself up and finish the job. It was something only a Browncoat could get and it was great.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:35 PM


I liked the moment in the start of the film at the heist where River points out Mr. Hero to Zoe. That expression was choice.

My absolutely favorite silent moment was right as the doors open and you see river rampant and splendid, bloodied weapons, right as the wall falls. My God, Summer as River always had an appeal to her, but then all of a sudden she got a hotness to her, didn't she?

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:42 PM


It also seemed to me the first time she didn't look all fancied up. Her hair is down, less make up- much prettier in my opinion. It seemed more in keeping w/ being part of the crew rather than a paying guest.

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Thursday, October 6, 2005 8:59 AM


During the scene where the crew is on the bridge and Wash tells Zoe to show everyone what is between them and Miranda, Jayne is leaning against the back wall. Inara crosses in front of him to look at the monitor, and Jayne is totally checking her out. I laughed out loud because I hadn't noticed it previously...Thanks Adam!

Ain't. We. Just.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:07 AM


BTW when the doors open and River is standing there disheveled with bloody weapons in her hands,did anybody else hear in their heads "In each geneneration there is born..."?

No matter what happens, they can't take this away from us.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:14 AM


I really loved River's expressions, and actions.

1)When she points out the hero during the heist, and Zoe wants to a confirmation on it, and River gives her that "duh" look, as if to say "well who else would it be"

2)When Simon says "Am I talking to Miranda now?" and she gives him that "Simon, I'm crazy, not dumb" sort of look.

3)When she talks about the "blood splat in the brain pan,squish" comment or however it goes, and it shows her putting agun to her head, just genious.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:01 PM


1) In the bar on Beaumonde, Mal and Jayne sit down with the twins. Four glasses are filled, and everyone grabs one. Mal and the brothers raise and click their glasses in a toast.

Meanwhile, Jayne just slugs down his shot.

2) After River's freakout in the bar, Jayne confronts Mal: "In earnest, Mal, why did you bring her back?" Mal and Zoe exchange a look -- just a few scenes before they'd been talking about Mal's actions during the Reaver attack, and how in the war they never left anyone behind. Seems Mal can never do anything right!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:34 PM


Alright, ill play, a couple things i too noticed....

First and foremost, i dont think there's a single person how wasn't in awe when those doors opened and River was there.....ahhhh...i just had to think about it for a to continue.

The other major thing i saw and loved was, well first some back round.....As much as i hate to say it, i didn't buy the Dvd's. :( i got them form a friend, another computer geek of mine, i know, i know :'( but now i think im going to buy them, its just that at that point i had never seen any of it, i dont have cable or a sat. so the only way i knew was my friend telling me they're totally awesome. So anyway he also gave me the Special Features, and if any one watched this entire 45 min thing, you'll find at the end Wash talks (not sure what his name is) and it has his application video or whatever you call it, that he sent to try and get the job, he plays the scene where wash is playing with dinos, awesome :) any way he also says the first time he got on the set and sat down in the piolet's seat he noticed 3 switches above head and to the right. And he says that every scene he had starting up Serenity the first thing he did was flip those to the subtlties of Serenity, if you notice after they fix up the ship in the last scene, after Mal sits down to start up Serenity, the VERY FIRST THING HE DOES IS FLIP THOSE SWITCHES! I got goose bumps when i saw this, i can just see Mal saying "yea, Wash, your still here, i know it." AWESOME!
I had another one too....but after typing all that i can't remember, lol. anyway ill post if i remember....

The Pyro - 53r3n1ty'5 f'in /\w350m3! - go see the movie, buy the Dvd's; support folks!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:40 PM


There was one that I just noticed. And it kind of sucked. After the battle and the funeral when they're doing the whole repairing sequence Zoe is shown welding. And she's welding on the front of the bridge (you can see the dinosaurs behind her). I'm guessing that she's repairing the hole that the spear made on its way to Wash. When I realized where she was working I was like, "Crap. Why couldn't someone else have fixed that? Why'd it have to be Zoe?" I got sad all over again.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:57 PM


Is she really? that sucks....the other thing is you can also VERY easily see is Wash's dinos when Mal and River are flying in that last scene.

The Pyro - 53r3n1ty's /\w350m3! F1r3fly t00!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:58 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
1) In the bar on Beaumonde, Mal and Jayne sit down with the twins. Four glasses are filled, and everyone grabs one. Mal and the brothers raise and click their glasses in a toast.

