The Crucial Third Weekend

UPDATED: Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:18
VIEWED: 14667
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Monday, October 10, 2005 4:32 PM


Well, the second weekend was very important and did better than expected ($5.35 million instead of $4.8, 47% drop off instead of 51%), but it wasn’t spectacular enough to make everything right. So now we’ve got the third weekend to worry about . Here’s what gossi, a poster on Whedonesque who has contacts with UIP (the international distributor) has to say on the subject:

Originally posted by gossi on Whedonesque:

I've just spoken to somebody about these results..

They are actually much better than I thought. It's still one hell of a drop, but it's not nearly as bad as it could (or should) have been.

The opening week was down a lot in terms of expectations. Fan numbers were overestimated, and it didn't instantly find a non-fan audience. However, these figures suggest non-fans turned up.

It now comes down to the 3rd week. It *will* drop 3rd week - the question is, how much. Theatres will start to drop it soon, but if the drop off isn't much next week, it might be kept a bit.

Basically, short version: It's still not done great, but overall the month is still coming in at a decent rate now. No sequels will be announced with these results, but the money is still coming, and that is a good good news. If more international locations open at number 1, it ain't over yet.

Gossi later mentions that if we weren’t expecting a sequel, these numbers would be very promising. So our film is doing okay, but we’re still on the bubble when it comes to sequels. Much of that will be decided later, with the DVD release, but we need to do what we can NOW. The more the film makes in theaters, the less the DVDs have to make up and the better it looks for sequels.

So, we need to keep doing what we can. We’ve been sacrificing a lot of cash lately, but those who can still afford it should get back to theaters come the weekend. EVERYONE should continue to spread the word as best they can, maybe post more guerrilla marketing if you can. We need to draw this out as long as we can before the DVD release so the BDM can reach the most people and rake in the most cash NOW. Let’s keep flying browncoats, and beat expectations NEXT weekend, too!


Monday, October 10, 2005 5:35 PM


Now might be a semi-good time to bring up the "moonbrained" idea that I currently refer to as, "Total but charming insanity" (no offence to anyone is intended.)

The idea is for everyone to go this coming Saturday, that is to say every Browncoat we can get a hold of, every friend we can convince to go again or for the first time, any fan of the movie that doesn’t fit into those categories you might know, and anyone else. In one glorious day we all show up and see if we can make a spike in the numbers.

I think it’s doomed to fail, but that’s just me. Still if you could sell out every showing for a full day at a theater I think that theater would be less likely to drop it. I think I’ll try to be one of the insane, though I have serious doubts as to whether anyone else will.

The problems I see with this are many but they basically revolve around two things.

The first is that it might seriously backfire, if we do make a spike then people will ask why and come across the fact that it was supposed to be a show of force. Then they might say that the spike was small enough that since it was best we could do the movie won’t be worth keeping.

The second is that it seems to me that if you get everyone to go on Saturday Friday and Sunday will end up with very bad numbers.


Like I said, I have no hope for this plan at all, but I’m going to go again, not during the week, and Saturday is as good a day as any.


Monday, October 10, 2005 5:40 PM



The idea is for everyone to go this coming Saturday, that is to say every Browncoat we can get a hold of, every friend we can convince to go again or for the first time, any fan of the movie that doesn’t fit into those categories you might know, and anyone else. In one glorious day we all show up and see if we can make a spike in the numbers.
I'll be there. The plan is nice, though I worry that many browncoats will be tapped out by this weekend. Still, I hope as many as can will go through with it (and bring fiends). Also, just keep spreading the word. Several of the people I encouraged to see the film haven't gone yet for one reason or another--no worries as long as they go this weekend!

Point of interest, though, Saturday is traditionally the biggest day for business (because it is the most convenient).


Monday, October 10, 2005 6:11 PM


I've seen it 4 times already, and my husband has seen it 3. I was wondering... How do they count numbers from during the week? Serenity has to be doing better than the average film during the week, because I know Browncoats seeing it whenever they can.

We have good friends who were sick this past weekend but who are going to try and go soon; they saw the first 9 minutes and can't wait. I also have a cousin we're going to try and get to the BDM. I've been thinking of heading to the theaters and talking to every appropriately-aged person I see about the movie. Recruitment is *really* not my style, but if that's what it's gonna take...

