New York Magazine article that talks about a new revolution in TV... discusses the posibility of resurrecting Firefly

UPDATED: Monday, November 21, 2005 10:05
VIEWED: 23009
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005 4:10 PM


I love charity work. I do lots of it. Raise real money and everything.

But I want to raise money for a new series. That's my goal. I don't want to confuse the two.

As for Paypal, I'm a huge fan of it for the ease that it creates, but fees on a $40 donation run about $1.46. I'm not sure there's a cheaper, as convenient way to process money, but if there is we should look into it. Ideas?

"Butcher's Knife..."


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 4:45 PM


I would pay $20, along with 999,999 other Browncoats, to charity to convince Joss that we could get $40 million, and then $40 for the actual 2nd season, if neccesary.

If this works, it will mean a revolution in TV show production, which I'd love to be in on the ground floor of.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 5:26 PM


Man I just got into this show recently with the release of the movie and kick myself for missing it when it first came out and truly LOVE it.
I would GLADLY pay towards new shows for two reasons.
1. This show is a fine example of what decent writting can do for tv, in a time ruled by reality tv and sitcoms appealing only to brain dead folk it was a shinning light in the dark verse that is.
2. Being able to fund a show this way would me little to NO COMMERCIALS. dunno about you guys but I'm sick and tired of watching tv and having sexual stimulants, feminine products, crappy food and drink, come across the screen when all I would like to do is relax and enjoy the show.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 6:58 PM


Welcome to the No Ad Zone, friend - "and now a word from our sponsor..."

Naturally, Scifi is of course the best home for Firefly. I know they like to do their shows in Canada. Now that I know they get gov. subsidies, I know why. The ONLY tiny thread of sanity I might stretch over FOX's warped hare-brained rationale is the apparent cost of doing showbiz in L.A. so if simply moving the venue is all it takes to bring back Firefly to Scifi's home in Canada then I'm all for it.

Although Scifi IS the best home for Firefly, we do have another option available to us that I mentioned on another related thread some weeks ago. It carries the fan contribution fund, charities, etc. to the next logical step.

Here is the crux of what I propose:

Joss forms a corporation whose purpose is to buy Firefly’s way back into existence as a series. This corporation like all corporations will have shares so we browncoats can in essence buy ownership and share a stake in Firefly’s success. We can control Firefly's destiny instead of sacrificing massive amounts of money to dimwitted shortsighted suits only interested in cheap profit. We can use this ownership to negotiate with Sci-fi (owned by Universal) and buy a decent timeslot and pick up the series with the same cast, writers, director, etc. under Joss's direction. Then he won't have to continually "sell" his vision to those unsymPathetic fools because we will directly harness Firefly's resurgence. Of course, this requires an investment (note that the purchase of shares will provide dividends) from us in Joss' foundling company sufficient for it to go public. Once public, our options will increase and Joss can guide Firefly’s fate back to the forum it was meant to be in the first place. We can, at Joss' direction, promote the series properly through mass media and in junction with Sci-fi to bring the series back to life. From an investor’s point of view even if the corp. ultimately failed the investor is likely to recover most of his money anyway. This is just one idea, but I haven't heard anyone mention it before so I thought I'd offer it. By relying directly on our own strength and minimizing the powers of those suits that do not care about anything greater than the bottom line TODAY, Firefly might live to fly again in the way it was meant to. (And Universal can keep making movies while we keep Serenity flying on TV).

To paraphrase Wash, ‘Let’s cut out the middleman, and give [the power] directly to the people. The pay’s better and we make sure help gets to where it needs to go’. Any more ideas?

Long Live the Empire!


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:02 PM



Originally posted by Obiwan:
As for Paypal, I'm a huge fan of it for the ease that it creates, but fees on a $40 donation run about $1.46. I'm not sure there's a cheaper, as convenient way to process money, but if there is we should look into it. Ideas?

I don't think we need to work with a middle man/agency. At this conjucture wouldn't the significant statement simply be to step forward and I say "I would give $X." First off it'd be easier to say I would if you would rather than immediately giving money and when everyone gets the confidence boost that comes with seeing a million other people come forward with pledges then we'll be able to go to Joss like a three year old on father's day morning with a plate full of half cooked eggs and burned bacon and pay him and his team directly.
Right now we need to just get people to say "Sure I would if it'd work" Then we go from there. A low risk first step with a highly probable success rate. Whos with me?

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:03 PM


Whoops, hit 'post' twice.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:55 PM



Actually suggested this very same strategy about 9 months ago... but got lost in the noise (and the poo poohing)

My Actual suggestion was much the same, Content delivered online but that say for you $100 - $120 Bucks you also got DVD's sent to you etc etc.

