Ten Movies Noone is Seeing But Should!

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Friday, November 11, 2005 5:22 AM


All right folks, here's your chance to spread the word. There are a lot of great flicks out there (like Serenity) that should be seen by all, but for some reason flop or are ignored at the box office. Heck, half the films up for oscars no one has heard of until they see the nominations. So here's my contribution.

List 10 movies that got NO or very little hype that you think folks should see. Take time to read the other posts and add different films to the list. Also,m if you can't think of ten, post what you have...David Letterman...everything has to be top 10's anymore.

Here's a list for starters:

Grosse Pointe Blank: John Cusack as an assassin who goes back home for his high school reunion. Priceless and probably my favorite film...oh, did I mention Dan Akroyd plays a rival hitman. WHAT CASTING!

Mumford: Small town shrink story, with some surprising twists.

Zero Effect: Bill Pullman as a very realistic BATMAN type superhero. And his sideckick...Ben Stiller! No spandex and a great superhero movie to boot.

Equilibrium: The movie that put Christian Bale on my kick-ass actor radar. The cover says better than the Matrix...and it IS! Pure sci-fi asswhoop.

Soul Survivor: A teeny-bopper horror flick that actually has a decent plot. I was pleasently surprised.

Frailty: A son retells the story of how his father became a serial killer and had them help. Surprisingly with an in-depth plot and little-to know gore. Tastefully done.

Jeepers Creepers: Both of these movies DISTURBED THE HELL OUT OF ME. Can be easily dismissed as pure horror trash, but worth the watch. The main villain is actually someone to be afraid of.

Snatch: Brad Pitt's performance is a knock-out...literally. A truly great movie with great cast and director that I heard NOTHING about until I rented it. LOVED IT!

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: Like Snatch, another Guy Ritchie film that kicks ass. Quite a bit of the same cast as from Snatch and a great ride.

SERENITY: WHERE'S THE RUTTIN LOVE AMERICA. Quit going to see all this SHIT at the theaters and watch a REAL MOVIE!



Friday, November 11, 2005 5:45 AM


I actually can't think of 10; most of the movies i want to see do well do end up doing well (not so much for the TV shows, though).

Serenity, obviously.

Unleashed, released the same weekend as SW Ep. III, and a far, far superior movie in just about every way. Poor thing didn't have a chance.

Star Trek: Nemesis, which was one of those movies where people saved time by deciding it sucked without actually going to see it.

Howl's Moving Castle, 'cause the only way I'll ever see animé movies on the big screen is if they do ridiculously well on a limited release (and are thus re-released in more theatres).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:03 AM


Awesome. Glad someone else showed some love for Equilibrium. Alright, here's my ten:

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra: Made extremely on the cheap (about $5000), it's written and directed like the worst of the worst 50's sci-fi films. And it's gorram hilarious.

A Simple Plan: People either know Sam Raimi for directing the Evil Dead films or the Spider-Man films, but he's also got some great dramas out there too. This one is his best. About Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thorton finding a crashed plane with a bag full of money. Bad things happen.

The Quick and the Dead: Another one of those Raimi films that he did between Evil Dead and Spider-Man. While it's not the best western ever made, it's definitely the coolest. Russell Crowe is great in his first American role.

Cronos: Spanish film about vampires. Possibly the most realistic vampire film ever. Certainly the least ridiculous. Guillermo Del Toro is a genius.

October Sky: The story about a coal miner's son who just wants to build rockets. Any course on the history of the American space program should have this as its core film. Jake Gyllenhall before he became a douche.

The Hudsucker Proxy: My absolute favorite Coen Bros. film got completely ignored at the box office. It is a bit odd in terms of story, but then again it's just classic Coen

Hellboy: Last year's best comic book film (barely edging out Spider-Man 2). Like a cross between Ghostbusters and Men in Black. And just as fun as both. I guess audiences don't like their heroes to be demons from Hell. Go figure.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico: Part 3 in Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi trilogy. It's convoluted as all hell, but it's also a hell of a lot of fun. Johnny Depp nearly steals the film right out from under Antonio Banderas.

The Iron Giant: Best traditionally animated film in the past 10 years. Yet nobody saw it.

Forgotten Silver: Wasn't exactly released in theaters, but Peter Jackson's documentary about the world's first filmmaker is every bit as wonderful as the rest of his films. If you can find it, it's definitely worth your money. Plus, the ultimate joke is great if you figure it out.

Then, of course, there's Serenity.


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:31 AM


Can't argue with GPB, and I actually was too scared to watch Jeepers Creepers all the way through. Alone in the house, late at night, I totally bottled out.

These may not have been flops, but they're on my shelf, so there. Except The Loveless. That's just a long gone memory.

Buckaroo Banzai. Best use of the word "Yoyodyne".

