Ticket Prices - Gorram Rip!

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 07:30
VIEWED: 5720
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:21 AM


Howdy doody do to one and all, just a rant on a topic close to most peoples hearts no doubt, esp. if you live in the UK - not sure what the situation is overseas.

Far be it from me to let the price of a cinema ticket dampen my enthusiasm to see a good film but it kinda grates on me that the price of seeing the BDM was in excess of £6 - unfreekin' believable, what a rip, what a gip and generally annoying!! No wonder people 'aint going to the cinema no more these days when the cost is just unbelievable! Kudos to all browncoats that have earnt their illegally gained cash to see this movie time and again, at what must be huge expense to themselves, and also for convincing others to go and pay money to see a film they might not usually have bothered with.

I don't know why the prices are sooo sky-high, i have been going to the same cinema for the last 4 or 5 years, with increases each year - but the place is exactly the same - seats are just more worn, staff still as curious and popcorn still as sweet (no salty goodness thank u v.much). So what the hell am i paying extra for? Anybody out there know (and i want a creative answer - no that's the way the industry goes jibber jabba!)

I'm sure when i get my copy of the shiny DVD it will be excellent and played until it literally melts away to DVD heaven. Even so though there's nothing quite like seeing your favourite BDM on the BDScreen with Dobly (ha!!) surround sound and all the works, don't cha think? I'm never gonna 4get that first viewing, that first opener when the Universal sign fades forward and the earth's all kaboom and lights, absolutely beautiful, wonderful and exciting all at the same time - who's with me?

I love the movies, and i love the experience and i love the way it unites a room full of strangers in joy or in utter disappointment ("Padme... Nooooooooooo (much laughs)). So what was the point of this rant, can't gorram remember... oh yeh - that movies rock, the BDM rocks and why are those suited iriots trying to take that away from me? Answers on a postcard perlease.....

S to the RIP-OFF

"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:44 AM


Serious answer:
It's the simple reason of inflation, they have to pay staff more, have to buy things at inflated prices and as such they need to charge you more for your ticket.

REAL answer:
They just don't like you.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:47 AM


I love being a student, I pay £3.60 to go see films at my local Cineworld (formerly UGC). I believe Odeon cinemas are actually £3.50 with their special student card!

Where the hell are you going to pay over £6 for a film ticket?! Adults at the cinemas I go to are £5/£5.50 I think.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:51 AM


Thanks for being "serious" on my azzz - which i knew really i was just desperatley hoping to form some kind of modern uprising, shake off these monetary shackles and break free of society's whole obsession with the big casho spendo!

Was i expecting too much - damn straight! But hey little ripples in a big pond and all that. Where will the madness end i asks ya? Why is it so damn hard to do anything these days without a little cash - don't get me started on petrol prices, house prices and general rubbishness of the whole damn thing - think i'm gonna buy me a pertty ship, find a rag-tag crew, move out to the borders and rebel - any takers?

True but probably unimportant.....

"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:02 AM


Starcity Birmingham. £6.50.

Anyone gonna be at Starcity Saturday?


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:04 AM


Ahh the stowdent, you haven't done yourself any favours there have you - can't you see that the discount you get is actually added to what would be my normal ticket price - curses to ye!

Don't forget us tax-payers are paying for that degree, whatever you're qualifying in i have a share in so if it's brain surgery or some other high-paying and grossified job, you owe me at least several pence.

I have to go out of town to the cinema in question (VUE aka Warner village aka rip-off central) as the Odeon in my town is rrrrubbbish, and the UGC in the next town is scary. It's called Buck House and the Queen checks my ticket stubs - hence the cost - gotta pay for those corgis somehow.

"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:09 AM



Originally posted by Sundance:

Don't forget us tax-payers are paying for that degree, whatever you're qualifying in i have a share in so if it's brain surgery or some other high-paying and grossified job, you owe me at least several pence.

The deal is that when I graduate with my degree in Computer Game Technology I don't make endless FIFA sequels, EA are like the game industry version of FOX.

And we all hate FOX! :D


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:34 AM


The old CGT degree hey - no idea, sounds good tho well done, so what will you be creating that is better then?

Again, don't get me started - Sports Games, i thought sport already was a game, i cannot understand how these football, basketball etc games are so popular - get out there and play some real sport for a change damn it! Again we're back to money and sponsorship etc etc - all rubbish.

I've got nothing against computer games - a good punch out/shoot out is good fun, although i'm very rubbish at it + i don't like the scary games, which do scare me. Gone are the days of waiting for your tape to load on your C64, and by the time you'd watched neighbours and had your tea it was nearly ready to play. Ah happy days... or at least very slow days.

get back to your studies and stop wasting my tax payer time for gawd's sake!

Remember: it's in the game...

"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:53 AM



Originally posted by Sundance:
The old CGT degree hey - no idea, sounds good tho well done, so what will you be creating that is better then?

A licensed RPG set in the Firefly universe?

Lately there have been some excellent games made from movies/tv shows. If Joss maintained control I bet he could make a good one :D


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:10 AM


Even i'd buy that and try hard to be good at it! I'm sure there have already been some posts on here about RPG's in the making or people hoping to get one off the ground, would be a nice addition to the home set.

It would have to be chatty tho - gotta have those quips and quotes to make it a Joss product - how much dialogue could you fit on a game without detracting from the game itself?


