OK and now for the 10 WORST movies...

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 22:01
VIEWED: 26785
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Friday, November 11, 2005 7:33 PM



5)Brother's Grimm- Stupid movie. It tried to be too complex.

There was a good film somewhere in The Brother's Grimm, it just didn't get made. I suspect if they had dumped the whole stupid French army bit and concentrated on the actual faerie tale portion it would have been a passable, if not spectacular film.


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:35 PM


Double post - sorry!


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:52 PM


I dont need ten Just one has anyone seen the worst movie of all time
Open Water!?
God I thought it was going to be great just because of the reviews but they must have paid off those critics cause that was the biggest piece of crap I have ever was a non-scary movie that they labeled Horror when there is about ohhh 2 minutes of sharks in the entire 2 hour movie and then they try to make it seem bad and scary by making it rated R when in fact it is a PG movie with a bonus 5 minute full frontal Nude scene anyone who liked this piece of crap should be immediatly carted off to the loony bin And i am not evev sorry if you do like it...cause you got mental issues to deal with, well thats my post I think that covered all tn worst movies with one


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:04 PM


OK her it is... gosh i cant beleve I'm doing this...
The List
First 10 movies that sucked
The Postman- Kevin how could you do somthing like this you were in dances with Wolves and JFK How could you
Waterworld- "Ditto"

Striptease & Showgirls- Both came out at the same time so i put them together. Wanna watch movies with no plot then watch.

Howard The Duck- heres some trivia Executive producer George Lucas spent $2 million on Howard's duck suit!

Star Trek V- #1 was good #2 Was better than one #3 okay #4 okay #5... O god it was number 5!!

Encino Man- Have you watched the movie...dont!

From Justin To Kelly- Hopefully they wont make from
Clay to Ruben

Star Wars Episode 1- half of the movie was about pod racing and Jar Jar Binks had a semi major role.

Star Wars Episode 2- this one was a good movie maybe a 8/10 but Jar Jar Binks spoke

Star Wars Episode 3- You saw JJB once that was enough to kill the movie. Oh and do to my sisters popular demand (this is her acount im just funnier than her a know a hell of alot more about movies) here my mini fan fic of Anakin burning enjoy.
"Ahhhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhh (whats my line again oh yay) ahhhh ahhhh ahhhhhx6. God when will i die feels like 2 hours."
"Uh Anny it has been 2 hours," says Obi-wan
"Don't you dare call me ANNY or i swear i'll...i'll... I'll die faster"

Now the movies that will suck

King Kong- Adrian Brody hahaha dont even get me started. what a great movie to remake(for the thousandth time) and what a great cast...

X Men 3- dont get me wrong i would love if they made a decent x men movie. but the first killed it by throwing the characters out of whack, in the comic Iceman has a major role beast has a major role also ( they are part of the first x men group)

there you go whew
Written bye Cameron Conboy (CAT1620RD's brother)


Friday, November 11, 2005 10:05 PM


Ok 10 worst movies-

1. Urban Legends 2- we were on a school trip and I didn't even make it through half.

2. Thin Red Line- Everyone who making war movies STOP trying to make Saving Private Ryan.

3. Forces of Nature- Ohhh so terribly predictable, I could have stabbed myself with an ice pick.

4. Gigli- I was fed this piece of drivel and I almost vomited.

5. Pearl Harbour- Was there a movie with more historical innaccuracies?

6. Charlie's Angels- No reason i just don't like it

7. Transporter- nothing says snoozville like Transporter

8. The Shipping News- ZZzzzzzzzzzzz

9. The Castle- it's Australian and it's just not funny

10. Wallace and Gromit- they sold out when they made that movie.

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Friday, November 11, 2005 11:19 PM


Raise The Titanic. Shame, because the book was actually good. And you can rarely say that about Gary-Sue Cussler.

Mystery Men. I mean, look at that cast! How could it have turned out to be such a damp squib.

Gladiator. The video I got ages ago still stands where I got fed up. Hasn't even been rewound.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding. That was rubbish. John Corbett? I don't get any filmstar vibes off him at all.

Addams Family 3rd / 2nd sequel. Proof positive of the contempt in which Hollywood holds the public, and the lack of pride some people have for a franchise.

"They loved the other two, let's push out another one. No original cast available? Sod it. Just stick anyone in. Nobody will ever notice."

ANYTHING where anyone, particularly Michael Medved uses the phrase "So bad it's good." Wrong. If it's bad it really is bad. Plan 9 from Outer Space? A waste of celluloid.

The Unspeakable. I'm going to be in so much trouble with Mrs G for dissing a Richard Hatch film, but mercy me, that stank.

