A suit's eye view on Serenity and sequels

UPDATED: Sunday, October 30, 2005 08:03
VIEWED: 23590
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:39 PM


I think SciFi would do quite well with new "Firefly" episodes. They are pulling in viewers with the reruns of the original episodes.
I just talked to my daughter in California this evening and she and her fiance are big SG-1 fans and they started watching Firefly because I encouraged them to and because it was on before their favorite show. They LOVE it! They are getting the DVD's and catching up with all that they have missed. Now they are active fans... the kind that have viewing parties with their friends and share stuff and are very dedicated.
They are as crazy about the 'verse as they are about SG-1 so they will recruit many more browncoats I'm sure!

SciFi has made a wise decision showing Firefly, I hope they look at their ratings and realize they need Firefly to continue. Then like you say, let's have 2 or 4 more movies, and carry on with this series!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:51 PM


A couple of months ago, I had barely heard of Firefly - basically, I knew it was "from the guy who made Buffy" and that, according to some (now I reaize, seriously idiotic) fellow anime fans, certain ideas - namely the whole outlaws in space theme and the "girl in a box" scene (both of which were very similar to parts in an anime show that was reasonably popular at the time, called Outlaw Star... which I remember enjoying, actually, during its brief run on Cartoon Network). I knew that it had gotten canceled, that Joss was planning some comics and had convinced somebody to do movie based on it... that, I only knew because I subscribed to various SF online newsletters.

Then, thanks to a very good friend of mine, I ran across a set of forums called Godawful Fan Fiction.

The people of GAFF are many and varied in age, origin, and tastes, but one thing they tend to have in common: they're fairly intelligent and enjoy a good, well-written (or just plain amusing) story.

After having been convinced by one GAFFer to give Witch Hunter Robin a second chance (the only episode I had caught was, it turned out, the weakest in the series), and finding it quite good, I started noticing a handful of passionate Firefly fans on there...

Eventually, there were more and more of them. Eventually, I started thinking, "Well, I loved Buffy and Angel, and ever since Tru Calling [another cult show that died tragically thanks to the idiot suits at Fox who can't schedule a good show worth crap - believe me, House MD is lucky to still be on the air!] got canceled, I've gotta say that Fox are idiots who very well COULD cancel a really good show..." Then I found out it was originally on on Friday nights, which it turns out tends not to be good for SciFi on the lower networks, and realized that like my darling TC (which was constantly surrounded by reality shows or episodes of the The OC, and then later pinned DIRECTLY against the original CSI series aka The Juggernaut You Can't Hope To Beat In Ratings Even If It's a Damn Rerun)... it was probably just a victim of crappy scheduling and poor marketing.

Then, I heard SciFi was going to run the TV series and some promotional clips for the new movie. Since it was airing on a day I usually get off from both work and classes, I decided to check it out.

The first episode I saw was *checks* oh yes, the train robbery episode, about episode 2 or 3, depending on whether you count the series opener (apparently a two-hour/two-parter, yes? I unfortunately missed it on TV :( ) as one episode or two.

I liked it. It was every bit as funny and well-written as the best episodes of Buffy, Angel or Tru Calling (not surprising, seeing as the show as a whole turns out to share a writing staff with all three shows!). Exciting, with good action, a neat twist, and interesting characters... and I loved how the setting was really more of a western in space than a space western ("random ragtag group of outlaws/bounty hunters/explorers in space" is actually a more common subgenre than you might think... with both Outlaw Star and the more famous and superior Cowboy Bebop being good anime examples; but, the thing is, they always played up the SF aspects with other races or Asimovian technology, and in the case of Bebop, it's not actually a "western" feel since it was made more like a 70s cop show... only much, much cooler). It really felt fun, exciting, and down to Earth (if you'll excuse the pun) all at the same time.

Then I caught another episode. And another.

A few weeks later?

I'm completely, utterly, 100% addicted. I now get upset if I miss an episode on SciFi. I almost got mad at one of my best friends because he ended up doing homework on his day off from schoool (he's still in high school, I graduated last year) instead of taking me to see Serenity and Corpse Bride like he semi-promised (actually, we were going to buy tickets to Serenity and then after seeing it, execute a carefully-planned Theatre Hop to Corpse Bride, since Serenity needed the income, Corpse Bride not so much. Plus, I had never Theatre Hopped before, and I wanted to do it just once in my life :P).