Dog Soldiers. No budget to speak of, but makes up for it by being good. Shoot-outs where people actually run out of bullets.

Dave. Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver ruling

High Fidelity. Lists and good tunes. Todd Luiso acting brilliantly by being more or less motionless on the same screen as Jack Black and John Cusack.

Tremors. The first one. Jayne'd love the rec. room. Sequels not so much.

Evolution. Duchovny. Sarcasm can indeed be the highest form of wit.

The Loveless. Robert Gordon can act as well.

Shadow of The Vampire. Vampires. Bloody unreliable wind-up merchants. Take the piss all the time.

Galaxy Quest. Normally any sort of Sci-Fi spoof is
a good reason to run, no drive, fast in the opposite direction. This is bang on target. I went to a convention once. It's all true, you know...

Trancers. Absolutely no budget.

My Cousin Vinny. Three finest leads ever. Generally exerting maximum torquage.

Godzilla. Fab Elvis impression. Can't understand why everyone hates it. To my mind, the original was (...pulling on flame suit...) really a bit naff looking.

Leon. Just awesome. How did Natalie Portman sink to such depths in later (sic) life? Gary Oldman playing a different cop to Sergeant Gordon. Fewer Elvis impersonations.

One From The Heart. Colours and Music

Mr Deeds. Remake of a classic, which tends to make snobs have a stroke, but I just really like it. Adam Sandler amuses me a lot.

Freaky Friday. Teen film, but without the lameness that those two words normally invoke. People acting well and looking like they are having a real laugh doing it. When did you last see that? Oh yes, that would be anything Firefly-related...

Any early Steven Seagal film where he's hitting people, and not whingeing about the state of the planet. Or singing.

The Hunt For Red October.

The Princess Bride.

Best in Show.

That's probably more than ten, but less than I could list if my Alzheimer's wasn't playing up.


Nice tan. It's very Christmassy.

Cahoonja-hoonja Boulevard.

(Jack Death)


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:52 AM



Originally posted by Gixxer:
Trancers. Absolutely no budget.

Nice tan. It's very Christmassy.

Cahoonja-hoonja Boulevard.

(Jack Deth)

I am SO a fan of Trancers and Trancers 2!!!
I want to KILL someone that they're not on dvd!!!(Yeah, I know the first one is, but my videotape looks better!!)

Other hidden gems:
Cherry 2000 - where Joss got the idea for the Buffybot (maybe).
Blood of Heroes -Rutger Hauer at his best!
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever - much maligned, but much fun.
Fire and Ice - For my money, Bakshi's best 'toon.
Logan's Run - I don't hear this minor classic mentioned enough!
Timecop 2 - No, not Van Damme, Jason Scott Lee! And is he great or what?



Friday, November 11, 2005 7:16 AM


Some ideas I like right off the bat!

Sentinal, you are a god! Zero Effect?
I actually own this movie, what a gem. Anybody who scoffs at the idea of a great movie with Bill Pullman or Ben Stiller (which would be me actually) I doubly encourage.

A Simple Plan, very nice choice
Iron Giant, beauty
Hellboy didn't do well? I thought it had. Rats.

I try not to repeat myself in the movie threads, so I'll save some for when I come back to read this later, and I'll only including recent movies.

"Nobody Knows" A Japanese movie about a much too young single mother of many children. She leaves them home alone while she goes out to pretend she has another life where these children don't exist. They have never been to school and are not allowed to leave the apartment. That's about as much as was in the trailer.

"Born Into Brothels" Filmed in India, it's about 8 children of prostitutes who are given a chance to practice photography. It puts a very human face on something most of us would never otherwise notice, breaks your heart and lets you hope.

"Old Boy" Has one of the most visually stunning fight scenes I have ever seen ever, and I'm not going to tell you a thing about it.

"2046" Beautiful, just stunning. Yeah, and they call it SF, so I hear.

"The Twilight Samurai" It's been over a year since I've seen this one, so I considered not including it, but it makes a nice bouquet with the rest. In the same month I also saw "Hero" which I enjoyed very much, and "House of Flying Daggers" which, eh, especially when compared to the other two.

"Kung Fu Hustle" Did I only see asian movies this year? I went with a dozen martial artists (no I'm not, only a little karate) and every one of us choked on our coke it was so funny.

"The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" Worth it for the Bowie sung in Portugese by Seu George alone, and so you won't think I didn't like anything American besides "Serenity".

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:29 AM


I love these choices! Excellent all of them! Old Boy and its predecessor are 'hard' films... not for the weak!

However the Jeepers Creepers I&II choice some mentioned before, I totally disagree with. IMO it ranks down there with 'Battlefield Earth' the Travolta bomb...


Originally posted by liminalosity:
Some ideas I like right off the bat!

