How has FF/Serenity changed your life?

UPDATED: Monday, October 31, 2005 12:20
VIEWED: 3488
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Friday, October 28, 2005 4:50 PM


We had another thread like this, but this is mostly for the flood of newbies:)

Are ya fixated; can't seem to watch anything else?
Are ya obsessed with this site?(who, me?)
Have you converted friends?
Is your Halloween costume one with a sidearm?
Have you found your favourite show of all time?
Do ya waste large amounts of cash on Buffy and/or Angel dvd's now?(so guilty...)
Is life worth living again?

All of the above?

Chrisisall, embracing new Browncoats from around the galaxy


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:22 PM


Well, let's see now...

Does checking every two hours or so in hopes of new stories count as obsession?

If I say I've officially fallen in love with Mal, does that make me a loser?

When my new motto (such as it is) comes from a Joss Whedon interview when he talks about Serenity being about "the right to be wrong", does that mean I've undeniably lost touch with reality?

So yes, I'd guess you could say that Firefly has changed me, at least a little.

I absolutely refuse to say it's my favorite show of all time. To do so would break my heart due to its untimely demise, and I just can't deal with that right now. So, I'm going with denial for the time being. If I hear anything even *remotely* resembling official buzz on a new movie and/or season, *then* I might consider revising my official position. In the meantime, I'll live somewhat happily amid a sea of self-delusion. We'll see how long that lasts...

"It's about the right to be wrong." - Joss Whedon

"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:32 PM


My goodness.... you describe me to a T.

And I too am in love with Mal. "He's my hero."

Does it also count that the end music of the "Serenity Soundtrack" makes me ball like a baby?

"I aim to misbehave" - Mal.


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:50 PM


Yes. Yes. Yes. Australia doesn't do Halloween, (but I'm gonna wear a summer dress and bare feet, with my hair loose and wild, does that count?) Yes. Already did that before I found Firefly. Yes.

I can find an appropriate Firefly quote and insert it into *any* conversation.

I'm not obsessed, I'm just intensely focused.

"He's hurting a woman! He really is a bad guy... And I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, re: The Operative in the BDM.


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:01 PM


Strangely it strengthened my relationship with God, and brought me back to Christ after years of drunkeness and drug abuse (weed, speed, ecstacy, ...the works)


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:10 PM


Yep, I'm celebrating my two-week anniversary of discovering Firefly...gosh, has it only been two weeks?

And like FollowMal, you also have me pegged. FollowMal, I'm right there with you on the falling in love with a fictional character/leading man you'll never date. Oh, and the bawling at the last four tracks of the BDM soundtrack. And may I add for myself desperately awaiting the Serenity DVD so that I can watch the deleted scenes and FINALLY get to SEE Mal and Inara be a little more demonstrative about the way they feel about each other instead of just reading every fanfic I can get my hands on to give them a future. Also trying to memorize every funny line from the series AND the commentary. And buying additional "loaner" sets of the Firefly DVD so that I don't have to part with mine. Oh, I could go on and on...

Sorry for all the runon sentences...great thread.

ZOE: “It’s just, the Captain’s so tense…”
WASH: “Of course he’s tense. He’s awake.”


Friday, October 28, 2005 7:21 PM


Firefly has made the rest of TV less interesting. Like someone else posted a while back, It's hard to watch a western without thinking, "this could use some spaceships." Nothing else I've seen before or since, has so many great things flawlessly interwoven. I'm Hopelessly "Focused". Don't get me wrong, there are a few things worth watching still on, but none that I just can't stand to miss. Joss and/or Tim need a show on the air Now! Need The Inside on DVD. and the rest of Buffy/Angel.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."


Friday, October 28, 2005 8:04 PM


Firefly and Serenity have renewed my faith in television and movies. When I moved from my old apartment to the place I'm at now, I ditched my tv and cable service. I kept my cable internet though and my friend showed me how to steal, I mean borrow movies. But I haven't downloaded any cause they aren't worth the bandwidth.

However, Firefly and Serenity ARE worth the bandwidth. Not only that, but Firefly and Serenity are worth my hard earned american dollars. I bought the series and can't wait for the DVD. And even though I'm not a poster kind of guy, I'm going to buy the poster. And the soundtrack.

I'm sending a message to the studio: I love FF/Serenity. The only way they will get that message (sadly) is from money. They're kinda like Jayne crossed with the alliance. I've also turned my friends into brown coats, and they don't even like sci-fi. Guess what they're getting for xmas?

This has turned into a really long post. I feel like I should cite my sources and write a cover page.



Friday, October 28, 2005 9:13 PM



Originally posted by Jacqui:

I can find an appropriate Firefly quote and insert it into *any* conversation.
I'm not obsessed, I'm just intensely focused.

OOooooh lol, it's all so true!
Please say hi to my sister Anita in Melbourne.

I am so pleased to see all these cheerful new threads working to re-focus on the positive (and the silly), which is where I like to hang my emotional/intentional hat, and take my shoes off at the door.

My interpretation of Joss' work includes delight in his ability to get me to think outside my work-a-day box to help create a better world in every encounter, no matter how trivial that encounter might seem. I find it easy to connect with the characters in FF, who worry the edges of their own limitations, living at the edge of their empire to create a kinder, gentler place to call home.

Crap, I'm sappy. Take me to a couple of Halloween parties and see what happens? Chocolate and beer induced fluffiness.
More Halloween tomorrow!

