LEAVE FF/Serenity/Joss Whedon ALONE DAMNIT (-spoilers-)

UPDATED: Friday, November 4, 2005 11:00
VIEWED: 8524
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:45 AM


what the hell is wrong with some people on this site

all the do is WHINE!


i really am getting tired of these people 'joss whedon made my daughter cry'-'wash's death ruined serenity, it SUCKED'-'im a smelly middle-aged balding man who lives in 1 room apartment and spends his time sending lexa doig pictures of myself naked'...

look please dont keep posting stuff about how it 'sucked' thats just pointless, us browncoats are a very upbeat bunch of people, stop wailing on the love gorramit'!

dont get me wrong, i dont mean be painfully happy and never post your critiscisms-but discuss them; dont go off and start getting yer pitchforks and torches and camping in front of hakens house shouting 'kill the AboMinAtioN!1!1111!'

so in the words of Joss himself - 'Stand Back-for this is a Forbidden Planet'

--nuff said

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:02 AM


I'm hereby startong a new petition: "Stop all the Serenity petitions." I'll ask people to sign this petition and pledge not to sign another Serenity petition for 6 months.

All right, seriously, you've got some valid points.

We're damned lucky.

We've got 14 episodes of a TV series we absolutely love.

We've got actors and directors and writers who love it as much as we do, who makes appearances and greet the fans and are generally just shiny.

We've got a two hour movie by the same people that is freakin amazing, and a DVD coming out soon so we can expose it to the masses.

And, oh yeah, nobody's ruled out a sequel, or more comics, or Role Playing supplements, or more books, or a lot of goodies that we'll love.

So, to quote Kaylee "Everyone's so mad..." I feel just like her right now. Shot, dejected, and seeing everyone around me pissed off.

You know, I'm kinda ashamed to be a Browncoat right now.

We've got a lot fo be thankful for, quit getting lost in the details.

Also, Empty, your post does contain spoilers, and since a lot of international release dates are getting pushed back, I think spoilers tags are prudent for a while longer.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:03 AM


I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with you on that one


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:36 AM



Originally posted by Empty:
'im a smelly middle-aged balding man who lives in 1 room apartment and spends his time sending lexa doig pictures of myself naked'

Hold it right there!! Did I miss a thread? cause that sounds like a good one.

I live in a shared house, and was only partially naked.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 1:02 PM


haha no missed thread-and yeh sorry about th lack of spoiler warning, i just got real pissed off after i read 'joss made my 11 yr old daughter cry' thread.

guess i just needed to vent

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 3:43 PM


Unfortinatly all forums have assholes. It would'nt be a forum with out them.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 3:48 PM


HAHAHA Barclay... where IS that petition for signing...lmao..

(winking here)

hey.. this is still a fab place to hang out.. good, bad, and shiny...

I laugh more than I get angry- we are still flying and that still makes it a good day..


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 3:52 PM


empty, if it makes you feel any better, I think the vast majority here at fff really agree with you...

the whining about the BDM is a big bore
(did you read that moron who said that he thought the movie was 95 out of 100 but he couldn't recommend it?! WTF?!)

Even the woman who was complaining about her daughter crying admitted that it wasn't something tramatic (I'll bet if you talked to the 11 yr old she would say that 'Serenity' kicked ass).

And I have to say that the brew-ha-ha about the cover of the DVD just sounds insane to me, I never liked any of the covers of BtVS or Ats, who cares about the cover of the 'Serenity' DVD...
obviously what is important are the extras!

So, feel free to blast the annoyingly vocal minority of whiners...
you'll only get a pat on the back from the rest of us!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:50 PM


I cried when a certain event happened in the BDM. That's part of the power of great film making--being able to make people really feel emotions.

