So What's next? Has anybody heard from Joss?

UPDATED: Monday, January 2, 2006 16:22
VIEWED: 17422
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:18 PM


So... where are we? Are we objects in space? Floating aimlessly and bumping into things? Has our fearless leader expressed what the next step is? I need some direction. Some hope that this great story isn't done. I've written the big movie company. I've written Joss. I've bought just about any gorram thing that's cought my interest pertaining to Firefly. I've told all my friends and family that might be remotely interested.

Now what?

If anybody has anything verifiable that Joss has uttered about the current future plans. Let me know.


Like a leaf before the wind!


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:23 PM


I know what you mean. It's kinda scary being in this unique limbo isnt it?

I feel real sorry for the orginal Brown Coats who had to put up with this feeling since 2002

They must be made of the right stuff.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:33 PM



I just got into it this summer and no sooner had I started watching the shows, a friend said, "Oh Firefly? They're making a movie of that."

So I knew it wasn't over... but now...

I hope the nay sayers aren't right about the lack of interest in the series because the movie may just barely break even.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:20 PM


There was a Joss post during Serenity's third week in the theater. He said something along the lines of "it could be this tale is told." But he went on to say he would always be open to revisiting it.

I think the big thing that people are missing with all the news about the movie is that the Firefly DVD set is STILL selling crazy-good. It's still near the top of the Amazon charts, and most places have recently raised the price of the set.

What that tells me is that people like Firefly (and the TV format of the series) a heck of a lot more than they liked Serenity.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 2:11 AM



Originally posted by Cub:

What that tells me is that people like Firefly (and the TV format of the series) a heck of a lot more than they liked Serenity.

Actually, based on the trend, the tv audience and movie audience is shrinking, and in general is dropping in avg IQ*. Reality shows and tv shows/movies with no depth are the norm and I think this will continue because reality shows are easy and super cheap to make, meaning big $$$$ for network execs to get fat christmas bonuses. Another factor is that home theater systems these days are sufficient to keep people home, since there are no noisy kids or cellphone talkers, etc. The only thing helping is DVR's (TIVO), but then the networks lose advert revenue.
Anyways, just throwing out some of what I know, and some of my opinion.

* I said avg IQ, meaning not all tv viewers complete numbskulls. Please do not take offense. I watch tv, at least the little i can tolerate.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 5:05 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Keep the faith people. Joss is kind of busy now w/ his film "Goners" & getting a script for "Wonder Woman" written. I have no doubt he is watching the box office #s & anticipating the DVD release in December, but the man is in the dark like we are about a sequel. The final call for a sequel is up to Universal & I doubt they will make that call until at earliest spring of 2006. They will need to look at the final box office #s & the #s for the DVDs to see if it is going to be worth their while to do a sequel.

In the meantime, we do what we have always done; we keep spreading the word to those that don't know about the series or the movie. We see the movie if it is still in theatres where we can get to it. We convince others to go see it if it is near them. We loan DVD sets & we talk up Firefly & Serenity on the net & at conventions. We keep the interest & our morale high.

This fight ain't over yet browncoats. Stay focused and Joss will see us through.

Keep Flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 5:37 AM


Here's the most recent word from Joss on the subject matter (I've highlighted some key points). It was posted on the Universal Board October 14.


Post subject: Joss made a post from typings!


Hello, young lovers, wherever you are. This is Joss, coming to you live via technology. I thought it would be fair to give you all my little State of the Onion before I descend into the depths of the Warren to pound away at my keyboard, munch lettuce and ignore that annoying nerd Fiver who keeps saying something bad is coming, like he can tell or whatever. I'm excited to beat this Wonder Woman script into shape (and munch lettuce). Mostly, to be honest, I'm excited to (deliberately split infinitive) not be a Professional Serenity Barker. I love you guys, I loves me some Serenity cast, but I am yammered out. By Spain it just got surreal (I think Nathan and Summer will back me on that one). Selling is not my strong suit. Actually, my strong suit is Kevlar, but it bunches in all the wrong places.