Sentinal, you are a god! Zero Effect?
I actually own this movie, what a gem. Anybody who scoffs at the idea of a great movie with Bill Pullman or Ben Stiller (which would be me actually) I doubly encourage.

A Simple Plan, very nice choice
Iron Giant, beauty
Hellboy didn't do well? I thought it had. Rats.

I try not to repeat myself in the movie threads, so I'll save some for when I come back to read this later, and I'll only including recent movies.

"Nobody Knows" A Japanese movie about a much too young single mother of many children. She leaves them home alone while she goes out to pretend she has another life where these children don't exist. They have never been to school and are not allowed to leave the apartment. That's about as much as was in the trailer.

"Born Into Brothels" Filmed in India, it's about 8 children of prostitutes who are given a chance to practice photography. It puts a very human face on something most of us would never otherwise notice, breaks your heart and lets you hope.

"Old Boy" Has one of the most visually stunning fight scenes I have ever seen ever, and I'm not going to tell you a thing about it.

"2046" Beautiful, just stunning. Yeah, and they call it SF, so I hear.

"The Twilight Samurai" It's been over a year since I've seen this one, so I considered not including it, but it makes a nice bouquet with the rest. In the same month I also saw "Hero" which I enjoyed very much, and "House of Flying Daggers" which, eh, especially when compared to the other two.

"Kung Fu Hustle" Did I only see asian movies this year? I went with a dozen martial artists (no I'm not, only a little karate) and every one of us choked on our coke it was so funny.

"The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" Worth it for the Bowie sung in Portugese by Seu George alone, and so you won't think I didn't like anything American besides "Serenity".

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:39 AM


Gross Pointe Blank: YES YES YES
Star Trek Nemisis: Best Star Trek Movie EVER!!!!

Jeepers Creepers? I wont watch it because of the director. He is a child molestor. He isn't getting any of my money. (

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:46 AM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:

Star Trek Nemisis: Best Star Trek Movie EVER!!!!

Shirley you jest? Better than First Contact? Better than STTMP?
If so, why? Maybe I missed something, I only saw it once.

Serious Chrisisall


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:47 AM


Orpheus, I am right there with you re 'The Hudsucker Proxy'. Go Eagles!


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:53 AM


Not gonna add 10; don't have the time. But some of mine:

Hitchhiker. Very well-made film about the choices one makes and how we re-evaluate our principles when fighting odds.

City of God. Film about gangmembers in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro, and a few who'd try to make it out of such a hell.

Darkside Blues is probably my favourite Jap. animation.



Friday, November 11, 2005 8:04 AM


I second "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai", and would like to add:

"Six String Samurai"

Some of the best cinematography you'll see, and as the tag line says, "Elvis is dead, and Vegas needs a new king". It's the story of one rocker's (Buddy) journey across Death Valley, with 6 string guitar and samurai sword, while being chased by a Rastafarian Death. Plus with a sound track by The Red Elvises and some great writing how can you go wrong.

Mesh-Head: If I were you, I'd run!
Buddy: If you were me, you'd be good-looking.

Death: You have failed me for the last... nice shoes!

Ward Cleaver: You ever try a pink golf ball, Wally? Why, the wind shear alone on a pink golf ball can take the head off a 90-pound midget at over 300 yards.


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:07 AM



Mr Deeds. Remake of a classic, which tends to make snobs have a stroke, but I just really like it. Adam Sandler amuses me a lot.

I gotta agree with you there. It's not quite as funny as, say, Happy Gilmore, but there's just something so damn charming about Mr. Deeds.


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:07 AM


Star Trek: Nemesis was a blatantly desperate attempt to re-make Wrath of Kahn. It had some good moments, but come on, the entire B-4 (cute) subplot was incredibly lame. I can't imagine a more obviouse cop-out than killing a major character, and providing a back-up for possible sequels.

Sure, they killed Spock, and brought him back, but having some subtle foreshadowing of his return (touching McCoy's face and saying "Remember") was way better than supplying a half-retarded back-up copy who conveniently has all of Data's memories downloaded into it.

For my money, the worst TNG Star Trek movie (though still better than ST 5)

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:16 AM


MY BAD...I meant to say INSERECTION...not Nemisis. Duh. I need caffine.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:27 AM


Compliment returned on your selection of Kung Fu Hustle. HILARIOUS. Much better than Chow's other film "Shaolin Soccer" which is worth seeing though.

AND SIX STRING SAMURAI! Awesome picture!

Iron Giant definitely deserves a nod!!!

Also should probably add:

Titan AE
Graveyard of the Fireflies: SAD JAPANIMATION FILM...have tissues handy especially if you have kids.
Spirited Away: Japanimation masterpiece.
Fist of Legend: The BEST Jet Li movie (Though Unleashed was pretty good).
Memento: Very unique movie...
Snow White: The one with Sigourney Weaver. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE! It's good.