The purpose of a story is to be an axe that breaks up the ice within us. -Avivah Zornberg

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, October 28, 2005 9:50 PM


fixated...jut watched the dvds, havent seen movies yearning to though!

i just found this site, i suppose i will be hehe

my friends like the show..not as much as me i don't think though..

not dressin up this year but if i was, it would definately have a sidearm

favourite show without a doubt...why was it canceled

didn't really watch Buffy or Angel heh

it will be worth it if they bring the show back


Friday, October 28, 2005 10:17 PM


Firefly has prompted me to write fanfiction, though I've never written anything more challenging than a letter home, before now. First ff hasn't been posted, but I'm hopeful and nervous and excited. It's good for me and I owe Joss Whedon and Firefly for starting that creative urge in me. Yay!


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:14 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
Firefly has made the rest of TV less interesting.

Exactly. I can't watch much without thinking, "I'd be enjoying Firefly a whole lot more right about now..."
Then I put on an ep.
Dark Angel is the only thing I've found that holds my interest as well as FF (although FF is better!).

Transgenic Browncoat Chrisisall


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:19 PM


Oh, I too am now desperate to get the DVD! The BDM has left my area completely, and I am suffering.

How in the world can Mal be so vital and alive to us, huh? But he is....I haven't EVER felt this for a character.

My Mom is watching and her last question to me was: " Do Mal and Inara EVER get together?!" I shrugged and said "We'll never know... if there isn't a second movie and a third, and maybe the series comes back." "Ok, she said, what exactly do we have to do to get this job done?!"

I'm contemplating giving my brother a set of DVD's for his birthday. He's not a scifi fan, but I know he will love this. We'll have another Browncoat, I just know it! And I am ordering another set.... I'm afraid I'm going to wear the set I kept out.

I can't watch anything else. I love being in the 'verse, and I don't wanna come up for air.

Still following Mal......


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:45 PM


How has Firefly changed my life?

I've purchased just about everything that is available for Firefly/Serenity.

I've seen the movie more than 8 times now.

I'm on and other firefly forums, reading all the topics and posting a lot. Also I go to the archives and try not to reply to a post set: 3/12/03

I've quit going to the forums that I used to go to before I discovered Firefly. (I call it my pre-firefly days)

Everytime my friends want to talk about movies, I talk only about Firefly and Serenity.

I search for firefly actors photos on the net.

I've changed my hairstyle and my wardrobe to the style River wears.

I say "'verse" a lot.

There are 3 Firefly episodes that I cry each time I see them (not gonna say which ones)

I get mad when I read about someone in the forum talking bad about Firefly.

I can't get the song from "Jaynestown" out of my head.

I can't get the Firefly theme song out of my head.

I've converted my Firefly DvDs into Mpeg4 format and downloaded them into my pocket sized Archos, portable movie player and watch it every single day.

I wonder about the characters a lot.

All of this activity concerning Firefly has occured in the past 2 weeks, and I think that I accidently became what I never thought I would ever become...a crazed fan.

I don't know why I'm behaving this way, but there is something about the Firefly 'verse that strikes a serious chord within the deepest part of my mind.

I'm really sad that they won't make any more tv shows.

I guess Firefly/Serenity has effected my life a little I would say.

Look mommy, there's a little plane up there in the sky...


Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:05 PM


Chrisisall, the same has happened to me! I used to be a "Lost" junkie, and now, even when I am watching a new ep, I'm thinking, 'gee, maybe I'll tape this and watch it later so I can watch a Firefly ep again instead!'

And yeah, how did I get to be a crazed fan in a little over two weeks? I've made it to 38 and this has NEVER happened to me before!

FollowMal, you and I must be kindred spirits. I have never thought so much and wondered so much about a character in my life. Kudos to Joss and the rest of the scriptwriters for writing such a complex, believable and compelling character in our beloved Cap'n; uber kudos to Nathan for making him walk and talk and breath and live in our imaginations!

It is great to read all the posts above and know that I am not alone in having this gem of a show/film take over my life!

ZOE: “It’s just, the Captain’s so tense…”
WASH: “Of course he’s tense. He’s awake.”


Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:36 PM


It's made me an even bigger fan of Joss Whedon. It's made me a big fan of the cast. And it's made me come to this site and spend far too much time on it (in a good way).


Monday, October 31, 2005 4:55 AM


It made me waste tons of time recasting the Firefly crew as muppets (see the MUPPENITY thread).

NOT exactly great for my productivity. I might have to fire myself now.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Monday, October 31, 2005 10:44 AM



"Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need." Mal


Monday, October 31, 2005 10:52 AM


We ARE kindred spirits Fillionflan, and I second your kudos to Nathan. He brings Mal to life. Words escape me actually...

I am sitting here posting, listening to the soundtrack from Serenity musing about what Mal felt at the end of the movie, so many losses, so much pain, yet once again free.

I think way too much about him, I suppose, but there hasn't been as compelling a character to think about in my humble opinion in a long time.

I don't watch anything else, and I had been interested in "Lost" and "BSG" but they can't hold a candle to this. No way.

I feel the same way about coming to the site, makes me feel "at home" being among all of us who love this 'verse so much.

"I love my Captain."

"Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need." Mal


Monday, October 31, 2005 12:20 PM


Well.. im not as obsessed as most but i do love the show.. My friends and i are actually starting to use the Mandarin phrases from the show in our everyday speech.. Speaking of which..(I love you Joss but those guys butchered a lot of their Mandarin) anyways.. the show has made me re-realize why i love the bizz so much and want to be a part of it.. The possibility of working on one of the Serenity movies or (holds breathe) Firefly if it comes back on the air would be a dream come true.. and yes i made my very own Firefly costume pretty much from scratch and wore it around for Halloween...

"-Neat Costume who are you?
-One of the characters from Firefly..
-(Pause) Whats Firefly?
-This amazing Sci-Fi show that you should watch!!"






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