How to bring back the firefly series after the major events from the movie - SPOILERS!!!

UPDATED: Monday, October 24, 2005 08:43
VIEWED: 5285
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Monday, October 3, 2005 1:36 AM


a new and most plausable theory has been added to the bottom ... theory # 5...PLEASE LOOK and DISCUSS. keep the spirit of firefly and serenity alive.
hello everyone, i know this is a lot to read, and most probobly wont take the time, but if u do i would really like to know what u think.

after watching the movie "serenity" and seeing the death of 2 crew members, i have been tring to figure out a way to make the show work. in my opinion, joss shouldnt have killed Wash. he is a character that fit so well, and the show would seem empty with out him.

here r my thoughts on how to bring him back to life in one form or another.

theory # 1:
the opperative from the movie in the end learned the truth, the secret that the allience feared most. but not before the death of both Wash and Book. (i dont see an easy way to bring back Book, but i have an idea how to approach his characters past that i will leave for last.) if Joss W. can pull it off, i think that the opperative could, from the shadows, help to bring back Wash. as far as we the audience knows Wash's body was burried, not usable, but if there was a way to clone him with the blood from the wound, Wash could come back. the technology of the day could have advanced a great deal in regards to cloning. his consious and memories could be resotred in teh cloned version of Wash.
it would also be a good way to explore the morning period, and the reaction to having Wash back on the ship.

theory # 2:
similar to the above, but instead of the opperative, have Simon and River get the ball rolling. they r both supper smart, and r invested in the crew of serenity. there could be a few episodes of them trying to work out how to get it done, if they need to get to a lab, if they need to create a special lab, etc. having Wash back would create a lot of drama, similar to a segment from the show Farscape. Wash would have all the memories and personality he had up until he died(he'd be picking up where he left off), and everyone would have to deal with him being alive again. there would be a period of ajustment.

theory # 3:
Zoe is the instigator. no one knows how a person will react in a situation souch as this. the normally calm, cool under pressure soldier Zoe would see another side to herself. being a soldier she understands that death is a part of life, and certainly a part of war. so, in this case to see her so determined to bring Wash back could be interesting. i am not saying to totally change her character, but to just add another dimention. after Wash comes back she would be her normal self again...or maybe through out the corse of the show she would see that recreating him was an act of desperation. and then have to deal with inner demons or something. we would also see the crews reaction to Zoe's resolve to bring back her husband.

theory # 4:
make Wash into an android. maybe true flesh and blood cloning is never succesfull, but usuing the genetic structure and some really advanced computers to creat an artificial clone. all the components to makeing the physical form r in our genetics, so map it out on a computer, and then build Wash. maybe the genetic code also contains the information about how a particular persons brain functioned, and cynthesize a computerized brain. maybe in the future it is possible to extract memories from ones mind even after death, a certain type of brain scan or a tissue sample that could also be recreated in a computer that would have all the memories and personalituy traits of the flesh and blood Wash. i am also not saying to cut open his head to get a tissue sample, but a tiny little hole through the temple maybe that could easily and less invasivly give them access to said brain tissue. etc. plus as an android, kaylee could keep him maintained, or reproduced should something happen to him again.

these r just some thoughts, and i am sure that most wont find them plausable, but maybe Joss W. could find a way to make it work...he is a genious writer/creater after all.

anyway, my thoughts on what to do about Book's character. no offense to anyone, but i didnt find Book to be as much of an integral presence to the main show, he had his good qualities that added to the show, but he wasnt as neccessary as Wash (in my oppinion) that said here is how i think Joss could approach the subject of Book's past. Book had that identification key card thing, maybe river or someone could figure out how to back track information about a person through it (kind of like Mr. Universe could find stuff). or something writen by Book in his bible that could spark an adventure for Mal and his crew. i feel that Mal needs some sort of closure where Book is concerned, so to have him discover some things about him throught a season would be interesting.

so what ive mentioned here could be the back story line (little discoveries through out the adventures of our beloved crew) for the next 2 seasons. not to mention the various angles for Mal and Inara, or Simon and Kaylee, hell...finally getting some common ground between Jayne and River along the way.

thanks a lot for reading this post, and for any comments and ideas that u might share.

new added theory...

theory # 5
the series could come back where it left off, and still have a long run despite what u would normally think. i know...i know...the movie takes place 8 months after Simon and River join as passangers of Serenity. but has anyone thought that time is relative!!! most of u may not know what i am saying so ill explain is as best i can...

time on earth is based on years, months, days, hours, and seconds...RIGHT! well, did anyone think of the fact that EARTH WAS ABANDONED!!! our galaxy...The Milky no longer our home...everyone left our galaxy in search of new planets and solar systems that could be Teraformed (forgive me if i spelled that wrong). in our solar system, one year = one revolution around our sun...365 days is what it takes for our planet (at it's distence from the sun) to travel one revolution. but this will not be the same on other planets.

