Hi Firefly. Hello pain.

UPDATED: Friday, October 21, 2005 20:26
VIEWED: 9347
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:56 PM


It's now exactly two weeks after I saw my first Firefly episode, and I think I now know what it means to be a fan.

It hurts. Real bad. We're talking sick, pit-of-your-stomach, just lost your best friend hurt.

It hurts to finish the last episode and realize that's it. There's only 12! Twelve episodes of bliss and then nothing.

It hurts to think of all the episodes that never happened over the past three years - all the stories and journeys we missed. Those days are lost, and they're not coming back no matter what.

It hurts to think of all the stories we're missing right now as the cast and crew move on to other things.

It hurts to try to tell your friends how good this old, quickly cancelled TV series is and have them look at you like you've got three heads and change the subject.

It hurts to see the movie and leave completely unsatisfied. I want a weekly show, and that's just a big, glorious tease.

It hurts to not be madly in love with the BDM, because then you have to choose between lying to all of your friends and telling them it's the best movie ever made just so they'll go see it and help the box office; or telling them you were kind of disappointed and feeling like you're betraying other fans. (I chose to lie.)

It hurts that the best I can probably hope for at this point is that my lies will help lead to another movie in a couple of years - waiting as the cast members age and change, as the creative vision changes - while I think of all the stories that we're missing in the meantime. And then getting another big glorious tease that probably will look even less like the show I fell in love with.

I love Firefly. And I hate loving Firefly. But I can't stop. I'm thinking about the show constantly, and none of my friends want to hear about it, and there's nothing to watch and nothing to do (but spam message boards, apparently). God this sucks.

I'm sure you've all been in this "special hell" before. Does this feeling ever get any better? Please lie to me and say yes.

Better yet, tell me there will be new episodes on TV every week by next fall. I think that's the only thing that would really help me feel better. Oh, and it would really help if you happen to be Joss Whedon.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:08 PM


Welcome to the pain and glory that is the Browncoats. I know exactly how you feel. Unfortunately, Serenity only makes it worse. Everytime I go see the movie I feel so dead inside. Like you said, it's like losing a best friend. I feel so sad, but at the same time, i feel so pissed. Why wasn't Firefly given a fair chance? why did Fox have to screw it over? Is it that hard to air the Pilot episode of a series first? It does get better, but EVERY day i find myself thinking about the show and what could have been. it just frustrates me SOOOO much. There is still hope. There is love, and love will keep us flying. just look what it's done for you. You recently joined the Browncoats, and hopefully there are others like you. We keep growing in numbers, and the movie is only making that number grow. The future isn't certain, we can only wait to see.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:17 PM



Originally posted by Cub:
It hurts to try to tell your friends how good this old, quickly cancelled TV series is and have them look at you like you've got three heads and change the subject.

It hurts to see the movie and leave completely unsatisfied. I want a weekly show, and that's just a big, glorious tease.

It hurts to not be madly in love with the BDM, because then you have to choose between lying to all of your friends...

I love Firefly. And I hate loving Firefly. But I can't stop. I'm thinking about the show constantly, and none of my friends want to hear about it, and there's nothing to watch and nothing to do (but spam message boards, apparently). God this sucks.

I'm sure you've all been in this "special hell" before. Does this feeling ever get any better? Please lie to me and say yes.

Oh, and it would really help if you happen to be Joss Whedon.

Welcome to the love. Yes, Love Hurts.

Honey, don't lie about liking it, just go see it again, see it twice more. You will like it more each time. Then you will want to see it five more times. And then you will have it memorized and be able to like it a whole lot in the morning with your cornflakes.

You will have your DVDs, which you will watch a million times until you can quote them all and know every nuance.

And you can come here where it's warm and the coffee's always on, and no one's bothered by their own three-headedness, and won't be bothered by yours either.

Like your thread title, made me laugh out.

Sorry, not Joss
but I have it on good authority that he will write other stories you will love. It's just his way. Do you know of the Buffy, and the Angel? Those can be good places to go to help with the wailing and lamenting and the gnashing of teeth.

Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:35 PM


I choose to look at it this way. Atleast it got made. We have 14 wonderful episodes to enjoy that might never have been.

I might only be a 4 week old fan (in terms of knowing about the series), but I feel happy that atleast its there.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H.L. Mencken


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:38 PM


I agree, I am a relative noob to Firefly and when I got to the end of the series I felt a tangible pain at the thought that there was no more.

The characters are so real. They all have their own little foibles that make them realsitic ,that let us identify with them.



Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:01 PM


Thanks for the words, everyone. It's kind of sad that the only thing that really numbs the pain a little is knowing that everyone else is suffering too.


Originally posted by liminalosity:
Honey, don't lie about liking it, just go see it again, see it twice more. You will like it more each time. Then you will want to see it five more times. And then you will have it memorized and be able to like it a whole lot in the morning with your cornflakes.

I'll take you up on that when the DVD comes out. Today's Serenity's last day here. By the time we made it through the DVD set, it had three days left at the theater. We saw it, and practically the next day it's gone. Our goram city!


Originally posted by liminalosity:
And you can come here where it's warm and the coffee's always on, and no one's bothered by their own three-headedness, and won't be bothered by yours either.

Thanks. Really, thanks.


Originally posted by liminalosity:
Do you know of the Buffy, and the Angel? Those can be good places to go to help with the wailing and lamenting and the gnashing of teeth.

I found Angel to be hit and miss. I own all seven season of Buffy on DVD and probably know half the episodes by heart. But I've never been as crazy about a TV show as I am about Firefly, not even Buffy (and I can't believe I just wrote that.) My wife feels the same way.

Lord help me, I may have to write a fanfic. I've got this show pounding through my veins and no outlet.

Anyway, it's nice to know I have a place here... that we all do. Keep that coffee warm. I'm sure I'll need it soon.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:11 PM


I know exactly what you mean, I feel the same. I've been a fan of Firefly for a long time now, and it was really hard in the beginning. No one to talk to about it, but feeling like it was taking over my life. For a while I was able to find some peace, but now the BDM has rekindled my agony. I want the show back too. I'm glad we got what we got, but it seems so unfair when there's so much garbage on tv everyday. I'm not the kind of person to be a crazy fan-girl, so it's not an entirely comfortable feeling to be suddenly finding myself saying things like gorram and rutting in regular conversation and getting weird looks. So I guess we have to find solace among equally obsessed fans and be glad that we had the chance to experience something that was able to affect us so strongly.

It hurts, but it makes the impossible happen:

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: [to River] Love keeps her up when she should fall down, tells you she's hurtin' before she keens. Brings her home at the end.

To Hell with this. I'm gonna live!


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:14 PM



Originally posted by Cub:
I'll take you up on that when the DVD comes out. Today's Serenity's last day here. By the time we made it through the DVD set, it had three days left at the theater. We saw it, and practically the next day it's gone. Our goram city!

I found Angel to be hit and miss. I own all seven season of Buffy on DVD and probably know half the episodes by heart. But I've never been as crazy about a TV show as I am about Firefly, not even Buffy (and I can't believe I just wrote that.) My wife feels the same way.

Lord help me, I may have to write a fanfic. I've got this show pounding through my veins and no outlet.

Anyway, it's nice to know I have a place here... that we all do. Keep that coffee warm. I'm sure I'll need it soon.

Have you heard the DVD is to be released 12/20 in time for Xmas? That's what I've read here anyhoo.

Yeah, FF is incomparable. I like most all of Joss' work, but FF reigns supreme.

Write well, Frodo.
And there's always your personal logspot for serious keening. Haken thinks of everything.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:17 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

Cub --

In the vernacular:

"You are SO not alone."

Seems like "broken hearted relative newcomer du jour".

Very best regards,


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:47 PM



Originally posted by Karel:
Cub --

In the vernacular:

"You are SO not alone."

Seems like "broken hearted relative newcomer du jour".

God, ain't that the truth.

Just looking around... it's crazy with obsessed newbie pain here.