We've just gotta be the boots on the ground, people. If you have an email address you haven't sent the address of the first nine minutes to, send it, and tell them if they won't like it to at least pass it on to any people they might know who are sci-fi buffs. If you can afford it, buy tix for people in line if they'll go, with or without the caveat that they come back and see it again with a friend if they enjoy it. Or bring big bags of fun-size bars and offer them to anybody seeing Serenity. (Can you tell how desperate I am?)

The point is, we love our captian, our crew, and our home Serenity. There's no other place we can be or go until we've done all we can to make a sequel happen. We've got smallish but tireless numbers, and better yet, we've got one heck of a film here. It's not like people are going to regret seeing this movie. I have made a weirdo effort to talk to people at the theaters, and the newbies have across the board been impressed with the movie, and the ones that didn't know about the show were genuinely interested when we mentioned it.

So. We will fight from the box offices and the darkened theaters and the hallways outside them. We will fight from in front of the mall marquees and outside of the multiplexes. We will fight with our voices and our wallets and our email accounts; by our very wits and determination, we can win-- we will win, because we have done the impossible already, and *that* makes us mighty.

There were those that said this movie'd never get made, that said there wasn't a big enough market for Firefly, that dismissed us as a tiny knot of crazy fans for loving our show, our 'Verse. Where are those people today? Does anybody know, or care? We're still flying, and we're in this together, for the long haul. And if our heroes have to ask a bit more of us to keep them in the sky, well who among us won't do everything we can?

Keep flying, keep talking, keep seeing the movie and spreading the word! And no, I don't sound this insane when I talk to people elsewhere. I figure you guys won't mind so much.

There is no such thing as a weed.

Serenity is here. 9/30/05


Monday, October 10, 2005 6:19 PM



Originally posted by StakeTheLurk:
Also, just keep spreading the word.

That's all I am really doing at the moment, I'm already tapped out. I just don't have much available money.

Also, regardless of what we can do on our own it is really others that will make the difference. The important part is to bring in new people


Point of interest, though, Saturday is traditionally the biggest day for business (because it is the most convenient).
I think that might be the point, though if it were my idea I would say do it on Sunday, because it is still on the weekend but traditionally the low day.

It could be arbitrary, or it could be to really try to fill out theaters. Big spike sounds nice but sold out sounds better. Personally I’d like it if it always stayed just a hair below sold out, so that no new viewer go turned away. On the other hand if by some miracle places are sold out you won’t hear me complain.

My computer’s acting funny so I can’t locate the thread where the idea was suggested, I’ll look it up later.


Monday, October 10, 2005 6:34 PM


Sadly, I'm committed to working a renaissance fair in Folsum, CA this weekend. My fifth viewing will have to wait. Doing my damndest to convince at least one friend and one more co-worker to see it in a timely manner. And as many renfair folk as I can.

(Think about it. Cowboys in space? No problem! These people are used to mixing eras recreationally.)

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Monday, October 10, 2005 6:56 PM


As Mal says in The Train Job, "This is why we lost the's a matter of numbers." Or something like that.

Now, I'm not saying we've lost, but I think our (the Browncoats) being very loud and very vehement about getting a movie was a double-edged sword. Yes, we got our movie, but the people at Universal and anybody else interested in the money-making potential of the film had their expectations of the box office numbers set higher because of it.

I've only been twice, but that is a matter of work and when payday gets here. I'm going again this weekend, and had planned on going once a week for as long as it was in the theaters. But, if 3rd weekend is a do-or-die weekend, I might have to revisit the plan.

I wish we could get the series back...

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Monday, October 10, 2005 7:07 PM


well the real question is: will be it in the theaters next Saturday?
Did we do well enough so that theater owners will hold it over beyond the 2 weeks in their contract,
or will they replace it with whatever is coming out on Friday?
If people can get out during the week to see the movie then that might tip the scales....
if people call their local theater and ask if it will still be showing, that might help....

I hope that being in the #8 spot will keep 'Serenity' in the larger multiplex theaters,
but I worry it'll be disappearing from a lot of places next weekend
(not to be all DebbieDowner, but it is my concern)


Monday, October 10, 2005 7:10 PM


bugger...the site said my post was lost and in fact I end up with a double post...
grrr argh


Monday, October 10, 2005 7:28 PM


I think it's important to be optimistic about the current situation. I've taken four non-fans to see the movie, and everyone agreed it was wonderful.

