Lets take it into our own hands

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 2, 2005 08:02
VIEWED: 13779
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Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:41 PM


After reading the thread,"Hi Firefly. Hello pain." and the comments that followed, someone suggested we could put up $5 per episode to get it made. Why hasn't someone contacted Joss or someone important about setting up a fund that fans could donate to. I myself would put up $100 at least and I can imagine with donations alone that we could get back on ourselves.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:30 PM


I would fork out five bucks per episode. Or a hundred bucks for another movie.

Is it sad that no one else has responded to this thread yet? Maybe that's your answer right there. Oh well. So much for "put up or shut up." Too many "shut ups."

I guess it would just be a logistical nightmare. I wouldn't be suprised if there were legal tangles as well. And as it stands Fox has the rights to the show and any future shows for ten years and I'm pretty sure that Joss has less than zero desire to go back to Fox. So it would be another movie.

Maybe if Wonder Woman is a huge hit he'll do another film with Universal and part of the deal would be to let him do another Serenity film afterwards.

Anyway, for the time being I'm sure I'll be buying a few more DVD sets of the series and several copies of the film to hand out as well. Presents, you know.

"I don't wanna explode."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:37 PM


I think the big problem is getting it off the ground. Getting the support/donations from Firefly fans would be the easy part.

First we'd need someone to contact Mutant Enemy and find what it would cost, if it would be possible for any amount, etc. If we came to them and said, "look if we can raise (insert dollar total here) in donations to fund new episodes..." I think they'd at least hear us out.

But I wouldn't even know how to contact them. Does anyone else here know how to get in touch with the proper people?

Of course I'd be willing to chip in too, as I'm sure just about every Firefly fan on every board on the Net would.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:37 PM


I would be willing to put up at least $10, if not $100.

How many Firefly fans are out there, realistically? 2 million maybe? If ever single fan donated at least $10, then $20 million is half a movie right there!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:39 PM



Originally posted by iamaleafonthewind:
I guess it would just be a logistical nightmare. I wouldn't be suprised if there were legal tangles as well. And as it stands Fox has the rights to the show and any future shows for ten years and I'm pretty sure that Joss has less than zero desire to go back to Fox. So it would be another movie.

I wonder how hard it would be for someone like the Sci-Fi channel to buy the rights from Fox?


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:50 PM


I'd put down 100 also - but it seems like the dollar amount is the least problem...
The copy right that belongs to Fox, Joss's unwillingness to work with Fox and so forth are more troublesome.

I do want it to come back, soooo badly, but the more I think about it, the more unrealistic it seems... (T-T)

Why did you have to screw us, Fox, why???


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:58 PM


Joss has said before that Firefly is for sale. If somebody wants to buy the production rights off Fox, they can. Fox never liked Firefly and they'll probably be glad to get rid of it.

I think Firefly would have a home on the SciFi channel. Farscape did very well, and Firefly is on a par if not better. I don't understand why it hasn't been done, but if it's just a money thing...


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:13 PM


Does that mean we'd go for Sci-Fi?

So if we could raise a lot of plat, we'd go to Sci-Fi channel and ask if they could buy Firefly off of Fox.
If Sci-Fi and Fox would both agree to it, new season would be made...

"i hear lotta ifs coming out of this plan"

But I see more hope in this plan! :)


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:43 PM


Im really serious lets contact Sci Fi. We all have to get going on this before it all fades away. Hurry we have to do it!!!

When you can't run, you crawl.
When you cant crawl, you find someone to carry you......


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:05 PM


It all sounds like a shiny dreamy idea, but I think someone should contact Joss first. There's that whole thing about whether or not HE would want to do it. Then there's that whole "other commitments" thing, like Wonder Woman.

Joss said in a really recent posting that he's at peace with it all right now, which I take it to mean that he's put it out there and now it's time to move on for a bit. He mentioned how it should continue to grow (the fanbase) as the movie gets saturated into the populace on DVD etc..., so he's definitely still interested in continuing with Firefly/Serenity. But it's about timing. It would be a year and a half before he was even able to commit to something again.

