Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching Serenity (SPOILERS)

UPDATED: Monday, November 21, 2005 08:55
VIEWED: 22225
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Friday, October 7, 2005 2:10 AM


Important people don't do field work.

One of the better threads around here (ask anyone!) is the Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching Firefly thread. While I wish I could take credit for it, I can't, but, I was a contributor! I can take credit for the (mostly hijacked) Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching The Serenity Trailer thread...however, this thread, unlike that one will NOT be written exclusively in spoiler post, so, if you haven't seen the movie, you might want to stop reading now. So, here goes...The Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching Serenity!

1. I don't know what Gifted and Talented classes are teaching in the future, but, I'll be damned if I'll let my little girl go to that class just so her skull can used as a pincushion!

2. The name of the maneuver is "Barnswallow" ...Not "Bugswallow"!

3. Hey! Crazy River! You can say that they never lie down all you want...But, that was one dead ass Reaver, and he wasn't gettin' up anytime soon.

4. Fanty might be prettier than Mingo. And, they might spend hours discussing why anyone would serve on the crew of Serenity, but, it is only by Jayne's muscular butt that they'll be gettin' 40% (Not good odds)!

5. Simon! What got into you man? Has a year without sex onboard Serenity finally made them drop? I understand you're mad about River being in danger, just don't slug Mal unless Nee-YOW wuh-KAI CHANG! (That's 'You want a bullet right in your throat' *from the script)

6. Mal can't know that Kaylee ain't had nothin' twixt her nethers in a year that weren't run on batteries...Jayne, however, could stand to hear a little more.

7. Fruity Oaty Bars will make a 90 pound girl go berserk and kick an entire bar's ass all on her own...But, not before she drops a big clue!

8. Nothing here is what it seems. When a space hooker tells you that isn't incense...Duck!

9. You know what the definition of a hero is? That's what I thought....bitch.

10. Love. It can do a lot of things. It can sell a monster amount of Firfly DVDs. It can make Joss fight for a movie deal. It can make Serenity fly again. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air that you don't love, she'll shake you sure as the turning of worlds.

Come all know I'll be back with more...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, October 7, 2005 3:08 AM


Don't know where you're getting "bugswallow" from; I heard Wash say "barnswallow" distinctly.

Always a beast, never a burden.


Friday, October 7, 2005 3:20 AM


right after the "barnswallow" river said "I swallowed a bug"

ammusing list....


Friday, October 7, 2005 5:39 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Ten More Things I Learned From Watching Serenity

1. Do you really think that a mysterious Shepherd has to tell you how he knows so much about the inner workings of the Alliance? Cause, you're about to be in for a surprise...

2. "I'm a leaf on the wind...Watch how I soar." How could you not? We've seen plenty of fancy flying from Wash, but, My LORD!

3. G-32 Paxilate Hydroclorate? Is that anything like fluoride? Cause, I don't want to be a Reaver!

4. If you ever need to find River, and she's not in the same place you left her...look UP!

5. According to the Alliance...Reavers don't exist. Tell that to everyone in that damn town!

6. Don't ride in anything with a Capissen 38 Engine...You know what they do, don't you?

7. If things have really gone as bad as Mal claims they have since the end of did they afford the fancy new Mule?

8. When Captain Tightpants tells you to help turn Serenity into a Reaver're probably better off helping than saying anything about it.

9. If you finally get it on with the mechanic that's pined for you since day one...make sure your creepy, psychic sister isn't watching from above.

10. Sometimes, even a dead friend can find a way to help you keep The Signal going...even if he did get weirdly stabbed with a sword.

More to follow...You can't stop the can't ever...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, October 7, 2005 6:43 AM


1. It's just easier to let Jayne bring his grenades.

2. Love is more powerful than madness.

3. There is nothing 'sly' about sharing a bottle of Blue Sun.

4. You may be in your bunk, but your conversation is not secret.

5. You want a gift for the Captain that has everything? Try a pony or a plastic rocket.

6. A world without sin is a world without humans.

7. Don't argue with the crazy girl. She's either going to make *that* face, grab your balls, or take you down hard.

8. It's okay to leave them to die.

9. 'Whore' may be another way to say 'I love you', but 'I don't know if I want to leave' is tantamount to admitting that love is returned.

10. Joss has an unhealthy fixation about sex with Robots.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Friday, October 7, 2005 6:48 AM



Originally posted by manwithpez:
3. Hey! Crazy River! You can say that they never lie down all you want...But, that was one dead ass Reaver, and he wasn't gettin' up anytime soon.

