Serenity DVD box-art petition

UPDATED: Thursday, November 3, 2005 14:46
VIEWED: 8436
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:43 AM


I don't normally sign online petitions (I know full well they have little to no impact) but dear god I hope this one reaches the ears of folk at universal:


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:53 AM


There is not part of the Serenity “Visual advertising” campaign I have liked. I HATE that poster of River with the gun. I HATE those posters with Summer face composited (No its not her body, actually looking at it im not sure its her face) on so woman striking a martial arms pose. And I HATE this cover art.


Who do you suppose is in there?


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:05 AM


geez... what's wrong with the DVD cover? it's not *great* but I like it. you guys are really picky. why not start a petition to change the movie posters that people didn't like too?

I'm sorry to be so harsh, but really though.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:12 AM


Sorry I look at this stuff and see a shallow soulless marketing interpretation of something I love.

Imagine your sister half naked selling perfume.

Messes with your head a bit don’t it?

Who do you suppose is in there?


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:13 AM



geez... what's wrong with the DVD cover? it's not *great* but I like it. you guys are really picky. why not start a petition to change the movie posters that people didn't like too?

There were petitions for that, but I liked it so didn't sign them.

My reasons for hating this box art:

1. It has nothing to do with the movie.
2. They've ignored almost all the characters in the movie.
3. It looks like Chronicles of Riddick, which flopped.
4. Experience the ultimate action/adventure??
5. No-one who hasn't already seen the movie will buy it on the basis of this box
6. They've tried to make the title 'Serenity' exciting. Serenity ain't an exciting word, it's a calm one. Why not just show it on the side of the ship so people understand the name?
7. Not certain but they seem to have given Mal a different gun.
8. They've coloured in River's eyes. She looks like something out of BSG.
9. It has nothing to do with the movie.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:37 AM


Who cares about box art? It can come in a brown paper baggie for all I care....I'm in it for the film and the story, not the how its going to look on my shelf between SERENDIPITY and SHES THE ONE.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:47 AM



Originally posted by Anasazi:
Who cares about box art? It can come in a brown paper baggie for all I care....I'm in it for the film and the story, not the how its going to look on my shelf between SERENDIPITY and SHES THE ONE.

I'm not worried about how it'll sit on my shelf, as with all my DVDs it'll be moved over to one of my CD-slip cases, I'll never look at the box. However, I want a box that makes people pick it up and think 'This might be good, I'll buy it' rather than 'This looks like a rip-off of Riddick' before putting it back on the shelf and buying that.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:54 AM


This is just insane. Really. Ignoring the fact any petition won't change anything, why would you want to?

"Hey, Universal, big media company who has been doing this for years and gave our beloved series a movie, we think we know better than you and even though we're not designing our own cover art to show you as an example of what we, as fans, would like, we're going to rebel against what you've given us because we demand something we like more even though we're buying the DVD anyways and you don't have to advertise to us."

I'm sorry for the sarcasm, but, really, you've got to pick your battles.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:58 AM


I almost hate to stick my nose in this since a don't normally post, but don't you think a petition to change the DVD box art is going a little too far on the nutty scale? It's kind of like refusing to enjoy the yummy, beautifully frosted birthday cake because the candles are not evenly spaced while others around you just enjoy the tasty goodness. I'm a little embarrassed by the thought of a petition.

Also, I like the cover art. No Riddick reminders for me. I'm with Anasazi. A brown paper bag is fine by me. Isn't there a DVD out there who's box art is a paperbag tied with string? Anyone remember what it is?

Another thought. Do you think the Firefly DVD's sold based on their cover art?



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:06 AM



Also, I like the cover art. No Riddick reminders for me. I'm with Anasazi. A brown paper bag is fine by me. Isn't there a DVD out there who's box art is a paperbag tied with string? Anyone remember what it is?

Another thought. Do you think the Firefly DVD's sold based on their cover art?


It was fight club, and the box was cool. And I reckon a lot of people went, 'hey this DVDs a paper bag! I'm gonna buy it' It was memorable because it was so different.

Do I think firefly DVDs sold on the basis of their covers? Yes. It's cool, a bit different and says everything it needs to about the show. In that it says it's about a group of people, it's a Western, but it's in space!

Also, yes you've got to pick your battles. But this isn't a battle, it's sticking your name on a website. If people go and protest outside Universal for it it's a battle (and INCREDIBLY stupid).


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:23 AM


Nope sorry saw this petition on Whedonesque and I don't get it it's a pretty good cover IMO. As for the ultimate action adventure bit well that is what the movie is, it's a sci fi/action movie.