It seems to me that the studio would have expected a fairly slow start. The size of the existing fan base from Firefly is still pretty small in terms of big movie numbers. It seems unlikely they would have planned to cash in from the start, but rather that they could take a relatively successful and popular show and grow it.

Think how the popularity of firefly exploded from half a series being shown at irregular times, out of sequence, in the backwaters of the schedule. Serenity offers that exposure to the whole world, and we should be patient. To the average Joe movie goer, this probably looks like some quirky low budget sci fi, based on a TV series. 'Some fanboy, Babylon 5 extended TV movie type cr*p'.

But as it grows, as the new fans start talking, as the foreign markets kick in and those DVDs start selling, i reckon those sudio boys will realise there's plenty of life in this old dog.

"Dear Budda, please bring me a pony, a plastic rocket..."


Monday, October 10, 2005 7:29 PM


I worry about that too. There are not a lot of theaters round here and none are big. As is there are only two that have it within reasonable fuel consumption. If they drop it I can't do anything.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:47 AM


It's still a shame that serenity opened at only 2100 theaters.. i've heard from many people now who were interested in seeing it but decided to wait for the dvd as it's not showing in their town's theater.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:14 AM


You posted "I've been thinking of heading to the theaters and talking to every appropriately-aged person I see about the movie. Recruitment is *really* not my style, but if that's what it's gonna take..."

Just curious - what is appropriate age? I went with my 60 year old mother and my 11 year old daughter who both love Firefly and Serenity.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:47 AM



Originally posted by Unicorn:
I've seen it 4 times already, and my husband has seen it 3. I was wondering... How do they count numbers from during the week? Serenity has to be doing better than the average film during the week, because I know Browncoats seeing it whenever they can.

Not sure about where to find the Top 10 movies per day, but you can keep track of Serenity's total, both domestic and overseas here:

As you can see, it's taken in $18 million domestically and $3 million overseas for a total of $21 million so far. Not bad at all and DVD sales should bring Universal a small profit. I don't think they expected anything more.

EDIT: For the link I provided, click the tab marked "Daily Breakdown" to see the daily earnings. If you look up the other movies in the Top 10 and do the same, you could come up with a comparison of how Serenity is doing compared to other movies during the week.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:19 AM



Originally posted by jya:

Just curious - what is appropriate age? .

Did you know that in the UK, Serenity has been given a 15 certificate?! 15!


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Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:40 AM


I posted a thread on another Forum I frequent (it's for a band I'm most fond of) with a link to the 9 minutes page.

I'm hoping that anyone bored will jump in, go to the link, watch the 9 minutes and then GO TO THE THEATER!!

The board gets international fans on it, so with any luck, I can get a few more "virgins" to see our BDM!!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 7:05 AM



Originally posted by jya:

Just curious - what is appropriate age? I went with my 60 year old mother and my 11 year old daughter who both love Firefly and Serenity.

Well, I've seen folks take their 5 or 6 year olds (don't know fer sure, but that's my take on it when the house lights came on, saw'em marching out) to the LOTR:ROTK - the 3rd one, where the movie opens with the history of the wretched thing: 1 hobbit taking his sweet time choking the life out of another and watching that one hobbit's life draining away on screen in a 15 feet tall face - can't imagine the nightmare for that kid... Anyways, that and the massive battle scenes... for me, that wasn't appropriate for young kids to watch, even if the story is that engaging. For one, most kids (that's MTV cum Xbox generation kids of today) are prone to be bored by long stretches of inane (well, what they perceived to be that anyways) dialog and things that they don't understand. Then there is the violence and the action that they *shouldn't* have to bear...

But then again, they might very well be numbed to it all from watching all of the Wednesday RAW (that' wrastling) and all of the other people bashing shows out there...

Turning the corner, funny thing about the grandma types... There was one time when I watched "Sex and Zen" in an Arthouse cinema (if you haven't seen the film, it's about the eventual downfall and completely life ruining experience of a scholar from his sex obsession; there's Sex and there's Zen too), when I was walking out, I passed by two well-dressed respectful grandma-aged ladies. One said to the other, "Oh my Marge, I didn't realized Asians did *that!" - perhaps in a slightly "offended-my-sensibilities" tone. I just walked by and said "ur, what, like having Sex?"