Sucks being consumed with the show - this pretty poison - and yet being so new to the whole thing that you're not even sure how to spell "gorram." Not even properly knowing your way around the site yet but having no other haven.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:57 PM


i too feel your pain. I have been watching and loving since the very first broadcast episode the very first night.... unfortunately, i cannot tell you that the pain goes away. 3 years on, its still ever-present.

I still watch the episodes several times a week (on the 2nd box set even!) and have gone to the movie more than a half dozen times - lordy... but its not getting better!

Having been a mighty fan of other tv shows in the past, you would think that we the ever-lovin' viewing public would get used to this pain, but in this case i guess not, mal etc. are just too real, and too beloved. As is Joss. Really our pain is his pain. I want to make him happy, as happy as he has made us. I want him to dance for joy, or at least tap a foot in time to the happy, happy, joy,joy song.
i am going to the movie again tomorrow and will think of him tapping along, maybe.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:05 PM



Originally posted by jjca:
i too feel your pain. I have been watching and loving since the very first broadcast episode the very first night.... unfortunately, i cannot tell you that the pain goes away. 3 years on, its still ever-present.

As bad as it is for us newbies, I just can't imagine what it must have been like from the beginning. The thought is almost horrific.

I just wish I knew that there was a future for the show on TV - a very near future - so that it wouldn't hurt so much to love it. But, then, I guess that's all everyone here's been wantin' for years.

Heh. I just read my sig again and heard Jayne's voice. Can't help but smile.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:34 AM


I still cannot believe that this show had been on tv around 2001-2202 and I had somehow missed it!

I can't get this show out of my mind; the theme song, the characters, the world, and the stories! It was such a good show.

I'm going to chance sounding like a baby here, but I want the show back; make them put it back on the air, make them make more episodes! Do whatever it takes to get this gem of a show back on the air!!!!

Its pure PAIN knowing that the big networks wrecked a good thing; what's the matter with them, are they not aware that they created a crazed fan base?

Are we being played here? Are they pulling a Star Trek from the 60s tactic on us? At least with the Star Trek from the 60s, those fan got at least 55 episodes before it was pulled; we only get 12....somehow this is not fair.

I've learned to love all the characters on Firefly (except for Jayne)and I've learned to love the world in which Firefly exist in, and it really pains me in my heart that there are no new episodes coming down the pipe; No fair!

I tried telling my coworkers about this show, and I have loaned out my Firefly the complete Series out to people, and they watch only one episode, and they tell me its crap! This I can't believe!

Firefly is the BEST series to come to televsion in years; how can anyone even begin to think it was crap?

I don't know how or why, but Firefly has struck a chord in me. I'm not certain what chord that is, but there is something familiar and comfortable about this series, and its characters that forces me into a mode of empathy for the characters and the stories; this sort of thing never happened with any other show I've ever watched.

You bet your boots that its a pain. I wish I had never discovered this gem of a series because now I am an addict with no chance of getting my habit fix.

No knock on the creator of Buffy the vampire Slayer, but why is it that shows like that get season after season, and shows like Firefly which is SO much better get only 12 episodes???

Whats the matter with people?


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:40 AM


I'm of the school that Buffy was brilliant and I wish that Buffy, Angel and Firefly were all still on the glowing blue box of pain.

You'll find most folk around here also enjoy Buffy and Angel. Only 'bout 5% are mentally deranged enough not to love the adorable dispatcher of evil, the Scoobie gang, her stylish yet affordable boots and her former boyfriend with the poncy hair gel.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:43 AM



As bad as it is for us newbies, I just can't imagine what it must have been like from the beginning. The thought is almost horrific.
Well, I'll tell you what it was like for me.

I was lucky: I happened to see one of Fox's few ads for the series. I was in front of my set that first Friday night when the opening scene of "The Train Job" was aired.

I was drawn in from the very start -- the moment that Serenity rose up behind the BDHes outside the bar. But in that penultimate scene where Mal calmly pushes Niska's henchman through the engine, I was hooked like a tuna. I think I literally jumped out of my chair, yelling.

And I was in front of my set the next Friday, and the one after that, and... huh? WTF? Where's my Firefly?

