La Times:

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:21
VIEWED: 14629
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Sunday, October 9, 2005 6:38 AM


Here's the link to an article that ran in the LA Times yesterday about how awesome Joss is for filming Serenity in town. Some really flattering stuff, and an interesting angle to the movie's inception. It's good to see more positive publicity, at any rate. It also links to some nice little extras.,0,453014.html

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Sunday, October 9, 2005 6:54 AM


hero? define hero.

to me hero is one who defies his whipcracking master, perhaps leads a rebellion against them. fight the powers that be and restore justice to the world. give us something new and different.

whedon seems to be bootlicking. it's time for him to move into the realm of moviemaking. time to disassociate himself from making these silly "made-for-TV" farces like Firefly.

thank god he is keeping the hollywood movie-producing community afloat. we need those people who brought us such epic pieces of cinematic history like "ishtar", "america's sweethearts", "star trek: nemesis", the last 3 episodes of "star wars" (sorry lucas you blew it), and "flightplan" to remain alive. god forbid the low budget dreamers who want to make good films in canada, new zealand, japan (gimme 7 samarai part deux), balliwood (india), and every other corner of the globe should dare touch the hemn of god (hollywood).


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, October 9, 2005 7:00 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
hero? define hero.

A hero is someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later.


Sunday, October 9, 2005 7:07 AM


I wish Joss had made Ishtar.


Sunday, October 9, 2005 7:29 AM


I looked it up...
Hero: a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments);

HA! Ishtar! oh my, that would be something wouldn't it?

I'm all for praise of the work and thanking him for all he's done, but I gotta say the rest of the world is churning out better stuff right now. Hollywood pretty much sucks.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Sunday, October 9, 2005 8:24 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
hero? define hero.

to me hero is one who defies his whipcracking master, perhaps leads a rebellion against them. fight the powers that be and restore justice to the world. give us something new and different.

whedon seems to be bootlicking. it's time for him to move into the realm of moviemaking. time to disassociate himself from making these silly "made-for-TV" farces like Firefly.

thank god he is keeping the hollywood movie-producing community afloat. we need those people who brought us such epic pieces of cinematic history like "ishtar", "america's sweethearts", "star trek: nemesis", the last 3 episodes of "star wars" (sorry lucas you blew it), and "flightplan" to remain alive. god forbid the low budget dreamers who want to make good films in canada, new zealand, japan (gimme 7 samarai part deux), balliwood (india), and every other corner of the globe should dare touch the hemn of god (hollywood).


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.

Ahh. You're one of those people. A movie's only good if it's made by some heroin junkie who spends his evening listening to Philip Glass as he dreams about being David Lynch when he grows up.

Did you even read the article, troll boy?

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Sunday, October 9, 2005 9:00 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
whedon seems to be bootlicking. it's time for him to move into the realm of moviemaking..
we need those people who brought us such epic pieces of cinematic history like "ishtar", "america's sweethearts", "star trek: nemesis", the

Bitter, anyone?

~ Scootch over, Wash! ~


Sunday, October 9, 2005 9:00 AM




Sunday, October 9, 2005 9:52 AM


Seven Samurai part two? Would that be 'Three Samurai', or better yet, 'Two Samurai and a contented peasant farmer'?

I for one love David Lynch, but also think Joss is mighty. I also love the works of Hayao Miyazaki, even more than Firefly perhaps. The upcoming Brit movie Wallace & Gromit I will love, as will I most likely enjoy Russia's fantasy, 'Nightwatch', and the Brit lowbudget surreal fantasy 'Mirrormask' by Neil Gaiman.

But I guess you prefer to assume that we're all rabid Joss fans with no contemplation of equally, if not more wonderful stuff out there, eh? Now I suggest you leave and go and watch Russian Ark on DVD, because it is amazing. Or 400 Blows. Or Spirited Away. Because they are all fantastic and foreign and a more worthwhile time investment than complaining on a board dedicated to something you don't like.

Have a lovely funky day, Xerogravity! Oddly, I mean that sincerely. Treat yourself to a whiskey or something.

"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Sunday, October 9, 2005 10:34 AM


That's a fabulous article. Thanks for posting!

I hope the folk who read it read it all the way through, 'cause it really does make Serenity's cast, crew, and director sound like they've done something mighty.

You know what's ridiculous? I love the Serenity people portrayed in that article for the same reason I love community theatre...WAIT! No, I really do.
Hear me out, here.
Director, actors & crew so passionate about a story that they're willing to work their little buns off to make it the best they possibly can without saying they need a zillion dollars to do it. They don't have a zillion dollars.
But the stories must be told.

And so they make it work. (I'll admit, though... Joss & hit peeps probably do it on a slightly larger scale than most community theatres.)

I'd love to work with people like that.
I love to watch the work that comes from people like that.

Thank you, Serenity folk. Especially the... no. Thanks all of you.


Sunday, October 9, 2005 3:07 PM


Serenity was exactly what it should've been, and I'm glad that Joss didn't have to compromise- or compromised exceedingly little- in bringing Firefly to the big screen. I don't think I'd call Serenity an Oscar-worthy classic for the ages, but for a mainstream science fiction action-adventure film, it's certainly a cut above the rest. I love "arty" movies too, but sometimes you just need to kick back and see some cool people kicking ass and taking names.