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Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 7:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by christhecynic:
Now might be a semi-good time to bring up the "moonbrained" idea that I currently refer to as, "Total but charming insanity" (no offence to anyone is intended.)

The idea is for everyone to go this coming Saturday, that is to say every Browncoat we can get a hold of, every friend we can convince to go again or for the first time, any fan of the movie that doesn’t fit into those categories you might know, and anyone else. In one glorious day we all show up and see if we can make a spike in the numbers.

Count me in.

Of course I should mention that I have been going every single day during the weekend since it opened so it is not a stretch for me to do it again this weekend.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 7:28 AM


This site is the best one for any type of movie information. The BDM still hasnt even broke even yet.

Those that beat their swords into plowshares will farm for those of us that don't.
Steve from Yuma.....Out


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:13 AM


Serenity is doing well in certain locations (if the theater reports over at the UB can be trusted). Far above the average theater take listed on boxofficemojo. So there have to be some theaters out there where it's doing really poorly. The two week contracts are up this Thursday and that's when we'll know how many theaters decided whether or not to keep the movie. It makes more sense to me to support theaters where Serenity is already doing well, by buying tickets and taking others and recommending the movie over the next three or so days, so the owners have an incentive to keep the movie. A blanket attack would be less effective, in my opinion, than steady business. All of us who can have already been going regularly but it might be time to be more tactical with our dollars. Unfortunately, we should probably just write off theaters where it's doing poorly.

This is a slow burn. I do think the word is getting out there, just very slowly. Not many people saw this movie opening weekend, relatively speaking, so we're starting from a small base and trying to build up. It just needs to be in enough theaters long enough for that word of mouth to build.

* editted to add: It's too bad we don't have access to all the numbers (number of tickets sold at each theater, average size of audience, how that compares to other movies currently out there, etc.) so that we could determine which theaters have a likelihood of keeping the movie and spending our money there. If the movie has played to pretty empty theaters, a one day spike probably won't make an impact on the decision to keep or not keep the movie.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:15 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Of course I should mention that I have been going every single day during the weekend since it opened so it is not a stretch for me to do it again this weekend.

Maybe you should go twice in one day. This isn't a, "Let's make money suggestion," it’s just that I did it on opening night and I think it really helped me to appreciate the movie to see it a second time with it so fresh in my mind.

That was through no fault of my own by the way, I was invited by friends to go for one showing and by family to go for the very next one. How could I turn down either offer?


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:31 AM


JYA wrote, "What age is appropriate?"

I have told people that I think Serenity might be scary for kids under 10 or 11; it's what I would want somebody to tell me, because I think some of the scenes with Reavers and the like are a bit intense for younger kids. I'm not worried about any content except for violence and scary gore; Mine is a response to possible nightmare-inducing material, nothing more.

My mom went to it with us on opening night; she's been a fan since the beginning. And I love that your daughter likes it-- that makes my sappy old heart sing!

There is no such thing as a weed.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:34 AM


I think its age appropriatness depends on the kid. Knowing your child is very important for all that. I think most 11 year olds this day and age can definetly handle it.

As for helping it make money I have only been able to see it 3 times myself (always with at least 1 other person) but I have bought 5 extra tickets overall. 2 the first day, 1 the next time, and 2 extra last saturday. So I mean it may be cheating but if you can spare the money do it!

I also sent out an email to friends and family straight up asking them to see it this weekend for me to help there be a sequal, so now my hairdresser and 2 of her friends are going and so are my aunt and uncle. And I am going with 3 friends friday or saturday, and my brother on sunday. So yeah =)


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:51 AM


In prep for our critical third weekend, I think it would be so great if some celebrity fans would make a statement that

1) I AM A FIREFLY FAN!! (to "come out" about it)
2) To say publicly, "Come on people -- get out and see this movie -- ITS' IMPORTANT!!!"

Of course, I don't have any celebrity friends per se, although I do have several infamous ones.

The movie is a great one for young women to see -- it's so kewl to see women -- a good half of the crew -- protrayed in tough, smart, and challenging roles.

Anybody know Oprah?

Give her a ring!!!

I'll be seeing the flick again -- for the 3rd time -- this weekend, and of course, I'll be dragging more friends with me. Truth is, they all want to go, so no actual dragging's required!