The hurt started early, with the preemptions. I have to confess that when Firefly disappeared for a couple weeks in a row, I lost focus and missed it when it did come back, though I found it again later. (In all I missed two or three of the episodes that aired.)

And then it was gone......

So all I can say to you is... get used to the feeling. Firefly can bring joy and pain like no other form of entertainment I've ever experienced (Watership Down comes close). But it's the kind of pain that you take inside and make part of you, and it ultimately just adds to the richness and depth.

So I say, welcome to the bittersweet world of the Browncoats, where life is like a box of chocolates -- dark chocolates.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:30 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

I feel like "The Keeper of the Secret of the 15th Episode..." Don't get too excited but do get excited. There's a script out there for an episode that didn't get filmed, one that had it been filmed would probably have made my top 5 FF eps - it's a dang good script.

Oh! And you can read it here:

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:41 AM



There's only 12! Twelve episodes of bliss and then nothing.

Actually there are 15. I hope you caught all the references to that already.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:49 AM


I know the feeling. I've just recently discovered this show as well and I am totally hooked. Fortunately my cuz is a big fan too, so I've got someone to talk to it about. However, I'm trying to get my family and friends to go see the movie and watch the show too. I am getting the same feeling that they're looking at me like I've got three heads, but I want them to see it and realize how good it is. Besides, people look at me like that a lot, so I'm kinda used to it by now. Anyways, I think we've got a good chance of it coming back. After all, Family Guy came back because of how well the DVD box sets sold -- why can't Firefly? I hate reality shows and wish Fox would cancel one of those and bring back Firefly in its place!

"Take me out to the black, tell 'em I ain't comin' back."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:06 AM


It's encouraging to continue to see how many people do love and enjoy Firefly. It's doing "well" (for a canceled show with a disappointing movie)... I figure if Amazon has the DVD as the #2 selling TV series DVD and is raising the price well it is doing well.

I know many friends that may miss Serenity in the theaters because they haven't finished watching the DVD episodes.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:21 AM


Its true that the BO numbers arent great, but like you said the DVD sales are up. I know people who will miss it because they are watching the series, but I also know plenty of people who have just seen the movie and are now getting the series. I think that as dissapointing as the whole thing's been, its still chugging along and even picking up a little steam.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:37 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

There's only 12! Twelve episodes of bliss and then nothing.

Actually there are 15. I hope you caught all the references to that already.


I see the link to one unfilmed script... but what about the other missing episodes?


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:51 AM


Cub, buy the DVDs... you can enjoy all 14/15 episodes AND the extra material. And the DVDs are not censored/edited. The DVDs aren't even expensive (even though Amazon just raised the price). Great deal!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:23 AM


There were 14 episodes filmed, or 15 if you count the 2-hour pilot episode as two (it was originally intended to be broken into two one-hour episodes, which is how it is being shown on SciFi Channel).

As pointed out above, we also have one official, never-filmed script. As with everything else around Firefly, that's a little bittersweet -- since it gives us a hint of what might have been.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:31 AM


Sorry about formatting errors. My first post (reposted here, from "Bring Firefly Back" thread).

Re. your amazement about Firefly's cancelation, and your Trek comment:

After seeing Serenity repeatedly, I am convinced the only way to truly keep the Firefly 'verse alive is as an episodic television show. The heart of Firefly was in its pace, its character development, its charm, if you will. The slow moments, the magic moments, the humorous moments gave the show balance and were what captivated and created its avid audience. Movies, issued every 2-3 years, determined to be "epic," forced to focus on the "high" points and on dramatic action, lose this heart, lose the spirit of Firefly.

Consider the legacy of Trek. While Firefly is in many ways a reaction to/against Trek, it also, as is always the case in art, stands on the shoulders of its predecessor. A new vision, ahead of its time, created by one determined person's vision, misunderstood, mishandled, and, thus, aborted. Only to be kept alive and reborn at the insistence of a passionate (read, obsessed) following. With what results? Five television series, totalling over twenty years of episodes. Ten films (by my count, off the top of my head - I'm sure hairs can be split, here, if you must). An entire subculture, with references that permeate the culture, writ large.