Meanwhile, Jayne just slugs down his shot.

See, I wonder how much of that stuff is scripted sometimes. Adam Baldwin managed to bring so much of his own style to playing Jayne, that stuff like that flowed off naturally, scripted or not. Well, I suppose I'll have to wait 'til I get the Visual Companion. KF

~Kaiser Farooque

ZOE: Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps...


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:13 PM


Drat, now I won't get any homework done tonight, but I wanna play too!

I read a comment Joss made regarding David Boreanaz' acting abilities where he said David could "turn on a dime". The ability to show the thought process and shifts in emotion is one of my favorite things about great acting. That, and actors like Claire Danes who can speak lines of Shakespeare and make it flow like a regular old conversation you might hear on a bus.

The bit where Inara is standing on the porch and the Operative walks up the steps and her expression shifts from welcoming to understanding to dread...Inara is only shot in profile in that scene. Emotional shifts like that are difficult enough for an actor to convey well, but they are nearly impossible for the viewer to read in profile because there's not as much information in a profile shot as there is in a 3/4 or full face shot. That she was able to pull that one off so clearly yet with such subtlety was remarkable, cudos!

The scene where Jayne is riding Mal about why he brought River back on the ship, you see Zoe get angry at what Jayne is saying, and then at the end when Jayne asks how many people in his platoon were alive after the battle of Serenity Valley, Zoe's face shifts from intent alertness, to that memory, to battle mode. It's like you see her shift back into the moment at the table, then you see her lift out of herelf into combat hyperalert and complete stillness before she tells Jayne 'you wanna leave this room'. Very cool.

There's a scene right after Mal tells the crew he'll shoot anyone who doesn't get busy tying dead bodies to the ship or flinging red paint around, where he ducks into a corridor on Serenity and he strokes the wall a little and kind of writhes away from the camera a little and this expression of vast disappointment ripples across his face (again, not a full face shot), his shoulders draw in and his head drops a little, as if he had to be away from everyone else because he had just crossed a line he never thought he would cross, into the land of no return. The corridor is quite dark and lit with kind of a deep somber blue, which really adds to the feeling of isolation and sorrow.

The guy sitting next to me in the theater on Sunday was seeing the movie for the second time, and he told me to watch for a shot of River that looked like a Frank Frazetta paintinng. He meant the shot of her as the doors open and she's standing backlit in a pile of Reaver bodies. He was right it, was very Frazetta, and the blood dripping just right off her -whatever that sword cleaver thing was she must have borrowed from Wesley - they got that just right; slo mo and thick.

I also loved Jayne sliding the big blue bottle with the Blue Sun label across the table to Simon.

TO: blue to green
TO-HCA: blue as distinguished from green
-Lakota words


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:22 PM


When Mal and Jayne throw grenades out at the reavers everyone ducks, except Zoe. She's still standing calmly in the middle of the room loading her weapons and doesn't even flinch when the grenades go off.

I thought it was perfect. She's in "soldier mode" and probably suffering from shock. She's definately in an altered state of mind at the time. I didn't notice the first time (I was in shock myself) but the second time I watched Zoe more.

I LOVED Jayne holding his gun like a teddy bear when they traveled through reaver space.

I'm sure I can come up with more after I see it again ;).

(Although not silent, when Jayne was making sure everyone was strapped in like he was operating a ride at Disney World I laughed out loud. "check, check, check, check".)

Lady Starhawk

My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. - Mal


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:30 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Another such moment of expressive silence follows the line:

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Good catch, one of my favorite scenes from viewing movie, yet it had slipped my mind.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:35 PM



i dont think there's a single person how wasn't in awe when those doors opened and River was there

actually, i kind of expected it.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:43 PM


i'll add my two cents... or one scene. the scene where the assasin is pinned to the railing and forced to watch the vid of the reavers... uh, birth? anyway, if you watch his face you can see his belief and resolve begin to crack and then all of a sudden it's back and unfazed. like what's left of his humanity is almost brought out by what he sees and it shakes his faith, but then the old training kicks in and squashes it and he starts thinking about whether to let the crew go or not. cold and methodical cause he's, "a monster."


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:03 PM


i think that was my quote, cant quite remember, which is really bad.....i too expected it, first theres a trailer where that happens.....and of courses she goign to kick /\55, thats the whole movie....but you can't sy that that is not the most awesome pic when the doors open and she's there like that wow!

The Pyro - 53r3n1ty's /\w350m3 ; F1r3fly t00!


