Firefly RPG Game Recruiting

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 15:16
VIEWED: 2651
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Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:07 PM


I am the GM of a Firefly game that is being run over the computer. I am currently looking for players. If you are interested email me. I do not know if this is allowed or not, but the game is being hosted at It has not started yet, but seats are filling up fast.



Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:11 PM


Okay, I'll bite.
I run many games, but I am seldom a player. But things being what they are, I'm curious, so sign me up.

I went to the site, I couldn't find any firefly. Is there a subpage somewhere?


Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:12 PM


i want in bad!

"There is a sense that this is still not over. It's hard to put a finger on what's so special about this project and about this group of people, but it's just one of those things you have to trust in, and relish. I am very, very proud."
---Jewel Staite on "Firefly" and "Serenity" in "Finding Serenity" (essay collection by Jane Espenson)


Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:16 PM


sry for double post...

how do i get in on this and how can i get more info?

"There is a sense that this is still not over. It's hard to put a finger on what's so special about this project and about this group of people, but it's just one of those things you have to trust in, and relish. I am very, very proud."
---Jewel Staite on "Firefly" and "Serenity" in "Finding Serenity" (essay collection by Jane Espenson)


Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:18 PM


I'd be interested in playing but to be honest I cannot figure out where anything is on that site


Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:29 PM


Site is slightly a mess, I can't figure anything out. How do I post, or see posts?


Thursday, October 13, 2005 3:17 PM


I am glad that you asked. I am terribly sorry for your confusion, I will email the webmaster and see if he can make changes to make navigation easier.

Follow this link...

When you go to this page you should see a D20 Modern emblem, underneath that you will see an advertisement, and under that you should see a scrolling marquee. You will need Java to see this.

Click on the scrolling marquee, it will take you to a list of games that are currently seeking players. Just find the one that says Firefly, read the details then submit your character idea to me in an email. Of course feel free to roam around the site and check out the other boards.

Then again, here is the recruitment page and my campaign details.

Here’s how it is…

Earth-that-was got used up and we moved out. Terraformed and colonized hundreds of new earths; some rich and flush with new technologies; some not so much. The central planets, they formed the Alliance and decided all the planets had to join under their rule.

There was some disagreement on that point.

After the Unification War many of the Independents who had fought and lost drifted to the edges of civilization, far from Alliance control. Out here people struggle to get by with the most basic of technologies. A ship will bring you work; a gun will help you keep it.

A captain’s goal is simple: find a crew, find a job….keep flying.

THE GAME: This game is based on the Firefly universe from the television series of the same name and the movie Serenity. I really enjoy the introduction to this series and felt I would do it an honor by using it as my hook to get players to apply to the game. It may be short and simple, but I believe it speaks volumes.

The players can expect anything from transporting a cargo of fertilizer to fighting a Reaver raid. The concept is simple, find jobs, get paid, and keep flying.

RECRUITMENT: There is going to be a ship. On that ship is going to be a Captain and First Officer. There will be other positions such as pilot, mechanic, technician, perhaps a doctor. Of course flying a ship on the edges of civilization, running not so lawful jobs, could also use people who are good in a fight. Can’t forget that it is always helpful to have a permanent passenger or two that could help bring in a steady income for the ship. In case it needs to be said, the captain and first officer can also double in any of these positions, except for passenger naturally.

CHARACTER EXPECTATIONS: The game will begin on Persephone in the Eavesdown Docks. Players in this campaign should have some reason why they are on board a ship that is flying on the fringes of the galaxy, visiting some of the more down trodden planets, and doing its best to stay away from the Alliance. I want to see this in the characters history. It does not have to be long, but it should be at least two paragraphs…well written, but no more than two pages. The only exceptions to this rule are the Captain, First Officer, and even a psychic.

Yes…I will allow one psychic person into the game. However, anyone wishing to play such a character needs to email me first as there will be serious restrictions on this character type. A psychic character has the potential to seriously unbalance the game, so there has to be some parameters on this character.