Can we not do this? Can we not use the incredible success and longevity of Trek as credentials of a sort?

(I am not seeking to start a discussion of what fans think of Trek. I am very excited about Firefly, obviously, as a refreshing alternative to the Trekian 'verse. I just wish to not forget the lessons of history. Our history.)

What are our numbers, exactly? I have purchased the DVD set, and three tickets, so far, to Serenity. I have not yet joined clubs or signed petitions - although I am obviously headed that way. Am I counted among the faithful, when people discuss our numbers? How many fans do we have, and how many were needed to resurrect Trek, in its day?

I cannot, will not believe that we do not constitute a base large enough to support a television show, on some network, somewhere.

What would it take for SF channel to commit? They are business people, no doubt. We gain nothing by slandering those in Hollywood who need to pay attention to the bottom line, or by yearning for a more utopian world. Firefly, after all, is about folks tryin' to get by in a distinctly dystopian world.

On the contrary, what we need to do is to come together and convince the bottom-lined, hard-headed business folk of television that Firefly is just that - good business. As our Mal-content said, "I'm here for business."

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I care more about this show than everything else on TV combined. For the most part, I literally do not have the time for television, nowadays. For Firefly, I make time.

Folks talk about one million copies of Serenity to be sold, theoretically, or similar numbers of Firefly DVDs, in the past . . . (I dunno - I am not an authority, here. The numbers, I'm sure, are on the CoreTex.)

If each of one million fans committed, in some online fashion, to contributing a whopping $1 per episode, we would be able to defray the cost of one hour of expensive, special effects laden TV by $1,000,000.00. If only 100,000 fans were serious enough, but were willing to pay $5 per episode, that would be $500,000.00.

Maybe they could receive special River Tam Decoder Rings, as a token of being among the True Believers? Whatever. Just give me my gorram show back.

I would consider it a better investment in art and entertainment than a cable subscription, for sure. Or 90% of the theater fare, these days.

I don't know how this would work. But I am willing to believe, as the good Shepherd would have us all do, in something. I do not accept that we can't push something like this forward, and resuscitate our poor, bloody, show. She is, for sure, tore up plenty. But she'll fly true.

If, that is, she is loved. Welded. Rewired. Repainted. Bloody well duct taped, if that's what it takes.

Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down.


How you get there is the worthier part.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:51 AM


Wow. I've been wanting to write something myself about the loving pain that I endure everytime I watch a Firefly episode or watch Serenity. I just didn't want to admit it because it just bears more pain and grief. But, I would rather love the show in its briefness than never to have known the greatness that it is. I do wish someone would falsely claim new episodes or a sequel will be made so that I can make through a few months. I still hold out hope, no matter how many cynics say that show had the swan song in Serenity, because I can't give up on true love.

"That's why I don't kiss 'em on the lips."-Jayne


Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:55 AM


Hi all,

This is my first time posting to this board...I've posted a few times in the Universal board but I'm really more of a lurker than a poster. But this is a subject that is near my heart, too.

I discovered Firefly over the summer after having seen the trailer for Serenity. I knew of Firefly's existence because I'm a general fan of the Jossverse, but hadn't gotten around to seeing it because I had been living out of the US for a few years and missed the original airing, and it wasn't shown where I was living (Spain). So after I saw the trailer, which I thought looked really cool, I ordered the DVDs off of Amazon.

And it was love at first watching.

I have since seen the episodes countless times, have managed to get several people into the show (although not to the point of obsession that I'm at), have seen the movie 5 times (with a total of 16 people!), and am currently suffering knowing that this is it for who knows how long. I haven't been this obsessed with a show since the early seasons of the X-Files, and before that Twin Peaks. I remember when Twin Peaks got cancelled I swore I would never let myself get that obsessed with a show ever again.

Which obviously didn't happen!

I guess I'm always falling for/attracted to the underdogs...I adore Firefly, am totally obsessed with it, and am dying for more! I, too, think about how it would be in its 4th season right now had it survived. I curse mainstream TV watching habits and wish I could get into the more banal stuff on TV just so I could avoid this pain. But it just doesn't work. I don't think anything has captured my imagination as much as Firefly has...I just really connect to it on an intellectual/emotional level.