But hey, it never hurts to try and get a ball rolling. Sometimes it takes awhile for things to build up steam.

Either way, Firefly/Serenity is my favorite 'verse and I'll do whatever I can to support it. I've never been a fanboy of anything, so it's weird for me to have so much attachment to this show, but as weird as it is I've already ordered me a Browncoat baseball cap and tee-shirt. Gotta get me one o' them bumper stickers next.

"I don't wanna explode."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:55 PM



Originally posted by iamaleafonthewind:

Joss said in a really recent posting that he's at peace with it all right now, which I take it to mean that he's put it out there and now it's time to move on for a bit.

Good point.
Say, a year or a two from now, if Joss wants to explore the 'verse again, are we all still gonna be here? Still thinking we'd put down some plat to support Sci-fi to buy the right from Fox?

Or should we start it now to show that we are serious about it? Keep it grow for a couple years?

How exactly can we do that donation process when we don't know each other in real life except we love Firefly?

"No power in the 'Verse could stop me."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:34 PM


I think what Joss meant by the "at peace" comment was that he feels like he's gotten out "the message" about the worth/appeal of Firefly/Serenity. He's not out madly crusading for the next installment, but he's not against it either.

If we started the ball rolling now, we could have this thing back on the air by next fall. I'm sure of it.

We just need a little organization, a little initiative, and someone who can contact Mutant Enemy on our behalf.

Just think... 22 or 24 new episodes. A new one every week. Isn't that worth at least trying??


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Friday, October 21, 2005 12:06 AM


my wife and i are in! we're in australia where firefly has just hit our screens, and we were irate to hear that it only saw out one season! i'd put in $100 toward a new season!



Friday, October 21, 2005 3:45 AM


I think there are some serious problems with this idea. I'm not against it (just the opposite!), but consider:

There is serious potential for unscrupulous people to start something like this and then sail off with the money. (I'm not accusing anyone, just pointing out the need for safeguards.)

There is no guarantee that the fund would ever be used. There's more to a project like Firefly than just the production costs. Somebody has to agree to distribute (air) the result. If this isn't arranged in advance, there would be no point in proceeding, and no sane person would contribute.

What if the fund never garnered enough contributions to pay the production costs? What happens to the money? How would you feel if you gave a lot of your hard-earned cashy money and nothing ever came of it?

This is entirely new territory -- it's never been done before. What are the legal ramifications? Would Joss even consider such an untried model?

I'm sure that there are other pitfalls I haven't thought of.

There have been other proposals, such as attracting investors (not contributors) and producing Firefly episodes on a direct-to-DVD basis. The investors pay the production costs; people like us then subscribe and receive DVDs periodically at some price per episode. Investors then get dividends based on the sales. This is closer to a traditional business model, and so is more likely to work in the real world. But even this has never been done before, and would require a buy-in by all concerned.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see it happen. But I think the hurdles are much higher than you'd think at first glance.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:52 AM


I don't think we'd have to actually give our money to anyone in particular right away. We could get a petition going to see just how many fans there are that would support this, and ask them to make pledges for the amount they want to donate.


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:54 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see it happen.

I'd like a subscription to Firefly, please.
What's the address?

Chrisisall, ready to fire his money every-which-a-way


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:56 AM


While it's a very hopeful idea to want to subsidize the making of the show, I don't think it'd work...reason being, it costs and awful lot to make a series and (no offense) if fans couldn't spend enough cash at theaters to make more than $22 million in the US (so far), how do fans finance a series? Also, according to my friend who loves Star Trek, they tried this when Enterprise was in danger of being cancelled. Fans wanted to finance a 5th season (and that's only one extra season, we'd have to finance several) - they even raised upwards of $5 million. However, the networks/studio just brushed them off. Then, some fans were upset because they couldn't get all of their money back because of a "service fee" that PayPal charged.