I cried, and then I got over it. And I'm 51.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Thursday, November 3, 2005 12:28 AM


and to discuss the dvd cover art issue:
WHO GIVES A GOOD GORRAM!!! we got a movie and now we'll be able to own it. ain't that shiny enough for you people?? i wouldn't care if it was a pic of a pile of reaver on the cover it's the dvd of the movie that shouldn't have happened that was spawned by the t.v. show that should have happened! (sorry i didn't mean to go on a rant there)

"mine is an evil laugh"


Thursday, November 3, 2005 1:40 AM



I used to love coming here. Why? Because everyone was polite, friendly, and united in their love of Firely and their excitement for Serenity. Now all I see are those of us who remain like that, and those who pout and whine and try to play god.

I'm almost ashamed to be a part of what I once considered to be a great fandom.. and now I just consider to be a bunch of people with a common interest.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 1:48 AM


Thank you!

I think this is the problem in every community, you have a big bunch who love and who wants to spread the positive words and then you have the idiots. the crowd that isn't too many, but they are loud enough for us to think that there are more...

I think we all need to be a bit more like Kaylee, like when Simon took her to see dead bessie :P

Simon: "I really know how to show a girl a... disgusting time."
Kaylee: "Oh, it's sweet. Poor little thing never even saw the light of day, now it's in show business!"
Simon: "You manage to find the bright side of every single thing."
Kaylee: "Also, we've got this booth to ourselves for five whole minutes..."


"Joss, if you kill him now I'll stuff a compression coil up your ass sideways!"
~ Kaylee, "Serenity in 2000 words or less"

Kaylee's the perfect woman!


Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:47 AM


One word:


Let's all try to get along. Guy/gal comes on and states that he/she is upset with the movie should we tar and feather or try and "work with them".

I don't think it's unfair to state disappointment in something you love which is what the "11-year-old-daughter" poster was doing. If the poster was not a fan then they wouldn't/shouldn't have ever posted here...but they are and were hurt by the loss of a character they loved.

Anyone who states that the person should grow up or seek mental help for the post (some of these accusations were tossed) or state that it's JUST a movie, should really re-examine their presence here.

This is a site for FANS...fanatical crazy firefly-lovers. If you're just a casual...well firefly is a pretty good show type, then you may find it hard to believe that certain plot choices hurt people.

Personally, I thought the movie was AWESOME! My expectations were shakey after reading a plethora of posts on this site, but it was awesome.

I guess what I'm saying the vigilantism...the cleaning up of the boards. I was part of another site that revolved around a collectable miniature game. The site degenerated into the people who loved the game and those that had been hurt by certain choices the game company had made bickering until the game was finally AXED! It is gone for all intents and purposes.

Do we really want that to happen to Firefly?

This is a great site...with a lot of true fans. Go forth and convert the naysayers. Name-calling and insults run of the poster and other fans who probably could be wooed with simple discussion!

BE a contributor to Firefly's success...not an un-needed martyr for its failure.



Thursday, November 3, 2005 3:45 AM



Originally posted by TheSentinel:
Let's all try to get along. Guy/gal comes on and states that he/she is upset with the movie should we tar and feather or try and "work with them".

Adam - unless you've been lurking for a while then I think you haven't been here long enough to know how really tedious it is to hear people bitch and moan about exactly the same thing for a full month....

but really it HASN'T been a full month...
it has been since May 6th (the day after the first advanced screening) = almost 6 months!

people have been nice a lot
and have tried to work w/them, a lot
but it just gets, after a while, that you just want to take out your gun and tell folks that they should either be a fan or take their leave....