Liu koushui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Anasazi:
Who cares about box art? It can come in a brown paper baggie for all I care....I'm in it for the film and the story, not the how its going to look on my shelf between SERENDIPITY and SHES THE ONE.

Well said!

The cover art bugged me a bit at first, but honestly I don't care what it looks like in my DVD rack, only what is on the DVD.

I can see that some might be concerned about the artwork & whether or not it conveys the film in it's true light to those unfamiliar w/ it, but Universal has been at this a might longer than we have. We all have the best intentions for the DVD & the future of the story, but Joss & Universal will make the best decisions they can. We have to trust their judgement.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:34 AM


I like the cover art, much better than the forgettable poster.

I wonder though why the studio is listed as MCA Home Video and not Universal. Anyone know?

Lady Shelley


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:44 AM


No, no, no, no, no. I CANNOT believe this. I cannot believe how far this had been taken. A petition to change the DVD cover? How incredibly, incredibly ungrateful, arrogant and petty. Unbelievable. It's things like this that have the potential to turn a fantastic fandom into a pathetic group of sci-fi nerds who think they have more power than they do.

I happen to like the art. I think it will do well as a selling point. But even if I didn't I would NEVER, ever try to make a petition to get it changed. The art is not there for the fans. The art is there to sell the DVD. The art is not there to describe Firefly/Serenity perfectly because that is impossible to do in one image. It's there to sell the DVDs. Which I believe it will do.

*sigh* How incredibly disappointed I am in some of my fellow Browncoats. How the mighty have fallen


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 12:10 PM


That doesn't even look like River. Shesshhh.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 1:23 PM


I honestly don't get all the caterwhauling about our very reasonable :) caterwhauling.

"Ungrateful" -- Is Universal our benefactor? Nope, we're customers. We have a right to complain a little. And it's not like the Universal marketing dept. is so omniscient and ultra-skilled that it can't benefit from a little feedback.

This is a very reasonable, very important non-battle if we want to ever get our sequels. This box, I believe, assures that the DVD will be at best a mediocre seller and will only be bought by Browncoats.

Though some obviously differ, this is terrible box-art--I could actually live with a lot of the silly visual busyness, but what I really, really object to is that it makes Summer Glau look like just another skank-du-jour and, by association makes the movie look cheap and pathetic.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 1:31 PM


The way I look at it is the same way I look at a lot of things....though the logic may change a bit.

Something "me dear old mum" used to say:

"Take what you can get, and be glad you got it."

In other words. We got a movie, so I'm happy. The DVD's coming out, so I'm happy.

Buncha people up in arms over the movie and the DVD COVER (wtf, over?!?!), so I'm annoyed.

Personally, not a thing wrong with the cover, the most important thing is what's inside.

"I aim to misbehave"
I am:


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:26 PM


This cover looks like it was thrown together by a work experience student with only minimal knowledge of Photoshop. We need a cover that is better done, will appeal to more people than just horny teenage boys that like Sci-Fi and actually represents the movie within the cover.

I don't think some people understand the importance of this petition. Do we really want this cover to misrepresent Serenity for the next 50+ years?


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:33 PM



No, no, no, no, no. I CANNOT believe this. I cannot believe how far this had been taken. A petition to change the DVD cover? How incredibly, incredibly ungrateful, arrogant and petty. Unbelievable.

Just for information, I started petition. I'm actually working on the DVD release elsewhere in the world, as it happens.

This is not a "Diss Universal" thing. At all. Mainly because I've worked on Serenity for 439543095493 weeks. This is a 'get them to look at the DVD cover' thing.

I spoke to Universal Home Entertainment USA yesterday, the petition is being printed, boxed and shipped to their Executive Vice Chairman this weekend to be reviewed.

The fate of Serenity rests on DVD. If the cover is cack, nobody is going to buy it, and you can kiss your sequels goodbye.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:33 PM


I got to say the DVD cover, if it is the final one is a little busy, if not tacky. There have been alot of bad sci-fi movies and they have covers like this one. This is a fantastic movie which I have seen numerous times and still find things I hadn't noticed before. Universal backed Joss through the whole production of this movie, so maybe they should let him come up with some ideas for the cover. I just don't want this movie to look 'B-Grade' on the shelf, even if they did use bubble wrap to make a wall look interesting in the movie. That one cracked me up.

To Universal, whatever your decision I won't sign any petition over the cover, you backed the project so you should have the choice of cover, but please make the right choice for Serenity's sake.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:13 PM


whoisriver, that's ironic... because I've asked a bunch of people about the cover. The only people who don't think it's a good cover are the browncoats - and the browncoats are the ones whose opinion shouldn't matter when it comes to DVD covers, since obviously we're going to buy it.