I feel bad myself, because Tim Thomerson was in it too, and he did a decent job on his part, unlike anyone else in the cast. And the CGI monster was truly pitiful. You know how the average calculator has more power than the computer on the Apollo missions? The Unspeakable's CGI machine would have been rejected by NASA for utter wimpiness.

Kill Bill. I love Tarantino, his smart scriptwriting, and iron grip on direction and narrative. But there I was, drumming fingers, and waiting for something interesting to happen.

Matrix 2. To much fighting / setpieces, not enough of... anything, really.

Four Weddings and a Funeral. Get over it already. The most unforgiveable thing about this is that it put me right off Hugh Grant and Richard Curtis. So much so that I refused to go near the totally great "Love Actually" until very recently.


(No sig. because this has just depressed me.)


Saturday, November 12, 2005 12:17 AM


I love so many of people's 10 worsts! :(

Ah well, my bottom 5 (can't think of any more atm)

Battlefield Earth
Event Horizon
Highlander 2


Saturday, November 12, 2005 12:46 PM



Originally posted by RobNotRick:

5)Brother's Grimm- Stupid movie. It tried to be too complex.

There was a good film somewhere in The Brother's Grimm, it just didn't get made. I suspect if they had dumped the whole stupid French army bit and concentrated on the actual faerie tale portion it would have been a passable, if not spectacular film.

My thoughts exactly. That's pretty much my whole problem with that movie was the french army.

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I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!


Saturday, November 12, 2005 1:18 PM


I don't watch movies that I absolutely hate. Pretty much any movie that I watch sucks but I don't hate it. Take a look at some of the movies on We and Oxygen and the rest of those horrible stations for some insight into what I can't stand watching. Most of the movies you guys have listed are just sucky entertainment, there's a difference between suck and complete trash.


Saturday, November 12, 2005 1:36 PM


Ok, here's my worst list:

Spanglish. This movie bored me to tears, and I wanted the 2 hours of my life back I wasted watching it when it was done.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This was a movie that I'm still waiting to go somewhere. Too weird for me, but it got good reviews.

Bird on a Wire. This crappy Goldie Hawn and Mel Gibson movie was so bad, I tried to leave the theater, but my girlfriend (now wife) wouldn't let me.

Men At Work. The Sheen brothers as trashmen was another I paid good coin to see (on a date), and was sorry I did. I vowed never to watch another Sheen film again after that!

Hudson Hawke. Bruce Willis singing. 'Nuff said.

Now, I too would have Lord of the Rings as honorable mention, but I'd have to say they aren't the 10 worst films ever, but they just bored me to tears.

I think Kill Bill Vol 1 is so much fun, I've got the Japanese DVD that is unrated, and has a bunch of added stuff, including the House Of Leaves part in color instead of black in white (to get an R rating, the US version had to be B&W).

As for Forest Gump, my rule of thumb is that anything Tom Hanks makes these days is a one and done viewing. You watch it once, and you never want to see it again. Think about it. When was the last time Tom Hanks made a movie that required repeated viewings? Terminal? Gump? Castaway? Please rip out my heart if I ever have to view any of these movies more than once!

Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Saturday, November 12, 2005 1:42 PM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:
But then, I'm apparently the only one on the planet who walked out of "The 40 year Old Virgin" within the first 20 minutes, so what do I know?

Ah. I wouldn't be one of those who walked out because I'm one of those who hasn't/won't/has no desire to see it. There's a lot of movies like that out there for me, many of them listed in this thread.


Saturday, November 12, 2005 1:47 PM



Originally posted by Angelcrusherd:
Take a look at some of the movies on We and Oxygen and the rest of those horrible stations for some insight into what I can't stand watching.

Oh! Were we counting them, too?? Wow, that list would be extremely long, wouldn't it.


there's a difference between suck and complete trash.



Saturday, November 12, 2005 2:19 PM



Originally posted by yorg:

Star Wars (All three new ones) - After watching these, I wanted to punch George Lucas in the eye. The only redeeming qualities are Darth Maul, Yoda and light sabers.

Fuck Yoda.


Saturday, November 12, 2005 2:32 PM



Originally posted by shinytalent:

5. Pearl Harbour- Was there a movie with more historical innaccuracies?

And boy were there a ton, to name a few:

1. Mountains can be seen in the background at Mitchell Field in Long Island, which is shown as being by the sea. There are no mountains in Long Island and the base is inland.

2. "Mitchell" Field, on Long Island, is actually called "Mitchel Field" (with one "L").

3. Evelyn and her nurse friends are shown wearing bikinis. The bikini didn't make its first appearance until 1946.


***The story of the Japanese pilot waving at the children playing early-morning baseball, trying to get them to get away before the attack, is true.