I do think there is room for complaints,
but does every single one of these 'fans' HAVE to start their own thread?
Do you KNOW how many gorram threads we have had on exactly the same topic?!?!?!
Do you know how annoying that is?
Particularly on a board like this when these new redundant thread bury the more interesting ones...

okay, sorry....rant over

but I reserve just exactly the same right to rant against the waste of space these complainers represent that you grant them to make their repetitive supposed grievances (as though Joss & Universal 'owed' them the movie that fulfilled their fanfiction desires)

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Thursday, November 3, 2005 3:52 AM


May 6th wasn't the first advanced screening, that was in January. I know because I distinctly remember my shiny train trip to London at the start of the year.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 3:59 AM


Phoebe you are absolutely right...
but the difference is, no one said one word about the BDM the day after that January screening...

it was like a miracle, there were no spoilers anywhere (and I was around a lot)

I was afraid there would be spoilers, but there were none.

But the day after the May 5th screening
(it was at 10pm, so it didn't end until it wasn't possible to start spoilers or complaints until the morning of the 6th)
the boards were a mess...
there were a handful of people who were starting threads with spoilers in the title

who were starting websites that were completely spoilers

and they were not any kind of majority,
the vast majority cried, screamed, and LOVED the movie!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:01 AM


: O

That was Gorram` amazing.. I applaude you person.. for your wittyness and for proving a very valid point.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:10 AM


Thank you for talking sense! We should all be thankful for what we have :D

Personally I hate the DVD cover art, but that's my own personal problem to deal with, I just worry that it won't make non-fans want to pick it up off the shelf.

However, can't wait for the DVD itself! :D


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:33 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether we agree w/ them or not. Hell, I would even fight to insure that everyone has the right of free speech, but that doesn't mean I like what they have to say.

People are going to whinge, that is human nature. You could give some people $10 million & they would whine about having to pay taxes on it. Give 'em a new car & they would whine about the color. Human nature.

Me personally, I am thankful for the BDM & the fact that Joss, Universal, the cast, and the dedication of the fanbase got us at least this one movie to continue the story. I'm not going to cheapen it by whinging about the cover art.

Have some patience browncoats. The whining will die down eventually.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:35 AM



Originally posted by embers:
I do think there is room for complaints, but does every single one of these 'fans' HAVE to start their own thread? Do you KNOW how many gorram threads we have had on exactly the same topic?!?!?! Do you know how annoying that is? Particularly on a board like this when these new redundant thread bury the more interesting ones...

Will you marry me, embers?

What?? I mean, uh...

Seriously, this is one point that I couldn't agree with more. Now, I'm all about people's right to speak their piece, but it's just got ridiculous in here. Every single person who's upset w/the BDM just has to have their very own thread about why the BDM sucked or made them (or their progeny) cry or didn't do so well at the box office or had a bad poster or a bad DVD cover. God! Come on, folks, get over this already. Feel bad, cry, talk about it. But for the love of the Buddha's belly, don't hijack our board!


I reserve just exactly the same right to rant against the waste of space these complainers represent that you grant them to make their repetitive supposed grievances (as though Joss & Universal 'owed' them the movie that fulfilled their fanfiction desires)

I think this is what pisses me off most.

Don't kill Wash! Don't kill Book! Don't change/crash Serenity! Don't have Kaylee lose weight! Don't make Jayne nicer/meaner! Don't make Mal darker! Don't give Book cornrows! Don't have this version of the U.S. poster! Give the U.S. the international poster! Don't have that DVD art!

My God; who died and made these folks Joss Whedon? It's his story, his 'verse, his characters, and his vision. I can't even describe the exquisite frustration of watching these fans demand that he make just the movie with just the poster and just the DVD cover art that they wanted. And are you mad that Wash and Book died? You must be the adult and move on from that upsetness. It would have happened in the series eventually anyway. Alan Tudyk has said as much himself.


End transmission.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:45 AM


-Wait, wait..... Hang on a minute here......

Someone complained about the DVD cover......!!!!!

That's just priceless!!!!!