Friday, October 21, 2005 7:06 AM


Speculation and negativity is getting us nowhere. Worse than nowhere.

Looks like no one else is willing to get the ball rolling, so I guess I'll contact Mutant Enemy about it myself.

The first thing to do is get them on board with the idea.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Friday, October 21, 2005 7:31 AM


This is an idea worth thinking on. In the UK at least canceled shows live on as audio plays made for profit but also to fill the needs of fans. Audio is MUCH cheaper than video, so it would be easy to get the seed fund also it seems most copyright owners seem to view it as a tie in -- like a book, rather than as a new production. Makes those licencing fees lower.

The pros of it is that we could probably get our BDH back in the saddle sooner rather than later. If the audios are a success then that would go a long way to giving credability for any future project. If after a year or two of putting money into Fox's pockets the people doing the audios proposed doing direct to video they would start out having a profitable business relationship with Fox, something that would mean their proposal would carry more weight than just a group of fans.

Negatives? Well I don't know how well the "direct to customer" model for audio plays works in the US. Also British scifi tends to be dialogue driven -- mainly because original shows tried to avoid effects footage. While that nice crisp "Whedonesque" dialogue would come through ok, his signiture action sequences would be a problem.


Friday, October 21, 2005 7:39 AM


Alright, for either movie or second TV series I'll give $5000.00 with legal conditions and an option for an additional $5000.00 if this begins to look promising. For my legal conditions, inquire of and I will reply



Friday, October 21, 2005 9:21 AM


Thanks for all your comments, and while I do see the pros and cons in taking on such a task, I'm going to go ahead and contact whoever I can at Mutant Enemy and Sci-Fi to see what kind of response I get.


Friday, October 21, 2005 10:11 AM


Another potential business model would be online distribution of new episodes. The shows could be produced just like tv episodes with the breaks for commercials. During these breaks a sponsor could air their latest commercial.

What would really make this idea work is a major corporate sponsor. 40 mil is not that much money in the worldwide advertising budget of a Coca Cola or Mcdonalds.

After an initial showing on the web, DVDs could be distributed as well as selling the episodes into syndication.

If someone wants to raise donaton dollars for Firefly, I think the place to start is buying the rights from FOX. If we the fans could secure the rights to the show, then that could open up alot of possibilities for new content.


Friday, October 21, 2005 10:20 AM


I think the online distribution idea is probably the best. Offer it as a subcription only service, and we can offer banner ads on the boarders to help with costs. This gets around the problems with FOX, as they only have TV rights. Might even start a whole new trend in Internet shows that are available. I think this is a shiney idea, and know without a doubt my family would sign up in a heartbeat.



Friday, October 21, 2005 10:23 AM


We don't need to come up with ideas. We need to tell Mutant Enemy what kind of money we would be able to raise, and let them take it from there.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Friday, October 21, 2005 10:36 AM


I'd be willing to put some money up for anything - whatever will bring back our BDH!
Let us know how this project turns out.

...and we will call it...this land...


Friday, October 21, 2005 10:59 AM


i'd donate 5 bucks plus i'll be joss' companion for a week, heck make it a month or two if only they'd get firefly back!!!


Friday, October 21, 2005 11:25 AM


The problem is that alot of people will have trouble just donating their money based on faith that someday it will be used to continue the show. It almost feels like tossing money into a virtual wishing well.

On the other hand if someone comes up with a very specific plan and a very specific fund raising goal, I think that would have greater success.

I don't think you can raise enough money upfront to fund the production, but you might be able to secure the rights to the show. That would make it much easier for someone else to fund the production.

And if you get that accomplished, who owns the rights or even the finished product? All Browncoats everywhere? I think not. Some type of corporation or LLC or some legal entity would have to be set up to handle what you are proposing.


Friday, October 21, 2005 1:06 PM


That's why it would be best to organize it through Mutant Enemy. I don't think anyone would feel bad about giving money directly to them.