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:33 AM


Unbreakable - I've met a few people who are hostile toward this film, but I love M. Night Shyamalan's take on the super hero mythos. I hope he makes a sequel or two so he can flesh out this world he has created.

Bubba Ho-Tepp - My favorite Elvis movie and my favorite mummy movie all rolled into one. I'd call it my favorite Bruce Campbell movie as well, but his Elvis is so convincing I don't notice Bruce at all.

Shaun of the Dead - From the creative team behind the great britcom Spaced. Easily the most enjoyable zombie film ever made.

McCabe & Mrs. Miller - Altman. Western. Pacific NW. Filmed in a light brown hue like an old civil war-era photograph. Kinda depressing, but you can handle it.

A Fistful of Dynamite aka Duck, You Sucker - Coburn. Steiger. Sergio Leone's final spaghetti western.

Farewell: Live from the Universal Amphitheatre Halloween 1995 - Danny Elfman fans listen up! Farewell is a three hour concert extravaganza documenting Oingo Boingo's final performance. Includes interviews, music videos and historical footage of the band's early Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo days.

I'll add more later...



Friday, November 11, 2005 8:37 AM


Well, still can't agree that Insurection was the best Star Trek movie, for me that's a toss-up between Wrath of Kahn and First contact, but Insurection had some good stuff.

I guess I should actually contribute to the topic, so here's some of my overlooked gems:

Out of Sight: My favorite Soderberg movie, and the only thing I can stand Jennifer Lopez in. George Clooney, Ving Rhames, Don Cheadle and Steve Zahn are all great in it.

Dark City: Beautiful gothic fantasy, which covers the same thematic ground as the Matrix, but almost a year earlier. Also gets bonus points for starring my favorite woman in the world, Jennifer Connelly.

Six String Samurai: Already mentioned, but worth bringing up. Not much of a story, but goofy and fun. The dessert duel between Buddy Holly and Richie Valenz (in shiny gold jacket) had me rolling. Don't see how the villain was a rastafarian, struck me as Alice Cooper meets Slash, but whatever.

LA Confidential: Not exactly overlooked, since it was a Best Picture nominee, and starred some big names before they were big names. But it does seem to have been forgotten in the last few years, which is a shame since it's a wonderful film.

Daredevil - Director's Cut: I would call overlooked because so many people hated the theatrical cut that I doubt thay'd take a chance on the original director's cut. It is a much harder-edged film, with more character development, and an actual plot! My favorite change, instead of Daredevil single-handedly bringing down the Kingpin, in this version, while Daredevil's off playing superhero, John Favreau and Joe Pantoliano are actually the ones to out and bring down the big bad - legally.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Great movie, but I'd kinda forgotten about it, untill someone mentioned it on the Ten Worst Movies thread. Probably my favorite Jim Carrey movie, easily my favorite of his dramitc roles.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:38 AM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
MY BAD...I meant to say INSURRECTION...not Nemisis. Duh. I need caffine.

Okay, I'm with you there, it was a small, meaningful story, almost just a long episode, and that's why I LOVED it.
My second fav Trek film (behind TMP, and even with ST6)

Chrisisall, who's specifications remain constant


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:42 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Daredevil - Director's Cut: I would call overlooked because so many people hated the theatrical cut that I doubt thay'd take a chance on the original director's cut. It is a much harder-edged film, with more character development, and an actual plot! My favorite change, instead of Daredevil single-handedly bringing down the Kingpin, in this version, while Daredevil's off playing superhero, John Favreau and Joe Pantoliano are actually the ones to out and bring down the big bad - legally.

What? Another flick I need to see?

"Damn you! God damn you all to hell!"

Charlton Chrisisall


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:45 AM


Some good stuff up there. I like Hellboy, but I didn't put it in because I forgot, and it's still a bit new.

And good to find another Adam Sandler Fan. The Waterboy and Happy Gilmore are great, but The Wedding Singer makes it as a good film in its own right.

The Rock. For the only time you heard a Ferrari being properly redlined.

Sin City. Still new, and a little too uncompromising to probably be a box-office hit, but a future gold-plated cult classic. Now you get more hits than you'd expect from putting "Elijah Wood" and "Badass" into Google.

No hits at all for Amelie, but you really can't fault it. And Matthieu Kassovitz did "La Haine" Wow.

(Old French joke... Riots in Paris. Officially now the longest anyone has fought over it without someone surrendering. Oh, you've heard it?).

School of Rock may not have done as well as it might. I dunno. Good though. That Joan Cusack. Loved her since Marcella.


...must get stuck into the 10 Worst some day...


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:56 AM


Actually, for what it cost to make, Sin City was a hit. As was Hellboy.

Hellboy 2 goes into production next spring, with the first of 3 Hellboy animated film hitting next haloween, to be followed by an animated series.