Actually, this isn't crazy speak at all. The Reavers were made by the PAX, the substance that made everyone else on Miranda 'lie down' and let themselves die. 10% of the population didn't 'lie down', in fact, they 'never lie down'.

She wasn't referring to the dead body in front of her, but the multitude of Reavers whose agggressive responses were increased and not decreased by the PAX.

That's how I saw it, anyway.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:16 AM


I learned that it's alot of fun with fellow'ers. . .and would have been more fun with those who were missing. . .

BUT. . .

It's good to know that some folks were able to make a 'marriage-positive' decision regarding a trip to Raleigh.



Friday, October 7, 2005 7:42 AM



Originally posted by Jacqui:
6. A world without sin is a world without humans.

I'm all for the funny, and these lists are great, but I'd like to take a moment to contemplate this.

Perfectly stated.


Friday, October 7, 2005 8:35 AM


Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching Serenity:

1. Memorize the "safe word" before you meet River.
2. If Mal and Inara don't fight, it's a trap.
3. Spending an hour with Mal can make anyone angry.
4. That Kaylee should always keeps an extra supply of batteries on hand.
5. And keep an extra supply of cry babies too.
6. The definition of interesting.
7. Never ride in a Capissen 38.
8. When you can't do something smart, at least do something right.
9. Get your education out on the rim and not in Alliance schools.
10. Always let Jayne bring gernades.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Friday, October 7, 2005 8:41 AM


Important people don't do field work.

No, I got that about River...I was just makin' a joke.

I do that...

From time to time...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, October 7, 2005 9:19 AM


I also learned:

...what Kaylee will kill for.

...that even church can't protect you from Reavers.

...Mal reads poetry!!!


Friday, October 7, 2005 10:41 AM


1. River is OK, she's O.K.
2. Jayne's razor got broken (that's a helluva shadow)
3. Book was an operative (how else he'd know that stuff?)
4. Kaylee likes sex (well I spose we knew that already from 'Out of Gas')and has used a lot of AA's this last year.
5. Simon is braver than I thought (he hit Mal for Gossake)
6. Mal actually knows what love's just misplaced
7. Reavers are REALLY scary
8. Joss is a God.
9. I miss Firefly.
10. Everything else on TV and Cinema is not worth the effort by comparison

Big dam heroes.


Friday, October 7, 2005 11:15 AM


1. Don't expect your private wave to stay private for long aboard Serenity.
2. There are dozens of planets and hundreds of moons.
3. A tramp steamer in space isn't the best place to have a nice, stable marriage.
4. Just believe. Whatever you have to.
5. It's possible to have a nerve cluster moved. And that can be a good thing.
6. Maybe we lost the war because we never left anyone behind.
7. We still don't leave anyone behind.
8. Mostly.
9. The Alliance meddles.
10. "A world without sin" isn't the best model of Utopia.


Friday, October 7, 2005 11:17 AM


Double post, sorry.


Friday, October 7, 2005 11:44 AM



7. Don't argue with the crazy girl. She's going to grab your balls or take you down hard.

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver


Friday, October 7, 2005 6:26 PM




Originally posted by Jacqui:
6. A world without sin is a world without humans.

I'm all for the funny, and these lists are great, but I'd like to take a moment to contemplate this.

Perfectly stated.


As much funny as the movie was, there was a surprise crunchy layer of serious that was hard to miss.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:49 PM



Tuesday, October 18, 2005 6:19 PM


1. Falling on a sword is considered a "good death".
2. An Alliance sprinkler head can support at least some of the weight of a teenage girl.
3. Mal doesn't kill children, but Operatives do.
4. Don't get poetic if you're wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
5. If you're getting your butt kicked, yell out "Eta kuram na smekh".
6. Batteries truly are a girl's best friend...
7. If you see one ship coming out of a cosmic dust cloud, you can figure there are more behind it.
8. Stopping the signal? Easy. Getting to the back up signal? Hard.
9. If you're the last person getting out of your shot down starship, be a LOT more quiet.
10. Controlling a planet with a funky gas is a really really bad idea.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 6:24 PM


10)- A 90 pound girl can bring down a any muscular man with the right grip in the right place.

9)- Evil done in the name of right, is still evil.

8) - Love is a force that bends knees and strengthens hearts. Nothing can stand before it, armies, goverments nothing.

