Firefly in the Timeslot of death

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 06:45
VIEWED: 12987
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Friday, May 31, 2002 12:53 PM


I was hoping Firefly would have a chance but it seems to have everything going against it with another re-shoot of the pilot. I like sci-fi shows like Firefly but why did Fox give it the timeslot of death? I used to watch sliders and tons of good sci-fi shows on friday nights on Fox only to have them all cancelled. Is the second pilot so bad that they won't move it back to Sunday night?

I love Gina Torres and she's gonna be the best actresses on the show...I just wished they re-cast the rest of the parts. They seem..lacking.

These are just my opinons and not a slight against Firefly. I just wish they gave the show a real shot is all.

I hope Joss doesn't burnout doing all these shows. I'll be angry if Buffy and Angel start to stink cause he spent too much time on firefly.


Friday, May 31, 2002 1:15 PM



Why do you say the actors are lacking? Have you seen the first pilot yet? And where did you hear that the second pilot was bad? Fox loved the script for the second pilot, and from what I've heard the first pilot wasn't BAD, just not the best episode to start the series with. The whole second pilot thing isn't a big deal. Pilots are either re-tooled or another episode is used as the first episode all the time for various reasons. You just don't hear about them most of the time unless the creator of the show is well known.

It all comes down to what we see on the screen. It COULD be bad, but we'll see. I doubt Buffy or Angel will suffer that much, if at all. Not to undermin Joss in any way, but there are plenty of talented writers on both those shows so even if he removed himself from them completely in a creative sense I don't think they'd fall apart. And that scenario seems very unlikely.


Friday, May 31, 2002 1:51 PM


Tim Minear posted on the site (check headlines) explaining the whole pilot thing. Said basically the "new pilot" is just the next episode where everyone is already on board -- it will now serve as the first ep. The original pilot will air at a later date, marketed as an origin story, 2hr event. No official word that FOX thought the pilot sucked, just that it wasn't ideal "first exposure." Tim also dispelled rumors of retooling.

On the Sunday at 9 timslot: Both "alias" and "angel" will air at that time in the fall. A 3-way competition splits the genre audience and it would be death knell for all 3 shows. Fridays at 9 for "firefly" will just have to do. X-files debuted on fridays, remember? Granted that's one among many cancellations... We'll just have to wait and see.

Edited to add: WB BASTARDS!

--- Joe


Friday, May 31, 2002 2:21 PM


The Alias/Angel thing does suck. I'll be watching Alias, though. Haven't really gotten into Angel, though I watched the first 5 episodes.


Friday, May 31, 2002 7:01 PM



Originally posted by Swatter:
I was hoping Firefly would have a chance but it seems to have everything going against it with another re-shoot of the pilot. I like sci-fi shows like Firefly but why did Fox give it the timeslot of death? I used to watch sliders and tons of good sci-fi shows on friday nights on Fox only to have them all cancelled. Is the second pilot so bad that they won't move it back to Sunday night?

I love Gina Torres and she's gonna be the best actresses on the show...I just wished they re-cast the rest of the parts. They seem..lacking.

These are just my opinons and not a slight against Firefly. I just wish they gave the show a real shot is all.

I hope Joss doesn't burnout doing all these shows. I'll be angry if Buffy and Angel start to stink cause he spent too much time on firefly.

FOX never gives shows a shot. There'll be few promotions (like Dark Angel) and they'll let it slip.

The people at FOX are lazy and just expect pop culture hits to happen.


Friday, May 31, 2002 7:12 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Shoe:
The people at FOX are lazy and just expect pop culture hits to happen.

You know what I find ironic, both Buffy and Angel are produced by FOX, and both are successful because they're not on FOX.

FOX is probably more successful at being a studio than they are at being a network.


Friday, May 31, 2002 7:18 PM



Originally posted by Haken:

Originally posted by Shoe:
The people at FOX are lazy and just expect pop culture hits to happen.

You know what I find ironic, both Buffy and Angel are produced by FOX, and both are successful because they're not on FOX.

FOX is probably more successful at being a studio than they are at being a network.

Most successful shows are produced in Vancouver (Lion's Gate Studios) so not exactly at the FOX lot...