All of this is from


Saturday, November 12, 2005 4:35 PM


1) Matrix I, II, and III. #1 was OK I guess but I just can’t stand it. It’s so 'been done', and the fight scenes are just plan bad from a realism stand point (and I say that acknowledging that the characters and run up walls and shit).

2) Soldier. OMG does the military in this movie just run around killing civilians! What would have happened if one of their ships crash-landed on that world years ago and those Soldiers landed there with orders to ‘kill all trespassers’ (or what ever their reasoning was)?

3) Star Trek Nemesis: WTF. I’ve heard that the next one will deal with the Earth-Romulan war, I hope that this movie is the reason the Romulans invade the Federation! I was so looking forward to seeing the Romulans in a staring role in a Star Trek movie and was just incredibly disappointed with the whole thing.

4) U-571: Just so historically in accurate it’s insulting. Who ever wrote in that scene when the Germans machine gun the lifeboat should never work again.

5) Behind Enemy Lines: What a waste of a good plot and Gene Hackman. Plus I cringe every time I see the SAM sequence, no why in hell a SAM flies like that.

6) Pearl Harbor: Nuff Said

7) Mission Impossible II: The original was good and true to style of the show but II just tries to turn Hunt in to a James Bond knock off instead of a realistic spy like in #1.

8) What Women Want: Not my kind of movie but I liked it until 3/4 the way through it when Mel Gibson stops being selfish with his little ‘gift’.

9) Sky Pirates: LOL Its so stupid its almost funny… but its isn’t. The production company couldn’t even afford an insignia on the pilot’s hat!

10) Star Wars Episode I, II, III: the reasons have already been stated by others…

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:


Saturday, November 12, 2005 4:40 PM



Originally posted by Jayhawk35:
As for Forest Gump, my rule of thumb is that anything Tom Hanks makes these days is a one and done viewing. You watch it once, and you never want to see it again. Think about it. When was the last time Tom Hanks made a movie that required repeated viewings? Terminal? Gump? Castaway? Please rip out my heart if I ever have to view any of these movies more than once!

What about 'Apollo 13'? Yea sure you know how it ends but it makes you feel proud in the space program every time you see it.

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:


Saturday, November 12, 2005 4:54 PM


I personally believe that nobody can talk about "worst movie ever" unless they've seen Red Zone Cuba, aka: Night Train to Mundo Fine. Until then it's just hyperbole. For you people raggin' on The Lord of the Rings, you really need to spend some time with Coleman Francis and get some perspective. Seriously, I think some of you need to learn to differentiate between "didn't enjoy" and "worst movie ever."

And - much to the ire of Gixxer, I'm sure - I do believe that there are movies that are so bad they're entertaining. Not "good," in the traditional sense of the word, but it isn't hard to get some enjoyment out of watching Plan 9 From Outer Space with a group of friends and riffing on it. It's a pretty hilarious movie.

Finally, I'm going to refrain from picking any worst movie candidates (other than Red Zone Cuba) to avoid annoying anyone like I've been annoyed by reading some of these choices.

"Future events such as these will affect you in the future!"


Saturday, November 12, 2005 5:05 PM


Highlander 2
Major League 2
The Godfather (both that and 2001 way over-rated)
Eyes Wide Shut (snooze)
Lost Highway
The Ring
House Of 1000 Corpses (i waited 2 and a half years for this


Saturday, November 12, 2005 5:05 PM


Highlander 2
Major League 2
The Godfather (both that and 2001 way over-rated)
Eyes Wide Shut (snooze)
Lost Highway
The Ring
House Of 1000 Corpses (i waited 2 and a half years for this


Saturday, November 12, 2005 8:54 PM


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I waited 25 years for this! )


Sunday, November 13, 2005 2:46 AM


thanks! I never actually bothered to count them but now someone else has for me.
P.S. I love your name- Penguins are my favorite animals

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Sunday, November 13, 2005 4:23 AM


Dawn of the Dead '04. I'm a huge fan of the originals, but this was uttter crap! It was fun but it was not a zombie movie! it was not dawn of the Dead! "Lets take a classic and remove all social-political commentary, subtext, intelligence and significance, and lets put it to loud music and feed it to the mindless MTV generation! but lets keep the title so the unenlightened ones will think it has "something more to it"" sorry i like to rant

"That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth."


