Shock and Stargate Injustice

UPDATED: Saturday, November 12, 2005 07:16
VIEWED: 3364
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Friday, November 11, 2005 4:03 AM


Last weekend I was searching the local HMV for something to watch in place of the endless garden programmes, DIY or celebraty nonsense that passes for TV in the UK when I chanced upon the Firefly boxset on offer and some vague recollection of a review came up that it wasn't complete rubbish. My goodness it certainly wasn't and several days and one very annoyed girlfriend latter I have reached the end of something I won't bother singing the praises of because I'm on the fan sight. So finnishing the last episode last night, which I thought was rather an abrubt way to end the series and short for a US production, I came on line this morning to discover when the next seaon was coming out only to discover Rupert Bloody Murdoch and his nepotistic rabble axed it.

Now I have got that off my chest I would like to pose a question: I personally find Stargate, on the rare occasions I have tried to endure 10 minutes off it, possibly the most boring show on earth, more so than gardening and DIY. Now, personal opinion aside, whatever your view on Stargate how does it seemingly last for ever, season on season littering miles of the DVD box set shelves with it's presense? Did Firefly suffer because it's demographic was to high? But that said I bet Stargate fans are mostly 16+ and it's adults who but stuff in the most part. The Firefly set is obviously more expensive but once you've commited to the capital outlay both show's are US based location+studio and CGI.

If anyones got any thoughts on this let me know.

PS- Episode V. Episode Firefly V. Simpsons cost?


Friday, November 11, 2005 4:24 AM


firefly caters to a different genre than stargate-sg1 or atlantis.

the stargates are light humour sci-fi, with it being part drama, comedy, and sci-fi-y, similar to how andromeda srated as well..

firefly didnt go for light entertainment. its entertainment, but not a comedy. thats not to say there arent funny moments, they're just written differently.

oh, and my sister watches it soley because it has richard dean anderson (old enough to be her granddad...) so a large portion of the fanbase was transfered over from previous shows.


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:32 AM


Oh, hey, now that's just not fair. So you don't like it, okay, I can deal with that, but you can't blame the Stargate franchise for getting Firefly kicked off the air. I would've loved to have seen Firefly stay longer and even have more than a single season, but I don't think it's their fault.


Hey to all the FF obsessed people!

No, Cap'n, I think it's shiny!


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:15 AM


I don't understand how Stargate has remained on the air, either (simply because it is SF, and most SF shows get the axe early on), but I do enjoy it very much. I have yet to see any of season 9, though, since they are just starting to air it up here in the Great White North (I have episode 1 waiting on my PVR).

Andromeda is the show I don't understand... effects below what I could create in my basement, silly plots, many poor actors... you name it. I am a Sci-Fi fanatic... many shows that aren't that great apart from being SF I still enjoy because of the SF content. I can't even watch an entire episode of Andromeda it's so bad. I just don't get it.


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:50 AM


Oh! A newbie! I was still thinking...HMV? Her Maj has a video chain? Wonder if she has them edited for content and CGI gloves...when I got to the part where you're a precious newb.
Add your voice to the choir, honey chil' your girlfriend won't stop being annoyed once you've achieved Josspodness, so you might as well pull up a chair.

Check into Buffy and Angel for more of Joss' writing.


Originally posted by Bishamon:
I am a Sci-Fi fanatic... many shows that aren't that great apart from being SF I still enjoy because of the SF content. I can't even watch an entire episode of Andromeda it's so bad. I just don't get it.

Sad, but too often true. I will sit through marginal SF because I love the stuff, and there's so little of it. On the other hand, a poorly imagined SF book, I will throw straight against the wall.

Once in a while I guiltily admit that I really enjoy SG1. If only they could have distilled the 9 (?) seasons, they might have come up with almost FF. Weird that it's still on, isn't it? Is it possible that it's the R.D. Anderson attraction? He is consistently the best part for me...the sunglasses, the irony, the occasional mr fixit jokes, the constant eating, the F2U I'm going fishing attitude. If only the writers could've managed to pull it off, they were close, but the patient dies on the table (for me) more often than not.

Andromeda, on the other hand? I can't manage to sit through an entire episode, and I have tried on an embarassingly large number of occasions.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:08 AM



Originally posted by Bishamon:
Andromeda is the show I don't understand... effects below what I could create in my basement, silly plots, many poor actors... you name it. I am a Sci-Fi fanatic... many shows that aren't that great apart from being SF I still enjoy because of the SF content. I can't even watch an entire episode of Andromeda it's so bad. I just don't get it.

Two words: Gene Roddenberry.

I actually enjoyed the show in the first couple of seasons (that long?). However, even then I had strong feelings that if it weren't "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda" it wouldn't have lasted even that long. Looking at the Andromeda website today, I couldn't even find if Majel's Barrett Roddenberry is still affiliated with it, which she was in the beginning.


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:05 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the board and the fandom XXIII! Glad to have you aboard.

Yes, sadly Firefly was canceled by short sighted Fox execs who had no idea what they had in their hands. Of course Fox is not the best fit for a sci fi show of any kind. Had Firefly been on Sci Fi Channel I am sure it would still be on tv today.

Be sure to check out the film "Serenity" if you have not already done so & it is still in theatres near you. If you missed it, it hits DVD on Dec 12th.

Take care & keep flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, November 11, 2005 12:23 PM


Stargate was much better when it was on Showtime.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Saturday, November 12, 2005 2:03 AM


First of all thanks for all the friendly responses.

Just like to clarify that while I am not a fan of Stargate I'm not blaming it for the demise of FF. I just wondered how it survived while FF didn't and looking around the boards it looks like timing is everything (Friday night slot in US I believe).

HMV- Her Majestys Video store, tempted as I am to say this is true it is not. Prince Charles does however make very expensive biscuits which you can buy in very exspensive shops on the understanding no Cornish serf has been flogged in the making of them


Saturday, November 12, 2005 5:29 AM


Clearly, you're right. Buncha people jumping through wormholes exploring other planets... just boring compared to gardening and DIY.

You're arguments are compelling. OMG OMG OMG look! Shiny thing in the sand. It glitters! Whoopity doo!

Huh? What were we talking about?

Ah right gotcha. Her Majesty's Video Store...

As I was saying... what was I saying?

Geez I'm hungry.


No such thing as gravity. The... what was I saying? I forget.


Saturday, November 12, 2005 7:16 AM



Originally posted by RiverNot:
Two words: Gene Roddenberry.

Three words: Robert Hewitt Wolfe.

The real power behind Andromeda. When the PTBs fired him (gorram Tribune Entertainment), everything went down the tubes. Even with the show's limited budget, he had created a world and characters every bit as fascinating as those by Roddenberry or Joss.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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