one year on Pluto is much longer than on earth.
one year on Mercury is much shorter than on earth.
plus we only have one sun.

what if all the different galaxies that we inhabited we different. what if all the planets in each galaxy were teraformed. then they would all have different years, months, days, hours and seconds. so in order to make all of these planets a part of the alliance the deffinition of time would ultimatly have to change. here is another reason y...

each planet under alliance rule would need to be goverend by smaller seperate governmental entities. but during crisis or delegations etc., each planet would have to come together to meet. but if each planet from each galaxy has it's own deffinition of time then no one would ever be able to figure out when to meet...does this make sense.

i am not a scientist, nor an imensly smart mathmetition, so i dont know how the time could be figured out...however i have a few ideas...that i doubt would work but u'll be able to see how time could drastically change...

if we were to all keep the same type of time keeping system as we have now, it could go a few different directions. each year could haev the same number of months, but they would be made up of longer days...or longer months, to compensate for the longer years. or, each year could become longer...instead of 12 months ther could 68 months in a year, or as few as 7 months. we could keep everything the same, and each revolution would be the same as now, but the problem with that is there would be no days and nights. one day could be all sun, another could be all night (sort of like the Antarctic). i could keep talking about this, but i takes so much time to write all of this, plus i am sure most people get way to bored half way through this threah and may never even reach this section (sorry about that...i talk a lot). so i will stop here. i am sure that u now understand what i am trying to say. 8 months could be a lot longer than we think, so Wash and Book could stay alive for how ever many years as Joss, the cast & crew, the fans, and the story lines could stand.

also, it takes so much time to travel through space, that time would need to compensate here as well.

SO, JOSS W. IF U R READING THIS, PLEASE THINK OF THE THINGS I HAVE SAID HERE AND FIND A WAY TO BRING BACK "WASH" AND "BOOK". plus at some point later on in the series, u could make the movie's events take place. and by then i am sure we would be able to accept a crew members death. but we dont know the crew as well as we would like, there r so many things that still need to be done with the now dead characters.
"captain tight pants" --- what an image!!!
if we stand together, i know that firefly will rise again.

thanks again to all those that have read and posted your ideas and oppinions regarding this thread. i hope that we can continue to think of new ways to bring back the show...with or with out Wash and Book. and if all goes well, the show may be reborn. a nice thought isnt it!!!

end of updated information


Monday, October 3, 2005 1:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

You might want to put SPOILERS! in the post title as not everyone that visits here has had the chance to see the movie. Throwing out some major spoilers like you have in this thread could ruin the movie for some & aggrivate others. Just some advise.

Interesting theories, but some are a little too cliche, so much so that I doubt that Joss would use them.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, October 3, 2005 12:17 PM


An81angel, i have thought of all the theories you have put out there and think that some of them might work. However, i Also agree with BROWNCOAT1 that many of them are too cliche for Joss to use.

I do have one idea that i don't hink anybody else has thought of - Joss can somehow have Wash come back as a ghost that only River can see. Things can go in all directions from there. Someone can figure out how to coorporialize him, or something else can happen.

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey, he's putting the hair away now.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting...


Monday, October 3, 2005 1:16 PM


Hollywood is filled with cliches... might work if you don't *expect* it... Just don't do another one 'ala "Search for Spock"... been there, done that.

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Monday, October 3, 2005 3:20 PM


Is there something fundementally WRONG with you!?! Are you completely fong luh? Son, you must have a leaky brainpan to think using that as your tagline was a good idea! THE FILM DOESN'T OPEN OVER HERE FOR A FEW MORE DAYS YET! THANKS A F***ING LOT YOU FEI FEI DE PI YAN!!!


Monday, October 3, 2005 5:57 PM



Monday, October 3, 2005 8:05 PM



theory # 4:
make Wash into an android.

I have it on good authority they're going to bring back Wash as Zoe's love-bot.



Monday, October 3, 2005 10:16 PM


As much as Wash will be missed, I don't think he should be brought back. His death opens a whole new story line with Zoe emotionally, as well as giving River a real job on the ship as the new pilot without bringing in some new guy to REPLACE Wash, which would be unacceptable.

As much as Zoe loved Wash she knows how to deal with death and move on, I doubt she would fully trust or want to be with a copy/clone/android version of her beloved husband. She is nothing if not practical and simple. She loved and he is gone, but like Mal she will continue . . .


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:38 AM


I think Zoe, if anything, is more likely to take a step back after these events. During the war, she learned to shut off her emotions to cope with what was going on around her. Afterwards, it took a lot to get her to finally open up again... and Wash was the only one who managed to do that.