So I have read much over the past weeks: we have Won! Lost! Triumphed! Failed! and have, of course, agreed with every single thing I read (one of the exhausting things about having no personality). But in the dark blue of early morning I do have some perspective, and it runs thus:

I'm very content. I think the movie is really good. That was hard to a)do and b) realize. The response has been terrific, the majority of the reviews extremely positive: people GOT IT. What's more, an impressive number of people saw this movie who never would have, and even more still will. This is not spin: I know we didn't do the expected numbers our first weekend, we didn't have an unprecedentedly small drop-off the second (which was my personal fantasy.) I've been to some dark places, just like you guys. But the movie has legs, and people who loved it LOVED it crazy, the way love is supposed to be. Europe has been a nice boost (and a lung-splitting shout out to my UK and Aussie UIPeeps -- they're dears, and efficient as hell). We'll keep soldiering on, until we can't crawl and we find DVD to carry us. I see us kind of like the Shawshank Redemption without all the Oscar nominations (unless Best Feet becomes a catagory). People who were befuddled by the title or lack of premise hook will finally pick it up, and keep picking it up... They may miss out on the big-screen
exitement, but they'll see our little tale and take it to their hearts. Takes a while. Just like the show.

I've seen a couple of posts with Browncoats beating themselves up about not having done enough. I never want to hear that again. You guys have gone above and beyond above and beyond. The people who are above and beyond are looking at you guys and going "Man, don't they ever quit?" Your efforts, and your investment (emotional as well as tickety) have done an enormous amount for this film and my battered heart. No more self-flagellation, unless it's the healthy, what-every-young-person-needs-to-learn-about-their-body kind.

And what about Da Fyoocha? (And why did I need Arnold to say that?) I have no idea. It could be that this tale is told. Or it could be that down the line, dollars accumulate and some exec says, "let's spin that wheel again." Or who knows. I'm not resting my hopes on it, but it's not a concept I'll ever close the book on. In case the 30,000 reporters I told didn't get this message out, I love this crew like Nick loves Nora, like Hellboy loves Pancakes, like Bridgitte loves Bernie (and if you're old enough to get that reference, my condolences.)

Thank you all. I'll be in touch again, but I have an Amazon to rassle. Remember that this is not over; every dollar (or Euro) counts, every new convert is a friend for life. But don't fret too much on what's to come. Enjoy the remarkable things we've accomplished. You're Big Damn Fans. Have some lettuce.

All love, Joss.

So, right now I think everyone, even Joss, is in limbo. Hopefully not for too long, if the DVD sales are strong. Speaking of which, Serenity is now up for pre-order on, so let's get to it!


Saturday, November 5, 2005 12:24 PM


Good points. Nice cheery hopeful message. I'll try to be patient.


"My days of taking you seriously..."


Saturday, November 5, 2005 12:32 PM


That's EXACTLY what I was looking for. Until I hear that one of those exec's drops a dime on Joss, I'll consider this thread closed. Thanks. Not exactly closure, but close enough.


"My days of taking you seriously...:


Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:08 PM


you know,i have wondered recently,is this is OUR Serenity Valley? are we holding the valley for two solid weeks after receiving orders to lay down arms?
i've been pondering this and i've realized something...i've been a Browncoat from the beginning...from the moment Mal booted Crow into the recently fired-up engine of Serenity. as the loyal Browncoat,i've converted many,and seen the movie multiple times. the first poster was right,this limbo is hell,but i've learned great patience as a Browncoat,and thru that i've realized that if this is indeed our Serenity Valley,i'll be a GORRAM corpse before i give up my ground,Joss will lead us,to victory or whatever may come.Just gotta wait for our 'Angels'.