I ended up ordering the box set from a small online retailer (and yet, even with the box set on the way, I STILL got upset when I overslept and missed almost an entire episode! XD Yes, I was asleep until my parents came home from work at 7:45. I decided to take a nap at 1-2PMish, and then... kinda... just completely fell asleep). I bought a "Browncoat" silicon bracelet from a fan store on eBay, and a complete set of the first-run Serenity comics (Inara, Kaylee and River covers, woot!) from a comics auction store on eBay. I seriously craved the Serenity collectible cards sets and movie posters, but seeing as I have tuition to pay and had already foolishly spent about $200 (most of my biweekly paycheck!) on anime stuff right before my Firefly obsession began, I couldn't do it. I also considered buying the Serenity and Firefly-related books, but then I realize that if I bought them on eBay, I was buying probably secondhand versions (the box set I already got off of eBay, but that was an auction by an actual physical/online store that buys official copies, and the comics, as mint condition first-printings, were collectibles. At least, that's how I justified spending $40 on the box set - counting the insured shipping - and $52 on the comics - again, counting shipping and currency exchange rates, because it was a British seller), and that if I really wanted to support them, I'd buy them from larger retailers just to be sure. Especially the posters, which are really easy to bootleg, seeing as you can do it at any small print shop (Kinko's is probably too expensive for large print runs, I'm told). The Browncoat bracelet I'm 99% sure was fan-made by a store (! Go there! Good stuff, and they ship like crazy fast and well-packed!) that also made a point of promoting the Serenity movie website, so I figured that one was OK.

Anyway, I dragged my parents to Serenity a week or two ago. WOOT! That was great! So sad in parts, though! But Great! Which was a good thing, since I had promised mom "You saw a few minutes of the show it's based on here and there when you came home, remember? You like it a lot! It's a like... like cowboys in space, only they speak Chinese! It's exciting and funny and it's got great characters and it's Sci-Fi!". The only reason she agreed to do the movies was it was too late in the day for the zoo, Oktoberfest was a rippoff that we just left and we needed a fun thing to take our mind off of the wasted $15 that was, and lo and behold, when we got to our favorite cinema, Serenity was the only movie that sounded fun and exciting to her, and by an extraordinary stroke of luck that is downright awe-inspiringly sppoky, the soonest Serenity showing was STARTING RIGHT THEN!

And she loved it. We all loved it, so much that it completely and UTTERLY made up for the crappy Oktoberfest debacle!

And of course, I'm even more obsessed now.

Seriously. I can't have been even watching this thing for more than a few weeks, and I'm already devoting a chunk of my paycheck to it (even though I tend to become quite attached quite quickly to really good or fun shows, this kind of RAPID devotion is extraordinarily rare, perhaps even a first!). I'm putting every Serenity-related item I don't already own on my Christmas list. Hell, I'm cutting out a lot of the anime on my list to make room for it and make sure that at least one or two gifts will support the franchise (even if it's a Barnes & Noble or Best Buy gift certificate! Hell, I could use that for the DVD, since it'd be out by then, and maybe the novelization, which I may never even read because the movie was too perfect on its own, but which would support the movie anyway, or related books like the Visual Companion or Finding Serenity).

It's insane. XD

But if it can stir this kind of devotion, of MONETARY devotion, from even me this quickly... hell yes. I'm not at all surprised to see I'm not the only newbie Browncoat around here. ;)

Hmm... maybe I'll ask for the soundtrack or movie DVD for Christmas from the guy who stood me and Serenity up for homework. XD Guilt trip time! Or maybe I'll just guilt-trip him into taking me to see the flick a second time. Whee!

By the way... having not seen all the episodes and whatnot, I had barely heard of Reavers before the movie.

Needless to say... that made them EVEN MORE FREAKY SCARY. :P

I felt like such a wimp for squeezing my mom's hand through pretty much every exciting, Reaver-related scene towards the middle/end of the movie. Tell me I'm not alone. Those were damn scary moments! XD

By the way, my box set came today! Oh joy of joys!


Originally posted by FollowMal:

I think SciFi would do quite well with new "Firefly" episodes. They are pulling in viewers with the reruns of the original episodes.
I just talked to my daughter in California this evening and she and her fiance are big SG-1 fans and they started watching Firefly because I encouraged them to and because it was on before their favorite show.