7)- Somewhere in the Alliance is a cadre training a small army of dangerous, knowledgable and eloquent black men.

6)-When a man brings a sword to a gunfight, that there is a mighty dangerous man

5)-Nothing inspires someone to fight for their life more then the chance to get laid.

4)- 'Im the leaf in the how I soar.' may just be the most beautiful last words ever spoken on screen.

3)-Nothing can drive a man like a belief in his cause. Nothing can destroy him more completely like that belief made lie.

2)-Nothing yells self esteem issues like a name like Mr Universe

1)-Lovers fall, Utopia turns to ash. Old Shepards guide us one last time and cities burn. But the sky is still waiting to take you back.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:13 PM


1. Nine minutes can encompass a good amount of mind bending.

2. Looks can be decieving: a forklift on steroids may be a better mule.

3. When you're in a tight spot, throw rocks in the other guy's engine.

4. Commercials can be scary, even after the movie.

5. A year in fight school makes you mighty.

6. Walk around in your nightmares, you might learn something useful.

7. Jayne has a really big t-shirt collection.

8. Book is even more the smart alek at death's door.

9. In a pinch, any weapon can be borrowed from any other point in the Jossverse.

10. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't ask others what their sin is.

*EDIT to add:
Dang, what was I thinking. I want to trade #8 for....
Reaver ships: Transformers never go out of style.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:23 PM


1) Anonymous video broadcast from out in the black will be belived as truth by populace and not as an entry in Funniest Reaver Videos
2)If you get really close to your sister, you will forget about sex
3)River doesn't feel the cold
4) Masturbating is very common on Serenity (Jayne, Kaylee and Mal at the least)
5) You can find someone to cornrow your hair even on some dumpy mining planet
6)Not all incense just smells nice
7) Captains who wear tight pants relish the opportunity to slip into a frock occassionally
8)Reavers have poor long distance sight (they couldn't see the 'normal' crew visible thru Serenity's front window)
9)Love Bots are people too
10) In the future, ad execs will still make crappy annoying ads with jingles you can't forget

"I'll be in my bunk"


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:45 PM


1) Book doesn't have to tell us how he knows such things
2)The PAX is a bad thing to give people
3)Mal shot first.
4)The clips are in teh rear hatch.
5)Mal loves Inara (just said it in his our Capt'ny way)
6)Inara loves Mal (just said it in her our Companion-y way)
7)If I want to be like Capt Tightpants, i should Aim to misbehave
8)I wanna say something cool when i die like, "I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar" or "I'm sorry i won't be able to take you to the beach Ms Ninaka"(Nadesco)
9)Jayne getting beat up by a 90lbs girl never gets old.
10)I'll miss Wash and Book

"It's not that there HAS to be a sequel. It's just that I've got so many IDEAS..."-Joss Whedon
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:56 AM



Originally posted by Crumpy:

4. Kaylee likes sex (well I spose we knew that already from 'Out of Gas')and has used a lot of AA's this last year.


I'd have thought she was more of a C or D girl!

Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:20 AM


They'll come at you sideways.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:33 PM


*Apologies for any repeats*

1) If you want to rob a bank, wait until everyone is in church.
2) Heroes are people that get others killed.
3) Even leaves on the wind can't stay there forever.
4) A few bullets are as good as any passcode.
5) She may be tore up plenty, but she'll fly true.
6) Sex is a great reason to fight.
7) Even if you are unarmed and non-threatening, it is still a good idea to wear full body armor.
8) Always bring grenades. You never know what might happen.
9) What you plan and what actually happens ain't never been exactly similar.
10) Killing the ship that kills you is not a very Christian thing to do.

"Ha ha ha. Mine is an evil laugh." -- Wash

"For evil to triumph, good men must do nothing." -- some important british guy

"Thank God for Tango Romeo Echo's." -- me


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:13 AM


I'm jumping ship. My thread never really took off! MWP I'll follow you anywhere, but only coz you make me laugh!

1) Don't fly in anything that has a Capissen 38 engine. Apparently they fall right out of the sky.
2) If Inara and Mal have a conversation that doesn't include a fight, it's a trap.
3) One should be a tad cautious of being a leaf on the wind.
4) If your quarry goes to ground, leave no ground to go to.
5) Being killed with a sword is weird.
6) If Kaylee tells you something needs replacing, you should REALLY listen to her.
7) If you spend an hour with Mal he can make you angry.
8) When going to meet the enemy, take the Pulse Beacon with you.
9) Simon doesn't spit.
10) I don't know is a good answer.