I'll be in my bunk.-Jayne


Saturday, November 5, 2005 4:43 PM



Originally posted by BlueSunCorporategoon:
you know,i have wondered recently,is this is OUR Serenity Valley? are we holding the valley for two solid weeks after receiving orders to lay down arms?..i've been a Browncoat from the beginning...from the moment Mal booted Crow into the recently fired-up engine of Serenity.

There's lessons to be learned, I suggest, from the most obvious precedent in this area. I'm talking about Star Trek.

Wait, wait, don't leave. Yeah, I know there's a lot of Browncoats don't think highly of Trek; but I'm not asking you to admire it artistically (although I do), just to learn from it.

I consider it my good fortune to have been both a first generation Browncoat and an original Trekkie. Yeah, I said "Trekkie", with an Aye-Eee.
I was one before the word was coined, and long before some early spasm of PC groupthink came up with the illusion that "Trekker" sounded more dignified.

Folks, Trek fans survived for ten years on hope and fanzines before they got their movie. And it wasn't any big hit at first, either, nor a critical favorite. But the fan base was strong and loyal, and that impressed the studio enough to make them risk another shot.

Thing is, Trek wasn't always the tired juggernaut it has recently devolved into; once it was the fresh young underdog, just like another show I know. And if Firefly could jump to the big screen in a quarter of the time, with less than a quarter of the episodes, then maybe this slight recent downturn in fortune is nothing more than a marathon runner pausing to catch breath.

And at least we didn't have to suffer through Firefly: The Animated Series just to hold the fort...

"Never give up, never surrender!" -- Captain Peter Quincy Taggart


Saturday, November 5, 2005 6:49 PM



Originally posted by BlueSunCorporategoon:
you know,i have wondered recently,is this is OUR Serenity Valley? are we holding the valley for two solid weeks after receiving orders to lay down arms?
i've been pondering this and i've realized something...i've been a Browncoat from the beginning...from the moment Mal booted Crow into the recently fired-up engine of Serenity. as the loyal Browncoat,i've converted many,and seen the movie multiple times. the first poster was right,this limbo is hell,but i've learned great patience as a Browncoat,and thru that i've realized that if this is indeed our Serenity Valley,i'll be a GORRAM corpse before i give up my ground,Joss will lead us,to victory or whatever may come.Just gotta wait for our 'Angels'.

I'll be in my bunk.-Jayne

"I love my captain"

I'm with ya! No worries!

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."-Wash.


Saturday, November 5, 2005 6:49 PM


I understand what you mean I mean cmon I grew up with stories about how my dad waited for ten years playing the star trek rpg waiting for a sign from Mr. Roddenberry. I am willing to wait ten years for the next season of firefly. Im sure all of yall are willing to wait if need be. the show was short-lived. No one wanted it to, but I believed FOX screwed it up. Like I said,I will wait if need be. All we need is a little hope.

My sisters a ship. We had a complicated childhood.
- Simon Tam -


Sunday, November 6, 2005 3:03 AM


It's important to note that Universal won't ever come out and say "We're never doing another one." They'll say "No plans at this time" in perpetuity until they decide to do another one. Sometimes this can be a huge period of time (think The Last Picture Show, Beyond Sunrise, Blues Brothers 2000 or even The Santa Clause 2 and Bad Boys 2). Even if the comment from Universal in 2010 is "No plans at this time", that still doesn't mean it's over.

Plus of course, there's always the other media forms to keep us going; comic books, novels, maybe audio dramas. What's clear is that, as far as Joss is concerned, this is something he is never going to close the door on. And that's really what I'm concerned about.

And if you ever feel that this is it, we've had our shots and blown it, well, I happen to be a fan of another TV show that was cancelled. A few years later it returned with a hugely expensive TVM. It flopped and the show disappeared again for another 9 years. Finally it came back once more this Easter and became the highest rated drama on TV and a phenomenon again. Never say die because you never know when the general public are going to come to their senses.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 5:07 AM


I hate Wonder Woman. How any Superhero could maintain a secret identity with a funk band following her around all the time is beyond me.