This is another reason my mom and dad watched a few minutes of the show once in a while; we're also all avid Stargate fans! That was a smart, smart movie on SciFi Channel's part.

I vote we start calling, writing and emailing SciFi to make a second season! Hey, it worked for Buffy and Stargate, didn't it (I'm reffering to the "mediocre movie becomes kickass TV series" phenomenon, here... although of course, Serenity was far from mediocre and there already HAS been a TV series, but you know)? And they make Stargate. Now it's got spinoffs even.

Heck, maybe we should be even hoping for something in between... TV miniseries, anyone? Shorter than a full season, longer than a movie. Closer to what fans crave, long enough for Joss to finish what he wanted to do most in it at a good pace, but brief enough to probably be less of a risk.

I had a dream the other day after seeing a headline about somebody in Chicago who won over 300 million dollars in a lotto... in it, I won $350 million, and the first thing I did (after paying my tuition ) was make a proud announcement that I would provide funding for new Firefly/Serenity productions (I think it was "38 mil for another movie, 50 mil for a miniseries or TV season!") and spinoff comics from Dark Horse and a video game as well. Then it evolved into Firefly/Serenity becoming something like the next Buffy. Of course, after that, I rescued Tru Calling, funded my own new Stargate spinoff (based on a vague but fun fanfic idea I've had for a while), and funded a Fang Shui* (*my own original fantasy story) movie trilogy that Joss ended up directing (and co-writing, because every so often he'd say "You know, this could be more exciting if..." or "This could be even funnier if..." to the point where he was making it so much better a script that we had to credit him as a screenwriter for it ). And then it just kind of went completely into "I can do anything I want with my stories now! I can even rescue shows I love that fell victim to idiotic TV execs! Yay!".

But, it started out about Firefly. That my subconcious' first reaction to the internal question of "wow, what would *I* do with all that money?" is automatically "MAKE MORE FIREFLY STUFF!" says something, I think. ;)

Especially since... you know, I've only been a fan for like... just over what, two months? I've only seen parts of or whole episodes for 8 of the series' episodes, and I completely missed it one week because of work, sooo... nine weeks and counting, actually. NINE WEEKS, and I'm already obsessed.


They LOVE it! They are getting the DVD's and catching up with all that they have missed.

Darn right they are! I got frustrated with missing so many episodes, and after hearing there were audio commentaries on the DVDs, how could I resist buying the box set? And well, if I was going to see the movie, why not buy and read the little 3-part comic prequel first? And I was already in love with it, so why not just plain start buying stuff based on it like crazy?

That's kinda how it all happened... :P


Now they are active fans...

Yes they are.


the kind that have viewing parties with their friends

SQUEE! What a great idea! MWAHAHAHA! I shall spread the addiction to all of my friends! HA!

Actually, I'm pretty sure Kelly would like it, and I haven't seen her in a while. It'd be nice to get together over Thanksgiving or Winter break or something and do something before next spring when we go to JACON...

And darnit, she got me semi-addicted to Hitchhiker's Guide last year. It's time to repay the favor.


and share stuff and are very dedicated.
They are as crazy about the 'verse as they are about SG-1 so they will recruit many more browncoats I'm sure!

Well, I do love me some SG-1, and have been following it for two or three years quite avidly, even watching the (somewhat mediocre, aside from the hilarious Dr. McKay) spinoff Atlantis... but to be honest, my devotion is much stronger for Firefly, the little 14-episode show with a Big Damn Movie and a good little comic series that I've been into for about two months and am already risking going broke for. The only Stargate merchendise I've ever bought was a season 5(?) boxset, and then only because it was on sale and it had the "Wormhole X-Treme!" parody episode on it. I've spent two or three times what I spent on Stargate stuff on Firefly/Serenity stuff. ;)


SciFi has made a wise decision showing Firefly,

I agree. Though I may of course be biased, seeing as it's the whole reason I'm into Firefly/Serenity.


I hope they look at their ratings and realize they need Firefly to continue. Then like you say, let's have 2 or 4 more movies, and carry on with this series!