In any case, if anyone gets a reply from them please post a new thread. Then we can get organized.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Friday, October 21, 2005 1:28 PM


I agree. I am gratified and excited that "Fireflydriven" started this new thread, that so many have responded to it, that both "Cub" and "Fireflydriven" are willing to go the source, as it were, by asking MutantEnemy what they think. Ultimately, they are the experts.

We need to not underestimate the power of our own enthusiasm and naivete, however. It is possible our feverish energy and the good ideas that fans around the world are generating will offer fresh ideas that might not be part of a Hollywood production company's "toolbox."

I know that when I posted my emotional plea yesterday and spoke of donated monies and of metaphorical duct tape, I was being more "poetical" than I was practical.

Is there any way to post a questionnaire and/or petition to which fans can respond? So we can see: a) numbers of fans willing to contribute; b) how much for a pool for purchasing rights from Fox (God bless their fuzzy little hearts!); c) how much per episode, in whatever format. This is my second post now, and I am a neophyte when it comes to "threads," etc. I thought that meant what you wore to a Grateful Dead show, man . . .

What is the best way to put something like this out there so that as many people as possible see it? So that anyone visiting any number of fan sites trip over links to it? So that people become aware of, somehow, that aren't in the habit of surfing fan sites? (The month before the BDM's release mark the first time I started lurking on these sites; yesterday marked the first time I did more than lurk. How do we reach this silent minority/majority??)

Perhaps, if we can manage to buy the rights to the TV show through some form of partership or corporation, we will not only have those precious rights, but will be well on our way to demonstrating that this show has a passionate and resourceful audience.

Any companies out there want to invest in the next huge SF franchise? Do you think Paramount regrets having owned the Trek 'verse for the last few decades? We're talking enlightened self-interest, here, folks . . .

Let us stumble determinedly onwards!


"Well, what [we] plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar."


Friday, October 21, 2005 1:41 PM


I think the best way to approach ME would be through snail mail.

If anyone else would also like to write them advocating this idea, the address is as follows:

Mutant Enemy Productions
1800 Stewart Street, 2nd floor
Santa Monica, CA 90404-4923
fax: 310-579-5353

The President is Chris Buchanan.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Friday, October 21, 2005 1:51 PM


I think this is worth following up on. We could possibly do a pledge of the fans for what they'd donate before any money leaves anyones hands. Let's see what M.E. says about the shot at doing anything in this fashion. IF it works, we'll be the first ones trying and succeeding at steering the media. I for one would donate to the cause! ... provided there is something more then a contract of word.

Get whatever company to agree in writing they will do this 'if' the fans raise such an ammount... THEN we're on ground to progress!

It's time to soar with this, guys! We just may be able to do something completely different.

"I'm aimin' to misbehave."

"Everybodies a genius in some way or other, just many a folk is doing the wrong job so they looks like idiots!" Lyra


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:23 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by DonCoat:
Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see it happen.

I'd like a subscription to Firefly, please.
What's the address?

Chrisisall, ready to fire his money every-which-a-way

Hey yeah
Subscriptions. Like donating to PBS.

I think we'd need to start by saying Joss? Joss? Do you have a PA reading this? Would ya wanna? Send us a mole, a carrier rabbit, email Haken, something.

I'm thinkin' insider guidance in how to even start would be a good thing. But it's gotta because he wants it too, and in a way he'd want to do it.

Can I trade in the children for more cash? -Anya


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:36 PM


This has been tried many many times for many many shows. I'm not a naysayer, and generally get very irritated at naysayers, 'cause I'm just generally kind of ornery. But this won't work.

I would put up $5 per ep, sure, and many people here. But these episodes cost $2 Million a piece to make, and you're not going to raise anywhere near that. A TV runs on a staff of a thousand. "Save Farscape raise some $80,000, and the producers responded with "Oh, isn't that sweet!"