Sunday, November 13, 2005 4:35 AM


Stink Burgers:
1. Battlefield: Earth. With it, he's earned a new name: John Travol-ting
2. Event Horizon. Mmmm, "haunted house" in space, complete with "thunder and lightning." I guess the warning's from the missing Captain were supposed to be terrifying because they were in Latin.
3. Rodney Dangerfield's last movie, in which he was a talk show host. (Or was he a guest?) So bad I walked out.
4. Stigmata. Stink-mata, with that Arquette woman, the one in that TV show, Medium. If it weren't for the bursts of loud music, which seemed to explode in my ears when she would get possessed, it wouldn't have been "scary."
5. Starship Troopers 2. Straight to video, so nuff said.
6. Alien 3 onward. In these cases, killing off my favorite characters just plain stinks: Reese, "Newt", Ripley. (AvP can stand on its own as pure escapism, but it's not a real successor to the rest of the series.)
7. The Thin Red Line. No effort whatsoever as to technical accuracy, in the vein of SPR and Band of Brothers; just throwing bodies at the enemy, forget any kind of coordinated action.....Hopefully Mr. Eastwood will not screw up "Flags of our Fathers" and the fighting at Iwo Jima.
8. Manos: The Hands of Fate. Okay, the only "version" I've seen of this is that done by the gang of Mystery Science Theater 3000--any other Mysties out there!!!??. I cannot even contemplate watching the "straight" version of it.
9. Druids. With Christopher Lambert. I thought, with Max von Sydow in it, it would be halfway decent. Nope! Just plain bad dialog. It was a sad sad sad...attempt at Braveheart. So bad I hit "eject".
10. A Midsummer Night's Dream. The cast included Michelle Pfieffer, Christian Bale, Calista Flockhart, et al. I admire any actor or actress who does Shakespeare, and the acting was just great. But the story was just plain boring, not funny at all....Sorry Will: just did nothing for me.

(Someone posted that there hasn't been a good romantic comedy since 1967. I would like to offer "When Harry Met Sally".....I watch it every December....Musicals: Grease is the word.)


As for Forest Gump, my rule of thumb is that anything Tom Hanks makes these days is a one and done viewing. You watch it once, and you never want to see it again. Think about it. When was the last time Tom Hanks made a movie that required repeated viewings? Terminal? Gump? Castaway? Please rip out my heart if I ever have to view any of these movies more than once!

Okay, some nights I break out my 80s movies collection witch includes "The Man With One Red Shoe"....

Semper Fidelis


Sunday, November 13, 2005 10:51 AM



Originally posted by CAT1620RD:
X Men 3- dont get me wrong i would love if they made a decent x men movie. but the first killed it by throwing the characters out of whack, in the comic Iceman has a major role beast has a major role also ( they are part of the first x men group

I hate to agree with you, but I'm also very pesimistic about X3. I really liked the first one, the second was good too (but something didn't seem quite right about it). But this one worries me. I hear that they're going to extreme lengths to keep Halle Berry, maybe even killing off main characters to increase her part, whats up with that? Angel's in it (the winged guy not the vampire) who is the lamest superhero ever imo. I can't believe they're supposedly not having sentinels in it. And no more nightcrawler? Very worried indeed.

But Kelsey Grammar as the Beast, that could save it :)


Sunday, November 13, 2005 11:03 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Originally posted by Tiger:
1. The Lord of the Rings
2. The Lord of the Rings
3. The Lord of the Rings
4. The Lord of.... do I really have to do this all the way to ten? You get it.

I totally agree - and get nothing but loadsa flack from friends, but basically these films lacked any soul.

Tiger you and me we stand alone.


I'm right there with you guys, did not like them at all.

Wasn't excited by the first one (and to top it off they kill off Sean Bean) and the other two had poor CGI that put me off a lá Matrix Reloaded

"The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems."


The Original Grr Aggh boy


Sunday, November 13, 2005 11:51 AM


This thread is painful for me...several movies I absolutely love have been mentioned more than a few times. I will agree that most of the movies listed are absolutely horrendous, though. There are some movies I disliked greatly, though:

Pitch Black - I dunno, it just...ugh

War of the Worlds - ok it wasn't a horrendous movie, but there was far too much cheese

House of the Dead - possibly the worst videogame to movie film ever (and that's saying a lot)

Monsters, Inc. - I don't know why, can't stand it...worst computer animated film I've seen

Lost in Translation - It didn't do anything for me

Any musical - I don't even consider them film

There are others but just these are enough to sap all the will to live from my soul.

inch towards daylight


Sunday, November 13, 2005 2:06 PM


Ire? Me? I got no ire for anyone. I just don't like bad films. Purely my own intolerance problem, and I'd never dream of imposing my taste on others.

(Make 'em read about my prejudices on the internet, no problem, but stoutly defend the right of any reader to ignore them.)

And speaking of which, Airline films. The seat back magazines advertise the odd good one, but it's inevitably showing at a screen doing 500mph in some other direction - and the whole midair collision thing presumably explains why they never say "a screen near you"...

I had a bad Sepford Wives experience going to the United Sates, and coming back. Long way short of Ferris Beuller, but not quite the depths of Inspector Bloody Gadget.