Can't Stop The Signal, baby! I would love to see that happen. Heck, that happened with Star Trek, and to be frank... no offense to Gene Roddenbury, but Firefly is infinitely superior. It hasn't ever had a single weak episode, the movie end of the franchise seems great (as opposed to having on-again, off-again spurts of brilliance), and to be honest... from what I've read up on the series' background, the science and worldbuilding in the series just make a hell of a lot more sense (I'm with Mal, in a way - I don't see human nature changing within a few short centuries, let alone to create such a semi-utopia as is often depicted in ST. Plus, it doesn't even need nifty alien races to carry it, just interesting humans!). To be frank, for all its technobabble, ST is really the layman's SF. It's always been OK to watch a little Star Trek. And as much as people joke about the technobabble, that's really all it is... sciency stuff thrown in to make it make sense (am *I* making sense? It's almost 3 AM here, heh), but even the science in the show is sometimes wrong! But it doesn't matter, so long as it suits the plot and provides an explanation of some sort... Firefly, however... all of the stuff in it, from what I can tell, is actually perfectly plausible, from the widespread bilingualism to the rhythm of the language, to the way there's no sound in space and the fact that space ships are still really expensive to fuel if you also want to feed yourself (and then there's the sheer, glorious practicality of the Firefly class ship. Not a wasted space in it, is there?).

OK, now I'm just babbling, I think. But if Star Trek, which while fun and sometimes really good is still IMHO inferior to Firefly/Serenity, can become such a success even after cancelation of the original TV series, why couldn't Firefly/Serenity?

It could happen. All it takes is devotion, good writing, decent marketing and a really, really devoted fan base. Most of which it already has in spades.


Can't Stop The Signal


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:18 AM


Wow, I wish I had that much energy!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:56 PM


This is a great post. Thank-you. It's so nice to see, as you said, a "suit's" point of view to these things. I have no idea what sort of business logistics exist.

It's nice to know what the possibilities are.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:45 PM


I just wanna thank all you shiny ruttin' cheerful folk for brightening my 'verse. I had despaired that the show/movie/'verse I had followed with glad heart from the very beginning would be over and done with, a leaf on the wind, if you will.
Then I come in here, just to rehash, and find this thread and all the 'verse is shiny again! Thank you.

Jayne, yer mouth is talkin'. You might want to look to that.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:42 PM



You wrote:


But, it'd be awesome to have another season of the series with new cast members. It wouldn't taint the memory of our fallen crew by replacing them, and it wouldn't screw up the group dynamics. Instead, we'd meet a whole new group. With Joss's witty writing and his talent for picking the perfect cast, we're sure to get something shiny.

What fallen crew? We know that we lost one crew member, but Joss has already signed all of the cast for the next 2 movies, so we know that even though two important cast members died, they will be back in some form for the sequels, and not in a cheezy way. So they could be in flashbacks, or memories or Alliance footage, but they will be there. And believe me it would definitely screw up the dynamics to have a whole new crew. We are pretty sure that Inara will be back on Serenity, as will all the regulars. Joss still has a story to tell and hopefully he will get the chance to tell it his way. I even read someone comment on another board about Simon's death!
Did they leave the theatre before they saw him and Kaylee making love while Serenity was being repaired?


"I aim to misbehave" - Mal.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:07 PM


Do you feel the love? Thanks for posting good info for all of us here. Now, to get seriously random for a second...

"The Random Elves of Chocolate Land" (apogees to Doug)

The elves of Pixietex were transported to the Land of Chocolate by way of a freak website accident when each of them simultaneously pushed "post my reply" on a reply containing the word "chocolate".

The speed of light was brought into play by this seemingly random act (photons being notoriously mischievous and slippery fellows), when the resulting combination of 1s and 0s dialed the unpublished cell phone number of the local deity. Always a fan of any joke with the punchline "chaos", it created The Land of Chocolate in the twinkling of its eye.


Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:33 AM


Thank you, Thanks to all of you for restoring a measure of hope that Serenity may fly again.
Even though I may have only recently joined the Browncoats on this forum, I would have volunteered for the Independents myself after Firefly first aired on Friday night with "The Train Job". Never have I fallen in love with a show so completely from nearly the first frame as I did with Firefly. It was unique. Offering a universe as rare and compelling as Star Wars and Star Trek and yet that stood for something more...human. Its stories were suffused with the depth, intelligence, and fervent dedication of a cast and crew only matched by the brilliance of Joss' creative vision. Then the villians at FOX, after bungling the marketing, advertising, time slot selection, airing the pilot not only out of sequence but in the MIDDLE of the bloody World Series, as for them to react with such gross stupidity, incompetance, and short-sightedness(anyone else remember X-files' rocky start?) as to cancel it without even giving it a full season or even a fair half of one to prove itself sickened me to my core. After that, I was left with only the slim hope that Joss wouldn't let them take the sky from me and that the series would fly again on Scifi's wings. This I thought was a match made in heaven as Scifi's has the money, and Firefly had the talent so I drafted a letter to Scifi laying out item by item what I believed the show's greatest strengths in detail and why it deserved to live but the days turned into months without a reply or the show's rebirth, I simply lost hope and life trudged on its natural course until I first heard news of Serenity (considerably latter than that news was first released but oh well...) and my first thought was of course elation immediately followed by a resurgence of hope that perhaps now the series might be reborn. When I heard that Joss' had gotten the greenlight from Universal (which owned ironically enough Scifi), I become even more enthusiatic about the prospect of Firefly's rebirth with the same crew and cast that we left behind those nearly three cold, hard years since its betrayal at the murderously inept hands of FOX network execs. Thank you, friends, for giving this battleworn soldier a reason to smile. I certainly wouldn't mind a sequel, but any resurgance of the series simply carry the same cast, crew, and creative genius of the original series. It simply wouldn't be Firefly without ALL(Sheppard's death was senseless - I thought they portray him as the former Operative and teacher of the Operative in the movie; Wash's death was even more so) of them would it? I do have a question though: My understanding(too long ago to quote, sorry) was Joss' had acquired ALL rights to Firefly, including the DVDs sales(which came latter to begin with) which captured Universal's nod for Serenity. Are we sure that the profits are still being funneled to those idiots at FOX responsible for killing it and not to Joss where it belongs. He was rich enough to get his series mass produced, distributed, and sold by himself or through a third party agency(like Universal). Yes, I know its probably blind hope that the FOX on the back of the box means that one revenue stream is closed) I hope that its was his in every fiscal sense of the word since that will place all of Firefly's combined might to work for its own survival. Anyone know definitively?(Forgive the long-windedness of this post, it will be the last time I write a post at 4 in the morning!)

The Empire is not Evil, only those who rule it.
It seeks Peace, Order, and the Imperial Way.

The Rebellion stands in the Way of Peace and Order, so it must be destroyed!


Friday, October 28, 2005 2:58 PM


Feelin' a little blue this evenin' what with all the posts about the BDM being pulled from Switzerland and other places.

Also it's not at the theater here anymore, so no weekend outing to see our heroes and their daring adventure. I really do have to wait for the DVD in Dec. now. Yikes.... I hope I make it. Well, I do have Firefly.... I could watch a marathon and try to come down easy. "Sigh"

I did talk to my daughter in Cali. just a few minutes ago and she and her fellow are going to try to find it and go. She promised to let me know all about it if they got to. I'll post something....

Tiredoldreaver, I haven't seen you post in awhile, you here? How does it look to you now, still a little optimistic?

A kind word would not go amiss....

"I aim to misbehave" - Mal.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:35 AM


Hi Followmal! Yes I'm still here, and still working the numbers. Actually, I think the movie has had a pretty good week, and I was just waiting to see how many cinemas we're left with in domestic US and UK before posting again. But I wouldn't want you feeling blue Followmal, so I've summarised my thoughts below.
It's pretty interesting how each European (and other) market is developing. As you might expect, there are huge differences in takes in each country. You mentioned Switzerland being pulled. I mean absolutely no disrespect to the good people of Zurich and elsewhere, but good!The movie grossed $0.02million there in 5 days. Contrast that with Spain, which is a market I didn't even think of. In 3 days, Spain has returned over half a million dollars in cinema sales!! A fab performance at this stage in the film's life cycle. If you've got a marketing spend per country,which I'm sure the studio have, then frankly it's a no brainer to pull Switzerland and put the spend in to developing or continuing the Spanish market!Spain is outperforming Switzerland 30-40X!! Concentrate the spend there.
Last week, International contributed around $3million of sales...a pretty strong performance. New markets are developing....Russia, of all places, the aforementioned Spain, plus "legs" in the UK. France looks solid. I am far from unhappy, just pleased that someone somewhere is cost managing this correctly! It bodes well.
The US element is winding down, but as I said previously, these takes at the end of the run are a real bonus. I'd calculated a domestic US end position of $25million with anything over that being genuine upside. Don't forget too, that the US domestic has contributed another $1.4million of sales last Thursday to this Thursday. Add in the $3million of International and the film has bagged about $4.4million in the last week....very satisfactory, and about $1.2million above my conservative projection.
It's natural, I know as the film starts to end its run , to be a little down, but in the Suit world, emotion doesn't matter whereas maximising $$$$ does, and in those terms it's been a very good week.
Believe me, we are very much Still Flying. Might even be able to afford that new part now. You know, the one that caused all the trouble in Out Of Gas!
(hmmmm....can't remember the part's name, however!)