Friday, October 7, 2005 1:51 AM



Originally posted by engineangel:

i dont think there's a single person how wasn't in awe when those doors opened and River was there

actually, i kind of expected it.

Well, of course -- if you saw any of the publicity posters that featured that very shot.

The word "tableau" popped into my head the first time I saw that shot.


Friday, October 7, 2005 2:32 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Let's see here...I was waiting for this thread to pop up...

After the Barnswallow scene, Jayne is sitting on the steps, bleeding...Watch Kaylee run over to Simon, but not before she shoves Jayne out of the way to get to him!

Mal tries to fix his hair when he's talking to Inara on the Cortex...Cracked me up...(kinda of a "Is there blubber" moment)

When The Operative says "I mean you no harm", just before Mal shrugs off his disguise in the training house...You can clearly see that Mal is on his guard even though he says "Speak your peace"

The look on Jayne's face right after he says "I been to the edge...just looked like more space"...looks like Jayne does stop to give it a second's thought...

The first fight between The Operative and can see Mal getting wound down...he starts out strong and, even though its quick, you can see him lose his steam.

Anytime the crew outsmarts The Operative...With the beacon, and then the Nav Sats...that look of well...Anger for a man who says he cant be almost looks long suffering...Also, as a bonus...the ensign who's standing behind The Operative when he says "Define...disappeared"

Kaylee sitting there fiddling with a part from the Reaver skiff while Jayne is busy throwing the dead Reaver off Serenity...Excellent!

And, I love Book's intro into the movie...Ron looked great!

I'll be back with some more...I'm going to see it again tonight, so, I'll be on the lookout...I know there's so much more...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:45 AM


In the last scene, Mal sitting in Wash's chair on the bridge. And Wash's plastic palm trees and dinosaurs are still on top of the console. Put a lump in my throat.


Friday, October 7, 2005 8:07 AM


Though it might be off-topic... what Morena ought to be is "Wonder Woman"... Joss is writing/directing that movie too.

Originally posted by truthseeker:
1) I agree, Morena is a Goddess!



Friday, October 7, 2005 8:44 AM


One that hasn't been mentioned:

When the Operative skewers Mr. Universe, watch his face very closely. There's anger there, briefly, then a realization of that anger, then confusion as to why it was experienced.

Very subtle, but cool. All these little things that Mal and Co. do eventually get to be more than the Operative can deal with.

It's interesting, but I'm getting to love this movie more and more as time goes on... Which is sayin' sumtin'!



Friday, October 7, 2005 10:14 AM



Originally posted by ThePyro:
Is she really? that sucks....the other thing is you can also VERY easily see is Wash's dinos when Mal and River are flying in that last scene.

The Pyro - 53r3n1ty's /\w350m3! F1r3fly t00!

That scene got to me. I found myself mumbling silently "Aww, the dinos.". I was sad but very glad that they had left the dinos where Wash had left them.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Friday, October 7, 2005 10:50 AM


I'm not sure if it was intentional, but when Mal is on the birdge at the end, the *first* thing he does is flip 3 switches that remind me suspiciously of what Alan did every single time on the series.

I think that was an intentional throwback, but maybe not.

No one else seemed to mention it...


Friday, October 7, 2005 11:20 AM



Originally posted by Rabit:
One that hasn't been mentioned:

When the Operative skewers Mr. Universe, watch his face very closely. There's anger there, briefly, then a realization of that anger, then confusion as to why it was experienced.

Very subtle, but cool. All these little things that Mal and Co. do eventually get to be more than the Operative can deal with.

Chewitel Ejiofor (sp?) did an AMAZING job in this movie. The pauses and inflections in his delivery when he's talking to Dr. Matthias add such a terrifying menace to what he's saying.


Serenity is coming. 9/30/05.


Friday, October 7, 2005 11:41 AM



DonCoat wrote:
Originally posted by engineangel:

i dont think there's a single person how wasn't in awe when those doors opened and River was there

actually, i kind of expected it.
Well, of course -- if you saw any of the publicity posters that featured that very shot.

actually, i didn't think of the posters, i just thought that they couldn't possibly kill anyone else off since they killed Wash and Book, and that River was trained as an assasin so she knew some kick ass moves, and that, although i'm usually too into the movie to notice this, it's cliche that she would come back uncorpified. It just happens in all of the movies. Maybe if i waasn't soooooo jolted at seeing Wash impaled 2 scenes before, i would have been afraid for river. I don't know.

