unlikely conversion stories, please add your own...

UPDATED: Saturday, October 22, 2005 18:26
VIEWED: 1264
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Saturday, October 22, 2005 3:26 PM


I took my big sister to see serenity last week, we've started doing the 'orange wednesday's' 2 for 1 thing and are taking it in turns to choose the film (she made me go see pride and predjudice, which was ok, I was pleasantly surprised).

now she really didn't want to see serenity, mocks me for loving buffy and angel and doesn't like scifi in general, although I've tried to explain there is no 'general' when it comes to scifi, but anyway she agreed to come and said she'd punish me with something about the relationship between a girl and her horse that's coming out soon (I'm sure its a fine film, just doesn't appeal to me), how I suffer for the cause...

anyways when we came out she was like, yeah it was ok, bit silly, and then expanded by saying I was very 'true to type' something about a lot of silliness with a bit of science thrown in, I almost said 'I've got a type? that better than a plan?' but decided not to scare her with the geekiness. on the drive home it came up that it was a tv series and I had the dvd's- not sure how she missed that one. and as soon as we got home, like within minutes she said ever so casually 'yes I think I shall borrow the dvd's' I thought SCORE, but that she meant at some vague point in the future, until she made some food and said, 'so can I have them now?'

mwa ha ha, another one down...

I've converted friends before, but they've always been people who would have liked it anyway, its so much sweeter to get someone who would never have bothered to watch it otherwise.

so I'd like to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences with people who didn't want to like it and yet succumbed to the awesome power of the joss.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 3:33 PM


check out this link:

it's a really cool thread full of conversion stories

keep flyin'


Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:06 PM


sorry, I did look for a thread before starting my own but guess I didn't look hard enough

lots of great stories, keep up the good work browncoats- I'm thinking we rose again


Saturday, October 22, 2005 6:26 PM


I don't know if anyone knows what WebCT is. For those who are not in school and don't take online classes: it is an online schoolroom where you post comments and your work that you have completed. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier but, i just sent an e-mail to my entire class telling them how great "Firefly" is and that they should go see the movie or bye the DVD when it comes out. There's about 50 to 75 people in my class so i'm hoping that they will check it out.
Not to talk down on anyone that checks these posts or anything, because i find myself checking this site at least once a day now: At first I thought that this was pointless. The whole Community of fans of anything in general. But, over the past month i've watched the series about five times and listened to all the commentary several times. I've grown completely obsessed with the show and didn't even realize it. I was so sad to watch the final episode of the show yesterday for the first time( i've been getting the DVD's in the mail from Netflix) Not too many things have affected me and my emotions the way "Firefly" has.Now, I desperately want them to bring the show back. So, I guess this long message that i've writtten is just a message from a fan that has been converted. I'm going to go by the Series when i get payed next time and am going to by the series for my sister for her birthday. So, now, I am another "Browncoat" forming the ranks with the rest of you. Keep up the good work!!

Tim Tim Timmy!!






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