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:11 AM


It was the catalyser, God, I`m such goram a techhead.
Its good to see though, that somebody round here has sat down and done some analysis of the numbers.
On the one hand we`ve had a lot of wailing and chestbeating over failure and on the other a lot of hopelessly optimistic speculation.
I am hoping that we will eventually see a sequel to Serenity in a couple of years but a new series on TV? Seems unlikely, FOX will probably sit on the TV rights and take the profits on the Firefly DVD sales and any new airings of the old series. Letting Universal pay for making any new Serenity stuff.
This business of the rights being held by two different corporations could cause compications for anybody wanting to do any merchandising. Who do you pay if you want to use an image of the ship for example?


Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:28 AM


Thank you Rabbit2! The catalyser, of course....I should really know these eps off by heart now anyway......
Interesting point on the proprietry rights of the product.I would think that this was one of the stumbling blocks originally.Universal would want all ongoing product/merchandising rights. There may even have been negotiations between Fox/Universal over the Firefly dvd ongoing rights (they can be time limited). I don't know if they did, but it's perfectly possible for Universal to buy out Fox's rights on Firefly. Again, a cost/profit decision, but there would be a good commercial sense to it. Does anybody know if these discussions took place and if so what was the outcome?
Were it me, and of course it's not, if I were going to make the film, I would try and buy out Firefly at a better price (for me that is!) before any movie was greenlighted, and then control full rights.
Conversely, were I looking at the Fox position, I'd have the name Firefly protected and piggy back additional income off the film.
Would have been naive of Universal to let Fox get a clear run on it however.....


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:31 PM


Hi, tiredoldreaver!

Thank you my friend, you certainly made my day!
I am blue no longer!

What you said about concentrating on the countries that spend the bucks makes perfect sense. I see the wisdom now.

I will await further suit insight.

And keep watching my DVD's and awaiting Serenity's release on DVD, when I can contribute somemore!

I"ll be watching the posts.

Good night....

"Believe me, we are very much Still Flying."

Ah, kind words very much appreciated!


Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:15 AM



Originally posted by tiredoldreaver:
Interesting point on the proprietry rights of the product.I would think that this was one of the stumbling blocks originally.Universal would want all ongoing product/merchandising rights. There may even have been negotiations between Fox/Universal over the Firefly dvd ongoing rights (they can be time limited). I don't know if they did, but it's perfectly possible for Universal to buy out Fox's rights on Firefly. Again, a cost/profit decision, but there would be a good commercial sense to it. Does anybody know if these discussions took place and if so what was the outcome?
Would have been naive of Universal to let Fox get a clear run on it however.....

I have asked this question before, and was told that Universal profited off Serenity sales only... however, I agree that would have been naive on Universal's part and I think that this response was based more on assumption than research... After all, FF is showing on SciFi but given its early time slot it is probably not that profitable. how does one find this out? Any Universal exec fans like to give us some inside information?


Sunday, October 30, 2005 8:03 AM


I too am newly blown away by the Firefly experience. I watched every re-run episode on the Sci-Fi channel. I just couldnt get enough. I then rushed out to watch Serenity and was again amazed at the complexity of the characters, the humor, the action and I must say the ADDICTION. I feel like a novice having missed the last few years of firefly. I am however ready to make up for it. How can they not restart the series after all of this success? Not just with the faithful followers but with the newbies like myself and many others. Bring on the letter writing campaigns and petition signing. Im IN!!!






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