Saturday, June 1, 2002 11:07 AM


I say the actors are lacking because I've seen their other body of work and judged it on that. No, I've read it and read the reviews by others who saw it. Even Fox said the first one stunk.

Never said the second one was bad, Just wondered. Why else would Fox leave it on such a bad timeslot. I want the show to have a chance is all.
Read the latest Dreamwatch article and if you look around other news sites you will find mostly the same comments about the first one being bad. I think it is a big deal. Fox scheduled Firefly for mid-season originally and then moved it tot he fall only after a rewrite of the pilot. Please don't sugarcoat it.

I hope you are right. I really like Angel and Buffy.


Saturday, June 1, 2002 12:27 PM


Oh, what have the other actors been in? All I've ever seen is Adam Baldwin in the X-files. Hmmmmm...


Saturday, June 1, 2002 12:54 PM


You Know I do think that FRiday timeslot is really really hard timeslot to conquer. Oh and I think all things Joss rock but he does have a problem a bit with set-up. First Buffy and Then Angel both well.. started slow. It is widely thought that the second seasons of both shows are way better than the first season. The first season is usually a set-up season. On WB and UPN that is cool but Fox I think wanted to slam out of the gate with the show so the extra later episode I think is a good idea to start the show to show the character dynamics earlier in the show and the set-up episodes can be shown after we are hooked on the cool characterizations.

All in all I hope they give it the time it needs to grow. They Gave DA a long time so there is a good chance they can give Joss the time to do it well also. The cross promotion deals with Sci-Fi channel also makes it a good chance to succeed as well. It worked for 24. I know if they let it get to a second season people will be screaming at how good the show is then.

By the way great site. glad to have found it.



Sunday, June 2, 2002 10:29 AM


You seriously never seen Two Girl, A girl and a piazza place before or any of their other junk? Go to to look uo their


Sunday, June 2, 2002 10:30 AM


Fox has a reputation for cancelling shows early. I wouldn't count on Fox being kind. They are desperate for ratings now.


Sunday, June 2, 2002 11:32 AM



Originally posted by Swatter:
I say the actors are lacking because I've seen their other body of work and judged it on that. No, I've read it and read the reviews by others who saw it. Even Fox said the first one stunk.

They never made an official comment that they were not pleased with the original pilot. Tim Minear even said the reason that the pilot was initially turned down was because it was *very* intense. Nowhere has a FOX exec. said it was bad. *No one* has said anything even remotely similar to "it stunk" or "it sucked." Since you appear to have an informed knowledge base on the cast, I think you should have a more informed base on the actual show you are criticizing.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Blood just kept pouring out of them, you'd slip in it half the time, find out bloodbath is not just a figure of speech."
-Zoe; Firefly, "Serenity" Shooting Script.


Sunday, June 2, 2002 2:26 PM


I stayed away from that Two guys, a girl and a pizza place show. Past work isn't always the best gauge of someone's work. If the writing isn't there, then it's hard for the actor to do anything. Even the best actors in the world can't do much without a script.

You know the principal in Boston Public? He does a great job in that show. You know what his previous job was? He played Lincoln's butler on that ill conceived UPN sitcom called "The Secret Diary of Desdmond Pfifer" or something like that.


Monday, June 3, 2002 12:52 PM


Why was Firefly moved from it's original Sunday timeslot to the timeslot of death? Why was it slated to be released at mid season instead of the fall? Why did is Fox paying for another pilot? Networks don't like shelling out money unless they have to.

It's obvious Fox didn't like the original one.

I've never said "it su@ked". I just said it stunk. I've never used a single word of profanity on this board and the word above is a quote from you.


Monday, June 3, 2002 1:24 PM


sucked is profanity?


Monday, June 3, 2002 1:46 PM



Originally posted by Swatter:
Why was Firefly moved from it's original Sunday timeslot to the timeslot of death? Why was it slated to be released at mid season instead of the fall? Why did is Fox paying for another pilot? Networks don't like shelling out money unless they have to.

It's obvious Fox didn't like the original one.

I've never said "it su@ked". I just said it stunk. I've never used a single word of profanity on this board and the word above is a quote from you.

FF was never programmed for either a Sunday night timeslot or a midseason release. There was alot of speculation that it would go into the X-Files slot, but that predated the pilot being written. Fox chose to counterprogram a successful comedy (Malcolm) against three dramas SOPRANOS, ANGEL, & ALIAS (probably a smart move -- damn those ANGEL hating bastards at the WB.)