Sin City 2 starts shooting next fall. Though I wouldn't expect an animated series for that one - though I guess, aside from the actors, it is an animated movie.

I think it's hard to claim that not many people saw The Rock, or the many Adam Sandler movies mentioned for that matter.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:05 AM


Someone mentioned Fire & Ice, that fun little Bakshi/Frazetta collaboration, and it reminded me of another animated guilty pleasure: Rock & Rule. Cheesetastic fun, and bonus vocals from Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Deborah Harry and Robin Zander.

I heard the romantic comedy genre much maligned in another thread, but I have to endorse A Room with a View. Great film for watching snuggled under a blanket on the sofa--wine & cheese optional.

No way I'm going to come up with eight more, but I wholeheartedly endorse many suggestions from previous posts, especially Grosse Point Blank and Snatch.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:07 AM



Unbreakable - I've met a few people who are hostile toward this film, but I love M. Night Shyamalan's take on the super hero mythos. I hope he makes a sequel or two so he can flesh out this world he has created.

Actually, Shyamalan made Unbreakable as the first act in a 3-act comic story. According to him, the story goes:

Act 1: The hero discovers his powers/nemesis.
Act 2: The hero is defeated by his nemesis.
Act 3: The hero and nemesis have their ultimate battle.

And I've heard some rumblings that Shyamalan might go back and do 2 and 3. I'd love nothing more than to see those made.

Also, kudos on pointing out Shaun of the Dead and Bubba Ho-tep. Two of my absolute favorites!


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:18 AM



Originally posted by Orpheus:

And I've heard some rumblings that Shyamalan might go back and do 2 and 3. I'd love nothing more than to see those made.

I love the first, and woud see/purchase sequels in a heartbeat!

Chrisisall HO-TEP


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:31 AM


Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid!!!!!!!
PLEASE tell me someone else loves this film!!!

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Johnny English

ANY Kenneth Branagh Shakespeare adaptation


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:41 AM



Originally posted by Static:
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid!!!!!!!
PLEASE tell me someone else loves this film!!!

Don't love it, but it did put a smile on my face.
Plus, the skirt had nice stems.



Friday, November 11, 2005 9:57 AM


Slingblade, with Billy Bob Thornton and John Ritter

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? George Clooney, John Turturro, John Goodman.

Grosse Point Blank fan here too

As Good As it Gets, Jack Nicholson

And as goofy as it seems,
Three Amigos!! Steve Martin, Martin Short, Chevy Chase.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, November 11, 2005 10:07 AM



Originally posted by Static:
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid!!!!!!!

Steve Martin in general gets my attention. I like The Jerk quite a lot too.

I need to find Dark City and Six String Samurai now, thanks you guys. Six String sounds like it has some Bubba Ho-Tep notes in the bouquet. That would be fun.

Ohh, and there's an alias above I quite liked in the original...Dead Man. Stupid f2ing white people.

I will see anything Robert Altman makes, though I wasn't crazy about Dr Gere and the Women. He picks lots of great actors, tells them just what he wants, then trusts them to give it to him. Usually brilliance ensues.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, November 11, 2005 10:10 AM


Three Amigos, definitly!

Solaris (Clooney)
Silver Hawk (goofy fun, Hong-Kong style)
Accidental Spy (Hong-Kong version only, the American cut was gutted to render it politically harmless - It's really one of Jackie Chan's best recent flicks)



Friday, November 11, 2005 10:26 AM


I used "The Jerk" in a Sociology paper about the differences between 'race' and 'ethnicity'...

"I was born a poor, black child."


Friday, November 11, 2005 10:28 AM



"But sir, you are white."
"Sure, throw that in my face too."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, November 11, 2005 10:33 AM


Other great moments in race-relations:

"But sir, you're bleck!"
"He is. You are."

"We're back, we're bad, you're black, I'm mad!"

-Lethal Weapon 2



Friday, November 11, 2005 11:02 AM


THE ROAD WARRIOR... now i know the Road Warrior is like the worst movie ever made, but... It's just so good. Before Mel Gibson got all chunky on american fast food.

Tae Guk Gi - Korean war film... deffinatly one of the best war films ever made... makes saving private ryan's effects look like a trip to kindergarden. Not to mention a good story too.

Pitch Black - Now nobody jump on me for this one... yes i know it's Vin Diesel but unlike what the current DVD release says... he is not the main character! Fun movie, and nice visuals.

Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness - I don't konw what it is about Bruce Cambell but anyone who can entertain me for ten minutes as he battles it out with his own severed limb has my vote!

Short Circuit (number 1 only) - "Number 5 is alive"

The Abyss - Just a great movie period

Dog Soldiers - I heard that one mentioned before as well... Great film... My favorite Werewolf movie by far... with realistic british soldier action

and how could we forget our old friend TRON! Yes yes i know... it's sort of like road warrior where i know i shouldn't be allowed to watch the movie... but...



