What was in your opinion, the worst episode of firefly?

UPDATED: Sunday, October 30, 2005 16:02
VIEWED: 6420
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Friday, October 28, 2005 4:56 PM


I know that that's a very tough call.

Feel free to vote for the movie to if you liked it less than any of the episodes.

My vote would probably go to Bushwhacked just because there is a lull at the beginning where not much happens. But like I said, it's a pretty tough call.


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:00 PM


i loved Bushwhacked i would have to say the worst was Heart of Gold other than seeing Mal get it on and Inara cry over it i didn't see the point


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:22 PM


I loved Heart of Gold, but I think I am in the minority.

The message had some annoying parts in it...but I would take the worst episode of Serenity over 90% of what else is out there!

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:31 PM


For me, the worst episode was "Objects in Space". But that is ONLY because it's the last one... none more, maybe never. Now I've gone and made myself sad.

"Serenity NOW!!! ... Insanity later."


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:34 PM


I'd have to say The Message. I can't stand that guys voice, way to whiny... but it was a good story, just can't stand watching it cuz of his voice

"It's not that there HAS to be a sequel. It's just that I've got so many IDEAS..."-Joss Whedon
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:37 PM


I would say that 'Objects in Space' is my very favorite, in spite it being the last one...
I am still not tired of listening to the commentary with it.

I'd have to say 'Heart of Gold' is my least favorite, it didn't manage to have very many moments that seemed meaningful to me.

'Bushwacked' had those great interviews with the Alliance officier (Zoe being private, Wash NOT being so private...good times).

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:49 PM



After the Serenity Pilot, "Objects in Space" was the MOST important... (It shows us- rather than 'hints' at - what River might be capable of)

And... however much I might have disliked the "Bonanza" aspects of "Heart of Gold," I still consider it "Very Important" in that it reveals what Inara hides in her heart... although a True Believer hadda sit through 45 minutes of it to get the 5 seconds of Serious Gist... (there's a crossbow hiding in there somewhere)...

[Speaking as The Ultimte Browncoat]... the 'Worst Episode' hadda be "The Message."

Probably this was due to "The Finality" of it all: The Composer said he'd written his Most Poignant music for it, knowing that the series had been cancelled... Gina Torres said everyone did what they could (on that episode) to show their disapproval - stuff like: 'flippin'-the-bird-to-Fox' inside a wardrobe gun holster...

So the result is: this is their 'Big-Damn-We've-Been-Cancelled' Episode ("BDWBCE") and, it actually Bores Me (which I say with the Greatest-Trepidation-&-Respect for JW), because it's just the... "We've Just Been 'F-Worded' Episode So..." ...give us a week or two & we can continue on to the characters' story arcs next week...

'S Just what I think...


Bite Me "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat"...


Friday, October 28, 2005 7:35 PM


I said "Objects in Space" was the worst only because it was the last. It was, in point of fact, one of my favorite episodes.. but it was the last new thing in the Firefly universe I would see until the recently released movie.. not counting the comics. I really can't point to a single one that I didn't like. Every one has something special in it from giant hair to Big Damn Heroes.

"Serenity NOW!!! ... Insanity later."


Friday, October 28, 2005 7:53 PM


Couldn't Agree More :-):-):-)

HOHOHO friends think "I'm a stupid, inbred stack of meat"


Friday, October 28, 2005 9:11 PM


well i don't know if i hav a least fav. maybe heart o gold, but to say the message was a bad episode is something i couldn't disagree more with. it's amazingly poiniant( i know there's a "g" in that word somewhere). and heartfelt. i am by no means a guy who gets choked up about a lot, but i always get slightly moved by the scene when they actually deliver Tracy's body. but hey that's just me we're all entitled to our opinions.

"mine is an evil laugh"


Friday, October 28, 2005 11:30 PM


Don't we already have a thread discussing this? How many do we need?


Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:44 AM


believe it or not i liked jaynestown, i liked it because jayne's character was uncovered in abit more detail, and the bushwhacked interrogation scene was a classic.
Heart of Gold was abit pointless in my opinion, i didn like it much, too westerny, also i didn see mal jumping that fast on the idea of saving a bunch of 'companions'.