The midseason replacement show rumor was just that until it was printed in the Hollywood Reporter amid all the new fall season stories.

You're right about Fox hating to spend more money on another pilot, that's why I think they will definitely put the "original" pilot on the air sometime. I hope.


Monday, June 3, 2002 7:55 PM



Originally posted by malcolm:
You're right about Fox hating to spend more money on another pilot, that's why I think they will definitely put the "original" pilot on the air sometime. I hope.

But if what Tim Minear said was true--the "new" pilot is actually a slightly revamped second episode--is Fox really spending more money on another pilot? It sounds to me like they're spending more money on the second episode, which is common practice. It's not like they probably wouldn't have spent the money anyway.


Tuesday, June 4, 2002 7:55 AM


Oh that why? Okay, maybe I was wrong. I apologize. I just kept reading that it was slated to be a midseason replacement on so many news sites like yahoo tv news, hollywood reporter or Which news site did you say your info comes from?

I'm with you!! They are endangering Angel by putting it up against Alias. Grrr...if they cancel Angel cause of their silly programming move..I think we should sic Conner on them!!


Tuesday, June 4, 2002 1:15 PM


Actually, Angel wouldn't go off the air if the WB cancelled it,and I really wish they would, but they won't, no matter what. UPN is contractually obligated to pick up Angel throughout this season if the WB cancels it. Which is why the WB is trying to screw it over and won't cancel it. It would be a boost to UPN (since UPN is the weaker network, ratings-wise) while basically shelving it on a timeslot they're going to lose anyway doesn't hurt the WB. However, they might cancel it at the end of the season because that's when UPN's obligation to pick it up ends. And if Buffy does end at the end of s7, Angel probably won't help UPN out as much by itself. It's unnatural having two shows in the same fictional universe separated by unfriendly networks, but that's how it looks like it's going to be.


Tuesday, June 4, 2002 8:37 PM


This is what Tim Minear said at this site in the thread titled "Original Pilot? New Pilot?"



Wednesday, May 29, 2002 - 11:06

To clear up a few things: the so-called "new pilot" is in fact the first episode. The original pilot -- which, by the way, is awesome -- will likely air as a two hour "event," as has been stated here. A kind of "origins" piece. When Joss and I broke the story for the first episode, we kept this in mind. I got to co-write the new script with Joss, and it's the same show. There has not been some major "retooling."

The new script also works as a good introduction to the show, in my opinion.

The pilot, "Serenity," was a big part of why I wanted to do "Firefly." It does a thing... a thing that I adore (but the very thing that I think makes the network nervous to air it as the public's first exposure to a new series on their airwaves...) What I mean is, it works on you. It gets under your skin. At least, it did to me. It unfolds. Reveals itself to you. That's a thing Joss is great at. It stayed with me the day I saw it, and I woke up the next day thinking about it. I got a little obsessed with it.

Then, maybe a week or so after I saw it, Joss visited me on the set of "Angel" and asked me to come and make more "Firefly" stories with him. Uh... yeah. Ready for the ride.

Tim Minear

And I have to say, I love quotes straight from the source... no editing by some journalist. Plus Tim is the only non-Fox honcho that I've heard has seen the pilot, or atleast the only one talking.


Wednesday, June 5, 2002 1:49 PM



Originally posted by Shuggie:
sucked is profanity?

That's a new one for me... I use "sucked" in front of my grandmother (of course, my grandmother has flipped me off, but I digress )

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Blood just kept pouring out of them, you'd slip in it half the time, find out bloodbath is not just a figure of speech."
-Zoe; Firefly, "Serenity" Shooting Script.


Thursday, June 6, 2002 5:59 PM


Don't think of it as the timeslot of death.

Think of Friday evening as the New York of television. If a show can make it there, it can make it anywhere.

(Because I am new here, I will refrain from bursting into song at this point.)


Thursday, June 6, 2002 7:01 PM


Firefly in the timeslot of death.

Well, yes. I agree that Friday night is a timeslot of death for any show whose target audience is mainly that of young men between the ages of 15 and 34. I think that being put in the Friday time slot is a huge part of why Dark Angel ultimately bit the dust.