That said, "hero"? That's overstating things slightly...unless Universal agreed to finance this film after Joss dragged 20 people from a burning building singlehandedly...


Sunday, October 9, 2005 3:58 PM


I'd just like to add that I don't agree with Jack Green's comment about the movie "Miracle". First of all I'm not sure that movie is about the american dream and second, why is he surprised that they shot a hockey movie in canada? Up here we've come to depend on hollywood movies, huge studios were built here in montreal for that reason. So we kinda resent this keep it in hollywood attitude, lotta jobs are depending on it.


Sunday, October 9, 2005 4:14 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:

Originally posted by XeroGravity:
hero? define hero.

A hero is someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later.

(high-fives SimonWho)

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Monday, October 10, 2005 2:10 AM


trollboy? ahh ok.

how dare i be critical. shame on me. whedon is abandoning firefly. newp just ain't gonna ever make more episodes of firefly. not after serenity. no return to television from that launching platform. never mind that the whole "rabid fan" thing that resulted in the production of that movie had everything in the world to do with getting the show back on the air. hell go look at the poll on the front page of this website. 80 percent of us would rather have this back on TV versus more movies. but, he's now a movie producer. whoopitydoo. hip hip hooray.

i had hoped the movie would provoke a movement to return Firefly back to series production. hell the momentum is already there from the fanbase (myself included). but newp that just ain't gonna happen it seems. whedon has abandoned serial episodes of anything television cuz he's now "A-list". someone get that man a producer's chair with his name emblazoned on it. hell even if he had loyalty to the fans who worship him, his little foray into movies hasn't caused only his ego to explode. from what i've read, other members of the surviving firefly cast will never reprise their roles in a firefly series since the movie. they too are now "graduated" from the medium of television. hollywood never has a shortage of bigger-than-life egos. as for whedon..

wonder woman movie? hmm sounds like they are giving him prunes disguised as lemons and asking him to make lemonade. of all the DC comic characters from whom you could make a movie, none were as tacky as that one. well superman maybe. but this one will be a real doozy. the money will be there no doubt. at the end of the day i guess that's all that counts.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, October 10, 2005 2:17 AM


and btw... i just want it known.. Zoe (Gina Torres) has made it known she'd redo firefly. movies, TV eps, etc. her role as loyal 2nd to mal remains intact both on the screen and off.

the real question is who are the ones who won't return?

think she needs to be sainted.


Monday, October 10, 2005 10:31 AM


Nice article!

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Monday, October 10, 2005 11:47 AM



Monday, October 10, 2005 11:49 AM


Meet Joss the hero. He keeps his films in Hollywood:

"Hi, I'll be filming Wonder Woman in Australia."

It scares me that someone would call Joss a hero based on this article.

Harken: "Seems odd that you would name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."
Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:32 PM



Originally posted by xion47:
Meet Joss the hero. He keeps his films in Hollywood:

"Hi, I'll be filming Wonder Woman in Australia."

It scares me that someone would call Joss a hero based on this article.

Harken: "Seems odd that you would name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."
Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Oh, for crying out loud. I only used the hero thing because I thought it would make more people read the damn article. The only time anyone uses the word "hero" is in this quote:


But by filming his sci-fi feature film debut, "Serenity," in town, he found himself something of a local hero, one of a growing number of people who are fighting to keep Hollywood in Hollywood.

So nobody's saying he's the next Captain America, although that would be interesting to see.

And if you read the whole article, it's more about how Serenity is an example of efficent film making than anything else.

I do agree about the Miracle comment. Why should a movie about hockey be made in the U.S?

It just makes sense to make movies here, since this is where the people who make them live. It's easier on everybody. That was a good portion of the point of the article. Why do so many people always have to be negative about everything? Geeze.

Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Monday, October 10, 2005 3:08 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
trollboy? ahh ok.

how dare i be critical. shame on me. whedon is abandoning firefly. newp just ain't gonna ever make more episodes of firefly. not after serenity. no return to television from that launching platform. never mind that the whole "rabid fan" thing that resulted in the production of that movie had everything in the world to do with getting the show back on the air. hell go look at the poll on the front page of this website. 80 percent of us would rather have this back on TV versus more movies. but, he's now a movie producer. whoopitydoo. hip hip hooray.

i had hoped the movie would provoke a movement to return Firefly back to series production. hell the momentum is already there from the fanbase (myself included). but newp that just ain't gonna happen it seems. whedon has abandoned serial episodes of anything television cuz he's now "A-list". someone get that man a producer's chair with his name emblazoned on it. hell even if he had loyalty to the fans who worship him, his little foray into movies hasn't caused only his ego to explode. from what i've read, other members of the surviving firefly cast will never reprise their roles in a firefly series since the movie. they too are now "graduated" from the medium of television. hollywood never has a shortage of bigger-than-life egos. as for whedon..

wonder woman movie? hmm sounds like they are giving him prunes disguised as lemons and asking him to make lemonade. of all the DC comic characters from whom you could make a movie, none were as tacky as that one. well superman maybe. but this one will be a real doozy. the money will be there no doubt. at the end of the day i guess that's all that counts.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.