But realistically, you have to channel your energy elsewhere. Like for instance, towards generating fans. spreading around DVD sets, loan them to your friends, firefly parties, make sure everyone sees them. Build online communities, or stuff for firefly fandom to feed on.

It's not an impossible sell, or even a tough one. This is Joss Whedon. That's not like trying to sell a show by pro-pot activist "Boxcar." It's like trying to sell Steven Speilberg. The product sells itself. All you need to do is write people and say, "hey, have you watched this show?"


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:52 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I'm not a naysayer, and generally get very irritated at naysayers, 'cause I'm just generally kind of ornery. But this won't work.



"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Friday, October 21, 2005 4:03 PM


I found this discussion because I was trying to find info on per episode costs for scenarios in an online subscription model. And here everyone is talking about it (and stuff like it)! Does anyone have a clue as to how many subscribers we could likely pull? I'm trying to find out how many copies of the series DVD were sold.



Friday, October 21, 2005 4:12 PM



I'm very serious, I keep posting this on threads that keep degenerating into this conversation, and no one responds.


Have you people learned absolutely NOTHING in the last four years about Bonnie Hammer!?

Please, Sci-fi is a nightmare. Joss HATES people who tell him to modify content. Not just a little HE REALLY REALLY HATES THEM. So do I.

There is no one who does this more than USA/SCI-FI. I kid you not.

Seems like everyone here is really trying to permanently kill Firefly!

Here are many better ideas than that:

1. Fox. Whoever posts Joss hates Fox, and won't work with them, please forward the URLs of interviews. All I have seen is that he has problems with one person at Fox. That person purposefully sabotaged the show, according to Joss, through their power of program scheduling. Fox can produce things that air elsewhere, which would make this not a problem, and hopefully Joss wouldn't have to deal with this person. Would this be acceptable to him? I think he has many year of working with fox in his past, and correct me if I'm wrong, they've produced everything he's ever made for television.

2. UPN. They aired the last two seasons of Buffy. So why not? UPN only ever made one content recommendation to Joss which was that the fast food advertisers who were paying for the show didn't like the Double Meat Palace thread. Considering they just produced Serenity, Universal is my second choice.

3. WB. They ran five seasons of Buffy and five seasons of Angel without once making a single content recommendation. This is a very not sucking record.

4. Disney/ABC. Okay, this was a more likely posibility with Eisner at the helm, and I generally disdain major networks, but they are still way way way above Bonnie Hammer on my list because they will not pull Joss in by the ears and tell him to alter content, and they will not shortchange his budget or mandate cast changes.

5. Viacom/CBS. I can't stand Viacom, but they're way above NBC's USA/Sci-fi on my list. Politically they're probably likely to like Joss.

6. Showtime. This isn't really a different choice, since they're really partially owned by Viacom CBS, but it's still an excellent choice. They have funded many top notch shows science fiction in the past and have plenty of venues on which to show them.

7. Time Warner/HBO. Another company I have serious problems with, but still way way above Bonnie Hammer. (I don't know this woman at all, so this isn't personal, it's just as a sci-fi fan I have watched her destroy everything I love. The most untouched thing she has is SG-1, bought off of showtime, but hasn't everyone notices a really sharp quality drop and a lot of Hammer-driven show changes?) Any way, this other arm of skull and bones is still a good venue for shows. They've produced a lot of quality content in the past, and will have no time getting it network air time.

FELLOW FANS, PLEASE LISTEN! This is what NBC's USA/Sci-Fi will do. They will cut the budget short, try to trim the production staff, change the cast, and writers, and change the storyline. This is what they have a long record of doing to other shows.

Any one of the above suggestions is a much better idea than lobbying Sci-fi. Budget and meddling-wise the only worse idea I can think of is CBC. Even BBC seems to be backing down on these points with it's new Dr. Who (which is excellent) but they are still admittedly a terrible choice.

Can I get any support here? Does anyone else care about getting pure untainted Joss content? Does anyone care about keeping Joss' full production staff? About the budget? About keeping the current cast?