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey, he's putting the hair away now.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting...


Friday, October 7, 2005 12:12 PM



Originally posted by lordchutulu:
i'll add my two cents... or one scene. the scene where the assasin is pinned to the railing and
...then the old training kicks in

Y'know, that's what I thought initially too. But after seeing it for the fourth time, I realized there's _almost_ a tear in his eye. He loses his faith here--he believed in doing evil for the pursuit of good, and here he realized that it _wasn't_ for good. He'd been betrayed, and that is what shows in his face (it's also why he calls off the troops, and helps the crew restore Serenity, and appears in different clothing for that last talk with Mal). Which makes perfect sense, given Joss's predilection for humanizing villains. I got clued into this via Soupcatcher, and another post here (where?) that compares the Operative to a samurai.

~ Soupcatcher is a hottie ~


Friday, October 7, 2005 12:17 PM



Originally posted by LadyStarhawk:
When Mal and Jayne throw grenades out at the reavers everyone ducks, except Zoe

Which reminds me of one of the most painful scenes

Select to view spoiler:

The final battle when the crew is prepping for battle, and Kaylee asks "Where's Wash?" and Gina says "He's not coming." The camera moves from face to face to face and finally stops on Gina, stoic, while the only sound is the clink as she loads her gun.


~ Soupcatcher is a hottie ~


Friday, October 7, 2005 12:22 PM



Originally posted by loggerhead:

Originally posted by oddness2her:
The other surprising thing about #1 is Simon taking the drink without making a fuss about it. Like drinking after Jayne was the most natural thing in the world. Mutual acceptance going on there.

But you never see the bottle actually touch his lips.

Heh. I did think that sliding the bottle over was some kind of peace offering by Jayne - it did occur to me that Simon might drink with some distaste, but as a doctor he'd know that the likely high ethanol content of the bottle would kill off anything really bad Jayne might have left behind.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 5:33 PM


It's not exactly a silent moment, but it's a non-dialog moment.

When we first pull back to see Serenety all Reavered out, the main theme from the movie is playing. Except it's not the main theme. It's a twisted, distorted, out-of-tune perversion of the main theme. It definitely keys you that things are seriously not right.

Another thing noticed on the 4th viewing: the reentry scene just after we see the "Serenity" credit, just before we pull into the bridge and meet Mal and Wash for the first time, is perhaps the most convincing depiction of "hitting atmo" that I can ever remember seeing. The bursts of ionization that roar back from and around the nose give a really convincing feel of the ship's speed. It reminded me a bit of the reentry scene from "The Right Stuff", only better.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 6:05 PM


Y'know, I've been seeing the scene wherein Jayne passes his drink to Simon as a scene with double meaning. The logo indicates it's Blue Sun, which Joss has said is the reigning Megacorp of the Firefily 'verse.....and remember the blue-handed people ? I figured that gesture was meant partially as committing to Simon's side against his enemies.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 7:37 PM



Originally posted by mali:

Originally posted by lordchutulu:
i'll add my two cents... or one scene. the scene where the assasin is pinned to the railing and
...then the old training kicks in

Y'know, that's what I thought initially too. But after seeing it for the fourth time, I realized there's _almost_ a tear in his eye. He loses his faith here--he believed in doing evil for the pursuit of good, and here he realized that it _wasn't_ for good. He'd been betrayed, and that is what shows in his face (it's also why he calls off the troops, and helps the crew restore Serenity, and appears in different clothing for that last talk with Mal). Which makes perfect sense, given Joss's predilection for humanizing villains. I got clued into this via Soupcatcher, and another post here (where?) that compares the Operative to a samurai.

~ Soupcatcher is a hottie ~

I totally agree that the Operative has an epiphany in the scene where Mal has him pinned to the rail and forces him to watch the holo. I read that posting comparing the Operative to a samurai too, it was very good. If I find where I wrote down the name of that thread I'll copy a quote here. Interesting that both Mal and the Operative are redeemed by the holo, isn't it?

Another thing I really liked that wasn't a whole big silent moment, because Mal was talking. In the final scene River is all zoomed forward on the chair and intent on flying the ship. Then Mal starts to talk to her about flying and she scoots back and puts her feet up on the chair, hugging her legs and listening to Mal's story. That was just such a sweet moment.

Love keeps her in the air when she ought to fall down,
tells you she's hurting 'fore she keens.






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