Uh, do you not remember that if Joss breaks contract with FOX he ows an assload of money? Do YOU want to pay that?
I'm not saying that your point is completely invalid--hey, after making money with the movie I'd figure that the first thing I'd do is break contract with a television station with a history of treating my work like crap.
But seriously--DO you want to pay that fee? We're not talking Kevin Smith who has multiple money-making movies to his name. We're talking a writer/director who has two successful TV shows (and one unsuccessful, more's the shame) under his belt and a few writing credits to him on movies that ended up sucking pretty hard. Find an investor who's willing to pay FOX their blood money for the contract AND rights to the show, instead of complaining, and maybe we'll get a continuation of Firefly.

Oh, and as far as Wonderwoman is concerned; no matter how tacky a character, she is well loved, and practically gueranteed to make money as an iconic character on the big screen. Other than the The Six Million Dollar Man (and maybe Swamp Thing), what other character from the small screen hasn't already had a recent rebirth on the big one? Take it up with William Moulton Marston as to why he wanted to create a psychologically based feminist character. And She has been in continuous print since her creation. DC knows where their moneymakers are, and Superman, tacky as he is, has made them a LOT of money. I think it's not generally considered BAD to get to write/direct for a character who's so well known.

You make a few good points, but they're hard to find in so much cynicism.

"I'm so hip I can't see over my pelvis!"


Monday, October 10, 2005 7:05 PM



Originally posted by maugwai:

I do agree about the Miracle comment. Why should a movie about hockey be made in the U.S?

Because it's not just a movie about hockey. It's a movie about an US victory over the Russians during the Cold War. The fact that the victory was in a hockey rink doesn't matter to the people who have strong feelings about the game and the win. To them it's a movie about the US winning over our enemy, and filming it anywhere but the US seems un-patriotic. (e.g., "We won against the Russians, but we lose the movie to the Canadians.")


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 1:55 AM


It's hard to know what the truth is anymore. I've read so many conflicting accounts of what happened with the FOX having the contract rights to the series. One thing that's for certain ~ they totally blew it, running the eps out of order, not promo'ng it enough, cancelling midseason without giving it time enough to find it's sea legs, etc. I believe Whedon should NEVER have given up on trying to get back the rights and shop it around to other channels. I wish he'd keep at it, and most important of all, put it on scifi chan. FOX is all sitcoms, reality shows, cop/doctor dramas, etc. (all the major networks are these days). FF is a niche market. How many people can honestly say they believe Stargate SG1 would have made it to the 9th season on any channel other than SciFi chan?

One other thing to remember... the contract with FOX is only 5 years. If he couldn't get the show aired elsewhere, he could've waited them out (and know his fans would wait with him). Build up the franchise while waiting, much the same way as Roddenberry did with Star Trek ~ merchandising, books/comics, and so on. Totally fan-driven.

Whedon is sitting on a gold mine and doesn't know it.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:21 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
It's hard to know what the truth is anymore. I've read so many conflicting accounts of what happened with the FOX having the contract rights to the series. One thing that's for certain ~ they totally blew it, running the eps out of order, not promo'ng it enough, cancelling midseason without giving it time enough to find it's sea legs, etc. I believe Whedon should NEVER have given up on trying to get back the rights and shop it around to other channels. I wish he'd keep at it, and most important of all, put it on scifi chan. FOX is all sitcoms, reality shows, cop/doctor dramas, etc. (all the major networks are these days). FF is a niche market. How many people can honestly say they believe Stargate SG1 would have made it to the 9th season on any channel other than SciFi chan?

One other thing to remember... the contract with FOX is only 5 years. If he couldn't get the show aired elsewhere, he could've waited them out (and know his fans would wait with him). Build up the franchise while waiting, much the same way as Roddenberry did with Star Trek ~ merchandising, books/comics, and so on. Totally fan-driven.

Whedon is sitting on a gold mine and doesn't know it.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.

It IS hard to know the truth--which is the reason we shouldn't automatically make negative assumptions. I've heard that Whedon still would rather have done Firefly as a series instead of a movie, because he obviously has a whole lot of material that he wants to put in that he just can't do in two hours.
As far as rights are concerned, that's a losing battle. Just look at Siegel and Shuster--they never got the rights to Superman, even though they created him (back to the comic book metaphore). Now the copyright laws are much more creator friendly, but FOX isn't going to want to sell the rights to a show that's still making them money, especially now that there's a movie made that they didn't even have to finance. If the reasons for the cancellation of the show (and the craptacular way it was aired) is personal on FOX's side, that complicates the fight even more. Even Whedon's got to eat, and promoting and fighting a long-losing battle for Firefly isn't exactly a paying job.
I agree that the fans would have been there after the 5 years is up, but what about the actors? Five years is a long time to wait to be on a tv show.

It is a goldmine that Whedon's sitting on, but I think he realizes how precarius his perch is.

"I'm so hip I can't see over my pelvis!"






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