However, I'd also like to contend that Firefly has a lot more going for it than DA on a broad-scale-appeal level.

Firstly, though James Cameron may be a popular filmmaker, especially in the action genre, I don't think that his involvement in DA was nearly as great as Joss' seems to be on his shows. That being the case, DA mostly had his name and not much else, from what I can tell. (Also, I personally think that the things that Joss has done have been far more interesting than those Cameron has, with the exception of T2, but that's really neither here nor there).

Secondly, DA was very focused on Jessica Alba's character, which didn't seem to work in its favor. Sci-fi shows with ensemble casts (with a few notable exceptions) seem generally to do better than those that don't, if only because it offers the audience more opportunity to connect with a character that will be featured prominently on the show.

Thirdly, my strong hope is that Firefly will build a strong following, and that stupid, stupid, STUPID Fox will wake up and put the show in a better time slot (perhaps replacing Ally Mc-I-Need-A-Donut on Mondays).

Just my opinion.


"Logic is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't beat actual thought." -Terry Pratchett, the Last Continent


Thursday, June 6, 2002 7:05 PM



Originally posted by malcolm:

FF was never programmed for either a Sunday night timeslot or a midseason release. There was alot of speculation that it would go into the X-Files slot, but that predated the pilot being written. Fox chose to counterprogram a successful comedy (Malcolm) against three dramas SOPRANOS, ANGEL, & ALIAS (probably a smart move -- damn those ANGEL hating bastards at the WB.)

Hold on... first they put Angel after Seventh Poopin' on Monday night... now they're putting it up against the Sopranos and Alias?

Sweet Jebus, just let UPN pick it up and have done already...


"Logic is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't beat actual thought." -Terry Pratchett, the Last Continent


Friday, June 7, 2002 10:47 AM



Originally posted by Pandora:
Firefly in the timeslot of death.

Firstly, though James Cameron may be a popular filmmaker, especially in the action genre, I don't think that his involvement in DA was nearly as great as Joss' seems to be on his shows. That being the case, DA mostly had his name and not much else, from what I can tell.

And, either deliberately or by delegating it to the wrong person, Cameron didn't a very good job of casting Dark Angel. I mean, damnit, the heroine is a post-apocolypse genetically enhanced superwomen obsessed with her own mysterious past. Jessica Alba seems to think it's all a minor variation on BH90210!

By contrast, Whedon has always been really good at casting. Sometimes I'm astonished at the people he digs up. That lady who plays Hallie is typical. I mean, WTF ever heard of her? But she's perfect. And to top it off, her first name is Kali!


Saturday, June 22, 2002 10:47 AM


firefly IS in the timeslot of death.
DA had 17 million ppl watching the pilot on tuesday; and then fox moved it.
and DA had the best ratings on a friday since a loong time
if firefly doesn't top that, it's gone ;


Saturday, June 22, 2002 10:51 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

Originally posted by Pandora:
Firefly in the timeslot of death.

Cameron didn't a very good job of casting Dark Angel. I mean, damnit, the heroine is a post-apocolypse genetically enhanced superwomen obsessed with her own mysterious past. Jessica Alba seems to think it's all a minor variation on BH90210!

By contrast, Whedon has always been really good at casting. Sometimes I'm astonished at the people he digs up. That lady who plays Hallie is typical. I mean, WTF ever heard of her? But she's perfect. And to top it off, her first name is Kali!

if U were not a DA watcher U can't know if JA was fit for the role or not.Just ask one of the millions of DA fans btw


Sunday, June 23, 2002 11:25 AM



Originally posted by fireflyslayer493:

if U were not a DA watcher U can't know if JA was fit for the role or not.Just ask one of the millions of DA fans btw

I did watch it. I'm a sucker for post-apocolypse stories. I turned it off midway through one episode because I couldn't take that vacant smile one more second. That's not acting, that's strutting and saying your lines

Millions of people do lots of stupid things. Seig Heil!


Monday, June 24, 2002 2:45 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

I did watch it. I'm a sucker for post-apocolypse stories. I turned it off midway through one episode because I couldn't take that vacant smile one more second. That's not acting, that's strutting and saying your lines

Millions of people do lots of stupid things. Seig Heil!