But more importantly Folks - This model of Subscription media has actually been in use highly successfully for many years here in OZ. We call it Community Radio!!!! Take a look at 3 RRR or 3PBS (or any other community radio station) Each year there is a subscription drive. Currently we choose to pay around $60 each per year - and ta da - we get free to air FM radio (and online streaming ) thats wonderful. Now that the model has been proven to succeed, albiet in a different format, what do we need? The Radio version works on a pledge basis, which has to be then payed for by a specified date. We could do much the same. Generate a Pledge page, (with perhaps a maximum people are willing to pay for 20 episodes - eg in my case I'd pay $200 for $10 an ep.) And get one person to be the rep to take it to Joss and ME.

Lets fight the fight folks.

Jake in Space


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:34 AM


My husband has been talking about a tv viewer revolution for years now. I think it's getting closer. *g* Here's another article about the whole concept. This one mentions Farscape specifically, but it works with FF too.,0,5268273

I'd pay in a heartbeat.



Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:08 AM




Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:32 AM


I knew things were changing IN ABSTRACT, but when I was able to go to the Yahoo site and watch the premier episode of FAT ACTRESS, I knew the floodgates were opening.

I also commented last year to my husband how I though iTunes should also offer videos since they are kicking ass with the audio. Well, then iTunes started offering some for free viewing, but just recently they became available for purchase and download...only $1.99!

This is going to get interesting ;)

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:08 AM



So. I am going to set up a seperate thread. It will list instructions for the 'pledge' What the jist of it will be is;

If you are a willing person with some cash, write down your first and last name, and your email, with the amount you are willing to personally give to joss if we can set up a safe medium of collection on this site, for him to assemble his crew and put us back on the air.

If we get to a significant amount, I will personally track down Jewel Strait (She lives in my home town of glorious van.) Or anyone else I can get my gorram hands on and pitch them this idea. with the numbers tallied and all.

I am not going to be psychotic about this, but I certainly wouldn't mind extending myself to lift up these 'pledges' to someone, perhaps whedon himself. I will do all the bitch work too, (maybe with some help from Local Canadian Browncoats) so lazy netters won't have to much responsibility.

I will set'em up, you people just advertise, blog, post, and scream loud enough to have enough people come in and post.

here goes nuthin



Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:59 AM


It begins...

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:35 PM


Responses are starting to come in over at the official site.

Know of any other big forums to post on?

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:29 PM



Originally posted by Stoney3K:
I do have my doubts about this.

Although we Browncoats are a fanatic breed, and Joss also would like to see his universe worked out, we have a huge precedent we have to deal with... it's called Star Trek: Enterprise.

From the start of Enterprise, fans made efforts to keep it on the air. The totals at the end of season 4 went up to over 3 million dollars. But still UPN (the network that was airing the show) kept stiff and said the show was over. Even to the disappointment of the cast and most of the production crew, as the show was finally catching on in its fourth season.


I don't think it's fair to Firefly to compare it to ST:Enterprise. It is more similar to the Trek of the Original Series, which was new (at the time!), original, exciting - and bungled by its network . . .

Vs. Enterprise, at the tail end of many years, many episodes, many movies, searching for new stories, and devolving into the war-based story arcs that Gene Roddenberry fought, tooth and nail, to avoid.

The original Trek was the fresh, vigorous new blood. As is Firefly, now.

And Trek *did* come back from the dead . . . and
without the benefit of the internet.


"Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:40 PM



Originally posted by ImperialKnight:

Joss forms a corporation whose purpose is to buy Firefly’s way back into existence as a series. This corporation like all corporations will have shares so we browncoats can in essence buy ownership and share a stake in Firefly’s success. . . .

To paraphrase Wash, ‘Let’s cut out the middleman, and give [the power] directly to the people. The pay’s better and we make sure help gets to where it needs to go’. Any more ideas?

Long Live the Empire!

I like it!!! It is one more idea, one more model to consider . . .

Who knows exactly what model the end result will use - if we muddle ahead, we should be able to find some logical solution!


"Wacky fun."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:00 PM



Originally posted by TheAntiReaver:

here goes nuthin



Count me in . . . Don't much care exactly what the model is if'n it moves us forward. If nothing else, it will be another show of support and will give us more numbers to crunch - grist for the mill . . .

Bless you for the "bitchwork."


"The Dude abides."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:19 PM


count me in for $50


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:43 PM


I'd play with the numbers a little in relation with the poll. I calculated with average numbers and theoretically we already have neraly $5000 from contribution. :) If one episode preparing cost is $ 2 million, and one episode is 40 minutes, that means, 1 minutes cost is $ 50000. :) So we already sponsored 6 seconds from the new season! (Don't curse's just a funny play with the numbers).
Rather....carry on and let's reach the $ 40 million goal!