*falls on the floor and rolls around laughing hysterically*



Thursday, November 3, 2005 6:43 AM


Thankyou i thought id be ranting to a 3 man audience...

first off-ez stuff, i love the cover art, anything with summer on the front in a pout like that...well, it goes with the last line of my signature

Second, i agree completely with the fact that Joss owns this whole BDV (Big Damn 'Verse) and we're just along for the you like to shout at the pilot flying your plane?...

third-altho there are plenty of threads out there that piss me off, the paramount of these is, IMO 'Joss made my 11 year old daughter cry'-WTF-W.T.F!!?!?; what was the point of it?...are we gonna go on a righteous crusade of death BECAUSE a movie made you daughter cry?...your trying to tell me shes never cried when she saw bambi or free willy or some other tear jerker-you found it pointless did you?...would you prefer that suddenly a rabid horde of evil marshmallows went and tore into the reavers after which converting them into friendly jehovahs witness (no offense to them)...i mean WHAT THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT, its a ship full of raping, pillaging, human flesh feasting, skin sewing hill billy lookalikes!...i bet you wanted them to stop what they were doing immediately and write a strongly worded letter to wash instead of harpooning him...

and fourth-once again i appologise for the rabid rantathon ive set myself and all you other browncoat loving bunnies on, but i just felt it had to be said, it was really late and i was really tired and stressed out so i looked around the forum for something to take my mind off it-what pops up first? 'Joss made my 11 yr old daughter cry' gonna stop here lest i start chanting for that posters blood

-if you'll excuse me i must go sharpen mister pointy the pitchfork now

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.



Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:09 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
-Wait, wait..... Hang on a minute here......

Someone complained about the DVD cover......!!!!!

That's just priceless!!!!!

*falls on the floor and rolls around laughing hysterically*


not just complaining...there is an online petition:
at first I thought it was a joke!

Casual: you are too kind...I was afraid I had been harsh...
I don't mean to be harsh on those who loved Wash,
I loved him too...
but I love Joss' vision more, and I have faith in his taking the 'verse where it needs to go
(because Joss Whedon is the one who is REALLY piloting this ship)

Empty: I enjoy your rants...
rant away -
you aren't wrong.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:22 AM


Originally posted by embers:


not just complaining...there is an online petition:
at first I thought it was a joke!

"Holy!!! Too much time on my hands Batman!!!"



Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:35 AM


I have to agree that there is an overabundance of people being critical about the movie. But hey, it's their right not to like it, and just because they didn't click to SERENITY doesn't mean they're not still fans.

Dissent can be a good thing. If we just happily took everything handed to us, we'd quickly become sheep.

Besides, you don't actually need to read those threads. They're pretty clear from the title what they're about. Which is why I havn't read the "Made my daughter cry" thread.

As for the DVD cover, yeah, I don't like it much myself. It's just a design thing. But I don't feel it's whining just to say I don't care for it. And I havn't really seen complains about the cover popping up all over - just the main thread about the cover.

That is, untill this thread was started.

Of course I'm buying the BD-DVD regardless of the cover. What can I say?



Thursday, November 3, 2005 8:21 AM


Okay, my bad. I missed that there was the DVD cover petition thread. So there are a couple threads about displeasure over the cover. I just hadn't noticed it. But I still didn't open it.

It's probably a pointless endeavor, though, since chances are, they'll be going to print on the box art very, very soon if they havn't already. When I worked in retail video, we often got new releases shipped to us 2-3 weeks before the street date, which potentially puts the disk in someone's back room within the next 3-4 weeks (apparently there were some outlets selling the Revenge of the Sith DVD's over a week ago, and the street date was only 2 days ago). Factor in the time it takes to print, assemble and ship them, they're probably going to be rolling through the presses any time now.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 9:46 AM


has nothing to do with this but im trying to spread the word as much as possible for the post pals- more info in my signature

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

BE A SHINY POST PAL-Make it a Browncoat Christmas,



Thursday, November 3, 2005 10:53 AM


In my middle age years I try not to waste time "tilting at windmills" anymore. I think there are a lot of people out there that just like shouting at the wind as if they think it will hear them and stop blowing. They may as well try to piss into the wind to see if that will get them anywhere for all their angst and anger. So one of your favorite characters gets bumped off? Get a grip. People die in real life so why not in a work of fiction. It only makes it more believable. After over 40 years of reading and watching science fiction I'm kinda glad to see a major character in a movie or series die rather than just the new yeoman in the red shirt with no last name on the away team.



Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:00 AM



People die in real life so why not in a work of fiction. It only makes it more believable. After over 40 years of reading and watching science fiction I'm kinda glad to see a major character in a movie or series die rather than just the new yeoman in the red shirt with no last name on the away team.

I totally agree. Well, I've only been at it for 30 years...and I don't recall reading much sci-fi for the first several...but otherwise, totally with you.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:03 AM


Right on. If a story builds up some characters as heroic, brave and selfless, yet there are no sacrifices (as in, someone important paying the ultimate price), then the whole thing is a sham, a gyp. Ditto for people in supposedly dangerous situations: how long are people supposed to buy into things really being that desperate when there's no real price to pay? They should have left Spock dead, for crying out loud, and bravo to Joss for having the intestinal fortitude to recognize that when he wasn't even sure he might need those characters again.

Here's to storytellers with honesty and guts.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:26 AM


So this is where everyone is hiding! I also was thinking I was alone in this!

I basically agree. With everything. People have every right to complain and express their opinions, but there are plenty of threads to do so in. Seems that quite a few posters joined, started a thread explaining what they hated and then left and didn't come back, but their thread refuses to die.

And then there is the belief that if the fans don't like something, it must be changed. Now. Because we said so. And we have pointy sticks. (well maybe not the sticks...)

Luckily it seems to be calming down now.

Of course we haven't seen the back of the DVD yet

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:55 AM



Captain Kirk: Okay, so on the away team, I'll take Spock, Bones . . . oh, and you in the red shirt there.

Red Shirt Guy: Oh well, I had a good run.

*falls on floor laughing hysterically*
I know that was off-topic, but it never gets old. Also, hooray Joss.

I give to you the Seeker of Serenity, the Valkyrie Warrior, the Gourmet Cook and the Truth Scoper.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 12:18 PM



Originally posted by JayTee:
In my middle age years I try not to waste time "tilting at windmills" anymore. I think there are a lot of people out there that just like shouting at the wind as if they think it will hear them and stop blowing. They may as well try to piss into the wind to see if that will get them anywhere for all their angst and anger. So one of your favorite characters gets bumped off? Get a grip. People die in real life so why not in a work of fiction. It only makes it more believable. After over 40 years of reading and watching science fiction I'm kinda glad to see a major character in a movie or series die rather than just the new yeoman in the red shirt with no last name on the away team.


Well, I dunno, you guys. Wasn't it tilting at windmills to try to get the movie, and isn't it tilting at windmills to try to get a sequel? Wasn't it, to a large extent, constructive unhappiness and discontent that started this website, that kept Firefly alive to the studio execs, that made Joss stay on the case? Isn't the point of the series and the movie that telling people to be happy and docile is a) dangerous and b) futile? In fact, isn't this whole enterprise mostly about the tension between accepting things the way they are and agitating for something more/better? I have really liked the discussions that expose where different people draw the line on this count, because everybody makes different choices, or can tolerate a different level of emotional dissatisfaction and upheaval in their daily lives. Different people care different amounts, and do different things about it. Why invalidate any of those responses, or try to impose conformity on them? I don't get it. Is this the Dr. Phil fansite, or something?

I think people on this site, or anywhere, should be allowed to be as idealistic or as upset or distressed or militant as they want, without penalty. Surely anyone who is getting tired of it can just refrain from reading the threads. Of course not everybody has the wherewithal to be perfectly constructive about how they feel--but gee golly, if someone is committed enough to create and circulate a petition, why on earth would anyone condemn them for that? It's people sitting around on their asses doing nothing, and swallowing disappointments, and staying emotionally disengaged and inactive, that has gotten this world in the shape it's in; let's acknowledge the value of people doing what they can to see their desires realized.