Thanks ya'll,



Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:57 AM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
Serenity is doing well in certain locations (if the theater reports over at the UB can be trusted). Far above the average theater take listed on boxofficemojo. So there have to be some theaters out there where it's doing really poorly. The two week contracts are up this Thursday and that's when we'll know how many theaters decided whether or not to keep the movie. It makes more sense to me to support theaters where Serenity is already doing well, by buying tickets and taking others and recommending the movie over the next three or so days, so the owners have an incentive to keep the movie. A blanket attack would be less effective, in my opinion, than steady business. All of us who can have already been going regularly but it might be time to be more tactical with our dollars. Unfortunately, we should probably just write off theaters where it's doing poorly.

This is a slow burn. I do think the word is getting out there, just very slowly. Not many people saw this movie opening weekend, relatively speaking, so we're starting from a small base and trying to build up. It just needs to be in enough theaters long enough for that word of mouth to build.

* editted to add: It's too bad we don't have access to all the numbers (number of tickets sold at each theater, average size of audience, how that compares to other movies currently out there, etc.) so that we could determine which theaters have a likelihood of keeping the movie and spending our money there. If the movie has played to pretty empty theaters, a one day spike probably won't make an impact on the decision to keep or not keep the movie.

As many others have said in many ways, we are buying a sequel by attending Serenity as many times as it takes, and we can only attend the movie if it's in theaters that are near us.

Here's my thought.Every fan of the movie needs to hang tough and see the movie twice a weekend for about five more weeks (I realize this is a long hold). Here's my math. I'm guesstimating their are 350,000 Browncoat level fans in the U.S. If each of those goes to the movie twice a weekend for the next five weeks, with an average ticket price of $7, the movie's take is comfortably north of $40 million domestically. This would get the attention of TPTB in Hollywood, and surprise the hell out of an analyst at

I,too, am seriously worried about theaters dropping the movie. No worse nightmare than not being able to see Serenity again to help the numbers. I would have to say, however, that no theater should be given up on. I am going to the local multiplex for the second time this weekend, taking some friends along. If this theater drops the movie, it will be almost impossible for me to see Serenity before the release of the DVD.

That being said, the concept of the crucial third weekend for Serenity cannot be emphasized enough, but the "slow burn" concept is even more important. I guarantee the Serenity community is going to have to fight like hell to get past the scifi/action films being released in weekend four. But I think there's a lot of fight left in this crew.

Keep it flying.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:01 AM


I think yesterday and todays numbers will give us an idea whether the movie has legs beyond this week. If they are comparible to last week, then we are in good shape. Otherwise...

The next big hurdle is the release of 'Doom' on the 21st. Many of the smaller theatres might swap 'Serenity' out for 'Doom', so we need to make sure that it stays on as many screens as possible.

Beyond that if we can keep pulling in around 100-200K per day, and keep it in the theatres until thanksgiving then we should be in good shape. Look at the 'Constant Gardener'. It's still around after two months and still pulling in decent numbers despite playing on a small number of theatres.

If all this happens then we should end up with a domestic box office in the 30-40 million range. Which will be better than a lot of people predicted, and put us in very good shape for the DVD release.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:41 AM



Originally posted by Robbie:
I,too, am seriously worried about theaters dropping the movie. No worse nightmare than not being able to see Serenity again to help the numbers. I would have to say, however, that no theater should be given up on. I am going to the local multiplex for the second time this weekend, taking some friends along. If this theater drops the movie, it will be almost impossible for me to see Serenity before the release of the DVD.

I agree that not giving up on a theater where Serenity may be drawing poorly is important if the movie is not playing anywhere else nearby. I should've been more specific and targetted my statements to markets where the movie is showing in a number of theaters. For example, within 40 miles of where I live the movie is playing in 33 theaters with close to 190 screenings per day. The movie is doing decently in some locations and not so well in others. My guess (and I have nothing but anecdotal evidence to back this up) is that the average take for those 33 theaters would not be high enough to convince a theater owner to keep the movie on for a third week. But if we could shift business from the 5 theaters where Serenity is doing the poorest to 5 theaters where the business is modest, but not great, it might mean the difference between 16 theaters showing the movie this weekend versus 21 theaters. Of course, most of this is speculative. I'm just trying to figure out a way for my money to have the most impact on the goal of keeping Serenity in movie theaters long enough to absolutely exhaust word of mouth.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:02 PM


Plan on seeing Serenity for the 3rd time this weekend. My wife and I have seen it twice and this weekend Im bring a friend and my 60 year old mother who is a total browncoat now since I showed her Firefly.