Firefly will not die here.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Sunday, November 6, 2005 5:27 AM


that was just the message i wanted to hear from joss. hes recognised basically everything that we are feeling right now and hes said that hes in the same kind of limbo as us. i think i needed that kind of reassurance (although nothing says reassurance like 'yeh of course therell be another big damned movie here,watch me sign it in blood' but thats not a realsitic expectation.)

im gonna enjoy my firefly dvds, pre-order serenity, continue trying to convert people and be optimistic about the future. and i'll probably spend a lot of that limbo on here swapping quotes and validating my fandom.
thanks joss, i feel a wee bit better now :)

"Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:36 AM



Originally posted by RocketJock:
Yeah, I said "Trekkie", with an Aye-Eee.

"Aye-Eee Captain?"


And at least we didn't have to suffer through Firefly: The Animated Series just to hold the fort...
Am I the only one who thinks a Firefly animated series would be all manner of shiny?

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 9:05 AM



Originally posted by RocketJock:

And at least we didn't have to suffer through Firefly: The Animated Series just to hold the fort...

Heeeyyyy! Now wait just a minute there! The scripts and stories were pretty darn good from what I recall. Granted, the animation sucked, but hey, (remember, it was the 70's and animation studio's had neither the money nor time enough for quality, except maybe Disney. Digital Computer Animation didn't exist then - it was still a hand-drawn cellular drudgery thing...) many of those scripts were lightyears ahead of the ST movies, that's for sure!


Sunday, November 6, 2005 9:58 AM



Originally posted by traken:

Originally posted by Cub:

What that tells me is that people like Firefly (and the TV format of the series) a heck of a lot more than they liked Serenity.

Actually, based on the trend, the tv audience and movie audience is shrinking, and in general is dropping in avg IQ*. Reality shows and tv shows/movies with no depth are the norm and I think this will continue because reality shows are easy and super cheap to make, meaning big $$$$ for network execs to get fat christmas bonuses. Another factor is that home theater systems these days are sufficient to keep people home, since there are no noisy kids or cellphone talkers, etc. The only thing helping is DVR's (TIVO), but then the networks lose advert revenue.
Anyways, just throwing out some of what I know, and some of my opinion.

* I said avg IQ, meaning not all tv viewers complete numbskulls. Please do not take offense. I watch tv, at least the little i can tolerate.

Actually, I heard that reality TV is on its way out.

Seems the public has reached a saturation point with "reality" and needs some good old fashioned fantasy again.

May I suggest a good show?


Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:48 PM


Well, I called up Joss the other day, and here's what he said:

"How the hell did you get this number? Who the hell are you? No, damnit, I will not send you a free copy of Serenity!"

Well, at least i tried. :)


Monday, November 7, 2005 12:23 PM



Originally posted by RocketJock:

Folks, Trek fans survived for ten years on hope and fanzines before they got their movie. And it wasn't any big hit at first, either, nor a critical favorite. But the fan base was strong and loyal, and that impressed the studio enough to make them risk another shot.

Absolutely! And they did it without the internet, making fanzines with ancient technology called "ditto machines."

While Firefly is a wonderful and witty reaction to the "old school" Trek, it also stands on the shoulders of Trek. Same as it ever was.

And Trek is *the* model of the misunderstood, mishandled, visionary (for its time) show that the fans would not let die.

It's *our* job to make sure that it doesn't take twenty years, however, for our comeback. Let's get *Firefly* back - not "The Gext Generation," with Mal in his sixties . . .

A joke I *don't* want to hear about our show - Q: "What does the fashionable Browncoat wear?"
A: "Depends."


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:14 AM


I'd go for an animated series if it was produced with the same quality of writing. Animation is a valid and expressive medium. But I'd want it to be on the sci-fi channel and not some Saturday morning made for kids deal.