They also show far too many of the Yards (Whole Nine or Ten) films. Chandler's mildly amusing in Friends - heavily outgunned by Joey and Phoebe, in my opinion, but seems, in common with most TV actors, to be a lot better suited to TV than cinema.

(And having another dig here, because it's really too easy, can anybody in the immediate vicinity think of a big damn collection of TV actors who have strolled onto the big screen and kicked pretty much any big-name filmstar's bottom recently?)


Ensign "Teeth" Burriss USN of VF-17. Funniest and most emphatic cure for road rage. Ever.


Sunday, November 13, 2005 2:49 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by Jayhawk35:
As for Forest Gump, my rule of thumb is that anything Tom Hanks makes these days is a one and done viewing. You watch it once, and you never want to see it again. Think about it. When was the last time Tom Hanks made a movie that required repeated viewings? Terminal? Gump? Castaway? Please rip out my heart if I ever have to view any of these movies more than once!

Funny, I've got a bunch of Tom Hanks films on DVD... but probably cos he's my favourite actor

Forrest Gump - my favourite movie
The Green Mile - superb
Castaway - not one you can watch again and again I'll admit, but it is a great film to watch when you're in the right mood
Catch Me if You Can - love it
Toy Story 1 & 2 (Do they count?)
You've Got Mail
Apollo 13

I could go on

but then again it all depends on whether you like the guy I suppose (though personally, I'm not put off watching just because I don't like a particular person in it)

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, November 13, 2005 11:58 PM



Originally posted by NEEDY:

That's my favourite movie too. I love it to bits... so keep away from me

and as for musicals... well I watched Phantom of the Opera a few weeks ago and I absolutely loved it. I thought I would cos I liked the songs in it, but I loved it even more than I thought I would

Other great musicals are Singin' in the Rain, West Side Story and Once More With Feeling (The Buffy Musical Episode)

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny

It does indeed sound like we have very different taste!

Although, having said that I love Once More with Feeling and have it on CD and sing along to it in my car pretty much every day!

But what I loved about it is what disappoints me about a lot of modern musicals – OMWF has fantastic and witty lyrics – I went to see Jerry Springer the Musical fairly recently and was incredibly disgusted, not by the blasphemy or rudeness but by the lack of effort to produce lyrics that rhymed or were in any way witty – give me Cole Porter any day!!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, November 14, 2005 12:52 AM



Originally posted by yorg:
To those who said Lord of the Rings.

Are you seriously telling me that you can't think of 10 movies worse than the LOTR movies? None?

I think that you are hating LOTR simply because it's so popular and are trying to set yourself apart and be "cool" by not liking it. The LOTR movies cannot possibly be in the 10 WORST movies you've ever seen. Unless you've only seen a small handful of movies in your lifetime.

If you honestly dislike the movies, that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion. But you also can't honestly say that they're the WORST movies. If anything, you have to appreciate all the work and effort that went into them.

Hi Yorg.

You make a good point. Personally I don't think they're badly made films, far from it. They're exceptionally put together and perhaps one of the finest cinematic undertakings since the golden days of the 'Epic'. And I think for Peter Jackson to even have consceived to put together such a project is astounding. (I think in total all three films employed 25,000 people!!!!! )

However non of this makes it necessarily an enjoyable film, at least not for me. I have no desire to appear 'cool' as you say by not liking them. I just reall don't. But I also never enjoyed the books. So maybe for me it's just not working from the point of view of 'subject' matter. I don't go for all that hobbit, orcs, trolls stuff etc.
Sometimes things just don't work for you. I almost put the 'Incredibles' down on this list also - because I really didn't like this film. Not a jot. Now that was five years of blood sweat and tears form all those who made it, but it doesn't change the fact that I didn't enjoy it. I can't pretend to like it....

I just wonder why so many people struggle to understand that we're all different. We can't all like the same films. It's just impossible. They're bound to be individuals out there who don't like the Lord of the rings Trilogy. It's just a question of averages no?....

Don't mean we're mutants.



Monday, November 14, 2005 8:34 AM


1. Hope Floats - Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick Jr. (the real murderer from Copycat) in the MOST!!! unimportant movie EVER! What a waste of precious time! It spolied my mood for the rest of the evening so I had to go to bed. And I used to like Forest Whitaker...

2. Fist of the North Star - Weird splatter

3. The Scorpion King - I actually fell asleep watching it at the cinema (that, however, can be due to the fact that I was stoned :biggrin)

4. Jurassic Park III - They should've stopped in time. Which is at #1

5. House Of A 1000 Corpses - I think I looked more on the timer on the DVD than on the screen, all the time thinking to myself, 'Okay, this is 10 minutes!' But it was always only 1...


Monday, November 14, 2005 9:27 AM


I am only including movies I saw either in the theater or on HBO/cinemax/showtime.

