My interpretation of the crappy Serenity DVD cover

UPDATED: Saturday, November 5, 2005 17:16
VIEWED: 10979
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Friday, November 4, 2005 3:39 AM


So if I had never heard of Serenity,this is what I would think the film was about by just judging it from the cover.

So I guess that woman in the corner is like an evil Queen or somethin,and there is some space battles with lasers comin from every ship,the people on the bottom must be protecting the group of people,possibly just leaving a football game gone horribly wrong--wait,is that a llama??????? Oh,okay,so those people must be in some sort of religion that worships these magical llamas and the Queen must want it,she probably says something like"Get me that llama!" A very special llama called Serenity......this film looks stoopid.

"It's about how much freedom you can take away from somebody before they either fold or fight," Whedon says. "It's about the right to be wrong and the nature of human beings, that they need the freedom to be wrong. That they cannot be made to be better or perfect."--Joss Whedon on Serenity


Friday, November 4, 2005 5:44 AM


anybody else? :)



Friday, November 4, 2005 6:04 AM



Originally posted by nakedandarticulate:
anybody else? :)

I never look at the covers,
I would flip it over on the back and think
"oh yeah, I remember the ads for this, it looked good"
"two thumbs up and I like Sci-fi...I'll try it"
"wasn't this mentioned online? I think my friends were mad at me for missing this when it came out"

do you REALLY decide about a DVD because of the cover picture? Because I never have.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Friday, November 4, 2005 6:11 AM


shit i watch MTV so much (damn'd mid shifts) that i'd know the movie just from there, and woulda alrdy seen it.

MTV news didn't shut up about it, it was sweet. lol

Death is like sex in high school... If you knew how many times you missed having it you'd be paralyzed- Georgia Lass (Dead Like Me)

*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Friday, November 4, 2005 6:28 AM


First off i'm kidding,unfortunately--yeah,I do think there are people out there who just look at the front of a dvd at a store or video store and just walk on by.And before anyone says"Well we don't want them to watch it" Guess why the film bombed--because they only maketed it toward sci-fi fans.I don't love this movie/show for the sci-fi,I love it for the comedy,action,romance,but most of all the characters.This film has a lot to offer,and this cover tells you nothing about the movie.The point of the thread was to have fun and just make up stupid things other people may think of if they have never seen anything on this movie.



Friday, November 4, 2005 6:47 AM


I'd just like to know why people seem to think that everything has to be just the way they want it or else we'll start a big fing petition. Jesus. Grow up.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Friday, November 4, 2005 6:48 AM



Originally posted by nakedandarticulate:
First off i'm kidding,

sorry about that...
I've just seen the petition and the posts of people who are really NOT kidding...
I should have realized it ... being you.

But frankly people who hate sci-fi won't give it a chance anyway (the only failures I had w/my 'Firefly' DVDs are people who just won't open up to a sci-fi and give it a chance)

It isn't an easy sell no matter what you put on the cover, fact is that we'll keep growning an audience but it'll never be a fast & easy process,

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Friday, November 4, 2005 7:08 AM


...the Hell?

First, hysterical post. My, that was funny.

Second, OF COURSE PEOPLE LOOK AT THE COVERS of DVDs, books, movie posters, etc., etc. Why else would they have made River look like a 17-year-old whore? Why does Playboy have 99% naked babes on the cover? It could just say "Playboy" on the cover, have nothing else, and not take crap from store owners for having stuff that's too provacative on the cover. How many times have any of us been in Hollywood or Blockbuster and overheard a 60-year-old woman say, "Oh look, this one looks nice." Why would there be a saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover..." if NO ONE looked at the covers?

The Serenity cover is a crappy cover, no question. It's terrible. I'm not saying let's start a petition to change the crappy cover, but I am saying let's call a Spade a Spade. There are fifty things that make this cover stupid, and it's a shame. e.g. for some reason, they try to make the teenager the sex object, and completely leave the whore off the cover. Somebody really wasn't thinking.


Friday, November 4, 2005 7:09 AM


actually I have converted 3(out of 7)people to loving this show,who don't like sci-fi--it can be done. The thing about the cover is this...river with glowing green eyes,okay? whatever. Zoe and Mal--cool....Serenity shooting laser beams and a large crowd of people and a llama?!?!!?! If I did rent this film,I would be pissed like"come on use your laser beams already!!!!" and "where's the llama?!!" I dont care what is on a cover,but clearly this cover isn't truthful.Personally I love llama's,and if I was a llama lover I would be very angry at Universal for lying about false advertising.In fact i'm gonna start a petition now on CGI-ing in atleast 2 or 3 llamas into the film before the DVD release! The(dvd) petition wont work,I know that but maybe when the (possible) special edition happens, they will spend more than an hour on photoshop.



Friday, November 4, 2005 7:10 AM


Can someone please tell me what is so wrong with the cover art? Seriously. I like it. I don't see what the big deal with it is.

More importantly, what would you do instead?

What is so amazing about this whole silly thing is Amazon no sooner posted the picture and every FF board was immeditely "I hate it." Why? Talk about knee-jerk.

Lady Shelley


Friday, November 4, 2005 7:10 AM


Who's your llama, bay-bee?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, November 4, 2005 7:24 AM



Originally posted by LadyShelley:

What is so amazing about this whole silly thing is Amazon no sooner posted the picture and every FF board was immeditely "I hate it." Why? Talk about knee-jerk.

That would be because the instant first impression is "I hate it". Nothing wrong with stating your opinion.

And come on, even if you like it you have to agree that the Serenity logo on a black background would be better than this cover, and that wouldn't even have any of the actors on it.

I *really* hope we get a SE of the DVD at a later date that is a nice arty cover, maybe like I said just black with the logo in the centre.

But yeah, petitions are stupid for this. Better to all decide to say "the cover is pretty bad but the movie is EXCELLENT" to non-fans! :D


Friday, November 4, 2005 7:44 AM



Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:
That would be because the instant first impression is "I hate it". Nothing wrong with stating your opinion.

And come on, even if you like it you have to agree that the Serenity logo on a black background would be better than this cover, and that wouldn't even have any of the actors on it.

I *really* hope we get a SE of the DVD at a later date that is a nice arty cover, maybe like I said just black with the logo in the centre.

But yeah, petitions are stupid for this. Better to all decide to say "the cover is pretty bad but the movie is EXCELLENT" to non-fans! :D

You're right that there's nothing wrong with stating an opinion, I just don't understand where the animosity is coming from. Maybe this is a matter of being too close. It sounds like the biggest complaint is with the shot of River; so is the real issue with how River's character looks in the film?

As for an arty cover, do you really want that? This isn't an artsy kinda film; it's not Lord of the Rings Special Edition, it's just plain Fellowship of the Ring.

The complaint with the poster was it was boring and dull, which I agree it coulda used some help. But when they add some punch to the cover art, the studio is again slammed by fans.

Lady Shelley


Friday, November 4, 2005 8:08 AM


im slamming them,because of the"crowd" shot(i say again-LLAMA!) and serenity shooting laser beams,everything else ill (painfully)take.



Friday, November 4, 2005 8:38 AM


If you don't agree that:

1) Serenity doesn't have a laser cannon, let alone two of them,

2) River looks like Not River

3) There's a crowd of (Reavers? Settlers? Towns folk? Llama ranchers? Angry fans?) on the cover that clearly have nothing to do with the movie

4) Did we mention the llama?

5) Mal has never used the weapon he's holding

6) Though there are a couple hundred people on the cover, there's no sign of the rest of the crew that has such a significant role to play throughout the movie

Then it probably isn't worth arguing about. It doesn't change the fact that Serenity was an awesome movie, it's just one more thing that Universal can't get quite right.


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:15 AM


As uncouth as it may be, I am going to quote my own post from the now archived DVD-art petition thread to answer folks' questions on what's the problem IMHO with the DVD art.


Originally posted by NoSadSeven:
The only petitions I sign are government required petitions for "third" party ballot access. Yet, I just signed gossi/whoisriver's petition.

One of the things I most appreciate about Serenity is its integrity. The movie is called "Serenity", for god's sake! That is a horrible title for a sci-fi action drama from a marketing perspective. But, knowing the film and the series, it is what this film needed to be titled. Joss had the artistic integrity to name the film from the story, from the characters, from the heart. That is one of the things that is characteristic of this series, and why I love it so much.

Now look at the DVD cover. I'm not complaining about the production value. I'm not complaining about the design. I'm not even complaining about the quotes (or lack thereof). These things aren't very important to me, and though I'm not thrilled with them, they are truly not worth my energy.

What I am complaining about is the DVD cover's complete lack of integrity. Can anyone point out anything on that cover that accurately reflects the movie? Anything? I even need to say it? Serenity...shooting lasers? Mal and Zoe...with oddly embellished weapons? The horde... the horde? Reavers, soldiers, dancing llamas - whatever the hell they are, they ain't Serenity. They're not a misrepresentation, they are a manufactured lie. (There is the title...they did keep that, but I bet they fought over it!)

I understand artistic license. I understand the need to embellish some details and alter others in order to present an overall impression. But here, the overall impression they are trying to give is yet another manufactured lie.

I am not even complaining that a disingenuous DVD cover is morally wrong. I am complaining that a disingenuous DVD cover on a genuine movie like this one is economically wrong. There is the issue that many of those that find the cover appealing will not find the actual movie appealing, whether because it's just not their kind of thing, or because it will not meet their [DVD cover-based] expectations, and subsequently create a negative word of mouth. But what concerns me most is that the marketing designers, in their desperation, have thrown all of these obvious marketing cliches - the sex, the big guns, the space lasers - together on one box in the hope that something sticks. Consumers can smell desperation - it stinks - but they may not be able to tell whether it's coming from the DVD itself or just the cover.

By most accounts, Serenity is a damn fine movie. I just wish Universal would show deserved confidence in their product. Let the movie represent itself - not puppet theater. Confidence shines through.

To address some other points that have been made...

Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:But yeah, petitions are stupid for this. Better to all decide to say "the cover is pretty bad but the movie is EXCELLENT" to non-fans! :D

I'm not much of a fan of petitions, but gossi/whoisriver has made more of this than your average online petition. The first 24 hour's worth of response (about 1500 signatures) has already been shipped to the VP of Universal Home Entertainment - preceeded by a phone conversation alerting them that it's on its way, and to be followed up with verification of its receipt. Will that change anything? Probably not. Will it harm anything? Can't see how.


Embers wrote:
I never look at the covers,
I would flip it over on the back and think
"oh yeah, I remember the ads for this, it looked good"
"two thumbs up and I like Sci-fi...I'll try it"
"wasn't this mentioned online? I think my friends were mad at me for missing this when it came out"

do you REALLY decide about a DVD because of the cover picture? Because I never have.

You don't flip over every DVD in the store. In order for me to look at the back of the DVD I have to not be snorting derisively at the front.

Ladyshelley asked:
More importantly, what would you do instead?

There are some great alternative suggestions for cover art on the "Design your own Serenity DVD cover" thread on the 'Versal board here: [url=

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:23 AM



Originally posted by nakedandarticulate:
So if I had never heard of Serenity,this is what I would think the film was about by just judging it from the cover.

So I guess that woman in the corner is like an evil Queen or somethin,and there is some space battles with lasers comin from every ship,the people on the bottom must be protecting the group of people,possibly just leaving a football game gone horribly wrong--wait,is that a llama??????? Oh,okay,so those people must be in some sort of religion that worships these magical llamas and the Queen must want it,she probably says something like"Get me that llama!" A very special llama called Serenity......this film looks stoopid.

"It's about how much freedom you can take away from somebody before they either fold or fight," Whedon says. "It's about the right to be wrong and the nature of human beings, that they need the freedom to be wrong. That they cannot be made to be better or perfect."--Joss Whedon on Serenity

This post is just too funny. Actually, all the posts on this thread that say 'llama' in them.

Moving on, I agree that the cover art is awful. It really doesn't look like the movie and it sort of looks like some cheesy made-for-tv ad. I think most fans would agree that the ad is just awful, but the movie is wonderful. Would I like a nicer cover? Of course! But, I'm not going to whine and sign things saying: "Boo, bad marketing." 'Cause let's face it, the movie has been badly marketed from day one.

Hopefully, a SE DVD comes out in a year or so with better art. Until then, I'll buy this DVD and ignore the cover art.

Bad Guy: And I think maybe you gonna give me a little one-on-one time with the missus.
Jayne: Oh, I think you might want to reconsider that last part. See, I married me a powerful ugly creature.
Mal: How can you say that? How can you shame me in front of new people?
Jayne: If I could make you prettier, I would.
Mal: You are not the man I met a year ago.


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:46 AM


Well said, Lady Shelley, I totally agree.

I will agree with some people that some things are a little misrepresentative. Frankly, I don't care. To me, it looks good. Everyone I've shown it to aside from one person has gone "WOW :o I LOVE THAT! I want that as a poster!!!" or whatever. It jumps out at you. It's a lot more 'full' than the old posters, which people complained were too plain, yet people are still complaining. It's so disappointing that we have to play god like this with the petition. There's a difference between "I don't like it because of X,Y,Z reasons" and "I AM GOD. CHANGE IT NOW OR FEEL THE MIGHTY BROWNCOAT WRATH. WE RUN THE ADVERTISING, NOT UNIVERSAL AND CO!"

I have no issues with people not liking it, hell, Joss even commented. But this petition just feels bad. It feels like we're taking things a step too far and trying to play god, and I will have no part in giving us a bad name. People from other fandoms - even the Buffyverse - are slagging us off for doing this, and I'm ashamed.


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:51 AM


i would go "ohhhh that girls is kickassidly hot, and i bet they fight alot and blow crap up, and ohhh joss whedon! i bet its funny! Must own right now, i know i have a spleen to sell around her somewhere"


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:54 AM



Originally posted by hogwaffle:
i would go "ohhhh that girls is kickassidly hot, and i bet they fight alot and blow crap up, and ohhh joss whedon! i bet its funny! Must own right now, i know i have a spleen to sell around her somewhere"

LOL! ... I would.


Friday, November 4, 2005 10:15 AM



Originally posted by andygott:
If you don't agree that:

1) Serenity doesn't have a laser cannon, let alone two of them,

I'm not sure what it is we're looking at in the top corner, it would be nice to have a larger image to make that clear.


2) River looks like Not River

But she does look like the River from the movie. Again I think this one is more a complaint on how the character is portrayed overall, than with the cover. By the way, that is part of the international poster that everyone seems to like ...


3) There's a crowd of (Reavers? Settlers? Towns folk? Llama ranchers? Angry fans?) on the cover that clearly have nothing to do with the movie

When you hold the DVD in your hands, I will bet that that crowd is supposed to represent all of the dead people on Miranda.


4) Did we mention the llama?

Sorry not seeing a llama.


5) Mal has never used the weapon he's holding

None of them used the weapons they are using in the film. I don't remember seeing Vera once. From the picture of the cover we have, I can't really tell what the gun is as there is the flash behind it. Again a larger image is needed.


6) Though there are a couple hundred people on the cover, there's no sign of the rest of the crew that has such a significant role to play throughout the movie

How often , really is an entire cast on the cover of a film? Be honest now ... exactly, it's very rare.

Lady Shelley


Friday, November 4, 2005 10:25 AM


has large pic of cover,look in the crowd scene you will see 1(maybe 2?) llamas.



Friday, November 4, 2005 10:37 AM



Originally posted by nakedandarticulate:

has large pic of cover,look in the crowd scene you will see 1(maybe 2?) llamas.

Aha! Thanks for that, the enlarged version at Amazon still wasn't very detailed.

On the question of llamas: Those are heads and shoulders folks, not llamas.

Mal's gun: looks like the stun gun used by the Operative at the end. Did Mal shoot him with it? I honestly don't remember.

Serenity and lasers: She's being shot at, not the other way around. Look at the other ships on her "side" none of them are firing it's all coming form the Alliance "side"

Regarding the link to other art: Yes, some of those are really good, but that doesn't mean by definition the art we got is bad.

Lady Shelley


Friday, November 4, 2005 10:45 AM



Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:

And come on, even if you like it you have to agree that the Serenity logo on a black background would be better than this cover, and that wouldn't even have any of the actors on it.

Ummm... no I don't. I kind of think that would be worse in a 'hey look, they make self-help dvds now!' kind of way.

Plus, this one has llamas! The one thing Serenity was missing was a cute, furry mascot - think of the marketing potential!

We need to name the llamas (is there more than one llama?)

Ahh, llamas...

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Friday, November 4, 2005 10:50 AM


Damn. I really liked the theatrical poster, I wished they'd used that.
No matter, I'll make my own, I did it for I Robot, I'm doing it for Dark Angel; I'll do it again for Serenity...

I would take from the cover as it is (if I didn't know anything about Firefly) that the evil girl on the top left (left...hmm, is that a political message??) is starting an interplanetary war, and the two at the bottom (Zoe, Mal) are the only ones can stop her, and she has hoards of demons at her beck and call (middle group). All this with the title 'serenity' (this cover is FAR from serene) would raise my interest for a cheesy fantasy/sci-fi actioner a la Krull (anybody remember THAT one?), and I'd come away shocked after renting it at the elegance of the tale, and with a need to OWN it.

So, the crappy cover is intended to get people to rent, with an option to buy, not just purchase straight-off. They're gonna have it both ways.

Quite clever, if I may say.

Chrisisall, cover interpreter


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:04 AM


I hereby declare that, if "villas" is pronounced "viyas," then llamas are really yamas.

Go Yamas!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:09 AM



Originally posted by LadyShelley:

Regarding the link to other art: Yes, some of those are really good, but that doesn't mean by definition the art we got is bad.

Actually, it's not BAD, it's just that it could be better. And the way River looks at the top would have me expecting some moderate nudity, like in Scorpion King. Twelve year old male non-fans are likely to be disappointed on that level.



Friday, November 4, 2005 11:11 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Damn. I really liked the theatrical poster, I wished they'd used that.
No matter, I'll make my own, I did it for I Robot, I'm doing it for Dark Angel; I'll do it again for Serenity...

I would take from the cover as it is (if I didn't know anything about Firefly) that the evil girl on the top left (left...hmm, is that a political message??) is starting an interplanetary war, and the two at the bottom (Zoe, Mal) are the only ones can stop her, and she has hoards of demons at her beck and call (middle group). All this with the title 'serenity' (this cover is FAR from serene) would raise my interest for a cheesy fantasy/sci-fi actioner a la Krull (anybody remember THAT one?), and I'd come away shocked after renting it at the elegance of the tale, and with a need to OWN it.

So, the crappy cover is intended to get people to rent, with an option to buy, not just purchase straight-off. They're gonna have it both ways.

Quite clever, if I may say.

Chrisisall, cover interpreter

FINALLY! Someone gets the point of this cheesy post--to just make up a stupid story based on the artwork.oh yes I remember KRULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Friday, November 4, 2005 11:14 AM



On the question of llamas: Those are heads and shoulders folks, not llamas.

At the UB gossi posted the llama in question, it's about half-way down the page.

I don't know where llama number 2 is supposed to be.

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:19 AM



Originally posted by nakedandarticulate:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
Damn. I really liked the theatrical poster, I wished they'd used that.
No matter, I'll make my own, I did it for I Robot, I'm doing it for Dark Angel; I'll do it again for Serenity...

I would take from the cover as it is (if I didn't know anything about Firefly) that the evil girl on the top left (left...hmm, is that a political message??) is starting an interplanetary war, and the two at the bottom (Zoe, Mal) are the only ones can stop her, and she has hoards of demons at her beck and call (middle group). All this with the title 'serenity' (this cover is FAR from serene) would raise my interest for a cheesy fantasy/sci-fi actioner a la Krull (anybody remember THAT one?), and I'd come away shocked after renting it at the elegance of the tale, and with a need to OWN it.

So, the crappy cover is intended to get people to rent, with an option to buy, not just purchase straight-off. They're gonna have it both ways.

Quite clever, if I may say.

Chrisisall, cover interpreter

FINALLY! Someone gets the point of this cheesy post--to just make up a stupid story based on the artwork.oh yes I remember KRULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You mean this part isn't serious?


Oh,okay,so those people must be in some sort of religion that worships these magical llamas and the Queen must want it,she probably says something like"Get me that llama!" A very special llama called Serenity

What kind of movie is this? No magical llamas!? Then what is Serenity, surely it can't be a... spaceship.

Edit: markups, I blame the evil, non-wish granting llama.

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:21 AM


I present to you---THE LLAMA!!!!!!!!



Friday, November 4, 2005 11:27 AM


I don't know about llamas, but it sure looks like some terrifying space monkeys were playing at River's hair.

We work before we play Chrisisall


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:27 AM


Kinda looks like Jar-Jar.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:28 AM


Well if this worked, the image has been enlarged. You can clearly see it is a man, and in the blow up, you can see his other shoulder.

Lady Shelley


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:31 AM


That's weird, it's like those pictures that are two in one...

There is no llama. I am crushed.

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:53 AM



Originally posted by LadyShelley:

Originally posted by andygott:

2) River looks like Not River

But she does look like the River from the movie. Again I think this one is more a complaint on how the character is portrayed overall, than with the cover...

Wow. I'm really not sure how to respond to that. Where in the movie did River ever look like a sultry sex-pot evil queen of the Amazon S&M mistress with glowing eyes? Must've missed that scene.

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, November 4, 2005 12:06 PM



written by andygott
5) Mal has never used the weapon he's holding

well, i am pretty sure that the gun is from the beginning of the movie, when Mal asks river 'do you know your part in this?" and River asks Mal "do you?". when he is practicing aiming the gun.

Secondly, i don't particularly like this cover. it's not horrible, but it's pretty bad - not firefly-ish at all. not even serenity-ish at all. I think that they should have used the original poster, either the international one or the one for the states. both would have made great covers.

if you want to see a dvd cover that a (very talanted, if i may say so myself) browncoat made, click on this link:
i think it's a lot better than the official one.

keep flyin'


Friday, November 4, 2005 12:18 PM


Damn, people, who's f***ing movie is this? I'm fairly sure y'all didn't front the 39 mil. Can't you just be glad we got the flick? Don't whine over dumb stuff like's childish...


Friday, November 4, 2005 1:01 PM




"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, November 4, 2005 1:11 PM


Select to view spoiler:

i've seen the movie, so i know that women in the future only have brown eyes. Since the River on the DVD cover has greenish-bluish eyes, she must be a River-looking love bot. The Riverbot carries her llamas from planet to planet protecting them from the llama hunters. The Alliance used llamas during the War for Unification and that's why Mal and Zoe are hunting them now. Lastly, since i've seen the movie and know none of this happens, this Riverbot plot was obviously cut from the final version of the film, but is included in the deleted scenes because "You can't stop the llamas."

My interpretation is spoiler protected in case others that haven't seen the movie are expecting llamas.


Friday, November 4, 2005 1:58 PM



Originally posted by SuicidalDuckling:

Select to view spoiler:

i've seen the movie, so i know that women in the future only have brown eyes. Since the River on the DVD cover has greenish-bluish eyes, she must be a River-looking love bot. The Riverbot carries her llamas from planet to planet protecting them from the llama hunters. The Alliance used llamas during the War for Unification and that's why Mal and Zoe are hunting them now. Lastly, since i've seen the movie and know none of this happens, this Riverbot plot was obviously cut from the final version of the film, but is included in the deleted scenes because "You can't stop the llamas."

My interpretation is spoiler protected in case others that haven't seen the movie are expecting llamas.

well yes, it is true...the change of eye color is a DEAD give away that there is some evil afoot...

and it is wonderful to know that 500 years in the future we will no longer be plagued by annoying little blondes, they will only exist as lovebots

BTW I have a theory about Jayne rescuing Lenore and taking her away to his bunk....
maybe THAT should have been depicted on the cover!

And hopefully in the deleted scenes too.
I am personally far less concerned about the cover than I am about the extras....
I want at least 5 different commentaries,
and long hours of extras packed onto that DVD.
Including the wonderful classical guitarist playing Joss's 'Firefly' theme song from the end of the credits.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Saturday, November 5, 2005 5:30 AM



Originally posted by embers:

and it is wonderful to know that 500 years in the future we will no longer be plagued by annoying little blondes, they will only exist as lovebots

Is that a 'Buffy' comment?
Wanna see my imitation of Ghandi?

Just kiddin', that was funny.

Speaking of which, didja ever see the movie Cherry 2000? Now there's a hoot and a half!
I KNOW Joss had to have seen it...heh heh



Saturday, November 5, 2005 5:33 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by embers:

and it is wonderful to know that 500 years in the future we will no longer be plagued by annoying little blondes, they will only exist as lovebots

Is that a 'Buffy' comment?

yeah, you got me...I was totally dissing Buffy;
but I think it is hard to get the Summer Blonde bleach when you are out in the black....

don't get me wrong, I love the Sunnydale
But on board Serenity we don't have room for the little bitca

except of course that I have a theory:
Jayne rescued Lenore and she is down in his bunk as we speak....

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Saturday, November 5, 2005 10:47 AM


Larger picture: check


I'm not sure what it is we're looking at in the top corner, it would be nice to have a larger image to make that clear.

Uh huh. Lasers coming FROM SERENITY, notice how the other two ships on the receiving end are BLOWING UP.


But she does look like the River from the movie. Again I think this one is more a complaint on how the character is portrayed overall, than with the cover. By the way, that is part of the international poster that everyone seems to like ...

I'm not really sure what it is you're trying to say here. The woman doesn't look like anybody from any episode or the movie. She looks likes a porn star surprised to find herself on a DVD cover with llamas.


When you hold the DVD in your hands, I will bet that that crowd is supposed to represent all of the dead people on Miranda.

...what? "Well, I think that it's a bunch of cloned Operatives, standing in line to receive free Jello-O fom the Tooth Fairy." Exactly. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


None of them used the weapons they are using in the film.

??? They ALL did! Mal did. Zoe did. Jayne used at least three guns from the series! Not Vera, no, but other ones FROM THE SERIES.


How often , really is an entire cast on the cover of a film? Be honest now ... exactly, it's very rare.

All the time. Seriously, ALL the time. All six Star Wars movies. All three Lord of the Rings movies. All of the new posters for The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. That's ten separate movies in the action/adventure genre that I can think of off the top of my head without even going to search online.

I don't think there's any lack of intelligence here, I just think that maybe you should SEE THE MOVIE before saying that this cover is dandy.

It would help out the arguments a whole lot.

(No, Mal doesn't pick up the Operative's stun gun. No, I just made up the free Jello-O scene. etc.)



Saturday, November 5, 2005 2:05 PM


I think it could have been better (looks like a wallpaper that somebody Photoshopped together if you ask me) but at the same time, it's what we've got.

Seems everyone is wanting to go running off and signing petitions everytime.

Remember when we were signing petitions to bring back the series - in comparison, this seems trivial to me.

But of course, if it can be done, it should be done.


Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:22 PM


That's not a llama? And here I was looking forward to the special llama edition of Serenity.

Really though like the guy said just spend some time on photo shop or whatever nice little program you all have on your 'puters and make your very own shiny custom cover art.......I know I will cause that cover is just wrong on so many levels. Just like all the other marketing strategy for the BDM that Universal brainstormed.

It's a nothing part til you don't got one, then you have to go to ebay.....aaaaagh!


Saturday, November 5, 2005 5:11 PM


A little historical perspective here; check out the original theatrical posters for classics like Forbidden Planet -- which has the benign Robby the Robot acting like some sex-crazed alien off a Planet Stories cover -- or Star Wars -- where Priness Leia and Luke Skywalker look like a Vegas showgirl and a Chippendale dancer, respectively.

Misrepresenting content is an old tradition in SF media. My advice is to just relax, and enjoy the ride.

Besides -- the DVD cover at least gives the impression that this is an action movie, as opposed to the domestic poster, which made me think of some John le Carré knockoff spy novel..

"Future events such as these will affect you, in the future"." -- The Amazing Criswell


Saturday, November 5, 2005 5:16 PM


The only good marketing ideas were the 10 min freebies and the River Tam Sessions.

And even then WE had to tow the line, pass it around via word of mouth.


"Hey, support it best you can! I believe supporting this as far as we can will get Serenity restarted. Right now seems VERY "Out Of Gas", and the Fans are Mal. We need to get her running to get the Big Damn Button pushed."

"I don't care what you believe in! Just BELIEVE!"

- Self Quote from a reply to a post about Serenity






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