Alba was ok. And Dark Angel was great....for one season.

They were stupid, damn stupid to fire Nana Visitor's amazing X character and they they give John Savege's baddie an off screen death.

Frankly those two great actor's gave the show so much credability and without them the show just fell apart as more and more the show looked like Max the Mutant Slayer.

I was sorry that Cameron a director who i do admire could not save his show with what WAS a amazing finale but i'm sorry, he waited far to long to step in and try to fix his show. It was to little to late.


One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape


Monday, June 24, 2002 5:44 AM


Nana Visitor was on Dark Angel? I must have stopped watching before she showed up. If I'd known, I might have stuck around. Then again, I sort of associate her with the sputtering, gruesome finale to DS9.


Monday, June 24, 2002 6:04 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Nana Visitor was on Dark Angel? I must have stopped watching before she showed up. If I'd known, I might have stuck around. Then again, I sort of associate her with the sputtering, gruesome finale to DS9.

First of all :


There is nothing sputtering about Deep Space Nine a show i consider the baseline to judge ALL sci-fi shows against.

Now then....

Nana came on board late in the first season, although her character get hinted at about the midpoint i think.

And just as she had this magnificent powerplay in the first season finale, she is frelling killed off in the 2nd season premiere. It stunk HEAVELY of being reworked at the last minute and then lo and behold Trekweb prints a interview with her and she reveals that the show's producers wanted to really go after the kiddies.

Even though she had been promised that she would be a full time cast memeber, she would now only be a reocuring guest star along with John Savedge (Lydeker). Since she would have to move her family she could not afford to do that as only a guest star. The response? She gets fired along with Savedge. And the creation of Max : Mutant Slayer is compleate.

The sad thing is many DS9 alums were involved with the show and they COULD have done better if FOX hadn't interfierd.


One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape


Monday, June 24, 2002 9:20 AM


I liked DS9 for a couple of seasons. A little more thoughtful than the other Star Trek series. But for the last couple of seasons, most of the stories were just excuses to blow up lots of spaceships. Coincidentally, that started about the time Independence Day came out.


Monday, June 24, 2002 9:38 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
I liked DS9 for a couple of seasons. A little more thoughtful than the other Star Trek series. But for the last couple of seasons, most of the stories were just excuses to blow up lots of spaceships. Coincidentally, that started about the time Independence Day came out.

Oh Dear!

I compleatly disagree here. There is no possible way you can say that DS9 was just an excuse to blow up ships. Yes, some of those bigger Dominon war did have sweeping star battles but it never, EVER let you forget that their were supposed to be real peaple on those ships.

It was just so very powerful when Sisko had the MIA/KIA reports displayed in a manner very similar to the Vietman War Memorial.

Go and watch episodes like The Siege of AR-47 and Sacrifice of Angels and then come back here and we will discuss this again!



One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape


Monday, June 24, 2002 11:10 AM



Originally posted by InarasNewToy:

Oh Dear!

I compleatly disagree here. There is no possible way you can say that DS9 was just an excuse to blow up ships. Yes, some of those bigger Dominon war did have sweeping star battles but it never, EVER let you forget that their were supposed to be real peaple on those ships.

It was just so very powerful when Sisko had the MIA/KIA reports displayed in a manner very similar to the Vietman War Memorial.

Go and watch episodes like The Siege of AR-47 and Sacrifice of Angels and then come back here and we will discuss this again!


So you like to watch things go boom. Not all of us do. I liked DS9 when it was "Casblanca in Space" and they had stories about stem bolts and weird aliens who didn't understand what time was. Besides, when they started using Action to carry the stories, the stories themselves got to be pretty lame. "How can I save the day? Should I sulk? Should I peel potatoes? I know! I'll go to a desert planet and dig up an artifact!"


Monday, June 24, 2002 5:29 PM


INT - I'm in complete agreement with you on DS9. Even as you were bringing them up, I was thinking specifically about "The Siege of AR-47" and the roster of the dead. Zicsoft just doesn't want to admit that anything that happens to have an exploding spaceship in it can also be great.