After taking such a huge gamble in opening herself up and falling in love with someone, just to have him taken away from her, I think she'll revert back to her emotionless phase. It's like the Buddhist idea of suffering coming from attachment, and relenquishing emotional attachments in this case. KF

~Kaiser Farooque

ZOE: Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps...


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:56 AM


First of all, how does that bit in the thread title that reads "after major events from the movie" NOT scream "SPOILERS!" to people?

Secondly, and while I appreciate the ideas going around, maybe y'all didn't hear the oh so categorical "Firefly the series will never come back" from everyone in the know...?

However, for those who were at the Universal Studios Fan Fest Q&A session, did Chris Buchanan's and Adam Baldwin's enthusiastic, emphatic "yes" to the possibility of some sort of Firefly spin-off strike anyone else as... "interesting"? Or was it just me?


无 党派 人士


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:23 PM


River as a spin off would be interesting...
But they've really got to bring those martial arts hand-to-hand combat sequences a little tighter. The bar fight scene just look odd, awkward, and slow - it just wasn't that good. They need to bring in a good choreographer like Yuen Wo Ping and get them to do lots and lots of practice.

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:23 PM


Personally I don't think either of them should come back. However, I think Book's past is the easiest way to bring him back.

Book could have been anything. For all we know he was a clone to begin with. He also could have been a time traveler. Maybe instead of old Book, now we have young Book.

For Wash it would have to be something way too scifi like a transfer of his mind into a clone or something. Just doesn't fit the world and I think it would turn off any fan who just couldn't suspend reality enough for it.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:26 PM


Nah... Wash's evil twin falling for Zoe and chasing them half way cross the system would be just as good of a drama without having to resort to all kinds of Scifi stuff...

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:32 PM



a) I doubt the series will come back. I'll support the effort, and I've been pimping the movie like mad and think that sequels are a possibility, but still.

b) I'm willing to trust Joss. Joss has created a jillion interesting characters in his career and that well hasn't dried up. I will miss Wash and Book terribly - I mean, I dressed as Wash for the premiere and FELT it when he bought it - but if the show goes on Joss will not have any trouble filling their shoes. He'll come up with new people, and as others have pointed out in this thread, the deaths open up new storylines.

As far as the unannounced spoiler thing goes - for one, I agree that "major events from the movie" in the subject line is a pretty good indication of spoilers, but the actual word SPOILERS should have been there in the first place. Also, I've avoided for the last month because I knew enough people had seen advance screenings that spoilers were going to spill out no matter how well-intentioned the posters. Amazingly, I made it all the way to opening night without knowing about the surprises, and believe me, that took some effort.


Monday, October 17, 2005 12:46 AM


I agree with the general consensus, though Wash was cool, he's done now. Same thing with Book, cool but done. That's not to say you can't see them again, with some creative storytelling you can open up each characters history via flashbacks to essentially "brings them back" without actually having them back. For instance, Mal could be having a conversation with Zoe about an event that the audience has never heard of, such as how Wash and Zoe deepened their relationship and eventually got married. Through exploring Zoe's past you could easily recruit Alan back into the series without resurrecting or cloning him.
Again, same thing with Book. Doubtless that Book had conversations with the Crew on the long journeys and doubtless he impacted many more people than just the crew of Serenity, he must have numerous people they could encounter that would know more of his past than the crew does. Anyway, that's my two cents.


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:36 PM


I admit that bringing back Wash and Book would be nice, especially if Joss explores the time frame between the show and the film. I'm not going to shoot down your cloning ideas, but I will say that it is popular belief that clones *do not* possess their former self's memories and would need to learn it all over again. Your ideas did seem interesting enough however.


Monday, October 24, 2005 7:30 AM



Originally posted by DuoSheilds:
I admit that bringing back Wash and Book would be nice, especially if Joss explores the time frame between the show and the film. I'm not going to shoot down your cloning ideas, but I will say that it is popular belief that clones *do not* possess their former self's memories and would need to learn it all over again. Your ideas did seem interesting enough however.

The clone would work if it was a blank slate and River convinced his ghost to pop back into it.


Monday, October 24, 2005 7:53 AM


Theory #6: Let dead dogs lie, and don't bring back Wash.


Monday, October 24, 2005 7:58 AM


Just think of the opportunities for comic/snarky/tense moments when River did something from the pilot's seat that made perfect intuitive sense but which in Serenity's case turned out to be just wrong. Scripting field day!

Too bad this is all "wouldn't it be cool if?" fanwanking.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, October 24, 2005 8:43 AM


I really do like the idea of River as the pilot. I was just tossing out a thought that popped up. I will miss Wash... Hey, maybe if we lock onto his spirt and his dead body with the Transporter and run it thorugh a neo-dilithium quantum phase demultiplexer while performing an ancient Vulcan ritual, that might do the trick!!






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