Besides, if there's another edition of the DVD that will probably have a different cover anyway.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:41 PM


I am absolutely sick of politics ruining our verse. I'm not talking about the corporations messing with Firefly and Serenity, 'cause that was there from the get-go. I'm talking about all of the conflict, anger and frustration that has dominated this board every since the movie poster came out. I've heard people abandon Firefly, swearing to never be fans anymore because of the movie. I've heard people proclaim that everything in the 'verse is dead because of all that has transpired in regards to the movie, marketing, etc.
I remember when we were all just a bunch of people who loved a shiny show. Now the politics and corporate side has got us practically fighting each other. Now, I have no idea how to fix this, but I just had to say something about it. This community ain't what it was, I'm sorry to say. And I'm not talking about this board, I'm talking about the fans.
We've made a difference in the world by bringing the best show in the 'verse to the screen. I don't want to lose sight of that over conflicts as to what happened in the movie, graphic artwork, color schemes, tracks on CDs, and everything else that's been bickered about everywhere. All right, I'm done.

you can't take the sky from me


Thursday, November 3, 2005 12:19 AM


Iv often said that fandom can come to fill the place in a person psyche that is generally occupied by religion. The Star becomes God the show/movie/book scripture (go to Summers website and tell me shes not there God). What we have here my fellow Brown Coats is a battle between Doctrinal Firefly and the newly translated book of Serenity. Both are basically the same but due to the new translation cretin small aspects have changed.

From such small differences are holy wars made.

Personally I quite like Serenity I just don’t like the poster campaign and I don’t like the contextual change of the role of violence in River character. But im willing to put down my sword. Lets all stop trying to retake the Holy Land and just be people who like a TV show again.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:38 AM


Internet petitions? Yeah, there's a manful scheme.

Also. . .

Originally posted by Haze:
I HATE those posters with Summer face composited (No its not her body, actually looking at it im not sure its her face) on so woman striking a martial arms pose.

Maybe I'm missing some cunningly concealed sarcasm, but what makes you think it isn't Summer?

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:48 AM


I kinda like the cover the way it is. Where's my petition?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:57 AM



Thursday, November 3, 2005 8:20 AM



Originally posted by Bobster:
I honestly don't get all the caterwhauling about our very reasonable :) caterwhauling.

"Ungrateful" -- Is Universal our benefactor? Nope, we're customers. We have a right to complain a little. And it's not like the Universal marketing dept. is so omniscient and ultra-skilled that it can't benefit from a little feedback.

This is a very reasonable, very important non-battle if we want to ever get our sequels. This box, I believe, assures that the DVD will be at best a mediocre seller and will only be bought by Browncoats.

Though some obviously differ, this is terrible box-art--I could actually live with a lot of the silly visual busyness, but what I really, really object to is that it makes Summer Glau look like just another skank-du-jour and, by association makes the movie look cheap and pathetic.

I kind of agree with both sides here. I think the cover is awful--but the fans are the LAST people I want to see the studio trying to attract. I mean, no matter what it looks like, we're gonna buy it anyway, right? The question is, will the cover art attract a) an audience at all; b) the right audience? And further questions are, if it is in some way misleading--like, for instance, if a whole bunch of people other than me thought River is actually Catherine Zeta-Jones--will that backfire, or might it actually spread the word to a bunch of groups that would otherwise never have considered it?

I don't know the answers to these questions...but I would say, from the looks of it, it's going to attract a dumber audience than the normal Browncoater types, anyway. (Didn't we all agree, in a recent spate of self-soothing superiority, that we are just too smart for this shallow society?) Maybe that will be bad, because they won't get it and will spread the word that it's bad. But on the other hand, I think we can all agree that the dumber audience is bigger than the smarter one, which makes it good. And apparently there's a huge swath of guys out there who are more likely to buy a movie with a big-boobed girl than with a prima ballerina's build. So I've heard tell, anyway. I dunno: I think we'll have to wait and see, while generally agreeing that we, the fans, don't much like what they've done to our song, ma. ('60s musical reference, for you young 'uns out there.) But we always have the Firefly set, which is easily the most beautiful thing on my DVD shelf.

On a happier note, what think you guys about possible Oscar noms? Orig. screenplay is a pretty loose category this year, as is Score (I missed the theme song dreadfully, but the music is still the best I've heard this year, along with The Constant Gardener.) What about SFX? Obviously it wouldn't win this one, but it could get nominated...???