Friday, November 11, 2005 11:07 AM



Six String Samurai: Already mentioned, but worth bringing up. Not much of a story, but goofy and fun. The dessert duel between Buddy Holly and Richie Valenz (in shiny gold jacket) had me rolling. Don't see how the villain was a rastafarian, struck me as Alice Cooper meets Slash, but whatever.

I sit corrected. Advancing years had fogged my memory.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy.

If I were you, I'd run!
If you were me, you'd be good-looking


Friday, November 11, 2005 11:55 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Solaris (Clooney)
Silver Hawk (goofy fun, Hong-Kong style)
Accidental Spy (Hong-Kong version only, the American cut was gutted to render it politically harmless - It's really one of Jackie Chan's best recent flicks)

Osiris! My friend!
What has happened to your nose?

Jackiechan! Jackiechan! Jackiechan! What a guy! But I have only seen the American cut.
I'm also crazy about Jet Li, but I wish he could do parts that let him smile sometimes.
Silver Hawk I don't recognize, it'll go on the list.
Solaris was enjoyable, but I didn't think it was great. I do really like futuristic stuff filmed on location. Where the heck did they film Miranda? It had kind of an Arco Santi look to it.

God, after the screaming horror of the Zardoz thread last week, I forgot how much fun a movie thread can be!

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, November 11, 2005 12:09 PM



Originally posted by liminalosity:
What a guy! But I have only seen the American cut.
Where the heck did they film Miranda? It had kind of an Arco Santi look to it.

You MUST get the HK version of Accidental Spy!!!

I've actually been to Arco Santi, it was so cool!! Made me want to live there!!!!!
But I don't know where they filmed Miranda.



Friday, November 11, 2005 12:33 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

You MUST get the HK version of Accidental Spy!!!

I've actually been to Arco Santi, it was so cool!! Made me want to live there!!!!!

OK, HK version, will traipse to find. I really enjoy seeing the original versions of movies that have been sanitized for Americans. Saw the re-release of original content Godzilla recently on the big screen. Wonderful stuff, and so pretty on a big screen with real blacks and whites instead of TV blacks and whites.

Yeah, I've been there too, and wished it was possible. It was at least 8 parts great idea, and I gave it big scores for what execution there was too, nestled into the hillside.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, November 11, 2005 12:33 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Static:
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid!!!!!!!
PLEASE tell me someone else loves this film!!!

Don't love it, but it did put a smile on my face.

Plus, the skirt had nice stems.



"Yeah, grenades cost extra."


Friday, November 11, 2005 12:55 PM


I liked Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, but hubby was more partial to The Man With Two Brains...

Dolores : What are those assholes doing on the porch?
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr : Those aren't assholes. It's pronounced *azaleas*.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, November 11, 2005 1:08 PM


Hmmmm. 10 movies that dob't get much press or viewing. Let's ee what we got...

1. The Thin Blue Line - A chilling documentary by Errol Morris that dipects how easily the law can be corrupted and how justice can get lost in the shuffle.
2. Barry Lyndon - A truely under-appreciated film from Stanley Kubrick. Calm pacing, brilliant lighting, amazing wadrobe and an outstanding narration come together to form a quiet tale of ambition and failure in the age of pre-Victorian Europe.
3. Titus - Director Julie Taymor's bloody and brutal revisioning of Shakespear's bloody and brutal play, "Titus Andronocus". Actor Harry Lenox gives a tour de force performance as what I now consider to be The Bard's greatest villain, Aaron the Moor.
4. Rashomon - What is the truth? And what is perspective? Is it the same for every person? Or are there subtle differences within it that change from one telling of a tale to the next? Or from one person to another? Director Akira Kurosawa asks these questions in his cinematic search for what really happened that afternoon out in the dark heart of a quiet Japanese forest.
5. Videodrome - David Cronenburg's snuff-like venture into one man's disturbing search to find where his reality ends and the revolution of the New Flesh begins.

Whoops! Time to get off of work. I'll finish this up later on this evening. Ciao.

"Yeah, grenades cost extra."


Friday, November 11, 2005 1:15 PM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
I liked Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, but hubby was more partial to The Man With Two Brains...

Dolores : What are those assholes doing on the porch?
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr : Those aren't assholes. It's pronounced *azaleas*.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."





Friday, November 11, 2005 2:11 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Ah, there’s nothing like a "plug those underrated movies" thread

Here goes:

First and foremost Dark City. It’s a fantastic film I caught one night on channel 5 (I had read a dvd review of it a while back and it had stuck in my memory). How this slipped by unnoticed I don’t know. But of all the underrated films, this has to be number one.