On another note, thanks for keeping the thread going. I'd been away for a while and was pleasantly surprised to see all the great new posts. -Hop


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:35 AM


I'm one of those nay-sayers Hop. I've been saying since the 2nd week the movie was out that the whole "franchise" was over. The movie wrapped up all the loose ends in the plot, and the box office dollars didn't outperform the production budget. 40 million dollars, 50 mil total after marketing is factored in. Whedon could have done it for 1/2 that price if he took the production out of hollywood, but he stayed put. Loyalty. And job-security.

Ahh we still have DVD sales, but at this point, it'll barely break even and garner so small a profit that a return is hopeless.

Well, maybe in 20 years it'll come back. It'll be like a Glen Larson TV show. Dead before it's time, but a small fanatical following who never forget. Joss is off making movies and the cast are taking roles in other shows. 2 of the main characters are dead.

The story is done. Nobody hates that more than me, but it's the truth. I keep seeing others reading his letter above and drawing hope from it. I just don't read it the same. Guess everyone can read what they want to read into anything.

Ya ya everyone I know. I'm a troll, bla bla bla.


think I'll go munch on some lettuce.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:12 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:

Ahh we still have DVD sales, but at this point, it'll barely break even and garner so small a profit that a return is hopeless.

I see your point and I have absolutely no problem with guys that say "no" if they explain it in a civilised manner. Personally I think that there are indeed some lines in the BDM that indicate some kind of finality.

But frankly, how can you truthfully say the DVD sales won't have an effect if they are not even officialy on sale yet? No offence, but this seems to be a long shot at this juncture (unless you are a mentalist and saw it in your crystal ball or something like that).

In fact, I guess we all would be happy for ANY official hint in ANY direction.

..and even if the BDM should really be the end, we won't leave without a bang. That's for certain.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:52 AM


Did anybody listen to the DVD talk radio interview on another thread? Joss said that the movie provided some "closure". Not a great sign in my book. Just keep it going guys. Know anybody that likes sci-fi or westerns... tune em' in and eventually we may have our Trek like resurrection.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:36 AM


I think we are in the middle and there is no way to tell one way or another. Yes, there may never be a sequel, but it is to soon to tell. Serenity did not do horribly in theaters. Through rentals and dvd sales new people will discover it. Firefly is selling well and it cost up to twice as much as Serenity will when it is released.

Joss has said several times that dvd sales will determine the fate of Serenity.I think we should be hopeful.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:50 AM



We may be in for a bit of a wait too.. as River6213 said before, all hail the hearty browncoats who held the valley while the rest of us straggled in.. more are straggling in every day! We can do this people!

The movie has already done VERY WELL in a bad Box Office year, and the DVD sales will be more icing on the cake!

Joss and company will be back... it may be a few years, but they will be back. I am certain and you should be too!

Joss said in Burbank that HE has not given up and whatever the future holds... if it is not by TV or film he will write us a book... he has faith in us, we must keep our faith in him!

Look at all the BDH who also spent their weekend with us in Burbank. They took their personal time to come and be with us.. they are as devoted to this special 'verse as we are! Doesn't the fact that they went to London and came to Burbank show their commitment?

I think Nathan and the others are on the verge of superstardom... I think they will have demands on their time that will try to pull them from the 'verse... but I also think when the time comes to return to the ship- they will all be there.

Turn away from those hill-living nay they get all bibley and twisted...

Firefly/Serenity will be back.... we just hope our wait isn't too long. In the meantime, we will have the dvds to tide us over.. and we have each other! What a truly great bunch we are!

And in the meantime...what better way to show our commitment than to write to Joss, and the rest of the cast and crew and to tell them that we support them and look forward to seeing them again onscreen?

Chindi... standing firm with her capn and crew out here in the black...


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:24 AM


Nice hopeful message CHINDI. I tried writing to Joss and had my letter returned. Anybody know where to find a correct address?


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:33 AM



Originally posted by Chindi:
Turn away from those hill-living nay they get all bibley and twisted...

Please don't get me wrong, but I don't think this attitude helps a lot if you want to have an open minded debate.