OK, blathered enough here...just wanted to say I also feel everyone's pain and hope there will be more from this wonderful 'verse in the future!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:11 AM



It hurts to not be madly in love with the BDM

I wouldn't know about that. I fell for the BDM, hook, line and sinker.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:18 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Better to have loved & have lost, then never have loved at all. Seems pretty fitting for the fans devotion to Firefly, no?

Me personally, I don't feel pain when I think that Serenity might possibly (notice I said possibly) be the end of the run. I do feel a bit of frustration and a tad of disappointment, but that is all overwhelmed by the love I have for this 'verse & characters that Joss introduced us to. Despite all the bumps & setbacks I would do it all over again to be part of this fanbase & see this show.

Besides the characters & story, being part of this fanbase, being a browncoat, has allowed me to meet a lot of great people from all over the world. I have made some great friends that I know I will have for life.

Pain? Sure, there is that bittersweet pain from time to time, but the joy I have gained from the show & these people far outweighs the pain.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:38 AM


Bard, yes I'd love to know the "numbers". Certainly I'd be willing to pay $5 per episode. And I would *think* we have 100,000 people who would. Given what Joss and the cast have said of their love for Firefly and desire to continue making it plus *some* advertising revenue it would seem the numbers are reasonable to make it.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:02 AM



Originally posted by Mithel:
Bard, yes I'd love to know the "numbers". Certainly I'd be willing to pay $5 per episode. And I would *think* we have 100,000 people who would. Given what Joss and the cast have said of their love for Firefly and desire to continue making it plus *some* advertising revenue it would seem the numbers are reasonable to make it.

Heck yeah! Sign me up! I'd pay several times that per episode to get it back on the air.

Anyway, it's really therapeutic reading all of these posts.

I own the DVD set. I just miscounted the episodes, I guess. Seems like less than 14.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:24 AM


How right you are... I cherish my exposure to the Firefly verse more than a lot of things in my life, but I just can't believe it was scrapped while shows such as Law and Order and CSI and the rest of the primetime trash continues. Jesus, even Xena got more airtime than Firefly. I'm not a fan of any other sci-fi series (Star Trek, Stargate, Galactica, etc), well maybe a little of the original Star Trek, but I'll refrain from offending those who are. I just don't understand why FOX didn't see how good this series is. Buffy and Angel are quality television, shouldn't that alone be enough to give Joss a shot? He obviously got a big enough fanbase out of 14 episodes, would it really hurt to cancel some half-wit program (put it on at three in the morning for all I care, I would suck down a couple pots of coffee every night just to watch) to give the world what it wants?


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:53 AM


Oh dear.

You guys have just totally depressed me. I'm trying really hard to get Firefly out of my system...but it just won't go away. Like everyone else I want my Heroes back and even though I loved the film can't help feeling deflated now its all done.

I've got the pain too...

Its like when you get need a replacement to truly get over it.

Any suggestions?


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:54 AM


I'd pay twenty bucks or more to get this show back on the air if someone started a "Save Firefly" campaign.

Besides, why would I want to leave Serenity?


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:02 AM


Seriously, has anyone ever tried organizing fans to directly pay to fund new episodes?


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:18 AM


Hi everyone!

I'm also new to the show. My brother has been in to it forever and has probably spent a good portion of each week pestering me to watch the episodes. I have resisted for a long long time. I had seen clips when I'd be visiting him but could not get into it at all.

I'm currently out of work and have exhausted my vast DVD collection and desperately wanted to see something new.

I succumbed to his persistence and so the joy and pain began.

I too have only been watching for 2 weeks. I have watched all the episodes twice as well as rewatching the ones with commentaries.

An aside...Wouldn't you love to hear the commentaries for ALL the episodes - possible special edition Mr Whedon???!!!

I have also seen the film, will be going again myself and will be going again with my brother. Hhhhmmm that caused me a lot more pain...

I've now got my own DVD set and have ordered the few books that there are out about Serenity.

One thing struck me and this goes back to what studio execs know or don't know...