A.I. - I never felt any sympathy for the boy as he should he was a robot and should have just turned off his emotions. After it was over, I told my wife I would have walked out if I was alone, and she laughed and said she would have walked out, but thought I was liking the movie.

Gattaca - Would have been higher on the list had it not been for the ending. The last 10 minutes were good, the first hour and 45 sucked a$$.

The Promise - May have been the worst ending ever, and the premise leading to the ending was pretty bad too.

(The rest of these were just so bad I am not even going to bother with explanations)

What Women Want

In and Out

The Island of Dr. Morrow

Charlie's Angels


Down and Out in Beverly Hills

Scenes from a Mall


Monday, November 14, 2005 9:35 AM


1. Kill Bill Vol.1
2. Kill Bill Vol.2
3. Harry Potter 1
4. Harry Potter 2
5. Im guessing Harry Potter 3, tho i didnt watch that one
6. Gothika
7. Saw
8. That Arnie film where he gets pregnant, can't currently remember the name
9. Bridget Jones' Diary (shudders)
10. Scooby Doo


Monday, November 14, 2005 9:53 AM


Well, the worst movie I ever remember seeing has got to be "Ella Enchanted". I LOVE the book.. and I have to say that when I saw the movie I felt sick. I've seen some other movies that I didn't much care for.. but I can't say that they're the worst.


Monday, November 14, 2005 10:03 AM


I don't usually watch movies I don't think I will like, but somehow I end up seeing bad ones anyway. So here goes.

1. Blair Witch Project. Supposed to be scary. Just a bunch of whiners running around carrying a camera and swearing. Made me motion sick. Never watch again.

2. The Others. One of the only movies I ever wanted to walk out of. Just terribly boring. They're the ghosts? Wow. So that hasn't really been done already?

3. Rules of Attraction. Very weird, messed up, just ick.

4. Alexander. I really wanted to like this one, I really did, but I just couldn't. After the first half, I was just like, stop the madness.

5. Fight Club. Same as Rules of Attraction. Only redeeming quality was Brad Pitt half nude. Never finished watching it.

6. Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban. Love the Harry Potter books and first two movies. This one made me hate it. Dumbledore a hippy with pajamas? Nuff said.

7. In Good Company. Thought this would be funny. It was so not. Very boring.

8. Shark Tale. It's not terrible so much as incredibly disappointing. Tries to be funny but isn't.

9. Jason 10. I've never watched the first nine, but this was on Movie channel one day, so I watched it. Dear God, doesn't this guy ever die??? Give me a chainsaw, I'll cut him up in little pieces and throw him out the hatch!

10. Pearl Harbor/Miracle. I've never actually watched these, because I've banned them for life. No offense to Americans, but if I watched this yay America yay films, I'd have to stab myself in the eyes. I dislike the fact that American filmmakers don't seem to realize that you can make movies about other countries, that they weren't the only ones in WW II, and that Canada defeated the Soviets eight years before they ever did. I do like Americans. Just a little tired of the filmmakers.

That's all I can think of for now.

I give to you the Seeker of Serenity, the Valkyrie Warrior, the Gourmet Cook and the Truth Scoper.


Monday, November 14, 2005 10:30 AM


Oh yeah, how could I forget

6. A.I. - Respect to Spielberg for what else he has done but this piece of crab... I think I wept for the loss of money I spent on the tickets... I MUST have wept...

7. Junior - the one with Arnold getting pregnant. Is there no end to how much a grown man is willing to humiliate himself?


Monday, November 14, 2005 10:52 AM


These are not all going to be well known films.

1. Forest Warrior - Chuck Norris is in full form in the all time worst movie ever.

2. Dragonstorm - Oooh, made the mistake of watching this turd on SciFi the other day. What was with the costumes? I actually started watching it because John Reese Davies was in it, but turned off half-way through, it was that bad.

3. Pearl Harbour - 'Nuff said, frankly.

4. Oceans 12 - WTF was that? Oceans 11 was miles better.

5. Matrix Revolutions - Not as bad as the critics made out, but it was such a disapointment for me - i almost cried, not because Neo died or was knocked out or whatever the hell happened to him - but because i was so disapointed. (By the way, i loved Reloaded)

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Monday, November 14, 2005 12:06 PM


Some of these agree with previous posts but here goes (in no order):

1. Wayne's World 2 (Brilliant TV show and first film but unfunny sequel).

2. Anything with Seagull, Van Dumme, Dolt Lungren and other 'actors' like them.

3. Highlander II (Either enjoy the first film and ignore the second or ignore the first film and still not enjoy the second).