This brings my thoughts back, sadly, to Universal and their anemic marketing tactics...sigh. Wouldn't it be cool if they put some of the amazing response stats on the cover--like, "BASED ON THE TOP-RANKED SCIENCE-FICTION SHOW OF ALL TIME!" (from the new scientist thingy poll that said Firefly was the best SF anything, ever), and "VOTED #1 MOVIE OF THE YEAR BY FANS!" (referring to Serenity's rank of #1 by Boxofficemojo users), etc. But no, that would take initiative...

Happy to see that Saw II has already fallen below Serenity on Boxofficemojo, by the way. We're #1 again!

And while I'm on it: can you imagine if you felt this strongly about Doom? (Check out its position on the list of all-time 2nd-weekend drops!) Or Orlando Bloom? There're a lot of less happy folks out there than us, guys.



Thursday, November 3, 2005 9:59 AM



Originally posted by Barclay:
This is just insane. Really. Ignoring the fact any petition won't change anything, why would you want to?

"Hey, Universal, big media company who has been doing this for years and gave our beloved series a movie, we think we know better than you and even though we're not designing our own cover art to show you as an example of what we, as fans, would like, we're going to rebel against what you've given us because we demand something we like more even though we're buying the DVD anyways and you don't have to advertise to us."

I'm sorry for the sarcasm, but, really, you've got to pick your battles.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


also once again im here to annoy the posters with some charity work-help out post pals guys info in my signature

sorry to get in the way

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

BE A SHINY POST PAL-Make it a Browncoat Christmas,



Thursday, November 3, 2005 10:31 AM



Originally posted by fray101:

At least we're in good company...

poor Joss
(for those of you not registered and who can't read the message)
Joss Whedon posted:

Posted: 03 Nov 2005 11:19 am
Post subject: DVD art Reply with quote
Guess what else I'm not the boss of.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:46 PM


The only petitions I sign are government required petitions for "third" party ballot access. Yet, I just signed gossi/whoisriver's petition.

One of the things I most appreciate about Serenity is its integrity. The movie is called "Serenity", for god's sake! That is a horrible title for a sci-fi action drama from a marketing perspective. But, knowing the film and the series, it is what this film needed to be titled. Joss had the artistic integrity to name the film from the story, from the characters, from the heart. That is one of the things that is characteristic of this series, and why I love it so much.

Now look at the DVD cover. I'm not complaining about the production value. I'm not complaining about the design. I'm not even complaining about the quotes (or lack thereof). These things aren't very important to me, and though I'm not thrilled with them, they are truly not worth my energy.

What I am complaining about is the DVD cover's complete lack of integrity. Can anyone point out anything on that cover that accurately reflects the movie? Anything? I even need to say it? Serenity...shooting lasers? Mal and Zoe...with oddly embellished weapons? The horde... the horde? Reavers, soldiers, dancing llamas - whatever the hell they are, they ain't Serenity. They're not a misrepresentation, they are a manufactured lie. (There is the title...they did keep that, but I bet they fought over it!)

I understand artistic license. I understand the need to embellish some details and alter others in order to present an overall impression. But here, the overall impression they are trying to give is yet another manufactured lie.

I am not even complaining that a disingenuous DVD cover is morally wrong. I am complaining that a disingenuous DVD cover on a genuine movie like this one is economically wrong. There is the issue that many of those that find the cover appealing will not find the actual movie appealing, whether because it's just not their kind of thing, or because it will not meet their [DVD cover-based] expectations, and subsequently create a negative word of mouth. But what concerns me most is that the marketing designers, in their desperation, have thrown all of these obvious marketing cliches - the sex, the big guns, the space lasers - together on one box in the hope that something sticks. Consumers can smell desperation - it stinks - but they may not be able to tell whether it's coming from the DVD itself or just the cover.

By most accounts, Serenity is a damn fine movie. I just wish Universal would show deserved confidence in their product. Let the movie represent itself - not puppet theater. Confidence shines through.


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I can see that some might be concerned about the artwork & whether or not it conveys the film in it's true light to those unfamiliar w/ it, but Universal has been at this a might longer than we have. We all have the best intentions for the DVD & the future of the story, but Joss & Universal will make the best decisions they can. We have to trust their judgement.

We know that Joss had no input on the DVD art, and the art they have presented has demonstrated that they have no confidence in Joss's art. We may all have the best intentions, but our goals (though overlapping) are different. Universal is going to make the decisions that are best for themselves, not necessarily the story. That may mean cutting their losses and not putting more than the bare minimum of resources toward something that has not proven to pay off. By the same token, I might have more confidence in their judgement if they had demonstrated more success in marketing the film during its run in theaters.

Ain't. We. Just.






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