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

--'look if you need me just run in circles, shouting my name and waving banners with my name on them...when you've done that for, what, say 3 hours; you phone me : P'


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:27 PM


[ to say the message was a bad episode is something i couldn't disagree more with.]

Oh I agree with you here - I wasn't saying it was "bad" ('Mal' the Latin, hehheh...) - just that it was my least favorite as in the originating question of this thread, to wit: "what ... was the worst episode." I think it's just as good as all the others, it's just that, it was clearly "colored" throughout all its aspects by the knowledge they'd just been cancelled so... I think it does the least of the epsiodes in carrying forward the various plot elements of the Bigger Story - all the events of the Serenity-verse.. it was kind-of a ...punctuated sigh, if you will... on the part of everyone in the series...

just my opinion



Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:32 PM


oh yeah, and several people have raised the point of "Heart of Gold" being the worst which, at some point I might agree with. I think it's Joss's tribute to "Bonanza" myself (he tropes his inspirations throughout the series & the BDM, too) so, it helps if you like Westerns I guess.

However, in keeping with what I'd just said about how "The Message" does the least to ...forward the events of the Serenity-verse... of course, "Heart of Gold" does one very significant thing to really carry on those plot points further, namely, Inara actually losing so much composure that she had a breakdown over Mal



Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:17 PM


i totaly think jaynestown was the worst.Mostly becuase i already knew what was gonna happen in the end. it was totally predictable. i didnt need to have another reason to thingk Jayne was anymore if a creep then i aready did. though it was funny at points. And heart of gold was the best. having that old west/ sufferage act thing was cool. And there were beautiful costumes.



Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:08 PM


I forget the name of it, but the episode with the bounty hunter was the worst for me. The only thing that was good about that episode was River. We got to learn more about her power.

That bounty hunter got on my nerves, and I was glad when mean old Mal showed up and pushed him off the ship into space.

I thought Heart of Gold was really wasnt the best, but it was a decent, old west kinda flick.

And it was good to see Mal being kind and tender for once towards Inara's friend, who was also very beautiful and gutys.

Even Jayne was being tender and nice in that episode if you noticed his relationship with that prositute. He was braiding her hair, and I liked the scene where, before the big gunfight, Jayne explained to the girl what guns he wanted her to hand to him when the battle started, then they madeout! Jayne acted like he cared about her. I bet she felt safe!

Now its my turn...


Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:43 PM


I thought "The Message" was the worst. I agree with someone else in saying it was just kind of boring. Of course you do have to love Jayne in that hat. My favorite is "Out of Gas". It still manages to hold my intersest after all this time.

Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 8:01 PM


yeah, I consider "Out of Gas" one of the most vital episodes but I must disagree with "River6213" about "Objects In Spcae," which I consider the single MOST important episode besides the original unaired pilot itself... she thought the "only good thing about it was River"... but that was why it was vital: it's the episode that links the logic of the 'Firefly' series to the BDM, making it completely indispensable, whether or not you think Jubal Early is annoying.

I mean - sure, having a bounty hunter on your ass would be annoying, I suppose, especially one who ties up cute girls with threats of rape (as he did to Kaylee), but I Truly Love it when the show gets intense... I mean, did you know Mal could die under torture, be revived and be the better man for it? F'Chrissakes... THAT'S INTENSE! ...all part of why I love it... (gives new meaning to the phrase, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger).

Anyway... I maintain, you couldn't make the logical story leap between the Firefly series to the featue film 'verse without "Objects In Space."


believe what I say "or your friends will think you're stupid, inbred pieces of meat"


Saturday, October 29, 2005 8:41 PM


I have not yet seen all the episodes, though most.

At first was somewhat troubled by the nature of the thread, but very quickly came to the realization that (my) answer to this question actually is very illuminating and poignant to the very heart of Firefly.