"If nothing we do means anything then the only thing that means anything is what we do"
"This is the Captain. There's a litle problem with our entry sequence, we may experience some slight turbulance and then explode."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:35 AM


Never put the minds behind every major military operation in the galaxy in the same room with a psychic. Or if you do don't leave your sword at home, or rather bring a gun, or maybe some cyanide, on second thought... never put the minds behind every major military operation in the galaxy in the same room with a psychic.

When someone is angry, their eyes will be wider than if they are just fearful.

When the primary buffer panel on your ship flies off, it may make your landing pretty interesting, but you will get on the ground, that will happen pretty definately

I think of more later.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again
Hey! Did YOU buy one of my shirts? Tell me what ya think....

Listen to "The Signal"


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:49 AM


Not Serenity specific, but applies to the series as well...

1. If someone tries to kill you, you kill them right back.
2. Even the biggest, dumbest, meanest looking guy in the sky has a mom somewhere that loves him.
3. Nerve damage is not necessarily a bad thing.
4. Never underestimate love.
5. If you can't do the smart thing, do the right thing.

more later

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:49 PM


10. If you plan on using your Secret Vulcan Hip Pinch to immobilize a target, make sure that you verify that the nerve cluster hasn't been moved.

9. A Firefly-class midbulk transport will still fly with no primary buffer panel--but the landing might get pretty interesting.

8. Always treat a Companion considerately--she might be carrying not-incense.

7. Think twice about disparaging a distinguished veteran's war record--he might restrain himself, but his second-in-command may be rather less understanding.

6. Change the channel when Fruity Oaty Bar commercials come on--you know, just in case.

5. Grenades--better to have and not need, than need and not have.

4. Ceilings make great hiding places.

3. Buddhists get to ask for stuff for Christmas, too.

2. Erotic doll technology will be much more advance in the future.

And the number one thing I learned from watching Serenity:

1. Even in the future, computer hackers will still need to make use of erotic doll technology.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:17 PM


6. Betrayals are sudden, but inevitable.
7. Sometimes mercy can take the form of a punch in the face.
8. The true purpose of Government is to "get in a man's way."

2 more to go!

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:29 PM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
6. Betrayals are sudden, but inevitable.
7. Sometimes mercy can take the form of a punch in the face.
8. The true purpose of Government is to "get in a man's way."

Wasn't this supposed to be things learned from Serenity, not Firefly in general? Thought we already had one of those...

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:32 PM



Originally posted by InevitableBetrayal:
Wasn't this supposed to be things learned from Serenity, not Firefly in general? Thought we already had one of those...

Never mind, she's on a roll...

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:59 PM


I love these threads. I'll have to ruminate on my top ten, but here's one observation that's been on my mind since opening night:

If only one section of the theater laughs when Simon refers to a "safe word," you've just learned where all the kinky people are sitting.

*** *** ***
The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:09 PM



Originally posted by truthseeker:
I love these threads. I'll have to ruminate on my top ten, but here's one observation that's been on my mind since opening night:

If only one section of the theater laughs when Simon refers to a "safe word," you've just learned where all the kinky people are sitting.

*** *** ***
The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.

Oh you're the best. I am very very sad tonight and you made me laugh. Know why? cause I laughed at the 'safe word'.

I'll have to think on my list for a while too, though


They weren't cows inside. They were waiting to be, but they forgot. Now they see the sky, and they remember what they are.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:14 PM


Glad I could cheer you up a bit. I hope you're feeling better soon!

*** *** ***
The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:32 PM


1. Never watch the Oaty Bar commercials...
2. Never be around someone who is watching the Oaty Bar commercials...
3. Never smell the food...
4. Never piss of Zoe...
5. Never remain in the pilot seat after "Soring like a leaf".
6. Never allow your net worth to Jayne to be less dead than alive.
7. Never swallow bugs.
8. Never get between Kaylee and her batteries...
9. Never invite a Rever to your ship
10. If you sell food bars, have Jayne in the hills with a rifle...



Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:39 PM


Uhm thread hi-jacking here but has anyone else made a point of reading "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" besides me?

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:33 PM


The number one thing that i've learned from watching Serenity:

1. River is the best tyen mah backup in the 'verse.

Don't mess with River.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:08 PM


Nobody looks up.

Keep track of your sin, in case anybody asks.