"I wish all of you hundred of fat childrens"


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:56 AM


This is all amazing in theory, But we need someone to contact a FFN moderator and get a database running of Names, and promised contribution amounts.
To verify that the donations are real, we'd have to give our credit card no's in advance and sign something like "blah blah blah we won't charge untill we get word from Joss/Fox/Powers that be"

Not sure if FFN has that kind of programming available.

The other idea would be a fundraising drive. Some of the more prominant fan fic authors (ScrewtheAlliance comes to mind) could ok a printing of their works. They could be cheaply printed,some good fan artist could even illlustrate, and given out as a "thanks" for a contribution of $40.00 to the "Resurrect Firefly" fund. I am sure someone, SOMEWHERE has access to a printing company. We'd have to check into copyright law, but I am sure if no one was making money off of it, it would be okay. And if the show failed to get off the ground, we could vote on a charity to donate to.

I know I would gladly give $40.00 at the possibility of a firefly season. We just have to convince someone with the rsources to get it started!!!


Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:22 AM


If you know how much money you have to spend for the season, you could outline a season's worth of scripts and see which ones would be the most costly. You can also cut corners by pulling a LOST IN SPACE example and crash land on one planet for multiple episodes at a time, thus keeping your set and shooting costs to a minimum, and if you could write some sotryline that would be plausible, and make sense, you could save money by shooting withing the ship's interiors as well (assuming you'll have that set throughout the series once it's rebuilt).
Minimal use of CGI and special effects (or be cheap and try to reuse anything you've already got) can also help. Alan Spencer decided that when he was doing the second season of Sledge Hammer! that he would do several shows within the police station that kept the costs down so that he could use the extra money he'd been given for those episodes on other episodes that required more money. It worked, and the 2nd season of Sledge is just as good as the first, IMHO.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.

Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:15 PM


Excellent Plan! This Corporate Alliance will only let us fly into the black again if we can find some way to attract their attention to the finest show ever aired without scaring them away like bunnies ala Enterprise and thats through contractural indemnity from any potential lawsuits and enough money to make those suits sing. By the by, what is the state of the copyright landscape? I understood that Joss grapped the rights way back when to see if one of the other networks would bite. My understanding was that Joss had the rights to the rebirth of the series and FOX could only claim ownership over their sad sorry little piece of our sky. (the gorram fools!) Do you know - for sure, mind - if Joss or Universal holds the rights and if not if they can cut a deal with FOX Productions to make the question of copyrights a question of sematics?

As to the aforementioned contribution, I just graduated with my MSEE and once I lineup my first real job (hopefully in a few weeks time) you can have my first gorram paycheck or plastic equivalent if it will really bring Firefly back: cast, crew, Joss et all.

Select to view spoiler:

with Wash hopefully fully alive and kicking since he balanced the rest of the crews tension with really great one-line zingers. Afterall, who among us wouldn't whiteWash his death from our collective memories just to get him back. Book's story remains untold, so him too!

I'll just survive on McDonalds or whatever till my second comes along.

Its time to Bring Firefly Back!
Come Let's Journey Once More into the Black...


Monday, November 21, 2005 10:05 AM



Originally posted by prettypretty:

The other idea would be a fundraising drive. Some of the more prominant fan fic authors (ScrewtheAlliance comes to mind) could ok a printing of their works. They could be cheaply printed,some good fan artist could even illlustrate, and given out as a "thanks" for a contribution of $40.00 to the "Resurrect Firefly" fund.


I like it! Simple and fun.


Originally posted by JAYHAWK35:

You can also cut corners by pulling a LOST IN SPACE example and crash land on one planet for multiple episodes at a time, thus keeping your set and shooting costs to a minimum, and if you could write some sotryline that would be plausible, and make sense . . .


"You" who? We're writing or commissioning Joss's scripts for him? We're going into the land of the unblazed and untried here - to have any shred of credibility, we have to be as sensible and professional as possible. "We" do not decide where FF stories take place, and what happens in them. Joss has as much interest in having others contribute "helpful" story ideas as Jackson Pollock had in looking at your daughter's refrigerator art for inspiration. This kind of talk gives all our ideas the reek of "amateur hour." We are customers, trying to arrange to get a valued service in a manner that is palatable to the creators (Joss and co.) and the businesspeople (producers, networks, etc.). It is not our train set.


"We do not *vote* on my ship because my ship is not the rutting town hall!"






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