This is by far the saddest thread I've seen on this site.



Thursday, November 3, 2005 12:37 PM


I don't know why people who claim to be fans gotta go around and bash a movie and series we all love in a place full of the people that love it. I don't know about them but serenity wasn't some crap thrown at a screen with no plot or sense. It was like my favorite movie. And I loved the series too. Any other jerk head wantin to talk crappy best take it some were else. Like walkin into a church and tellin everyone there their god ain't real. makes me kinda mad.

..::Take us outta the world::..


Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:02 PM


Yep, people have a right to their opinions and I can live with one or two negative threads but I'm fed up with people who suddenly show up on a "fan" board to slam the products that the board promotes. This is trollish behavior and I'm over it.

I've taken on my Mal personality over this:

Paraphrasing: Either help me or take your leave. Otherwise, I shoot you.

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:02 PM



Originally posted by Vancouver:

Originally posted by JayTee:
In my middle age years I try not to waste time "tilting at windmills" anymore. I think there are a lot of people out there that just like shouting at the wind as if they think it will hear them and stop blowing. They may as well try to piss into the wind to see if that will get them anywhere for all their angst and anger. So one of your favorite characters gets bumped off? Get a grip. People die in real life so why not in a work of fiction. It only makes it more believable. After over 40 years of reading and watching science fiction I'm kinda glad to see a major character in a movie or series die rather than just the new yeoman in the red shirt with no last name on the away team.


Well, I dunno, you guys. Wasn't it tilting at windmills to try to get the movie, and isn't it tilting at windmills to try to get a sequel? Wasn't it, to a large extent, constructive unhappiness and discontent that started this website, that kept Firefly alive to the studio execs, that made Joss stay on the case? Isn't the point of the series and the movie that telling people to be happy and docile is a) dangerous and b) futile? In fact, isn't this whole enterprise mostly about the tension between accepting things the way they are and agitating for something more/better? I have really liked the discussions that expose where different people draw the line on this count, because everybody makes different choices, or can tolerate a different level of emotional dissatisfaction and upheaval in their daily lives. Different people care different amounts, and do different things about it. Why invalidate any of those responses, or try to impose conformity on them? I don't get it. Is this the Dr. Phil fansite, or something?

I think people on this site, or anywhere, should be allowed to be as idealistic or as upset or distressed or militant as they want, without penalty. Surely anyone who is getting tired of it can just refrain from reading the threads. Of course not everybody has the wherewithal to be perfectly constructive about how they feel--but gee golly, if someone is committed enough to create and circulate a petition, why on earth would anyone condemn them for that? It's people sitting around on their asses doing nothing, and swallowing disappointments, and staying emotionally disengaged and inactive, that has gotten this world in the shape it's in; let's acknowledge the value of people doing what they can to see their desires realized.

This is by far the saddest thread I've seen on this site.

Vancouver leave my thread alone, its a rant thread this is where us upbeat bunnies vent, you dont like it...go away...not that hard is it?
also no it isn't people sitting on their asses that has got the world in the shape it is, its people like you who go for totallitarian freedom-HI YO SILVER AWAY to the american dream, working out great so far huh?

the reason that the world is in the shape it is, is because people are easy to lie to, in a way your right - people are easy to lie to because deep down their too lazy to bother with the hard to organise and annoyingly uncomfortable truth.

Although If your so happy to not sit on your ass and be a total 'GO' kinda guy why dont you skip on over to the post pals thread and help the kids out? a 'GO' guy there, we need people like you doing more stuff rather than telling everyone else that they're not doing enough.

I never said anything about petitions being a bad idea, if people wanna make petitions well done to them for putting the effort in, the fact their probably not gonna do anything shouldn't stop them from trying, who knows, might strike lucky.