Let's just keep ourselves shiny and respectful towards "them". Convincing is better than ignoring.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:56 AM


Also, don't forget XeroGravity never has anything nice to say, so don't take it to heart...

I've got plans to hold the line. Get me an apple and pass the ammunition....

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:38 PM



Originally posted by Chindi:
The movie has already done VERY WELL in a bad Box Office year, and the DVD sales will be more icing on the cake!

Let's be intelectually honest at least.

90th for the year- NOT GOOD, well below DOOM and Stealth

Dvd sales do look good so maybe... /\

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 2:41 PM


Both Doom and Stealth had much bigger budgets than Serenity. Stealth cost $100 mil to make and Doom $80, so you are really comparing apples to oranges in your intellectual pursuits.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:25 PM



Originally posted by BlackEyedGirl:

I've got plans to hold the line. Get me an apple and pass the ammunition....

* throws BlackEyedGirl an apple and another round of ammo and crawls in the trench with her, ready to hold the line.*

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?" Mal


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:42 PM


Here is the reason for hope:

The show produced: a faithful Browncoat following,
devoted actors and crew, and a devoted Joss. They ALL love and enjoy the show, and the telling of this story.

Everyone was so serious and dedicated to this little bitty, cancelled show, that they went out and made a movie.

Can you imagine how many times this has happened in the history of hollywood or TV? Can someone do some serious research on this? Because I think they are going to find that NO ONE SHOW has been able to pull off this kind of love and devotion. No, not even Star Trek (and I consider myself a fan of that franchise as well)

We had a miracle happen here kids, and it is because everyone cared and gave a damn that it happened.

Joss cares, the fans care, the crew cares. If it can be done, they will damn well try anything to get the story to continue.

To quote a famous cigarette company, "we've come a long way baby."

Keep that hope going; because Joss has NOT said NO MORE, the fans have not said NO MORE and the crew has not said NO MORE.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:42 PM


One way or 'nother, even if this does end up being our bitter end, I ain't heard no "stand down" signal!


We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:34 PM


So say we all


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:53 PM


What's next?? NOTHING. I just watched the movie. Can't you all see that they killed this thing. I am extreamly pissed off. Killing off two main crewmates. A sure sign that nothing is to come. It's almost like the corperate people said, "sure, make a movie but end the story". The sheppard had so much more to tell. That is just the begining. Did you all the get hint at the end of the movie. The bad dude said, you won't see me again "there is nothing left to see" I am sure that this was a message to all of us fans. Fans of a good thing. A show with a glimmer of intelect. There is SO SO SO much crap on. This had far reaching potential. I am a fan of stargate. A good show...but dying out. This would have been a good replacement on scifi, I am sure that it would have been an even better show. I am longing for this type of scifi. Scifi that does not feel like scifi. I even feel that the movie went out a little too far tho. I know this had to happen, the entire show was wrapped up in this flick. I am pissed. Pissed this is a dead show. Poor exposure. I have introduced it to about 20 people and all have been hooked. I did not even know it existed untill it was on DVD. These corperate idiots have no clue.

Final words to the dorks who dropped the ball:
Swallow your pride. Sell the rights to SCIFI. Forget the movie was ever made and finish out season one. Then press on to season 2 3 4 .... this is a good product. It is sad to see another thing wasted by politics. A media for the people by the people is fast coming, the internet will see to that. Your power is soon coming to an end.

and josh: I liked the movie I just wish it did not have to end this way!



Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:14 PM


Firefly is going to be in limbo for quite a while. While Serenity didn't make enough money to guarentee a sequel, it didn't do so badly in a year that was tough for the movies.

I think Joss' career will determine if more movies get made. If his current projects do well he will be able to do what he wants on other projects. Providing he does well I'm sure he could pitch a version of Firefly that would be green-lighted.

But I have to say I'm not looking forward to it. While I'm a huge fan of Firefly, Serenity left me cold. It was too dark for me and I can't forgive Joss for leaving two empty seats at the dinner table.