The captain and first officer also best have at least one page, but better for two, on their history. The captain and first officer MUST be experienced role-players on I want references that I can check to see what type of player you are and make sure that you are a devoted role-player. My reasoning is that the Captain and First Officer are going to be responsible for leading this crew, deciding what jobs to take, and splitting up the rewards. In addition, it will be up to the captain, first officer, and me to decide the other players for this game. After all, it is the captain’s ship so I feel that it is appropriate that the captain picks the crew. The captain should have the help of a first officer in helping decide the crew. The GM reasoning behind this is I want to make sure the captain and first officer can work well with each other.

In simple terms: I will pick the captain and first officer, from there the three of us will pick the rest of the crew. I will give more details on the process to whomever I pick to fill these roles. As a bonus, the captain gets to pick from one of three starships that I have already picked out.

CHARACTER CREATION: D20 Modern and D20 Future will be the two books that the game will be using. Characters are free to choose from these characters and advance characters from either of these two books. There are some advance classes that I will not allow, Ambassador, Dogfighter, Helix Warrior, and Xenophile. These classes just do not fit in very well in the ‘Verse.

Generate your character as described in the D20 Modern Rulebook. There are two exceptions. Characters start at level 5 and players have 85 points to distribute to their six attributes. Make sure to follow the Purchasing Equipment rules when buying equipment as set out in Chapter 4 of the Core Rulebook. There are no extra wealth bonuses for starting at a higher level. Characters cannot have any laser type weapons. Only weapons that use bullets, I want to stick to the Firefly ‘Verse.

POSTING REQUIREMENTS: Two to three times, Sunday through Saturday, exceptions can be made.

Send all applicatins to


Thursday, October 13, 2005 3:23 PM


I got a lot farther than that link, but still I can't get the posts to come up. I did the email thing it sent me confirmation code twice, I followed thos link, but still no visible posts and no posting ability.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 3:33 PM


*blinks* Is the D20 rulebook online or paper?

ETA. Oh, and the email didn't come through to me either. Do you have character types that are currently taken, or...?


Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:03 PM


Well never really played these kinds of RPG's before but i got a good idea for a character and thought it would be fun. So i read the rules on your website and all that other stuff but i may require a little bit of help figure out every aspect of the game out. Im giong th send in a character anyway and see if you like it and then well go from there.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:04 PM


P.S. Where is the this rule book your talking about, is there a web site i can find it at?


Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:00 AM


Whatever happened to this game?


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 3:16 PM


Hello All,

This is the GM of the Firefly game, I have not disappeared. Over the weekend I was moving into my new place. My internet provider was supposed to turn off my account at my old address and reactivate it at my new address. Appearantly something did not go correctly because my email accounts have been shut off. Currently I am unable to recieve any emails at my old address.

I am truly sorry to all those people who were trying to send me an email. Anyone who sent in an application can resend the applications to

This is the game status as of today, 10/18/2005 8:10 pm central time. I am still waiting for an application to play the captain of the ship. I have received two applications for the first officer position. I will not decide on the rest of the crew until I have chosen a captain and first officer as these two positions will help me in choosing the rest of the crew/passengers. On the plus side I have received several promising applications for crew members. It is going to be a hard decision in who will become crew. Everyone and anyone is still welcomed to submit applications. However, I have seen several fighter type characters that have all fought on one side or the other in the Unification War. I would like to see some applications that steer away from this type of character.

As for the game board. No one has access to it yet. Only those who I approve will be able to post on it, though anyone can read the posts. Currently there are no posts to be seen because the game has not yet started.

The role-playing books can be found either online or at any comic book store that also sells RPG games. The books are made by Wizards of the Coast. The same ones that make Dungeons & Dragons and Star Wars.

Just to repeat myself. I am still seeking players of all kinds. I am really hoping to get an application for the captain.

Any questions can be directed at

Thank You






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