Look at some of the programmes that are on tv that have been renewed each season and are utterly crap. 2 come to mind that I've seen on recently (in Ireland) - Andromeda (good God - the sfx budget of an 8yr olds pocket money allowance) and Jake 2.0.

Apologies to fans of these shows but really...Firefly got cancelled and these didn't??

Maybe we should be trying to get some of us into studio exec jobs and then we would control what we get to watch. Just imagine it - all the cast in their late 70's struggling up those steps throughout the ship, sleeping most of the day and peeing through most of the night - Firefly, The Later Years.....


Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:38 PM



Originally posted by raeski:
Oh dear.

You guys have just totally depressed me. I'm trying really hard to get Firefly out of my system...but it just won't go away. Like everyone else I want my Heroes back and even though I loved the film can't help feeling deflated now its all done.

I've got the pain too...

Its like when you get need a replacement to truly get over it.

Any suggestions?

OMG I totally understand you... I really LOVE firefly, I truly do...
I usually don't watch TV (especially Sci-Fi), and I've never got into any TV shows. Firefly was a gem, something that was really, really special.
All I can do now is to watch the same episodes over and over and over, and I still watch it more.

I can't get over the pain... I can't accept that no more episode is coming out.... I want to believe that Joss will make it happen...
Only replacement that can ease my pain is another firefly season.... (T-T)

Well, at least I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel this way.

If someone is starting Firefly donation, I'll put down some too...


Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:43 PM



I understand your pain. Andromeda stayed on the air?? I've never been able to figure that one out.

I haven't seen all of Firefly yet, actually. I'm monetarily impaired and my brother is the only one in the family with the set.

We're probably going to finish them over Thanksgiving. I'm dreading getting to that last episode.

Oh, the grief and trauma of it all!
It's so weird; I was never a Buffy fan, but this clicked right away. I think it's the whole family concept. I have the Serenity by Gaslight photo on my desktop. Sad looking, all empty like that. :-(


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:34 PM


The only other show that I've become so obsessed with is Andy Richter Controls the Universe. It’s even more painful being a fan of that show, there’s no movie, they haven’t even released the DVD.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Friday, October 21, 2005 2:54 AM


Only other show I ever felt so addicted to (in recent history) was reruns of Red Dwarf. I expect that to go the same route as this show is doomed to do.

I'm with you CUB. Feel yer pain (and all that crap ~ no slight against you, just being all dramatic and whatnot)

You're feelings are not unique to you. They are routine to be quite blunt. "why and how could something like firefly get cancelled?"...

The responses are equally (if not worse) routine. Lot's of empathic types and apologists of every kind to weigh in with what they are thinking. Just don't ask any of them to do anything to keep Firefly from fading.

Quote from someone...

"Don't just do something. Stand there."
~ our motto

They all feel yer pain. *cough*gag*. (Attention Deficit Disorder ADvertisement ~ insert here).


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Friday, October 21, 2005 7:57 PM



Originally posted by Giantevilhead:
The only other show that I've become so obsessed with is Andy Richter Controls the Universe. It’s even more painful being a fan of that show, there’s no movie, they haven’t even released the DVD.

Right there with ya. And I haven't even been able to find any ""s to commiserate on. Of course, that also keeps me from picking at the scab incessantly...

Ironic, isn't it, that we fans of Firefly experience so much pain...only serving to help us identify even more strongly with the plight of our characters, and thus, reinforcing our obsession.

Once you've seen Serenity you never leave, you just learn to live there.


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:26 PM


Yes, a thousand times yes, to all of you! I became a fan on opening weekend of Serenity, went through the DVDs with my husband in two days, fell deeply, madly in love, spouted off about it to everyone I knew, got some laughs and some hurtful "okaaay"s, saw Serenity the next weekend and was utterly exhilarated and devastated. At least I went through this with my newly-wedded husband, and it's been this unexpected bonding. I think I'm slightly more obsessed than he is, and it amuses him because he is a longtime Star Wars junkie. And suddenly I get THAT about him in a way I never did before. Also, due to the newly wedded status, I really identified with Zoe and Wash, so, you know...
hello glorious, painful love






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