I saw the movie exactly once and I have no desire to see it again, let alone buy it.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:17 PM



Originally posted by Voiceofreason:
What's next?? NOTHING. I just watched the movie. Can't you all see that they killed this thing. I am extreamly pissed off. Killing off two main crewmates. A sure sign that nothing is to come.

There's still seven of them left...


It's almost like the corperate people said, "sure, make a movie but end the story".

They signed the cast for sequels just in case. Plus corporate people like $. They couldn't have known at the time if that would be the end.


The sheppard had so much more to tell. That is just the begining. Did you all the get hint at the end of the movie. The bad dude said, you won't see me again "there is nothing left to see" I am sure that this was a message to all of us fans.

I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree. Book's story can still be told.


I even feel that the movie went out a little too far tho. I know this had to happen, the entire show was wrapped up in this flick.

I would rather have it end like this then with one massive cliffhanger of a movie - and no sequel.


I am pissed. Pissed this is a dead show.

It ain't dead yet.


and josh: I liked the movie I just wish it did not have to end this way!

*cough*It's Joss*cough*

But like everyone else has said - this battle isn't over yet. Three years ago when Firefly was cancelled who would have thought that we would now be anticipating the DVD release of the movie?

There's no way to know what will happen three years from now (although I'm thinking December 20, 2008 would make a shiny part 3 theatrical release date). But if we give in now, we don't have a shot. So we hold this valley!!

*pulls out some more supplies of apples and grenades and prepares to settle in*


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:40 PM



Originally posted by CBY:
Please don't get me wrong, but I don't think this attitude helps a lot if you want to have an open minded debate.

Let's just keep ourselves shiny and respectful towards "them". Convincing is better than ignoring.

Hey! No offense was meant at all.. did you miss the LOL in the middle of my quote you used???

It is sooo true that saying something with a smile in your voice.. so it is not taken as SERIOUS is hard to do in writing...

Just line me up on the glass half full side and let the debate carry on...



Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:19 PM



Originally posted by Gelassenheit:
Can you imagine how many times this has happened in the history of hollywood or TV? Can someone do some serious research on this? Because I think they are going to find that NO ONE SHOW has been able to pull off this kind of love and devotion. No, not even Star Trek (and I consider myself a fan of that franchise as well)

It has happened once before. The Naked Gun was based on Police Squad, which was canceled after only 6 episodes.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:52 PM


Fellow Browncoats:

As an 'original fan' of the TV series, watching it loyally -- nay, hungrily -- since episode 1 aired on F*x, I'd just like to say that I almost envy those who can even think about giving up on the Firefly 'verse.

Firefly haunts so many of my waking and dreaming moments. I hear the ballad in my head. Scenes and lines of dialogue pop into my mind unbidden at all times of the day and night, like those brief, time-shattered memories of a long-lost love. You know: like that girl you (biblically) knew for a week or two of unbridled passion... Ships passing in the night, before drifting away on separate courses through Life... Have you ever forgotten her?

Firefly is like that for me. When the show got cancelled back in '02, I felt like a loved one had been taken from me in a cosmically cruel, fatal car accident. I can never forget this beautiful show; it possesses my heart and refuses to let me find another love.

So, for me, it's not a matter of "holding the line", or sitting in a trench until an angel comes. As Mal said in Serenity, that may well be a long wait for a train that never comes. I just can't stop loving her, never will stop pining for more Firefly.

To reiterate, I envy those who can simply turn away from her. For me, "There's no place I can be, since I've found Serenity." I'll be here, waiting for whatever comes next (even if it never comes); not because of loyalty or stubborness, but because I have no choice in the matter...



"Love. You can know all the math in the 'Verse, but take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her home." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Thursday, December 15, 2005 4:59 AM


I have not yet watched Serenity and only recently found the series on DVD. The show is/was great and I hate that it was so short lived. My biggest problem is no the ending of a series, but an ending that does not resolve plot elements. If Serenity resolves all viable plot lines then I am fine with the ending. Sad....but fine. If there are plot lines left hanging then I think Joss owes the fans some sort of closure regardless of artistic medium. This is frankly the biggest problem I have with the TV series of our day. Too often story lines are developed that are never closed. This may be why fans are soo hard to find for a TV show today.