I think its intersting to point out that, and I think someone else on another thread pointed this out, that has Firefly listed as their number 2 bestselling DVD for television, and number 5 overall.

That's not browncoats buying those DVD's. Those are newbies who probably converted after seeing the film. Our fanbase is growing as we speak. The slowburn is working. I'm sure that we will hit at least 30 million domestically and the DVD is going to be a real blow out. Gotta remember that people generally are not going to the movies that much, espcially this time of year. We are out of the summer movie season and just before the holiday season starts. Besides, enjoying a movie in the comfort of your own home, given the level of home theater technology, is prefereable that spending money on gas, tickets, overpriced popcorn, and in some cases a babysitter when it will be out on DVD in just a few months.

And to all the naysayers who think this ship is "out of gas" I'd like to mention a few names:
Austin Powers, Highlander, A Christmas Story, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (movie), The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Office Space, The Shawshank Redemption.

None of these films did great box office on their intial run. (Shawshank got an Academy nomination for best picture for God's sake!)
Yet eventually these movies (or at least the concept) found an audience and made alot of money by other means. Some turned into franchises of their own. And as I said before, our fanbase is only growing more and more. This fight is far from over.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:25 PM


One of the two theaters within a half hour of me is dropping the movie come friday =( if you look up your town on u can check the showtimes for friday to see if its still at your theater.

I am moving to just outside DC though so that should give me a better ability to help out for at least a couple more weeks.

Also firefly is sold out at all the walmarts, targets, and best buys near me. I think if we can hold our number 8 we'll be okay.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:26 PM


One of the two theaters within a half hour of me is dropping the movie come friday =( if you look up your town on u can check the showtimes for friday to see if its still at your theater.

I am moving to just outside DC though so that should give me a better ability to help out for at least a couple more weeks.

Also firefly is sold out at all the walmarts, targets, and best buys near me. I think if we can hold our number 8 we'll be okay.

So also we moved up to spot 7 on tuesday so yey! Also doom is rated R so some theaters might not want to ditch a PG-13 for it.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 4:51 AM


well I've finally gotten the scoop from my local area:
we lost one theater, and another theater is doing fewer shows, but that isn't as bad as it could have been.
I was afraid it wouldn't be playing in my area at all
(and I really can't drive a hundred miles each way to go see the BDM)
So I'll be able to get out and see 'Serenity' for the 6th time this weekend!


Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:05 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I don't think things are so gloomy as some others seem to. According to the main page here, as of 10/11 we are over $19 million in the domestic market. That is two day old info. Since it has not been dropped in any theatres yet, and no other big movies hit until next weekend, we have at least this weekend and perhaps even next weekend to get to $30 million. $30-35 million is what 'Versal was looking for in the domestic take & that seems attainable if we can stay in theatres through the 24th. I mean it is only $10 million more right? Shouldn't be a stretch w/ other movies out longer that have drawn off some of the crowds seeing their attendance drop.

Let's stay positive people. We are not out of this yet!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:22 AM


Be forewarned that there may not be another weekend after this one in certain markets. I just checked Fandango and it looks like Serenity is getting pulled from most of the NYC theatres on Thursday, 10/20... it'll only be at the Sony 14th Street and perhaps one or two other places.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:43 AM


I saw the movie last night and loved it! Prior to that I had only seen 1 episode of the series. Now, I am a big fan. Btw, fam and friends know how critical I am. People have told me that I should become a movie critic.

With that said, I strongly believe that if non fans go and see the movie, they will love it and there will be sequels.

However, with the sales as they are that is not going to happen. Unless all of the fans go to see it THIS weekend and try to take at least one non fan with them. Then, it has a real chance of surviving. Just go to the matinee if that is all you can afford and offer if you can to pay for your guest.

I am serious IF YOU WANT SEQUELS, then we need to organize a mass effort for this weekend with follow through. Maybe even get fans to pledge to see it!


Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:59 AM




Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:04 AM



Originally posted by monger:
Be forewarned that there may not be another weekend after this one in certain markets. I just checked Fandango and it looks like Serenity is getting pulled from most of the NYC theatres on Thursday, 10/20... it'll only be at the Sony 14th Street and perhaps one or two other places.

I would caution against using fandango as a final source this far in advance. They'll have a more accurate listing closer to the twentieth. The listings for this weekend should be fine since we're only a day out. is another alternative to check listings. I actually prefer them since they show all theaters in my area and not just the ones that use their service. Plus you can look for theaters up to 40 miles away from you. They didn't start putting up weekend showings until yesterday or the day before.

So far, it looks like we lost four theaters (from 33 to 29) in my area. Which is great news! I'm giddy .


Thursday, October 13, 2005 11:24 AM


Okay, boxofficemojo just released the theater totals. We lost 489 theaters. Not terrible (that would be Into the Blue). Not great (that would be A History of Violence). It is what it is and that's what we have to work with.

Let's show the theater owners who renewed Serenity for another week that there's a good outcome for their good decision!


Friday, October 14, 2005 6:19 AM



Hit those theaters again today & this weekend, Browncoats! If theaters near you have dropped it and you still want to contribute, maybe try Fandango. We keep this movie profitable for theaters and they'll hang on to it longer, which means more money & more people seeing it. Every little bit helps. So keep soldiering on, Browncoats.


Friday, October 14, 2005 6:52 AM


Well, as a new fan (never heard of Firefly until I saw 'Serenity' on the first day of release, I really hope we get a sequel ;)

I introduced my friend James (USAF, headed to Iraq on the 20th) to the show on my newly bought DVD set, and now he is going to see the film this weekend ;)

The movie/show is so damned good, I think word-of-mouth and friend to friend will keep the growth steady, and I know I will buy the DVD several times over when it's released (for myself, and gifts for others)


Friday, October 14, 2005 7:07 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by StakeTheLurk:
...If theaters near you have dropped it and you still want to contribute, maybe try Fandango.

I think this is a great idea - some people may not be able to go to the movie or it's just too much of a hassle for them (and there's that gas thing). So, just log on and buy 2 or 2,000 tickets (completely your call), takes 5 minutes. -

Fandango -

Just bought 3 ($21)
If you want bargain prices check out Salt Lake City's ticket prices, $5 for a child. senior or bargain. Every ticket helps!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, October 15, 2005 8:51 AM


Today (Saturday) is a good day to hold! I say we all hit the theater today if at all possible.


Saturday, October 15, 2005 8:58 AM



Originally posted by Milt:
Today (Saturday) is a good day to hold! I say we all hit the theater today if at all possible.

This is really stretching my funds and every single one of my friend's funds already... And another 2 weeks to pay day too...

I think it's high time to go to the theatre and get other people - who are obviously already there to spend money but haven't made up their mind yet - to watch the movie. I can actually hardly bear to spare anymore cash for gas - so even going down to the theatre might be a stretch. But I guess time is about the only left to donate right now.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Saturday, October 15, 2005 9:25 AM


I'm going again tomorrow and this next Thursday as well. Had a thought to call my smaller local theaters and ask if it will be coming to their screens and making plans to attend there as well. Thought it might encourage them to show it too, if there are questions about it coming. The first time I went to see Serenity I took my Mom ( 72) and my daughter ( 19). They both loved it! The same daughter took her boyfriend yesterday and he loved it! So.... word is spreading...
hang in there troops.



Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:03 AM


I've done my part

Big Damn Heroes


Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:18 AM


As it stands now US take at the box office has exceeded 20 mil. Will prolly easily break 30-35 mil with overseas box office. They probably knew this was about what they could expect, which is why the film will be out on DVD mid-December.

The DVD sales influx of revenue will likely put us over the top. The production budget will break even or better (hopefully a modest yet healthy margin of profit). Seems likely.

Bottom line is people will be turned on. They'll be inclined to get into the whole "Firefly" thing. Hopefully, the groundwork has been laid to get the show back on the air.

My personal take... and I know many of you have seen the same... once people are turned on to the show they know there is something magical about it. It's exciting, it's funny as hell, and it's believable on some level. Virtually nothing else coming out of hollywood can make such claims. Word will spread. We'll spread it.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.






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