The fact of the matter is that if I had to sit and try to pick the ‘worst’ episode, taking into consideration various factors that influence any entertainment, such as subtleties in your ‘mood’ at the time, your ‘expectations’, etc., etc., the one thing that is crystal clear is whichever the ‘worst’ choice might be, it would still be ‘glowing’ in comparison, in my opinion, to about 70% to 80% of any other show I can think of.

And that is the truth.

_ _ _ _ _
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." (PB)

Help! I'm standing and I can't fall down.

·Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis. (J Handy)


Sunday, October 30, 2005 11:15 AM


i did not like objects in space because it was the last episode. lol.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 12:07 PM


It amazes me how we all perceive things differently. Defending "hearts of gold" on account of the *costumes*?....

Gold was easily the dumbest espisode of the bunch. It just does not mesh with the character Mal and what the whole crew is. They are scrounging for jobs all the time and they are *forced* to look out for number-one 90% of the time just to survive.

Who is Mal? "He's not an evil man... He hasn't lost his moral compass completely. He has just given up on the idea of the decency of human nature. Or that anything is worth fighting for, except the next meal and the people around him." ~Joss Whedon

Yet in Heart of Gold, Mal and the entire crew of firefly, risk DEATH in a deadly firefight - a western-style shootout because one hooker doesn't want to give up her baby. (cue Madonna song). The core of the conflict is this, and there's no exposition whatsoever to the interesting and real issues surrounding parental rights in a situation like this.

Instead, we get an entire firefly crew who is willing to kill, and be killed, as a favor.

We see the townsman whose barren wife won't give him a kid, which is reasonable motivation to seek a mother via a third party, yet the story is written to portray him with a shallowness that requires laser interferometry to measure. Why? They could have written him as the hardass town boss who has a valid motivation, but who botched negotiations with the whore. Or she could have been a surrogate who breached contract. All potentially interesting stories leading up to the conflict are ignored. There's not a fair protrayal of two legitimate interests in a conflict (something that Firefly does quite well in the alliance vs browncoat conflict).

To top it off, *it is assumed* that a woman has a higher claim to parenthood of an infant than a man. The attitude of this episode, the whole mental frame of reference is drenched in unjustified feminazi self-righteousness.

It's a mindless hackneyed cliche. It's just a dumbed-down good gals versus bad guys western bang-bang shootemup.

In defense of the producers, i see this as a protest against Fox, who had just cancelled the series during ep 12. To me this episode is a frustrated Firefly ranting at the lameness of the TV world "You want dreck? We can give you dreck! Here! See?"


Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:06 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Zeylon:
I know that that's a very tough call.

Feel free to vote for the movie to if you liked it less than any of the episodes.

My vote would probably go to Bushwhacked just because there is a lull at the beginning where not much happens. But like I said, it's a pretty tough call.

Hard to say. HoG was pretty ridiculous as a whole. Parts of it were wonderful, like when Inara breaks down after meeting Mal exiting Nandie's room. Wow. But the chase scene where Mal goes after Rance in the end was nothing short of pure cheese.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:02 PM




Hard to say. HoG was pretty ridiculous as a whole. Parts of it were wonderful, like when Inara breaks down after meeting Mal exiting Nandie's room. Wow. But the chase scene where Mal goes after Rance in the end was nothing short of pure cheese.

Inara crying in the other room by herself when she found out that Mal had sex with Nandie caught me by surprise!

Also, the scene where Inara is grieving the death of her friend, and she looks up at Mal with at first, a pained look, and then her facial structure quickly changed into hard features, all while she's looking at Mal in the eyes. The nonverbal exchange was there "Get that bastard who did this"

Of course Mal jumps up, chases Rance down and beats him up! Yes its cheese, but I liked it very much, and I would hope a man I liked would do that for me if the situation were the same.

I don't know if the episode "Heart of Gold" was making some kind of feminazi statements; I didnt get that message at all. The crew was doing what they thought Mal wanted, and Mal was doing it as a favor for Inara...he loves her very much and would do anything for her.

I fell down the stairs backward and landed just in time for the fair....






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