Also aren't you contradicting yourself just a sliver by posting that this is the saddest thread on it so hard to take your own advice and not read it?

All i gotta say is that if your gonna start telling people how to behave your gonna have to obey your own laws, dont be a dumbass and shoot yourself in the foot by doing exactly what your posting to say you hate.

-Once again gonna mention the post pals, i really wanna help those kids but since i really cant do anything from where i am atm, i thought id try and help organise the browncoats to help out a bunch of unlucky kids on far its not going too well so if anyone else wants to help, go and do post to get serenitypunks spirits up and then be a shiny person and show the kids that browncoats care (once again im sorry for pressing home the point so much)

lastly...Dr.Phil? get a golden star and a cookie just for your intelligent comparison...

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

BE A SHINY POST PAL-Make it a Browncoat Christmas,



Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:30 PM



Originally posted by Empty:

the reason that the world is in the shape it is, is because people are easy to lie to, in a way your right - people are easy to lie to because deep down their too lazy to bother with the hard to organise and annoyingly uncomfortable truth.

actually empty, I think that Vancouver didn't UNDERSTAND the movie 'Serenity'
what messes up the world ISN'T sitting on your ass...
it is messed up w/the very intensions possible by people trying to tell others how to live

Now I don't think empty is trying to tell anyone how to live,
not trying to shut them up
only wanting them to please add their complaints to the 10,000 other threads of complaining.
Instead of always burying more interesting threads with their individual angst....

this hear is empty's thread of complaining about the complainers and it is so long because MOST OF US HERE AGREE!
We love this movie,
and we don't need the 10,000 complaining threads bashing our BDM at our fan site.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Thursday, November 3, 2005 3:37 PM


I don't know where some people get the idea I was complaining about the movie. I just got back from seeing it for the 5th time and still enjoyed it totally. I agree with the idea that anyone can vent here and that should include me. My main point earlier was that while it may suck to lose a major character, especially one as endearing to me as the character that died at the end of the movie (avoiding spoiler)is that it adds the realism and reinforces what writers call "suspension of disbelief" to make it seem that much more real to the viewer. That being said I don't think it's tilting at windmills to want a sequel, just that it's pointless to pick apart everything you might not like about a movie that's already been made. Joss and others are too busy to rewrite and remake Serenity just to please people that didn't like some facets of the original version.



Thursday, November 3, 2005 3:54 PM



Originally posted by Vancouver:
Well, I dunno, you guys. Wasn't it tilting at windmills to try to get the movie, and isn't it tilting at windmills to try to get a sequel? Wasn't it, to a large extent, constructive unhappiness and discontent that started this website, that kept Firefly alive to the studio execs, that made Joss stay on the case?

I wasn't posting here at the time, but I was lurking, here and at the original Fox board. I don't remember every other thread being negative and full of complaints. Yes, people were mad at Fox, but there was hope. I'd argue a lot of the unhappiness now isn't constructive - this is about more than the DVD art. Firefly was kept alive through hope, something that seems to be missing now.


Isn't the point of the series and the movie that telling people to be happy and docile is a) dangerous and b) futile? In fact, isn't this whole enterprise mostly about the tension between accepting things the way they are and agitating for something more/better?

Who decides what is 'better'?

I thought the point of Serenity was that making things better is bad

I get what you're saying, but that's not the intent of this thread (or any rants anywhere else on this subject). We're not trying to tell everyone to sit down, shut up and accept what's been given to us. What we (or at least me - I'm not trying to speak for everyone, it's just what I've observed) are tired of is the negativity.


I have really liked the discussions that expose where different people draw the line on this count, because everybody makes different choices, or can tolerate a different level of emotional dissatisfaction and upheaval in their daily lives. Different people care different amounts, and do different things about it. Why invalidate any of those responses, or try to impose conformity on them? I don't get it. Is this the Dr. Phil fansite, or something?

We're not invalidating these responses. But they don't all need their own thread. If you look towards the top of the thread the first few posters all mentioned feeling alone in this.


It's people sitting around on their asses doing nothing, and swallowing disappointments, and staying emotionally disengaged and inactive, that has gotten this world in the shape it's in; let's acknowledge the value of people doing what they can to see their desires realized.

Dissent for the sake of dissent is no more noble than blind praise.

For me, at least, it's not about the complaints, or the petitions. It's about the intent behind them. It's the demands that things be changed.

Who are we to say that random DVD buyer won't like the cover? We're all biased - we've seen the movie and the series. I'm just getting sick of people claiming they know more than the rest of us.


This is by far the saddest thread I've seen on this site.

Heh. Haven't been around long, have you?

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:39 PM



Originally posted by Kellaina:


This is by far the saddest thread I've seen on this site.

Heh. Haven't been around long, have you?

This thread is great fun compared to some (see: Troll Country, RWE, etc.)

All I know is, I'm here because I like it! And I'm thrilled to death about Dec. 20th!!!


Positive, upbeat Chrisisall


Thursday, November 3, 2005 6:07 PM


Embers...I agree that some of these ruttin whiners take it WAY too far...but the dude with the daughter thread was deeply affected by Wash's death. I think that was the point of the thread. Maybe some folks were too quick to leap on his case because of the "change the DVD cover" folks being vocal. I hate the fact that people need to hijack the show and think it needs to be done their way... but oh well.

I'm just worried that if we, the true loyal fans resort to bickering as well, we may do far more to detract from the fanbase than the haters. Like I said, I saw it happen and was one of the contributing zealots.

Just my two cents. Not trying to stir up trouble or tell people they can't state their opinion...but two wrongs don't make a right. Remember that the next time you're lambasting one of these Firefly tyrant...

Oh and three rights do make a left...



Thursday, November 3, 2005 6:36 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Kellaina:


This is by far the saddest thread I've seen on this site.

Heh. Haven't been around long, have you?

This thread is great fun compared to some (see: Troll Country, RWE, etc.)

I was actually thinking about Troll Country when I wrote that. And one troll in particular (anyone remember ndugu aka Troll Boy?)


All I know is, I'm here because I like it! And I'm thrilled to death about Dec. 20th!!!


Yea! Positivity!

I like it here too!! And we're getting a DVD in less than 2 months!!!

Life is indeed shiny!

(although exclamation marks appear to be contagious!)

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:36 AM



Originally posted by Kellaina:
I was actually thinking about Troll Country when I wrote that. And one troll in particular (anyone remember ndugu aka Troll Boy?)

Heck, I was one of the first to blast him on his 'New fans will suck' thread! Then I felt kinda bad about it- until he got worse!!
I think Zoid finished him off, though.
Last I saw of him (her?), he (she?) was trolling on an Airwolf website, under a different handle, ha ha.

Whiners aside, this site is still awsome, and mostly attracts the sound of mind and bright of spirit.
We owe Haken much for that.



Friday, November 4, 2005 11:00 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Kellaina:
I was actually thinking about Troll Country when I wrote that. And one troll in particular (anyone remember ndugu aka Troll Boy?)

Heck, I was one of the first to blast him on his 'New fans will suck' thread! Then I felt kinda bad about it- until he got worse!!
I think Zoid finished him off, though.
Last I saw of him (her?), he (she?) was trolling on an Airwolf website, under a different handle, ha ha.

I forgot what the thread was called (I just remember that she/he/it called me fat, the logic of which still confounds me). I felt bad initially too, but feeding the troll became way too amusing (it wasn't like we had a movie or anything to discuss at the time)! Zoid definitely let the little troll have it!

Ahh.. good times


Whiners aside, this site is still awsome, and mostly attracts the sound of mind and bright of spirit.
We owe Haken much for that.

Yes we do .

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:






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