Now from one extreme to the other – Josie and the Pussycats – it looks and sounds like a film for girls under 10, but it so isn’t. This was definitely one of the most underrated movies. It has an unbelievable amount of product placement, but of course that’s the point – as this is a movie about subliminal messages being inserted in music to get brainless teens to buy anything the marketers want. Its got so many great lines in it, and although I’ve had people call it a kids film or that I must watch it for the three lead females, they really are missing the point. The fact that Rachael Leigh Cook looks so hot is merely a bonus.

Garden State may have gotten a lot of praise, but as a small indie flick from first time writer/director Zach Braff (of Scrubs), I suspect there are a lot of people out there who have never heard of it, let alone seen it. Although it has far too much swearing in it for my liking, it’s a warm and at times very funny movie. And if you haven’t fallen in love with Natalie Portman by the end of it, you must be dead

Pieces of April is another independent film that, like Garden State, I had to wait for a dvd release because my local cinemas (that’s 3 altogether) weren’t showing it. I can’t even begin to do it justice in describing it, but I will say that it is an incredibly moving, funny and ultimately uplifting movie that deserves to be seen.

Unbreakable has been mentioned before but it is one of those movies that people seem to love or hate. I happen to fall in the former category. I didn’t like it at first, but I saw it again, and again and again and my love for it grows each time. The shocking thing is that of all the Hollywood movies produced, this is not getting a sequel, even though the original intention was that it would be the first in a trilogy (kinda like the original Stargate movie) – yet we still get trashy sequels to Tomb Raider, The Fast and the Furious and XXX (I may actually like XXX, but doing a sequel to it without the main guy = stupid)

Linked to Unbreakable is Signs, another M Night Shyamalan movie that divides audiences. Again, I loved it

The Butterfly Effect was not a huge hit but I felt it was rather good. It was very downbeat pretty much the whole way through and I can understand why people would be put off by the subject matter, but if you can stomach the strong content then I’d recommend it. Plus Ashton Kutcher is actually good in it

Actually that reminds me of The Cooler. It was full of strong language, sex and violence but I quite enjoyed it. Yes, I enjoyed it despite the hideous-looking Maria Bello bearing all.

Now for a bit of a comedy, I’d have to recommend Zoolander. I can’t remember how well it did at the box office because I didn’t see it till it had been on dvd for a while. I laughed and laughed watching that. It has to be one of my favourite “Frat Pack” comedies... though Dodgeball is pretty close behind, and Anchorman too

Shaun of the Dead has been mentioned in other posts, but as far as I know, it was quite popular over here in the UK, so I don’t feel right in mentioning it as if it was underrated. But it is excellent.

Tenth (not including Shaun that is) would be Daredevil: Director’s Cut. I liked the theatrical cut, but the Director’s cut is so much better. This needs to be seen

Honorary mentions:

Hulk – got a lot of bad press and I didn’t think much to it the first time, but when I watched it the second time I could see that it wasn’t that bad. It was a really good psychological drama… the only problem is that occasionally the main guy would turn into a big green cgi lump. Seriously though, the only problems I really had with this the second time round was with the CGI (but that can be ignored) and the end battle between Hulk and… well to avoid spoilers, I’ll refer to him as “The Bad Guy”. I felt that final battle wasn’t necessary and could have ended with the bad guy captured before he broke loose and took part in a CGI filled battle with the Hulk in which nobody could tell what was going on. "Which one’s winning?" I would ask myself whilst trying to watch. Other than that, this is a movie worth checking out

Guy In Row Five – doesn’t really count since it’s not been given an official release and I only saw it online at Cinequest. It’s about a guy who’s an extra in a film and is convinced it will be his breakthrough and that he is a bigger star than he actually is. Its got some really funny moments, such as where we see evidence of how much the main guy loves James Cameron’s film Titanic. If you get the chance, download the movie from cinequest for yourself. Its free, and not illegal

Three Amigos – I don’t know how this did at the box office, but it was one of those movies I grew up watching time and time again. And yet I still can watch it and laugh at scenes I’ve seen hundreds of times

Lucky Day: Not so fast El Guapo! Or I'll pump you so full of lead you'll be using your dick for a pencil!
El Guapo: What do you mean?
Lucky Day: I don't know.

That’s all for now… I’m sure there’s plenty more I haven’t thought of yet

Oh wait, The Dead Zone with Christopher Walken… how did that do? That’s great. And as for romantic comedies, Blast from the Past, While you were Sleeping and How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days are excellent

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, November 11, 2005 2:17 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by Static:
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid!!!!!!!
PLEASE tell me someone else loves this film!!!

I bought it without having seen it and thought it was hilarious. Wasn't perfect, but definitely worth the purchase


Rigby Reardon: My plan was to kiss her with every lip on my face

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, November 11, 2005 2:27 PM


Where is my brain?!
(oh, here it is...)