"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:13 AM


Baldur's Gate II, great RPG with hours of great dialogue that doesn't detract from the game. Rather, it is a huge part of making the game as good as it is :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:37 AM


Can't really talk about that side of the pond, but here in the States ticket prices have appeared to be static for the last few years. Nearly every theater I go to is $5.50 for a matinee and $7.50 for an evening show, and it's been that way for a long time (There is a theater near my hometown that has been open for over a decade and has only increased the matinee $0.50 in that time). Larger cities and the extremely good theaters tend to have slightly higher prices, while small towns might have lower (but also might not get new movies).

Part of the ticket cost is because of how expensive movies are to produce, market, and distribute.

And yes, ticket prices are high. Throw in snacks or a guest and you might as well just wait for the DVD, so there IS a problem... but I rather enjoy the experience, so I don't mind. I do try to go to matinees when I can, though.

I don't know why they are going up so much over in the UK. Perhaps they are just balancing out with their American counterparts? Inflation? Rising oil prices? (One sure way to cause inflation on everything you buy is to watch oil prices go up...)

Now, I can't talk about concessions because I rarely buy them.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:55 AM


hmm - how unfair - how comes we are one of the smallest countries but we pay the most for everything? Good thing i am planning to emigrate.

I just did a currency conversion (not in my head, because i don't really get on with the numbers), turns out the equivalent for ya'll in the US of A to the price i paid here is the best part of 11 dollars - how does that strike ya?

Still when all's said, was sooo worth it, and going again this week so more fool me you movie tycoons! Will just have to sell a kidney or some such to make it thro' the winter.......

"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:12 AM


Planescape Torment. Now that was a game. All talking and fantastic.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:16 AM



Originally posted by Sundance:
hmm - how unfair - how comes we are one of the smallest countries but we pay the most for everything? Good thing i am planning to emigrate.

I just did a currency conversion (not in my head, because i don't really get on with the numbers), turns out the equivalent for ya'll in the US of A to the price i paid here is the best part of 11 dollars - how does that strike ya?

Still when all's said, was sooo worth it, and going again this week so more fool me you movie tycoons! Will just have to sell a kidney or some such to make it thro' the winter.......


You have higher taxes because you get more government services. For example, if you remove taxes from US and UK gas prices they are very close to the same (Last I saw, the UK average was actually slightly cheaper). But, even if a certain item (such as, say, a movie ticket)is not taxed more than its U.S. counterparts, increased transport costs will increase cost of said item.

I'm not going to discuss whether or not the services you receive make up for the higher prices, but that's my explanation for the higher price.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:22 AM


Try going to the cinema in the West End - yes, I appreciate it's a tourist trap so of course prices are inflated but top price tickets at the Odeon Leicester Square are now £18.00. Most other cinemas you're looking to pay at least £9.00 evenings & weekends. Consider the recent preview screenings - Dublin, Birmingham & Edinburgh were, what, around £7.50, if not less? London was £11.00 - and we saw it on the tiniest screen available.


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Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:46 AM


£6 at Nottingham UGC Cineworld... £3.90 with a student card... free with an unlimited card How I love my £11 unlimited card. 2.5 viewings of Serenity and I've already made my £11 back.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:18 AM


Hey Fray101, i'm going to not take your advice and not try going to the West End - jeez i thought i had it bad! What rrrubbish - and they wonder why people make pirate copies (booo to those pirates, except Pirate Steve of course!)

Socialism - smocialism people!


"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 5:09 AM


hey y'all! in the states we've got typical prices in my area around $8.25.
doesn't seem as bad as y'all's but the simple answer is that a lot of theatres here are going digital meaning that the price of getting the film is going up to pressure cinemas to make the switch. that plus folk deciding to see it on digital raises prices at typical theatre because they're not making enough $$$.
but then again that's just here . . .

shakespeare: more words than God.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 5:31 AM


Around here (Massachusetts) I've been paying around $7 for matinees and $9-10 for evening showings.

One reason for ticket inflation is that every theater has had to spend big bucks for surround sound equipment, automated projection systems, and other modern cinema technology. Ironically, they did this to save money on personnel (i.e projectionists).

What makes it all so annoying is that even at the high prices, the theater experience is not always what it should be. I started a thread a few days back about the problems I had at various theaters -- bad sound, bad print of the BDM (on the first weekend!), etc.

At this rate moviegoing will be history in a few years. Movies will come out on DVD.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:38 AM


I'm paying $9.50 in Denver for evening shows and $7.50 for a mantinee. That's about $2.00 more than it was about 18 months ago. And I don't buy the snacks and such at all.

Lady Shelley


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:45 AM


Wow, I guess we're lucky here in Dipshit Small Town, California ... $5.50 adult/matinee, $7.00 evening, even cheaper for kids. MIght explain why I've seen it six times already. :D

Of course, a medium popcorn and drink combo is another gorram $10!!! Which is why I don't do snacks.

-Mrs. Embassy


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:50 AM


At the AMC Mercado 20 is Santa Clara, CA, my wife and I paid $10 each. Add in snacks (that we didn't necessarily need - but it's part of the movie experience, and easily let go of $40 to see the movie one time. I don't think I can afford to see it again until it comes out on DVD.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:28 AM


Go to a matinee, sneak in your own snacks


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Sundance:
Thanks for being "serious" on my azzz - which i knew really i was just desperatley hoping to form some kind of modern uprising, shake off these monetary shackles and break free of society's whole obsession with the big casho spendo!

I have to say I admire your motivation and as much as I may agree w/ you to a point about how out of control the cost of living, products & services are today I don't think society has it in them to rise up together & do anything about it.

Rome used to keep the masses placated w/ the arena, modern governments use reality t.v. & other methods to keep us from focusing on issues.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:






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