I may have bitched about Inara's uppitiness in another thread, but I certainly don't want to see Morena pulled from the show and replaced with a cheap copy. And that goes for everyone else on the show, and producing it.


Friday, October 21, 2005 4:27 PM


All I WANT is pure, untainted Joss, which is why I am trying to figure out the fan supported subscription model. One time fundraising isn't what I'm looking at, but ongoing subscriptions. I figure I pay $12/month just for imdbPro, I'd pay more to support Firefly and/or Mutant Enemy. I think that if anyone had the fanbase to create a new entertainment paradigm it would be Joss Whedon. He should team up with Steve Jobs (cooperation for iSubscriptions) rather than continue dealing with tv exec pinheads.



Saturday, October 22, 2005 6:56 AM


I would donate an arm and a leg to see this on the air again, wether its a new movie or a new tv series. Just get it back. Let me know if we get some kind of funding going here, would be more than happy to put up $100.

"There is now power in the verse' that can stop me!" - River


Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:14 AM


So going on with the I have a crazy dream idea.... Anyone else watch that star wars movie that fans alone made on like a 2000 dollar budget?

So here's my crazy idea. Realistically movies are cheaper than shows to make. So for serenity it was 39million right? What if he found amatuer, interns to do the special effects for credit? For just the joy of being involved? Editors, costume designers, caterers, gaffers, lighting techs, ect?

Offer fans who donate enough to be allowed on set as extras, or just allowed to watch a day of filming, walk the ship, maybe meet a satr or joss. Accept anything anyone could offer up for free. Locations, sets, props, ect. There are tons of talented people in the world waiting for an oppertunity to show off what they got.

LA has how many stuggling actors? They could find people who are good to work in new roles for cheap or free I garuntee, especially if their fans.

And the main stars? If we did this, considering that realistically none of them are names, and they all love this project I bet they would be in it for a lower pay for a month.

That's my crazy idea


Saturday, October 22, 2005 9:11 AM


you have my vote ffd fan power can be good,anyone else a fan of freeks and geeks it was the fans that got that put onto dvd and a brilliant version like a yearbook with tons of extras came out of it aswell.So if we can get some sort of thing moving it might open a few "powers that be" eyes and who knows?cant hurt and its better than doing nothing.

conor chaney


Sunday, October 23, 2005 3:42 AM


I'll pay a subscription, a one time fee, an ongoing fee, someone tell us where and what to do and I'm in. Happy to do whatever it takes to help keep this 'verse alive.

I'm on the line and ready to fight.....



Sunday, October 23, 2005 3:55 AM


Over here in Oz I remember years ago that a Paul Hogan movie was funded by listing on the share market.

Shares were offered at a certain price to provide the funds needed to make the movie and pay for everything, then if the movie did well investors would get there money back with a slice of the profit.

Can't remember what happened and whether invertors made anything from (being a Paul Hogan movie probably not) it but this would be a better idea than just asking for donations.

"If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak!!!"


Sunday, October 23, 2005 4:51 AM


I am about to leave for a two-hour drive to see
Serenity. I will buy an extra ticket at the show. Don't have the nerve to give it to a

It is still part of the weekend gross.

If you can get yourself to a theater today.

If you can't, try buying a ticket on

There are 68,226 (real?) users on
How many users(real) are there here?

Without Saturday's or Sunday's gross,
80,000,000 to qualify for a sequel
-23,426,690 gross 10/21/2005

divided by 68,226 users = $829 a user

divided by $5 a ticket is 165 tickets.

Hope my math is correct.

If every fan at the official website
bought a $5 ticket for today, the
gross would be $341,130.

Does anyone know if this would work, or
does the money not go to the theater if
no one shows up to at the theater to get
the ticket.

Now if someone could figure out how we
could get those tickets to real people...


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:02 AM


Hey, look at todays post about $2.00 episode downloads. That follows what some have already suggested in this thread.






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