Get in the vault, not on the mule!

Fanty's prettier.

If Mal starts fighting a war, you'll see something new!

Hiding under the preacher's skirts is a manly plan.

If you have a killer woman on your hands, try serving her tea and dumplings.

Some shepherds become real smart-asses when near the end.

Reaver ships have strange hood ornaments.

Just close the damn blast doors and hide, for goodness sake!

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:48 PM



Originally posted by InevitableBetrayal:

3. Buddhists get to ask for stuff for Christmas, too.
2. Erotic doll technology will be much more advance in the future.
1. Even in the future, computer hackers will still need to make use of erotic doll technology.
I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Any battery operated item can be borrowed from any other part of the Jossverse?
Very laughing now


Friday, October 21, 2005 7:01 AM


AA Batteries!!


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:19 AM


Well I didn't think they meant AA bras.

1. If the bastard's not even changing course. Don't chuckle.

2. Ion clouds mess with your scanners but Pretty pretty lights.

3. If she's locked the door, remember to leave a guard 'cause she still knows the code.

4. Make sure the guard is NOT her brother.

5. Always speak to the Captain and not the Burser. look him in the eye so you know who you're dealing with.

6. Try not to look clean when trying to blend in.

7. When fighting feral psychopathic space dudes, remember to bring a lot of ammo. Belt-fed rules.

8. If you think friends are in danger. Never bother calling, you'll be too late.

9. The captain will get further than you expect... Especially wearing that dress.

10. You don't need grenades if you're robbing the place. Only if you're occupying it... Unless there's Reavers.


Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:24 AM



Originally posted by meleaux:
Uhm thread hi-jacking here but has anyone else made a point of reading "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" besides me?

Totally. It's a biggie and kinda weird but I learned a little from it.

I always thought of Mal as more of a Kipling man.

'Said England unto Pharaoh, "I must make a man of you,That will stand upon his feet and play the game;
That will Maxim his oppressor as a Christian ought to do," And she sent old Pharaoh Sergeant Whatisname.
It was not a Duke nor Earl, nor yet a Viscount --
It was not a big brass General that came;
But a man in khaki kit who could handle men a bit,
With his bedding labelled Sergeant Whatisname.'


Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:41 AM


Just wanna say, BOOKSWORD, I loved your post! It was very eloquent...and #7 is hi-larious! I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:45 AM


Mine was a combo...

I don't seperate out the lessons from the movie and the tv show. I see it as a whole. (A whole I want a whole lot more of!) I owe 2 more....

9. Peace isn't all its cracked up to be. After all, you are quite peaceful once you are dead.

10. Never attack the crazy person.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:47 AM


P.S. No fair outing the kinky people :)

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:19 PM


Cool thread... I wanna play

10. Listen to your mechanic when she says a part will only last a week.
9. If somebody tells you to get in the vault, then GET IN THE VAULT!
8. If you want to find somebody, use your eyes.
7. Never try to take a little crazy person for a nice shuttle ride.
6. You're going to need lots of red paint.
5. Don't try to surrender to somebody who is yelling at his own crew.
4. This whole planet is dead for no reason.
3. Target the reavers.
2. Don't leave your medic bag behind, especially as you might be the one to get shot
1. It's my turn.


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:41 PM


Damn, this is addictive

20. Never let your teacher take your pen.
19. You can do your best work while she's asleep.
18. 25% will have to do if there's a crazy girl tearing up the bar.
17. Don't lie down.
16. Find the beacon.
15. You can never be too close to an escape pod.
14. When taking shelter behind crates, make sure there's nothing in them that goes boom.
13. A screwdriver is better than nothing.
12. Stay on the gorram line.
11. There's nothing left to see.


Friday, October 21, 2005 9:19 PM



Originally posted by Mark:
I always thought of Mal as more of a Kipling man.

I've always thought of Joss as more of a Kippling man.
Nice grab, thanks.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 6:03 AM



Originally posted by liminalosity:

Originally posted by Mark:
I always thought of Mal as more of a Kipling man.

I've always thought of Joss as more of a Kippling man.
Nice grab, thanks.

You're welcome.

To quote John Ringo "There are only two types of professional soldiers. Those who love Kipling and those who haven't read him yet."

Pharoh and the Sergeant, Recessional, Ballad of the Clampherdown, The Bolivar, Sons of Martha and The Young British Soldier are all Kipling poems I'd associate with Firefly.


Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.






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Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts