Ok, I'm a NOOB, and I'm hooked on Firefly

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 18:06
VIEWED: 5555
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Monday, November 7, 2005 3:57 PM


I'm sure the old timers around this site, and others like it have heard it all before a thousand times, but I just had to drop out of lurking like I've been for the past week or so to share the joy I've discovered from watching Firefly the past couple of weeks.

When Sci-Fi started plugging Firefly a few months back, a buddy and I were sitting to together, watching Tripping the Rift when the promos started for Firefly. I asked my friend what Firefly was, because I had never heard of it before (or at least paid any attention to it), and he explained that he too had just learned that it was this TV show that was cancelled, but had this humongous following, and its following was so big, that they were about to release a movie of it. He hadn't seen Firefly either, but said he planned on checking it out. A few weeks later, he was loaning me the Firefly DVD set he'd aquired, and told me I had to watch it.

Well, I'm now on episode 13, and I'm a little hesitant and sad to put in the last episode, because I know that with the exception of Serenity the movie, Firefly will be over, and I'll have nothing exciting awaiting me when I come home each night. Everyday for the past couple of weeks, the highlight of my day was coming home from work and sitting down with the lights turned down, stereo cranked up in dolby surround (where's the 5.1 mix?), and the big screen fired up for my nightly "fix" of Firefly. The show just blew me away. My wife, who can barely stay awake, and who is pregnant and will deliver next Monday the 14th, is too tired to stay awake and watch it with me. She's tried a couple of times, but she always falls asleep. She's never been a Sci-Fan, and doesn't really get it anyway. She asked me the other day, while I was on one of my "What a great show Firefly is" rants what I thought was so great about it. I had to stop and think of a way to really say and decide just what it was/is that makes Firefly so special. I finally decided that one of the things I like most about it is the sense of commeradery. My first love was the original Star Trek series, and I always felt that the reason I liked it so was because of the relationship between Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Any of those three would do ANYTHING for one of the other three without batting any eye, and every episode seemed to include some plot that required these three to put their lives on the line for one of the others, no matter the cost to their reputation or careers. Their friendship was the most important thing in their lives, and everything else was secondary. Alas, along came the NEXT GENERATION of Star Trek, and its successors, but non of them seemed to recapture this lighting in a bottle, or even attempt to implement this aspect of the original series that made it so great.

Firefly, while not the same as Star Trek, contains many of those some qualities that I found so endearing. Mal is a rough and tumble guy, but he'd do just about anything for any member of his crew, no matter what the cost, and obviously, his crew would and did the same for him when he needed help. His rag-tag crew is/was a family, and they really had this "no man gets left behind" mentality. Oh sure, Jayne was always ready to turn on Simon and River, but when he did, Mal made sure that he knew where he was coming from, and to never go behind his back again, and I believe Jayne got the message loud and clear.

One thing that I really like about Firefly that separates it from the likes of Star Trek and Star Wars is the look of 500 years into the future. Star Trek and Star Wars always made the future to be some spotless anal-retentive era where nobody has a hair out of place, and the uniforms are inevitably white like the storm troopers. Firefly breaks this mold and portrays the future as a much harder time, similar to the old west where people were struggling to survive in many areas.

The biggest regret that I have after watching these episodes is that I came into this without seeing Serenity at the theater on the big screen. With my wife in the state she's in, and a 6-year-old son to take care of as well, I don't have any time to see Serenity this week at the theater, and while I MIGHT be able to sneak to the cinema this weekend to catch it, I'm afraid that it will be gone by then. But oh, how I hope that Serenity isn't the end of this wonderful saga. Of course, I'm buying the DVD TV series set, and of course I'll buy the Serenity DVD when it comes out. I just won an auction on ebay today for the Serenity movie poster, so I'm excited about that.

Thank's to all the Firefly fans on this site, and all over the world for keeping this project alive so the rest of us who are a little behind the times have been able to slowly catch up. I'm sure there will be many more discovering the show after me, and I'm doing my best to tell my friends and family about this incredible show. Firefly will never die, as long as we keep in in our hearts, and our DVD players!



Monday, November 7, 2005 4:11 PM


Welcome JayHawk...
I hope you have made it to the movie, because it probably won't be in theaters too much longer....

but don't despair:
You'll find that rewatching 'Firefly' is really good, and rewatching 'Serenity' is better than the first time!

But also there are some items you have probably missed;
check out my signiture and check out:
1. the River Tam interviews from the Academe

2. the comic books by Dark Horse called 'Serenity' (set of 3) they are still available from midtown comics in Manhattan, they'll ship

3. there is an incredible book, Joss Whedon's 'Serenity: the Official Visual Companion' includes the shooting script (w/scenes not in the film) as well as all kinds of production notes and art...

okay, maybe that last item is only for the true fanatic, but it is really sweet!


watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Monday, November 7, 2005 4:26 PM


Hey! Looks like I'm not the only NOOB here. I, too have just come out of lurking. Saw Serenity two Thursdays ago. (went to the late show on a school night, and dragged my dad because I was so excited, the movie previews alone blew me away! Well worth arrving home at 1 a.m.) Well, I did my research on Firefly, found this site, and really haven't left it, other than to watch the entire series this weekend after buying it friday night! There goes my paycheck!

I have found that Firefly, though short-lived, has become my most treasured TV show. Ever. I quote it now everyday, and plan on converting all my friends sometime one weekend.

Serenity. Wow, that movie was astounding. I'm counting down the days until the DVD, and until then I plan on seeing at few more times in the theater.

Glad to have joined the Browncoats! What an awesome community!


Monday, November 7, 2005 4:46 PM


I am right there with you! I bought the DVD set last weekend and finished in two days! I couldn't stop watching it. I fully understand the "pain" of realizing you're at the end of the set.

I've now watched all the episodes with commentary and am re-watching fave episodes. My friends are wondering where the heck I've been the past week! Ha!

I feel funny saying "Welcome" to the Firefly world when I've only been here a few days, but you will find these are the friendliest bunch on the net! No "looking down" on the new Browncoats! That has made the discovery of Firefly even better! You will love it here!

"Good night. Don't let the spacebugs bite!"
- Kaylee


Monday, November 7, 2005 5:01 PM



Originally posted by embers:

3. there is an incredible book, Joss Whedon's 'Serenity: the Official Visual Companion' includes the shooting script (w/scenes not in the film) as well as all kinds of production notes and art...

okay, maybe that last item is only for the true fanatic, but it is really sweet!

A little story about purchasing the Visual Companion since I originally had no intention of buying it...

A week ago, I was ordering "Finding Serenity" and the upcoming Firefly soundtrack on and decided to look around at some of the other Firefly/Serenity stuff. I had looked at the Serenity soundtrack, but it had pretty mixed reviews so I decided not to buy it. I also looked at the Visual Companion and noticed that the reviews were very positive. I figured since people weren't shy about criticizing the Serenity soundtrack then the Visual Companion must be really good. I bought it and agree that it's really sweet.

I definitely recommend the Visual Companion, though it's probably more of a 'nice to have' item.


Monday, November 7, 2005 5:05 PM


Glad to meetcha all... remember dinner is at 1800 hours and no need to dress!

I add my welcome and my agreement that those little dvds contain HOURS of re watching pleasure.. whenever I need to escape this reality.. and when the puppet theater sucks (which is way too often) I have a place I can go.. and it gives Serenity.



Monday, November 7, 2005 5:14 PM


Welcome, Jayhawk35!

You are gonna love it here.

Being a Browncoat is like coming home. That's the best way I know to describe it.

'Cause how you get there is the worthier part. - Book


Monday, November 7, 2005 5:19 PM


Welcome JayHawk! Pull up a chair and set a spell!

I'm one of the older-timers, saw the series when it aired on Fox. Don't worry, we want to hear how new people came to love the 'verse like we do, especially when they are as detailed and eloquent as you. We ALL, old and new alike, know the pain you are feeling at coming to the end of "new" Firefly. But like Spider Robinson says, "Shared pain is lessened, and shared joy is increased."

And if you are unlucky enough to miss Serenity in the theaters, the DVD is being released December 20th. Not too long to wait!

Again, welcome!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Monday, November 7, 2005 5:34 PM


You don't need to see Serenity BEFORE you finish Firefly, in fact FINISH Firefly THEN go see Serenity if it's still playing in your area! although Serenity was set up so that you didn't have to see Firefly to get Serenity.


"Dammit Mal, I forgot my line!" Adam/Jayne-Firefly outtakes


Monday, November 7, 2005 6:00 PM


Welcome Jayhawk35!

This is the best place for a new Firefly fan! The people are nice, interesting, and very intelligent. The topics regarding our connected obsession is very involved, and its just what the doctor ordered, so welcome aboard, post away, and keep watching Firefly!


I threw up on your bed...


Monday, November 7, 2005 6:21 PM


I'm a NOOB too. My 16 year old daughter dragged me to see the movie and before I knew it I was ordering the Firefly DVD. We watched it together over a week and I really enjoyed it.

The writing is smart and witty and I have really enjoyed the character development. The scripts assume you have some brains and can think unlike most shows.

The acting is great all around and I've enjoyed seeing some nice new male faces. As a woman I really enjoy "Captain Tight Pants"

It's like reading a good book-you just want to see it over and over again. I lent the DVD's to a coworker and she promised they would be back tomorrow so I could revisit Serenity again.

Help me I need a quote!


Monday, November 7, 2005 6:42 PM


To ncbrowncoat,
what kind of quote are you looking for, who's your favorite character? what's your favorite episode?
one of my favorites is this one: "MAL:
You risked enough flying in there
once. And I don't wanna get
slapped around no more." or "MAL
Nice shot.
I was aimin' for his head." or any variation of.

"Dammit Mal, I forgot my line!" Adam/Jayne-outtakes


Monday, November 7, 2005 6:46 PM


Welcome Jayhawk! I too am fairly new to the Firefly universe. I got hooked by the movie, rented the DVDs and simply fell in love with all of the characters.

I hope Sci-Fi revives it like they did with Stargate...

JC De La Torre
Author of Ancient Rising
[url] [/url]


Monday, November 7, 2005 7:44 PM


Hi JayHawk35. Welcome

People are a friendly sort here, so you'll have a good time.

Enjoy your stay

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2:31 AM


Thanks so much for all the kind words from everyone! It's great to know that there is a place I can go where people have the some love, desire and fire for a little show called Firefly.

I finished watching the last episode last night, Objects In Space, and truely am saddened now that it's over. I spent quite a while going through the extras, which were amusing. I'm definitely going to check out some of the extra material you kind people have suggested. I've already joined the Browncoats.

How long have the Dark Horse comics been out? What are the chances of finding them locally, or am I going to have to order them? (I live in the Kansas City area).

I guess I need a quote too! How's this:

Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2:41 AM



Originally posted by RiverGoddess:
Glad to have joined the Browncoats! What an awesome community!

Don't matter if your coat is new and shiny, or all worn and scuffed up. Long as it's brown, you're welcome here.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:12 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Jayhawk35! Glad to have you aboard.

Thanks for sharing how you came to discover Firefly. I wouldn't dread watching that last episode if I were you. You can always buy your own set of the DVD & watch them over & over again. I have gone through the whole series more than two dozen times. I never get tired of watching it either.

A shame you may miss out on Serenity on the big screen, but it sounds like you have one heck of home entertainment system anyway.

The DVD for Serenity is due out in the states on 12/20. If you miss it in theatres you can pick up a copy and watch at home.

Take care, best wishes to the wife & new addition. Keep Flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:33 AM


Perhaps it is ina dollar theater newar you!

Hope you getto see it on a big screen!

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:25 AM


It's shiny! I like meeting new people, they've all got stories -- seriously though, glad you're all here! Welcome to the 'verse, and spread the word to everyone you know! That increases our chances of getting more of this great show/movie.

I give to you the Seeker of Serenity, the Valkyrie Warrior, the Gourmet Cook and the Truth Scoper.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:31 AM


Welcome Jayhawk

My coat still may be relatively new itself but i'm loving the number of new converts that have been arriving on these shores as of late, it's a very good sign.

Even though you may be sad to see the last episode of firefly it's was well worth watching isn't it.


Liu koushui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:35 AM


Well, it looks as though I may get to see Serenity on the big screen after all! I think I've convinced my parents into coming into town Wednesday evening to watch my 6-year-old son Zachary while my wife and I sneak off to the movie! I'll report back if it happens, and let you know what I think!

On another note, I just loaned my Firefly DVD set to an old sci-fi friend today who I hadn't talked to in a while, and explained it all to him, and told him he HAD to watch it! I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts and comments (although I'm a bit leary, since he hated Red Dwarf, which I really enjoy). Keep the word spreading!

Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Jayhawk35:
On another note, I just loaned my Firefly DVD set to an old sci-fi friend today who I hadn't talked to in a while, and explained it all to him, and told him he HAD to watch it! I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts and comments (although I'm a bit leary, since he hated Red Dwarf, which I really enjoy). Keep the word spreading!

Not to worry, Jayhawk, everything's shiny. Based on my experience, there's a roughly 99.7% chance your friend will enjoy Firefly, and about a 92% chance he'll buy a copy of the DVD set for himself.

Okay, I just made those numbers up, but you get the idea... What I'm saying is, you're about to experience the joy of bringing a new Browncoat into the world. (Lots easier than the way your wife did it!)

Hope you do get a chance to see Serenity on the big screen -- it's a real ride. Don't forget to fasten your seat belt.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:06 AM


gratz man. feel your thuziasm. been there, felt that.

don't lend out those DVDs unless you've got enough grit (and heavy weaponry + a healthy dose of murderous psychosis) to demand them back. I'm finding it's a hard bargain. Many people borrow stuff and it requires a crack-unit of ubermen to get it back after prolonged badgering. Others, you lend it to, they just fall so in love with it they don't wanna give it up (and are too cheap and cheesy to go buy their own). Why buy when you have one on loan?


You're not the only disaffected trek nerd who needs a break from latex aliens and more of the chemically loveable bosom buddies in space.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:29 AM


Hello To Everyone !

I'm brand new, FIREFLY and the person, I'm actually kind of old.

I came to FIREFLY through the BUFFY boards and saw SERENITY before I got the series DVDs. I have kind of odd taste in TV (everybody at work tells me !), but I can honestly say I have NEVER enjoyed a show as much as I do FIREFLY. I haven't watched it all yet...we saw TRASH last night...but enjoy the stories and the characters so much, I just hate to think there are only a couple of episodes to go. I know I'll be watching them over and over. I'm looking forward to discussing the "oh so fine !" points of this wonderful show with my fellow fans.


"...since I found can't take the sky from me..."


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:40 AM



Originally posted by Jayhawk35:
How long have the Dark Horse comics been out? What are the chances of finding them locally, or am I going to have to order them? (I live in the Kansas City area).

Dark Horse published 'Serenity' as a three part series, the first came out in July,
the second in August,
and the last in September,
and each one had three covers
(so that there were nine covers in all, and each of our BDHs got to be on the cover once)

They sold out really quickly, some stores may have the odd copy around, but they are hard to find...
Dark Horse said they would do reprints, but I don't think that'll happen now,
the series will be reprinted in Jan/Feb as a graphic novel....
AND you can still find the original three at midtown comics in Manhattan (they ship)
just search 'Serenity' at their site...
I think they still have all three books,
just not all nice covers.


eta: bummer, it looks like Serenity #3 might be sold out...

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:25 AM


im new too. but have made a few posts before.

when i first saw the trailer for Serenity, and seeing it was by the same guy who made Buffy and Angel i made fun of it, and when i saw it had Steve the Pirate in it, i took it to another level. well about two weeks after it hit theaters my friend told me its been getting rave reviews, and told me some say the story has been compared to star wars, and that we should see it. since i had nothing better to do, luckly for me, i went and saw the movie. it was supurb. hundreds of times better than i thought it would be. and in that first scene when Serenity is blasting off into space, i thought to myself, "boy that ship looks like a giant firefly!" not untill after the movie, and said that to a friend of mine, did he fill me in on the name of the TV show Serenity took after. after that i went home and found a copy of Firefly and have watched it about 5 times, and the movie twice. i cant wait for the movie to come out on DVD, because im waiting to buy Firefly and Serenity together. i really want to hear each eppisode with comentary. not only do i love the character design in this series, but the almost perfect blend of space, the wild west, and asian themes.

all that and... what does BDH (i think thats it) stand for? i see it used when talking about the actors.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 11:47 AM



Originally posted by CornCobRob:
all that and... what does BDH (i think thats it) stand for? i see it used when talking about the actors.

let me be the first to explain:
In 'Safe' (on the TV show 'Firefly')
River & Simon are almost killed,
Zoe & Mal (and Jayne hanging out of the ship) arrive JUST in the nick of time...
in fact Mal says to Zoe:
'looks like we arrived just in the nick of time, what does that make us?'
Zoe replies: "Big Damn Heros"
Mal "aren't we just?"

So of course they are BDH
the movie is the BDM
and eventually the sequel will be the BDS

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 1:05 PM


yeah, I just looked at Midtown's site, and I don't see #3 either. That bites. Maybe I'll try ebay and see what I can find.

btw, I enjoy collecting action figures and toys of things I enjoy, and I found some Serenity action figures on ebay of Mal, Jayne, and the Reavers. Anybody have any insight into these toys? How long have they been out, and who made them, etc.?

Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.

Hello to 51BAYSIDE and all the other NOOBS like me! It's good to know that I'm not the only one showing up late to this party!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 1:39 PM



Originally posted by Jayhawk35:
I enjoy collecting action figures and toys of things I enjoy, and I found some Serenity action figures on ebay of Mal, Jayne, and the Reavers. Anybody have any insight into these toys? How long have they been out, and who made them, etc.?

they are made by Diamond Select Toys:

and they have said they have no plans for making the rest of the crew (whose idea was it to make a Reaver and no River?)
I think they came out last Summer...late Summer
there are a lot of fan made goodies
(t-shirts, messenger bags, goodies) here:
I've bought a lot of stuff here and it has been great quality.
It was funny when I would first show up with it,
back before the movie was made...and nothing official was available.
Universal did, eventually, crack down on the stuff they were copyrighting,
but Joss just sees it as free publicity and doesn't mind.

more than you needed to know, right?

anyway, do check w/you local comic books stores,
someone may have copies still

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:00 PM



It's good to know that I'm not the only one showing up late to this party!

You know, Browncoats love a party. And well, we just can't bear to end it. So this party goes on and on, well into the night and into the next day... There is no "late"! :D

If you're an Arizonan and a Browncoat, come join us:


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:06 PM


I didn't know they were making action figures of the cast.

If they make action figures of the network execs at FOX who cancelled the show, rest assured I will buy them by the boxload and use them as VooDoo pin cushions.


How doo yoo doo that VooDoo that yoo doo so well?

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.






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