Maybe this means that FireFly no longer exists, but spin off series such as Shepard's Book of Life, or even a set of books.


Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:26 AM


buy the films that increases the chance off more fierfly


Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:45 AM



Originally posted by harshcritic:
Both Doom and Stealth had much bigger budgets than Serenity. Stealth cost $100 mil to make and Doom $80, so you are really comparing apples to oranges in your intellectual pursuits.

Ok apples to apples

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy $104 mil $50 on production. This movie was not good at all.
ELEKTRA $56 mil $43 on production. Obvious Flop.

Same Genres, generally the same budgets... are those the same kind of fruit? One may be a sweet delicious and the other a macintosh but they are close enough.
Don't get me wrong, I love this 'verse, but if you want to make a valid arguement on why the series will continue one needs to begin with a valid premise.

DVD sales are obviously the biggest hope... /\

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Thursday, December 15, 2005 6:18 AM


I learned of the verse only 3 weeks ago and see the future I can. (gah! wrong movie)

The future is gorram SHINY!
Serenity was an unmitigated success.

Serenity and its understandably smashing reviews are finally giving Joss' work the exposure it never had. Nobody saw Firefly due to Fox's incompetence or perhaps political leanings. Nobody went to the theater initially to see a movie they know nothing about called 'Serenity' because our sound-bite culture is unfamiliar with multiple-entendre irony.

By the time I (and many many more) read the reviews and made for the theater, the movie was gone. The review mentioned the Firefly connection so me and mine bought the Firefly DVD in lieu of going to the theater. We have been Reaver Brown Coats ever since.

Serenity is the catalyst that finally got the word out. Now the cauldron is abubblin' and you can watch the DVD sales make hot cakes look like yesterday's go se. Thanks, Serenity, (and you the fans), we finally heard and we are coming in droves.

Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony, and a plastic rocket...


Thursday, December 15, 2005 6:29 AM



Originally posted by Chindi:
It is sooo true that saying something with a smile in your voice.. so it is not taken as SERIOUS is hard to do in writing...

I'm really sorry. My answer was thoughtless rubbish anyway ;-) *lines up in addition to Chindi and the others on the glas half full side*


Thursday, December 15, 2005 6:50 AM


In my eyes, the movie was a success. Well then why?

Lets first face the truth. It was a flop at the big screen. And thats a fact. Of cource it can still redeem itself on dvd but that is still unknown.

So why was it a success? Think about it. What is it you "old fans" see here everyday now. What has become common? A new fan showing up after seeing/heard of the movie and seeing the series.

Everyday i see new fans popping out. And they starts spreading the word as well.

And when the dvd comes out even more people will want to see what lead up to the events in the movie and will buy the firefly set.

So all in all. "I call this a win"

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Thursday, December 15, 2005 7:10 AM


I sound like an ass here, this is not my intention. Movie=Great, Box office take=Horrid, Boxoffice take + DVD sale = Sequel, series /\

this is what we all want.
I know I am to critical. I can list the rest of my faults if you like. (not being able to type being on of them. They need to make bigger keyboards for people with large hands).

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:02 AM


CBY no offense taken and no apology needed.. I thought I had best explain myself..

that done.. (or undone) Buddha raises a VERY intesting point in my humble and ever present big mouthed opinion (insert sarcasm emoticon)

As Joss raises in the ranks of Hollywood.. he will have more clout to bring personal projects out.. I had not conjured that but it may well be true.. so as his star rises, and if his other films do well, when he says to Universal (or HBO) "Hey.. I would like to do 10 more Firefly episodes on TV with Movie budgets..." he might just get a big GREEN LIGHT!

Great thought there Buddha...







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