4. Club Dread (Oh dear, oh dear, why did I watch this).

5. The Ring Two (US version. Need I say anything)

6. First Daughter (OK now I'm just embarrassed to say I watched this shite).

7. Batman And Robin/Forever (A fine example of how to **** up a franchise. Should be taught in film classes worldwide).

8. Scary Movie (Only time I enjoyed the Pearl & Dean adverts more than the movie).

9. Most Ben Stiller movies (but not all) (He's Unfunny and basically plays every role the same way).

10. The one with Whatshisname in it. Also stars Thingymajig. You know the one where they do those things and then they go over there.


Monday, November 14, 2005 1:26 PM


Wing Commander: that was a poor excuse of showing the game in a movie format. the cut scenes in the actual game were better than the movie!

Star Wars: 1-3: i am a huge fan of star wars before FF. when i saw these i was excited to see them, when i finally did, i felt my heart was ripped out and stomped on by George Lucas. i did loose some of my respect toward Lucas.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets: i'll admit that it was for little kids, but Christopher Columbus ruined the HP movies for me. I was glad that Alfonso Curiano did the third book because that one was my favorite.

that's good for now. :D

We're deep in space, corner of No and Where.


Monday, November 14, 2005 5:31 PM


1. Any movie made by Tarantino. Admit it!!! He sucks.
2. Harry Potter franchise
3. Alexander-why, oh why wasn't this movie done right?
4. Anchorman-pile of poo
5. Day of the Dead
6. Land of the Dead-Possibly the worst movie I didnt't pay for. I just wanted to leave 30 minutes in, but didn't because there was nothing else to do.
7. Doom
8. Anything staring rap "artists".
9. White Chicks-didn't even have to see it to know it was bad
10. Resident Evil 2

"I aim to misbehave."


Monday, November 14, 2005 5:47 PM



Originally posted by 20thCentFoxHater:

8. Anything staring rap "artists".

Get Rich or Die Trying... Hahahaha oh man, I forgot about that one. Sheer genius in my book, I never knew something could make me feel so joyful in my life. Can anyone say '50 Cent- Oscar nominee'?


Monday, November 14, 2005 8:11 PM


I'm going to chime in with those who didn't like the LOTR movies. I don't think they were bad, but I spent most of the first one resisting the urge to look at my watch and the only thing I could think to say when asked if I liked it was "well, it was a very pretty movie" (of course I hated The Hobbit so I wasn't really expecting to love LOTR).

But worst... there are lots of movies I didn't like, but worst would have to be Alexander. People in the audience shouldn't start clapping and cheering when the main character finally dies. The worst part is it could have been better


The Blair Witch Project - only scary if you're afraid of trees
The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (not exactly sure of the title) - incredibly depressing and disappointing
A.I. - I have yet to stay awake through the entire thing
Wing Commander - it's so bad, it's almost good
The Cable Guy - I've blocked it from my memory

Most others were simply forgettable. Or from a genre I don't like in general (there are very few 'fantasy' films that I like).

But it's entirely subjective, I've loved some of the movies listed earlier in this thread, ie. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Fight Club.

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:39 AM


I have only one choice as it trumps all other mentions in my opinion.
The League of Extrodinary Gentleman
the clue to the true tragedy was when they had a car chase on the streets of VENICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whedon help us all

"Did I ever tell you you're my favorite"


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:45 PM


I don't think I could come up with 10. I actually don't see a lot of movies. Even bad movies I can usually get a hearty giggle out of at the expense of their sheer badness. But I will say this for the good of all humanity-

"Boogeyman" sucked so bad, it leaves me at a loss for a suitable suction-related pun to insult it with. I still can't believe I paid money to see it. Let's just say I was bored most of the way through it, and there was such an unnecessarily long and complicated build-up to the conclusion that I was ultimately served up the most anti-climactic ending in history. The only part I really liked was when the bird hit his windshield, and he hit the windshield-wipers to try to get it off. That was hilarious.

Oh, also, all these sequils Disney is coming out with for their classics. I find it somehow offensive, though I can't quite explain why.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 1:58 PM


If I must narrow it down to the 10 worst ...

Titantic - simply the worst movie ever made. Cameron BOUGHT every Academy Award it received. He's still performing sexual favors for Best Screenplay.

The Ring - was anything more dumb and less scary?

Pearl Harbor - Almost had me rooting for the Japanese. Almost.

Battlefield Earth - Loved the book. Hated the movie. Ohhhh Travolta, you will answer for dragging Forest Whittaker into this mire.

Dead Heat - Zombie cop movie? At least the Chinese restaurant chickens were humorous.

Barbed Wire - Humphrey Bogart is STILL turning over in his grave as what they did to Casablanca.

Saturn 3 - Why is it Hollywood producers will pair youngish women up with cadaverous geezers and expect us NOT to see their desperate search for a woman who will sleep with them and NOT demand a starring role in return.
For goodness sake, they had to iron Kirk Douglas before every shoot morning to keep his skin in place.