I almost forgot!
The Road Home, my pick for one of the BEST movies ever. From HK, stars that chick from Crouching Tiger, Xyang- something. No fights, just a real story about love (get your tissues ready).



Friday, November 11, 2005 2:59 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Where is my brain?!
(oh, here it is...)
The Road Home, Xyang-

My brain faling back into place always makes the large empty bottle sound, but I don't know the letters...DOOMPK maybe.

-Ziyi I think. K, onto the list. She is wonderful, and there's so much great stuff out of HK it almost makes up for the drivel they make in Hollywood.

I am a movie fanatic!

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, November 11, 2005 3:16 PM


Ok, I only have a few absolute favorite movies that not too many people know about:

Remo Williams-The Adventure Begins... Based on the Destroyer series of books, this movie was hilarious, and under rated. The books are good too.

Escape From New York One of John Carpenter's best films of all time. Unfortunately, he followed it up with one of his worst, Escape From L.A.

Big Trouble in Little China Being a Carpenter fan, this movie is hilarious. Kurt Russell is great: "You know what Jack Burton would say at a time like this? WHO? Me! Jack Burton..." It just cracks me up.

Clerks Kevin Smith's low-budget intro to movies is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Black and white, and made by charging the $26,000 it took to make the film on his credit cards, this movie is a must see if you've ever been in a convience store. Yes, it's crude, and the language is a strong "R", but I highly recommend it if you aren't easily offended.


Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Friday, November 11, 2005 3:42 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Star Trek: Nemesis was a blatantly desperate attempt to re-make Wrath of Kahn. It had some good moments, but come on, the entire B-4 (cute) subplot was incredibly lame. I can't imagine a more obviouse cop-out than killing a major character, and providing a back-up for possible sequels.

Sure, they killed Spock, and brought him back, but having some subtle foreshadowing of his return (touching McCoy's face and saying "Remember") was way better than supplying a half-retarded back-up copy who conveniently has all of Data's memories downloaded into it.

Brent Spiner already said that he didn't want to do Data anymore. So I highly doubt their going to make another Star Trek TNG movie and if they do, it won't have Brent Spiner in it.


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:00 PM



Originally posted by Static:
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid!!!!!!!
PLEASE tell me someone else loves this film!!!

Because of DMDWP, I always pronounce "pajamas" with a 'y'!

as in

Carlos: How long will you be staying in Carlotta?
Rigby: We're leaving on the first plane out.
Carlos: Good! That gives me four hours to wash and press your payamas!

But I still crack up every time I think of that scene from "The Man with Two Brains", where Steve Martin walks in on two orderlies who are in the operating room, standing beside Kathleen Turner's gurney (at about the middle)...

Steve Martin: What are you two doing?
Orderly: We're shaving her.
Steve Martin: This is a brain operation! (glances down)
What's that supposed to be, anyway?
Orderly: It's Christmas!


Deep Thoughts... Jack Handey...

"Whether they ever find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet."


Friday, November 11, 2005 10:32 PM



Once Were Warriors. When I saw that Temura Morrison was going to be Jango Fett, I thought, OK. He's hard enough, and if there's a bar fight... Completely wasted. Damn.

And if you were to start a "Best Fights" thread, Martin Blank v. Felix Poubelle would have to be right at the top. Everyone uses Kung Fu now as a non-violent way of portraying a punch-up (American cop shows - all the cops do Kung-Fu (I'm using the term generically) and all the baddies do too? How many dojos can there be.

Anyway I digress. The Grosse Pointe Blank fight had a real desperation to it. Someone was definitely going to walk away dead, no question.

Muriel's Wedding. Everyone should see this. Really. A lot blacker than it sounds.

Addams Family Values. Incredible established cast, yet Joan Cusack strolls in and is a long way from intimidated or overshadowed.

The Commitments. 30 year old fat bloke. Brilliant and only 16... Imelda did look deadly.

My Blue Heaven. When Steve Martin was funny.

The Dish. Best shot ever, just as one of the Aussies is bitching about the NASA guy "...we're professionals..."

The Killer. Everyone; seen that right? Why not, then?

The Last Boy Scout. Shoot everyone and smoke some cigarettes. Hit me again and I'll kill you.

I'm sure Reign of Fire didn't do as well as it should have. No, really. Having your planet overrun by bad dragons really would depress anyone.

Toys. This usually makes it into worst lists. but it is actually great.

Dodgeball. Maybe it was a hit. Won't stop me nominating it, though. As a concept, it looks really appalling, but it's executed with such good nature, and unruffled cool from Vince Vaughan, I've got to give it an "Arrrrrrr."

And Dusk Till Dawn.

Damn, I can't stop...

(Mrs G - "I know dear...")


I vant your clodes end your moddercycle






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