I can't remember the ep titles, but the one where Sisko ended up burying his head in his hands due to the fact that he felt he'd had no choice but to get his hands dirty - something about screwing the Romulans or playing allies off against each other or something - all the issues with Section 9 or whatever it was called... A lot of pure Trekkies hate this because it's fairly anti-Roddenberry, but I loved it. The show was good almost from the very beginning (and the premiere retroactively seemed better than it did at the time) but it did nothing but increase in quality, complexity, seriousness, moral ambiguity, and high drama. And when I get that AND exploding spaceships... well, I'm not going to complain at all. (Of course there are exceptions - DS9 wasted many an ep in sheer goofiness, but I'm speaking of an overall flow.) The only thing that weakened the end, imo, is that Ezri was a poor replacement for Jadzia and, if Jadzia had to be written out, she could have been written out much more effectively. The early eps had their excellences, but there wasn't as much tying them together - not as much large-scale and truly (fictionally) historical events. So, yeah, it was great in its way in the beginning, and great in another way at the end - but those two ways weren't contradictory... the concerns in the beginning were still being addressed in the end. Any good adventure story, even a thoughtful adventure story, can't stand still and be a bunch of disconnected pieces - it's got to build and come together and create sweeping arcs... so DS9 did.

But, admittedly, I'm as biased as you seem to be, Zicsoft, but in the opposite direction. For instance, as much as I enjoyed TNG, the only TNG ep I'd put on par with the key eps of the entire ending sweep of DS9 is "Yesterday's Enterprise" and it shares a similarly dark, gritty, "dirty heroic" aspect. So I guess it is a matter of taste - I just wouldn't knock the end of DS9 qualitatively... it's good - just not everyone's cuppa tea.

Um. *gets off soapbox*


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:13 AM



Originally posted by J:
INT - I'm in complete agreement with you on DS9. Even as you were bringing them up, I was thinking specifically about "The Siege of AR-47" and the roster of the dead. Zicsoft just doesn't want to admit that anything that happens to have an exploding spaceship in it can also be great.

Yeah, basically. Anyway, this is Star Trek damnit. Trying to turn it into an ID4 ripoff negates 90% of the basic premise.

I can't remember the ep titles, but the one where Sisko ended up burying his head in his hands due to the fact that he felt he'd had no choice but to get his hands dirty - something about screwing the Romulans or playing allies off against each other or something -

Yeah, I liked that episode too.

Select to view spoiler:

Basically, he started out trying to con the Romulans into thinking the Dominion had plans to attack them. He ends up being party to the murder of a Romulan Senator, with cleverly planted evidence framing the Dominion for the crime. So the Romulans join the war on the Federation side

A nasty thing to do, but anything for God and country, right? Anyway, it was a good story -- sustained without a single space battle!


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:29 PM



Originally posted by J:

I can't remember the ep titles, but the one where Sisko ended up burying his head in his hands due to the fact that he felt he'd had no choice but to get his hands dirty - something about screwing the Romulans or playing allies off against each other or something - all the issues with Section 9 or whatever it was called...

In The Pale Moonlight is the episode you are thinking of. Only it wasn't Section 31 it was Garek who set up the dirty deed!

And yeah, i love that episode sooooo much!

DS9 gives me the warm gooeys!


One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:31 PM


Oh....and don't make me defend Ezri/Nicole DeBoer! It could get.....UGLY!


One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 6:27 PM


Yeah - I mean those as separate things - the Section 31(?) stuff being an additional sub-arc that was full of moral complexities of a meaner, rougher Federation. Thanks for the title.

As far as Ezri/Nicole - Jadzia/Terry was so much a favorite of mine that I couldn't have been happy with any replacement. So I wouldn't argue about her, just because I know I'm extremely biased.


Wednesday, June 26, 2002 6:45 AM



Originally posted by J:
Yeah - I mean those as separate things - the Section 31(?) stuff being an additional sub-arc that was full of moral complexities of a meaner, rougher Federation. Thanks for the title.

I LOVED Section 31! It helped a lot that Sloan was just an amazing badass!


"We search out and identify potential dangers to the Federation."
"And once identified?"
"We deal with them."

-- Sloan and Bashir on "Section 31"


As far as Ezri/Nicole - Jadzia/Terry was so much a favorite of mine that I couldn't have been happy with any replacement. So I wouldn't argue about her, just because I know I'm extremely biased.

I hear you! Nicole had a hard job, but i just fell in love right away!


One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape






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