Dante's Inferno - Are we allowed to root for the volcano?

The Day After Tomorrow - Too much and too easy to go into. Simply dreadful.

Any odd-numbered Star Trek movie. Big Damn Shindigity Good Time - Big Damn Podcast


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:21 PM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
Titantic - simply the worst movie ever made. Cameron BOUGHT every Academy Award it received. He's still performing sexual favors for Best Screenplay.

Is that what made him 'king of the world' at the awards that year - he was looking forward to all the nookie?

Not big on disaster movies, huh?
Volcano anyone? It could be an appetizer for Dante's Inferno.

Speaking of Tommy Lee...Men in Black 2.0. It was so obvious they were having fun doing the 1st one, and so obvious they hated the 2nd one with a firey loathing. Wonder why. Bad bad movie, go lay down by your dish and ask Joss to write you next time.

The Towering Inferno should have been dropped off the edge of the tower before being released.

The Poseidon Adventure. The song alone qualifies this one for the hall of shame.

Transylvania 6-5000.Ok, I loved this movie because it was so very very bad. Does that count?

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 4:41 PM



Originally posted by Zoot:
Just one for me:

I HATE HATE HATE Forrest Gump with a deep and abiding loathing that makes me want to projectile vomit when it's mentioned ...

I thought I was the only one! That movie BORES me to TEARS! Why does everyone else love it so much?

Other movies to avoid Kung Fu Hustle and Kung Pow:Enter the Fist, that's 4 hours of my life I will never get back. My husband forced me to watch them.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 5:44 PM


I can't believe I forgot to add Catwoman to my list the first time... simply awful.

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:03 PM


These are really BAD movies:

Lost in Translation - and the point being...?

Bewitched (The Movie) - Nichol Kidman is adorable, but the rest of the movie stunk.

Elektra - Say, didnt she die in Daredevil?

Star Trek 3 - They really should have left Spock dead.

Star Trek V - The writer and director of this one should be sexually defiled by a genetically altered rhino live on CNN.

Star Trek Nemesis - I don't even want to talk about it.

Charlie's Angels - Yuck!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -Waited forever just to see this good book raped on the movie screen.

Little Black Book - I love Brittney Murphy, but the rest of the movie stunk.

Starship Troopers 2 - I couldnt believe that they had the nerve to even make this movie.

You've Got Mail - The writer should shoot himself

SuperGirL - BAD movie, but the actress who plays SuperGirL is great.

Jurassic Park III - What was that...JAWS 3?

What Women Want - S.T.U.P.I.D.

Ms Congeniality 2 - I love Sandra Bullock, and the 1st movie was fuuny and good...this one sucks.

The Blair Witch Project - We get to watch some stupid, unarmed people go off into the woods where there are rumors of people vanishing.

The Day After Tomorrow - My ex-husband worked on that film so I completely hate it.

The Poseidon Adventure - Bad but watchable

The Poseidon Adventure 2 - This has to be THE worst movie in Earth's history.

Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions - They couldnt leave well enough alone could they?

Dumb And Dumber - Enuff said

Picnic at Hanging Rock - Where do these writers come from?


Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:44 PM


Gladiator. Normally I love a bad sword and sandals movie, but when it's supposed to be historical, try not changing the entire history of Rome, okay?

Legend of the Rollerblade Seven. Maybe it would be comprehensible if you happened to be on the same drugs as the filmmakers were when they made it. Later, I found out it was middle in a trilogy of movies, the others being, of course, The Rollerblade Seven and Return of the Rollerblade Seven. I almost want to watch these just so I can see if they make more sense when you see them all, but that way lies madness.

Fight Club. I liked it alright up until the twist. At that point, I found myself wondering...if you saw a guy beating the crap out of himself in a parking lot, would you idolize him and want to follow him? If it was as slick as a lot of people think, it wouldn't have a plot hole you could drive a truck through.

And finally, speaking of plot holes, the all-time winner is The Ring. It's pretty, with good visuals and clean effects. But the story just makes no sense at all. There's too much to go into here, but a major one is, why didn't she ask her son about the girl earlier? He always knew more about what was going on than she did, and she knew that, but she didn't bother to ask him if the girl was a victim or just evil. Because if she had, there wouldn't have been a movie.

It takes a village to raise a child, and an army to raze a village.


Friday, November 25, 2005 12:02 PM



if you saw a guy beating the crap out of himself in a parking lot, would you idolize him and want to follow him?

Well, some people would certainly be somewhat curious, wouldn't they? Some people might even go over and see what it was all about, and maybe some would even stick around to see what else this guy had to say. They didn't idolize him because he beat the crap out of himself, they idolized him because he was espousing a philosophy that seemed to fit with where they were in their life.

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."






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